int square_sum (int i)
	if (i == 1)
		return 1;
		return square_sum(i - 1) + i * i;
int main (void)
	int i, result;
	scanf("%d", &i);
	printf("%d\n", square_sum(i));
	return 0;
bool speech_detect_strategy::check_speech(const audio_record &v)
    unsigned long long sum = square_sum(v);

    double ratio = ((double) sum) / noise_sqr_sum;

    return ratio >= threshold_ratio ;
예제 #4
int main( int argc, const char **argv )
    if ( argc == 2 ) {
        square *q = square_init( atoi(argv[1]) );
        printf("\nMagic sum : %d\n", square_sum(q));
    } else {
        printf("Wrong number of arguments, should be 1 and"
                " the argument have to be an integer\n");

    return 0;
예제 #5
  Real first(0);
  Real second(0);
  Real third(0);
  Real fourth(0);
  Real fifth(0);

  Real sixth;
  if(_n_OP_vars == 1)
    sixth = 0;
    sixth = 1;

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_n_OP_vars; i++)
    first += std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 2);
    second += std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 3);
    third += std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 4);

    Real square_sum(0);
    Real quad_sum(0);
    for (unsigned int j=0; j < _n_OP_vars; j++)
      if (j > i)
        square_sum += std::pow((*_OP[j])[_qp], 2);

      if (j != i)
        quad_sum += std::pow((*_OP[j])[_qp], 4);

    fourth +=  ( std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 2) )*square_sum;
    fifth += ( std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 2) )*quad_sum;

    sixth *= std::pow((*_OP[i])[_qp], 2);

  _g = first - 2*second + third + fourth + fifth + sixth;
예제 #6
static int swisseph(char *buf)
  char serr[AS_MAXCH*2], serr_save[AS_MAXCH], serr_warn[AS_MAXCH];
  char s[AS_MAXCH]; 
  char s1[AS_MAXCH], s2[AS_MAXCH];
  char star[AS_MAXCH];
  char *sp, *sp2;
  char se_pname[AS_MAXCH];
  char *spnam, *spnam2 = "";
  char *fmt = "PZBRS";
  char *plsel, *psp;
  char *gap = " ";
  double jut = 0.0, y_frac;
  int i, j;
  double hpos;
  int jday, jmon, jyear, jhour, jmin, jsec;
  int ipl, ipldiff = SE_SUN;
  double x[6], xequ[6], xcart[6], xcartq[6];
  double cusp[12+1];    /* cusp[0] + 12 houses */
  double ascmc[10];		/* asc, mc, vertex ...*/
  double ar, sinp;
  double a, sidt, armc, lon, lat;
  double eps_true, eps_mean, nutl, nuto;
  char ephepath[AS_MAXCH];
  char fname[AS_MAXCH];
  char splan[100], sast[AS_MAXCH];
  int nast, iast;
  long astno[100];
  long iflag = 0, iflag2;              /* external flag: helio, geo... */
  long iflgret;
  long whicheph = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
  AS_BOOL universal_time = FALSE;
  AS_BOOL calc_house_pos = FALSE;
  short gregflag;
  AS_BOOL diff_mode = FALSE;
  int round_flag = 0;
  double tjd_ut = 2415020.5;
  double tjd_et, t2;
  double delt;
  char bc[20];
  char *jul;
  int hsys = (int) *pd.hsysname;
  *serr = *serr_save = *serr_warn = '\0';
  strcpy(ephepath, SE_EPHE_PATH);
  if (strcmp(pd.ephe, ephe[1]) == 0) {
    whicheph = SEFLG_JPLEPH;
    strcpy(fname, SE_FNAME_DE406);
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ephe, ephe[0]) == 0) 
    whicheph = SEFLG_SWIEPH;
    whicheph = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
  if (strcmp(pd.etut, "UT") == 0)
    universal_time = TRUE;
  if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[0]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_D;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[1]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_P;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.plansel, plansel[2]) == 0) {
    plsel = PLSEL_A;
  if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[0]) == 0)
    calc_house_pos = TRUE;
  else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[1]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
    calc_house_pos = TRUE;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[2]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[3]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_BARYCTR;
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[4]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
	swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_FAGAN_BRADLEY, 0, 0);
  } else if (strcmp(pd.ctr, ctr[5]) == 0) {
    iflag |= SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
	swe_set_sid_mode(SE_SIDM_LAHIRI, 0, 0);
#if 0
  } else {
  lon = pd.lon_deg + pd.lon_min / 60.0 + pd.lon_sec / 3600.0;
  if (*pd.lon_e_w == 'W')
    lon = -lon;
  lat = pd.lat_deg + pd.lat_min / 60.0 + pd.lat_sec / 3600.0;
  if (*pd.lat_n_s == 'S')
    lat = -lat;
  sprintf(s, "Planet Positions from %s \n\n", pd.ephe);
  do_print(buf, s);                               
  if (whicheph & SEFLG_JPLEPH)
  iflag = (iflag & ~SEFLG_EPHMASK) | whicheph;
  iflag |= SEFLG_SPEED;
#if 0
  if (pd.helio) iflag |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
  if ((long) pd.year * 10000L + (long) pd.mon * 100L + (long) pd.mday < 15821015L) 
    gregflag = FALSE;
    gregflag = TRUE;
  jday = pd.mday;
  jmon = pd.mon;
  jyear = pd.year;
  jhour = pd.hour;
  jmin = pd.min;
  jsec = pd.sec;
  jut = jhour + jmin / 60.0 + jsec / 3600.0;
  tjd_ut = swe_julday(jyear,jmon,jday,jut,gregflag);
  swe_revjul(tjd_ut, gregflag, &jyear, &jmon, &jday, &jut);
  jut += 0.5 / 3600;
  jhour = (int) jut;
  jmin = (int) fmod(jut * 60, 60);
  jsec = (int) fmod(jut * 3600, 60);
  *bc = '\0';
  if (pd.year <= 0)
    sprintf(bc, "(%d B.C.)", 1 - jyear);
  if (jyear * 10000L + jmon * 100L + jday <= 15821004)
    jul = "jul.";
    jul = "";
  sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d %s %s    %#02d:%#02d:%#02d %s\n",
    jday, jmon, jyear, bc, jul,
    jhour, jmin, jsec, pd.etut);
  do_print(buf, s);
  jut = jhour + jmin / 60.0 + jsec / 3600.0;
  if (universal_time) {
    delt = swe_deltat(tjd_ut);
    sprintf(s, " delta t: %f sec", delt * 86400.0);
    do_print(buf, s);
    tjd_et = tjd_ut + delt;
  } else
    tjd_et = tjd_ut;
  sprintf(s, " jd (ET) = %f\n", tjd_et);
  do_print(buf, s);
  iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, SE_ECL_NUT, iflag, x, serr);
  eps_true = x[0];
  eps_mean = x[1];
  strcpy(s1, dms(eps_true, round_flag));
  strcpy(s2, dms(eps_mean, round_flag));
  sprintf(s, "\n%-15s %s%s%s    (true, mean)", "Ecl. obl.", s1, gap, s2);
  do_print(buf, s);
  nutl = x[2];
  nuto = x[3];
  strcpy(s1, dms(nutl, round_flag));
  strcpy(s2, dms(nuto, round_flag));
  sprintf(s, "\n%-15s %s%s%s    (dpsi, deps)", "Nutation", s1, gap, s2);
  do_print(buf, s);
  do_print(buf, "\n\n");
  do_print(buf, "               ecl. long.       ecl. lat.   ");
  do_print(buf, "    dist.          speed");
  if (calc_house_pos)
    do_print(buf, "          house");
  do_print(buf, "\n");
  if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR)
    swe_set_topo(lon, lat, pd.alt);
  sidt = swe_sidtime(tjd_ut) + lon / 15;
  if (sidt >= 24)
    sidt -= 24;
  if (sidt < 0)
    sidt += 24;
  armc = sidt * 15;
  /* additional asteroids */
  strcpy(splan, plsel);
  if (strcmp(plsel,PLSEL_P) == 0) {
    char *cpos[40];
    strcpy(sast, pd.sast);
    j = cut_str_any(sast, ",;. \t", cpos, 40);
    for (i = 0, nast = 0; i < j; i++) {
      if ((astno[nast] = atol(cpos[i])) > 0) {
	strcat(splan, "+");
  for (psp = splan, iast = 0; *psp != '\0'; psp++) {
    if (*psp == '+') {
      ipl = SE_AST_OFFSET + (int) astno[iast];
    } else
      ipl = letter_to_ipl(*psp);
    if (iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) {
      if (ipl == SE_SUN
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG)
    } else if (iflag & SEFLG_BARYCTR) {
      if (ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE
        || ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG)
    } else          /* geocentric */
      if (ipl == SE_EARTH)
    /* ecliptic position */
    if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR) {
      iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag, x, serr);
      strcpy(se_pname, star);
    } else {
      iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag, x, serr);
      swe_get_planet_name(ipl, se_pname);
	  if (ipl > SE_AST_OFFSET) {
   	    sprintf(s, "#%d", (int) astno[iast-1]);
		strcat(se_pname, "            ");
		strcpy(se_pname + 11 - strlen(s), s);
    if (iflgret >= 0) {
      if (calc_house_pos) {
        hpos = swe_house_pos(armc, lat, eps_true, hsys, x, serr);
        if (hpos == 0)
          iflgret = ERR;
    if (iflgret < 0) {
      if (*serr != '\0' && strcmp(serr, serr_save) != 0) {
        strcpy (serr_save, serr);
        do_print(buf, "error: ");
        do_print(buf, serr);
        do_print(buf, "\n");
    } else if (*serr != '\0' && *serr_warn == '\0')
      strcpy(serr_warn, serr);
    /* equator position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "aADdQ") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xequ, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xequ, serr);
    /* ecliptic cartesian position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "XU") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_XYZ;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcart, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcart, serr);
    /* equator cartesian position */
    if (strpbrk(fmt, "xu") != NULL) {
      iflag2 = iflag | SEFLG_XYZ | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
      if (ipl == SE_FIXSTAR)
        iflgret = swe_fixstar(star, tjd_et, iflag2, xcartq, serr);
        iflgret = swe_calc(tjd_et, ipl, iflag2, xcartq, serr);
    spnam = se_pname;
     * The string fmt contains a sequence of format specifiers;
     * each character in fmt creates a column, the columns are
     * sparated by the gap string.
    for (sp = fmt; *sp != '\0'; sp++) {
      if (sp != fmt) 
        do_print(buf, gap);
      switch(*sp) {
      case 'y':
          sprintf(s, "%d", jyear);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Y':
          jut = 0;
          t2 = swe_julday(jyear,1,1,jut,gregflag);
          y_frac = (tjd_ut - t2) / 365.0;
          sprintf(s, "%.2lf", jyear + y_frac);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'p':
          if (diff_mode)
            sprintf(s, "%d-%d", ipl, ipldiff);
            sprintf(s, "%d", ipl);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'P':
          if (diff_mode)
            sprintf(s, "%.3s-%.3s", spnam, spnam2);
            sprintf(s, "%-11s", spnam);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'J':
      case 'j':
          sprintf(s, "%.2f", tjd_ut);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'T':
          sprintf(s, "%02d.%02d.%d", jday, jmon, jyear);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 't':
          sprintf(s, "%02d%02d%02d", jyear % 100, jmon, jday);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'L':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag));
      case 'l':
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", x[0]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Z':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
      case 'S':
      case 's':
          if (*(sp+1) == 'S' || *(sp+1) == 's' || strpbrk(fmt, "XUxu") != NULL) {
            for (sp2 = fmt; *sp2 != '\0'; sp2++) {
              if (sp2 != fmt) 
                do_print(buf, gap);
              switch(*sp2) {
                case 'L':       /* speed! */
                case 'Z':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
                case 'l':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", x[3]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'B':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(x[4], round_flag));
                case 'b':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", x[4]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'A':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(xequ[3]/15, round_flag|SEFLG_EQUATORIAL));
                case 'a':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", xequ[3]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'D':       /* speed! */
                  do_print(buf, dms(xequ[4], round_flag));
                case 'd':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%11.7f", xequ[4]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'R':       /* speed! */
                case 'r':       /* speed! */
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[5]);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'U':       /* speed! */
                case 'X':       /* speed! */
                  if (*sp =='U') 
                    ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcart));
                    ar = 1;
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[3]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[4]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcart[5]/ar);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                case 'u':       /* speed! */
                case 'x':       /* speed! */
                  if (*sp =='u') 
                    ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcartq));
                    ar = 1;
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[3]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[4]/ar, gap);
                  do_print(buf, s);
                  sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcartq[5]/ar);
                  do_print(buf, s);
            if (*(sp+1) == 'S' || *(sp+1) == 's')
          } else {
            do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
      case 'B':
          do_print(buf, dms(x[1], round_flag));
      case 'b':
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", x[1]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'A': /* rectascensio */
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[0]/15, round_flag|SEFLG_EQUATORIAL));
      case 'a': /* rectascensio */
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", xequ[0]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'D': /* declination */
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[1], round_flag));
      case 'd': /* declination */
          sprintf(s, "%# 11.7f", xequ[1]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'R':
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'r':
          if ( ipl == SE_MOON ) { /* for moon print parallax */
            sinp = 8.794 / x[2];        /* in seconds of arc */
            ar = sinp * (1 + sinp * sinp * 3.917402e-12);
            /* the factor is 1 / (3600^2 * (180/pi)^2 * 6) */
            sprintf(s, "%# 13.5f\"", ar);       
          } else {
            sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'U':
      case 'X':
          if (*sp =='U') 
            ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcart));
            ar = 1;
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[0]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcart[1]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcart[2]/ar);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'u':
      case 'x':
          if (*sp =='u') 
            ar = sqrt(square_sum(xcartq));
            ar = 1;
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[0]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f%s", xcartq[1]/ar, gap);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "%# 14.9f", xcartq[2]/ar);
          do_print(buf, s);
      case 'Q':
          sprintf(s, "%-15s", spnam);
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(x[0], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, dms(x[1], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "  %# 14.9f", x[2]);
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(x[3], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, dms(x[4], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "  %# 14.9f\n", x[5]);
          do_print(buf, s);
          sprintf(s, "               %s", dms(xequ[0], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[1], round_flag));
          sprintf(s, "                %s", dms(xequ[3], round_flag));
          do_print(buf, s);
          do_print(buf, dms(xequ[4], round_flag));
      } /* switch */
    }   /* for sp */
    if (calc_house_pos) {
      sprintf(s, "  %# 6.4f", hpos);
          sprintf(s, "%# 9.4f", hpos);
      do_print(buf, s);
    do_print(buf, "\n");
  }     /* for psp */
  if (*serr_warn != '\0') {
    do_print(buf, "\nwarning: ");
    do_print(buf, serr_warn);
    do_print(buf, "\n");
  /* houses */
  sprintf(s, "\nHouse Cusps (%s)\n\n", pd.hsysname);
  do_print(buf, s);
  a = sidt + 0.5 / 3600;
  sprintf(s, "sid. time : %4d:%#02d:%#02d  ",
        (int) a, (int) fmod(a * 60, 60), (int) fmod(a * 3600, 60));
  do_print(buf, s);
  a = armc + 0.5 / 3600;
  sprintf(s, "armc      : %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\"\n",
        (int) armc, ODEGREE_CHAR, (int) fmod(armc * 60, 60),
        (int) fmod(a * 3600, 60));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "geo. lat. : %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\" ",
        pd.lat_deg, *pd.lat_n_s, pd.lat_min, pd.lat_sec);
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "geo. long.: %4d%c%#02d'%#02d\"\n\n",
        pd.lon_deg, *pd.lon_e_w, pd.lon_min, pd.lon_sec);
  do_print(buf, s);
  swe_houses_ex(tjd_ut, iflag, lat, lon, hsys, cusp, ascmc);
  round_flag |= BIT_ROUND_SEC;
  sprintf(s, "AC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[0], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "MC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[1], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
	sprintf(s, "house   %2d: %s\n", i, dms(cusp[i], round_flag));
    do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "Vertex    : %s\n", dms(ascmc[3], round_flag));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "AC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[0], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "MC        : %s\n", dms(ascmc[1], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
	sprintf(s, "house   %2d: %s\n", i, dms(cusp[i], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
    do_print(buf, s);
  sprintf(s, "Vertex    : %s\n", dms(ascmc[3], round_flag|BIT_ZODIAC));
  do_print(buf, s);
  return 0;
예제 #7
void bidiag_gkl_restart(
    int locked, int l, int n,
    CAX && Ax, CATX && Atx, CD && D, CE && E, CRho && rho, CP && P, CQ && Q, int s_indx, int t_s_indx) {
  // enhancements version from SLEPc
  const double eta = 1.e-10;
  double t_start = 0.0, t_end = 0.0;
  double local_start = 0.0, local_end = 0.0; 
  double t_total3 = 0.0, t_total4 = 0.0, t_total5 = 0.0, t_total6 = 0.0, t_total7 = 0.0;
  int rank, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  // Step 1
  int recv_len = (int)P.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> tmp(Ax.dim0());
  vec_container<double> recv_tmp(recv_len);
  auto m_Ax = make_gemv_ax(&Ax);
  auto m_Atx = make_gemv_ax(&Atx);
  m_Ax(Q.col(l), tmp, P.dim0() > 1000);

  vec_container<double> send_data(P.dim0(),0);
  for(size_t i = s_indx; i < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++i)
    send_data[i] = tmp.get(i-s_indx);
  MPI_Gather(&send_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  P.col(l) = 0;
  // Generate truly P.col(l)
  if(rank == 0) {
    local_union(P, recv_tmp, l, nprocs);
    // Step 2 & also in rank 0
    for (int j = locked; j < l; ++j) {
      P.col(l) += -rho(j) * P.col(j);
  MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  //MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  // Main loop
  vec_container<double> T(n);
  int recv_l = Q.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> recv_t(recv_l);
  for (int j = l; j < n; ++j) {
    // Step 3   
    vec_container<double> tmp2(Atx.dim0());
    /* for print */
    if(rank == 0)
    	t_start = currenttime();
    local_start = currenttime();
    m_Atx(P.col(j), tmp2, Q.dim0() > 1000);
    local_end = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    vec_container<double> s_data(Q.dim0(), 0); 
    for(size_t i = t_s_indx; i < t_s_indx + Atx.dim0(); ++i)
      s_data[i] = tmp2[i-t_s_indx];
    MPI_Gather(&s_data[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_t[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    local_start = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost2 is " << (local_start - local_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    //Q.col(j+1) = 0;
    if(rank == 0) {
      // Generate truly Q.col(j+1) 
      local_union(Q, recv_t, j + 1, nprocs);
      local_end = currenttime();
      t_end = currenttime();
      std::cout << "parallel mv time cost3 is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      std::cout << "time of step 3 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      t_total3 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
    // Step 4
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa) // row
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.row(aa)[0]), j + 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    if(rank == 0)
      t_end = currenttime();
    auto Qj = mat_cols(Q, 0, j + 1);
    auto Tj = make_vec(&T, j + 1);
    //Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), j >= 3);
    parallel_gemv_task(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j+1), Tj);
    if(rank == 0) {
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total4 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 4 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

    // Step 5
    if(rank == 0) {
      double r = Q.col(j + 1).norm2();
      D[j] = vec_unit(P.col(j));
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / D[j]);
      Tj = Tj / D[j];
      r /= D[j];
      Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
      t_end = currenttime();
      t_total5 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 5 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // Step 6
      double beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      if (beta < eta * r * r) {
        Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        r = Q.col(j + 1).square_sum();
        Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(-gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      beta = std::sqrt(beta);
      E[j] = beta;
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / E[j]);
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total6 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 6 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    // Step 7
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa)
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (j + 1 < n) {
      if(rank == 0) 
        t_start = currenttime();
      vec_container<double> tmp3(Ax.dim0());
      vec_container<double> se_data(P.dim0(), 0);
      m_Ax(Q.col(j + 1), tmp3, P.dim0() > 1000);
      for(size_t k1 = s_indx; k1 < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++k1)
        se_data[k1] = tmp3[k1-s_indx];
      MPI_Gather(&se_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // P.col(j+1) = 0;
      if(rank == 0) {
	local_union(P, recv_tmp, j + 1, nprocs);
	P.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- E[j] * P.col(j), P.dim0() > 1000);
      /* for print */
      if(rank == 0) {
        t_end = currenttime();
        t_total7 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
	std::cout << "time of step 7 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      for(size_t aa = 0; aa < P.dim0(); ++aa)
        MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    }  // end if
  }    // end while
  /* for print time of each step. */
  if(rank == 0) {
    std::cout << "total step 3 time is : " << t_total3 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 4 time is : " << t_total4 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 5 time is : " << t_total5 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 6 time is : " << t_total6 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 7 time is : " << t_total7 << std::endl; 
  return ;
예제 #8
파일: swemplan.c 프로젝트: atykhonov/swe4r
/* Moshier ephemeris.
 * computes heliocentric cartesian equatorial coordinates of
 * equinox 2000
 * for earth and a planet
 * tjd		julian day
 * ipli		internal SWEPH planet number
 * xp		array of 6 doubles for planet's position and speed
 * xe		                       earth's
 * serr		error string
int swi_moshplan(double tjd, int ipli, AS_BOOL do_save, double *xpret, double *xeret, char *serr) 
  int i;
  int do_earth = FALSE;
  double dx[3], x2[3], xxe[6], xxp[6];
  double *xp, *xe;
  double dt; 
  char s[AS_MAXCH];
  int iplm = pnoint2msh[ipli];
  struct plan_data *pdp = &swed.pldat[ipli];
  struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
  double seps2000 = swed.oec2000.seps;
  double ceps2000 = swed.oec2000.ceps;
  if (do_save) {
    xp = pdp->x;
    xe = pedp->x;
  } else {
    xp = xxp;
    xe = xxe;
  if (do_save || ipli == SEI_EARTH || xeret != NULL) 
    do_earth = TRUE;
  /* tjd beyond ephemeris limits, give some margin for spped at edge */
  if (tjd < MOSHPLEPH_START - 0.3 || tjd > MOSHPLEPH_END + 0.3) {
    if (serr != NULL) {
      sprintf(s, "jd %f outside Moshier planet range %.2f .. %.2f ",
      if (strlen(serr) + strlen(s) < AS_MAXCH)
	strcat(serr, s);
  /* earth, for geocentric position */
  if (do_earth) {
    if (tjd == pedp->teval
	  && pedp->iephe == SEFLG_MOSEPH) {
      xe = pedp->x;
    } else {
      /* emb */
      swi_moshplan2(tjd, pnoint2msh[SEI_EMB], xe); /* emb hel. ecl. 2000 polar */ 
      swi_polcart(xe, xe);			  /* to cartesian */
      swi_coortrf2(xe, xe, -seps2000, ceps2000);/* and equator 2000 */
      embofs_mosh(tjd, xe);		  /* emb -> earth */
      if (do_save) {
	pedp->teval = tjd;		  
	pedp->xflgs = -1;
	pedp->iephe = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
      /* one more position for speed. */
      swi_moshplan2(tjd - PLAN_SPEED_INTV, pnoint2msh[SEI_EMB], x2); 
      swi_polcart(x2, x2);
      swi_coortrf2(x2, x2, -seps2000, ceps2000);
      embofs_mosh(tjd - PLAN_SPEED_INTV, x2);/**/
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) 
	dx[i] = (xe[i] - x2[i]) / PLAN_SPEED_INTV;
      /* store speed */
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
	xe[i+3] = dx[i];
    if (xeret != NULL)
      for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) 
	xeret[i] = xe[i];
  /* earth is the planet wanted */
  if (ipli == SEI_EARTH) {
    xp = xe;
  } else {
    /* other planet */
    /* if planet has already been computed, return */
    if (tjd == pdp->teval && pdp->iephe == SEFLG_MOSEPH) {
      xp = pdp->x;
    } else { 
      swi_moshplan2(tjd, iplm, xp); 
      swi_polcart(xp, xp);
      swi_coortrf2(xp, xp, -seps2000, ceps2000);
      if (do_save) {
	pdp->teval = tjd;/**/
	pdp->xflgs = -1;
	pdp->iephe = SEFLG_MOSEPH;
      /* one more position for speed. 
       * the following dt gives good speed for light-time correction
    #if 0
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) 
	dx[i] = xp[i] - pedp->x[i];
      dt = LIGHTTIME_AUNIT * sqrt(square_sum(dx));   
      dt = PLAN_SPEED_INTV;
      swi_moshplan2(tjd - dt, iplm, x2); 
      swi_polcart(x2, x2);
      swi_coortrf2(x2, x2, -seps2000, ceps2000);
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) 
	dx[i] = (xp[i] - x2[i]) / dt;
      /* store speed */
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
	xp[i+3] = dx[i];
    if (xpret != NULL)
      for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
	xpret[i] = xp[i];
예제 #9
int swe_sx_nod_aps(double tjd_et, int ind, int iflag,
                   int  method,
                   double *xnasc, double *xndsc,
                   double *xperi, double *xaphe,
                   char *serr)
  int ij, i, j,ipl,fEquatorT,fUseJ2000T;
  int32 iplx;
  int32 ipli;
  int istart, iend;
  int32 iflJ2000;
  double plm;
  double t = (tjd_et - J2000) / 36525, dt;
  double x[6], xx[24], *xp, xobs[6], x2000[6];
  double xpos[3][6], xnorm[6];
  double xposm[6];
  double xn[3][6], xs[3][6];
  double xq[3][6], xa[3][6];
  double xobs2[6], x2[6];
  double *xna, *xnd, *xpe, *xap;
  double incl, sema, ecce, parg, ea, vincl, vsema, vecce, pargx, eax;
  struct plan_data *pedp = &swed.pldat[SEI_EARTH];
  struct plan_data *psbdp = &swed.pldat[SEI_SUNBARY];
  struct plan_data pldat;
  double *xsun = psbdp->x;
  double *xear = pedp->x;
  double *ep;
  double Gmsm, dzmin;
  double rxy, rxyz, fac, sgn;
  double sinnode, cosnode, sinincl, cosincl, sinu, cosu, sinE, cosE, cosE2;
  double uu, ny, ny2, c2, v2, pp, ro, ro2, rn, rn2;
  struct epsilon *oe;
  AS_BOOL is_true_nodaps = FALSE;
  AS_BOOL do_aberr = !(iflag & (SEFLG_TRUEPOS | SEFLG_NOABERR));
  AS_BOOL do_defl = !(iflag & SEFLG_TRUEPOS) && !(iflag & SEFLG_NOGDEFL);
  AS_BOOL do_focal_point = method & SE_NODBIT_FOPOINT;
  AS_BOOL ellipse_is_bary = FALSE;
  int32 iflg0;
  /* function calls for Pluto with asteroid number 134340
   * are treated as calls for Pluto as main body SE_PLUTO */
  ipl = AlToSweObj(ind);
  if (ipl == SE_WHITE_MOON)
    ipl = SE_AST_OFFSET+MaxNumberedAsteroid;
  if (ipl == SE_AST_OFFSET + 134340)
    ipl = SE_PLUTO;
  xna = xx;
  xnd = xx+6;
  xpe = xx+12;
  xap = xx+18;
  xpos[0][0] = 0; /* to shut up mint */
  /* to get control over the save area: */
  method %= SE_NODBIT_FOPOINT;
  ipli = ipl;
  if (ipl == SE_SUN)
    ipli = SE_EARTH;
  if (ipl == SE_MOON)
      do_defl = FALSE;
      if (!(iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR))
        do_aberr = FALSE;
  if (ipli != SE_MOON)
    iflg0 |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
  if (ipl == SE_MEAN_NODE || ipl == SE_TRUE_NODE ||
      ipl == SE_MEAN_APOG || ipl == SE_OSCU_APOG ||
      ipl < 0 ||
      (ipl >= SE_NPLANETS && ipl <= SE_AST_OFFSET))
      /*(ipl >= SE_FICT_OFFSET && ipl - SE_FICT_OFFSET < SE_NFICT_ELEM)) */
      if (serr != NULL)
        sprintf(serr, "nodes/apsides for planet %5.0f are not implemented", (double) ipl);
      if (xnasc != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
          xnasc[i] = 0;
      if (xndsc != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
          xndsc[i] = 0;
      if (xaphe != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
          xaphe[i] = 0;
      if (xperi != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
          xperi[i] = 0;
      return ERR;
  for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
    xx[i] = 0;
   * mean nodes and apsides
  /* mean points only for Sun - Neptune */
  if ((method == 0 || (method & SE_NODBIT_MEAN)) &&
      ((ipl >= SE_SUN && ipl <= SE_NEPTUNE) || ipl == SE_EARTH))
      if (ipl == SE_MOON)
          swi_mean_lunar_elements(tjd_et, &xna[0], &xna[3], &xpe[0], &xpe[3]);
          incl = MOON_MEAN_INCL;
          vincl = 0;
          ecce = MOON_MEAN_ECC;
          vecce = 0;
          sema = MOON_MEAN_DIST / AUNIT;
          vsema = 0;
          iplx = ipl_to_elem[ipl];
          ep = el_incl[iplx];
          incl = ep[0] + ep[1] * t + ep[2] * t * t + ep[3] * t * t * t;
          vincl = ep[1] / 36525;
          ep = el_sema[iplx];
          sema = ep[0] + ep[1] * t + ep[2] * t * t + ep[3] * t * t * t;
          vsema = ep[1] / 36525;
          ep = el_ecce[iplx];
          ecce = ep[0] + ep[1] * t + ep[2] * t * t + ep[3] * t * t * t;
          vecce = ep[1] / 36525;
          ep = el_node[iplx];
          /* ascending node */
          xna[0] = ep[0] + ep[1] * t + ep[2] * t * t + ep[3] * t * t * t;
          xna[3] = ep[1] / 36525;
          /* perihelion */
          ep = el_peri[iplx];
          xpe[0] = ep[0] + ep[1] * t + ep[2] * t * t + ep[3] * t * t * t;
          xpe[3] = ep[1] / 36525;
      /* descending node */
      xnd[0] = swe_degnorm(xna[0] + 180);
      xnd[3] = xna[3];
      /* angular distance of perihelion from node */
      parg = xpe[0] = swe_degnorm(xpe[0] - xna[0]);
      pargx = xpe[3] = swe_degnorm(xpe[0] + xpe[3]  - xna[3]);
      /* transform from orbital plane to mean ecliptic of date */
      swe_cotrans(xpe, xpe, -incl);
      /* xpe+3 is aux. position, not speed!!! */
      swe_cotrans(xpe+3, xpe+3, -incl-vincl);
      /* add node again */
      xpe[0] = swe_degnorm(xpe[0] + xna[0]);
      /* xpe+3 is aux. position, not speed!!! */
      xpe[3] = swe_degnorm(xpe[3] + xna[0] + xna[3]);
      /* speed */
      xpe[3] = swe_degnorm(xpe[3] - xpe[0]);
      /* heliocentric distance of perihelion and aphelion */
      xpe[2] = sema * (1 - ecce);
      xpe[5] = (sema + vsema) * (1 - ecce - vecce) - xpe[2];
      /* aphelion */
      xap[0] = swe_degnorm(xpe[0] + 180);
      xap[1] = -xpe[1];
      xap[3] = xpe[3];
      xap[4] = -xpe[4];
      if (do_focal_point)
          xap[2] = sema * ecce * 2;
          xap[5] = (sema + vsema) * (ecce + vecce) * 2 - xap[2];
          xap[2] = sema * (1 + ecce);
          xap[5] = (sema + vsema) * (1 + ecce + vecce) - xap[2];
      /* heliocentric distance of nodes */
      ea = atan(tan(-parg * DEGTORAD / 2) * sqrt((1-ecce)/(1+ecce))) * 2;
      eax = atan(tan(-pargx * DEGTORAD / 2) * sqrt((1-ecce-vecce)/(1+ecce+vecce))) * 2;
      xna[2] = sema * (cos(ea) - ecce) / cos(parg * DEGTORAD);
      xna[5] = (sema+vsema) * (cos(eax) - ecce - vecce) / cos(pargx * DEGTORAD);
      xna[5] -= xna[2];
      ea = atan(tan((180 - parg) * DEGTORAD / 2) * sqrt((1-ecce)/(1+ecce))) * 2;
      eax = atan(tan((180 - pargx) * DEGTORAD / 2) * sqrt((1-ecce-vecce)/(1+ecce+vecce))) * 2;
      xnd[2] = sema * (cos(ea) - ecce) / cos((180 - parg) * DEGTORAD);
      xnd[5] = (sema+vsema) * (cos(eax) - ecce - vecce) / cos((180 - pargx) * DEGTORAD);
      xnd[5] -= xnd[2];
      /* no light-time correction because speed is extremely small */
      for (i = 0, xp = xx; i < 4; i++, xp += 6)
          /* to cartesian coordinates */
          xp[0] *= DEGTORAD;
          xp[1] *= DEGTORAD;
          xp[3] *= DEGTORAD;
          xp[4] *= DEGTORAD;
          swi_polcart_sp(xp, xp);
       * "true" or osculating nodes and apsides
    } else {
      /* first, we need a heliocentric distance of the planet */
      if (swe_calc(tjd_et, ipli, iflg0, x, serr) == ERR)
          if (FRiyalNumbered(tjd_et,ind,fTrue))
          else return ERR;
      ellipse_is_bary = FALSE;
      if (ipli != SE_MOON)
          if ((method & SE_NODBIT_OSCU_BAR) && x[2] > 6)
              iflJ2000 |= SEFLG_BARYCTR; /* only planets beyond Jupiter */
              ellipse_is_bary = TRUE;
              iflJ2000 |= SEFLG_HELCTR;
      /* we need three positions and three speeds
       * for three nodes/apsides. from the three node positions,
       * the speed of the node will be computed. */
      if (ipli == SE_MOON)
          dt = NODE_CALC_INTV;
          dzmin = 1e-15;
          Gmsm = GEOGCONST * (1 + 1 / EARTH_MOON_MRAT) /AUNIT/AUNIT/AUNIT*86400.0*86400.0;
          if ((ipli >= SE_MERCURY && ipli <= SE_PLUTO) || ipli == SE_EARTH)
            plm = 1 / plmass[ipl_to_elem[ipl]];
            plm = 0;
          dt = NODE_CALC_INTV * 10 * x[2];
          dzmin = 1e-15 * dt / NODE_CALC_INTV;
          Gmsm = HELGRAVCONST * (1 + plm) /AUNIT/AUNIT/AUNIT*86400.0*86400.0;
      if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
          istart = 0;
          iend = 2;
          istart = iend = 0;
          dt = 0;
      for (i = istart, t = tjd_et - dt; i <= iend; i++, t += dt)
          if (istart == iend)
            t = tjd_et;
          if (swe_calc(t, ipli, iflJ2000, xpos[i], serr) == ERR)
              if (FRiyalNumbered(t,ind,fTrue))
              else return ERR;
          /* the EMB is used instead of the earth */
          if (ipli == SE_EARTH)
              if (swe_calc(t, SE_MOON, iflJ2000 & ~(SEFLG_BARYCTR|SEFLG_HELCTR), xposm, serr) == ERR)
                return ERR;
              for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
                xpos[i][j] += xposm[j] / (EARTH_MOON_MRAT + 1.0);
          swi_plan_for_osc_elem(iflg0, t, xpos[i]);
      for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++)
          if (fabs(xpos[i][5]) < dzmin)
            xpos[i][5] = dzmin;
          fac = xpos[i][2] / xpos[i][5];
          sgn = xpos[i][5] / fabs(xpos[i][5]);
          for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
              xn[i][j] = (xpos[i][j] - fac * xpos[i][j+3]) * sgn;
              xs[i][j] = -xn[i][j];
      for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++)
          /* node */
          rxy =  sqrt(xn[i][0] * xn[i][0] + xn[i][1] * xn[i][1]);
          cosnode = xn[i][0] / rxy;
          sinnode = xn[i][1] / rxy;
          /* inclination */
          swi_cross_prod(xpos[i], xpos[i]+3, xnorm);
          rxy =  xnorm[0] * xnorm[0] + xnorm[1] * xnorm[1];
          c2 = (rxy + xnorm[2] * xnorm[2]);
          rxyz = sqrt(c2);
          rxy = sqrt(rxy);
          sinincl = rxy / rxyz;
          cosincl = sqrt(1 - sinincl * sinincl);
          if (xnorm[2] < 0) cosincl = -cosincl; /* retrograde asteroid, e.g. 20461 Dioretsa */
          /* argument of latitude */
          cosu = xpos[i][0] * cosnode + xpos[i][1] * sinnode;
          sinu = xpos[i][2] / sinincl;
          uu = atan2(sinu, cosu);
          /* semi-axis */
          rxyz = sqrt(square_sum(xpos[i]));
          v2 = square_sum((xpos[i]+3));
          sema = 1 / (2 / rxyz - v2 / Gmsm);
          /* eccentricity */
          pp = c2 / Gmsm;
          ecce = sqrt(1 - pp / sema);
          /* eccentric anomaly */
          cosE = 1 / ecce * (1 - rxyz / sema);
          sinE = 1 / ecce / sqrt(sema * Gmsm) * dot_prod(xpos[i], (xpos[i]+3));
          /* true anomaly */
          ny = 2 * atan(sqrt((1+ecce)/(1-ecce)) * sinE / (1 + cosE));
          /* distance of perihelion from ascending node */
          xq[i][0] = swi_mod2PI(uu - ny);
          xq[i][1] = 0;			/* latitude */
          xq[i][2] = sema * (1 - ecce);	/* distance of perihelion */
          /* transformation to ecliptic coordinates */
          swi_polcart(xq[i], xq[i]);
          swi_coortrf2(xq[i], xq[i], -sinincl, cosincl);
          swi_cartpol(xq[i], xq[i]);
          /* adding node, we get perihelion in ecl. coord. */
          xq[i][0] += atan2(sinnode, cosnode);
          xa[i][0] = swi_mod2PI(xq[i][0] + PI);
          xa[i][1] = -xq[i][1];
          if (do_focal_point)
              xa[i][2] = sema * ecce * 2;	/* distance of aphelion */
              xa[i][2] = sema * (1 + ecce);	/* distance of aphelion */
          swi_polcart(xq[i], xq[i]);
          swi_polcart(xa[i], xa[i]);
          /* new distance of node from orbital ellipse:
           * true anomaly of node: */
          ny = swi_mod2PI(ny - uu);
          ny2 = swi_mod2PI(ny + PI);
          /* eccentric anomaly */
          cosE = cos(2 * atan(tan(ny / 2) / sqrt((1+ecce) / (1-ecce))));
          cosE2 = cos(2 * atan(tan(ny2 / 2) / sqrt((1+ecce) / (1-ecce))));
          /* new distance */
          rn = sema * (1 - ecce * cosE);
          rn2 = sema * (1 - ecce * cosE2);
          /* old node distance */
          ro = sqrt(square_sum(xn[i]));
          ro2 = sqrt(square_sum(xs[i]));
          /* correct length of position vector */
          for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
              xn[i][j] *= rn / ro;
              xs[i][j] *= rn2 / ro2;
      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
          if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
              xpe[i] = xq[1][i];
              xpe[i+3] = (xq[2][i] - xq[0][i]) / dt / 2;
              xap[i] = xa[1][i];
              xap[i+3] = (xa[2][i] - xa[0][i]) / dt / 2;
              xna[i] = xn[1][i];
              xna[i+3] = (xn[2][i] - xn[0][i]) / dt / 2;
              xnd[i] = xs[1][i];
              xnd[i+3] = (xs[2][i] - xs[0][i]) / dt / 2;
              xpe[i] = xq[0][i];
              xpe[i+3] = 0;
              xap[i] = xa[0][i];
              xap[i+3] = 0;
              xna[i] = xn[0][i];
              xna[i+3] = 0;
              xnd[i] = xs[0][i];
              xnd[i+3] = 0;
      is_true_nodaps = TRUE;
  /* to set the variables required in the save area,
   * i.e. ecliptic, nutation, barycentric sun, earth
   * we compute the planet */
  if (ipli == SE_MOON && (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR)))
      if (swe_calc(tjd_et, SE_SUN, iflg0, x, serr) == ERR)
        return ERR;
      } else {
          if (swe_calc(tjd_et, ipli, iflg0 | (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR), x, serr) == ERR)
              if (FRiyalNumbered(tjd_et,ind,iflg0 && SEFLG_HELCTR))
              else return ERR;
           * position of observer
          if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR)
              /* geocentric position of observer */
              if (swi_get_observer(tjd_et, iflag, FALSE, xobs, serr) != OK)
                return ERR;
              /*for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                xobs[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];*/
              for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                xobs[i] = 0;
          if (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR))
              if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))
                for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                  xobs[i] = xsun[i];
          else if (ipl == SE_SUN && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))
              for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                xobs[i] = xsun[i];
              /* barycentric position of observer */
              for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                xobs[i] += xear[i];
          /* ecliptic obliqity */
          if (iflag & SEFLG_J2000)
            oe = &swed.oec2000;
            oe = &swed.oec;
           * conversions shared by mean and osculating points
          for (ij = 0, xp = xx; ij < 4; ij++, xp += 6)
              /* no nodes for earth */
              if (ipli == SE_EARTH && ij <= 1)
                  for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                    xp[i] = 0;
               * to equator
              if (is_true_nodaps && !(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
                  swi_coortrf2(xp, xp, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
                  if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                    swi_coortrf2(xp+3, xp+3, -swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
              swi_coortrf2(xp, xp, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
              swi_coortrf2(xp+3, xp+3, -oe->seps, oe->ceps);
              if (is_true_nodaps)
                   * to mean ecliptic of date
                  if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
                    swi_nutate(xp, iflag, TRUE);
               * to J2000
              swi_precess(xp, tjd_et, J_TO_J2000);
              if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                swi_precess_speed(xp, tjd_et, J_TO_J2000);
               * to barycenter
              if (ipli == SE_MOON)
                  for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                    xp[i] += xear[i];
                  if (!(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH) && !ellipse_is_bary)
                    for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                      xp[j] += xsun[j];
               * to correct center
              for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                xp[j] -= xobs[j];
              /* geocentric perigee/apogee of sun */
              if (ipl == SE_SUN && !(iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR)))
                for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                  xp[j] = -xp[j];
               * light deflection
              dt = sqrt(square_sum(xp)) * AUNIT / CLIGHT / 86400.0;
              if (do_defl)
                swi_deflect_light(xp, dt, iflag);
               * aberration
              if (do_aberr)
                  swi_aberr_light(xp, xobs, iflag);
                   * Apparent speed is also influenced by
                   * the difference of speed of the earth between t and t-dt.
                   * Neglecting this would result in an error of several 0.1"
                  if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                      /* get barycentric sun and earth for t-dt into save area */
                      if (swe_calc(tjd_et - dt, ipli, iflg0 | (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR), x2, serr) == ERR)
          if (FRiyalNumbered(tjd_et-dt,ind,iflg0 && SEFLG_HELCTR))
          else return ERR;
                      if (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR)
                          /* geocentric position of observer */
                          /* if (swi_get_observer(tjd_et - dt, iflag, FALSE, xobs, serr) != OK)
                            return ERR;*/
                          for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                            xobs2[i] = swed.topd.xobs[i];
                          for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                            xobs2[i] = 0;
                      if (iflag & (SEFLG_HELCTR | SEFLG_BARYCTR))
                          if ((iflag & SEFLG_HELCTR) && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))
                            for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                              xobs2[i] = xsun[i];
                      else if (ipl == SE_SUN && !(iflag & SEFLG_MOSEPH))
                          for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                            xobs2[i] = xsun[i];
                          /* barycentric position of observer */
                          for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                            xobs2[i] += xear[i];
                      for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++)
                        xp[i] += xobs[i] - xobs2[i];
                      /* The above call of swe_calc() has destroyed the
                       * parts of the save area
                       * (i.e. bary sun, earth nutation matrix!).
                       * to restore it:
                      if (swe_calc(tjd_et, SE_SUN, iflg0 | (iflag & SEFLG_TOPOCTR), x2, serr) == ERR)
                        return ERR;
               * precession
              /* save J2000 coordinates; required for sidereal positions */
              for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                x2000[j] = xp[j];
              if (!(iflag & SEFLG_J2000))
                  swi_precess(xp, tjd_et, J2000_TO_J);
                  if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                    swi_precess_speed(xp, tjd_et, J2000_TO_J);
               * nutation
              if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
                swi_nutate(xp, iflag, FALSE);
              /* now we have equatorial cartesian coordinates; keep them */
              for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                pldat.xreturn[18+j] = xp[j];
               * transformation to ecliptic.                  *
               * with sidereal calc. this will be overwritten *
               * afterwards.                                  *
              swi_coortrf2(xp, xp, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
              if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                swi_coortrf2(xp+3, xp+3, oe->seps, oe->ceps);
              if (!(iflag & SEFLG_NONUT))
                  swi_coortrf2(xp, xp, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
                  if (iflag & SEFLG_SPEED)
                    swi_coortrf2(xp+3, xp+3, swed.nut.snut, swed.nut.cnut);
              /* now we have ecliptic cartesian coordinates */
              for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                pldat.xreturn[6+j] = xp[j];
               * sidereal positions               *
              if (iflag & SEFLG_SIDEREAL)
                  /* project onto ecliptic t0 */
                  if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_ECL_T0)
                      if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon(x2000, pldat.xreturn+6, pldat.xreturn+18, iflag, serr) != OK)
                        return ERR;
                      /* project onto solar system equator */
                  else if (swed.sidd.sid_mode & SE_SIDBIT_SSY_PLANE)
                      if (swi_trop_ra2sid_lon_sosy(x2000, pldat.xreturn+6, pldat.xreturn+18, iflag, serr) != OK)
                        return ERR;
                      /* traditional algorithm */
                      swi_cartpol_sp(pldat.xreturn+6, pldat.xreturn);
                      pldat.xreturn[0] -= swe_get_ayanamsa(tjd_et) * DEGTORAD;
                      swi_polcart_sp(pldat.xreturn, pldat.xreturn+6);
              if ((iflag & SEFLG_XYZ) && (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL))
                  for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    xp[j] = pldat.xreturn[18+j];
              if (iflag & SEFLG_XYZ)
                  for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    xp[j] = pldat.xreturn[6+j];
               * transformation to polar coordinates          *
              swi_cartpol_sp(pldat.xreturn+18, pldat.xreturn+12);
              swi_cartpol_sp(pldat.xreturn+6, pldat.xreturn);
               * radians to degrees *
              for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                  pldat.xreturn[j] *= RADTODEG;		/* ecliptic */
                  pldat.xreturn[j+3] *= RADTODEG;
                  pldat.xreturn[j+12] *= RADTODEG;	/* equator */
                  pldat.xreturn[j+15] *= RADTODEG;
              if (iflag & SEFLG_EQUATORIAL)
                  for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    xp[j] = pldat.xreturn[12+j];
                  for (j = 0; j <= 5; j++)
                    xp[j] = pldat.xreturn[j];
          for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
              if (i > 2 && !(iflag & SEFLG_SPEED))
                xna[i] = xnd[i] = xpe[i] = xap[i] = 0;
              if (xnasc != NULL)
                xnasc[i] = xna[i];
              if (xndsc != NULL)
                xndsc[i] = xnd[i];
              if (xperi != NULL)
                xperi[i] = xpe[i];
              if (xaphe != NULL)
                xaphe[i] = xap[i];
          return OK;
예제 #10
    requires s == 527;
    ensures s == 527;
void fffff() {
    square_sum(2, 5);