예제 #1
// Change the baud rate. Doesn't take effect until write/reset cycle, so you
//  can get the "OK" message after changing the setting.
BLEMate2::opResult BLEMate2::setBaudRate(unsigned int newSpeed)
  // Temp for the string value you'll want to send out to the module.
  String speedString = "";

  // The BC118 doesn't want a nice, human readable string; it wants a 16-bit
  //  unsigned int represented as a string. 
  // Here we'll convert things appropriately from the numeric speed input
  //  (2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600) to a string which the BC118 recognizes
  //  as being the parameter for that string.
    case 2400:
      speedString = "000A";
    case 9600:
      speedString = "0028";
    case 19200:
      speedString = "004E";
    case 38400:
      speedString = "009E";
    case 57600:
      speedString = "00EB";
      return INVALID_PARAM;

  // Because this doesn't take effect until after a write/reset, stdSetParam()
  //  works perfectly.
  return stdSetParam("UART", speedString);
예제 #2
파일: bc127.cpp 프로젝트: hearhear/Cochlea
// We need a baud rate setting handler. Let's make one! This is kinda tricksy,
//  though, b/c the baud rate change takes effect immediately, so the return
//  string from the baud rate change will be garbled. This will result in a
//  TIMEOUT_ERROR from that function (after all, the EOL won't be recognized,
//  since it'll be at the wrong baud rate). So, if we get a TIMEOUT_ERROR from
//  the module, we'll re-do the command at the new baud rate. If *that* fails.
//  we can assume something is radically wrong. 
BC127::opResult BC127::setBaudRate(baudRates newSpeed)
  // The BC127 wants a string, but the .begin() functions want an integer. We
  //  need a variable to hold both types.
  int intSpeed;
  String stringSpeed;
  // Convert our enum values into strings the module can use.
    case BC127::s9600bps:
      stringSpeed = "9600";
    case BC127::s19200bps:
      stringSpeed = "19200";
    case BC127::s38400bps:
      stringSpeed = "38400";
    case BC127::s57600bps:
      stringSpeed = "57600";
    case BC127::s115200bps:
      stringSpeed = "115200";
      return INVALID_PARAM;
  // If we've made it to here, we had a valid input to the function and should
  //  send it off to the set parameter function.
  intSpeed = atoi(stringSpeed);
  // So, there are three possibilities here: SUCCESS, MODULE_ERROR, and
  //  TIMEOUT_ERROR. SUCCESS indicates that you just set the baud rate to the
  //  same baud rate which is currently in use; MODULE_ERROR indicates that
  //  something weird happened to the string before it was sent (honestly, after
  //  I'm done hammering the dents out, I can't imagine that coming up), and
  //  TIMEOUT_ERROR indicates one of two things: an actual timeout, OR success
  //  but we couldn't read it b/c the baud rate was broken. Since we're using
  //  the inheritance of the Stream class to manipulate our serial ports, we
  //  can't change the baud rate. The user should probably just interpret 
  //  TIMEOUT_ERROR as success, and call it good.
  return stdSetParam("BAUD", stringSpeed);
예제 #3
// With the BC118, *scan* is a much more important thing that with the BC127.
//  It's a "state", and in order to initiate a connection as a central device,
//  the BC118 *must* be in scan state.
// Timeout is not inherent to the scan command, either; that's a separate 
//  parameter that needs to be set.
BLEMate2::opResult BLEMate2::BLEScan(unsigned int timeout)

  // Let's assume that we find nothing; we'll call that a REMOTE_ERROR and
  //  report that to the user. Should we find something, we'll report success.
  opResult result = REMOTE_ERROR;
  String buffer = "";
  String addressTemp;
  String EOL = String("\n\r");
  String timeoutString = String(timeout, DEC);
  stdSetParam("SCNT", timeoutString);
  for (byte i = 0; i <5; i++) _addresses[i] = "";
  _numAddresses = 0;
  // Now issue the scan command. 
  _serialPort->print("SCN ON\r");
  // We're going to use the internal timer to track the elapsed time since we
  //  issued the command. Bog-standard Arduino stuff.
  unsigned long loopStart = millis();
  // Calculate a timeout value that's a tish longer than the module will
  //  use. This is our catch-all, so we don't sit in this loop forever waiting
  //  for input that will never come from the module.
  unsigned long loopTimeout = timeout*1300;
  // Oooookaaaayyy...now the fun part. A state machine that parses the input
  //  from the Bluetooth module!
  while (loopStart + loopTimeout > millis())
    // Grow the current buffered data, until we receive the EOL string.    
    if (_serialPort->available() >0)
    if (buffer.endsWith(EOL))
      // There are two possibilities for return values:
      //  1. ERR - indicates a problem with the module. Either we're in the
      //           wrong state to be trying to do this (we're not central,
      //           not idle, or both) or there's a syntax error.
      //  2. SCN=X 12charaddrxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\r
      //           In this case, all we care about is the content from char
      //           6 to 18.
      // Note the lack of any kind of completion string! The module just stops
      //  reporting when done, and we'll never know if it doesn't find anything
      //  to report.
      if (buffer.startsWith("ER")) 
        return MODULE_ERROR;
      else if (buffer.startsWith("SC")) // An address has been found!
        // The returned device string looks like this:
        //  scn=? 12charaddrxx bunch of other stuff\n\r
        // We can ignore the other stuff, and the first stuff, and just
        //  report the address. 
        addressTemp = buffer.substring(6,18);
        buffer = "";
        if (_numAddresses == 0) 
          _addresses[0] = addressTemp;
          result = SUCCESS;
        else // search the list for this address, and append if it's not in
             //  the list and the list isn't too long.
          for (byte i = 0; i < _numAddresses; i++)
            if (addressTemp == _addresses[i])
              addressTemp = "x";
          if (addressTemp != "x")
            _addresses[_numAddresses++] = addressTemp;
          if (_numAddresses == 5) return SUCCESS;
      else // buffer is not a valid value
        buffer = "";
  // result will either have been unchanged (we didn't see anything) and
  //  be REMOTE_ERROR or will have been changed to SUCCESS when we saw our
  //  first address.
  return result;
예제 #4
// Of course, we also need some way to return the module to sink mode, if we
//  want to do that.
BC127::opResult BC127::setClassicSink()
  return stdSetParam("CLASSIC_ROLE", "0");
예제 #5
// In order to set the module as a source for streaming audio out to another
//  device, you must set the "CLASSIC_ROLE" parameter to 1, then write/reset to
//  make that setting active. This function handles this parameter setting.
BC127::opResult BC127::setClassicSource()
  return stdSetParam("CLASSIC_ROLE", "1");
예제 #6
BLEMate2::opResult BLEMate2::BLEPeripheral()
  return stdSetParam("CENT", "OFF");
예제 #7
// Function to put the module into BLE Central Mode.
BLEMate2::opResult BLEMate2::BLECentral()
  return stdSetParam("CENT", "ON");