예제 #1
파일: swas.cpp 프로젝트: avtomaton/stasm
static void ProcessShapes(
    const ShapeFile& sh,      // in
    FILE*            fitfile) // in
    Pacifier pacifier(sh.nshapes_); // only used if quiet_g
    for (int ishape = 0; ishape < sh.nshapes_; ishape++)
        if (quiet_g)
            if (sh.nshapes_ > 1)
                lprintf("%*d ", NumDigits(sh.nshapes_), ishape);
            lprintf("%*.*s:%s", sh.nchar_, sh.nchar_,
                    sh.bases_[ishape].c_str(), trace_g? "\n": " ");
        if (ignore_multiface_imgs_g && (sh.bits_[ishape] & AT_MultiFace))
            printf_g("multiple face, skipping\n");
            continue; // note continue
        const char* imgpath = PathGivenDirs(sh.bases_[ishape], sh.dirs_, sh.shapepath_);
        Image img(cv::imread(imgpath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
        if (!img.data)
            Err("Cannot load %s", imgpath);
        const clock_t start_time = clock();
        const Shape refshape(sh.shapes_[ishape]);
        const Shape refshape17(Shape17OrEmpty(refshape));
        if (refshape17.rows) // converted to a Shape17?
        if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, imgpath,
                              0 /*multi*/, minwidth_g))
            Err("stasm_open_image failed:  %s", stasm_lasterr());

        clock_t start_time1 = clock();
        const double facedet_time = double(start_time1 - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        int foundface = false;
        float estyaw = 0; // estimated yaw
        float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords

        if (!stasm_search_auto_ext(&foundface, landmarks, &estyaw))
            Err("stasm_search_auto failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());

        const Shape shape(LandmarksAsShape(landmarks));

        const double asmsearch_time = double(clock() - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        ProcessFace(img, imgpath, foundface, shape, estyaw,
                    facedet_time, asmsearch_time, refshape, fitfile, sh, ishape);
    if (quiet_g)
예제 #2
bool CFaceDetect::detectByAsm( const Mat &faceImage,vector<CFaceRect> &rclist,bool onlybig )
	int foundface = 0;
	float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2)
	//	return ;
	Mat_<unsigned char> matimage = faceImage;
	//detect face
	if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)matimage.data, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows, "image",
				onlybig?0:1 /*multiface*/, 10 /*minwidth*/))
		//cout<<"detect face failed !!"<<stasm_lasterr()<<endl;	
		return false;
	Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(faceImage.clone());
		CFaceRect facerect;
		//find all the face
		if(!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks))
			return false;

		if(foundface == 0)

		facerect.noalign = false;
		//landmarks inner the image
		stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows);
		//drawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);
		//markLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);

		facerect.rcfullface = facerect.rcface;
		facerect.rclefteye = Rect((int)landmarks[L_LPupil * 2],(int)landmarks[L_LPupil * 2 + 1],1,1);
		facerect.rcrighteye = Rect((int)landmarks[L_RPupil * 2],(int)landmarks[L_RPupil * 2 + 1],1,1);
		facerect.rcmouth = Rect((int)landmarks[L_CTopOfTopLip * 2],(int)landmarks[L_CTopOfTopLip * 2 + 1],1,1);
		//cout<<"eye "<<facerect.rclefteye.x<<" "<<facerect.rclefteye.y<<" "<<facerect.rcrighteye.x<<" "<<facerect.rcrighteye.y<<" "<<facerect.rcmouth.x<<" "<<facerect.rcmouth.y<<endl;
	return true;
	//imwrite("test_stasm_lib_auto.bmp", outimg);

예제 #3
파일: minimal2.cpp 프로젝트: apprisi/stasm4
int main()
    if (!stasm_init("../data", 0 /*trace*/))
        error("stasm_init failed: ", stasm_lasterr());

    static const char* path = "../data/testface.jpg";

    cv::Mat_<unsigned char> img(cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));

    if (!img.data)
        error("Cannot load", path);

    if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, path,
                          1 /*multiface*/, 10 /*minwidth*/))
        error("stasm_open_image failed: ", stasm_lasterr());

    int foundface;
    float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2)

    int nfaces = 0;
    while (1)
        if (!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks))
             error("stasm_search_auto failed: ", stasm_lasterr());

        if (!foundface)
            break;      // note break

        // for demonstration, convert from Stasm 77 points to XM2VTS 68 points
        stasm_convert_shape(landmarks, 68);

        // draw the landmarks on the image as white dots
        stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, img.cols, img.rows);
        for (int i = 0; i < stasm_NLANDMARKS; i++)
            img(cvRound(landmarks[i*2+1]), cvRound(landmarks[i*2])) = 255;

    printf("%s: %d face(s)\n", path, nfaces);
    cv::imwrite("minimal2.bmp", img);
    cv::imshow("stasm minimal2", img);

    return 0;
예제 #4
static PyObject* Py_open_image(
	PyObject*	self,
	PyObject*	args,
	PyObject*	kwargs)
	PyObject*	img_obj;
	const char*	debugpath	= "";
	int		multiface	= 0;
	int		minwidth	= 10;

	static const char* kwlist[] = { "image", "debugpath", "multiface", "minwidth", NULL };

	if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "O|sii:open_image",
					const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &img_obj,
					&debugpath, &multiface, &minwidth))
		return NULL;

	int width, height;
	const char* img_data = PyArray_to_image(img_obj, &width, &height);
	if (img_data == NULL)
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, imarray_error);
		return NULL;

	if (multiface != 0 && multiface != 1)
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, multiface_error);
		return NULL;

	if (minwidth < 1 || minwidth > 100)
		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, minwidth_error);
		return NULL;

	if (!stasm_open_image(img_data, width, height,
			      debugpath, multiface, minwidth))
		PyErr_SetString(StasmException, stasm_lasterr());
		return NULL;

예제 #5
bool FaceAlignment::detectLandmarks(cv::Mat& img, std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2d> >& points, std::vector<cv::Point2d>& centers) {

    float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS];

    int allowMultiFace = 0;
    int minFaceWidthInpercentOfWidth = 5;

    int success = stasm_open_image((const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, dataPath.c_str(), allowMultiFace, minFaceWidthInpercentOfWidth);
    if (!success) commonTool.log("Error!!!");

    int foundface = 1;
    bool aFaceWasFound = false;

//    int success =  stasm_search_single(&foundface, landmarks, (char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, dataPath.c_str(), dataPath.c_str());
//    if (!success) commonTool.log("Error!!!");

    while (foundface) {
        success =  stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks);
        if (!success) commonTool.log("Error when calling stasm_search_auto");
        //commonTool.log(QString("FoundFace --> %1").arg(foundface));
        //if (!success || foundface == 0) {
        //    return false;
        if (foundface) {
            aFaceWasFound = true;
            int numberOfPoint = stasm_NLANDMARKS;
            std::vector<cv::Point2d> landmarkList;
            cv::Point2d center = cv::Point2d(0.0, 0.0);
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoint; i++) {
                cv::Point2d p = cv::Point2d(landmarks[i*2], landmarks[i*2+1]);
                center += p;
            center = cv::Point2d(center.x/numberOfPoint, center.y/numberOfPoint);
    return aFaceWasFound;
예제 #6
static void ProcessImg(
    const char* imgpath) // in
    Image img(cv::imread(imgpath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
    if (!img.data)
        Err("Cannot load %s", imgpath);
    if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, imgpath,
                          multiface_g, minwidth_g))
        Err("stasm_open_image failed:  %s", stasm_lasterr());

    CImage cimg;     // color version of image
    if (writeimgs_g) // actually need the color image?
        cvtColor(img, cimg, CV_GRAY2BGR);
    int nfaces = 0;
    while (1)
        if (trace_g && nfaces > 0 && multiface_g)
            stasm_printf("\n%d: ", nfaces);

        int foundface;
        float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords
        if (!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks))
            Err("stasm_search_auto failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());

        if (!foundface)
            break; // note break

        ProcessFace(cimg, landmarks, nfaces, Base(imgpath));
    if (trace_g)
    if (writeimgs_g && nfaces)
        // write as a bmp not as a jpg because don't want blurred shape lines
        char newpath[SLEN]; sprintf(newpath, "%s_stasm.bmp", Base(imgpath));
        lprintf("%s ", newpath);
        if (!cv::imwrite(newpath, cimg))
            Err("Could not write %s", newpath);
    lprintf("%d face%s\n", nfaces, plural(nfaces));
예제 #7
bool CFaceDetect::detectByAsmMarks( const Mat &faceImage,vector<float *> &vlandmarks,bool onlybig )
	int foundface = 0;
	Mat_<unsigned char> matimage = faceImage;
	//detect face
	if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)matimage.data, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows, "image",
				onlybig?0:1 /*multiface*/, 10 /*minwidth*/))
		return false;
	Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(faceImage.clone());
		CFaceRect facerect;
		float *landmarks = new float[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2)
		//find all the face
		if(!stasm_search_auto(&foundface, landmarks))
			return false;

		if(foundface == 0)

		facerect.noalign = false;
		//landmarks inner the image
		stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, faceImage.cols, faceImage.rows);
		//drawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);
		//markLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);
		//imshow("tmp", outimg);

	return true;
예제 #8
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    if (argc != 5)
        Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE");

    const int multi = argv[1][0] - '0';
    if (multi != 0 && multi != 1)
        Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE, "
             "with MULTI 0 or 1, you have MULTI %s", argv[1]);

    int minwidth = -1;
    if (sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &minwidth) != 1 ||
        minwidth < 1 || minwidth > 100)
        Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE with "
             "MINWIDTH 1 to 100,  you have MINWIDTH %s", argv[2]);

    const int trace = argv[3][0] - '0';
    if (trace < 0 || trace > 1)
        Exit("Usage: test_stasm_lib MULTI MINWIDTH TRACE IMAGE, with TRACE 0 or 1");

    if (!stasm_init("../data", trace))
        Exit("stasm_init failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());

    const char* path = argv[4]; // image name
    stasm_printf("Reading %s\n", path);
    const cv::Mat_<unsigned char> img(cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
    if (!img.data) // could not load image?
        Exit("Cannot load %s", path);

    cv::Mat_<unsigned char> outimg(img.clone());

    if (!stasm_open_image((const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows,
                          path, multi != 0, minwidth))
        Exit("stasm_open_image failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());

    // Test stasm_search_auto.
    // The min face size was set in the above stasm_open_image call.

    float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords
    int iface = 0;
    while (1)
        stasm_printf("--- Auto Face %d ---\n", iface);
        int foundface;
        float estyaw;
        if (!stasm_search_auto_ext(&foundface, landmarks, &estyaw))
            Exit("stasm_search_auto failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());
        if (!foundface)
            stasm_printf("No more faces\n");
            break; // note break
        char s[100]; sprintf(s, "\nFinal with auto init (estyaw %.0f)", estyaw);
        PrintLandmarks(landmarks, s);
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);
        if (trace)
    imwrite("test_stasm_lib_auto.bmp", outimg);
    if (stasm_NLANDMARKS != 77)
            "Skipping pinned test because stasm_NLANDMARKS is %d not 77\n",
    else if (multi == 0 && minwidth == 25 && iface)
        // Test stasm_search_pinned.  A human user is not at hand, so gyp by using
        // points from the last face found above for our 5 start points

        stasm_printf("--- Pinned Face %d ---\n", iface);
        float pinned[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords
        memset(pinned, 0, sizeof(pinned));
        pinned[L_LEyeOuter*2]      = landmarks[L_LEyeOuter*2] + 2;
        pinned[L_LEyeOuter*2+1]    = landmarks[L_LEyeOuter*2+1];
        pinned[L_REyeOuter*2]      = landmarks[L_REyeOuter*2] - 2;
        pinned[L_REyeOuter*2+1]    = landmarks[L_REyeOuter*2+1];
        pinned[L_CNoseTip*2]       = landmarks[L_CNoseTip*2];
        pinned[L_CNoseTip*2+1]     = landmarks[L_CNoseTip*2+1];
        pinned[L_LMouthCorner*2]   = landmarks[L_LMouthCorner*2];
        pinned[L_LMouthCorner*2+1] = landmarks[L_LMouthCorner*2+1];
        pinned[L_RMouthCorner*2]   = landmarks[L_RMouthCorner*2];
        pinned[L_RMouthCorner*2+1] = landmarks[L_RMouthCorner*2+1];

        memset(landmarks, 0, sizeof(landmarks));
        if (!stasm_search_pinned(landmarks,
                pinned, (const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, path))
            Exit("stasm_search_pinned failed: %s", stasm_lasterr());
        PrintLandmarks(landmarks, "Final with pinned init");
        outimg = img.clone();
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, landmarks);
        imwrite("test_stasm_lib_pinned.bmp", outimg);

        // test stasm_convert_shape
        float newlandmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords

        memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float));
        stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 68);
        PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to xm2vts");
#if 0
        outimg = img.clone();
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 68);
        imwrite("test_stasm_lib_68.bmp", outimg);
        memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float));
        stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 76);
        PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm76");
#if 0
        outimg = img.clone();
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 76);
        imwrite("test_stasm_lib_76.bmp", outimg);

#if 0
        memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float));
        stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 22);
        PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm22");
        outimg = img.clone();
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 22);
        imwrite("test_stasm_lib_22.bmp", outimg);

        memcpy(newlandmarks, landmarks, 2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS * sizeof(float));
        stasm_convert_shape(newlandmarks, 20);
        PrintLandmarks(newlandmarks, "stasm77 to stasm20");
        outimg = img.clone();
        DrawLandmarks(outimg, newlandmarks, 20);
        imwrite("test_stasm_lib_20.bmp", outimg);

    return 0;       // success