예제 #1
void device_memory_interface::interface_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
	// loop over all address spaces
	for (address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0; spacenum < ADDRESS_SPACES; ++spacenum)
		if (space_config(spacenum) != nullptr)
			// construct the map
			::address_map addrmap(const_cast<device_t &>(device()), spacenum);

			// let the map check itself
			addrmap.map_validity_check(valid, spacenum);
예제 #2
void device_memory_interface::interface_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
	bool detected_overlap = DETECT_OVERLAPPING_MEMORY ? false : true;

	// loop over all address spaces
	for (address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0; spacenum < ADDRESS_SPACES; spacenum++)
		const address_space_config *spaceconfig = space_config(spacenum);
		if (spaceconfig != NULL)
			int datawidth = spaceconfig->m_databus_width;
			int alignunit = datawidth / 8;

			// construct the maps
			::address_map *map = global_alloc(::address_map(const_cast<device_t &>(device()), spacenum));

			// if this is an empty map, just skip it
			if (map->m_entrylist.first() == NULL)

			// validate the global map parameters
			if (map->m_spacenum != spacenum)
				osd_printf_error("Space %d has address space %d handlers!\n", spacenum, map->m_spacenum);
			if (map->m_databits != datawidth)
				osd_printf_error("Wrong memory handlers provided for %s space! (width = %d, memory = %08x)\n", spaceconfig->m_name, datawidth, map->m_databits);

			// loop over entries and look for errors
			for (address_map_entry *entry = map->m_entrylist.first(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next())
				UINT32 bytestart = spaceconfig->addr2byte(entry->m_addrstart);
				UINT32 byteend = spaceconfig->addr2byte_end(entry->m_addrend);

				// look for overlapping entries
				if (!detected_overlap)
					address_map_entry *scan;
					for (scan = map->m_entrylist.first(); scan != entry; scan = scan->next())
						if (entry->m_addrstart <= scan->m_addrend && entry->m_addrend >= scan->m_addrstart &&
							((entry->m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan->m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE) ||
								(entry->m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan->m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE)))
							osd_printf_warning("%s space has overlapping memory (%X-%X,%d,%d) vs (%X-%X,%d,%d)\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_read.m_type, entry->m_write.m_type, scan->m_addrstart, scan->m_addrend, scan->m_read.m_type, scan->m_write.m_type);
							detected_overlap = true;

				// look for inverted start/end pairs
				if (byteend < bytestart)
					osd_printf_error("Wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x > end = %08x\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend);

				// look for misaligned entries
				if ((bytestart & (alignunit - 1)) != 0 || (byteend & (alignunit - 1)) != (alignunit - 1))
					osd_printf_error("Wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x, end = %08x ALIGN = %d\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, alignunit);

				// if this is a program space, auto-assign implicit ROM entries
				if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_ROM && entry->m_region == NULL)
					entry->m_region = device().tag();
					entry->m_rgnoffs = entry->m_addrstart;

				// if this entry references a memory region, validate it
				if (entry->m_region != NULL && entry->m_share == 0)
					// make sure we can resolve the full path to the region
					bool found = false;
					astring entry_region;
					entry->m_devbase.subtag(entry_region, entry->m_region);

					// look for the region
					device_iterator deviter(device().mconfig().root_device());
					for (device_t *device = deviter.first(); device != NULL; device = deviter.next())
						for (const rom_entry *romp = rom_first_region(*device); romp != NULL && !found; romp = rom_next_region(romp))
							astring fulltag;
							rom_region_name(fulltag, *device, romp);
							if (fulltag == entry_region)
								// verify the address range is within the region's bounds
								offs_t length = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(romp);
								if (entry->m_rgnoffs + (byteend - bytestart + 1) > length)
									osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry %X-%X extends beyond region '%s' size (%X)\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_region, length);
								found = true;

					// error if not found
					if (!found)
						osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry %X-%X references non-existant region '%s'\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_region);

				// make sure all devices exist
				// FIXME: This doesn't work! AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE entries don't even set m_tag, the device tag is inside the proto-delegate
				if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE && entry->m_read.m_tag != NULL)
					astring temp(entry->m_read.m_tag);
					if (device().siblingdevice(temp) == NULL)
						osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry references nonexistant device '%s'\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_read.m_tag);
				if (entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_DEVICE_DELEGATE && entry->m_write.m_tag != NULL)
					astring temp(entry->m_write.m_tag);
					if (device().siblingdevice(temp) == NULL)
						osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry references nonexistant device '%s'\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_write.m_tag);

				// make sure ports exist
//              if ((entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry->m_read.m_tag != NULL && portlist.find(entry->m_read.m_tag) == NULL) ||
//                  (entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry->m_write.m_tag != NULL && portlist.find(entry->m_write.m_tag) == NULL))
//                  osd_printf_error("%s space memory map entry references nonexistant port tag '%s'\n", spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_read.m_tag);

				// validate bank and share tags
				if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_BANK)
				if (entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_BANK)
				if (entry->m_share != NULL)

			// release the address map
예제 #3
bool device_memory_interface::interface_validity_check(emu_options &options, const game_driver &driver) const
	bool detected_overlap = DETECT_OVERLAPPING_MEMORY ? false : true;
	bool error = false;

	// loop over all address spaces
	for (address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0; spacenum < ADDRESS_SPACES; spacenum++)
		const address_space_config *spaceconfig = space_config(spacenum);
		if (spaceconfig != NULL)
			int datawidth = spaceconfig->m_databus_width;
			int alignunit = datawidth / 8;

			// construct the maps
			::address_map *map = global_alloc(::address_map(device(), spacenum));

			// if this is an empty map, just skip it
			if (map->m_entrylist.first() == NULL)

			// validate the global map parameters
			if (map->m_spacenum != spacenum)
				mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' space %d has address space %d handlers!\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spacenum, map->m_spacenum);
				error = true;
			if (map->m_databits != datawidth)
				mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' uses wrong memory handlers for %s space! (width = %d, memory = %08x)\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, datawidth, map->m_databits);
				error = true;

			// loop over entries and look for errors
			for (address_map_entry *entry = map->m_entrylist.first(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->next())
				UINT32 bytestart = spaceconfig->addr2byte(entry->m_addrstart);
				UINT32 byteend = spaceconfig->addr2byte_end(entry->m_addrend);

				// look for overlapping entries
				if (!detected_overlap)
					address_map_entry *scan;
					for (scan = map->m_entrylist.first(); scan != entry; scan = scan->next())
						if (entry->m_addrstart <= scan->m_addrend && entry->m_addrend >= scan->m_addrstart &&
							((entry->m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan->m_read.m_type != AMH_NONE) ||
							 (entry->m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE && scan->m_write.m_type != AMH_NONE)))
							mame_printf_warning("%s: %s '%s' %s space has overlapping memory (%X-%X,%d,%d) vs (%X-%X,%d,%d)\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_read.m_type, entry->m_write.m_type, scan->m_addrstart, scan->m_addrend, scan->m_read.m_type, scan->m_write.m_type);
							detected_overlap = true;

				// look for inverted start/end pairs
				if (byteend < bytestart)
					mame_printf_error("%s: %s wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x > end = %08x\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend);
					error = true;

				// look for misaligned entries
				if ((bytestart & (alignunit - 1)) != 0 || (byteend & (alignunit - 1)) != (alignunit - 1))
					mame_printf_error("%s: %s wrong %s memory read handler start = %08x, end = %08x ALIGN = %d\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, alignunit);
					error = true;

				// if this is a program space, auto-assign implicit ROM entries
				if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_ROM && entry->m_region == NULL)
					entry->m_region = device().tag();
					entry->m_rgnoffs = entry->m_addrstart;

				// if this entry references a memory region, validate it
				if (entry->m_region != NULL && entry->m_share == 0)
					// look for the region
					bool found = false;
					for (const rom_source *source = rom_first_source(device().mconfig()); source != NULL && !found; source = rom_next_source(*source))
						for (const rom_entry *romp = rom_first_region(*source); !ROMENTRY_ISEND(romp) && !found; romp++)
							const char *regiontag_c = ROMREGION_GETTAG(romp);
							if (regiontag_c != NULL)
								astring fulltag;
								astring regiontag;

								// a leading : on a region name indicates an absolute region, so fix up accordingly
								if (entry->m_region[0] == ':')
									regiontag = &entry->m_region[1];
									if (strchr(entry->m_region,':')) {
										regiontag = entry->m_region;
									} else {
										device().siblingtag(regiontag, entry->m_region);
								rom_region_name(fulltag, &driver, source, romp);
								if (fulltag.cmp(regiontag) == 0)
									// verify the address range is within the region's bounds
									offs_t length = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(romp);
									if (entry->m_rgnoffs + (byteend - bytestart + 1) > length)
										mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' %s space memory map entry %X-%X extends beyond region '%s' size (%X)\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_region, length);
										error = true;
									found = true;

					// error if not found
					if (!found)
						mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' %s space memory map entry %X-%X references non-existant region '%s'\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_addrstart, entry->m_addrend, entry->m_region);
						error = true;

				// make sure all devices exist
				if ((entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_LEGACY_DEVICE_HANDLER && entry->m_read.m_tag != NULL && device().mconfig().devicelist().find(entry->m_read.m_tag) == NULL) ||
					(entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_LEGACY_DEVICE_HANDLER && entry->m_write.m_tag != NULL && device().mconfig().devicelist().find(entry->m_write.m_tag) == NULL))
					mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' %s space memory map entry references nonexistant device '%s'\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_write.m_tag);
					error = true;

				// make sure ports exist
//              if ((entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry->m_read.m_tag != NULL && portlist.find(entry->m_read.m_tag) == NULL) ||
//                  (entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_PORT && entry->m_write.m_tag != NULL && portlist.find(entry->m_write.m_tag) == NULL))
//              {
//                  mame_printf_error("%s: %s device '%s' %s space memory map entry references nonexistant port tag '%s'\n", driver.source_file, driver.name, device().tag(), spaceconfig->m_name, entry->m_read.tag);
//                  error = true;
//              }

				// validate bank and share tags
				if (entry->m_read.m_type == AMH_BANK && !validate_tag(driver, "bank", entry->m_read.m_tag))
					error = true ;
				if (entry->m_write.m_type == AMH_BANK && !validate_tag(driver, "bank", entry->m_write.m_tag))
					error = true;
				if (entry->m_share != NULL && !validate_tag(driver, "share", entry->m_share))
					error = true;

			// release the address map
	return error;