int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; int option_idx = 0; int do_list_interfaces = 0; int do_config = 0; int do_capture = 0; int i; char* interface = NULL; char* remote_host = NULL; unsigned int remote_port = 22; char* remote_username = NULL; char* remote_password = NULL; int do_dlts = 0; char* fifo = NULL; char* remote_interface = NULL; char* remote_capture_bin = NULL; char* extcap_filter = NULL; char* sshkey = NULL; char* sshkey_passphrase = NULL; char* remote_filter = NULL; unsigned long int count = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; attach_parent_console(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ opterr = 0; optind = 0; if (argc == 1) { help(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { verbose_print("%s ", argv[i]); } verbose_print("\n"); while ((result = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":", longopts, &option_idx)) != -1) { switch (result) { case OPT_HELP: help(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case OPT_VERBOSE: verbose = TRUE; break; case OPT_VERSION: printf("%u.%u.%u\n", SSHDUMP_VERSION_MAJOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_MINOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_RELEASE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case OPT_LIST_INTERFACES: do_list_interfaces = 1; break; case OPT_LIST_DLTS: do_dlts = 1; break; case OPT_INTERFACE: if (interface) g_free(interface); interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_CONFIG: do_config = 1; break; case OPT_CAPTURE: do_capture = 1; break; case OPT_FIFO: if (fifo) g_free(fifo); fifo = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_HOST: if (remote_host) g_free(remote_host); remote_host = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PORT: remote_port = (unsigned int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (remote_port > 65535 || remote_port == 0) { printf("Invalid port: %s\n", optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case OPT_REMOTE_USERNAME: if (remote_username) g_free(remote_username); remote_username = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PASSWORD: if (remote_password) g_free(remote_password); remote_password = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_SSHKEY: if (sshkey) g_free(sshkey); sshkey = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_SSHKEY_PASSPHRASE: if (sshkey_passphrase) g_free(sshkey_passphrase); sshkey_passphrase = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_REMOTE_INTERFACE: if (remote_interface) g_free(remote_interface); remote_interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_CAPTURE_BIN: if (remote_capture_bin) g_free(remote_capture_bin); remote_capture_bin = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_EXTCAP_FILTER: if (extcap_filter) g_free(extcap_filter); extcap_filter = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_FILTER: if (remote_filter) g_free(remote_filter); remote_filter = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_COUNT: count = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case ':': /* missing option argument */ printf("Option '%s' requires an argument\n", argv[optind - 1]); break; default: printf("Invalid option: %s\n", argv[optind - 1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (optind != argc) { printf("Unexpected extra option: %s\n", argv[optind]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (do_list_interfaces) return list_interfaces(); if (do_config) return list_config(interface, remote_port); if (do_dlts) return list_dlts(interface); #ifdef _WIN32 result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData); if (result != 0) { if (verbose) errmsg_print("ERROR: WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", result); return 1; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (do_capture) { char* filter; int ret = 0; if (!fifo) { errmsg_print("ERROR: No FIFO or file specified\n"); return 1; } if (g_strcmp0(interface, SSH_EXTCAP_INTERFACE)) { errmsg_print("ERROR: invalid interface\n"); return 1; } if (!remote_host) { errmsg_print("Missing parameter: --remote-host"); return 1; } filter = concat_filters(extcap_filter, remote_filter); ret = ssh_open_remote_connection(remote_host, remote_port, remote_username, remote_password, sshkey, sshkey_passphrase, remote_interface, filter, remote_capture_bin, count, fifo); g_free(filter); return ret; } verbose_print("You should not come here... maybe some parameter missing?\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; int option_idx = 0; char* remote_host = NULL; guint16 remote_port = 22; char* remote_username = NULL; char* remote_password = NULL; char* remote_interface = NULL; char* sshkey = NULL; char* sshkey_passphrase = NULL; char* remote_filter = NULL; guint32 count = 0; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; extcap_parameters * extcap_conf = g_new0(extcap_parameters, 1); char* help_url; char* help_header = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; attach_parent_console(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ help_url = data_file_url("ciscodump.html"); extcap_base_set_util_info(extcap_conf, argv[0], CISCODUMP_VERSION_MAJOR, CISCODUMP_VERSION_MINOR, CISCODUMP_VERSION_RELEASE, help_url); g_free(help_url); extcap_base_register_interface(extcap_conf, CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, "Cisco remote capture", 147, "Remote capture dependent DLT"); help_header = g_strdup_printf( " %s --extcap-interfaces\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --extcap-dlts\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --extcap-config\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --remote-host myhost --remote-port 22222 " "--remote-username myuser --remote-interface gigabit0/0 " "--fifo=FILENAME --capture\n", argv[0], argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE); extcap_help_add_header(extcap_conf, help_header); g_free(help_header); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--help", "print this help"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--version", "print the version"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-host <host>", "the remote SSH host"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-port <port>", "the remote SSH port (default: 22)"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-username <username>", "the remote SSH username (default: the current user)"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-password <password>", "the remote SSH password. " "If not specified, ssh-agent and ssh-key are used"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--sshkey <public key path>", "the path of the ssh key"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--sshkey-passphrase <public key passphrase>", "the passphrase to unlock public ssh"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-interface <iface>", "the remote capture interface"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-filter <filter>", "a filter for remote capture " "(default: don't capture data for lal interfaces IPs)"); opterr = 0; optind = 0; if (argc == 1) { extcap_help_print(extcap_conf); goto end; } while ((result = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":", longopts, &option_idx)) != -1) { switch (result) { case OPT_HELP: extcap_help_print(extcap_conf); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s\n", extcap_conf->version); goto end; case OPT_REMOTE_HOST: g_free(remote_host); remote_host = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PORT: if (!ws_strtou16(optarg, NULL, &remote_port) || remote_port == 0) { g_warning("Invalid port: %s", optarg); goto end; } break; case OPT_REMOTE_USERNAME: g_free(remote_username); remote_username = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PASSWORD: g_free(remote_password); remote_password = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_SSHKEY: g_free(sshkey); sshkey = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_SSHKEY_PASSPHRASE: g_free(sshkey_passphrase); sshkey_passphrase = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_REMOTE_INTERFACE: g_free(remote_interface); remote_interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_FILTER: g_free(remote_filter); remote_filter = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_COUNT: if (!ws_strtou32(optarg, NULL, &count)) { g_warning("Invalid packet count: %s", optarg); goto end; } break; case ':': /* missing option argument */ g_warning("Option '%s' requires an argument", argv[optind - 1]); break; default: if (!extcap_base_parse_options(extcap_conf, result - EXTCAP_OPT_LIST_INTERFACES, optarg)) { g_warning("Invalid option: %s", argv[optind - 1]); goto end; } } } extcap_cmdline_debug(argv, argc); if (optind != argc) { g_warning("Unexpected extra option: %s", argv[optind]); goto end; } if (extcap_base_handle_interface(extcap_conf)) { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; } if (extcap_conf->show_config) { ret = list_config(extcap_conf->interface, remote_port); goto end; } #ifdef _WIN32 result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData); if (result != 0) { g_warning("ERROR: WSAStartup failed with error: %d", result); goto end; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (extcap_conf->capture) { if (!remote_host) { g_warning("Missing parameter: --remote-host"); goto end; } if (!remote_interface) { g_warning("ERROR: No interface specified (--remote-interface)"); goto end; } if (count == 0) { g_warning("ERROR: count of packets must be specified (--remote-count)"); goto end; } ret = ssh_open_remote_connection(remote_host, remote_port, remote_username, remote_password, sshkey, sshkey_passphrase, remote_interface, remote_filter, count, extcap_conf->fifo); } else { g_debug("You should not come here... maybe some parameter missing?"); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } end: g_free(remote_host); g_free(remote_username); g_free(remote_password); g_free(remote_interface); g_free(sshkey); g_free(sshkey_passphrase); g_free(remote_filter); extcap_base_cleanup(&extcap_conf); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; int option_idx = 0; int i; char* remote_host = NULL; unsigned int remote_port = 22; char* remote_username = NULL; char* remote_password = NULL; char* remote_interface = NULL; char* remote_capture_bin = NULL; char* sshkey = NULL; char* sshkey_passphrase = NULL; char* remote_filter = NULL; unsigned long int count = 0; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; extcap_parameters * extcap_conf = g_new0(extcap_parameters, 1); #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; attach_parent_console(); #endif /* _WIN32 */ extcap_base_set_util_info(extcap_conf, SSHDUMP_VERSION_MAJOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_MINOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_RELEASE, NULL); extcap_base_register_interface(extcap_conf, SSH_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, "SSH remote capture", 147, "Remote capture dependent DLT"); opterr = 0; optind = 0; if (argc == 1) { help(argv[0]); goto end; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { verbose_print("%s ", argv[i]); } verbose_print("\n"); while ((result = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":", longopts, &option_idx)) != -1) { switch (result) { case OPT_HELP: help(argv[0]); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; case OPT_VERBOSE: verbose = TRUE; break; case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s.%s.%s\n", SSHDUMP_VERSION_MAJOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_MINOR, SSHDUMP_VERSION_RELEASE); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; case OPT_REMOTE_HOST: g_free(remote_host); remote_host = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PORT: remote_port = (unsigned int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (remote_port > 65535 || remote_port == 0) { errmsg_print("Invalid port: %s", optarg); goto end; } break; case OPT_REMOTE_USERNAME: g_free(remote_username); remote_username = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PASSWORD: g_free(remote_password); remote_password = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_SSHKEY: g_free(sshkey); sshkey = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_SSHKEY_PASSPHRASE: g_free(sshkey_passphrase); sshkey_passphrase = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_REMOTE_INTERFACE: g_free(remote_interface); remote_interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_CAPTURE_BIN: g_free(remote_capture_bin); remote_capture_bin = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_FILTER: g_free(remote_filter); remote_filter = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_COUNT: count = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case ':': /* missing option argument */ errmsg_print("Option '%s' requires an argument", argv[optind - 1]); break; default: if (!extcap_base_parse_options(extcap_conf, result - EXTCAP_OPT_LIST_INTERFACES, optarg)) { errmsg_print("Invalid option: %s", argv[optind - 1]); goto end; } } } if (optind != argc) { errmsg_print("Unexpected extra option: %s", argv[optind]); goto end; } if (extcap_base_handle_interface(extcap_conf)) { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; } if (extcap_conf->show_config) { ret = list_config(extcap_conf->interface, remote_port); goto end; } #ifdef _WIN32 result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData); if (result != 0) { if (verbose) errmsg_print("ERROR: WSAStartup failed with error: %d", result); goto end; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ if (extcap_conf->capture) { char* filter; if (!remote_host) { errmsg_print("Missing parameter: --remote-host"); goto end; } filter = concat_filters(extcap_conf->capture_filter, remote_filter); ret = ssh_open_remote_connection(remote_host, remote_port, remote_username, remote_password, sshkey, sshkey_passphrase, remote_interface, filter, remote_capture_bin, count, extcap_conf->fifo); g_free(filter); } else { verbose_print("You should not come here... maybe some parameter missing?\n"); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } end: /* clean up stuff */ g_free(remote_host); g_free(remote_username); g_free(remote_password); g_free(remote_interface); g_free(remote_capture_bin); g_free(sshkey); g_free(sshkey_passphrase); g_free(remote_filter); extcap_base_cleanup(&extcap_conf); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char* err_msg; int result; int option_idx = 0; ssh_params_t* ssh_params = ssh_params_new(); char* remote_interface = NULL; char* remote_filter = NULL; guint32 count = 0; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; extcap_parameters * extcap_conf = g_new0(extcap_parameters, 1); char* help_url; char* help_header = NULL; /* * Get credential information for later use. */ init_process_policies(); /* * Attempt to get the pathname of the directory containing the * executable file. */ err_msg = init_progfile_dir(argv[0]); if (err_msg != NULL) { g_warning("Can't get pathname of directory containing the captype program: %s.", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } help_url = data_file_url("ciscodump.html"); extcap_base_set_util_info(extcap_conf, argv[0], CISCODUMP_VERSION_MAJOR, CISCODUMP_VERSION_MINOR, CISCODUMP_VERSION_RELEASE, help_url); g_free(help_url); extcap_base_register_interface(extcap_conf, CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, "Cisco remote capture", 147, "Remote capture dependent DLT"); help_header = g_strdup_printf( " %s --extcap-interfaces\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --extcap-dlts\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --extcap-config\n" " %s --extcap-interface=%s --remote-host myhost --remote-port 22222 " "--remote-username myuser --remote-interface gigabit0/0 " "--fifo=FILENAME --capture\n", argv[0], argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE, argv[0], CISCODUMP_EXTCAP_INTERFACE); extcap_help_add_header(extcap_conf, help_header); g_free(help_header); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--help", "print this help"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--version", "print the version"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-host <host>", "the remote SSH host"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-port <port>", "the remote SSH port (default: 22)"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-username <username>", "the remote SSH username (default: the current user)"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-password <password>", "the remote SSH password. " "If not specified, ssh-agent and ssh-key are used"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--sshkey <public key path>", "the path of the ssh key"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--sshkey-passphrase <public key passphrase>", "the passphrase to unlock public ssh"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--proxycommand <proxy command>", "the command to use as proxy the the ssh connection"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-interface <iface>", "the remote capture interface"); extcap_help_add_option(extcap_conf, "--remote-filter <filter>", "a filter for remote capture " "(default: don't capture data for lal interfaces IPs)"); opterr = 0; optind = 0; if (argc == 1) { extcap_help_print(extcap_conf); goto end; } while ((result = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":", longopts, &option_idx)) != -1) { switch (result) { case OPT_HELP: extcap_help_print(extcap_conf); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; case OPT_VERSION: printf("%s\n", extcap_conf->version); goto end; case OPT_REMOTE_HOST: g_free(ssh_params->host); ssh_params->host = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PORT: if (!ws_strtou16(optarg, NULL, &ssh_params->port) || ssh_params->port == 0) { g_warning("Invalid port: %s", optarg); goto end; } break; case OPT_REMOTE_USERNAME: g_free(ssh_params->username); ssh_params->username = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_PASSWORD: g_free(ssh_params->password); ssh_params->password = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_SSHKEY: g_free(ssh_params->sshkey_path); ssh_params->sshkey_path = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_SSHKEY_PASSPHRASE: g_free(ssh_params->sshkey_passphrase); ssh_params->sshkey_passphrase = g_strdup(optarg); memset(optarg, 'X', strlen(optarg)); break; case OPT_PROXYCOMMAND: g_free(ssh_params->proxycommand); ssh_params->proxycommand = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_INTERFACE: g_free(remote_interface); remote_interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_FILTER: g_free(remote_filter); remote_filter = g_strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_REMOTE_COUNT: if (!ws_strtou32(optarg, NULL, &count)) { g_warning("Invalid packet count: %s", optarg); goto end; } break; case ':': /* missing option argument */ g_warning("Option '%s' requires an argument", argv[optind - 1]); break; default: if (!extcap_base_parse_options(extcap_conf, result - EXTCAP_OPT_LIST_INTERFACES, optarg)) { g_warning("Invalid option: %s", argv[optind - 1]); goto end; } } } extcap_cmdline_debug(argv, argc); if (optind != argc) { g_warning("Unexpected extra option: %s", argv[optind]); goto end; } if (extcap_base_handle_interface(extcap_conf)) { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto end; } if (extcap_conf->show_config) { ret = list_config(extcap_conf->interface, ssh_params->port); goto end; } err_msg = ws_init_sockets(); if (err_msg != NULL) { g_warning("ERROR: %s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); g_warning("%s", please_report_bug()); goto end; } if (extcap_conf->capture) { if (!ssh_params->host) { g_warning("Missing parameter: --remote-host"); goto end; } if (!remote_interface) { g_warning("ERROR: No interface specified (--remote-interface)"); goto end; } if (count == 0) { g_warning("ERROR: count of packets must be specified (--remote-count)"); goto end; } ssh_params->debug = extcap_conf->debug; ret = ssh_open_remote_connection(ssh_params, remote_interface, remote_filter, count, extcap_conf->fifo); } else { g_debug("You should not come here... maybe some parameter missing?"); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } end: ssh_params_free(ssh_params); g_free(remote_interface); g_free(remote_filter); extcap_base_cleanup(&extcap_conf); return ret; }