char *spTaxonToCommon(struct sqlConnection *conn, int taxon) /* Given NCBI common ID return first common name associated * with it if possible, otherwise return scientific name. */ { char query[256]; char *ret; if (taxon <= 0) errAbort("Bad taxon id %d\n", taxon); safef(query, sizeof(query), "select val from commonName where taxon = %d", taxon); ret = sqlQuickString(conn, query); if (ret == NULL) ret = spTaxonToBinomial(conn, taxon); return ret; }
void spTest(char *database, char *someAcc) /* spTest - Test out sp library.. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database); char *acc, *id, *binomial, *common; struct slName *geneList, *gene, *accList, *n, *list; struct slName *nameList, *name, *keyList, *key, *typeList, *type; struct spFeature *featList, *feat; struct spCitation *citeList, *cite; char *ret = NULL; int taxon; int classId = 0, typeId = 0, refId = 0; printf("input: %s\n", someAcc); acc = spLookupPrimaryAcc(conn, someAcc); printf("primary accession: %s\n", acc); id = spAccToId(conn, acc); printf("SwissProt id: %s\n", id); printf("acc from id: %s\n", spIdToAcc(conn, id)); ret = spOrganelle(conn, acc); printf("organelle: %s\n", (ret == NULL) ? "(null)" : ret); printf("isCurated: %d\n", spIsCurated(conn, acc)); printf("aaSize: %d\n", spAaSize(conn,acc)); printf("molWeight: %d\n", spMolWeight(conn,acc)); printf("createDate: %s\n", spCreateDate(conn,acc)); printf("seqDate: %s\n", spSeqDate(conn,acc)); printf("annDate: %s\n", spAnnDate(conn,acc)); printf("description: %s\n", spDescription(conn, acc)); taxon = spTaxon(conn, acc); printf("taxon: %d\n", taxon); binomial = spTaxonToBinomial(conn, taxon); printf("first scientific name: %s\n", binomial); common = spTaxonToCommon(conn, taxon); printf("first common name: %s\n", common); printf("taxon from sci: %d\n", spBinomialToTaxon(conn, binomial)); printf("taxon from common: %d\n", spCommonToTaxon(conn, common)); printf("all scientific names:"); nameList = spBinomialNames(conn, acc); for (name = nameList; name != NULL; name = name->next) printf(" %s,", name->name); printf("\n"); printf("gene(s):"); geneList = spGenes(conn,acc); for (gene=geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) printf(" %s,", gene->name); printf("\n"); for (gene=geneList; gene != NULL; gene = gene->next) { accList = spGeneToAccs(conn, gene->name, 0); printf(" any %s:", gene->name); for (n = accList; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s,", n->name); printf("\n"); slFreeList(&accList); printf(" %s %s:", common, gene->name); accList = spGeneToAccs(conn, gene->name, taxon); for (n = accList; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s,", n->name); printf("\n"); slFreeList(&accList); } slFreeList(&geneList); printf("keyword(s):"); keyList = spKeywords(conn, acc); for (key = keyList; key != NULL; key = key->next) printf(" %s,", key->name); printf("\n"); for (key = keyList; key != NULL; key = key->next) { accList = spKeywordSearch(conn, key->name, taxon); printPartialList(common, key->name, accList, 4); slFreeList(&accList); break; /* This is a little slow, once is enough. */ } for (key = keyList; key != NULL; key = key->next) { accList = spKeywordSearch(conn, key->name, 0); printPartialList("all", key->name, accList, 4); slFreeList(&accList); break; /* This is a little slow, once is enough. */ } slFreeList(&keyList); printf("All comments:\n"); list = slComments(conn, acc, NULL); for (n = list; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s\n", n->name); slFreeList(&list); typeList = slCommentTypes(conn); for (type = typeList; type != NULL; type = type->next) { list = slComments(conn, acc, type->name); if (list != NULL) { printf("%s comments:\n", type->name); for (n = list; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s\n", n->name); slFreeList(&list); } } slFreeList(&typeList); list = spEmblAccs(conn, acc); printf("GenBank/EMBL:"); for (n = list; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s,", n->name); printf("\n"); if (list != NULL) printf("acc from %s: %s\n", list->name, spAccFromEmbl(conn, list->name)); slFreeList(&list); list = spPdbAccs(conn, acc); printf("PDB:"); for (n = list; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s,", n->name); printf("\n"); featList = spFeatures(conn, acc, 0, 0); printf("All features:\n"); for (feat = featList; feat != NULL; feat = feat->next) { printFeat(conn, feat); classId = feat->featureClass; typeId = feat->featureType; } slFreeList(&featList); if (classId != 0 && typeId != 0) { printf("%s class features:\n", spFeatureClassName(conn, classId)); featList = spFeatures(conn, acc, classId, 0); for (feat = featList; feat != NULL; feat = feat->next) printFeat(conn, feat); slFreeList(&featList); printf("%s type features:\n", spFeatureTypeName(conn, typeId)); featList = spFeatures(conn, acc, 0, typeId); for (feat = featList; feat != NULL; feat = feat->next) printFeat(conn, feat); slFreeList(&featList); printf("same class & type features:\n"); featList = spFeatures(conn, acc, classId, typeId); for (feat = featList; feat != NULL; feat = feat->next) printFeat(conn, feat); slFreeList(&featList); printf("class loop: %d->%s->%d\n", classId, spFeatureClassName(conn, classId), spFeatureClassId(conn, spFeatureClassName(conn, classId))); printf("type loop: %d->%s->%d\n", typeId, spFeatureTypeName(conn, typeId), spFeatureTypeId(conn, spFeatureTypeName(conn, typeId))); } citeList = spCitations(conn, acc); for (cite = citeList; cite != NULL; cite = cite->next) { refId = cite->reference; printf("title: %s\n", spRefTitle(conn, refId)); printf("authors:"); list = spRefAuthors(conn, refId); for (n = list; n != NULL; n = n->next) printf(" %s, ", n->name); printf("\n"); slFreeList(&list); printf("location: %s\n", spRefCite(conn, refId)); printf("pubMed: %s\n", spRefPubMed(conn, refId)); } if (refId != 0) { printf("other accs associated with last reference:\n\t"); list = spRefToAccs(conn, refId); printPartialList("", "", list, 6); slFreeList(&list); } sqlDisconnect(&conn); }