예제 #1
// BOOL ViCbAddCtrl(HANDLE hCtrl, HANDLE hParent)
SQInteger ViCbAddCtrl(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger        nargs         = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger        hCtrl         = 0;
    SQInteger        hParent       = 0;
    CContainerUI*    pParentCtrl   = NULL;
    CScriptMgr*      pMgr          = NULL;
    CPaintManagerUI* pPM           = NULL;
    CControlUI*      pCtrl         = NULL;
    SQBool           bRet          = FALSE;

    if (!v || 2 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &hCtrl);
    sq_getinteger(v, 3, &hParent);

    pCtrl = QiHwHandleToCtrl(hCtrl);
    pParentCtrl = (CContainerUI*)QiHwHandleToCtrl(hParent);
    if (!pCtrl) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (NULL == pParentCtrl) {
        pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
        if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
        pParentCtrl = (CContainerUI*)pPM->GetRoot();
    if (!pParentCtrl || !pParentCtrl->IsContainer()) {goto _Exit_;}
    bRet = (SQBool)pParentCtrl->Add(pCtrl);

    sq_pushbool(v, bRet);
    return 1;
예제 #2
//   int  VwGetPosHight(VApiHandle hWnd)
SQInteger VwGetPosHight(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger      nargs         = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger      nWnd          = 0;
    WinMgrItem*    pWin          = NULL;
    HWND           hWnd          = NULL;
    SQInteger      nRet          = 0;
    RECT           rc            = {0};

    if (!v || 1 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);

    if (-1 == nWnd) {
        CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        CPaintManagerUI* pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
        if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
        hWnd = pPM->GetPaintWindow();
    } else {
        hWnd = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

    ::GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rc);
    nRet = rc.bottom - rc.top;

    sq_pushinteger(v, nRet);
    return 1;
예제 #3
//   void VwUpdateLayout(HWND hWnd)
SQInteger VwUpdateLayout(HSQUIRRELVM v)
	SQInteger         nargs            = sq_gettop(v);
	SQInteger         nWnd             = 0;
	HWND              hWnd             = NULL;
	CPaintManagerUI*  pPM              = NULL;

	if (!v || 1 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
	if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}

	sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);

	if (-1 == nWnd) {
		CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
		if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
		pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
		if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
	} else {
		pPM = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetPM();
		if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}


	return 1;
예제 #4
// 脚本调用原型:
// VApiHandle VApiHwFindControl(HANDLE hWnd, string CtrlName);
SQInteger ViHwFindControl(HSQUIRRELVM v)
	VApiHandle       hRet           = 0;
	const SQChar*    szCtrlName    = NULL;
	SQInteger        nargs         = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger        nWnd          = 0;
    HANDLE           hWnd          = NULL;
	CScriptMgr*      pMgr          = NULL;
    CPaintManagerUI* pPM           = NULL;

	if (!v || 2 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}

	if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_STRING != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}

	sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);
    sq_getstring(v, 3, &szCtrlName);

    if (-1 == nWnd) {
        pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
    } else {
        pPM = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetPM();
    if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}

	// fixbug - 未验证pm合法性
	hRet = QiHwCtrlToHandle(pPM->FindControl(szCtrlName));

	sq_pushinteger(v, hRet);
	return 1;
예제 #5
// void VwSetWindowPos(HWND hWnd, HWND hWndlnsertAfter,int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, UNIT Flags)
SQInteger VwSetWindowPos(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger         uIDEvent         = 0;
    SQInteger         nargs            = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger         nWnd             = 0;
    SQInteger         nWndlnsertAfter  = NULL;
    HWND              hWnd             = NULL;
    HWND              hWndlnsertAfter  = NULL;
    int               X                = 0;
    int               Y                = 0;
    int               cx               = 0;
    int               cy               = 0;
    UINT              uFlags           = 0;

    if (!v || 7 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 4) && OT_FLOAT  != sq_gettype(v, 4)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 5) && OT_FLOAT  != sq_gettype(v, 5)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 6) && OT_FLOAT  != sq_gettype(v, 6)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 7) && OT_FLOAT  != sq_gettype(v, 7)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 8)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);
    sq_getinteger(v, 3, &nWndlnsertAfter);
    sq_getinteger(v, 4, &X);
    sq_getinteger(v, 5, &Y);
    sq_getinteger(v, 6, &cx);
    sq_getinteger(v, 7, &cy);
    sq_getinteger(v, 8, (SQInteger*)&uFlags);

    if (-1 == nWnd) {
        CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        CPaintManagerUI* pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
        if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
        hWnd = pPM->GetPaintWindow();
    } else {
        hWnd = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

    if (HWND_TOP == (HWND)nWndlnsertAfter    ||
        HWND_BOTTOM == (HWND)nWndlnsertAfter ||
        HWND_TOPMOST == (HWND)nWndlnsertAfter ||
        HWND_TOPMOST == (HWND)nWndlnsertAfter) {
        hWndlnsertAfter = (HWND)nWndlnsertAfter;
    } else {
        hWndlnsertAfter = QiHwHandleToWin(nWndlnsertAfter)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

    ::SetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndlnsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags);
	//::MoveWindow( hWnd, X, Y, cx, cy, TRUE);

    return 0;
예제 #6
extern "C" void squirrel_print_helper(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *format, ...) {
    SQChar buffer[4096];
    struct rust_data *ptr;
    va_list va;

    ptr = ((struct rust_data *)sq_getforeignptr(vm));
    if (!ptr || !ptr->print_callback)

    va_start(va, format);
    scvsprintf(buffer, 4096, format, va);

    return ptr->print_callback(ptr, buffer);
예제 #7
void Squirrel::CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *desc, const SQChar *source, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
	SQChar buf[1024];

	seprintf(buf, lastof(buf), "Error %s:" OTTD_PRINTF64 "/" OTTD_PRINTF64 ": %s", source, line, column, desc);

	/* Check if we have a custom print function */
	Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm);
	engine->crashed = true;
	SQPrintFunc *func = engine->print_func;
	if (func == NULL) {
		DEBUG(misc, 0, "[Squirrel] Compile error: %s", buf);
	} else {
		(*func)(true, buf);
예제 #8
void Squirrel::ErrorPrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *s, ...)
	va_list arglist;
	SQChar buf[1024];

	va_start(arglist, s);
	scvsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), s, arglist);

	/* Check if we have a custom print function */
	SQPrintFunc *func = ((Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm))->print_func;
	if (func == NULL) {
		scfprintf(stderr, _SC("%s"), buf);
	} else {
		(*func)(true, buf);
예제 #9
void Squirrel::PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *s, ...)
	va_list arglist;
	SQChar buf[1024];

	va_start(arglist, s);
	vseprintf(buf, lastof(buf) - 2, s, arglist);
	strecat(buf, "\n", lastof(buf));

	/* Check if we have a custom print function */
	SQPrintFunc *func = ((Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm))->print_func;
	if (func == NULL) {
		printf("%s", buf);
	} else {
		(*func)(false, buf);
예제 #10
void Squirrel::CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *desc, const SQChar *source, SQInteger line, SQInteger column)
	SQChar buf[1024];

#ifdef _SQ64
	scsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), _SC("Error %s:%ld/%ld: %s"), source, line, column, desc);
	scsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), _SC("Error %s:%d/%d: %s"), source, line, column, desc);

	/* Check if we have a custom print function */
	Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm);
	engine->crashed = true;
	SQPrintFunc *func = engine->print_func;
	if (func == NULL) {
		scfprintf(stderr, _SC("%s"), buf);
	} else {
		(*func)(true, buf);
예제 #11
// HANDLE VwSnapShot(VApiHandle hWnd)
SQInteger VwSnapShot(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger        nargs         = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger        nWnd          = 0;
    HWND             hWnd          = NULL;
	CUIImage*        pImg          = NULL;
	CScriptMgr*      pMgr          = NULL;
	CPaintManagerUI* pPM           = NULL;
	BOOL             bIsAlphaWin   = NULL;
	VApiHandle       hRet          = NULL;
	CUIRect          rt;

    if (!v || 1 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);

    if (-1 == nWnd) {
        pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
        if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
        hWnd = pPM->GetPaintWindow();
    } else {
        hWnd = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

	::GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rt);
	bIsAlphaWin = pPM->IsAlphaWin();
	pImg = new CUIImage();
	pImg->Create(pPM->GetPaintDC(), rt.GetWidth(), rt.GetHeight(), 0, TRUE);
	::PrintWindow(hWnd, pImg->GetDC(), 0);

	hRet = QiHwObjToHandle(pImg);

	sq_pushinteger(v, hRet);
	return 1;
예제 #12
//BOOL VwSetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, COLORREF crKey, BYTE bAlpha, DWORD dwFlags);
SQInteger VwSetLayeredWindowAttributes(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger         uIDEvent         = 0;
    SQInteger         nargs            = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger         nWnd             = 0;
    HWND              hWnd             = NULL;
    COLORREF          crKey            = 0;
    int               bAlpha           = 0;
    DWORD             dwFlags          = 0;

    if (!v || 4 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 4)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 5)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWnd);
    sq_getinteger(v, 3, (SQInteger*)&crKey);
    sq_getinteger(v, 4, (SQInteger*)&bAlpha);
    sq_getinteger(v, 5, (SQInteger*)&dwFlags);

    if (-1 == nWnd) {
        CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
        if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
        CPaintManagerUI* pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
        if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}
        hWnd = pPM->GetPaintWindow();
    } else {
        hWnd = QiHwHandleToWin(nWnd)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

    //::SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) ^ WS_EX_LAYERED);
    ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, crKey, (BYTE)bAlpha, dwFlags);
    ::RedrawWindow(hWnd, NULL, NULL,

    return 1;
예제 #13
void Squirrel::RunError(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const SQChar *error)
	/* Set the print function to something that prints to stderr */
	SQPRINTFUNCTION pf = sq_getprintfunc(vm);
	sq_setprintfunc(vm, &Squirrel::ErrorPrintFunc);

	/* Check if we have a custom print function */
	SQChar buf[1024];
	scsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), _SC("Your script made an error: %s\n"), error);
	Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm);
	SQPrintFunc *func = engine->print_func;
	if (func == NULL) {
		scfprintf(stderr, _SC("%s"), buf);
	} else {
		(*func)(true, buf);

	/* Print below the error the stack, so the users knows what is happening */
	/* Reset the old print function */
	sq_setprintfunc(vm, pf);
예제 #14
//   BOOL VwKillTimer(SQInteger uIDEvent)
SQInteger VwKillTimer(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQUserPointer     uIDEvent   = 0;
    SQInteger         nargs      = sq_gettop(v);

    if (!v || 1 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_USERPOINTER  != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getuserpointer(v, 2, &uIDEvent);

    CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
    if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
    CPaintManagerUI* pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
    if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}

    ::KillTimer(pPM->GetPaintWindow(), (UINT_PTR)uIDEvent);
    delete (SetTimerParam*)uIDEvent;

	sq_pushbool(v, TRUE);
    return 1;
예제 #15
SQInteger _VwSetTimerInternal(HSQUIRRELVM v, TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc)
	SQInteger      nargs         = sq_gettop(v);
	SQInteger      Handle        = 0;
	SQInteger      uElapse       = 0;
	LPCTSTR        pstrFunc      = NULL;
	SetTimerParam* pTimerParam   = NULL;
	SQUserPointer      nRet          = NULL;

	if (!v || 3 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
	if (OT_INTEGER  != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
	if (OT_STRING   != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}
	if (OT_INSTANCE != sq_gettype(v, 4)) {goto _Exit_;}

	sq_getinteger(v, 2, &uElapse);
	sq_getstring(v, 3, &pstrFunc);

	pTimerParam = new SetTimerParam();
	pTimerParam->v = v;
	pTimerParam->sFunc = pstrFunc;
	sq_getstackobj(v, 4, &pTimerParam->Obj);

	CScriptMgr* pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
	if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
	CPaintManagerUI* pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
	if (!pPM) {goto _Exit_;}

	if (NULL != ::SetTimer(pPM->GetPaintWindow(), (UINT_PTR)pTimerParam, uElapse, lpTimerFunc)) {
		nRet = (SQUserPointer)pTimerParam;
	} else {
		nRet = NULL;

	sq_pushuserpointer(v, nRet);
	return 1;
static SQInteger
ngx_squ_tcp_request_recv(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    char               *errstr;
    size_t              size;
    SQRESULT            rc;
    ngx_buf_t          *b;
    ngx_connection_t   *c;
    ngx_squ_thread_t   *thr;
    ngx_squ_tcp_ctx_t  *ctx;
    ngx_tcp_session_t  *s;

    thr = sq_getforeignptr(v);

    ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, thr->log, 0, "squ tcp request recv");

    ctx = thr->module_ctx;
    s = ctx->s;
    c = s->connection;

    /* TODO: the arguments in squ stack */

    rc = sq_getinteger(v, 2, (SQInteger *) &size);

    b = s->buffer;

    if (b == NULL || (size_t) (b->end - b->start) < size) {
        if (b != NULL && (size_t) (b->end - b->start) > c->pool->max) {
            ngx_pfree(c->pool, b->start);

        size = ngx_max(ngx_pagesize, size);

        b = ngx_create_temp_buf(c->pool, size);
        if (b == NULL) {
            errstr = "ngx_create_temp_buf() failed";
            goto error;

        s->buffer = b;

    b->last = b->pos;

    c->read->handler = ngx_squ_tcp_request_read_handler;
    c->write->handler = ngx_squ_tcp_request_dummy_handler;

    ctx->rc = 0;
    ctx->not_event = 1;


    ctx->not_event = 0;

    if (ctx->rc != NGX_AGAIN) {
        return ctx->rc;

    return sq_suspendvm(v);


    sq_pushbool(v, SQFalse);
#if 0
    sq_pushstring(, (SQChar *) errstr, -1);

    return 1;
예제 #17
inline ScriptEngine* getEngine(HSQUIRRELVM vm) {
    return static_cast<ScriptEngine*>(sq_getforeignptr(vm));
예제 #18
Context* Context::Detail::getContext(HSQUIRRELVM vm)
    return static_cast<Context*>(sq_getforeignptr(vm));
예제 #19
	 * Get the pointer as set by SetGlobalPointer.
	static void *GetGlobalPointer(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { return ((Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm))->global_pointer; }
예제 #20
// HANDLE VwCreateWin(
// VApiHandle hWndParent, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, 
// WCHAR* wszRegName, WCHAR* wszNewName, BOOL bIsAlpha)
SQInteger VwCreateWin(HSQUIRRELVM v)
    SQInteger        nargs           = sq_gettop(v);
    SQInteger        nWndParent      = 0;
    HWND             hWndParent      = NULL;
    CUIImage*        pImg            = NULL;
    CScriptMgr*      pMgr            = NULL;
    CPaintManagerUI* pPM             = NULL;
    int              X               = 0;
    int              Y               = 0;
    int              nWidth          = 0;
    int              nHeight         = 0;
    const SQChar*    pwszRegName     = NULL;
    const SQChar*    pwszNewName     = NULL;
    WCHAR            wszNewName[60]  = {0};
    SQBool           bIsAlphaWin     = NULL;
    WinMgrItem*      pWinMgrIt       = NULL;
    HWND             hWnd            = NULL;
    CWindowWnd*      pWinObj         = NULL;
    SQInteger        nRet            = 0;
    CMarkupNode*     pRootXm         = NULL;

    if (!v || 8 + 1 != nargs) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 2)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 3)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 4)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 5)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_INTEGER != sq_gettype(v, 6)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_STRING != sq_gettype(v, 7)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_STRING != sq_gettype(v, 8)) {goto _Exit_;}
    if (OT_BOOL != sq_gettype(v, 9)) {goto _Exit_;}

    sq_getinteger(v, 2, &nWndParent);
    sq_getinteger(v, 3, &X);
    sq_getinteger(v, 4, &Y);
    sq_getinteger(v, 5, &nWidth);
    sq_getinteger(v, 6, &nHeight);
    sq_getstring(v, 7, &pwszRegName);
    //sq_getinteger(v, 8, &wszNewName);
    sq_getbool(v, 9, &bIsAlphaWin);

    swprintf_s(wszNewName, 60, L"%x", ::GetTickCount());

    if (nWndParent) {
        hWndParent = QiHwHandleToWin(nWndParent)->pWinObj->GetHWND();

    pMgr = (CScriptMgr*)sq_getforeignptr(v);
    if (!pMgr) {goto _Exit_;}
    pPM = pMgr->GetManager();
    if (!pPM || !pPM->GetWinMgr()) {goto _Exit_;}

    pWinMgrIt = pPM->GetWinMgr()->FindWinByName(pwszRegName);
    if (!pWinMgrIt) {goto _Exit_;}

    // 新建立个模板,因为需要可重复用以前的名字
    pRootXm = new CMarkupNode(*pWinMgrIt->pWinXML);
    pWinObj = new CWindowTemplate(pWinMgrIt->pWinObj);

    pWinMgrIt = pPM->GetWinMgr()->AddOneWin(pWinObj, 
        wszNewName, pRootXm, X, Y, nWidth, 
        nHeight, pWinMgrIt->dwStyle, pWinMgrIt->dwExStyle, &pWinMgrIt->ExInfo);

    if (!bIsAlphaWin) {
        hWnd = pWinObj->Create(hWndParent, pwszNewName,
            pWinMgrIt->dwStyle, pWinMgrIt->dwExStyle,
            X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, 0);
    } else {
        hWnd = pWinObj->CreateAlphaWin(hWndParent, pwszNewName,
            pWinMgrIt->dwStyle | WS_EX_LAYERED, pWinMgrIt->dwExStyle,
            X, Y, nWidth, nHeight);

    if (!hWnd) {goto _Exit_;}

    nRet = QiHwObjToHandle(pWinMgrIt);

    sq_pushinteger(v, nRet);
    return 1;
예제 #21
/* static */ bool Squirrel::CreateClassInstanceVM(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *class_name, void *real_instance, HSQOBJECT *instance, SQRELEASEHOOK release_hook, bool prepend_API_name)
	Squirrel *engine = (Squirrel *)sq_getforeignptr(vm);

	int oldtop = sq_gettop(vm);

	/* First, find the class */

	if (prepend_API_name) {
		size_t len = strlen(class_name) + strlen(engine->GetAPIName()) + 1;
		char *class_name2 = (char *)alloca(len);
		seprintf(class_name2, class_name2 + len - 1, "%s%s", engine->GetAPIName(), class_name);

		sq_pushstring(vm, class_name2, -1);
	} else {
		sq_pushstring(vm, class_name, -1);

	if (SQ_FAILED(sq_get(vm, -2))) {
		DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to find class by the name '%s%s'", prepend_API_name ? engine->GetAPIName() : "", class_name);
		sq_settop(vm, oldtop);
		return false;

	/* Create the instance */
	if (SQ_FAILED(sq_createinstance(vm, -1))) {
		DEBUG(misc, 0, "[squirrel] Failed to create instance for class '%s%s'", prepend_API_name ? engine->GetAPIName() : "", class_name);
		sq_settop(vm, oldtop);
		return false;

	if (instance != NULL) {
		/* Find our instance */
		sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, instance);
		/* Add a reference to it, so it survives for ever */
		sq_addref(vm, instance);
	sq_remove(vm, -2); // Class-name
	sq_remove(vm, -2); // Root-table

	/* Store it in the class */
	sq_setinstanceup(vm, -1, real_instance);
	if (release_hook != NULL) sq_setreleasehook(vm, -1, release_hook);

	if (instance != NULL) sq_settop(vm, oldtop);

	return true;