예제 #1
파일: hash.c 프로젝트: kfengbest/GenericDB
/* Insert an element into the hash table pH.  The key is pKey,nKey
** and the data is "data".
** If no element exists with a matching key, then a new
** element is created.  A copy of the key is made if the copyKey
** flag is set.  NULL is returned.
** If another element already exists with the same key, then the
** new data replaces the old data and the old data is returned.
** The key is not copied in this instance.  If a malloc fails, then
** the new data is returned and the hash table is unchanged.
** If the "data" parameter to this function is NULL, then the
** element corresponding to "key" is removed from the hash table.
void *sqlite3HashInsert(Hash *pH, const void *pKey, int nKey, void *data){
  int hraw;             /* Raw hash value of the key */
  int h;                /* the hash of the key modulo hash table size */
  HashElem *elem;       /* Used to loop thru the element list */
  HashElem *new_elem;   /* New element added to the pH */

  assert( pH!=0 );
  hraw = strHash(pKey, nKey);
  if( pH->htsize ){
    h = hraw % pH->htsize;
    elem = findElementGivenHash(pH,pKey,nKey,h);
    if( elem ){
      void *old_data = elem->data;
      if( data==0 ){
        elem->data = data;
        if( !pH->copyKey ){
          elem->pKey = (void *)pKey;
      return old_data;
  if( data==0 ) return 0;
  new_elem = (HashElem*)sqlite3Malloc( sizeof(HashElem) );
  if( new_elem==0 ) return data;
  if( pH->copyKey && pKey!=0 ){
    new_elem->pKey = sqlite3Malloc( nKey );
    if( new_elem->pKey==0 ){
      return data;
    memcpy((void*)new_elem->pKey, pKey, nKey);
    new_elem->pKey = (void*)pKey;
  new_elem->nKey = nKey;
  if( pH->htsize==0 ){
    rehash(pH, 128/sizeof(pH->ht[0]));
    if( pH->htsize==0 ){
      pH->count = 0;
      if( pH->copyKey ){
      return data;
  if( pH->count > pH->htsize ){
  assert( pH->htsize>0 );
  h = hraw % pH->htsize;
  insertElement(pH, &pH->ht[h], new_elem);
  new_elem->data = data;
  return 0;
예제 #2
파일: crypto.c 프로젝트: TheDleo/ocRosa
  * Initialize a a new cipher_ctx struct. This function will allocate memory
  * for the cipher context and for the key
  * returns SQLITE_OK if initialization was successful
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
static int cipher_ctx_init(cipher_ctx **iCtx) {
  cipher_ctx *ctx;
  *iCtx = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(cipher_ctx));
  ctx = *iCtx;
  if(ctx == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(cipher_ctx)); 
  ctx->key = sqlite3Malloc(EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
  if(ctx->key == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #3
파일: crypto.c 프로젝트: qianwang/sqlcipher
int sqlite3CodecAttach(sqlite3* db, int nDb, const void *zKey, int nKey) {
  struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[nDb];
  if(nKey && zKey && pDb->pBt) {
    codec_ctx *ctx;
    Pager *pPager = pDb->pBt->pBt->pPager;
    int prepared_key_sz;

    ctx = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(codec_ctx));
    if(ctx == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(codec_ctx)); /* initialize all pointers and values to 0 */
    ctx->pBt = pDb->pBt; /* assign pointer to database btree structure */
    /* pre-allocate a page buffer of PageSize bytes. This will
       be used as a persistent buffer for encryption and decryption 
       operations to avoid overhead of multiple memory allocations*/
    ctx->buffer = sqlite3Malloc(sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(ctx->pBt));
    if(ctx->buffer == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    ctx->key_sz = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(CIPHER);
    ctx->iv_sz = EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(CIPHER);
    /* allocate space for salt data */
    ctx->salt = sqlite3Malloc(FILE_HEADER_SZ);
    if(ctx->salt == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    /* allocate space for salt data */
    ctx->key = sqlite3Malloc(ctx->key_sz);
    if(ctx->key == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    /* allocate space for raw key data */
    ctx->pass = sqlite3Malloc(nKey);
    if(ctx->pass == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(ctx->pass, zKey, nKey);
    ctx->pass_sz = nKey;

    /* read the first 16 bytes directly off the database file. This is the salt. */
    sqlite3_file *fd = sqlite3Pager_get_fd(pPager);
    if(fd == NULL || sqlite3OsRead(fd, ctx->salt, 16, 0) != SQLITE_OK) {
      /* if unable to read the bytes, generate random salt */
      RAND_pseudo_bytes(ctx->salt, FILE_HEADER_SZ);
    codec_prepare_key(db, zKey, nKey, ctx->salt, FILE_HEADER_SZ, ctx->key, &prepared_key_sz);
    assert(prepared_key_sz == ctx->key_sz);
    sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(ctx->pBt, sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(ctx->pBt), ctx->iv_sz, 0);
    sqlite3PagerSetCodec(sqlite3BtreePager(pDb->pBt), sqlite3Codec, (void *) ctx);
    return SQLITE_OK;
  return SQLITE_ERROR;
예제 #4
** Allocate and zero memory.  If the allocation fails, make
** the mallocFailed flag in the connection pointer.
** If db!=0 and db->mallocFailed is true (indicating a prior malloc
** failure on the same database connection) then always return 0.
** Hence for a particular database connection, once malloc starts
** failing, it fails consistently until mallocFailed is reset.
** This is an important assumption.  There are many places in the
** code that do things like this:
**         int *a = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 100);
**         int *b = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 200);
**         if( b ) a[10] = 9;
** In other words, if a subsequent malloc (ex: "b") worked, it is assumed
** that all prior mallocs (ex: "a") worked too.
void *sqlite3DbMallocRaw(sqlite3 *db, int n){
  void *p;
  assert( db==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
  if( db ){
    LookasideSlot *pBuf;
    if( db->mallocFailed ){
      return 0;
    if( db->lookaside.bEnabled && n<=db->lookaside.sz
         && (pBuf = db->lookaside.pFree)!=0 ){
      db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf->pNext;
      if( db->lookaside.nOut>db->lookaside.mxOut ){
        db->lookaside.mxOut = db->lookaside.nOut;
      return (void*)pBuf;
  if( db && db->mallocFailed ){
    return 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( !p && db ){
    db->mallocFailed = 1;
            (db && db->lookaside.bEnabled) ? MEMTYPE_DB : MEMTYPE_HEAP);
  return p;
예제 #5
void testAppend(){
	OsFile id;/* I don't like the implementation since OSFile need to create by myself*/
	int Readonly;

	int i,nPages;
	double time;
	char * buf=sqlite3Malloc(config.pagesize);
	rc = sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite( config.datfile, &id, &Readonly);
	errorHandle(rc, "can't open the file");

	for(nPages=1; nPages<=config.pagenum; nPages++){
		printf("append %d pages!\n",nPages);
			sqlite3Randomness(config.pagesize, buf);
			rc = sqlite3OsWrite(&id, buf, config.pagesize);
			errorHandle(rc, "write error");
		time = get_timer();
		pr_times(config.recordfile, time);

	rc= sqlite3OsClose(&id);
	errorHandle(rc, "can't close the file");

    //TODO can't find the defintion, do it later
    //sqlite3Free((void *)buf);
예제 #6
파일: threads.c 프로젝트: 1018824313/sqlite
/* Create a new thread */
int sqlite3ThreadCreate(
  SQLiteThread **ppThread,  /* OUT: Write the thread object here */
  void *(*xTask)(void*),    /* Routine to run in a separate thread */
  void *pIn                 /* Argument passed into xTask() */
  SQLiteThread *p;
  int rc;

  assert( ppThread!=0 );
  assert( xTask!=0 );
  /* This routine is never used in single-threaded mode */
  assert( sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex!=0 );

  *ppThread = 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(*p));
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  p->xTask = xTask;
  p->pIn = pIn;
  /* If the SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL callback is registered to a 
  ** function that returns SQLITE_ERROR when passed the argument 200, that
  ** forces worker threads to run sequentially and deterministically 
  ** for testing purposes. */
  if( sqlite3FaultSim(200) ){
    rc = 1;
    rc = pthread_create(&p->tid, 0, xTask, pIn);
  if( rc ){
    p->done = 1;
    p->pOut = xTask(pIn);
  *ppThread = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #7
** Allocate and zero memory.  If the allocation fails, make
** the mallocFailed flag in the connection pointer.
** If db!=0 and db->mallocFailed is true (indicating a prior malloc
** failure on the same database connection) then always return 0.
** Hence for a particular database connection, once malloc starts
** failing, it fails consistently until mallocFailed is reset.
** This is an important assumption.  There are many places in the
** code that do things like this:
**         int *a = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 100);
**         int *b = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 200);
**         if( b ) a[10] = 9;
** In other words, if a subsequent malloc (ex: "b") worked, it is assumed
** that all prior mallocs (ex: "a") worked too.
void *sqlite3DbMallocRaw(sqlite3 *db, int n){
  void *p;
  if( db ){
    LookasideSlot *pBuf;
    if( db->mallocFailed ){
      return 0;
    if( db->lookaside.bEnabled && n<=db->lookaside.sz
         && (pBuf = db->lookaside.pFree)!=0 ){
      db->lookaside.pFree = pBuf->pNext;
      if( db->lookaside.nOut>db->lookaside.mxOut ){
        db->lookaside.mxOut = db->lookaside.nOut;
      return (void*)pBuf;
  if( db && db->mallocFailed ){
    return 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( !p && db ){
    db->mallocFailed = 1;
  return p;
예제 #8
** Malloc function used within this file to allocate space from the buffer
** configured using sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE) option. If no
** such buffer exists or there is no space left in it, this function falls
** back to sqlite3Malloc().
** Multiple threads can run this routine at the same time.  Global variables
** in pcache1 need to be protected via mutex.
static void *pcache1Alloc(int nByte){
  void *p = 0;
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_notheld(pcache1.grp.mutex) );
  if( nByte<=pcache1.szSlot ){
    p = (PgHdr1 *)pcache1.pFree;
    if( p ){
      pcache1.pFree = pcache1.pFree->pNext;
      pcache1.bUnderPressure = pcache1.nFreeSlot<pcache1.nReserve;
      assert( pcache1.nFreeSlot>=0 );
      sqlite3StatusHighwater(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, nByte);
      sqlite3StatusUp(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, 1);
  if( p==0 ){
    /* Memory is not available in the SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE pool.  Get
    ** it from sqlite3Malloc instead.
    p = sqlite3Malloc(nByte);
    if( p ){
      int sz = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
      sqlite3StatusHighwater(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, nByte);
    sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_PCACHE);
  return p;
예제 #9
** Allocate a page cache line.  Look in the page cache memory pool first
** and use an element from it first if available.  If nothing is available
** in the page cache memory pool, go to the general purpose memory allocator.
static void *pcacheMalloc(int sz, PCache *pCache){
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pcache_g.mutex) );
  if( sz<=pcache_g.szSlot && pcache_g.pFree ){
    PgFreeslot *p = pcache_g.pFree;
    pcache_g.pFree = p->pNext;
    sqlite3StatusSet(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, sz);
    sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, 1);
    return (void*)p;
    void *p;

    /* Allocate a new buffer using sqlite3Malloc. Before doing so, exit the
    ** global pcache mutex and unlock the pager-cache object pCache. This is 
    ** so that if the attempt to allocate a new buffer causes the the 
    ** configured soft-heap-limit to be breached, it will be possible to
    ** reclaim memory from this pager-cache.
    p = sqlite3Malloc(sz);

    if( p ){
      sz = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
    return p;
예제 #10
** The sqlite3_mutex_alloc() routine allocates a new
** mutex and returns a pointer to it.  If it returns NULL
** that means that a mutex could not be allocated. 
static sqlite3_mutex *debugMutexAlloc(int id){
  static sqlite3_debug_mutex aStatic[SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_APP3 - 1];
  sqlite3_debug_mutex *pNew = 0;
  switch( id ){
      pNew = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(*pNew));
      if( pNew ){
        pNew->id = id;
        pNew->cnt = 0;
    default: {
      if( id-2<0 || id-2>=ArraySize(aStatic) ){
        return 0;
      pNew = &aStatic[id-2];
      pNew->id = id;
  return (sqlite3_mutex*)pNew;
예제 #11
** Check schema cookies in all databases.  If any cookie is out
** of date, return 0.  If all schema cookies are current, return 1.
static int schemaIsValid(sqlite3 *db){
  int iDb;
  int rc;
  BtCursor *curTemp;
  int cookie;
  int allOk = 1;

  curTemp = (BtCursor *)sqlite3Malloc(sqlite3BtreeCursorSize());
  if( curTemp ){
    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
    for(iDb=0; allOk && iDb<db->nDb; iDb++){
      Btree *pBt;
      pBt = db->aDb[iDb].pBt;
      if( pBt==0 ) continue;
      memset(curTemp, 0, sqlite3BtreeCursorSize());
      rc = sqlite3BtreeCursor(pBt, MASTER_ROOT, 0, 0, curTemp);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(pBt, 1, (u32 *)&cookie);
        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && cookie!=db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie ){
          allOk = 0;
      if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ){
        db->mallocFailed = 1;
    allOk = 0;
    db->mallocFailed = 1;

  return allOk;
예제 #12
파일: threads.c 프로젝트: 1018824313/sqlite
/* Create a new thread */
int sqlite3ThreadCreate(
  SQLiteThread **ppThread,  /* OUT: Write the thread object here */
  void *(*xTask)(void*),    /* Routine to run in a separate thread */
  void *pIn                 /* Argument passed into xTask() */
  SQLiteThread *p;

  assert( ppThread!=0 );
  assert( xTask!=0 );
  *ppThread = 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(*p));
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
  /* If the SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL callback is registered to a 
  ** function that returns SQLITE_ERROR when passed the argument 200, that
  ** forces worker threads to run sequentially and deterministically 
  ** (via the sqlite3FaultSim() term of the conditional) for testing
  ** purposes. */
  if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex==0 || sqlite3FaultSim(200) ){
    memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
    p->xTask = xTask;
    p->pIn = pIn;
    p->tid = (void*)_beginthreadex(0, 0, sqlite3ThreadProc, p, 0, &p->id);
    if( p->tid==0 ){
      memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  if( p->xTask==0 ){
    p->id = GetCurrentThreadId();
    p->pResult = xTask(pIn);
  *ppThread = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #13
** Malloc function used within this file to allocate space from the buffer
** configured using sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE) option. If no 
** such buffer exists or there is no space left in it, this function falls 
** back to sqlite3Malloc().
static void *pcache1Alloc(int nByte){
  void *p;
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pcache1.mutex) );
  if( nByte<=pcache1.szSlot && pcache1.pFree ){
    assert( pcache1.isInit );
    p = (PgHdr1 *)pcache1.pFree;
    pcache1.pFree = pcache1.pFree->pNext;
    sqlite3StatusSet(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, nByte);
    sqlite3StatusAdd(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, 1);

    /* Allocate a new buffer using sqlite3Malloc. Before doing so, exit the
    ** global pcache mutex and unlock the pager-cache object pCache. This is 
    ** so that if the attempt to allocate a new buffer causes the the 
    ** configured soft-heap-limit to be breached, it will be possible to
    ** reclaim memory from this pager-cache.
    p = sqlite3Malloc(nByte);
    if( p ){
      int sz = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
  return p;
예제 #14
** Try to initialize the pCache->pFree and pCache->pBulk fields.  Return
** true if pCache->pFree ends up containing one or more free pages.
static int pcache1InitBulk(PCache1 *pCache){
  i64 szBulk;
  char *zBulk;
  if( pcache1.nInitPage==0 ) return 0;
  /* Do not bother with a bulk allocation if the cache size very small */
  if( pCache->nMax<3 ) return 0;
  if( pcache1.nInitPage>0 ){
    szBulk = pCache->szAlloc * (i64)pcache1.nInitPage;
    szBulk = -1024 * (i64)pcache1.nInitPage;
  if( szBulk > pCache->szAlloc*(i64)pCache->nMax ){
    szBulk = pCache->szAlloc*pCache->nMax;
  zBulk = pCache->pBulk = sqlite3Malloc( szBulk );
  if( zBulk ){
    int nBulk = sqlite3MallocSize(zBulk)/pCache->szAlloc;
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<nBulk; i++){
      PgHdr1 *pX = (PgHdr1*)&zBulk[pCache->szPage];
      pX->page.pBuf = zBulk;
      pX->page.pExtra = &pX[1];
      pX->isBulkLocal = 1;
      pX->isAnchor = 0;
      pX->pNext = pCache->pFree;
      pCache->pFree = pX;
      zBulk += pCache->szAlloc;
  return pCache->pFree!=0;
예제 #15
파일: hash.c 프로젝트: 77songsong/sqlite3
/* Resize the hash table so that it cantains "new_size" buckets.
** The hash table might fail to resize if sqlite3_malloc() fails or
** if the new size is the same as the prior size.
** Return TRUE if the resize occurs and false if not.
static int rehash(Hash *pH, unsigned int new_size){
  struct _ht *new_ht;            /* The new hash table */
  HashElem *elem, *next_elem;    /* For looping over existing elements */

  if( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht)>SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT ){
    new_size = SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT/sizeof(struct _ht);
  if( new_size==pH->htsize ) return 0;

  /* The inability to allocates space for a larger hash table is
  ** a performance hit but it is not a fatal error.  So mark the
  ** allocation as a benign.
  new_ht = (struct _ht *)sqlite3Malloc( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht) );

  if( new_ht==0 ) return 0;
  pH->ht = new_ht;
  pH->htsize = new_size = sqlite3MallocSize(new_ht)/sizeof(struct _ht);
  memset(new_ht, 0, new_size*sizeof(struct _ht));
  for(elem=pH->first, pH->first=0; elem; elem = next_elem){
    unsigned int h = strHash(elem->pKey, elem->nKey) % new_size;
    next_elem = elem->next;
    insertElement(pH, &new_ht[h], elem);
  return 1;
예제 #16
** Allocate a new page object initially associated with cache pCache.
static PgHdr1 *pcache1AllocPage(PCache1 *pCache){
  PgHdr1 *p = 0;
  void *pPg;

  /* The group mutex must be released before pcache1Alloc() is called. This
  ** is because it may call sqlite3_release_memory(), which assumes that 
  ** this mutex is not held. */
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCache->pGroup->mutex) );
  pPg = pcache1Alloc(pCache->szPage);
  p = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(PgHdr1) + pCache->szExtra);
  if( !pPg || !p ){
    pPg = 0;
  pPg = pcache1Alloc(sizeof(PgHdr1) + pCache->szPage + pCache->szExtra);
  p = (PgHdr1 *)&((u8 *)pPg)[pCache->szPage];

  if( pPg ){
    p->page.pBuf = pPg;
    p->page.pExtra = &p[1];
    if( pCache->bPurgeable ){
    return p;
  return 0;
예제 #17
** Allocate and zero memory.
void *sqlite3MallocZero(u64 n){
  void *p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( p ){
    memset(p, 0, (size_t)n);
  return p;
예제 #18
** Attempt to increase the size the hash table to contain
** at least nHash buckets.
static int pcacheResizeHash(PCache *pCache, int nHash){
  PgHdr *p;
  PgHdr **pNew;
  assert( pcacheMutexHeld() );
  if( nHash*sizeof(PgHdr*)>SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT ){
    nHash = SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT/sizeof(PgHdr *);
  pNew = (PgHdr **)sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(PgHdr*)*nHash);
  if( !pNew ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(PgHdr *)*nHash);
  pCache->apHash = pNew;
  pCache->nHash = nHash;
  pCache->nPage = 0;
  for(p=pCache->pClean; p; p=p->pNext){
  for(p=pCache->pDirty; p; p=p->pNext){
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #19
/* Create a new thread */
int sqlite3ThreadCreate(
  SQLiteThread **ppThread,  /* OUT: Write the thread object here */
  void *(*xTask)(void*),    /* Routine to run in a separate thread */
  void *pIn                 /* Argument passed into xTask() */
  SQLiteThread *p;
  int rc;

  assert( ppThread!=0 );
  assert( xTask!=0 );
  /* This routine is never used in single-threaded mode */
  assert( sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex!=0 );

  *ppThread = 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(*p));
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  p->xTask = xTask;
  p->pIn = pIn;
  if( sqlite3FaultSim(200) ){
    rc = 1;
    rc = pthread_create(&p->tid, 0, xTask, pIn);
  if( rc ){
    p->done = 1;
    p->pOut = xTask(pIn);
  *ppThread = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #20
** Allocate and zero memory.
void *sqlite3MallocZero(int n){
  void *p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( p ){
    memset(p, 0, n);
  return p;
예제 #21
/* Create a new thread */
int sqlite3ThreadCreate(
  SQLiteThread **ppThread,  /* OUT: Write the thread object here */
  void *(*xTask)(void*),    /* Routine to run in a separate thread */
  void *pIn                 /* Argument passed into xTask() */
  SQLiteThread *p;

  assert( ppThread!=0 );
  assert( xTask!=0 );
  *ppThread = 0;
  p = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(*p));
  if( p==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex==0 ){
    memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
    p->xTask = xTask;
    p->pIn = pIn;
    p->tid = (void*)_beginthreadex(0, 0, sqlite3ThreadProc, p, 0, &p->id);
    if( p->tid==0 ){
      memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  if( p->xTask==0 ){
    p->id = GetCurrentThreadId();
    p->pResult = xTask(pIn);
  *ppThread = p;
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #22
파일: hash.c 프로젝트: 0x7678/owasp-igoat
/* Resize the hash table so that it cantains "new_size" buckets.
** The hash table might fail to resize if sqlite3_malloc() fails or
** if the new size is the same as the prior size.
** Return TRUE if the resize occurs and false if not.
static int rehash(Hash *pH, unsigned int new_size){
  struct _ht *new_ht;            /* The new hash table */
  HashElem *elem, *next_elem;    /* For looping over existing elements */

  if( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht)>SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT ){
    new_size = SQLITE_MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT/sizeof(struct _ht);
  if( new_size==pH->htsize ) return 0;

  /* The inability to allocates space for a larger hash table is
  ** a performance hit but it is not a fatal error.  So mark the
  ** allocation as a benign. Use sqlite3Malloc()/memset(0) instead of 
  ** sqlite3MallocZero() to make the allocation, as sqlite3MallocZero()
  ** only zeroes the requested number of bytes whereas this module will
  ** use the actual amount of space allocated for the hash table (which
  ** may be larger than the requested amount).
  new_ht = (struct _ht *)sqlite3Malloc( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht) );

  if( new_ht==0 ) return 0;
  pH->ht = new_ht;
  pH->htsize = new_size = sqlite3MallocSize(new_ht)/sizeof(struct _ht);
  memset(new_ht, 0, new_size*sizeof(struct _ht));
  for(elem=pH->first, pH->first=0; elem; elem = next_elem){
    unsigned int h = strHash(elem->pKey, elem->nKey) % new_size;
    next_elem = elem->next;
    insertElement(pH, &new_ht[h], elem);
  return 1;
예제 #23
** Allocate memory, either lookaside (if possible) or heap.  
** If the allocation fails, set the mallocFailed flag in
** the connection pointer.
** If db!=0 and db->mallocFailed is true (indicating a prior malloc
** failure on the same database connection) then always return 0.
** Hence for a particular database connection, once malloc starts
** failing, it fails consistently until mallocFailed is reset.
** This is an important assumption.  There are many places in the
** code that do things like this:
**         int *a = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 100);
**         int *b = (int*)sqlite3DbMallocRaw(db, 200);
**         if( b ) a[10] = 9;
** In other words, if a subsequent malloc (ex: "b") worked, it is assumed
** that all prior mallocs (ex: "a") worked too.
** The sqlite3MallocRawNN() variant guarantees that the "db" parameter is
** not a NULL pointer.
void *sqlite3DbMallocRaw(sqlite3 *db, u64 n){
  void *p;
  if( db ) return sqlite3DbMallocRawNN(db, n);
  p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
  return p;
예제 #24
파일: hash.c 프로젝트: luobende/gadgets
/* Insert an element into the hash table pH.  The key is pKey
** and the data is "data".
** If no element exists with a matching key, then a new
** element is created and NULL is returned.
** If another element already exists with the same key, then the
** new data replaces the old data and the old data is returned.
** The key is not copied in this instance.  If a malloc fails, then
** the new data is returned and the hash table is unchanged.
** If the "data" parameter to this function is NULL, then the
** element corresponding to "key" is removed from the hash table.
void *sqlite3HashInsert(Hash *pH, const char *pKey, void *data) {
    unsigned int h;       /* the hash of the key modulo hash table size */
    HashElem *elem;       /* Used to loop thru the element list */
    HashElem *new_elem;   /* New element added to the pH */

    assert( pH!=0 );
    assert( pKey!=0 );
    elem = findElementWithHash(pH,pKey,&h);
    if( elem ) {
        void *old_data = elem->data;
        if( data==0 ) {
        } else {
            elem->data = data;
            elem->pKey = pKey;
        return old_data;
    if( data==0 ) return 0;
    new_elem = (HashElem*)sqlite3Malloc( sizeof(HashElem) );
    if( new_elem==0 ) return data;
    new_elem->pKey = pKey;
    new_elem->data = data;
    if( pH->count>=10 && pH->count > 2*pH->htsize ) {
        if( rehash(pH, pH->count*2) ) {
            assert( pH->htsize>0 );
            h = strHash(pKey) % pH->htsize;
    insertElement(pH, pH->ht ? &pH->ht[h] : 0, new_elem);
    return 0;
예제 #25
/* Finish the work of sqlite3DbMallocRawNN for the unusual and
** slower case when the allocation cannot be fulfilled using lookaside.
static SQLITE_NOINLINE void *dbMallocRawFinish(sqlite3 *db, u64 n){
  void *p;
  assert( db!=0 );
  p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( !p ) sqlite3OomFault(db);
         (db->lookaside.bDisable==0) ? MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE : MEMTYPE_HEAP);
  return p;
예제 #26
파일: malloc.c 프로젝트: whr4935/sqlite
static SQLITE_NOINLINE void *dbMallocRawFinish(sqlite3 *db, u64 n){
  void *p = sqlite3Malloc(n);
  if( !p && db ){
    db->mallocFailed = 1;
         (db && db->lookaside.bEnabled) ? MEMTYPE_LOOKASIDE : MEMTYPE_HEAP);
  return p;
예제 #27
파일: crypto.c 프로젝트: 4nkh/rhodes
int sqlite3CodecAttach(sqlite3* db, int nDb, const void *pKey, int nKey) 
    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[nDb];


    if ( nKey && pKey && pDb->pBt ) 
        Pager *pPager = sqlite3BtreePager(pDb->pBt);
        sqlite3_file *fd;

        CRhoSqliteCodecCtx* pRhoCtx = sqlite3Malloc(sizeof(CRhoSqliteCodecCtx));
        memset(pRhoCtx, 0, sizeof(CRhoSqliteCodecCtx));
        pRhoCtx->m_szPartition = sqlite3Malloc(nKey);
        memcpy(pRhoCtx->m_szPartition, pKey, nKey);
        pRhoCtx->m_nPartLen = nKey;
        pRhoCtx->m_pPageBuffer = sqlite3Malloc(SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);

        sqlite3PagerSetCodec( pPager, sqlite3Codec, NULL, sqlite3FreeCodecArg, (void *)pRhoCtx );
        fd = (isOpen(pPager->fd)) ? pPager->fd : NULL;


        /* Always overwrite page size and set to the default because the first page of the database
        in encrypted and thus sqlite can't effectively determine the pagesize. this causes an issue in 
        cases where bytes 16 & 17 of the page header are a power of 2 as reported by John Lehman

        Note: before forcing the page size we need to force pageSizeFixed to 0, else  
        sqliteBtreeSetPageSize will block the change 
        pDb->pBt->pBt->pageSizeFixed = 0; 
        sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize( pDb->pBt, SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH, 0 );

        /* if fd is null, then this is an in-memory database and
        we dont' want to overwrite the AutoVacuum settings
        if not null, then set to the default */
        if ( fd != NULL ) 
            sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(pDb->pBt, SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM);


    return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #28
파일: crypto.c 프로젝트: TheDleo/ocRosa
  * Set the raw password / key data for a cipher context
  * returns SQLITE_OK if assignment was successfull
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
  * returns SQLITE_ERROR if the key couldn't be set because the pass was null or size was zero
static int cipher_ctx_set_pass(cipher_ctx *ctx, const void *zKey, int nKey) {
  codec_free(ctx->pass, ctx->pass_sz);
  ctx->pass_sz = nKey;
  if(zKey && nKey) {
    ctx->pass = sqlite3Malloc(nKey);
    if(ctx->pass == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    memcpy(ctx->pass, zKey, nKey);
    return SQLITE_OK;
  return SQLITE_ERROR;
예제 #29
파일: crypto.c 프로젝트: TheDleo/ocRosa
  * Copy one cipher_ctx to another. For instance, assuming that read_ctx is a 
  * fully initialized context, you could copy it to write_ctx and all yet data
  * and pass information across
  * returns SQLITE_OK if initialization was successful
  * returns SQLITE_NOMEM if an error occured allocating memory
static int cipher_ctx_copy(cipher_ctx *target, cipher_ctx *source) {
  void *key = target->key; 
  CODEC_TRACE(("cipher_ctx_copy: entered target=%d, source=%d\n", target, source));
  codec_free(target->pass, target->pass_sz); 
  memcpy(target, source, sizeof(cipher_ctx));
  target->key = key; //restore pointer to previously allocated key data
  memcpy(target->key, source->key, EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
  target->pass = sqlite3Malloc(source->pass_sz);
  if(target->pass == NULL) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memcpy(target->pass, source->pass, source->pass_sz);
  return SQLITE_OK;
예제 #30
** Allocate nByte bytes of space using sqlite3_malloc(). If the
** allocation fails, call sqlite3_result_error_nomem() to notify
** the database handle that malloc() has failed.
static void *contextMalloc(sqlite3_context *context, i64 nByte){
  char *z;
  if( nByte>sqlite3_context_db_handle(context)->aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] ){
    z = 0;
    z = sqlite3Malloc(nByte);
    if( !z && nByte>0 ){
  return z;