bool FlickrPhotoFrameSource::serializeToPb(PbPhotoFrameSource * pbSource) { assert(pbSource); // serialize the core photoframe source properties if (!PhotoFrameSource::serializeToPb(pbSource)) return false; // write the group id, tag id, user id pbSource->SetExtension(PbFlickrPhotoFrameSource::group_id, stdString(_groupId)); pbSource->SetExtension(PbFlickrPhotoFrameSource::tag_id, stdString(_tag)); pbSource->SetExtension(PbFlickrPhotoFrameSource::user_id, stdString(_userId)); return pbSource->IsInitialized(); }
stdString BenchTimer::toString() { double t = runtime(); char buf[100]; if (t < 1.0) sprintf(buf, "%.3f ms", t*1000.0); else if (t < 60.0) sprintf(buf, "%.3f s", t); else if (t < 60.0*60.0) { int m = (int)(t/60.0); t -= m*60.0; sprintf(buf, "%d min, %.3f s", m, t); } else { int h = (int)(t/(60.0*60.0)); t -= h*60.0*60.0; int m = (int)(t/60.0); t -= m*60.0; sprintf(buf, "%02d:%02d:%02.3f", h, m, t); } return stdString(buf); }
TEST_CASE test_list() { printf("------------------------------------------\n"); printf("List Test\n"); printf("------------------------------------------\n"); stdList<stdString> list; list.push_back(stdString("A")); list.push_back(stdString("B")); list.push_back(stdString("C")); printf("Dump\n"); TEST(list.size() == 3); stdList<stdString>::iterator i; for (i = list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) { printf(" %s\n", i->c_str()); } printf("Append while traversing\n"); i = list.begin(); printf(" %s\n", i->c_str()); ++i; list.push_back(stdString("D added while traversing")); for (/**/; i!=list.end(); ++i) { printf(" %s\n", i->c_str()); } #if 0 printf("Delete 'A' while traversing\n"); i = list.begin(); // This results in crash, since we remove an element list.pop_front(); // ... and then try to access the deleted element: printf(" %s\n", i->c_str()); ++i; for (/**/; i!=list.end(); ++i) { printf(" %s\n", i->c_str()); } #endif TEST_OK; }
bool PhotoFrameSource::serializeToPb(PbPhotoFrameSource * pbSource) { assert(pbSource); // write the current resource id if (_current.isValid()) pbSource->set_current_resource_id(stdString(_current.getResourceId())); return pbSource->IsInitialized(); }
void CString::ReleaseBuffer( int nNewLength) { if (bufferTemp) { QString str = QString::fromWCharArray(bufferTemp); *this = stdString(bufferTemp, nNewLength == -1 ? str.length() : nNewLength).c_str(); m_bufferTempSize = 0; delete [] bufferTemp; bufferTemp = 0; } }
bool LocalPhotoFrameSource::serializeToPb(PbPhotoFrameSource * pbSource) { assert(pbSource); // serialize the core photoframe source properties if (!PhotoFrameSource::serializeToPb(pbSource)) return false; // write the local file path pbSource->SetExtension(PbLocalPhotoFrameSource::file_path, stdString(native(_localPath))); return pbSource->IsInitialized(); }
// note that this function disposes the underlying CXString so it // shouldn't be used after this call std::string toStdString(CXString cxStr) { const char* str = clang().getCString(cxStr); if (str != NULL) { std::string stdString(str); clang().disposeString(cxStr); return stdString; } else { return std::string(); } }
bool PbPersistenceManager::saveScene(const QString& filePath) { PbBumpTop bumptop; // save the header if (bumptop.mutable_header()) { PbHeader * header = bumptop.mutable_header(); QString buildStr; QTextStream stream(&buildStr); stream << "BumpTop,"; stream << winOS->BumpTopEditionName(winOS->GetBumpTopEdition()) << ","; stream << ((GLOBAL(settings).freeOrProLevel == AL_PRO) ? "Pro," : "Free,"); stream << winOS->GetBuildNumber() << ","; stream << winOS->GetLocaleLanguage() << ","; stream << "win32"; header->set_build(stdString(buildStr)); header->set_version(atoi(SVN_VERSION_NUMBER)); } // save the scene data if (!scnManager->serializeToPb(bumptop.mutable_scene())) { assert(false); return false; } // write the bumptop root to disk std::ofstream fileOut(filePath.utf16(), ios::trunc | ios::binary); if (!bumptop.SerializeToOstream(&fileOut)) { fileOut.close(); return false; } fileOut.close(); bool ret = bumptop.IsInitialized(); if (ret) LOG("PbPersistenceManager::saveScene successful"); return ret; }
// very_complex_array = archiver.values(key, names[], start, end, ...) xmlrpc_value *get_values(xmlrpc_env *env, xmlrpc_value *args, void *user) { #ifdef LOGFILE LOG_MSG("archiver.get_values\n"); #endif xmlrpc_value *names; xmlrpc_int32 key, start_sec, start_nano, end_sec, end_nano, count, how; xmlrpc_int32 actual_count; // Extract arguments xmlrpc_parse_value(env, args, "(iAiiiiii)", &key, &names, &start_sec, &start_nano, &end_sec, &end_nano, &count, &how); if (env->fault_occurred) return 0; #ifdef LOGFILE LOG_MSG("how=%d, count=%d\n", (int) how, (int) count); #endif if (count <= 1) count = 1; actual_count = count; if (count > 10000) // Upper limit to avoid outrageous requests. actual_count = 10000; // Build start/end epicsTime start, end; pieces2epicsTime(start_sec, start_nano, start); pieces2epicsTime(end_sec, end_nano, end); // Pull names into vector for SpreadsheetReader and just because. xmlrpc_value *name_val; char *name; int i; xmlrpc_int32 name_count = xmlrpc_array_size(env, names); stdVector<stdString> name_vector; name_vector.reserve(name_count); for (i=0; i<name_count; ++i) { // no new ref! name_val = xmlrpc_array_get_item(env, names, i); if (env->fault_occurred) return 0; xmlrpc_parse_value(env, name_val, "s", &name); if (env->fault_occurred) return 0; name_vector.push_back(stdString(name)); } // Build results switch (how) { case HOW_RAW: return get_channel_data(env, key, name_vector, start, end, actual_count, ReaderFactory::Raw, 0.0); case HOW_SHEET: return get_sheet_data(env, key, name_vector, start, end, actual_count, ReaderFactory::Raw, 0.0); case HOW_AVERAGE: return get_sheet_data(env, key, name_vector, start, end, actual_count, ReaderFactory::Average, (end-start)/count); case HOW_PLOTBIN: // 'count' = # of bins, resulting in up to 4*count samples return get_channel_data(env, key, name_vector, start, end, actual_count*4, ReaderFactory::Plotbin, (end-start)/count); case HOW_LINEAR: return get_sheet_data(env, key, name_vector, start, end, actual_count, ReaderFactory::Linear, (end-start)/count); } xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted(env, ARCH_DAT_ARG_ERROR, "Invalid how=%d", how); return 0; }
bool ArchiveDataClient::getInfo(int &version, stdString &description, stdVector<stdString> &how_strings, stdVector<stdString> &stat_strings, stdVector<SeverityInfo> &sevr_infos) { xmlrpc_value *result, *hows, *stats, *sevrs, *element; xmlrpc_int32 num; xmlrpc_bool has_value, txt_stat; const char *str; size_t count, len, i; result = xmlrpc_client_call(&env, (char *)URL, "", "()"); if (log_fault()) return false; xmlrpc_parse_value(&env, result, "{s:i,s:s#,s:A,s:A,s:A,*}", "ver", &num, "desc", &str, &len, "how", &hows, "stat", &stats, "sevr", &sevrs); if (log_fault()) return false; version = num; description.assign(str, len); // 'how' array count = xmlrpc_array_size(&env, hows); how_strings.reserve(count); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { element = xmlrpc_array_get_item(&env, hows, i); if (log_fault()) return false; xmlrpc_parse_value(&env, element, "s", &str); if (log_fault()) return false; how_strings.push_back(stdString(str)); } // 'stat' array count = xmlrpc_array_size(&env, stats); stat_strings.reserve(count); for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { element = xmlrpc_array_get_item(&env, stats, i); if (log_fault()) return false; xmlrpc_parse_value(&env, element, "s", &str); if (log_fault()) return false; stat_strings.push_back(stdString(str)); } // 'sevr' array count = xmlrpc_array_size(&env, sevrs); stat_strings.reserve(count); SeverityInfo info; for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { element = xmlrpc_array_get_item(&env, sevrs, i); if (log_fault()) return false; xmlrpc_parse_value(&env, element, "{s:i,s:s#,s:b,s:b,*}", "num", &num, "sevr", &str, &len, "has_value", &has_value, "txt_stat", &txt_stat); if (log_fault()) return false; info.num = num; info.text.assign(str, len); info.has_value = has_value; info.txt_stat = txt_stat; sevr_infos.push_back(info); } xmlrpc_DECREF(result); return true; }
bool FileSystemActor::serializeToPb(PbBumpObject * pbObject) { assert(pbObject); // NOTE: if this actor is pileized, then sync the position of this actor to the pile if (isPileized()) { BumpObject * lastPileItem = pileizedPile->getLastItem(); assert(lastPileItem); if (lastPileItem) { Vec3 pos = lastPileItem->getGlobalPosition(); pos.y = getGlobalPosition().z; setGlobalPosition(pos); } } // serialize the core actor properties if (!Actor::serializeToPb(pbObject)) return false; // write the full path pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::full_path, stdString(getFullPath())); // write the launch override path pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::launch_override_path, stdString(getLaunchOverride())); // write the texture override path QString overrideTexturePath; getTextureOverride(overrideTexturePath); pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::texture_override_path, stdString(overrideTexturePath)); // write the pilelized state bool pileized = (pileizedPile != NULL); pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::pileized, pileized); // write the thumbnail state pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::thumbnailized, useThumbnail); // write the launch count pbObject->SetExtension(PbFileSystemActor::launch_count, useThumbnail); // NOTE: if the actor was pileized, then push it back underground if (isPileized()) PushBelowGround(this); // write all the cached previous children sizes if this filesystem actor was pileized if (isFileSystemType(Folder)) { QHashIterator<QString, Vec3> iter(_prevPileizedActorDims); while (iter.hasNext()) {; PbFileSystemActor_PbCachedFilePathDims * dims = pbObject->AddExtension(PbFileSystemActor::prev_pileized_children_dims); dims->set_file_path(stdString(iter.key())); toPbVec3(iter.value(), dims->mutable_dims()); } } return pbObject->IsInitialized(); }