예제 #1
파일: linker.c 프로젝트: fwum/fwum
static file_contents get_contents(char *filename) {
    FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
    char *contents = read_file(file);
    parse_source source = start_parse(contents, filename);
    file_contents parsed = parse(source);
    return parsed;
예제 #2
파일: input.c 프로젝트: gitpan/btparse
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME       : bt_parse_entry_s()
@INPUT      : entry_text - string containing the entire entry to parse,
                           or NULL meaning we're done, please cleanup
              options    - standard btparse options bitmap
              line       - current line number (if that makes any sense)
                           -- passed to the parser to set zzline, so that
                           lexical and syntax errors are properly localized
@OUTPUT     : *top       - newly-allocated AST for the entry
                           (or NULL if entry_text was NULL, ie. at EOF)
@RETURNS    : 1 with *top set to AST for entry on successful read/parse
              1 with *top==NULL if entry_text was NULL, ie. at EOF
              0 if any serious errors seen in input (*top is still 
                set to the AST, but only for as much of the input as we
                were able to parse)
              (A "serious" error is a lexical or syntax error; "trivial"
              errors such as warnings and notifications count as "success"
              for the purposes of this function's return value.)
@DESCRIPTION: Parses a BibTeX entry contained in a string.
@GLOBALS    : 
@CREATED    : 1997/01/18, GPW (from code in bt_parse_entry())
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
AST * bt_parse_entry_s (char *    entry_text,
                        char *    filename,
                        int       line,
                        ushort    options,
                        boolean * status)
   AST *        entry_ast = NULL;
   static int * err_counts = NULL;

   if (options & BTO_STRINGMASK)        /* any string options set? */
      usage_error ("bt_parse_entry_s: illegal options "
                   "(string options not allowed");

   InputFilename = filename;
   err_counts = bt_get_error_counts (err_counts);

   if (entry_text == NULL)              /* signal to clean up */
      finish_parse (&err_counts);
      if (status) *status = TRUE;
      return NULL;

   zzast_sp = ZZAST_STACKSIZE;          /* workaround apparent pccts bug */
   start_parse (NULL, entry_text, line);

   entry (&entry_ast);                  /* enter the parser */
   ++zzasp;                             /* why is this done? */

   if (entry_ast == NULL)               /* can happen with very bad input */
      if (status) *status = FALSE;
      return entry_ast;

   dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry_s: single entry, after parsing:\n", 
   bt_postprocess_entry (entry_ast,
                         StringOptions[entry_ast->metatype] | options);
   dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry_s: single entry, after post-processing:\n",

   if (status) *status = parse_status (err_counts);
   return entry_ast;

} /* bt_parse_entry_s () */
예제 #3
파일: ppxml.c 프로젝트: nelseric/sax
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	SAX_parser *p;

	p = SAX_init(stdin);

	reg_characters_handler(p, chars);
	reg_start_document_handler(p, begin);
	reg_end_document_handler(p, end);
	reg_start_element_handler(p, start_elem);
	reg_end_element_handler(p, end_elem);
	reg_pi_handler(p, proc_inst);
	reg_error_handler(p, error);




예제 #4
 * Hlavna funkcia programu
 * @param argc int pocet argumentov pri volani programu
 * @param argv[] char* pole s argumentami programu
 * @return int kod chyby
 * */
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	FILE *source_file;
	// kontrola vstupnych argumentov
		fprintf(stderr, "Neni korektne zadany vstupni soubor jako jedinny argument programu.");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// otevreni zdrojoveho souboru
	if((source_file = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Subor se nepodarilo otevrit");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int error = ERR_CODE_OK;
	// inicializacia spravy pamate
	// zoznam instrukcii
	TInst_list inst_list;
	error = start_parse(source_file, &inst_list);
	// zavreni souboru, uvolneni pameti
	return error;
예제 #5
파일: main.c 프로젝트: patmanteau/iclc
int repl() {
    history_truncate_file(history_filename(), 1000);

    // Eingabeschleife als REPL(read-eval-print loop) -> Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe
    do {
        char *user_input = NULL;
        // read

        user_input = readline("?: ");
        if (!user_input) break;

        if (*user_input) add_history(user_input);
        // Eingabepuffer als "String" mit Maximallänge
        user_input = calloc(LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(char));
        printf("?: ");
        // Bei end-of-file oder Lesefehler gibt fgets NULL zurück
        // und das Programm soll beendet werden (analog zur Shell)
        // break ist eigentlich nicht schön (=nicht im Struktogramm
        // abbildbar ;) ), dient aber hier der Klarheit, da einige
        // if entfallen können
        if (!fgets(user_input, LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, stdin)) break;
        // eval
        // Abbruch durch User?
        if (strcmp(user_input, "\\quit") == 0) break;

        // 1. Parsen
        parse_context *p_ctx = start_parse(user_input);

        // 2. Baum traversieren
        if (parse(p_ctx) == 0) {
            eval_context *e_ctx = eval(p_ctx->ast_root);
            if (e_ctx == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Fatal evaluation error.\n");
            if (e_ctx->success) {
                // print
                printf("-> %.50Lg\n", e_ctx->result);
            } else {
        } else {
        // Aufräumen
    } while (1); // loop....


    return 0;
예제 #6
파일: input.c 프로젝트: gitpan/btparse
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@NAME       : bt_parse_entry()
@INPUT      : infile  - file to read next entry from
              options - standard btparse options bitmap
@OUTPUT     : *top    - AST for the entry, or NULL if no entries left in file
@RETURNS    : same as bt_parse_entry_s()
@DESCRIPTION: Starts (or continues) parsing from a file.
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : Jan 1997, GPW
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
AST * bt_parse_entry (FILE *    infile,
                      char *    filename,
                      ushort    options,
                      boolean * status)
   AST *         entry_ast = NULL;
   static int *  err_counts = NULL;
   static FILE * prev_file = NULL;

   if (prev_file != NULL && infile != prev_file)
      usage_error ("bt_parse_entry: you can't interleave calls "
                   "across different files");

   if (options & BTO_STRINGMASK)        /* any string options set? */
      usage_error ("bt_parse_entry: illegal options "
                   "(string options not allowed)");

   InputFilename = filename;
   err_counts = bt_get_error_counts (err_counts);

   if (feof (infile))
      if (prev_file != NULL)            /* haven't already done the cleanup */
         prev_file = NULL;
         finish_parse (&err_counts);
         usage_warning ("bt_parse_entry: second attempt to read past eof");

      if (status) *status = TRUE;
      return NULL;

    * Here we do some nasty poking about the innards of PCCTS in order to
    * enter the parser multiple times on the same input stream.  This code
    * comes from expanding the macro invokation:
    *    ANTLR (entry (top), infile);  
    * When LL_K, ZZINF_LOOK, and DEMAND_LOOK are all undefined, this
    * ultimately expands to
    *    zzbufsize = ZZLEXBUFSIZE;
    *    {
    *       static char zztoktext[ZZLEXBUFSIZE];
    *       zzlextext = zztoktext; 
    *       zzrdstream (f);
    *       zzgettok();
    *    }
    *    entry (top);
    *    ++zzasp;
    * (I'm expanding hte zzenterANTLR, zzleaveANTLR, and zzPrimateLookAhead
    * macros, but leaving ZZLEXBUFSIZE -- a simple constant -- alone.)
    * There are two problems with this: 1) zztoktext is a statically
    * allocated buffer, and when it overflows we just ignore further
    * characters that should belong to that lexeme; and 2) zzrdstream() and
    * zzgettok() are called every time we enter the parser, which means the
    * token left over from the previous entry will be discarded when we
    * parse entries 2 .. N.
    * I handle the static buffer problem with alloc_lex_buffer() and
    * realloc_lex_buffer() (in lex_auxiliary.c), and by rewriting the ZZCOPY
    * macro to call realloc_lex_buffer() when overflow is detected.
    * I handle the extra token-read by hanging on to a static file
    * pointer, prev_file, between calls to bt_parse_entry() -- when
    * the program starts it is NULL, and we reset it to NULL on
    * finishing a file.  Thus, any call that is the first on a given
    * file will allocate the lexical buffer and read the first token;
    * thereafter, we skip those steps, and free the buffer on reaching
    * end-of-file.  Currently, this method precludes interleaving
    * calls to bt_parse_entry() on different files -- perhaps I could
    * fix this with the zz{save,restore}_{antlr,dlg}_state()
    * functions?

   zzast_sp = ZZAST_STACKSIZE;          /* workaround apparent pccts bug */

#if defined(LL_K) || defined(ZZINF_LOOK) || defined(DEMAND_LOOK)
# error One of LL_K, ZZINF_LOOK, or DEMAND_LOOK was defined
   if (prev_file == NULL)               /* only read from input stream if */
   {                                    /* starting afresh with a file */
      start_parse (infile, NULL, 0);
      prev_file = infile;
   assert (prev_file == infile);

   entry (&entry_ast);                  /* enter the parser */
   ++zzasp;                             /* why is this done? */

   if (entry_ast == NULL)               /* can happen with very bad input */
      if (status) *status = FALSE;
      return entry_ast;

   dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry(): single entry, after parsing:\n", 
   bt_postprocess_entry (entry_ast,
                         StringOptions[entry_ast->metatype] | options);
   dump_ast ("bt_parse_entry(): single entry, after post-processing:\n", 

   if (status) *status = parse_status (err_counts);
   return entry_ast;

} /* bt_parse_entry() */