int setVolume(int v) { #ifdef _WIN32 return sapiSetVolume(v); #else return spd_set_volume(conn, v); #endif }
void TextToSpeechPrivate::setVolume(int vol) { if (!initialized) { volume = vol; return; } if (spd) spd_set_volume(spd, vol * 2 - 100); }
static void setVolume (const void *data) { spd_set_volume(connectionHandle, relativeVolume); }
void TextToSpeechPrivate::setVolume(int vol) { if (spd) spd_set_volume(spd, vol * 2 - 100); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SPDConnection *conn; SPDPriority spd_priority; int err; char *error; int msg_arg_required = 0; int ret; int option_ret; char *line; rate = -101; pitch = -101; volume = -101; language = NULL; voice_type = NULL; punctuation_mode = NULL; spelling = -2; ssml_mode = 0; wait_till_end = 0; stop_previous = 0; cancel_previous = 0; pipe_mode = 0; priority = NULL; application_name = NULL; connection_name = NULL; option_ret = options_parse(argc, argv); /* Check if the text to say or options are specified in the argument */ msg_arg_required = (pipe_mode != 1) && (stop_previous != 1) && (cancel_previous != 1); if ((optind >= argc) && msg_arg_required) { options_print_help(argv); return 1; } /* Open a connection to Speech Dispatcher */ conn = spd_open2(application_name ? application_name : "spd-say", connection_name ? connection_name : "main", NULL, SPD_MODE_THREADED, NULL, 1, &error); if (conn == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:\n%s\n", error); exit(1); } if (stop_previous) spd_stop_all(conn); if (cancel_previous) spd_cancel_all(conn); /* Set the desired parameters */ if (language != NULL) if(spd_set_language(conn, language)) printf("Invalid language!\n"); if (output_module != NULL) if(spd_set_output_module(conn, output_module)) printf("Invalid output module!\n"); if (voice_type != NULL){ if (!strcmp(voice_type, "male1")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE1)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "male2")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE2)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "male3")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE3)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "female1")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE1)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "female2")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE2)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "female3")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE3)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "child_male")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_CHILD_MALE)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(voice_type, "child_female")){ if(spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_CHILD_FEMALE)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); }else{ printf("Invalid voice\n"); } } if (ssml_mode) if(spd_execute_command(conn, "SET SELF SSML_MODE ON")) printf("Failed to set SSML mode.\n"); if (rate != -101) if(spd_set_voice_rate(conn, rate)) printf("Invalid rate!\n"); if (pitch != -101) if(spd_set_voice_pitch(conn, pitch)) printf("Invalid pitch!\n"); if (volume != -101) if(spd_set_volume(conn, volume)) printf("Invalid volume!\n"); if (spelling == 1) if(spd_set_spelling(conn, SPD_SPELL_ON)) printf("Can't set spelling to on!\n"); if (punctuation_mode != NULL){ if (!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "none")){ if(spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_NONE)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "some")){ if(spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_SOME)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); } else if(!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "all")){ if(spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_ALL)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); }else{ printf("Invalid punctuation mode.\n"); } } /* Set default priority... */ if (1 == pipe_mode) spd_priority = SPD_MESSAGE; else spd_priority = SPD_TEXT; /* ...and look if it wasn't overriden */ if (priority != NULL){ if (!strcmp(priority, "important")) spd_priority = SPD_IMPORTANT; else if (!strcmp(priority, "message")) spd_priority = SPD_MESSAGE; else if (!strcmp(priority, "text")) spd_priority = SPD_TEXT; else if (!strcmp(priority, "notification")) spd_priority = SPD_NOTIFICATION; else if (!strcmp(priority, "progress")) spd_priority = SPD_PROGRESS; else{ printf("Invalid priority.\n"); } } if (wait_till_end){ ret = sem_init(&semaphore, 0, 0); if (ret < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Can't initialize semaphore: %s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* Notify when the message is canceled or the speech terminates */ conn->callback_end = end_of_speech; conn->callback_cancel = end_of_speech; spd_set_notification_on(conn, SPD_END); spd_set_notification_on(conn, SPD_CANCEL); } /* In pipe mode, read from stdin, write to stdout, and also to Speech Dispatcher. */ if (pipe_mode == 1) { line = (char *) malloc( MAX_LINELEN ); while (NULL != fgets(line, MAX_LINELEN, stdin)) { fputs(line, stdout); if (0 == strncmp(line, "!-!", 3)) { /* Remove EOL */ line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; spd_execute_command(conn, line + 3); } else { spd_say(conn, spd_priority, line); if (wait_till_end) sem_wait(&semaphore); } } free(line); } else { /* Say the message with priority "text" */ /* Or do nothing in case of -C or -S with no message. */ if (optind < argc) { err = spd_sayf(conn, spd_priority, (char*) argv[optind]); if (err == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Speech Dispatcher failed to say message"); exit(1); } /* Wait till the callback is called */ if (wait_till_end) sem_wait(&semaphore); } } /* Close the connection */ spd_close(conn); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SPDConnection *conn; SPDPriority spd_priority; int err; int ret; int msg_arg_required = 0; int option_ret; char *line; /* init i18n support */ setlocale(LC_ALL,""); bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,LOCALEDIR); textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); language = NULL; voice_type = NULL; punctuation_mode = NULL; wait_till_end = 0; stop_previous = 0; cancel_previous = 0; pipe_mode = 0; priority = NULL; application_name = NULL; connection_name = NULL; option_ret = options_parse(argc, argv); /* Check if the text to say or options are specified in the argument */ msg_arg_required = (pipe_mode != 1) && (stop_previous != 1) && (cancel_previous != 1) && (list_synthesis_voices != 1) && (list_output_modules != 1); if ((optind >= argc) && msg_arg_required) { /* * We require a message on the command-line, but there * are no arguments. */ options_print_help(argv); return 1; } /* Open a connection to openttsd */ conn = spd_open(application_name ? application_name : "otts-say", connection_name ? connection_name : "main", NULL, SPD_MODE_THREADED); if (conn == NULL) FATAL("openttsd failed to open"); if (stop_previous) spd_stop_all(conn); if (cancel_previous) spd_cancel_all(conn); /* Set the desired parameters */ if (language != NULL) if (spd_set_language(conn, language)) printf(_("Invalid language!\n")); if (output_module != NULL) if (spd_set_output_module(conn, output_module)) printf(_("Invalid output module!\n")); if (list_output_modules) { char **list; int i; list = spd_list_modules(conn); if (list != NULL) { printf (_("OUTPUT MODULES\n")); for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) { printf ("%s\n",list[i]); } } else { printf(_("Output modules not found.\n")); } } if (voice_type != NULL) { if (!strcmp(voice_type, "male1")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE1)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "male2")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE2)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "male3")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_MALE3)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "female1")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE1)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "female2")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE2)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "female3")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_FEMALE3)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "child_male")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_CHILD_MALE)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(voice_type, "child_female")) { if (spd_set_voice_type(conn, SPD_CHILD_FEMALE)) printf("Can't set this voice!\n"); } else { printf("Invalid voice\n"); } } if (list_synthesis_voices) { SPDVoice **list; int i; list = spd_list_synthesis_voices(conn); if (list != NULL) { printf ("%25s%25s%25s\n","NAME", "LANGUAGE", "VARIANT"); for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) { printf ("%25s%25s%25s\n", list[i]->name, list[i]->language, list[i]->variant); } } else { printf(_("Failed to get voice list.\n")); } } if (synthesis_voice != NULL) if (spd_set_synthesis_voice(conn, synthesis_voice)) printf(_("Failed to set synthesis voice!\n")); if (data_mode != SPD_DATA_TEXT) if (spd_set_data_mode(conn, data_mode)) printf(_("Failed to set SSML mode.\n")); if (rate != OTTS_VOICE_RATE_DEFAULT) if (spd_set_voice_rate(conn, rate)) printf(_("Invalid rate!\n")); if (pitch != OTTS_VOICE_PITCH_DEFAULT) if (spd_set_voice_pitch(conn, pitch)) printf(_("Invalid pitch!\n")); if (volume != OTTS_VOICE_VOLUME_DEFAULT) if (spd_set_volume(conn, volume)) printf(_("Invalid volume!\n")); if (spelling != SPD_SPELL_OFF) if (spd_set_spelling(conn, spelling)) printf(_("Can't enable spelling!\n")); if (punctuation_mode != NULL) { if (!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "none")) { if (spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_NONE)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "some")) { if (spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_SOME)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); } else if (!strcmp(punctuation_mode, "all")) { if (spd_set_punctuation(conn, SPD_PUNCT_ALL)) printf("Can't set this punctuation mode!\n"); } else { printf("Invalid punctuation mode.\n"); } } /* Set default priority... */ if (pipe_mode == 1) spd_priority = SPD_MESSAGE; else spd_priority = SPD_TEXT; /* ...and be sure it wasn't overridden */ if (priority != NULL) { if (!strcmp(priority, "important")) spd_priority = SPD_IMPORTANT; else if (!strcmp(priority, "message")) spd_priority = SPD_MESSAGE; else if (!strcmp(priority, "text")) spd_priority = SPD_TEXT; else if (!strcmp(priority, "notification")) spd_priority = SPD_NOTIFICATION; else if (!strcmp(priority, "progress")) spd_priority = SPD_PROGRESS; else { printf(_("Invalid priority.\n")); } } if (wait_till_end) { ret = sem_init(&semaphore, 0, 0); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't initialize semaphore: %s", strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* Notify when the message is canceled or the speech terminates */ conn->callback_end = end_of_speech; conn->callback_cancel = end_of_speech; spd_set_notification_on(conn, SPD_END); spd_set_notification_on(conn, SPD_CANCEL); } /* In pipe mode, read from stdin, write to stdout, and also to openttsd. */ if (pipe_mode == 1) { line = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINELEN); while (fgets(line, MAX_LINELEN, stdin) != NULL) { fputs(line, stdout); if (strncmp(line, "!-!", 3) == 0) { /* Remove EOL */ line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; spd_execute_command(conn, line + 3); } else { spd_say(conn, spd_priority, line); if (wait_till_end) sem_wait(&semaphore); } } free(line); } else { /* Say the message with priority "text" */ /* Or do nothing in case of -C or -S with no message. */ if (optind < argc) { err = spd_sayf(conn, spd_priority, (char *)argv[optind]); if (err == -1) FATAL("openttsd failed to say message"); /* Wait till the callback is called */ if (wait_till_end) sem_wait(&semaphore); } } /* Close the connection */ spd_close(conn); return 0; }