World::World() { int nrows = 15,ncols = 15; // Define blocks size.height for(int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) { _rowHeights.push_back(80 + 100*double(std::rand())/RAND_MAX); } // Define blocks size.width for(int i = 0; i < ncols; ++i) { _colWidths.push_back(80 + 100*double(std::rand())/RAND_MAX); } Geo::RectSplitter splitter(Vector(20,20)); _blockMatrix.reserve(nrows); double y = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) { _blockMatrix.push_back(WorldRow()); WorldRow &row = _blockMatrix.back(); row.reserve(ncols); double x = 0; for(int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j) { Geo::Rectangle blockRect = Geo::Rectangle(Point(x,y),Vector(_colWidths[j],_rowHeights[i])).inset(6); row.push_back(Block(blockRect, splitter, _texturePool)); x += _colWidths[j]; } y += _rowHeights[i]; } setBoundingSphere(BoundingSphere::createWithAABox(Point(),Point() + size())); }
/** * Parse the header and fill the headerInfo struct and returns a boolean * indicating if the table is spectrum or detector ID based * @param headerInfo :: [Out] Fills the given struct with details about the header * @returns True if the header is spectrum based, false otherwise */ bool UpdateInstrumentFromFile::parseAsciiHeader(UpdateInstrumentFromFile::AsciiFileHeader & headerInfo) { const std::string header = getProperty("AsciiHeader"); if(header.empty()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Ascii file provided but the AsciiHeader property is empty, cannot interpret columns"); } Poco::StringTokenizer splitter(header, ",",Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); headerInfo.colCount = splitter.count(); auto it = splitter.begin(); // First column must be spectrum number or detector ID const std::string & col0 = *it; bool isSpectrum(false); if(boost::iequals("spectrum",col0)) isSpectrum = true; if(!isSpectrum && !boost::iequals("id",col0)) { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid AsciiHeader, first column name must be either 'spectrum' or 'id'"); } ++it; size_t counter(1); for(; it != splitter.end(); ++it) { const std::string & colName = *it; if(boost::iequals("R",colName)) headerInfo.rColIdx = counter; else if(boost::iequals("theta",colName)) headerInfo.thetaColIdx = counter; else if(boost::iequals("phi",colName)) headerInfo.phiColIdx = counter; else if(boost::iequals("-",colName)) // Skip dashed { ++counter; continue; } else { headerInfo.detParCols.insert(counter); headerInfo.colToName.insert(std::make_pair(counter, colName)); } ++counter; } return isSpectrum; }
monthly_care_plan(QWidget* parent):QWidget(parent){ if (parent->objectName().isEmpty()){ parent->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("monthly_care_plan")); } parent->resize(800, 480); QSplitter splitter(Qt::Horizontal); verticalLayoutWidget = new QWidget(parent); verticalLayoutWidget->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("verticalLayoutWidget")); verticalLayoutWidget->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 160, 480)); verticalLayoutWidget->setMinimumSize(160,480); verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(verticalLayoutWidget); verticalLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("verticalLayout")); verticalLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); care_plan_label = new QLabel(verticalLayoutWidget); care_plan_label->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("care_plan_label")); QFont font; font.setPointSize(14); care_plan_label->setFont(font); care_plan_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); verticalLayout->addWidget(care_plan_label); human_list = new QListWidget(verticalLayoutWidget); human_list->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("human_list")); human_list->setMinimumSize(161,440); human_list->setMouseTracking(false); human_list->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); verticalLayout->addWidget(human_list); human_widget = new one_human(this); human_widget->setGeometry(161, 0, 800-160, 480); this->retranslateUi(parent); QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(parent); this->setMinimumSize(300,480); }
BVH2::Base* BVH2Builder<Heuristic>::BuildTask::recurse(size_t depth, atomic_set<PrimRefBlock>& prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, const Split& split) { /*! compute leaf and split cost */ const float leafSAH = parent->trity.intCost*pinfo.sah(); const float splitSAH = BVH2::travCost*halfArea(pinfo.geomBounds)+parent->trity.intCost*split.sah(); assert(atomic_set<PrimRefBlock>::block_iterator_unsafe(prims).size() == pinfo.size()); assert(leafSAH >= 0 && splitSAH >= 0); /*! create a leaf node when threshold reached or SAH tells us to stop */ if (pinfo.size() <= 1 || depth > BVH2::maxDepth || (pinfo.size() <= parent->bvh->maxLeafTris && leafSAH <= splitSAH)) { return parent->createLeaf(*thread,prims,pinfo); } /*! perform best found split and find new splits */ SplitterNormal splitter(*thread,&parent->alloc,parent->triangles,parent->vertices,prims,pinfo,split); /*! create an inner node */ BVH2::Node* node = (BVH2::Node*) parent->bvh->alloc.malloc(*thread,sizeof(BVH2::Node),1 << BVH2::alignment); node->clear(); node->set(1,splitter.rinfo.geomBounds,recurse(depth+1,splitter.rprims,splitter.rinfo,splitter.rsplit)); node->set(0,splitter.linfo.geomBounds,recurse(depth+1,splitter.lprims,splitter.linfo,splitter.lsplit)); return BVH2::Base::encodeNode(node); }
void BookTracker::addBookFromString(string line) { string word = ""; const int PARAMTYPES = 2; string bookAndListParams[PARAMTYPES]; stringstream splitter(line); for (int i = 0; i < PARAMTYPES; i++) { if (getline(splitter, word, '*')) { bookAndListParams[i] = word; } } stringstream bookSplitter(bookAndListParams[0]); const int BOOKPARAMS = 3; string bookParams[BOOKPARAMS]; for (int i = 0; i < BOOKPARAMS; i++) { if (getline(bookSplitter, word, '~')) { bookParams[i] = word; } } int have, want; string name = ""; //store params for creation name = bookParams[0]; have = stoi(bookParams[1]); want = stoi(bookParams[2]); //add book add(name, have, want); //add waitlist stringstream waitSplitter(bookAndListParams[1]); while (getline(waitSplitter, word, '~')) { if (word != "null" && word != "") { addToWaitlist(name, word); } } }
bool load_one_file(fs::path const& path, conn_data const& conn, size_t bulksize) { try { oracle_loader loader(conn, bulksize); PRINT_INFO(fmt(_("%1% :loading ...")) % path); cdr_file_splitter splitter(path); size_t count = 0; do { cdr_buffer const buffer = splitter.get_next(); if (buffer.empty()) break; if (loader.load(buffer)) count++; } while (true); PRINT_INFO(fmt(_("%1% :flush ...")) % path); loader.flush(); PRINT_INFO(fmt(_("%1% :loaded %2% records")) % path % count); rename_dat_file(path); } catch (std::exception const& err) { PRINT_ERROR(fmt(_("load_one_file ERROR: %1%")) % err.what()); return false; } return true; }
void CreateBlueprintVisitorHelper::handleNumberTermAsText(query::NumberTerm &n) { vespalib::string termStr = termAsString(n); queryeval::SplitFloat splitter(termStr); if ( > 1) { query::SimplePhrase phraseNode(n.getView(), n.getId(), n.getWeight()); phraseNode.setStateFrom(n); for (size_t i = 0; i <; ++i) { query::Node::UP nn; nn.reset(new query::SimpleStringTerm(splitter.getPart(i), "", 0, query::Weight(0))); phraseNode.append(std::move(nn)); } visitPhrase(phraseNode); } else { if ( == 1) { termStr = splitter.getPart(0); } query::SimpleStringTerm stringNode(termStr, n.getView(), n.getId(), n.getWeight()); stringNode.setStateFrom(n); visit(stringNode); } }
void BvHierarchyAlgorithm::initMesh(Proxy* parent, Mesh* mesh) { if (!parent) { throw NullPointerException("parent"); } if (!mesh) { throw NullPointerException("mesh"); } BvHierarchyProxyData* data = static_cast<BvHierarchyProxyData*>(parent->getDetectorDeformProxyData(getProxyDataIndex())); if (!data) { throw NullPointerException("data"); } BvHierarchyBvhNode* node = new BvHierarchyBvhNode(mWorld, mesh); node->initializeNode(); BvHierarchySplitter splitter(mWorld, mesh, node); splitter.startSplitting(); // AB: parent->getBvHierarchyNode() already adjusts to the Shape. // -> the toplevel node therefore already works using "top-down" // updates. // consequently, we dont need to do any update in our own, // custom, toplevel node. if (!node->getChildren().empty()) { node->setIgnoreShape(true); } if (data->mDeformableNode) { throw Exception("data->mDeformableNode is not NULL"); } data->mDeformableNode = node; const int maxDepth = 3; setTopDown(node, 1, maxDepth); node->reinitializeChildren(); }
//adds a book from formatted string with delimitor //returns book with those off waitlist string BookTracker::addBookFromDeliveryString(string lineIn) { string line = lineIn; string word = ""; const int NUMOFPARAMS = 3; //get params in a array string bookParams[NUMOFPARAMS]; stringstream splitter(line); for (int i = 0; i < NUMOFPARAMS; i++) { if (getline(splitter, word, '~')) { bookParams[i] = word; } } int have, want; string name = ""; //store params for creation name = bookParams[0]; have = stoi(bookParams[1]); want = stoi(bookParams[2]); try { string result = ""; BookNode *node = findBook(name); node->addToHaveValue(have); node->setWantValue(want); result = emptyWaitList(name); return result; } catch (logic_error e) { //add book if not found add(name, have, want); return "The book " + name + " has been added to the Inventory."; } return ""; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @details Constructor from configuration file name. /// /// @param cfg_filename Configuration file name. /// /// @post Configuration has been loaded. /// /// @exception std::runtime_error Configuration file could not be opened. /// AppConfigReader::AppConfigReader(std::string const& cfg_filename) : m_cfg() { std::cout << "loading configuration from file \"" << cfg_filename << "\"" << std::endl; // open file std::ifstream cfg_file(cfg_filename.c_str()); if (! cfg_file.good()) { throw std::runtime_error("failed to open config file"); } // process lines std::string line; unsigned int line_num = 0; while (std::getline(cfg_file, line)) { ++line_num; RemoveComment(line); std::istringstream splitter(line); // read key (if any) std::string key; splitter >> key; if (0 == key.size()) { continue; } // read value (if any) std::string value; splitter >> value; if (0 == value.size()) { std::cout << cfg_filename << ":" << line_num << ": warning: ignoring line with key but no value" << std::endl; std::cout << cfg_filename << ":" << line_num << ": " << line << std::endl; continue; } // identify which key we've just read if (key == "Nx") { m_cfg.m_Nx = StringToInt(value); } else if (key == "Ny") { m_cfg.m_Ny = StringToInt(value); } else if (key == "T") { m_cfg.m_T = StringToInt(value); } else if (key == "TT") { m_cfg.m_TT = StringToInt(value); } else if (key == "r") { m_cfg.m_r = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "a") { m_cfg.m_a = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "b") { m_cfg.m_b = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "m") { m_cfg.m_m = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "k") { m_cfg.m_k = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "l") { m_cfg.m_l = StringToDouble(value); } else if (key == "dt") { m_cfg.m_dt = StringToDouble(value); } else { std::cout << cfg_filename << ":" << line_num << ": warning: unrecognised key name" << std::endl; std::cout << cfg_filename << ":" << line_num << ": " << line << std::endl; } } m_cfg.Print(); }
int main() { SetConsoleTitle(TEXT("First project")); //çàãîëîâîê îêíà êîíñîëè system("color 79"); //ôîí è òåêñò setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian"); SetConsoleCP(1251); //êîäèðîâêà âõîäíîãî ïîòîêà. SetConsoleOutputCP(1251); //è âûõîäíîãî // Ðàáîòàåò òîëüêî äëÿ Lucida Console. do { system("cls"); //î÷èùàåì îêíî êîíñîëè printf("Çàäàíèå 26.\nÍàïèñàòü ïðîãðàììó, êîòîðàÿ ñ÷èòûâàåò ìàññèâ NxM âåùåñòâåííûõ ÷èñåë,\n" "â êàæäîé ñòðîêå èùåòñÿ ìèíèìàëüíîå çíà÷åíèå, çàòåì ñðåäè âñåõ ìèíèìàëüíûõ èùåòñÿ\n" "ìàêñèìàëüíûé ýëåìåíò è âûâîäèòñÿ åãî èíäåêñ è çíà÷åíèå.\nÇàòåì ââîäèòñÿ ñ êëàâèàòóðû ñòðîêà\n" "äëèííîé íå áîëåå 256 ñèìâîëîâ, â íåé èùåòñÿ ñëîâî äëèíîé áîëåå 4, â êîòîðîì áóêâà à\n" "âñòðå÷àåòñÿ ðåæå è âûâîäèòñÿ ýòî ñëîâî.\n"); int n, m; //ðàçìåðû òàáëèöû printf("Ââåäèòå êîë-âî ñòðîê \n"); scanf_s("%d", &n); //÷èòàåì getchar(); printf("Ââåäèòå êîë-âî ñòîëáöîâ \n"); scanf_s("%d", &m); //ðàçìåðû getchar(); double** ar = new double*[n]; //âûäåëÿåì ïàìÿòü for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ar[i] = new double[m]; //äëÿ ñòðîê } printf("Ââåäèòå ýë-òû ìàññèâà \n"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //÷èòàåì ýëåìåíòû ìàññèâà. for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { printf("ar[%d][%d] = ", i, j); scanf_s("%lf", &ar[i][j]); //÷èòàåì ýëåìåíòû getchar(); //è \n äî êó÷è. } min_elem max = task(ar, n, m); //èùåì ìàêñèìàëüíûé èç ìèíèìàëüíûõ printf("Èíåêñû i = %d j = %d\nÇíà÷åíèå: %lf\n", max.ind1, max.ind2, max.value); //âûâîäèì åãî èíäåêñû è çíà÷åíèå for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) //î÷èùàåì ïàìÿòü { delete[] ar[i]; } delete[] ar; char* string = (char*)malloc(256 * sizeof(char)); //âûäåëÿåì ïàìÿòü ïîä ñòðîêó printf("Ââåäèòå ñòðîêó:\n"); fgets(string, 255, stdin); //÷èòàåì å¸ wlist list = splitter(string); //âûäåëÿåì ñëîâà if (find_task_word(list) == -1) //åñëè íåò ñëîâ áîëåå 4 áóêâ òî ôóíêöèÿ âåðíåò -1 { printf("Íåò ñëîâ èç áîëåå ÷åì 4 áóêâ.\n"); } else //èíà÷å âûâîäèì ñëîâî áîëåå 4 áóêâ ñîäåðæàùåå ìåíüøåå ÷èñëî áóêâ à. { printf("Ñëîâî èç áîëåå ÷åì 4 áóêâ ñ íàèìåíüøèì êîëè÷åñòâîì áóêâ 'à':\n%s\n", list.words[find_task_word(list)]); } //free(list.words); wlist_clear(list); //÷èñòèì ïàìÿòü èç ïîä ëèñòà ñëîâ. free(string); //è ñòðîêè. _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); //ïðîâåðÿåì ïàìÿòü íà óòå÷êè. } while (answer()); return 0; }
long double octfloattofloat(const char *float_string) { /* Convert an octal string from the given pointer in an float value ; ********************************************************************/ if (float_string == NULL) { /** Invalid argument **/ fprintf(stderr,"%s %s\n",__func__,strerror(EINVAL)) ; exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; } if ( ! is_string_oct(float_string,true) ) { /** Invalid argument **/ fprintf(stderr,"%s %s\n",__func__,strerror(EINVAL)) ; exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ; } if ( strchr(float_string,'.') == NULL) { /** Case argument string is not a float, return integer value (long double) cast */ return __octfloattofloattintpart(float_string) ; } char *oct_float_str_saved=strdup(float_string) ; _Bool is_negativ=false ; if ( float_string[0] == '-' ) { /** Case argument string is an negativ value we remember it for returning */ is_negativ=true ; int i,c ; for (i=1,c=0 ; i < (int) strlen(float_string) ; i++,c++) { oct_float_str_saved[c]=float_string[i] ; } oct_float_str_saved[c]='\0' ; } else { oct_float_str_saved=strdup(float_string) ; } /** variables for splitting in integer and float part */ char *oct_int_part=malloc(64) ; char *oct_float_part=malloc(64) ; memset(oct_int_part,'\0',64) ; memset(oct_float_part,'\0',64) ; /** Perform splitting for getting float part we are interest */ splitter(oct_float_str_saved,oct_int_part,oct_float_part) ; long double res_int = __octfloattofloattintpart(oct_int_part) ; /** value to return for the integer part */ unsigned int c ; /** float part index */ int cc ; /** float exponent value */ long double res_float=0.0 ; /** variable for computing float part */ for(c=0 ,cc=-1 ; c < (unsigned int) strlen(oct_float_part) ; c++,cc--) { res_float += (long double) get_digit(oct_float_part[c]) * powl(8,cc) ; } free(oct_int_part) ; free(oct_float_part) ; free(oct_float_str_saved) ; if ( is_negativ ) { return - (long double) (res_int + res_float) ; } else { return (long double) res_int + res_float ; } }
void cut_uint_le() { CPPUNIT_MSG("little-endian byte order"); typedef cds::algo::split_bitstring< size_t > split_bitstring; size_t src = sizeof(src) == 8 ? 0xFEDCBA9876543210 : 0x76543210; split_bitstring splitter(src); size_t res; // Trivial case CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter ); res = splitter.cut(sizeof(src) * 8); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EX( res == src, "src=" << src << ", result=" << res ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(splitter.safe_cut(sizeof(src) * 8) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); splitter.reset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter ); res = splitter.cut(sizeof(src) * 8); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EX( res == src, "src=" << src << ", result=" << res ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(splitter.safe_cut(sizeof(src) * 8) == 0 ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); // Cut each hex digit splitter.reset(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(size_t) * 2; ++i ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.cut( 4 ) == i ); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); // by one bit { splitter.reset(); res = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(size_t) * 8; ++i ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter ); res = res + (splitter.cut( 1 ) << i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( res == src ); } // random cut { for ( size_t k = 0; k < 100; ++k ) { splitter.reset(); res = 0; size_t shift = 0; while ( splitter ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter ); int bits = rand() % 16; res = res + ( splitter.safe_cut( bits ) << shift ); shift += bits; } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( splitter.eos() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !splitter ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( res == src ); } } }
Sidebar_Widget::Sidebar_Widget(QWidget *parent, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *par, const char *name,bool universalMode, const QString ¤tProfile) :QWidget(parent,name),m_universalMode(universalMode),m_partParent(par),m_currentProfile(currentProfile) { m_somethingVisible = false; m_initial = true; m_noUpdate = false; m_layout = 0; m_currentButton = 0; m_activeModule = 0; m_userMovedSplitter = false; //kdDebug() << "**** Sidebar_Widget:SidebarWidget()"<<endl; if (universalMode) { m_relPath = "konqsidebartng/kicker_entries/"; } else { m_relPath = "konqsidebartng/" + currentProfile + "/entries/"; } m_path = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", m_relPath, true); m_buttons.setAutoDelete(true); m_hasStoredUrl = false; m_latestViewed = -1; setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); QSplitter *splitterWidget = splitter(); if (splitterWidget) { splitterWidget->setResizeMode(parent, QSplitter::FollowSizeHint); splitterWidget->setOpaqueResize( false ); connect(splitterWidget,SIGNAL(setRubberbandCalled()),SLOT(userMovedSplitter())); } m_area = new KDockArea(this); m_area->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); m_mainDockWidget = m_area->createDockWidget("free", 0); m_mainDockWidget->setWidget(new QWidget(m_mainDockWidget)); m_area->setMainDockWidget(m_mainDockWidget); m_area->setMinimumWidth(0); m_mainDockWidget->setDockSite(KDockWidget::DockTop); m_mainDockWidget->setEnableDocking(KDockWidget::DockNone); m_buttonBar = new KMultiTabBar(KMultiTabBar::Vertical,this); m_buttonBar->showActiveTabTexts(true); m_menu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Sidebar_Widget::Menu"); QPopupMenu *addMenu = new QPopupMenu(this, "Sidebar_Widget::addPopup"); m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Add New"), addMenu, 0); m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Multiple Views"), 1); m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Show Tabs Left"), 2); m_menu->insertItem(i18n("Show Configuration Button"), 3); if (!m_universalMode) { m_menu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("remove"), i18n("Close Navigation Panel"), par, SLOT(deleteLater())); } connect(m_menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowConfigMenu())); connect(m_menu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(activatedMenu(int))); m_buttonPopup = 0; addBackEnd *ab = new addBackEnd(this, addMenu, universalMode, currentProfile, "Sidebar_Widget-addBackEnd"); connect(ab, SIGNAL(updateNeeded()), this, SLOT(updateButtons())); connect(ab, SIGNAL(initialCopyNeeded()), this, SLOT(finishRollBack())); initialCopy(); if (universalMode) { m_config = new KConfig("konqsidebartng_kicker.rc"); } else { m_config = new KConfig("konqsidebartng.rc"); m_config->setGroup(currentProfile); } readConfig(); // Disable stuff (useful for Kiosk mode)! m_menu->setItemVisible(1, !m_immutableSingleWidgetMode); m_menu->setItemVisible(2, !m_immutableShowTabsLeft); m_menu->setItemVisible(3, !m_immutableShowExtraButtons); connect(&m_configTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(saveConfig())); m_somethingVisible = !m_openViews.isEmpty(); doLayout(); QTimer::singleShot(0,this,SLOT(createButtons())); connect(m_area, SIGNAL(dockWidgetHasUndocked(KDockWidget*)), this, SLOT(dockWidgetHasUndocked(KDockWidget*))); }
TEST(TestStringSplitter, AllSepTest1) { const char* str = ","; StringSplitter splitter(str, ','); EXPECT_EQ(splitter, false); }
void Inventory::fromFile(std::string filename){ std::ifstream infile(filename); if (infile){ if(filename == "game.txt"){ while (infile){ if(infile){ std::string strInput; std::getline(infile, strInput); if(strInput.length()>0){ std::stringstream splitter(strInput); //std::string title,price,copies,condition,genre,rating,maker; std::string title,price,copies,condition,genre,rating,maker,preorder; getline(splitter,title,','); getline(splitter,price,','); getline(splitter,copies,','); getline(splitter,condition,','); getline(splitter,preorder,','); getline(splitter,genre,','); getline(splitter,rating,','); getline(splitter,maker,','); Game* g = new Game(stoi(copies), stof(price), title, genre,rating, to_bool(condition),maker, to_bool(preorder)); gameStock.add(g); // std::cout << "\nRead:\t" << g->toString() << "\n"; } } } } if(filename == "console.txt"){ while (infile){ if(infile){ std::string strInput; std::getline(infile, strInput); if(strInput.length()>0){ std::stringstream splitter(strInput); std::string title,price,copies,condition,edition,maker,warranty; getline(splitter,title,','); getline(splitter,price,','); getline(splitter,copies,','); getline(splitter,condition,','); getline(splitter,edition,','); getline(splitter,maker,','); getline(splitter,warranty,','); Console* c = new Console(stoi(copies), stof(price), title, edition,maker, stoi(warranty), to_bool(condition)); consoleStock.add(c); // std::cout << "\nRead:\t" << c->toString() << "\n"; } } } } if(filename == "accessory.txt"){ while (infile){ if(infile){ std::string strInput; std::getline(infile, strInput); if(strInput.length()>0){ std::stringstream splitter(strInput); std::string title,price,copies,condition,consoleTo,warranty; getline(splitter,title,','); getline(splitter,price,','); getline(splitter,copies,','); getline(splitter,condition,','); getline(splitter,consoleTo,','); getline(splitter,warranty,','); Accessory* a = new Accessory(stoi(copies), stof(price), title, consoleTo, to_bool(condition), stoi(warranty)); acessStock.add(a); // std::cout << "\nRead:\t" << a->toString() << "\n"; } } } } infile.close(); } else { std::cout << "Can't read from file. Inventory not loaded.\n"; } }
int QResourceRoot::findNode(const QString &_path, const QLocale &locale) const { QString path = _path; { QString root = mappingRoot(); if(!root.isEmpty()) { if(root == path) { path = QLatin1Char('/'); } else { if(!root.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) root += QLatin1Char('/'); if(path.size() >= root.size() && path.startsWith(root)) path = path.mid(root.length()-1); if(path.isEmpty()) path = QLatin1Char('/'); } } } #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << "!!!!" << "START" << path << << locale.language(); #endif if(path == QLatin1String("/")) return 0; //the root node is always first int child_count = (tree[6] << 24) + (tree[7] << 16) + (tree[8] << 8) + (tree[9] << 0); int child = (tree[10] << 24) + (tree[11] << 16) + (tree[12] << 8) + (tree[13] << 0); //now iterate up the tree int node = -1; QStringSplitter splitter(path); while (child_count && splitter.hasNext()) { QStringRef segment =; #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << " CHILDREN" << segment; for(int j = 0; j < child_count; ++j) { qDebug() << " " << child+j << " :: " << name(child+j); } #endif const int h = qHash(segment); //do the binary search for the hash int l = 0, r = child_count-1; int sub_node = (l+r+1)/2; while(r != l) { const int sub_node_hash = hash(child+sub_node); if(h == sub_node_hash) break; else if(h < sub_node_hash) r = sub_node - 1; else l = sub_node; sub_node = (l + r + 1) / 2; } sub_node += child; //now do the "harder" compares bool found = false; if(hash(sub_node) == h) { while(sub_node > child && hash(sub_node-1) == h) //backup for collisions --sub_node; for(; sub_node < child+child_count && hash(sub_node) == h; ++sub_node) { //here we go... if(name(sub_node) == segment) { found = true; int offset = findOffset(sub_node); #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << " TRY" << sub_node << name(sub_node) << offset; #endif offset += 4; //jump past name const short flags = (tree[offset+0] << 8) + (tree[offset+1] << 0); offset += 2; if(!splitter.hasNext()) { if(!(flags & Directory)) { const short country = (tree[offset+0] << 8) + (tree[offset+1] << 0); offset += 2; const short language = (tree[offset+0] << 8) + (tree[offset+1] << 0); offset += 2; #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << " " << "LOCALE" << country << language; #endif if(country == && language == locale.language()) { #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << "!!!!" << "FINISHED" << __LINE__ << sub_node; #endif return sub_node; } else if((country == QLocale::AnyCountry && language == locale.language()) || (country == QLocale::AnyCountry && language == QLocale::C && node == -1)) { node = sub_node; } continue; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << "!!!!" << "FINISHED" << __LINE__ << sub_node; #endif return sub_node; } } if(!(flags & Directory)) return -1; child_count = (tree[offset+0] << 24) + (tree[offset+1] << 16) + (tree[offset+2] << 8) + (tree[offset+3] << 0); offset += 4; child = (tree[offset+0] << 24) + (tree[offset+1] << 16) + (tree[offset+2] << 8) + (tree[offset+3] << 0); break; } } } if(!found) break; } #ifdef DEBUG_RESOURCE_MATCH qDebug() << "!!!!" << "FINISHED" << __LINE__ << node; #endif return node; }
int main(int argn, char **argv) { MPI_Init(&argn, &argv); int rank, size; MPI_Comm communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD; MPI_Comm_rank(communicator, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(communicator, &size); PPartitionConfig partition_config; DspacConfig dspac_config; std::string graph_filename; int ret_code = parse_dspac_parameters(argn, argv, partition_config, dspac_config, graph_filename); if (ret_code) { MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "graph: " << graph_filename << "\n" << "infinity edge weight: " << dspac_config.infinity << "\n" << "seed: " << partition_config.seed << "\n" << "k: " << partition_config.k << "\n" << "ncores: " << size << std::endl; } timer t; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); { t.restart(); if (rank == ROOT) std::cout << "running collective dummy operations "; dummy_operations dop; dop.run_collective_dummy_operations(); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "took " << t.elapsed() << std::endl; } // load input graph t.restart(); parallel_graph_access input_graph(communicator); edge_balanced_graph_io::read_binary_graph_edge_balanced(input_graph, graph_filename, partition_config, rank, size); if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "input IO took " << t.elapsed() << "\n" << "n(input): " << input_graph.number_of_global_nodes() << "\n" << "m(input): " << input_graph.number_of_global_edges() << std::endl; } MPI_Barrier(communicator); // construct split graph t.restart(); parallel_graph_access split_graph(communicator); dspac splitter(input_graph, communicator, dspac_config.infinity); splitter.construct(split_graph); if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "split graph construction took " << t.elapsed() << "\n" << "n(split): " << split_graph.number_of_global_nodes() << "\n" << "m(split): " << split_graph.number_of_global_edges() << std::endl; } // partition split graph t.restart(); executeParhip(split_graph, partition_config); if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "parhip took " << t.elapsed() << std::endl; } // evaluate edge partition t.restart(); splitter.fix_cut_dominant_edges(split_graph); std::vector<PartitionID> edge_partition = splitter.project_partition(split_graph); EdgeWeight vertex_cut = splitter.calculate_vertex_cut(partition_config.k, edge_partition); if (rank == ROOT) { std::cout << "evaluation took " << t.elapsed() << "\n" << "vertex cut: " << vertex_cut << std::endl; } if( partition_config.save_partition ) { parallel_vector_io pvio; std::string filename("tmpedgepartition.txtp"); pvio.writePartitionSimpleParallel(split_graph, filename); } if( partition_config.save_partition_binary ) { parallel_vector_io pvio; std::string filename("tmpedgepartition.binp"); pvio.writePartitionBinaryParallelPosix(partition_config, split_graph, filename); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Finalize(); }
MutFileDataType FileNameDialog(wxWindow * parent, int Command, wxString Filename) { DEBUGLOG2(gui,_T("Command: %d"),Command); static const wxString logic_sources(_("Mutabor tuning file (*.mut)|*.mut|Old Mutabor tuning file (*.mus)|*.mus|All files (*.*)|*.*")); static const wxString route_sources(_("Mutabor routing file (*.murx)|*.murx|Old Mutabor routing file (*.mur)|*.mur|All files (*.*)|*.*")); wxString title, filetypes, dir(wxEmptyString), name(wxEmptyString) , ext(wxEmptyString); int flags; MutFileDataType retval; switch (Command) { case CM_FILEOPEN: title = _("Which Mutabor file shall be loaded?"); filetypes = logic_sources; flags = wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wxFD_OPEN; break; case mutaborGUI::CM_EXECUTE: title = _("Which Mutabor file shall be executed?"); filetypes = logic_sources; flags = wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wxFD_OPEN; break; case CM_FILESAVEAS: title = _("Enter the new Mutabor file name, please!"); filetypes = logic_sources; flags = wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | wxFD_SAVE; break; case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTELOAD: title = _("Which Mutabor route file shall be loaded?"); filetypes = route_sources; flags = wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wxFD_OPEN; break; case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTESAVE: case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTESAVEAS: title = _("Enter the new Mutabor route file name, please!"); filetypes = route_sources; flags = wxFD_CHANGE_DIR | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | wxFD_SAVE; break; default: wxLogError(_("Unexpected Command Id in FileNameDialog: %d"),Command); retval.type = MutFileDataType::Unknown; return retval; } if (!Filename.IsEmpty()) { wxFileName splitter(Filename); ext = splitter.GetExt(); name = splitter.GetFullName(); dir = splitter.GetPath(); } wxFileDialog * FileSelector = new wxFileDialog(parent, title, dir, name, filetypes, flags); int cmd = FileSelector->ShowModal(); if (cmd != wxID_OK) { retval.type = MutFileDataType::Canceled; return retval; } = FileSelector->GetPath(); switch (Command) { case CM_FILEOPEN: case mutaborGUI::CM_EXECUTE: case CM_FILESAVEAS: retval.type=MutFileDataType::LogicSource; break; case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTELOAD: case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTESAVE: case mutaborGUI::CM_ROUTESAVEAS: switch (FileSelector->GetFilterIndex()) { case 0: retval.type = MutFileDataType::XMLRoute1; break; case 1: retval.type = MutFileDataType::UTF8TextRoute; break; default: wxString ext =; if (ext == _T("MUR")) { retval.type = MutFileDataType::UTF8TextRoute; } else if (ext == _T("MURX")) { retval.type = MutFileDataType::XMLRoute1; } else retval.type = MutFileDataType::Unknown; } break; default: wxLogError(_("Unexpected Command Id in FileNameDialog: %d"),Command); retval.type = MutFileDataType::Unknown; return retval; } FileSelector->Destroy(); return retval; }
TIGLViewerWindow::TIGLViewerWindow() : myLastFolder(tr("")) , cpacsConfiguration(NULL) { setupUi(this); tiglViewerSettings = &TIGLViewerSettings::Instance(); settingsDialog = new TIGLViewerSettingsDialog(*tiglViewerSettings, this); myScene = new TIGLViewerContext(); myOCC->setContext(myScene->getContext()); // we create a timer to workaround QFileSystemWatcher bug, // which emits multiple signals in a few milliseconds. This caused // TIGLViewer to also open a document many times. // Now, when we get a signal, we start the timer and only after the // timer times out, we reopen the cpacs config openTimer = new QTimer(this); openTimer->setSingleShot(true); // the timeout of 200ms is a bit arbitrary but should be conservative enough // to catch all events openTimer->setInterval(200); //redirect everything to TIGL console, let error messages be printed in red stdoutStream = new QDebugStream(std::cout); errorStream = new QDebugStream(std::cerr); errorStream->setMarkup("<b><font color=\"red\">","</font></b>"); // insert two loggers, one for the log history and one for the console CSharedPtr<tigl::CTiglLogSplitter> splitter(new tigl::CTiglLogSplitter); logHistory = CSharedPtr<TIGLViewerLogHistory>(new TIGLViewerLogHistory); logHistory->SetVerbosity(TILOG_DEBUG4); splitter->AddLogger(logHistory); logDirect = CSharedPtr<TIGLViewerLogRedirection>(new TIGLViewerLogRedirection); logDirect->SetVerbosity(TILOG_WARNING); tigl::PTiglLogger logHTMLDecorator(new TIGLViewerLoggerHTMLDecorator(logDirect)); splitter->AddLogger(logHTMLDecorator); // register logger at tigl tigl::CTiglLogging::Instance().SetLogger(splitter); QPalette p = console->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::black); console->setPalette(p); //cpacsConfiguration = new TIGLViewerDocument(this); scriptEngine = new TIGLScriptEngine(this); setAcceptDrops(true); connectSignals(); createMenus(); updateMenus(); loadSettings(); statusBar()->showMessage(tr("A context menu is available by right-clicking")); setWindowTitle(tr(PARAMS.windowTitle.toLatin1().data())); setMinimumSize(160, 160); }
BSPTree_Ptr BSPTree::load_postorder_text(std::istream& is) { std::string line; std::getline(is, line); int nodeCount; try { nodeCount = lexical_cast<int,std::string>(line); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("The BSP node count is not a number"); } std::vector<BSPNode_Ptr> nodes(nodeCount); int n = 0; while(n < nodeCount && std::getline(is, line)) { typedef boost::char_separator<char> sep; typedef boost::tokenizer<sep> tokenizer; tokenizer tok(line, sep(" ")); std::vector<std::string> tokens(tok.begin(), tok.end()); size_t tokenCount = tokens.size(); if(tokenCount < 2) throw Exception("Bad BSP node: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); if(tokens[1] == "E") { if(tokenCount < 6 || tokens[4] != "[" || tokens[tokenCount-1] != "]") throw Exception("Bad empty leaf node: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); int polyCount; try { polyCount = lexical_cast<int,std::string>(tokens[3]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("The leaf polygon count is not a number: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); } std::vector<int> polyIndices; for(size_t i=5; i<tokenCount-1; ++i) { int polyIndex; try { polyIndex = lexical_cast<int,std::string>(tokens[i]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("A polygon index is not a number in leaf: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); } polyIndices.push_back(polyIndex); } nodes[n] = BSPLeaf::make_empty_leaf(n, polyIndices); } else if(tokens[1] == "S") { nodes[n] = BSPLeaf::make_solid_leaf(n); } else if(tokens[1] == "B") { if(tokenCount != 11 || tokens[5] != "(" || tokens[10] != ")") throw Exception("Bad branch node: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); int leftIndex, rightIndex; double a, b, c, d; try { leftIndex = lexical_cast<int,std::string>(tokens[2]); rightIndex = lexical_cast<int,std::string>(tokens[3]); a = lexical_cast<double,std::string>(tokens[6]); b = lexical_cast<double,std::string>(tokens[7]); c = lexical_cast<double,std::string>(tokens[8]); d = lexical_cast<double,std::string>(tokens[9]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("One of the values was not a number in branch node: " + lexical_cast<std::string,int>(n)); } BSPNode_Ptr left = nodes[leftIndex]; BSPNode_Ptr right = nodes[rightIndex]; if(left && right) { Plane_Ptr splitter(new Plane(Vector3d(a,b,c), d)); nodes[n] = BSPNode_Ptr(new BSPBranch(n, splitter, left, right)); } else throw Exception("The BSP nodes are not stored in postorder: the child nodes for this branch have not yet been loaded"); } ++n; } return BSPTree_Ptr(new BSPTree(nodes)); }
void OCC_Connect::Intersect(BRep_Builder &BB, TopoDS_Shape &target, TopoDS_Shape &shape, TopoDS_Shape &tool) { /*************************************************************************** We start by splitting edges at all the edge-edge intersections. This may generate new vertices and edges. ***************************************************************************/ MergeVertices(shape,tool); LocOpe_SplitShape splitter1(shape); LocOpe_SplitShape splitter2(tool); TopOpeBRep_ShapeIntersector intersector; for(intersector.InitIntersection(shape,tool); intersector.MoreIntersection(); intersector.NextIntersection() ) { if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; intersector.DumpCurrent(1); cout << " --> "; intersector.DumpCurrent(2); cout << '\n'; } TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector &ee=intersector.ChangeEdgesIntersector(); if( intersector.CurrentGeomShape(1).ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE && intersector.CurrentGeomShape(2).ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE ) { for(ee.InitPoint(); ee.MorePoint(); ee.NextPoint()) { TopOpeBRep_Point2d const &p=ee.Point(); if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "point loop " << p.Parameter(1) << '\n'; TopoDS_Vertex vertex; if(p.IsVertex(1)) vertex=p.Vertex(1); else if(p.IsVertex(2)) vertex=p.Vertex(2); else vertex=BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(p.Value()); if(!p.IsVertex(1)) { TopoDS_Edge edge=TopoDS::Edge(ee.Edge(1)); if(!splitter1.CanSplit(edge)) { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "Cannot split 1\n";; } else { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "splitting model 1\n"; try { splitter1.Add(vertex,p.Parameter(1),edge); } catch(Standard_ConstructionError c) { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "Ooops \n"; } } } if(!p.IsVertex(2)) { TopoDS_Edge edge=TopoDS::Edge(ee.Edge(2)); if(!splitter2.CanSplit(edge)) { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "Cannot split 2\n";; } else { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "splitting model 2\n"; try { splitter2.Add(vertex,p.Parameter(2),edge); } catch(Standard_ConstructionError c) { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "Ooops \n"; } } } } } } /*************************************************************************** Not all intersections seem to be caught, this is an attempt to catch some missing intersections. FIXME, this is almost certainly incomplete. ***************************************************************************/ TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edges, faces, vertices; vertices.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(shape,TopAbs_VERTEX,vertices); TopExp::MapShapes(tool,TopAbs_VERTEX,vertices); edges.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(shape,TopAbs_EDGE,edges); for(int e=1; e<=edges.Extent(); e++) { TopoDS_Edge edge=TopoDS::Edge(edges(e)); TopoDS_Vertex o1, o2; TopExp::Vertices(edge,o1,o2); int skip1=vertices.FindIndex(o1); int skip2=vertices.FindIndex(o2); for(int v=1; v<=vertices.Extent(); v++) { if(v==skip1 || v==skip2) continue; TopoDS_Vertex vertex=TopoDS::Vertex(vertices(v)); BRepExtrema_ExtPC distance(vertex,edge); if(!distance.IsDone()) continue; double tolerance=std::max(BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edge), BRep_Tool::Tolerance(vertex)); for(int i=1;i<=distance.NbExt();i++) { #if (OCC_VERSION_MAJOR == 6) && (OCC_VERSION_MINOR < 5) double value = distance.Value(i); #else double value = distance.SquareDistance(i); #endif if(value<tolerance) { try { // No idea why this can fail splitter1.Add(vertex,distance.Parameter(i),edge); } catch(Standard_ConstructionError c) { if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "Adding vertex to edge failed\n"; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(edge,v1,v2); if(BRepTools::Compare(v1,vertex)) cout << "Merge v1\n"; if(BRepTools::Compare(v2,vertex)) cout << "Merge v2\n"; double d1=BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1).Distance( BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex)); double d2=BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2).Distance( BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex)); cout << "Adding " << i << " to edge " << e << " distance=" << value << " parameter=" << distance.Parameter(i) << " point=" << distance.Point(i) << " dv1=" << d1 << " dv2=" << d2 << endl; BRepTools::Dump(vertex,cout); BRepTools::Dump(edge,cout); } } } } } } edges.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(tool,TopAbs_EDGE,edges); for(int e=1; e<=edges.Extent(); e++) { TopoDS_Edge edge=TopoDS::Edge(edges(e)); TopoDS_Vertex o1, o2; TopExp::Vertices(edge,o1,o2); int skip1=vertices.FindIndex(o1); int skip2=vertices.FindIndex(o2); for(int v=1; v<=vertices.Extent(); v++) { if(v==skip1 || v==skip2) continue; TopoDS_Vertex vertex=TopoDS::Vertex(vertices(v)); BRepExtrema_ExtPC distance(vertex,edge); if(!distance.IsDone()) continue; double tolerance=std::max(BRep_Tool::Tolerance(edge), BRep_Tool::Tolerance(vertex)); for(int i=1;i<=distance.NbExt();i++) { #if (OCC_VERSION_MAJOR == 6) && (OCC_VERSION_MINOR < 5) double value = distance.Value(i); #else double value = distance.SquareDistance(i); #endif if(value<tolerance) { try { splitter2.Add(vertex,distance.Parameter(i),edge); } catch(Standard_ConstructionError c) { if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "Adding vertex to edge failed\n"; TopoDS_Vertex v1, v2; TopExp::Vertices(edge,v1,v2); if(BRepTools::Compare(v1,vertex)) cout << "Merge v1\n"; if(BRepTools::Compare(v2,vertex)) cout << "Merge v2\n"; double d1=BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1).Distance( BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex)); double d2=BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2).Distance( BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex)); cout << "Adding " << i << " to edge " << e << " distance=" << value << " parameter=" << distance.Parameter(i) << " point=" << distance.Point(i) << " dv1=" << d1 << " dv2=" << d2 << endl; BRepTools::Dump(vertex,cout); BRepTools::Dump(edge,cout); } } } } } } /*************************************************************************** We need the shapes with all the edge-edge intersections to split all the faces. All vertices and edges which can be merged, will be merged. ***************************************************************************/ TopoDS_Compound intermediate1; BB.MakeCompound(intermediate1); for(TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape p(splitter1.DescendantShapes(shape)); p.More(); p.Next() ) { BB.Add(intermediate1,p.Value()); } TopoDS_Compound intermediate2; BB.MakeCompound(intermediate2); for(TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape p(splitter2.DescendantShapes(tool)); p.More(); p.Next() ) { BB.Add(intermediate2,p.Value()); } if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "Before merging vertices and edges\n"; TopoDS_Compound t; BB.MakeCompound(t); BB.Add(t,intermediate1); BB.Add(t,intermediate2); PrintItemCount(t); } MergeVertices(intermediate1,intermediate2); MergeEdges(intermediate1,intermediate2); if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "After merging vertices and edges\n"; TopoDS_Compound t; BB.MakeCompound(t); BB.Add(t,intermediate1); BB.Add(t,intermediate2); PrintItemCount(t); } // Create the result TopoDS_Compound result; BB.MakeCompound(result); BB.Add(result,intermediate1); BB.Add(result,intermediate2); // Add any missing PCurves for(TopExp_Explorer face(result,TopAbs_FACE); face.More(); face.Next()) { for(TopExp_Explorer edge(face.Current(),TopAbs_EDGE); edge.More(); edge.Next() ) { Standard_Real s, e; TopoDS_Edge c_edge=TopoDS::Edge(edge.Current()); TopoDS_Face c_face=TopoDS::Face(face.Current()); Handle_Geom2d_Curve c=BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(c_edge,c_face,s,e); if(c.IsNull()) { if(verbose&Cutting) cout << "Adding missing PCurve\n"; ShapeFix_Edge().FixAddPCurve(c_edge,c_face,false,1e-7); } } } /*************************************************************************** We determine which edges/wires are going to cut a face. To do this we create a map of FaceCutters which is indexed by the face number in the faces map. The FaceCutters generate the correct cutting wires. ***************************************************************************/ int retry; do { if(verbose&Cutting) std::cout << "STARTED CUTTING\n"; retry=0; edges.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(result,TopAbs_EDGE,edges); faces.Clear(); TopExp::MapShapes(result,TopAbs_FACE,faces); cutmap_t cutters=SelectCuttingEdges(edges,faces); /*************************************************************************** Apply all face splits stored in the map. ***************************************************************************/ int cut_count=0; LocOpe_SplitShape splitter(result); for(cutmap_t::iterator f=cutters.begin(); f!=cutters.end(); f++) { TopoDS_Face const &face=TopoDS::Face(faces(f->first)); FaceCutters &cutter=f->second; cut_count+=cutter.size(); if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "Cutting face " << f->first << " *************************\n"; BRepTools::Dump(face,cout); } cutter.Build(face,result,verbose); for(FaceCutters::iterator p=cutter.begin(); p!=cutter.end(); p++) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edges; TopExp::MapShapes(*p,TopAbs_EDGE,edges); if(edges.Extent()<3 && BRep_Tool::IsClosed(*p)) { // FIXME This doesn't work. cout << "IGNORED Closed wire with less than three edges\n"; continue; } //BRepTools::Dump(*p,cout); try { splitter.Add(*p,face); } catch(Standard_ConstructionError c) { cout << "splitting the face failed\n"; retry=1; } } } if(verbose&Cutting) cout << cut_count << " cuts in " << cutters.size() << " faces\n"; // Create the final shape with the cutted faces. TopoDS_Compound cutted; BB.MakeCompound(cutted); int count=0; for(TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape p(splitter.DescendantShapes(result)); p.More(); p.Next() ) { if(++count==1) { if(verbose&Cutting) { cout << "--------- " << count << " ---------------------------\n"; BRepTools::Dump(p.Value(),cout); } BB.Add(cutted,p.Value()); } } MergeFaces(cutted); result=cutted; } while(0 && retry); target=result; }
OnionTree_Ptr OnionTree::load_postorder_text(std::istream& is) { std::string line; LineIO::portable_getline(is, line); int mapCount; try { mapCount = lexical_cast<int>(line); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("The map count is not a number"); } LineIO::portable_getline(is, line); int nodeCount; try { nodeCount = lexical_cast<int>(line); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("The onion node count is not a number"); } std::vector<OnionNode_Ptr> nodes(nodeCount); int n = 0; while(n < nodeCount && LineIO::portable_getline(is, line)) { typedef boost::char_separator<char> sep; typedef boost::tokenizer<sep> tokenizer; tokenizer tok(line, sep(" ")); std::vector<std::string> tokens(tok.begin(), tok.end()); size_t tokenCount = tokens.size(); if(tokenCount < 2) throw Exception("Bad onion node: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); if(tokens[1] == "B") { if(tokenCount != 11 || tokens[5] != "(" || tokens[10] != ")") throw Exception("Bad branch node: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); int leftIndex, rightIndex; double a, b, c, d; try { leftIndex = lexical_cast<int>(tokens[2]); rightIndex = lexical_cast<int>(tokens[3]); a = lexical_cast<double>(tokens[6]); b = lexical_cast<double>(tokens[7]); c = lexical_cast<double>(tokens[8]); d = lexical_cast<double>(tokens[9]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("One of the values was not a number in branch node: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); } OnionNode_Ptr left = nodes[leftIndex]; OnionNode_Ptr right = nodes[rightIndex]; if(left && right) { Plane_Ptr splitter(new Plane(Vector3d(a,b,c), d)); nodes[n] = OnionNode_Ptr(new OnionBranch(n, splitter, left, right)); } else throw Exception("The onion nodes are not stored in postorder: the child nodes for this branch have not yet been loaded"); } else { // We're dealing with an onion leaf. if(tokenCount < 8 || tokens[1] != "(" || tokens[3] != ")" || tokens[6] != "[" || tokens[tokenCount-1] != "]") throw Exception("Bad leaf node: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); if(tokens[2].length() != mapCount) throw Exception("Bad leaf solidity descriptor: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); // Construct the solidity descriptor. boost::dynamic_bitset<> solidityDescriptor(mapCount); for(size_t i=0, len=tokens[2].length(); i<len; ++i) { if(tokens[2][i] == '0') solidityDescriptor.set(i, false); else if(tokens[2][i] == '1') solidityDescriptor.set(i, true); else throw Exception("Bad leaf solidity descriptor: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); } // Read in any polygon indices. int polyCount; try { polyCount = lexical_cast<int>(tokens[5]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("The leaf polygon count is not a number: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); } std::vector<int> polyIndices; for(size_t i=7; i<tokenCount-1; ++i) { int polyIndex; try { polyIndex = lexical_cast<int>(tokens[i]); } catch(bad_lexical_cast&) { throw Exception("A polygon index is not a number in leaf: " + lexical_cast<std::string>(n)); } polyIndices.push_back(polyIndex); } nodes[n].reset(new OnionLeaf(n, solidityDescriptor, polyIndices)); } ++n; } return OnionTree_Ptr(new OnionTree(nodes, mapCount)); }
void splitHeaders(const SharedBuffer& sb, std::vector<std::string>& headers) { std::string src(sb.buffer(), sb.size()); StringSplitter splitter(src, "\r\n", false); const std::vector<std::string>& lines = splitter.get(); headers.insert(headers.begin(), lines.begin(), lines.end()); }
bool KateCommands::SedReplace::exec (Kate::View *view, const QString &cmd, QString &msg) { kdDebug(13025)<<"SedReplace::execCmd( "<<cmd<<" )"<<endl; QRegExp delim("^[$%]?s\\s*([^\\w\\s])"); if ( cmd ) < 0 ) return false; bool fullFile=cmd[0]=='%'; bool noCase=cmd[cmd.length()-1]=='i' || cmd[cmd.length()-2]=='i'; bool repeat=cmd[cmd.length()-1]=='g' || cmd[cmd.length()-2]=='g'; bool onlySelect=cmd[0]=='$'; QString d = delim.cap(1); kdDebug(13025)<<"SedReplace: delimiter is '"<<d<<"'"<<endl; QRegExp splitter( QString("^[$%]?s\\s*") + d + "((?:[^\\\\\\" + d + "]|\\\\.)*)\\" + d +"((?:[^\\\\\\" + d + "]|\\\\.)*)\\" + d + "[ig]{0,2}$" ); if (<0) return false; QString find=splitter.cap(1); kdDebug(13025)<< "SedReplace: find=" << find.latin1() <<endl; QString replace=splitter.cap(2); exchangeAbbrevs(replace); kdDebug(13025)<< "SedReplace: replace=" << replace.latin1() <<endl; if ( find.contains("\\n") ) { msg = i18n("Sorry, but Kate is not able to replace newlines, yet"); return false; } KateDocument *doc = ((KateView*)view)->doc(); if ( ! doc ) return false; doc->editStart(); int res = 0; if (fullFile) { uint numLines=doc->numLines(); for (int line=0; (uint)line < numLines; line++) { res += sedMagic( doc, line, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat ); if ( ! repeat && res ) break; } } else if (onlySelect) { int startline = doc->selStartLine(); uint startcol = doc->selStartCol(); int endcol = -1; do { if ( startline == doc->selEndLine() ) endcol = doc->selEndCol(); res += sedMagic( doc, startline, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat, startcol, endcol ); /*if ( startcol )*/ startcol = 0; startline++; } while ( (int)startline <= doc->selEndLine() ); } else // just this line { int line=view->cursorLine(); res += sedMagic(doc, line, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat); } msg = i18n("1 replacement done", "%n replacements done",res ); doc->editEnd(); return true; }
TEST(TestStringSplitter, EmptyTest) { const char* str = ""; StringSplitter splitter(str, ','); EXPECT_EQ(splitter, false); }
void get_defaults(char *filename, struct udata *ud) { config_t cfg, *cf; const char *value; #if LIBCONFIG_VER_MAJOR == 1 # if LIBCONFIG_VER_MINOR >= 4 int ival; # endif # else long ival; #endif if (access(filename, R_OK) == -1) { olog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot read defaults from %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } config_init(cf = &cfg); if (!config_read_file(cf, filename)) { olog(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in %s:%d - %s", filename, config_error_line(cf), config_error_text(cf)); config_destroy(cf); exit(2); } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_STORAGEDIR", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) strcpy(STORAGEDIR, value); if (ud == NULL) { /* being invoked by ocat; return */ return; } #if WITH_MQTT if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_HOST", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->hostname) free(ud->hostname); ud->hostname = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_int(cf, "OTR_PORT", &ival) != CONFIG_FALSE) { ud->port = ival; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_USER", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->username) free(ud->username); ud->username = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_PASS", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->password) free(ud->password); ud->password = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_int(cf, "OTR_QOS", &ival) != CONFIG_FALSE) { ud->qos = ival; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_CLIENTID", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->clientid) free(ud->clientid); ud->clientid = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_CAFILE", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->cafile) free(ud->cafile); ud->cafile = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } /* Topics is a blank-separated string of words; split and add to JSON array */ if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_TOPICS", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { char *parts[40]; int np, n; if (ud->topics) json_delete(ud->topics); if ((np = splitter((char *)value, " ", parts)) < 1) { olog(LOG_ERR, "Illegal value in OTR_TOPICS"); exit(2); } ud->topics = json_mkarray(); for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { json_append_element(ud->topics, json_mkstring(parts[n])); } splitterfree(parts); } #endif /* WITH_MQTT */ if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_GEOKEY", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->geokey) free(ud->geokey); ud->geokey = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_int(cf, "OTR_PRECISION", &ival) != CONFIG_FALSE) { geohash_setprec(ival); } #if WITH_HTTP if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_HTTPHOST", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->http_host) free(ud->http_host); ud->http_host = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_int(cf, "OTR_HTTPPORT", &ival) != CONFIG_FALSE) { ud->http_port = ival; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_HTTPLOGDIR", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->http_logdir) free(ud->http_logdir); ud->http_logdir = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_BROWSERAPIKEY", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->browser_apikey) free(ud->browser_apikey); ud->browser_apikey = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } #endif /* WITH_HTTP */ #if WITH_LUA if (config_lookup_string(cf, "OTR_LUASCRIPT", &value) != CONFIG_FALSE) { if (ud->luascript) free(ud->luascript); ud->luascript = (value) ? strdup(value) : NULL; } #endif config_destroy(cf); }
TEST(TestStringSplitter, NULLTest) { const char* str = NULL; StringSplitter splitter(str, ','); EXPECT_EQ(splitter, false); }