예제 #1
static int varnish_config_instance (const oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
	user_config_t *conf;
	user_data_t ud;
	char callback_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
	int i;

	conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
	if (conf == NULL)
		return (ENOMEM);
	memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
	conf->instance = NULL;

	varnish_config_apply_default (conf);

	if (ci->values_num == 1)
		int status;

		status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &conf->instance);
		if (status != 0)
			sfree (conf);
			return (status);
		assert (conf->instance != NULL);

		if (strcmp ("localhost", conf->instance) == 0)
			sfree (conf->instance);
			conf->instance = NULL;
	else if (ci->values_num > 1)
		WARNING ("Varnish plugin: \"Instance\" blocks accept only "
				"one argument.");
		return (EINVAL);

	for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
		oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

		if (strcasecmp ("CollectCache", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_cache);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectConnections", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_connections);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectESI", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_esi);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectDirectorDNS", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_dirdns);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectBackend", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_backend);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectFetch", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_fetch);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectHCB", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_hcb);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectObjects", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_objects);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectPurge", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_purge);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectBan", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_ban);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSession", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_session);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSHM", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_shm);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSMS", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sms);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSMA", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sma);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSM", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sm);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectStruct", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_struct);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectTotals", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_totals);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectUptime", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_uptime);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectVCL", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_vcl);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectWorkers", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_workers);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CollectVSM", child->key) == 0)
			cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_vsm);
			WARNING ("Varnish plugin: Ignoring unknown "
					"configuration option: \"%s\". Did "
					"you forget to add an <Instance /> "
					"block around the configuration?",

	if (!conf->collect_cache
			&& !conf->collect_connections
			&& !conf->collect_esi
			&& !conf->collect_backend
			&& !conf->collect_dirdns
			&& !conf->collect_fetch
			&& !conf->collect_hcb
			&& !conf->collect_objects
			&& !conf->collect_purge
			&& !conf->collect_ban
			&& !conf->collect_session
			&& !conf->collect_shm
			&& !conf->collect_sms
			&& !conf->collect_sma
			&& !conf->collect_sm
			&& !conf->collect_struct
			&& !conf->collect_totals
			&& !conf->collect_uptime
			&& !conf->collect_vcl
			&& !conf->collect_workers
			&& !conf->collect_vsm
		WARNING ("Varnish plugin: No metric has been configured for "
				"instance \"%s\". Disabling this instance.",
				(conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance);
		return (EINVAL);

	ssnprintf (callback_name, sizeof (callback_name), "varnish/%s",
			(conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance);

	ud.data = conf;
	ud.free_func = varnish_config_free;

	plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ "varnish",
			/* name      = */ callback_name,
			/* callback  = */ varnish_read,
			/* interval  = */ 0,
			/* user data = */ &ud);

	have_instance = 1;

	return (0);
} /* }}} int varnish_config_instance */
예제 #2
static int gr_format_name (char *ret, int ret_len,
        value_list_t const *vl,
        char const *ds_name,
        char const *prefix,
        char const *postfix,
        char const escape_char,
        unsigned int flags)
    char n_host[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char n_plugin[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char n_plugin_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char n_type[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char n_type_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

    char tmp_plugin[2 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN + 1];
    char tmp_type[2 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN + 1];

    if (prefix == NULL)
        prefix = "";

    if (postfix == NULL)
        postfix = "";

    gr_copy_escape_part (n_host, vl->host,
            sizeof (n_host), escape_char);
    gr_copy_escape_part (n_plugin, vl->plugin,
            sizeof (n_plugin), escape_char);
    gr_copy_escape_part (n_plugin_instance, vl->plugin_instance,
            sizeof (n_plugin_instance), escape_char);
    gr_copy_escape_part (n_type, vl->type,
            sizeof (n_type), escape_char);
    gr_copy_escape_part (n_type_instance, vl->type_instance,
            sizeof (n_type_instance), escape_char);

    if (n_plugin_instance[0] != '\0')
        ssnprintf (tmp_plugin, sizeof (tmp_plugin), "%s%c%s",
            (flags & GRAPHITE_SEPARATE_INSTANCES) ? '.' : '-',
        sstrncpy (tmp_plugin, n_plugin, sizeof (tmp_plugin));

    if (n_type_instance[0] != '\0')
        if ((flags & GRAPHITE_DROP_DUPE_FIELDS) && strcmp(n_plugin, n_type) == 0)
            sstrncpy (tmp_type, n_type_instance, sizeof (tmp_type));
            ssnprintf (tmp_type, sizeof (tmp_type), "%s%c%s",
                (flags & GRAPHITE_SEPARATE_INSTANCES) ? '.' : '-',
        sstrncpy (tmp_type, n_type, sizeof (tmp_type));

    /* Assert always_append_ds -> ds_name */
    assert (!(flags & GRAPHITE_ALWAYS_APPEND_DS) || (ds_name != NULL));
    if (ds_name != NULL)
        if ((flags & GRAPHITE_DROP_DUPE_FIELDS) && strcmp(tmp_plugin, tmp_type) == 0)
            ssnprintf (ret, ret_len, "%s%s%s.%s.%s",
                prefix, n_host, postfix, tmp_plugin, ds_name);
            ssnprintf (ret, ret_len, "%s%s%s.%s.%s.%s",
                prefix, n_host, postfix, tmp_plugin, tmp_type, ds_name);
        ssnprintf (ret, ret_len, "%s%s%s.%s.%s",
            prefix, n_host, postfix, tmp_plugin, tmp_type);

    return (0);
예제 #3
파일: apache.c 프로젝트: AsherBond/collectd
static int config_add (oconfig_item_t *ci)
	apache_t *st;
	int i;
	int status;

	if ((ci->values_num != 1)
		|| (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING))
		WARNING ("apache plugin: The `%s' config option "
			"needs exactly one string argument.", ci->key);
		return (-1);

	st = (apache_t *) malloc (sizeof (*st));
	if (st == NULL)
		ERROR ("apache plugin: malloc failed.");
		return (-1);

	memset (st, 0, sizeof (*st));

	status = config_set_string (&st->name, ci);
	if (status != 0)
		sfree (st);
		return (status);
	assert (st->name != NULL);

	for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
		oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

		if (strcasecmp ("URL", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->url, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->host, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->user, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->pass, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("VerifyPeer", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_boolean (&st->verify_peer, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("VerifyHost", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_boolean (&st->verify_host, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("CACert", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->cacert, child);
		else if (strcasecmp ("Server", child->key) == 0)
			status = config_set_string (&st->server, child);
			WARNING ("apache plugin: Option `%s' not allowed here.",
			status = -1;

		if (status != 0)

	/* Check if struct is complete.. */
	if ((status == 0) && (st->url == NULL))
		ERROR ("apache plugin: Instance `%s': "
				"No URL has been configured.",
		status = -1;

	if (status == 0)
		user_data_t ud;
		char callback_name[3*DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

		memset (&ud, 0, sizeof (ud));
		ud.data = st;
		ud.free_func = (void *) apache_free;

		memset (callback_name, 0, sizeof (callback_name));
		ssnprintf (callback_name, sizeof (callback_name),
				(st->host != NULL) ? st->host : hostname_g,
				(st->name != NULL) ? st->name : "default"),

		status = plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ NULL,
				/* name      = */ callback_name,
				/* callback  = */ apache_read_host,
				/* interval  = */ NULL,
				/* user_data = */ &ud);

	if (status != 0)
		return (-1);

	return (0);
} /* int config_add */
예제 #4
void CFieldPrinter::PrintField(_nbExtractedFieldsDescriptor &FieldDescriptor, _nbExtractFieldInfo &FieldInfo, _nbExtractFieldInfo AllFieldsInfo[], int FieldNumber, const unsigned char *PktData)
_nbExtractedFieldsDescriptor *FieldsDescriptorVector= FieldDescriptor.DVct;
int RetVal;

	switch (FieldInfo.FieldType)
			if (FieldDescriptor.Valid)
				for (int i=0; i < FieldDescriptor.num_entries; i++)
					PrintField(FieldsDescriptorVector[i], AllFieldsInfo[i], AllFieldsInfo, FieldNumber, PktData);

			if (FieldDescriptor.Valid)
				if (FieldsDescriptorVector != NULL)
					for (int i=0; i < FieldDescriptor.num_entries; i++)
						PrintField(FieldsDescriptorVector[i], FieldInfo, AllFieldsInfo, FieldNumber, PktData);

				switch (m_PrintingMode)
					case DEFAULT:
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, "\t%s.%s : value=%u\n", FieldInfo.Proto, FieldInfo.Name, (unsigned int) FieldDescriptor.BitField_Value);

					case REDIS:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "%u, ", (unsigned int) FieldDescriptor.BitField_Value);
					case SQLITE3:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "%u, ", (unsigned int) FieldDescriptor.BitField_Value);
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, "%u, ", (unsigned int) FieldDescriptor.BitField_Value);
				switch (m_PrintingMode)
					case DEFAULT:
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, "\t%s.%s : value=*\n", FieldInfo.Proto, FieldInfo.Name);

					case REDIS:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "-");
					case SQLITE3:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "-");
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, " , ");

			if (FieldDescriptor.Valid)
				if (FieldsDescriptorVector != NULL)
					for (int i=0; i < FieldDescriptor.num_entries; i++)
						PrintField(FieldsDescriptorVector[i], FieldInfo, AllFieldsInfo, FieldNumber, PktData);

				if (FieldDescriptor.Length > MAX_FIELD_SIZE)
					fprintf(stderr, "The size of field '%s' is larger than the max value allowed in this program. ",FieldInfo.Name);
					fprintf(stderr, "Max allowed: %d - Current: %d\n", MAX_FIELD_SIZE, FieldDescriptor.Length);

				int64_t StartTime, EndTime;

				StartTime= nbProfilerGetTime();
				// Here we use the 'UserExtension' member in order to store the 'fast printing' function code, if available.
				if (FieldDescriptor.UserExtension)
					RetVal= m_NetPDLUtils->FormatNetPDLField((long) FieldDescriptor.UserExtension, PktData + FieldDescriptor.Offset,
						FieldDescriptor.Length, m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField));
					// If the raw packet dump is enough for you, you can get rid of this function
					RetVal= m_NetPDLUtils->FormatNetPDLField(FieldInfo.Proto, FieldInfo.Name,
						PktData + FieldDescriptor.Offset, FieldDescriptor.Length, m_FormattedField,

				EndTime= nbProfilerGetTime();
				ProfilerFormatFields->StoreSample(StartTime, EndTime);

				if (RetVal == nbSUCCESS)

					// Perform anonymization if needed
					// If this fields is found in the anonymization table, let's replace it with the correspondent anonimized value
					if (m_AnonymizationIPArgumentList.count(FieldNumber+1) > 0)
						if (!m_AnonymizationIPTable[m_FormattedField].empty())
							// There may be a bug here... if the field contains '0' in it, the strncpy may fail to copy the entire data
							strncpy(m_FormattedField, m_AnonymizationIPTable[m_FormattedField].c_str(), sizeof(m_FormattedField));
					switch (m_PrintingMode)
						case DEFAULT:
							fprintf(m_OutputFile, "\t%s.%s: offset=%d len=%d value=%s\n", FieldInfo.Proto,FieldInfo.Name,
									FieldDescriptor.Offset, FieldDescriptor.Length, m_FormattedField);
						case REDIS:
							// Do nothing; the field is already in the m_FormattedField field

						case SQLITE3:
							// Do nothing; the field is already in the m_FormattedField field
							fprintf(m_OutputFile, "%s, ", m_FormattedField);
				switch (m_PrintingMode)
					case DEFAULT:
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, "\t%s.%s: offset= * len= * value= *\n", FieldInfo.Proto, FieldInfo.Name);

					case REDIS:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "\0");
					case SQLITE3:
						ssnprintf(m_FormattedField, sizeof(m_FormattedField), "\0");
						fprintf(m_OutputFile, " , ");
예제 #5
파일: amqp.c 프로젝트: Mindera/collectd
static int camqp_config_connection (oconfig_item_t *ci, /* {{{ */
        _Bool publish)
    camqp_config_t *conf;
    int status;
    int i;

    conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
    if (conf == NULL)
        ERROR ("amqp plugin: malloc failed.");
        return (ENOMEM);

    /* Initialize "conf" {{{ */
    memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
    conf->publish = publish;
    conf->name = NULL;
    conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND;
    conf->host = NULL;
    conf->port = 5672;
    conf->vhost = NULL;
    conf->user = NULL;
    conf->password = NULL;
    conf->exchange = NULL;
    conf->routing_key = NULL;
    conf->connection_retry_delay = 0;

    /* publish only */
    conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
    conf->store_rates = 0;
    conf->graphite_flags = 0;
    /* publish & graphite only */
    conf->prefix = NULL;
    conf->postfix = NULL;
    conf->escape_char = '_';
    /* subscribe only */
    conf->exchange_type = NULL;
    conf->queue = NULL;
    conf->queue_durable = 0;
    conf->queue_auto_delete = 1;
    /* general */
    conf->connection = NULL;
    pthread_mutex_init (&conf->lock, /* attr = */ NULL);
    /* }}} */

    status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &conf->name);
    if (status != 0)
        sfree (conf);
        return (status);

    for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
        oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

        if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->host);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_port_number (child);
            if (status > 0)
                conf->port = status;
                status = 0;
        else if (strcasecmp ("VHost", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->vhost);
        else if (strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->user);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->password);
        else if (strcasecmp ("Exchange", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("ExchangeType", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange_type);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Queue", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->queue);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("QueueDurable", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->queue_durable);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("QueueAutoDelete", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->queue_auto_delete);
        else if (strcasecmp ("RoutingKey", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->routing_key);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Persistent", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            _Bool tmp = 0;
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &tmp);
            if (tmp)
                conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_PERSISTENT;
                conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
        else if ((strcasecmp ("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->store_rates);
            (void) cf_util_get_flag (child, &conf->graphite_flags,
        else if ((strcasecmp ("Format", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = camqp_config_set_format (child, conf);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphiteSeparateInstances", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_flag (child, &conf->graphite_flags,
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphiteAlwaysAppendDS", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_flag (child, &conf->graphite_flags,
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePrefix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->prefix);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePostfix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->postfix);
        else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphiteEscapeChar", child->key) == 0) && publish)
            char *tmp_buff = NULL;
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tmp_buff);
            if (strlen (tmp_buff) > 1)
                WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"GraphiteEscapeChar\" handles "
                        "only one character. Others will be ignored.");
            conf->escape_char = tmp_buff[0];
            sfree (tmp_buff);
        else if (strcasecmp ("ConnectionRetryDelay", child->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_int (child, &conf->connection_retry_delay);
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown "
                    "configuration option \"%s\".", child->key);

        if (status != 0)
    } /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */

    if ((status == 0) && (conf->exchange == NULL))
        if (conf->exchange_type != NULL)
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"ExchangeType\" was given "
                    "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");

        if (!publish && (conf->routing_key != NULL))
            WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"RoutingKey\" was given "
                    "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");


    if (status != 0)
        camqp_config_free (conf);
        return (status);

    if (conf->exchange != NULL)
        DEBUG ("amqp plugin: camqp_config_connection: exchange = %s;",

    if (publish)
        char cbname[128];
        user_data_t ud = { conf, camqp_config_free };

        ssnprintf (cbname, sizeof (cbname), "amqp/%s", conf->name);

        status = plugin_register_write (cbname, camqp_write, &ud);
        if (status != 0)
            camqp_config_free (conf);
            return (status);
        status = camqp_subscribe_init (conf);
        if (status != 0)
            camqp_config_free (conf);
            return (status);

    return (0);
} /* }}} int camqp_config_connection */
예제 #6
파일: curl_xml.c 프로젝트: Mindera/collectd
static int cx_handle_instance_xpath (xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx, /* {{{ */
    cx_xpath_t *xpath, value_list_t *vl,
    _Bool is_table)
  xmlXPathObjectPtr instance_node_obj = NULL;
  xmlNodeSetPtr instance_node = NULL;

  memset (vl->type_instance, 0, sizeof (vl->type_instance));

  /* If the base xpath returns more than one block, the result is assumed to be
   * a table. The `Instance' option is not optional in this case. Check for the
   * condition and inform the user. */
  if (is_table && (xpath->instance == NULL))
    WARNING ("curl_xml plugin: "
        "Base-XPath %s is a table (more than one result was returned), "
        "but no instance-XPath has been defined.",
    return (-1);

  /* instance has to be an xpath expression */
  if (xpath->instance != NULL)
    int tmp_size;

    instance_node_obj = cx_evaluate_xpath (xpath_ctx, BAD_CAST xpath->instance);
    if (instance_node_obj == NULL)
      return (-1); /* error is logged already */

    instance_node = instance_node_obj->nodesetval;
    tmp_size = (instance_node) ? instance_node->nodeNr : 0;

    if (tmp_size <= 0)
      WARNING ("curl_xml plugin: "
          "relative xpath expression for 'InstanceFrom' \"%s\" doesn't match "
          "any of the nodes. Skipping the node.", xpath->instance);
      xmlXPathFreeObject (instance_node_obj);
      return (-1);

    if (tmp_size > 1)
      WARNING ("curl_xml plugin: "
          "relative xpath expression for 'InstanceFrom' \"%s\" is expected "
          "to return only one text node. Skipping the node.", xpath->instance);
      xmlXPathFreeObject (instance_node_obj);
      return (-1);

    /* ignoring the element if other than textnode/attribute */
    if (cx_if_not_text_node(instance_node->nodeTab[0]))
      WARNING ("curl_xml plugin: "
          "relative xpath expression \"%s\" is expected to return only text node "
          "which is not the case. Skipping the node.", xpath->instance);
      xmlXPathFreeObject (instance_node_obj);
      return (-1);
  } /* if (xpath->instance != NULL) */

  if (xpath->instance_prefix != NULL)
    if (instance_node != NULL)
      char *node_value = (char *) xmlNodeGetContent(instance_node->nodeTab[0]);
      ssnprintf (vl->type_instance, sizeof (vl->type_instance),"%s%s",
          xpath->instance_prefix, node_value);
      sfree (node_value);
      sstrncpy (vl->type_instance, xpath->instance_prefix,
          sizeof (vl->type_instance));
    /* If instance_prefix and instance_node are NULL, then
     * don't set the type_instance */
    if (instance_node != NULL)
      char *node_value = (char *) xmlNodeGetContent(instance_node->nodeTab[0]);
      sstrncpy (vl->type_instance, node_value, sizeof (vl->type_instance));
      sfree (node_value);

  /* Free `instance_node_obj' this late, because `instance_node' points to
   * somewhere inside this structure. */
  xmlXPathFreeObject (instance_node_obj);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int cx_handle_instance_xpath */
예제 #7
static void kafka_config_topic(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
    int                          status;
    int                          i;
    struct kafka_topic_context  *tctx;
    char                        *key;
    char                        *val;
    char                         callback_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char                         errbuf[1024];
    user_data_t                  ud;
	oconfig_item_t              *child;
    rd_kafka_conf_res_t          ret;

	if ((tctx = calloc(1, sizeof (*tctx))) == NULL) {
		ERROR ("write_kafka plugin: calloc failed.");

    tctx->escape_char = '.';
    tctx->store_rates = 1;

    rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb(conf, kafka_log);
    if ((tctx->kafka = rd_kafka_new(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf,
                                    errbuf, sizeof(errbuf))) == NULL) {
        ERROR("write_kafka plugin: cannot create kafka handle.");
    conf = NULL;

    if ((tctx->conf = rd_kafka_topic_conf_new()) == NULL) {
        ERROR ("write_kafka plugin: cannot create topic configuration.");

    if (ci->values_num != 1) {
        WARNING("kafka topic name needed.");
        goto errout;

    if (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING) {
        WARNING("kafka topic needs a string argument.");
        goto errout;

    if ((tctx->topic_name = strdup(ci->values[0].value.string)) == NULL) {
        ERROR("write_kafka plugin: cannot copy topic name.");
        goto errout;

	for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) {
		 * The code here could be simplified but makes room
		 * for easy adding of new options later on.
		child = &ci->children[i];
		status = 0;

		if (strcasecmp ("Property", child->key) == 0) {
			if (child->values_num != 2) {
				WARNING("kafka properties need both a key and a value.");
                goto errout;
			if (child->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING ||
			    child->values[1].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING) {
				WARNING("kafka properties needs string arguments.");
                goto errout;
            key = child->values[0].value.string;
            val = child->values[0].value.string;
            ret = rd_kafka_topic_conf_set(tctx->conf,key, val,
                                          errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
            if (ret != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK) {
				WARNING("cannot set kafka topic property %s to %s: %s.",
                        key, val, errbuf);
                goto errout;

        } else if (strcasecmp ("Key", child->key) == 0)  {
            char *tmp_buf = NULL;
            status = cf_util_get_string(child, &tmp_buf);
            if (status != 0) {
                WARNING("write_kafka plugin: invalid key supplied");

            if (strcasecmp(tmp_buf, "Random") != 0) {
                tctx->has_key = 1;
                tctx->key = crc32_buffer((u_char *)tmp_buf, strlen(tmp_buf));

        } else if (strcasecmp ("Format", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_string(child, &key);
            if (status != 0)
                goto errout;

            assert(key != NULL);

            if (strcasecmp(key, "Command") == 0) {

                tctx->format = KAFKA_FORMAT_COMMAND;

            } else if (strcasecmp(key, "Graphite") == 0) {
                tctx->format = KAFKA_FORMAT_GRAPHITE;

            } else if (strcasecmp(key, "Json") == 0) {
                tctx->format = KAFKA_FORMAT_JSON;

            } else {
                WARNING ("write_kafka plugin: Invalid format string: %s",

        } else if (strcasecmp ("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &tctx->store_rates);
            (void) cf_util_get_flag (child, &tctx->graphite_flags,

        } else if (strcasecmp ("GraphiteSeparateInstances", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_flag (child, &tctx->graphite_flags,

        } else if (strcasecmp ("GraphiteAlwaysAppendDS", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_flag (child, &tctx->graphite_flags,

        } else if (strcasecmp ("GraphitePrefix", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tctx->prefix);
        } else if (strcasecmp ("GraphitePostfix", child->key) == 0) {
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tctx->postfix);
        } else if (strcasecmp ("GraphiteEscapeChar", child->key) == 0) {
            char *tmp_buff = NULL;
            status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tmp_buff);
            if (strlen (tmp_buff) > 1)
                WARNING ("write_kafka plugin: The option \"GraphiteEscapeChar\" handles "
                        "only one character. Others will be ignored.");
            tctx->escape_char = tmp_buff[0];
            sfree (tmp_buff);
        } else {
            WARNING ("write_kafka plugin: Invalid directive: %s.", child->key);

        if (status != 0)

    rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(tctx->conf, kafka_partition);
    rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque(tctx->conf, tctx);

    if ((tctx->topic = rd_kafka_topic_new(tctx->kafka, tctx->topic_name,
                                       tctx->conf)) == NULL) {
        ERROR("write_kafka plugin: cannot create topic.");
        goto errout;
    tctx->conf = NULL;

    ssnprintf(callback_name, sizeof(callback_name),
              "write_kafka/%s", tctx->topic_name);

    ud.data = tctx;
    ud.free_func = kafka_topic_context_free;

	status = plugin_register_write (callback_name, kafka_write, &ud);
	if (status != 0) {
		WARNING ("write_kafka plugin: plugin_register_write (\"%s\") "
				"failed with status %i.",
				callback_name, status);
        goto errout;
    if (conf != NULL)
    if (tctx->kafka != NULL)
    if (tctx->topic != NULL)
    if (tctx->topic_name != NULL)
    if (tctx->conf != NULL)
} /* }}} int kafka_config_topic */
예제 #8
static int uc_send_notification (const char *name)
  cache_entry_t *ce = NULL;
  int status;

  char *name_copy;
  char *host;
  char *plugin;
  char *plugin_instance;
  char *type;
  char *type_instance;

  notification_t n;

  name_copy = strdup (name);
  if (name_copy == NULL)
    ERROR ("uc_send_notification: strdup failed.");
    return (-1);

  status = parse_identifier (name_copy, &host,
      &plugin, &plugin_instance,
      &type, &type_instance);
  if (status != 0)
    ERROR ("uc_send_notification: Cannot parse name `%s'", name);
    return (-1);

  /* Copy the associative members */
  notification_init (&n, NOTIF_FAILURE, /* host = */ NULL,
      host, plugin, plugin_instance, type, type_instance);

  sfree (name_copy);
  name_copy = host = plugin = plugin_instance = type = type_instance = NULL;

  pthread_mutex_lock (&cache_lock);

   * Set the time _after_ getting the lock because we don't know how long
   * acquiring the lock takes and we will use this time later to decide
   * whether or not the state is OKAY.
  n.time = time (NULL);

  status = c_avl_get (cache_tree, name, (void *) &ce);
  if (status != 0)
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);
    sfree (name_copy);
    return (-1);
  /* Check if the entry has been updated in the meantime */
  if ((n.time - ce->last_update) < (2 * ce->interval))
    ce->state = STATE_OKAY;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);
    sfree (name_copy);
    return (-1);

  ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
      "%s has not been updated for %i seconds.", name,
      (int) (n.time - ce->last_update));

  pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);

  plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);

  return (0);
} /* int uc_send_notification */
예제 #9
int uc_update (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl)
  char name[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
  cache_entry_t *ce = NULL;
  int send_okay_notification = 0;
  time_t update_delay = 0;
  notification_t n;
  int status;
  int i;

  if (FORMAT_VL (name, sizeof (name), vl) != 0)
    ERROR ("uc_update: FORMAT_VL failed.");
    return (-1);

  pthread_mutex_lock (&cache_lock);

  status = c_avl_get (cache_tree, name, (void *) &ce);
  if (status != 0) /* entry does not yet exist */
    status = uc_insert (ds, vl, name);
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);
    return (status);

  assert (ce != NULL);
  assert (ce->values_num == ds->ds_num);

  if (ce->last_time >= vl->time)
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);
    NOTICE ("uc_update: Value too old: name = %s; value time = %u; "
	"last cache update = %u;",
	name, (unsigned int) vl->time, (unsigned int) ce->last_time);
    return (-1);

  /* Send a notification (after the lock has been released) if we switch the
   * state from something else to `okay'. */
  if (ce->state == STATE_MISSING)
    send_okay_notification = 1;
    ce->state = STATE_OKAY;
    update_delay = time (NULL) - ce->last_update;

  for (i = 0; i < ds->ds_num; i++)
    switch (ds->ds[i].type)
      case DS_TYPE_COUNTER:
	  counter_t diff;

	  /* check if the counter has wrapped around */
	  if (vl->values[i].counter < ce->values_raw[i].counter)
	    if (ce->values_raw[i].counter <= 4294967295U)
	      diff = (4294967295U - ce->values_raw[i].counter)
		+ vl->values[i].counter;
	      diff = (18446744073709551615ULL - ce->values_raw[i].counter)
		+ vl->values[i].counter;
	  else /* counter has NOT wrapped around */
	    diff = vl->values[i].counter - ce->values_raw[i].counter;

	  ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) diff)
	    / ((double) (vl->time - ce->last_time));
	  ce->values_raw[i].counter = vl->values[i].counter;

      case DS_TYPE_GAUGE:
	ce->values_raw[i].gauge = vl->values[i].gauge;
	ce->values_gauge[i] = vl->values[i].gauge;

      case DS_TYPE_DERIVE:
	  derive_t diff;

	  diff = vl->values[i].derive - ce->values_raw[i].derive;

	  ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) diff)
	    / ((double) (vl->time - ce->last_time));
	  ce->values_raw[i].derive = vl->values[i].derive;

      case DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE:
	ce->values_gauge[i] = ((double) vl->values[i].absolute)
	  / ((double) (vl->time - ce->last_time));
	ce->values_raw[i].absolute = vl->values[i].absolute;

	/* This shouldn't happen. */
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);
	ERROR ("uc_update: Don't know how to handle data source type %i.",
	return (-1);
    } /* switch (ds->ds[i].type) */

    DEBUG ("uc_update: %s: ds[%i] = %lf", name, i, ce->values_gauge[i]);
  } /* for (i) */

  /* Update the history if it exists. */
  if (ce->history != NULL)
    assert (ce->history_index < ce->history_length);
    for (i = 0; i < ce->values_num; i++)
      size_t hist_idx = (ce->values_num * ce->history_index) + i;
      ce->history[hist_idx] = ce->values_gauge[i];

    assert (ce->history_length > 0);
    ce->history_index = (ce->history_index + 1) % ce->history_length;

  /* Prune invalid gauge data */
  uc_check_range (ds, ce);

  ce->last_time = vl->time;
  ce->last_update = time (NULL);
  ce->interval = vl->interval;

  pthread_mutex_unlock (&cache_lock);

  if (send_okay_notification == 0)
    return (0);

  /* Do not send okay notifications for uninteresting values, i. e. values for
   * which no threshold is configured. */
  status = ut_check_interesting (name);
  if (status <= 0)
    return (0);

  /* Initialize the notification */
  memset (&n, '\0', sizeof (n));
  NOTIFICATION_INIT_VL (&n, vl, ds);

  n.severity = NOTIF_OKAY;
  n.time = vl->time;

  ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
      "Received a value for %s. It was missing for %u seconds.",
      name, (unsigned int) update_delay);

  plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);

  return (0);
} /* int uc_update */
예제 #10
static int notify_email_notification (const notification_t *n)
  smtp_recipient_t recipient;

  struct tm timestamp_tm;
  char timestamp_str[64];

  char severity[32];
  char subject[MAXSTRING];

  char buf[4096] = "";
  int  buf_len = sizeof (buf);
  int i;

  ssnprintf (severity, sizeof (severity), "%s",
      (n->severity == NOTIF_FAILURE) ? "FAILURE"
      : ((n->severity == NOTIF_WARNING) ? "WARNING"
        : ((n->severity == NOTIF_OKAY) ? "OKAY" : "UNKNOWN")));

  ssnprintf (subject, sizeof (subject),
      (email_subject == NULL) ? DEFAULT_SMTP_SUBJECT : email_subject,
      severity, n->host);

  localtime_r (&n->time, &timestamp_tm);
  strftime (timestamp_str, sizeof (timestamp_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
  timestamp_str[sizeof (timestamp_str) - 1] = '\0';

  /* Let's make RFC822 message text with \r\n EOLs */
  ssnprintf (buf, buf_len,
      "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
      "Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n"
      "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"
      "Subject: %s\r\n"
      "%s - %s@%s\r\n"
      "Message: %s",

  if (!(message = smtp_add_message (session))) {
    ERROR ("notify_email plugin: cannot set SMTP message");
    return (-1);   
  smtp_set_reverse_path (message, email_from);
  smtp_set_header (message, "To", NULL, NULL);
  smtp_set_message_str (message, buf);

  for (i = 0; i < recipients_len; i++)
    recipient = smtp_add_recipient (message, recipients[i]);

  /* Initiate a connection to the SMTP server and transfer the message. */
  if (!smtp_start_session (session)) {
    char buf[MAXSTRING];
    ERROR ("notify_email plugin: SMTP server problem: %s",
        smtp_strerror (smtp_errno (), buf, sizeof buf));
    return (-1);
  } else {
    const smtp_status_t *status;
    /* Report on the success or otherwise of the mail transfer. */
    status = smtp_message_transfer_status (message);
    DEBUG ("notify_email plugin: SMTP server report: %d %s",
        status->code, (status->text != NULL) ? status->text : "\n");
    smtp_enumerate_recipients (message, print_recipient_status, NULL);

  return (0);
} /* int notify_email_notification */
예제 #11
static int cj_config_add_url (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
  cj_t *db;
  int status = 0;
  int i;

  if ((ci->values_num != 1)
      || (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING))
    WARNING ("curl_json plugin: The `URL' block "
             "needs exactly one string argument.");
    return (-1);

  db = (cj_t *) malloc (sizeof (*db));
  if (db == NULL)
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: malloc failed.");
    return (-1);
  memset (db, 0, sizeof (*db));

  if (strcasecmp ("URL", ci->key) == 0)
    status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &db->url);
  else if (strcasecmp ("Sock", ci->key) == 0)
    status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &db->sock);
    ERROR ("curl_json plugin: cj_config: "
           "Invalid key: %s", ci->key);
    return (-1);
  if (status != 0)
    sfree (db);
    return (status);

  /* Fill the `cj_t' structure.. */
  for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
    oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;

    if (strcasecmp ("Instance", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->instance);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->host);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->user);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->pass);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Digest", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->digest);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("VerifyPeer", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->verify_peer);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("VerifyHost", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->verify_host);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("CACert", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->cacert);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("Header", child->key) == 0)
      status = cj_config_append_string ("Header", &db->headers, child);
    else if (db->url && strcasecmp ("Post", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->post_body);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Key", child->key) == 0)
      status = cj_config_add_key (db, child);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Interval", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_cdtime(child, &db->interval);
      WARNING ("curl_json plugin: Option `%s' not allowed here.", child->key);
      status = -1;

    if (status != 0)

  if (status == 0)
    if (db->tree == NULL)
      WARNING ("curl_json plugin: No (valid) `Key' block within `%s' \"`%s'\".",
               db->url ? "URL" : "Sock", db->url ? db->url : db->sock);
      status = -1;
    if (status == 0 && db->url)
      status = cj_init_curl (db);

  /* If all went well, register this database for reading */
  if (status == 0)
    user_data_t ud;
    char cb_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    struct timespec interval = { 0, 0 };

    CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (db->interval, &interval);

    if (db->instance == NULL)
      db->instance = strdup("default");

    DEBUG ("curl_json plugin: Registering new read callback: %s",

    memset (&ud, 0, sizeof (ud));
    ud.data = (void *) db;
    ud.free_func = cj_free;

    ssnprintf (cb_name, sizeof (cb_name), "curl_json-%s-%s",
               db->instance, db->url ? db->url : db->sock);

    plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ NULL, cb_name, cj_read,
                                  /* interval = */ (db->interval > 0) ? &interval : NULL,
    cj_free (db);
    return (-1);

  return (0);
예제 #12
/* * * * * * * * * *
 * WARNING:  Magic *
 * * * * * * * * * */
static int rra_get (char ***ret, const value_list_t *vl, /* {{{ */
    const rrdcreate_config_t *cfg)
  char **rra_def;
  int rra_num;

  int *rts;
  int  rts_num;

  int rra_max;

  int span;

  int cdp_num;
  int cdp_len;
  int i, j;

  char buffer[128];

  /* The stepsize we use here: If it is user-set, use it. If not, use the
   * interval of the value-list. */
  int ss;

  if (cfg->rrarows <= 0)
    *ret = NULL;
    return (-1);

  if ((cfg->xff < 0) || (cfg->xff >= 1.0))
    *ret = NULL;
    return (-1);

  if (cfg->stepsize > 0)
    ss = cfg->stepsize;
    ss = (int) CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (vl->interval);
  if (ss <= 0)
    *ret = NULL;
    return (-1);

  /* Use the configured timespans or fall back to the built-in defaults */
  if (cfg->timespans_num != 0)
    rts = cfg->timespans;
    rts_num = cfg->timespans_num;
    rts = rra_timespans;
    rts_num = rra_timespans_num;

  rra_max = rts_num * rra_types_num;

  if ((rra_def = (char **) malloc ((rra_max + 1) * sizeof (char *))) == NULL)
    return (-1);
  memset (rra_def, '\0', (rra_max + 1) * sizeof (char *));
  rra_num = 0;

  cdp_len = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < rts_num; i++)
    span = rts[i];

    if ((span / ss) < cfg->rrarows)
      span = ss * cfg->rrarows;

    if (cdp_len == 0)
      cdp_len = 1;
      cdp_len = (int) floor (((double) span)
          / ((double) (cfg->rrarows * ss)));

    cdp_num = (int) ceil (((double) span)
        / ((double) (cdp_len * ss)));

    for (j = 0; j < rra_types_num; j++)
      int status;

      if (rra_num >= rra_max)

      status = ssnprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "RRA:%s:%.10f:%u:%u",
          rra_types[j], cfg->xff, cdp_len, cdp_num);

      if ((status < 0) || ((size_t) status >= sizeof (buffer)))
        ERROR ("rra_get: Buffer would have been truncated.");

      rra_def[rra_num++] = sstrdup (buffer);

  *ret = rra_def;
  return (rra_num);
} /* }}} int rra_get */
예제 #13
static int ds_get (char ***ret, /* {{{ */
    const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl,
    const rrdcreate_config_t *cfg)
  char **ds_def;
  int ds_num;

  char min[32];
  char max[32];
  char buffer[128];

  ds_def = (char **) malloc (ds->ds_num * sizeof (char *));
  if (ds_def == NULL)
    char errbuf[1024];
    ERROR ("rrdtool plugin: malloc failed: %s",
        sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
    return (-1);
  memset (ds_def, '\0', ds->ds_num * sizeof (char *));

  for (ds_num = 0; ds_num < ds->ds_num; ds_num++)
    data_source_t *d = ds->ds + ds_num;
    char *type;
    int status;

    ds_def[ds_num] = NULL;

    if (d->type == DS_TYPE_COUNTER)
      type = "COUNTER";
    else if (d->type == DS_TYPE_GAUGE)
      type = "GAUGE";
    else if (d->type == DS_TYPE_DERIVE)
      type = "DERIVE";
    else if (d->type == DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE)
      type = "ABSOLUTE";
      ERROR ("rrdtool plugin: Unknown DS type: %i",

    if (isnan (d->min))
      sstrncpy (min, "U", sizeof (min));
      ssnprintf (min, sizeof (min), "%f", d->min);

    if (isnan (d->max))
      sstrncpy (max, "U", sizeof (max));
      ssnprintf (max, sizeof (max), "%f", d->max);

    status = ssnprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer),
        d->name, type,
        (cfg->heartbeat > 0)
        ? cfg->heartbeat
        : (int) CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (2 * vl->interval),
        min, max);
    if ((status < 1) || ((size_t) status >= sizeof (buffer)))

    ds_def[ds_num] = sstrdup (buffer);
  } /* for ds_num = 0 .. ds->ds_num */

  if (ds_num != ds->ds_num)
    ds_free (ds_num, ds_def);
    return (-1);

  *ret = ds_def;
  return (ds_num);
} /* }}} int ds_get */
예제 #14
파일: write_http.c 프로젝트: Civil/collectd
static int wh_callback_init (wh_callback_t *cb) /* {{{ */
        struct curl_slist *headers;

        if (cb->curl != NULL)
                return (0);

        cb->curl = curl_easy_init ();
        if (cb->curl == NULL)
                ERROR ("curl plugin: curl_easy_init failed.");
                return (-1);

        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, COLLECTD_USERAGENT);

        headers = NULL;
        headers = curl_slist_append (headers, "Accept:  */*");
        if (cb->format == WH_FORMAT_JSON)
                headers = curl_slist_append (headers, "Content-Type: application/json");
                headers = curl_slist_append (headers, "Content-Type: text/plain");
        headers = curl_slist_append (headers, "Expect:");
        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, cb->curl_errbuf);
        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_URL, cb->location);

        if (cb->user != NULL)
                size_t credentials_size;

                credentials_size = strlen (cb->user) + 2;
                if (cb->pass != NULL)
                        credentials_size += strlen (cb->pass);

                cb->credentials = (char *) malloc (credentials_size);
                if (cb->credentials == NULL)
                        ERROR ("curl plugin: malloc failed.");
                        return (-1);

                ssnprintf (cb->credentials, credentials_size, "%s:%s",
                                cb->user, (cb->pass == NULL) ? "" : cb->pass);
                curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, cb->credentials);
                curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY);

        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, (long) cb->verify_peer);
        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,
                        cb->verify_host ? 2L : 0L);
        curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, cb->sslversion);
        if (cb->cacert != NULL)
                curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, cb->cacert);
        if (cb->capath != NULL)
                curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, cb->capath);

        if (cb->clientkey != NULL && cb->clientcert != NULL)
            curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, cb->clientkey);
            curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, cb->clientcert);

            if (cb->clientkeypass != NULL)
                curl_easy_setopt (cb->curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, cb->clientkeypass);

        wh_reset_buffer (cb);

        return (0);
} /* }}} int wh_callback_init */
예제 #15
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: gerpe/fresdwn
void nbGetLastErrorEx(char *File, char *Function, int Line, const char *CallerString, char *ErrBuf, int ErrBufSize)
#ifdef WIN32
	int RetVal;
	int ErrorCode;
	TCHAR Message[2048];	// It will be char (if we're using ascii) or wchar_t (if we're using unicode)
    DWORD FormatFlags;
    HMODULE ModuleHandle = NULL; // default to system source

		ErrorCode= GetLastError();


		// Let's check if ErrorCode is in the network range, load the message source.
		// This will help printing error messages related to network services
		if (ErrorCode >= NERR_BASE && ErrorCode <= MAX_NERR)
			ModuleHandle = LoadLibraryEx(TEXT("netmsg.dll"), NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);

			if (ModuleHandle != NULL)

		// Call FormatMessage() to allow for message text to be acquired from the system 
		// or from the supplied module handle.
		RetVal= FormatMessage(FormatFlags,
	                  ModuleHandle, // module to get message from (NULL == system)
					  sizeof(Message) / sizeof(TCHAR),

		// If we loaded a message source, unload it.
		if (ModuleHandle != NULL)

		if (RetVal == 0)
			if (ErrBuf)
#ifdef _DEBUG
				if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
					ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %sUnable to get the exact error message", File, Line, Function, CallerString);
					ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %s Unable to get the exact error message", File, Line, Function);
				if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
					ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%sUnable to get the exact error message", CallerString);
					ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "Unable to get the exact error message");

				ErrBuf[ErrBufSize - 1]= 0;

		if (ErrBuf)
#ifdef _DEBUG
			if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %s%s (code %d)", File, Line, Function, CallerString, Message, ErrorCode);
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %s (code %d)", File, Line, Function, Message, ErrorCode);
			if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s%s (code %d)", CallerString, Message, ErrorCode);
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s (code %d)", Message, ErrorCode);

			ErrBuf[ErrBufSize - 1]= 0;

	char *Message;
		Message= strerror(errno);

		if (ErrBuf)
#ifdef _DEBUG
			if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %s%s (code %d)", File, Line, Function, CallerString, Message, errno);
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s:%d (%s()): %s (code %d)", File, Line, Function, Message, errno);
			if ( (CallerString) && (*CallerString) )
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s%s (code %d)", CallerString, Message, errno);
				ssnprintf(ErrBuf, ErrBufSize, "%s (code %d)", Message, errno);

			ErrBuf[ErrBufSize - 1]= 0;
예제 #16
파일: olsrd.c 프로젝트: 4thAce/collectd
static int olsrd_cb_links (int lineno, /* {{{ */
    size_t fields_num, char **fields)
  /* Fields:
   *  0 = Local IP
   *  1 = Remote IP
   *  2 = Hyst.
   *  3 = LQ
   *  4 = NLQ
   *  5 = Cost */

  static uint32_t links_num;
  static double    lq_sum;
  static uint32_t  lq_num;
  static double   nlq_sum;
  static uint32_t nlq_num;

  double lq;
  double nlq;

  char *endptr;

  if (config_want_links == OLSRD_WANT_NOT)
    return (0);

  /* Special handling of the first line. */
  if (lineno <= 0)
    links_num = 0;
    lq_sum = 0.0;
    lq_num = 0;
    nlq_sum = 0.0;
    nlq_num = 0;

    return (0);

  /* Special handling of the last line. */
  if (fields_num == 0)
    DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: Number of links: %"PRIu32, links_num);
    olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "links", /* type = */ "links",
        /* t.-inst = */ NULL, (gauge_t) links_num);

    lq = NAN;
    if (lq_num > 0)
      lq = lq_sum / ((double) lq_num);
    DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: Average  LQ: %g", lq);
    olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "links", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
        "average-lq", lq);

    nlq = NAN;
    if (nlq_num > 0)
      nlq = nlq_sum / ((double) nlq_num);
    DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: Average NLQ: %g", nlq);
    olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "links", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
        "average-nlq", nlq);

    return (0);

  if (fields_num != 6)
    return (-1);


  errno = 0;
  endptr = NULL;
  lq = strtod (fields[3], &endptr);
  if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == fields[3]))
    ERROR ("olsrd plugin: Cannot parse link quality: %s", fields[3]);
    if (!isnan (lq))
      lq_sum += lq;

    if (config_want_links == OLSRD_WANT_DETAIL)
      char type_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

      ssnprintf (type_instance, sizeof (type_instance), "%s-%s-lq",
          fields[0], fields[1]);

      DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: links: type_instance = %s;  lq = %g;",
          type_instance, lq);
      olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "links", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
          type_instance, lq);

  errno = 0;
  endptr = NULL;
  nlq = strtod (fields[4], &endptr);
  if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == fields[4]))
    ERROR ("olsrd plugin: Cannot parse neighbor link quality: %s", fields[4]);
    if (!isnan (nlq))
      nlq_sum += nlq;

    if (config_want_links == OLSRD_WANT_DETAIL)
      char type_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

      ssnprintf (type_instance, sizeof (type_instance), "%s-%s-rx",
          fields[0], fields[1]);

      DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: links: type_instance = %s; nlq = %g;",
          type_instance, lq);
      olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "links", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
          type_instance, nlq);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int olsrd_cb_links */
예제 #17
파일: oracle.c 프로젝트: 01BTC10/collectd
static int o_read_database (o_database_t *db) /* {{{ */
  size_t i;
  int status;

  if (db->oci_service_context != NULL)
    OCIServer *server_handle;
    ub4 connection_status;

    server_handle = NULL;
    status = OCIAttrGet ((void *) db->oci_service_context, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
        (void *) &server_handle, /* size pointer = */ NULL,
        OCI_ATTR_SERVER, oci_error);
    if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)
      o_report_error ("o_read_database", db->name, NULL, "OCIAttrGet",
      return (-1);

    if (server_handle == NULL)
      connection_status = OCI_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED;
    else /* if (server_handle != NULL) */
      connection_status = 0;
      status = OCIAttrGet ((void *) server_handle, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER,
          (void *) &connection_status, /* size pointer = */ NULL,
          OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS, oci_error);
      if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)
        o_report_error ("o_read_database", db->name, NULL, "OCIAttrGet",
        return (-1);

    if (connection_status != OCI_SERVER_NORMAL)
      INFO ("oracle plugin: Connection to %s lost. Trying to reconnect.",
      OCIHandleFree (db->oci_service_context, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX);
      db->oci_service_context = NULL;
  } /* if (db->oci_service_context != NULL) */

  if (db->oci_service_context == NULL)
    status = OCILogon (oci_env, oci_error,
        (OraText *) db->username, (ub4) strlen (db->username),
        (OraText *) db->password, (ub4) strlen (db->password),
        (OraText *) db->connect_id, (ub4) strlen (db->connect_id));
    if ((status != OCI_SUCCESS) && (status != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
      char errfunc[256];

      ssnprintf (errfunc, sizeof (errfunc), "OCILogon(\"%s\")", db->connect_id);

      o_report_error ("o_read_database", db->name, NULL, errfunc, oci_error);
      DEBUG ("oracle plugin: OCILogon (%s): db->oci_service_context = %p;",
          db->connect_id, db->oci_service_context);
      db->oci_service_context = NULL;
      return (-1);
    else if (status == OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
      /* TODO: Print NOTIFY message. */
    assert (db->oci_service_context != NULL);

  DEBUG ("oracle plugin: o_read_database: db->connect_id = %s; db->oci_service_context = %p;",
      db->connect_id, db->oci_service_context);

  for (i = 0; i < db->queries_num; i++)
    o_read_database_query (db, db->queries[i], db->q_prep_areas[i]);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int o_read_database */
예제 #18
파일: olsrd.c 프로젝트: 4thAce/collectd
static int olsrd_cb_topology (int lineno, /* {{{ */
    size_t fields_num, char **fields)
  /* Fields:
   *  0 = Dest. IP
   *  1 = Last hop IP
   *  2 = LQ
   *  3 = NLQ
   *  4 = Cost */

  static double   lq_sum;
  static uint32_t lq_num;

  static uint32_t links_num;

  double lq;
  char *endptr;

  if (config_want_topology == OLSRD_WANT_NOT)
    return (0);

  /* Special handling of the first line */
  if (lineno <= 0)
    lq_sum = 0.0;
    lq_num = 0;
    links_num = 0;

    return (0);

  /* Special handling after the last line */
  if (fields_num == 0)
    DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: topology: Number of links: %"PRIu32, links_num);
    olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "topology", /* type = */ "links",
        /* t.-inst = */ NULL, (gauge_t) links_num);

    lq = NAN;
    if (lq_num > 0)
      lq = lq_sum / ((double) lq_sum);
    DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: topology: Average link quality: %g", lq);
    olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "topology", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
        /* t.-inst = */ "average", lq);

    return (0);

  if (fields_num != 5)
    return (-1);


  errno = 0;
  endptr = NULL;
  lq = strtod (fields[2], &endptr);
  if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == fields[2]))
    ERROR ("olsrd plugin: Unable to parse LQ: %s", fields[2]);
    if (!isnan (lq))
      lq_sum += lq;

    if (config_want_topology == OLSRD_WANT_DETAIL)
      char type_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

      memset (type_instance, 0, sizeof (type_instance));
      ssnprintf (type_instance, sizeof (type_instance), "%s-%s-lq",
          fields[0], fields[1]);
      DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: type_instance = %s; lq = %g;", type_instance, lq);
      olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "topology", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
          type_instance, lq);

  if (config_want_topology == OLSRD_WANT_DETAIL)
    double nlq;

    errno = 0;
    endptr = NULL;
    nlq = strtod (fields[3], &endptr);
    if ((errno != 0) || (endptr == fields[3]))
      ERROR ("olsrd plugin: Unable to parse NLQ: %s", fields[3]);
      char type_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

      memset (type_instance, 0, sizeof (type_instance));
      ssnprintf (type_instance, sizeof (type_instance), "%s-%s-nlq",
          fields[0], fields[1]);
      DEBUG ("olsrd plugin: type_instance = %s; nlq = %g;", type_instance, nlq);
      olsrd_submit (/* p.-inst = */ "topology", /* type = */ "signal_quality",
          type_instance, nlq);

  return (0);
} /* }}} int olsrd_cb_topology */
예제 #19
파일: curl_xml.c 프로젝트: Mindera/collectd
/* Initialize db->curl */
static int cx_init_curl (cx_t *db) /* {{{ */
  db->curl = curl_easy_init ();
  if (db->curl == NULL)
    ERROR ("curl_xml plugin: curl_easy_init failed.");
    return (-1);

  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, cx_curl_callback);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, db);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, COLLECTD_USERAGENT);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, db->curl_errbuf);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_URL, db->url);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L);

  if (db->user != NULL)
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, db->user);
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD,
        (db->pass == NULL) ? "" : db->pass);
    size_t credentials_size;

    credentials_size = strlen (db->user) + 2;
    if (db->pass != NULL)
      credentials_size += strlen (db->pass);

    db->credentials = (char *) malloc (credentials_size);
    if (db->credentials == NULL)
      ERROR ("curl_xml plugin: malloc failed.");
      return (-1);

    ssnprintf (db->credentials, credentials_size, "%s:%s",
               db->user, (db->pass == NULL) ? "" : db->pass);
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, db->credentials);

    if (db->digest)
      curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);

  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, db->verify_peer ? 1L : 0L);
  curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,
                    db->verify_host ? 2L : 0L);
  if (db->cacert != NULL)
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, db->cacert);
  if (db->headers != NULL)
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, db->headers);
  if (db->post_body != NULL)
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, db->post_body);

  if (db->timeout >= 0)
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, (long) db->timeout);
    curl_easy_setopt (db->curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, (long) CDTIME_T_TO_MS(plugin_get_interval()));

  return (0);
} /* }}} int cx_init_curl */
예제 #20
파일: tail_csv.c 프로젝트: Whissi/collectd
/* <File /> block */
static int tcsv_config_add_file(oconfig_item_t *ci)
    instance_definition_t* id;
    int status = 0;

    /* Registration variables */
    char cb_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

    id = calloc(1, sizeof(*id));
    if (id == NULL)
        return (-1);
    id->instance = NULL;
    id->path = NULL;
    id->metric_list = NULL;
    id->time_from = -1;
    id->next = NULL;

    status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &id->path);
    if (status != 0) {
        sfree (id);
        return (status);

    /* Use default interval. */
    id->interval = plugin_get_interval();

    for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; ++i){
        oconfig_item_t *option = ci->children + i;
        status = 0;

        if (strcasecmp("Instance", option->key) == 0)
            status = cf_util_get_string(option, &id->instance);
        else if (strcasecmp("Collect", option->key) == 0)
            status = tcsv_config_add_instance_collect(id, option);
        else if (strcasecmp("Interval", option->key) == 0)
            cf_util_get_cdtime(option, &id->interval);
        else if (strcasecmp("TimeFrom", option->key) == 0)
            status = tcsv_config_get_index (option, &id->time_from);
        else {
            WARNING("tail_csv plugin: Option `%s' not allowed here.", option->key);
            status = -1;

        if (status != 0)

    if (status != 0){
        return (-1);

    /* Verify all necessary options have been set. */
    if (id->path == NULL){
        WARNING("tail_csv plugin: Option `Path' must be set.");
        status = -1;
    } else if (id->metric_list == NULL){
        WARNING("tail_csv plugin: Option `Collect' must be set.");
        status = -1;

    if (status != 0){
        return (-1);

    ssnprintf (cb_name, sizeof (cb_name), "tail_csv/%s", id->path);

    status = plugin_register_complex_read(NULL, cb_name, tcsv_read, id->interval,
            &(user_data_t) {
                .data = id,
                .free_func = tcsv_instance_definition_destroy,
예제 #21
파일: statsd.c 프로젝트: dacamp/collectd
/* Must hold metrics_lock when calling this function. */
static int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe (char const *name, /* {{{ */
    statsd_metric_t const *metric)
  value_t values[1];
  value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT;

  vl.values = values;
  vl.values_len = 1;
  sstrncpy (vl.host, hostname_g, sizeof (vl.host));
  sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "statsd", sizeof (vl.plugin));

  if (metric->type == STATSD_GAUGE)
    sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type));
  else if (metric->type == STATSD_TIMER)
    sstrncpy (vl.type, "latency", sizeof (vl.type));
  else if (metric->type == STATSD_SET)
    sstrncpy (vl.type, "objects", sizeof (vl.type));
  else /* if (metric->type == STATSD_COUNTER) */
    sstrncpy (vl.type, "derive", sizeof (vl.type));

  sstrncpy (vl.type_instance, name, sizeof (vl.type_instance));

  if (metric->type == STATSD_GAUGE)
    values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) metric->value;
  else if (metric->type == STATSD_TIMER)
    size_t i;
    _Bool have_events = (metric->updates_num > 0);

    /* Make sure all timer metrics share the *same* timestamp. */
    vl.time = cdtime ();

    ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
        "%s-average", name);
    values[0].gauge = have_events
      ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_average (metric->latency))
      : NAN;
    plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    if (conf_timer_lower) {
      ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
          "%s-lower", name);
      values[0].gauge = have_events
        ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_min (metric->latency))
        : NAN;
      plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    if (conf_timer_upper) {
      ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
          "%s-upper", name);
      values[0].gauge = have_events
        ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_max (metric->latency))
        : NAN;
      plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    if (conf_timer_sum) {
      ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
          "%s-sum", name);
      values[0].gauge = have_events
        ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_sum (metric->latency))
        : NAN;
      plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    for (i = 0; i < conf_timer_percentile_num; i++)
      ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
          "%s-percentile-%.0f", name, conf_timer_percentile[i]);
      values[0].gauge = have_events
        ? CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (latency_counter_get_percentile (metric->latency, conf_timer_percentile[i]))
        : NAN;
      plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    /* Keep this at the end, since vl.type is set to "gauge" here. The
     * vl.type's above are implicitly set to "latency". */
    if (conf_timer_count) {
      sstrncpy (vl.type, "gauge", sizeof (vl.type));
      ssnprintf (vl.type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance),
          "%s-count", name);
      values[0].gauge = latency_counter_get_num (metric->latency);
      plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);

    latency_counter_reset (metric->latency);
    return (0);
  else if (metric->type == STATSD_SET)
    if (metric->set == NULL)
      values[0].gauge = 0.0;
      values[0].gauge = (gauge_t) c_avl_size (metric->set);
    values[0].derive = (derive_t) metric->value;

  return (plugin_dispatch_values (&vl));
} /* }}} int statsd_metric_submit_unsafe */
예제 #22
static int fc_config_add_rule (fc_chain_t *chain, /* {{{ */
    oconfig_item_t *ci)
  fc_rule_t *rule;
  char rule_name[2*DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN] = "Unnamed rule";
  int status = 0;
  int i;

  if (ci->values_num > 1)
    WARNING ("Filter subsystem: `Rule' blocks have at most one argument.");
    return (-1);
  else if ((ci->values_num == 1)
      && (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING))
    WARNING ("Filter subsystem: `Rule' blocks expect one string argument "
        "or no argument at all.");
    return (-1);

  rule = (fc_rule_t *) malloc (sizeof (*rule));
  if (rule == NULL)
    ERROR ("fc_config_add_rule: malloc failed.");
    return (-1);
  memset (rule, 0, sizeof (*rule));
  rule->next = NULL;

  if (ci->values_num == 1)
    sstrncpy (rule->name, ci->values[0].value.string, sizeof (rule->name));
    ssnprintf (rule_name, sizeof (rule_name), "Rule \"%s\"",

  for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
    oconfig_item_t *option = ci->children + i;
    status = 0;

    if (strcasecmp ("Match", option->key) == 0)
      status = fc_config_add_match (&rule->matches, option);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Target", option->key) == 0)
      status = fc_config_add_target (&rule->targets, option);
      WARNING ("Filter subsystem: %s: Option `%s' not allowed "
          "inside a <Rule> block.", rule_name, option->key);
      status = -1;

    if (status != 0)
  } /* for (ci->children) */

  /* Additional sanity checking. */
  while (status == 0)
    if (rule->targets == NULL)
      WARNING ("Filter subsystem: %s: No target has been specified.",
      status = -1;

  } /* while (status == 0) */

  if (status != 0)
    fc_free_rules (rule);
    return (-1);

  if (chain->rules != NULL)
    fc_rule_t *ptr;

    ptr = chain->rules;
    while (ptr->next != NULL)
      ptr = ptr->next;

    ptr->next = rule;
    chain->rules = rule;

  return (0);
} /* }}} int fc_config_add_rule */
예제 #23
파일: amqp.c 프로젝트: Mindera/collectd
static int camqp_write (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl, /* {{{ */
        user_data_t *user_data)
    camqp_config_t *conf = user_data->data;
    char routing_key[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char buffer[8192];
    int status;

    if ((ds == NULL) || (vl == NULL) || (conf == NULL))
        return (EINVAL);

    memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));

    if (conf->routing_key != NULL)
        sstrncpy (routing_key, conf->routing_key, sizeof (routing_key));
        size_t i;
        ssnprintf (routing_key, sizeof (routing_key), "collectd/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s",
                vl->plugin, vl->plugin_instance,
                vl->type, vl->type_instance);

        /* Switch slashes (the only character forbidden by collectd) and dots
         * (the separation character used by AMQP). */
        for (i = 0; routing_key[i] != 0; i++)
            if (routing_key[i] == '.')
                routing_key[i] = '/';
            else if (routing_key[i] == '/')
                routing_key[i] = '.';

    if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND)
        status = create_putval (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ds, vl);
        if (status != 0)
            ERROR ("amqp plugin: create_putval failed with status %i.",
            return (status);
    else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_JSON)
        size_t bfree = sizeof (buffer);
        size_t bfill = 0;

        format_json_initialize (buffer, &bfill, &bfree);
        format_json_value_list (buffer, &bfill, &bfree, ds, vl, conf->store_rates);
        format_json_finalize (buffer, &bfill, &bfree);
    else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_GRAPHITE)
        status = format_graphite (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ds, vl,
                    conf->prefix, conf->postfix, conf->escape_char,
        if (status != 0)
            ERROR ("amqp plugin: format_graphite failed with status %i.",
            return (status);
        ERROR ("amqp plugin: Invalid format (%i).", conf->format);
        return (-1);

    pthread_mutex_lock (&conf->lock);
    status = camqp_write_locked (conf, buffer, routing_key);
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&conf->lock);

    return (status);
} /* }}} int camqp_write */
예제 #24
static char *values_to_sqlarray (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl,
		char *string, size_t string_len, _Bool store_rates)
	char  *str_ptr;
	size_t str_len;

	gauge_t *rates = NULL;
	size_t i;

	str_ptr = string;
	str_len = string_len;

	for (i = 0; i < vl->values_len; ++i) {
		int status = 0;

		if ((ds->ds[i].type != DS_TYPE_GAUGE)
				&& (ds->ds[i].type != DS_TYPE_COUNTER)
				&& (ds->ds[i].type != DS_TYPE_DERIVE)
				&& (ds->ds[i].type != DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE)) {
			log_err ("c_psql_write: Unknown data source type: %i",
			sfree (rates);
			return NULL;

		if (ds->ds[i].type == DS_TYPE_GAUGE)
			status = ssnprintf (str_ptr, str_len,
					","GAUGE_FORMAT, vl->values[i].gauge);
		else if (store_rates) {
			if (rates == NULL)
				rates = uc_get_rate (ds, vl);

			if (rates == NULL) {
				log_err ("c_psql_write: Failed to determine rate");
				return NULL;

			status = ssnprintf (str_ptr, str_len,
					",%lf", rates[i]);
		else if (ds->ds[i].type == DS_TYPE_COUNTER)
			status = ssnprintf (str_ptr, str_len,
					",%llu", vl->values[i].counter);
		else if (ds->ds[i].type == DS_TYPE_DERIVE)
			status = ssnprintf (str_ptr, str_len,
					",%"PRIi64, vl->values[i].derive);
		else if (ds->ds[i].type == DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE)
			status = ssnprintf (str_ptr, str_len,
					",%"PRIu64, vl->values[i].absolute);

		if (status < 1) {
			str_len = 0;
		else if ((size_t)status >= str_len) {
			str_len = 0;
		else {
			str_ptr += status;
			str_len -= (size_t)status;

	sfree (rates);

	if (str_len <= 2) {
		log_err ("c_psql_write: Failed to stringify value list");
		return NULL;

	/* overwrite the first comma */
	string[0] = '{';
	str_ptr[0] = '}';
	str_ptr[1] = '\0';

	return string;
} /* values_to_sqlarray */
예제 #25
static int tss2_read_vserver (vserver_list_t *vserver)
     * Poll information for the given vserver and submit it to collect.
     * If vserver is NULL the global server information will be queried.
    int status;

    gauge_t users = NAN;
    gauge_t channels = NAN;
    gauge_t servers = NAN;
    counter_t rx_octets = 0;
    counter_t tx_octets = 0;
    counter_t rx_packets = 0;
    counter_t tx_packets = 0;
    gauge_t packet_loss = NAN;
    int valid = 0;

    char plugin_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

    FILE *read_fh;
    FILE *write_fh;

    /* Get the send/receive sockets */
    status = tss2_get_socket (&read_fh, &write_fh);
    if (status != 0)
        ERROR ("teamspeak2 plugin: tss2_get_socket failed.");
        return (-1);

    if (vserver == NULL)
        /* Request global information */
        memset (plugin_instance, 0, sizeof (plugin_instance));

        status = tss2_send_request (write_fh, "gi\r\n");
        /* Request server information */
        ssnprintf (plugin_instance, sizeof (plugin_instance), "vserver%i",

        /* Select the server */
        status = tss2_select_vserver (read_fh, write_fh, vserver);
        if (status != 0)
            return (status);

        status = tss2_send_request (write_fh, "si\r\n");

    if (status != 0)
        ERROR ("teamspeak2 plugin: tss2_send_request failed.");
        return (-1);

    /* Loop until break */
    while (42)
        char buffer[4096];
        char *key;
        char *value;
        char *endptr = NULL;

        /* Read one line of the server's answer */
        status = tss2_receive_line (read_fh, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
        if (status != 0)
            /* Set to NULL just to make sure noone uses these FHs anymore. */
            read_fh = NULL;
            write_fh = NULL;
            ERROR ("teamspeak2 plugin: tss2_receive_line failed.");

        if (strncasecmp ("ERROR", buffer, 5) == 0)
            ERROR ("teamspeak2 plugin: Server returned an error: %s",
        else if (strncasecmp ("OK", buffer, 2) == 0)

        /* Split line into key and value */
        key = strchr (buffer, '_');
        if (key == NULL)
            DEBUG ("teamspeak2 plugin: Cannot parse line: %s", buffer);

        /* Evaluate assignment */
        value = strchr (key, '=');
        if (value == NULL)
            DEBUG ("teamspeak2 plugin: Cannot parse line: %s", buffer);
        *value = 0;

        /* Check for known key and save the given value */
        /* global info: users_online,
         * server info: currentusers. */
        if ((strcmp ("currentusers", key) == 0)
                || (strcmp ("users_online", key) == 0))
            users = strtod (value, &endptr);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x01;
        /* global info: channels,
         * server info: currentchannels. */
        else if ((strcmp ("currentchannels", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("channels", key) == 0))
            channels = strtod (value, &endptr);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x40;
        /* global only */
        else if (strcmp ("servers", key) == 0)
            servers = strtod (value, &endptr);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x80;
        else if (strcmp ("bytesreceived", key) == 0)
            rx_octets = strtoll (value, &endptr, 0);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x02;
        else if (strcmp ("bytessend", key) == 0)
            tx_octets = strtoll (value, &endptr, 0);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x04;
        else if (strcmp ("packetsreceived", key) == 0)
            rx_packets = strtoll (value, &endptr, 0);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x08;
        else if (strcmp ("packetssend", key) == 0)
            tx_packets = strtoll (value, &endptr, 0);
            if (value != endptr)
                valid |= 0x10;
        else if ((strncmp ("allow_codec_", key, strlen ("allow_codec_")) == 0)
                 || (strncmp ("bwinlast", key, strlen ("bwinlast")) == 0)
                 || (strncmp ("bwoutlast", key, strlen ("bwoutlast")) == 0)
                 || (strncmp ("webpost_", key, strlen ("webpost_")) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("adminemail", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("clan_server", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("countrynumber", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("id", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("ispname", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("linkurl", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("maxusers", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("name", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("password", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("platform", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("server_platform", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("server_uptime", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("server_version", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("udpport", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("uptime", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("users_maximal", key) == 0)
                 || (strcmp ("welcomemessage", key) == 0))
            /* ignore */;
            INFO ("teamspeak2 plugin: Unknown key-value-pair: "
                  "key = %s; value = %s;", key, value);
    } /* while (42) */

    /* Collect vserver packet loss rates only if the loop above did not exit
     * with an error. */
    if ((status == 0) && (vserver != NULL))
        status = tss2_vserver_gapl (read_fh, write_fh, &packet_loss);
        if (status == 0)
            valid |= 0x20;
            WARNING ("teamspeak2 plugin: Reading package loss "
                     "for vserver %i failed.", vserver->port);

    if ((valid & 0x01) == 0x01)
        tss2_submit_gauge (plugin_instance, "users", NULL, users);

    if ((valid & 0x06) == 0x06)
        tss2_submit_io (plugin_instance, "io_octets", rx_octets, tx_octets);

    if ((valid & 0x18) == 0x18)
        tss2_submit_io (plugin_instance, "io_packets", rx_packets, tx_packets);

    if ((valid & 0x20) == 0x20)
        tss2_submit_gauge (plugin_instance, "percent", "packet_loss", packet_loss);

    if ((valid & 0x40) == 0x40)
        tss2_submit_gauge (plugin_instance, "gauge", "channels", channels);

    if ((valid & 0x80) == 0x80)
        tss2_submit_gauge (plugin_instance, "gauge", "servers", servers);

    if (valid == 0)
        return (-1);
    return (0);
} /* int tss2_read_vserver */
예제 #26
static Event *riemann_value_to_protobuf (struct riemann_host const *host, /* {{{ */
		data_set_t const *ds,
		value_list_t const *vl, size_t index,
		gauge_t const *rates)
	Event *event;
	char name_buffer[5 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
	char service_buffer[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
	int i;

	event = malloc (sizeof (*event));
	if (event == NULL)
		ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: malloc failed.");
		return (NULL);
	memset (event, 0, sizeof (*event));
	event__init (event);

	event->host = strdup (vl->host);
	event->time = CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (vl->time);
	event->has_time = 1;
	event->ttl = CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (2 * vl->interval);
	event->has_ttl = 1;

	riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "plugin", vl->plugin);
	if (vl->plugin_instance[0] != 0)
		riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "plugin_instance",

	riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "type", vl->type);
	if (vl->type_instance[0] != 0)
		riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "type_instance",

	if ((ds->ds[index].type != DS_TYPE_GAUGE) && (rates != NULL))
		char ds_type[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

		ssnprintf (ds_type, sizeof (ds_type), "%s:rate",
		riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_type", ds_type);
		riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_type",
	riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_name", ds->ds[index].name);
		char ds_index[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];

		ssnprintf (ds_index, sizeof (ds_index), "%zu", index);
		riemann_event_add_attribute (event, "ds_index", ds_index);

	for (i = 0; i < riemann_tags_num; i++)
		riemann_event_add_tag (event, riemann_tags[i]);

	if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_GAUGE)
		event->has_metric_d = 1;
		event->metric_d = (double) vl->values[index].gauge;
	else if (rates != NULL)
		event->has_metric_d = 1;
		event->metric_d = (double) rates[index];
		event->has_metric_sint64 = 1;
		if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_DERIVE)
			event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].derive;
		else if (ds->ds[index].type == DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE)
			event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].absolute;
			event->metric_sint64 = (int64_t) vl->values[index].counter;

	format_name (name_buffer, sizeof (name_buffer),
			/* host = */ "", vl->plugin, vl->plugin_instance,
			vl->type, vl->type_instance);
	if (host->always_append_ds || (ds->ds_num > 1))
		ssnprintf (service_buffer, sizeof (service_buffer),
				"%s/%s", &name_buffer[1], ds->ds[index].name);
		sstrncpy (service_buffer, &name_buffer[1],
				sizeof (service_buffer));

	event->service = strdup (service_buffer);

	DEBUG ("write_riemann plugin: Successfully created protobuf for metric: "
			"host = \"%s\", service = \"%s\"",
			event->host, event->service);
	return (event);
} /* }}} Event *riemann_value_to_protobuf */
예제 #27
int format_graphite (char *buffer, size_t buffer_size,
    data_set_t const *ds, value_list_t const *vl,
    char const *prefix, char const *postfix, char const escape_char,
    unsigned int flags)
    int status = 0;
    int buffer_pos = 0;

    gauge_t *rates = NULL;
    if (flags & GRAPHITE_STORE_RATES)
      rates = uc_get_rate (ds, vl);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ds->ds_num; i++)
        char const *ds_name = NULL;
        char        key[10*DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
        char        values[512];
        size_t      message_len;
        char        message[1024];

        if ((flags & GRAPHITE_ALWAYS_APPEND_DS)
            || (ds->ds_num > 1))
          ds_name = ds->ds[i].name;

        /* Copy the identifier to `key' and escape it. */
        status = gr_format_name (key, sizeof (key), vl, ds_name,
                    prefix, postfix, escape_char, flags);
        if (status != 0)
            ERROR ("format_graphite: error with gr_format_name");
            sfree (rates);
            return (status);

        escape_graphite_string (key, escape_char);
        /* Convert the values to an ASCII representation and put that into
         * `values'. */
        status = gr_format_values (values, sizeof (values), i, ds, vl, rates);
        if (status != 0)
            ERROR ("format_graphite: error with gr_format_values");
            sfree (rates);
            return (status);

        /* Compute the graphite command */
        message_len = (size_t) ssnprintf (message, sizeof (message),
                "%s %s %u\r\n",
                (unsigned int) CDTIME_T_TO_TIME_T (vl->time));
        if (message_len >= sizeof (message)) {
            ERROR ("format_graphite: message buffer too small: "
                    "Need %zu bytes.", message_len + 1);
            sfree (rates);
            return (-ENOMEM);

        /* Append it in case we got multiple data set */
        if ((buffer_pos + message_len) >= buffer_size)
            ERROR ("format_graphite: target buffer too small");
            sfree (rates);
            return (-ENOMEM);
        memcpy((void *) (buffer + buffer_pos), message, message_len);
        buffer_pos += message_len;
        buffer[buffer_pos] = '\0';
    sfree (rates);
    return (status);
} /* int format_graphite */
예제 #28
static int
riemann_config_node(oconfig_item_t *ci)
	struct riemann_host	*host = NULL;
	int			 status = 0;
	int			 i;
	oconfig_item_t		*child;
	char			 callback_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
	user_data_t		 ud;

	if ((host = calloc(1, sizeof (*host))) == NULL) {
		ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: calloc failed.");
		return ENOMEM;
	pthread_mutex_init (&host->lock, NULL);
	host->reference_count = 1;
	host->node = NULL;
	host->service = NULL;
	host->store_rates = 1;
	host->always_append_ds = 0;
	host->use_tcp = 0;

	status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &host->name);
	if (status != 0) {
		WARNING("write_riemann plugin: Required host name is missing.");
		riemann_free (host);
		return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) {
		 * The code here could be simplified but makes room
		 * for easy adding of new options later on.
		child = &ci->children[i];
		status = 0;

		if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0) {
			status = cf_util_get_string (child, &host->node);
			if (status != 0)
		} else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0) {
			status = cf_util_get_service (child, &host->service);
			if (status != 0) {
				ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: Invalid argument "
						"configured for the \"Port\" "
		} else if (strcasecmp ("Protocol", child->key) == 0) {
			char tmp[16];
			status = cf_util_get_string_buffer (child,
					tmp, sizeof (tmp));
			if (status != 0)
				ERROR ("write_riemann plugin: cf_util_get_"
						"string_buffer failed with "
						"status %i.", status);

			if (strcasecmp ("UDP", tmp) == 0)
				host->use_tcp = 0;
			else if (strcasecmp ("TCP", tmp) == 0)
				host->use_tcp = 1;
				WARNING ("write_riemann plugin: The value "
						"\"%s\" is not valid for the "
						"\"Protocol\" option. Use "
						"either \"UDP\" or \"TCP\".",
		} else if (strcasecmp ("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) {
			status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &host->store_rates);
			if (status != 0)
		} else if (strcasecmp ("AlwaysAppendDS", child->key) == 0) {
			status = cf_util_get_boolean (child,
			if (status != 0)
		} else {
			WARNING("write_riemann plugin: ignoring unknown config "
				"option: \"%s\"", child->key);
	if (status != 0) {
		riemann_free (host);
		return status;

	ssnprintf (callback_name, sizeof (callback_name), "write_riemann/%s",
	ud.data = host;
	ud.free_func = riemann_free;

	pthread_mutex_lock (&host->lock);

	status = plugin_register_write (callback_name, riemann_write, &ud);
	if (status != 0)
		WARNING ("write_riemann plugin: plugin_register_write (\"%s\") "
				"failed with status %i.",
				callback_name, status);
	else /* success */

	status = plugin_register_notification (callback_name,
			riemann_notification, &ud);
	if (status != 0)
		WARNING ("write_riemann plugin: plugin_register_notification (\"%s\") "
				"failed with status %i.",
				callback_name, status);
	else /* success */

	if (host->reference_count <= 1)
		/* Both callbacks failed => free memory.
		 * We need to unlock here, because riemann_free() will lock.
		 * This is not a race condition, because we're the only one
		 * holding a reference. */
		pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);
		riemann_free (host);
		return (-1);

	pthread_mutex_unlock (&host->lock);

	return status;
예제 #29
파일: apache.c 프로젝트: AsherBond/collectd
/* initialize curl for each host */
static int init_host (apache_t *st) /* {{{ */
	static char credentials[1024];

	assert (st->url != NULL);
	/* (Assured by `config_add') */

	if (st->curl != NULL)
		curl_easy_cleanup (st->curl);
		st->curl = NULL;

	if ((st->curl = curl_easy_init ()) == NULL)
		ERROR ("apache plugin: init_host: `curl_easy_init' failed.");
		return (-1);

	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, apache_curl_callback);
	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, st);

	/* not set as yet if the user specified string doesn't match apache or
	 * lighttpd, then ignore it. Headers will be parsed to find out the
	 * server type */
	st->server_type = -1;

	if (st->server != NULL)
		if (strcasecmp(st->server, "apache") == 0)
			st->server_type = APACHE;
		else if (strcasecmp(st->server, "lighttpd") == 0)
			st->server_type = LIGHTTPD;
		else if (strcasecmp(st->server, "ibm_http_server") == 0)
			st->server_type = APACHE;
			WARNING ("apache plugin: Unknown `Server' setting: %s",

	/* if not found register a header callback to determine the server_type */
	if (st->server_type == -1)
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, apache_header_callback);
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, st);

	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, COLLECTD_USERAGENT);
	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, st->apache_curl_error);

	if (st->user != NULL)
		int status;

		status = ssnprintf (credentials, sizeof (credentials), "%s:%s",
				st->user, (st->pass == NULL) ? "" : st->pass);
		if ((status < 0) || ((size_t) status >= sizeof (credentials)))
			ERROR ("apache plugin: init_host: Returning an error "
					"because the credentials have been "
			curl_easy_cleanup (st->curl);
			st->curl = NULL;
			return (-1);

		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, credentials);

	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_URL, st->url);
	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L);

	if (st->verify_peer != 0)
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L);
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);

	if (st->verify_host != 0)
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2L);
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);

	if (st->cacert != NULL)
		curl_easy_setopt (st->curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, st->cacert);

	return (0);
} /* }}} int init_host */
예제 #30
파일: modbus.c 프로젝트: kimor79/collectd
static int mb_config_add_host (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
  mb_host_t *host;
  int status;
  int i;

  host = malloc (sizeof (*host));
  if (host == NULL)
    return (ENOMEM);
  memset (host, 0, sizeof (*host));
  host->slaves = NULL;

  status = cf_util_get_string_buffer (ci, host->host, sizeof (host->host));
  if (status != 0)
    return (status);
  if (host->host[0] == 0)
    return (EINVAL);

  for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
    oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
    status = 0;

    if (strcasecmp ("Address", child->key) == 0)
      char buffer[NI_MAXHOST];
      status = cf_util_get_string_buffer (child, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
      if (status == 0)
        status = mb_config_set_host_address (host, buffer);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0)
      host->port = cf_util_get_port_number (child);
      if (host->port <= 0)
        status = -1;
    else if (strcasecmp ("Interval", child->key) == 0)
      status = cf_util_get_cdtime (child, &host->interval);
    else if (strcasecmp ("Slave", child->key) == 0)
      /* Don't set status: Gracefully continue if a slave fails. */
      mb_config_add_slave (host, child);
      ERROR ("Modbus plugin: Unknown configuration option: %s", child->key);
      status = -1;

    if (status != 0)
  } /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */

  assert (host->host[0] != 0);
  if (host->host[0] == 0)
    ERROR ("Modbus plugin: Data block \"%s\": No type has been specified.",
    status = -1;

  if (status == 0)
    user_data_t ud;
    char name[1024];
    struct timespec interval = { 0, 0 };

    ud.data = host;
    ud.free_func = host_free;

    ssnprintf (name, sizeof (name), "modbus-%s", host->host);

    CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (host->interval, &interval);

    plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ NULL, name,
        /* callback = */ mb_read,
        /* interval = */ (host->interval > 0) ? &interval : NULL,
    host_free (host);

  return (status);
} /* }}} int mb_config_add_host */