    A helper function that actually writes to stdout.

    This function is called by QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine. Reimplement this function when creating a subclass of QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine.
void QxtBasicSTDLoggerEngine::writeToStdOut(const QString& level, const QList<QVariant> &msgs)
    /* Message format...
        [time] [error level] First message.....
                    second message
                    third message
    if (msgs.isEmpty()) return;
    QString header = '[' + QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") + "] [" + level + "] ";
    QString padding;
    QTextStream* outstream = stdOutStream();
    *outstream << header;
    for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) padding.append(' ');
    int count = 0;
    Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& out, msgs)
        if (!out.isNull())
            if (count != 0) *outstream << padding;
            *outstream << out.toString() << '\n';
    *outstream << endl;
예제 #2
void TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile(const std::string &unallocImgPath, const std::string &outputFolderPath, const std::string &stdOutFilePath, const std::string &stdErrFilePath) const
        // Find out where Scalpel is installed.
        std::string scalpelDirPath = GetSystemProperty("SCALPEL_DIR");
        if (scalpelDirPath.empty())
            throw TskException("TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : Scalpel directory not set");

        if (!Poco::File(scalpelDirPath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : specified Scalpel directory '" << scalpelDirPath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Get the path to the Scalpel executable.
        std::stringstream pathBuilder;
        pathBuilder << scalpelDirPath << Poco::Path::separator() << SCALPEL_EXE_FILE_NAME;
        std::string scalpelExePath = pathBuilder.str();
        if (!Poco::File(scalpelExePath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::configure : Scalpel executable '" << scalpelExePath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Get the path to the Scalpel config file.
        std::string scalpelConfigFilePath = GetSystemProperty("SCALPEL_CONFIG_FILE");
        if (!Poco::File(scalpelConfigFilePath).exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::TskCarveExtractScalpel : Scalpel config file '" << scalpelConfigFilePath << "' does not exist";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Set the Scalpel command line: specify the Scalpel config file.
        Poco::Process::Args args;

        // Set the Scalpel command line: allow for nested headers and footers.
        // Set the Scalpel command line: put any carved files directly into the output folder.

        // Set the Scalpel command line: specify the file to carve.

        // Launch Scalpel with console output redirects.
        Poco::Pipe outPipe;
        Poco::Pipe errPipe;
        Poco::ProcessHandle handle = Poco::Process::launch(scalpelExePath, args, NULL, &outPipe, &errPipe);

        // Capture the console output. Note that Scalpel may block at times as it waits for this loop to empty the stream buffers.
        Poco::PipeInputStream stdOutInputStream(outPipe);
        Poco::FileOutputStream stdOutOutputStream(stdOutFilePath);
        Poco::PipeInputStream stdErrInputStream(errPipe);
        Poco::FileOutputStream stdErrOutputStream(stdErrFilePath);
        while (stdOutInputStream || stdErrInputStream)
            if (stdOutInputStream)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(stdOutInputStream, stdOutOutputStream);

            if (stdErrInputStream)
                Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(stdErrInputStream, stdErrOutputStream);
        // Scalpel should be finished since the console output streams are closed.
        int exitCode = Poco::Process::wait(handle);


        // On the first invocation of Scalpel, record its use in the image database.
        static bool toolInfoRecorded = false;
        if (!toolInfoRecorded)
            std::ifstream stdOutStream(stdOutFilePath.c_str());
            if (stdOutStream)
                std::string versionString;
                std::getline(stdOutStream, versionString);
                Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(versionString, "\t ", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); 
                if (tokenizer[0] == "Scalpel" && tokenizer[1] == "version")
                    TskServices::Instance().getImgDB().addToolInfo("Scalpel", tokenizer[2].c_str());
                    toolInfoRecorded = true;
                    LOGWARN("TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Scalpel stdout output format changed, cannot record tool info");
                LOGWARN("TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : failed to open stdout stream, cannot record tool info");

        // Delete input files by default.
        std::string option = GetSystemProperty("CARVE_EXTRACT_KEEP_INPUT_FILES");
        std::transform(option.begin(), option.end(), option.begin(), ::toupper);
        bool deleteInputFiles = (option != "TRUE");

        if (deleteInputFiles)
            Poco::File file(unallocImgPath);

        if (exitCode != 0)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Scalpel exited with error exit code " << exitCode << " when carving '" << unallocImgPath.c_str() << "'";
            throw TskException(msg.str());
    catch (Poco::Exception &ex)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::carveFile : Poco exception: " << ex.displayText();
        throw TskException(msg.str());