static PyObject *Decoder_add(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *ret; struct srd_decoder_inst *di; char *proto_id; int output_type, pdo_id; if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "is", &output_type, &proto_id)) { /* Let Python raise this exception. */ return NULL; } pdo_id = srd_inst_pd_output_add(di, output_type, proto_id); if (pdo_id < 0) Py_RETURN_NONE; else ret = Py_BuildValue("i", pdo_id); return ret; }
/** * Find a decoder instance by its Python object. * * I.e. find that instance's instantiation of the sigrokdecode.Decoder class. * This will recurse to find the instance anywhere in the stack tree. * * @param stack Pointer to a GSList of struct srd_decoder_inst, indicating the * stack to search. To start searching at the bottom level of * decoder instances, pass NULL. * @param obj The Python class instantiation. * * @return Pointer to struct srd_decoder_inst, or NULL if not found. */ SRD_PRIV struct srd_decoder_inst *srd_inst_find_by_obj(const GSList *stack, const PyObject *obj) { // TODO? const GSList *l; struct srd_decoder_inst *tmp, *di; di = NULL; for (l = stack ? stack : di_list; di == NULL && l != NULL; l = l->next) { tmp = l->data; if (tmp->py_inst == obj) di = tmp; else if (tmp->next_di) di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(tmp->next_di, obj); } return di; }
/** * Return whether the specified channel was supplied to the decoder. * * @param self TODO. Must not be NULL. * @param args TODO. Must not be NULL. * * @retval Py_True The channel has been supplied by the frontend. * @retval Py_False The channel has been supplied by the frontend. * @retval NULL An error occurred. */ static PyObject *Decoder_has_channel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int idx, max_idx; struct srd_decoder_inst *di; PyObject *py_channel; if (!self || !args) return NULL; if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); return NULL; } /* Parse the argument of self.has_channel() into 'py_channel'. */ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &py_channel)) { /* Let Python raise this exception. */ return NULL; } if (!PyLong_Check(py_channel)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "channel index not a number"); return NULL; } idx = PyLong_AsLong(py_channel); max_idx = g_slist_length(di->decoder->channels) + g_slist_length(di->decoder->opt_channels) - 1; if (idx < 0 || idx > max_idx) { srd_err("Invalid channel index %d/%d.", idx, max_idx); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "invalid channel"); return NULL; } return (di->dec_channelmap[idx] == -1) ? Py_False : Py_True; }
static PyObject *Decoder_register(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) { struct srd_decoder_inst *di; struct srd_pd_output *pdo; PyObject *py_new_output_id; PyTypeObject *meta_type_py; const GVariantType *meta_type_gv; int output_type; char *proto_id, *meta_name, *meta_descr; char *keywords[] = {"output_type", "proto_id", "meta", NULL}; meta_type_py = NULL; meta_type_gv = NULL; meta_name = meta_descr = NULL; if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); return NULL; } /* Default to instance id, which defaults to class id. */ proto_id = di->inst_id; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "i|s(Oss)", keywords, &output_type, &proto_id, &meta_type_py, &meta_name, &meta_descr)) { /* Let Python raise this exception. */ return NULL; } /* Check if the meta value's type is supported. */ if (output_type == SRD_OUTPUT_META) { if (meta_type_py == &PyLong_Type) meta_type_gv = G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64; else if (meta_type_py == &PyFloat_Type) meta_type_gv = G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE; else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Unsupported type '%s'.", meta_type_py->tp_name); return NULL; } } srd_dbg("Instance %s creating new output type %d for %s.", di->inst_id, output_type, proto_id); if (!(pdo = g_try_malloc(sizeof(struct srd_pd_output)))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "struct srd_pd_output"); return NULL; } /* pdo_id is just a simple index, nothing is deleted from this list anyway. */ pdo->pdo_id = g_slist_length(di->pd_output); pdo->output_type = output_type; pdo->di = di; pdo->proto_id = g_strdup(proto_id); if (output_type == SRD_OUTPUT_META) { pdo->meta_type = meta_type_gv; pdo->meta_name = g_strdup(meta_name); pdo->meta_descr = g_strdup(meta_descr); } di->pd_output = g_slist_append(di->pd_output, pdo); py_new_output_id = Py_BuildValue("i", pdo->pdo_id); return py_new_output_id; }
static PyObject *Decoder_put(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { GSList *l; PyObject *py_data, *py_res; struct srd_decoder_inst *di, *next_di; struct srd_pd_output *pdo; struct srd_proto_data *pdata; uint64_t start_sample, end_sample; int output_id; struct srd_pd_callback *cb; if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { /* Shouldn't happen. */ srd_dbg("put(): self instance not found."); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "KKiO", &start_sample, &end_sample, &output_id, &py_data)) { /* * This throws an exception, but by returning NULL here we let * Python raise it. This results in a much better trace in * controller.c on the decode() method call. */ return NULL; } if (!(l = g_slist_nth(di->pd_output, output_id))) { srd_err("Protocol decoder %s submitted invalid output ID %d.", di->decoder->name, output_id); return NULL; } pdo = l->data; srd_spew("Instance %s put %" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " %s on oid %d.", di->inst_id, start_sample, end_sample, OUTPUT_TYPES[pdo->output_type], output_id); if (!(pdata = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct srd_proto_data)))) { srd_err("Failed to g_malloc() struct srd_proto_data."); return NULL; } pdata->start_sample = start_sample; pdata->end_sample = end_sample; pdata->pdo = pdo; switch (pdo->output_type) { case SRD_OUTPUT_ANN: /* Annotations are only fed to callbacks. */ if ((cb = srd_pd_output_callback_find(di->sess, pdo->output_type))) { /* Convert from PyDict to srd_proto_data_annotation. */ if (convert_annotation(di, py_data, pdata) != SRD_OK) { /* An error was already logged. */ break; } cb->cb(pdata, cb->cb_data); } break; case SRD_OUTPUT_PYTHON: for (l = di->next_di; l; l = l->next) { next_di = l->data; srd_spew("Sending %d-%d to instance %s", start_sample, end_sample, next_di->inst_id); if (!(py_res = PyObject_CallMethod( next_di->py_inst, "decode", "KKO", start_sample, end_sample, py_data))) { srd_exception_catch("Calling %s decode(): ", next_di->inst_id); } Py_XDECREF(py_res); } if ((cb = srd_pd_output_callback_find(di->sess, pdo->output_type))) { /* Frontends aren't really supposed to get Python * callbacks, but it's useful for testing. */ pdata->data = py_data; cb->cb(pdata, cb->cb_data); } break; case SRD_OUTPUT_BINARY: if ((cb = srd_pd_output_callback_find(di->sess, pdo->output_type))) { /* Convert from PyDict to srd_proto_data_binary. */ if (convert_binary(di, py_data, pdata) != SRD_OK) { /* An error was already logged. */ break; } cb->cb(pdata, cb->cb_data); } break; case SRD_OUTPUT_META: if ((cb = srd_pd_output_callback_find(di->sess, pdo->output_type))) { /* Annotations need converting from PyObject. */ if (convert_meta(pdata, py_data) != SRD_OK) { /* An exception was already set up. */ break; } cb->cb(pdata, cb->cb_data); } break; default: srd_err("Protocol decoder %s submitted invalid output type %d.", di->decoder->name, pdo->output_type); break; } g_free(pdata); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject *Decoder_put(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { GSList *l; PyObject *data, *py_res; struct srd_decoder_inst *di, *next_di; struct srd_pd_output *pdo; struct srd_proto_data *pdata; uint64_t start_sample, end_sample; int output_id; void (*cb)(); if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { /* Shouldn't happen. */ srd_dbg("put(): self instance not found."); return NULL; } if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "KKiO", &start_sample, &end_sample, &output_id, &data)) { /* * This throws an exception, but by returning NULL here we let * Python raise it. This results in a much better trace in * controller.c on the decode() method call. */ return NULL; } if (!(l = g_slist_nth(di->pd_output, output_id))) { srd_err("Protocol decoder %s submitted invalid output ID %d.", di->decoder->name, output_id); return NULL; } pdo = l->data; srd_spew("Instance %s put %" PRIu64 "-%" PRIu64 " %s on oid %d.", di->inst_id, start_sample, end_sample, OUTPUT_TYPES[pdo->output_type], output_id); if (!(pdata = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(struct srd_proto_data)))) { srd_err("Failed to g_malloc() struct srd_proto_data."); return NULL; } pdata->start_sample = start_sample; pdata->end_sample = end_sample; pdata->pdo = pdo; switch (pdo->output_type) { case SRD_OUTPUT_ANN: /* Annotations are only fed to callbacks. */ if ((cb = srd_pd_output_callback_find(pdo->output_type))) { /* Annotations need converting from PyObject. */ if (convert_pyobj(di, data, &pdata->ann_format, (char ***)&pdata->data) != SRD_OK) { /* An error was already logged. */ break; } cb(pdata); } break; case SRD_OUTPUT_PROTO: for (l = di->next_di; l; l = l->next) { next_di = l->data; /* TODO: Is this needed? */ Py_XINCREF(next_di->py_inst); srd_spew("Sending %d-%d to instance %s", start_sample, end_sample, next_di->inst_id); if (!(py_res = PyObject_CallMethod( next_di->py_inst, "decode", "KKO", start_sample, end_sample, data))) { srd_exception_catch("Calling %s decode(): ", next_di->inst_id); } Py_XDECREF(py_res); } break; case SRD_OUTPUT_BINARY: srd_err("SRD_OUTPUT_BINARY not yet supported."); break; default: srd_err("Protocol decoder %s submitted invalid output type %d.", di->decoder->name, pdo->output_type); break; } g_free(pdata); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject *Decoder_wait(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int ret; unsigned int i; gboolean found_match; struct srd_decoder_inst *di; PyObject *py_pinvalues, *py_matched; if (!self || !args) return NULL; if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); Py_RETURN_NONE; } ret = set_new_condition_list(self, args); if (ret < 0) { srd_dbg("%s: %s: Aborting wait().", di->inst_id, __func__); return NULL; } if (ret == 9999) { /* Empty condition list, automatic match. */ PyObject_SetAttrString(di->py_inst, "matched", Py_None); /* Leave self.samplenum unchanged (== di->abs_cur_samplenum). */ return get_current_pinvalues(di); } while (1) { /* Wait for new samples to process, or termination request. */ g_mutex_lock(&di->data_mutex); while (!di->got_new_samples && !di->want_wait_terminate) g_cond_wait(&di->got_new_samples_cond, &di->data_mutex); /* * Check whether any of the current condition(s) match. * Arrange for termination requests to take a code path which * won't find new samples to process, pretends to have processed * previously stored samples, and returns to the main thread, * while the termination request still gets signalled. */ found_match = FALSE; ret = process_samples_until_condition_match(di, &found_match); /* If there's a match, set self.samplenum etc. and return. */ if (found_match) { /* Set self.samplenum to the (absolute) sample number that matched. */ PyObject_SetAttrString(di->py_inst, "samplenum", PyLong_FromLong(di->abs_cur_samplenum)); if (di->match_array && di->match_array->len > 0) { py_matched = PyTuple_New(di->match_array->len); for (i = 0; i < di->match_array->len; i++) PyTuple_SetItem(py_matched, i, PyBool_FromLong(di->match_array->data[i])); PyObject_SetAttrString(di->py_inst, "matched", py_matched); match_array_free(di); } else { PyObject_SetAttrString(di->py_inst, "matched", Py_None); } py_pinvalues = get_current_pinvalues(di); g_mutex_unlock(&di->data_mutex); return py_pinvalues; } /* No match, reset state for the next chunk. */ di->got_new_samples = FALSE; di->handled_all_samples = TRUE; di->abs_start_samplenum = 0; di->abs_end_samplenum = 0; di->inbuf = NULL; di->inbuflen = 0; /* Signal the main thread that we handled all samples. */ g_cond_signal(&di->handled_all_samples_cond); /* * When termination of wait() and decode() was requested, * then exit the loop after releasing the mutex. */ if (di->want_wait_terminate) { srd_dbg("%s: %s: Will return from wait().", di->inst_id, __func__); g_mutex_unlock(&di->data_mutex); return NULL; } g_mutex_unlock(&di->data_mutex); } Py_RETURN_NONE; }
/** * Replace the current condition list with the new one. * * @param self TODO. Must not be NULL. * @param args TODO. Must not be NULL. * * @retval SRD_OK The new condition list was set successfully. * @retval SRD_ERR There was an error setting the new condition list. * The contents of di->condition_list are undefined. * @retval 9999 TODO. */ static int set_new_condition_list(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { struct srd_decoder_inst *di; GSList *term_list; PyObject *py_conditionlist, *py_conds, *py_dict; int i, num_conditions, ret; if (!self || !args) return SRD_ERR_ARG; /* Get the decoder instance. */ if (!(di = srd_inst_find_by_obj(NULL, self))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "decoder instance not found"); return SRD_ERR; } /* * Return an error condition from .wait() when termination is * requested, such that decode() will terminate. */ if (di->want_wait_terminate) { srd_dbg("%s: %s: Skip (want_term).", di->inst_id, __func__); return SRD_ERR; } /* Parse the argument of self.wait() into 'py_conds'. */ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &py_conds)) { /* Let Python raise this exception. */ return SRD_ERR; } /* Check whether 'py_conds' is a dict or a list. */ if (PyList_Check(py_conds)) { /* 'py_conds' is a list. */ py_conditionlist = py_conds; num_conditions = PyList_Size(py_conditionlist); if (num_conditions == 0) return 9999; /* The PD invoked self.wait([]). */ Py_IncRef(py_conditionlist); } else if (PyDict_Check(py_conds)) { /* 'py_conds' is a dict. */ if (PyDict_Size(py_conds) == 0) return 9999; /* The PD invoked self.wait({}). */ /* Make a list and put the dict in there for convenience. */ py_conditionlist = PyList_New(1); Py_IncRef(py_conds); PyList_SetItem(py_conditionlist, 0, py_conds); num_conditions = 1; } else { srd_err("Condition list is neither a list nor a dict."); return SRD_ERR; } /* Free the old condition list. */ condition_list_free(di); ret = SRD_OK; /* Iterate over the conditions, set di->condition_list accordingly. */ for (i = 0; i < num_conditions; i++) { /* Get a condition (dict) from the condition list. */ py_dict = PyList_GetItem(py_conditionlist, i); if (!PyDict_Check(py_dict)) { srd_err("Condition is not a dict."); ret = SRD_ERR; break; } /* Create the list of terms in this condition. */ if ((ret = create_term_list(py_dict, &term_list)) < 0) break; /* Add the new condition to the PD instance's condition list. */ di->condition_list = g_slist_append(di->condition_list, term_list); } Py_DecRef(py_conditionlist); return ret; }