예제 #1
void CGame::ActionReceived(const Action& action, int playernum)
	if (action.command == "cheat") {
		SetBoolArg(gs->cheatEnabled, action.extra);
		if (gs->cheatEnabled)
			logOutput.Print("No more cheating");
	else if (action.command == "nohelp") {
		SetBoolArg(gs->noHelperAIs, action.extra);
		logOutput.Print("LuaUI control is %s", gs->noHelperAIs ? "disabled" : "enabled");
	else if (action.command == "nospecdraw") {
		bool buf;
		SetBoolArg(buf, action.extra);
	else if (action.command == "godmode") {
		if (!gs->cheatEnabled)
			logOutput.Print("godmode requires /cheat");
		else {
			SetBoolArg(gs->godMode, action.extra);
			if (gs->godMode) {
				logOutput.Print("God Mode Enabled");
			} else {
				logOutput.Print("God Mode Disabled");
	else if (action.command == "globallos") {
		if (!gs->cheatEnabled) {
			logOutput.Print("globallos requires /cheat");
		} else {
			SetBoolArg(gs->globalLOS, action.extra);
			if (gs->globalLOS) {
				logOutput.Print("Global LOS Enabled");
			} else {
				logOutput.Print("Global LOS Disabled");
	else if (action.command == "nocost" && gs->cheatEnabled) {
		if (unitDefHandler->ToggleNoCost()) {
			logOutput.Print("Everything is for free!");
		} else {
			logOutput.Print("Everything costs resources again!");
	else if (action.command == "give" && gs->cheatEnabled) {
		std::string s = "give "; //FIXME lazyness
		s += action.extra;

		// .give [amount] <unitName> [team] <@x,y,z>
		const vector<string> &args = CSimpleParser::Tokenize(s, 0);

		if (args.size() < 3) {
			logOutput.Print("Someone is spoofing invalid .give messages!");

		float3 pos;
		if (sscanf(args[args.size() - 1].c_str(), "@%f,%f,%f", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z) != 3) {
			logOutput.Print("Someone is spoofing invalid .give messages!");

		int amount = 1;
		int team = playerHandler->Player(playernum)->team;
		int allyteam = -1;

		int amountArgIdx = -1;
		int teamArgIdx = -1;

		if (args.size() == 5) {
			amountArgIdx = 1;
			teamArgIdx = 3;
		else if (args.size() == 4) {
			if (args[1].find_first_not_of("0123456789") == string::npos) {
				amountArgIdx = 1;
			} else {
				teamArgIdx = 2;

		if (amountArgIdx >= 0) {
			const string& amountStr = args[amountArgIdx];
			amount = atoi(amountStr.c_str());
			if ((amount < 0) || (amountStr.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos)) {
				logOutput.Print("Bad give amount: %s", amountStr.c_str());

		if (teamArgIdx >= 0) {
			const string& teamStr = args[teamArgIdx];
			team = atoi(teamStr.c_str());
			if ((team < 0) || (team >= teamHandler->ActiveTeams()) || (teamStr.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != string::npos)) {
				logOutput.Print("Bad give team: %s", teamStr.c_str());

		const string unitName = (amountArgIdx >= 0) ? args[2] : args[1];

		if (unitName == "all") {
			// player entered ".give all"
			int numRequestedUnits = unitDefHandler->unitDefs.size() - 1; /// defid=0 is not valid
			int currentNumUnits = teamHandler->Team(team)->units.size();
			int sqSize = (int) streflop::ceil(streflop::sqrt((float) numRequestedUnits));

			// make sure team unit-limit not exceeded
			if ((currentNumUnits + numRequestedUnits) > uh->MaxUnitsPerTeam()) {
				numRequestedUnits = uh->MaxUnitsPerTeam() - currentNumUnits;

			// make sure square is entirely on the map
			float sqHalfMapSize = sqSize / 2 * 10 * SQUARE_SIZE;
			pos.x = std::max(sqHalfMapSize, std::min(pos.x, float3::maxxpos - sqHalfMapSize - 1));
			pos.z = std::max(sqHalfMapSize, std::min(pos.z, float3::maxzpos - sqHalfMapSize - 1));

			for (int a = 1; a <= numRequestedUnits; ++a) {
				float posx = pos.x + (a % sqSize - sqSize / 2) * 10 * SQUARE_SIZE;
				float posz = pos.z + (a / sqSize - sqSize / 2) * 10 * SQUARE_SIZE;
				float3 pos2 = float3(posx, pos.y, posz);
				const UnitDef* ud = unitDefHandler->GetUnitDefByID(a);
				if (ud) {
					const CUnit* unit = unitLoader.LoadUnit(ud, pos2, team, false, 0, NULL);
					if (unit) {
		else if (!unitName.empty()) {
			int numRequestedUnits = amount;
			int currentNumUnits = teamHandler->Team(team)->units.size();

			if (currentNumUnits >= uh->MaxUnitsPerTeam()) {
				LogObject() << "Unable to give any more units to team " << team << "(current: " << currentNumUnits << ", max: " << uh->MaxUnits() << ")";

			// make sure team unit-limit is not exceeded
			if ((currentNumUnits + numRequestedUnits) > uh->MaxUnitsPerTeam()) {
				numRequestedUnits = uh->MaxUnitsPerTeam() - currentNumUnits;

			const UnitDef* unitDef = unitDefHandler->GetUnitDefByName(unitName);

			if (unitDef != NULL) {
				int xsize = unitDef->xsize;
				int zsize = unitDef->zsize;
				int squareSize = (int) streflop::ceil(streflop::sqrt((float) numRequestedUnits));
				int total = numRequestedUnits;

				float3 minpos = pos;
				minpos.x -= ((squareSize - 1) * xsize * SQUARE_SIZE) / 2;
				minpos.z -= ((squareSize - 1) * zsize * SQUARE_SIZE) / 2;

				for (int z = 0; z < squareSize; ++z) {
					for (int x = 0; x < squareSize && total > 0; ++x) {
						float minposx = minpos.x + x * xsize * SQUARE_SIZE;
						float minposz = minpos.z + z * zsize * SQUARE_SIZE;
						const float3 upos(minposx, minpos.y, minposz);
						const CUnit* unit = unitLoader.LoadUnit(unitDef, upos, team, false, 0, NULL);

						if (unit) {

				logOutput.Print("Giving %i %s to team %i", numRequestedUnits, unitName.c_str(), team);
			} else {
				if (teamArgIdx < 0) {
					team = -1; // default to world features
					allyteam = -1;
				} else {
					allyteam = teamHandler->AllyTeam(team);

				const FeatureDef* featureDef = featureHandler->GetFeatureDef(unitName);
				if (featureDef) {
					int xsize = featureDef->xsize;
					int zsize = featureDef->zsize;
					int squareSize = (int) streflop::ceil(streflop::sqrt((float) numRequestedUnits));
					int total = amount; // FIXME -- feature count limit?

					float3 minpos = pos;
					minpos.x -= ((squareSize - 1) * xsize * SQUARE_SIZE) / 2;
					minpos.z -= ((squareSize - 1) * zsize * SQUARE_SIZE) / 2;

					for (int z = 0; z < squareSize; ++z) {
						for (int x = 0; x < squareSize && total > 0; ++x) {
							float minposx = minpos.x + x * xsize * SQUARE_SIZE;
							float minposz = minpos.z + z * zsize * SQUARE_SIZE;
							float minposy = ground->GetHeight2(minposx, minposz);
							const float3 upos(minposx, minposy, minposz);

							CFeature* feature = new CFeature();
							feature->Initialize(upos, featureDef, 0, 0, team, allyteam, "");

					logOutput.Print("Giving %i %s (feature) to team %i",
									numRequestedUnits, unitName.c_str(), team);
				else {
					logOutput.Print(unitName + " is not a valid unitname");
	else if (action.command == "destroy" && gs->cheatEnabled) {
		std::stringstream ss(action.extra);
		logOutput.Print("Killing units: %s", action.extra.c_str());
		do {
			unsigned id;
			ss >> id;
			if (!ss)
			if (id >= uh->units.size())
			if (uh->units[id] == NULL)
			uh->units[id]->KillUnit(false, false, 0);
		} while (true);
예제 #2
void SeedPointFileIO::ReadPointsFromFile()
  // Different possibilities to give the seedpoints, added for compatibility
  // with mevis lab. All in world coordinates
  // 1 as plain string, separated by whitespaces
  // 2 as itkimage file, nonzeros are converted
  // 3 as txtfile (check on extension, possibly with six values on each line
  //   but only first three are taken)
  // 4 as ml xml file


  if (m_FileName.empty())
    std::cout << "missing filename for seedpoints" << std::endl;
  if (m_Verbose)
    std::cout << "reading points from  \t" << m_FileName << std::endl;

  // 1 string
  // 2 itkfile
  // 3 txtfile
  // 4 xmlfile

  bool succeeded(false);
  int  guess(0);

  // determine extension
  const std::string ext = itksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(m_FileName);

  if (ext == ".vtk" || ext == ".mhd" || ext == ".dcm" ||
      ext == ".VTK" || ext == ".MHD" || ext == ".DCM" ) guess = 2;
  if (ext == ".txt" || ext == ".TXT" ) guess = 3;
  if (ext == ".xml" || ext == ".XML" ) guess = 4;
  if (guess == 0) guess = 1;

  // try as string
  if (guess == 1)
    InternalPrecision buf;
    std::istringstream ss(m_FileName);

    std::vector<InternalPrecision> tokens;
    while (ss >> buf) 
    const unsigned int n = tokens.size()/3;
    if (n>=2)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)
        PrecisionPointType q;

        q[0] = tokens[i*3];
        q[1] = tokens[i*3+1];
        q[2] = tokens[i*3+2];


      succeeded = true;
      if (m_Verbose)
        std::cout << "error interpreting as string " << std::endl;
예제 #3
int routingHandler::StringToInt(std::string str) {
	std::stringstream ss(str);
	int i;
	ss >> i;
	return i;
예제 #4
파일: script.cpp 프로젝트: T-X/bitcoin-git
uint256 SignatureHash(CScript scriptCode, const CTransaction& txTo, unsigned int nIn, int nHashType)
    if (nIn >= txTo.vin.size())
        printf("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nIn=%d out of range\n", nIn);
        return 1;
    CTransaction txTmp(txTo);

    // In case concatenating two scripts ends up with two codeseparators,
    // or an extra one at the end, this prevents all those possible incompatibilities.

    // Blank out other inputs' signatures
    for (int i = 0; i < txTmp.vin.size(); i++)
        txTmp.vin[i].scriptSig = CScript();
    txTmp.vin[nIn].scriptSig = scriptCode;

    // Blank out some of the outputs
    if ((nHashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_NONE)
        // Wildcard payee

        // Let the others update at will
        for (int i = 0; i < txTmp.vin.size(); i++)
            if (i != nIn)
                txTmp.vin[i].nSequence = 0;
    else if ((nHashType & 0x1f) == SIGHASH_SINGLE)
        // Only lockin the txout payee at same index as txin
        unsigned int nOut = nIn;
        if (nOut >= txTmp.vout.size())
            printf("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nOut=%d out of range\n", nOut);
            return 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < nOut; i++)

        // Let the others update at will
        for (int i = 0; i < txTmp.vin.size(); i++)
            if (i != nIn)
                txTmp.vin[i].nSequence = 0;

    // Blank out other inputs completely, not recommended for open transactions
        txTmp.vin[0] = txTmp.vin[nIn];

    // Serialize and hash
    CDataStream ss(SER_GETHASH);
    ss << txTmp << nHashType;
    return Hash(ss.begin(), ss.end());
예제 #5
	//	Load the object/category mappings.
	void Category_Maps::load(void)
		loaded = true;

		std::string fullpath = get_path_config() + std::string(filename);
		std::ifstream in(fullpath.c_str());
		if (!in)

		while (!in.eof())
			// read the info, image_id and item_id lines
			std::string info_line, image_id_line, item_id_line;
			while (getline_nocr(in, info_line) && info_line.empty());
			getline_nocr(in, image_id_line);
			getline_nocr(in, item_id_line);
			if (info_line.empty())

			// read the category
			std::istringstream ss(info_line);
			int category = -1;
			ss >> category;

			// read and count the image id values and store in the map
			int value = 0;
			int actual_num_image_ids = 0;
			int expected_num_image_ids = 0;
			ss >> expected_num_image_ids;
			while (ss >> value)
				cat_by_image_id[value] = category;

			// read and count the item id values and store in the map
			Uint16 ui_value = 0;
			int actual_num_item_ids = 0;
			int expected_num_item_ids = 0;
			ss >> expected_num_item_ids;
			while (ss >> ui_value)
				cat_by_item_id[ui_value] = category;

			// check for format errors and end now if something detected
			if ((category<0) || (actual_num_image_ids != expected_num_image_ids) || (actual_num_item_ids != expected_num_item_ids))
				LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red2, item_list_cat_format_error_str);
				LOG_ERROR("%s: %s cat=%d expected/actual image=%d/%d item %d/%d\n",
					__FILE__, item_list_cat_format_error_str, category,
					expected_num_image_ids, actual_num_image_ids,
					expected_num_item_ids, actual_num_item_ids );

		must_save = false;