예제 #1
파일: reset.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
int Reset_get_at_at2_response(char *response)
   char buf[128];
   int next_state;
   int status;
   status = read_comport(buf);                  // read comport
   if (status == DATA)                          // if new data detected in com port buffer
      strcat(response, buf);                    // append contents of buf to response
      next_state = RESET_GET_AT_AT2_RESPONSE;   // come back for more data
   else if (status == PROMPT) // if '>' detected
      strcat(response, buf);
      status = process_response("at@2", response);
      if (status == STN_MFR_STRING)
         next_state = RESET_START_ECU_TIMER;
         next_state = RESET_HANDLE_CLONE;
   else if (serial_time_out)
      alert("Connection with interface lost", NULL, NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
      next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG; // close dialog
   else  // serial buffer was empty, but we still got time
      next_state = RESET_GET_AT_AT2_RESPONSE;
   return next_state;
예제 #2
파일: serial.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
void start_serial_timer(int delay)
   install_int_ex(serial_time_out_handler, MSEC_TO_TIMER(delay));  // install the timer
   serial_time_out = FALSE;
   serial_timer_running = TRUE;
예제 #3
파일: reset.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
int Reset_get_reply_to_reset(char *response, int *device)
   char buf[128];
   int next_state;
   int status;
   status = read_comport(buf);                  // read comport
   if (status == DATA)                           // if new data detected in com port buffer
      strcat(response, buf);                    // append contents of buf to response
      next_state = RESET_GET_REPLY_TO_RESET;    // come back for more data
   else if (status == PROMPT) // if '>' detected
      strcat(response, buf);
      *device = process_response("atz", response);
      if (*device == INTERFACE_ELM323)
         next_state = RESET_START_ECU_TIMER;
      else if (*device == INTERFACE_ELM327)
         next_state = RESET_SEND_AT_AT1_REQUEST;
         next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG;
   else if (serial_time_out) // if the timer timed out
      stop_serial_timer(); // stop the timer
      alert("Interface was not found", NULL, NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
      next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG; // close dialog
   else  // serial buffer was empty, but we still got time
      next_state = RESET_GET_REPLY_TO_RESET;
   return next_state;
예제 #4
파일: reset.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
int Reset_get_reply_to_detect_protocol(char *response)
   char buf[128];
   int next_state;
   int status;
   status = read_comport(buf);
   if(status == DATA) // if new data detected in com port buffer
      strcat(response, buf); // append contents of buf to response
      next_state = RESET_GET_REPLY_TO_DETECT_PROTOCOL; // come back for more
   else if (status == PROMPT)  // if we got the prompt
      strcat(response, buf);
      status = process_response("0100", response);

      if (status == ERR_NO_DATA || status == UNABLE_TO_CONNECT)
         alert("Protocol could not be detected.", "Please check connection to the vehicle,", "and make sure the ignition is ON", "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
      else if (status != HEX_DATA)
         alert("Communication error", buf, NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
      next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG;
   else if (serial_time_out)
      alert("Connection with interface lost", NULL, NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
      next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG;
   return next_state;
예제 #5
파일: reset.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
int Reset_wait_for_ecu_timeout(int device)
   int next_state;
   if (serial_time_out) // if the timer timed out
      stop_serial_timer(); // stop the timer
      if (device == INTERFACE_ELM327)
         next_state = RESET_CLOSE_DIALOG;
      next_state = RESET_WAIT_FOR_ECU_TIMEOUT;
   return next_state;
예제 #6
파일: serial.c 프로젝트: kees/scantool
int process_response(const char *cmd_sent, char *msg_received)
   int i = 0;
   char *msg = msg_received;
   int echo_on = TRUE; //echo status
   int is_hex_num = TRUE;
   char temp_buf[80];

   if (cmd_sent)
      for(i = 0; cmd_sent[i]; i++)
         if (cmd_sent[i] != *msg)    // if the characters are not the same,
            echo_on = FALSE;  // say that echo is off
            break;            // break out of the loop

      if (echo_on == TRUE)  //if echo is on
         send_command("ate0"); // turn off the echo
         // wait for chip response or timeout
         while ((read_comport(temp_buf) != PROMPT) && !serial_time_out)
         if (!serial_time_out)
            send_command("atl0"); // turn off linefeeds
            // wait for chip response or timeout
            while ((read_comport(temp_buf) != PROMPT) && !serial_time_out)
      else //if echo is off
         msg = msg_received;

   while(*msg && (*msg <= ' '))

   if (strncmp(msg, "SEARCHING...", 12) == 0)
      msg += 13;
   else if (strncmp(msg, "BUS INIT: OK", 12) == 0)
      msg += 13;
   else if (strncmp(msg, "BUS INIT: ...OK", 15) == 0)
      msg += 16;

   for(i = 0; *msg; msg++) //loop to copy data
      if (*msg > ' ')  // if the character is not a special character or space
         if (*msg == '<') // Detect <DATA_ERROR
            if (strncmp(msg, "<DATA ERROR", 10) == 0)
               return DATA_ERROR2;
               return RUBBISH;
         msg_received[i] = *msg; // rewrite response
         if (!isxdigit(*msg) && *msg != ':')
            is_hex_num = FALSE;
      else if (((*msg == '\n') || (*msg == '\r')) && (msg_received[i-1] != SPECIAL_DELIMITER)) // if the character is a CR or LF
         msg_received[i++] = SPECIAL_DELIMITER; // replace CR with SPECIAL_DELIMITER
   if (i > 0)
      if (msg_received[i-1] == SPECIAL_DELIMITER)
   msg_received[i] = '\0'; // terminate the string

   if (is_hex_num)
      return HEX_DATA;

   if (strcmp(msg_received, "NODATA") == 0)
      return ERR_NO_DATA;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 15, "UNABLETOCONNECT") == 0)
      return UNABLE_TO_CONNECT;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 7, "BUSBUSY") == 0)
      return BUS_BUSY;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 9, "DATAERROR") == 0)
      return DATA_ERROR;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 8, "BUSERROR") == 0 ||
       strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 7, "FBERROR") == 0)
      return BUS_ERROR;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 8, "CANERROR") == 0)
      return CAN_ERROR;
   if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 10, "BUFFERFULL") == 0)
      return BUFFER_FULL;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "BUSINIT:", 8) == 0)
      if (strcmp(msg_received + strlen(msg_received) - 5, "ERROR") == 0)
         return BUS_INIT_ERROR;
         return SERIAL_ERROR;
   if (strcmp(msg_received, "?") == 0)
      return UNKNOWN_CMD;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "ELM320", 6) == 0)
      return INTERFACE_ELM320;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "ELM322", 6) == 0)
      return INTERFACE_ELM322;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "ELM323", 6) == 0)
      return INTERFACE_ELM323;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "ELM327", 6) == 0)
      return INTERFACE_ELM327;
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "OBDLink", 7) == 0 ||
       strncmp(msg_received, "STN1000", 7) == 0 ||
       strncmp(msg_received, "STN11", 5) == 0)
   if (strncmp(msg_received, "SCANTOOL.NET", 12) == 0)
      return STN_MFR_STRING;
   if (strcmp(msg_received, "OBDIItoRS232Interpreter") == 0)
      return ELM_MFR_STRING;
   return RUBBISH;
예제 #7
// heart of the trouble_code_reader module:
int tr_code_proc(int msg, DIALOG *d, int c)
   static char vehicle_response[1024];        // character buffer for car response
   static int first_read_occured = FALSE;
   static int receiving_response = FALSE;    // flag, "are we receiving response?"
   static int verifying_connection = FALSE;  // flag, "are we verifying connection?"
   static int current_request = CRQ_NONE;    // NUM_OF_CODES, READ_CODES, CLEAR_CODES
   int response_status = EMPTY;              // EMPTY, DATA, PROMPT
   int response_type;                        // BUS_BUSY, BUS_ERROR, DATA_ERROR, etc.
   int pending_codes_cnt = 0;
   char comport_buffer[256];                  // temporary storage for comport data
   char buf1[64];
   char buf2[64];

   switch (msg)
      case MSG_IDLE:
         if (!first_read_occured)
            if (!simulate)
            first_read_occured = TRUE;
            return D_O_K;
         if (simulate)
         if (comport.status == READY)
            if (!receiving_response)
               if (verifying_connection)
                  send_command("0100"); // send request that requires a response
                  receiving_response = TRUE; // now we're waiting for response
                  vehicle_response[0] = 0; //get buffer ready for the response
                  start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); // start the timer
               else if (current_request == READ_PENDING)
                  send_command("07");   // request "pending" codes
                  receiving_response = TRUE;     // and receiving response
                  vehicle_response[0] = '\0';    // clear the buffer
                  start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); // start the timer...
               response_status = read_comport(comport_buffer);

               if (response_status == DATA) // if data detected in com port buffer
                  // append contents of comport_buffer to vehicle_response:
                  strcat(vehicle_response, comport_buffer);
                  start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT);  // we got data, reset the timer
               else if (response_status == PROMPT) // if ">" is detected
                  receiving_response = FALSE; // we're not waiting for response any more
                  stop_serial_timer();        // stop the timer
                  // append contents of comport_buffer to vehicle_response:
                  strcat(vehicle_response, comport_buffer);

                  if (verifying_connection)     // *** if we are verifying connection ***
                  {  // NOTE: we only get here if we got "NO DATA" somewhere else
                     response_type = process_response("0100", vehicle_response);
                     verifying_connection = FALSE; // we're not verifying connection anymore

                     if (response_type == HEX_DATA) // if everything seems to be fine now,
                        if (current_request == CLEAR_CODES)
                           alert("There may have been a temporary loss of connection.", "Please try clearing codes again.", NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
                        else if (current_request == NUM_OF_CODES)
                           alert("There may have been a temporary loss of connection.", "Please try reading codes again.", NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
                        else if (current_request == READ_CODES)
                           current_request = READ_PENDING;
                     else if (response_type == ERR_NO_DATA)
                        if (current_request == CLEAR_CODES) // if we were clearing codes,
                           alert("Communication problem: vehicle did not confirm successful", "deletion of trouble codes.  Please check connection to the vehicle,", "make sure the ignition is ON, and try clearing the codes again.", "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
                        else // if we were reading codes or requesting number or DTCs
                           alert("There may have been a loss of connection.", "Please check connection to the vehicle,", "and make sure the ignition is ON", "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
                        display_error_message(response_type, FALSE);
                     broadcast_dialog_message(MSG_READY, 0); // tell everyone we're done

                  else if (current_request == NUM_OF_CODES) // *** if we are getting number of codes ***
                     response_type = process_response("0101", vehicle_response);

                     if (response_type == ERR_NO_DATA)   // if we received "NO DATA"
                        verifying_connection = TRUE;  // verify connection
                     else if (response_type != HEX_DATA) // if we got an error,
                        handle_errors(response_type, NUM_OF_CODES);  // handle it
                     else    // if process response returned HEX_DATA (i.e. there are no errors)
                     {  // extract # of codes from vehicle_response
                        num_of_codes_reported = handle_num_of_codes(vehicle_response);
                        send_command("03");   // request "stored" codes
                        current_request = READ_CODES;  // we're reading stored codes now
                        receiving_response = TRUE;     // and receiving response
                        vehicle_response[0] = '\0';    // clear the buffer
                        start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); // start the timer...
                  else if (current_request == READ_CODES) // if we are reading codes,
                     response_type = process_response("03", vehicle_response);

                     if (response_type == ERR_NO_DATA) // vehicle didn't respond, check connection
                        if (num_of_codes_reported > 0)
                           verifying_connection = TRUE;
                           current_request = READ_PENDING;
                     else if (response_type == HEX_DATA)
                        handle_read_codes(vehicle_response, FALSE);
                        current_request = READ_PENDING;
                     else  // if we got an error
                        handle_errors(response_type, READ_CODES);
                  else if(current_request == READ_PENDING) // if we are reading pending codes,
                     response_type = process_response("07", vehicle_response);

                     if (response_type == ERR_NO_DATA)
                        if (get_number_of_codes() == 0 && num_of_codes_reported == 0)
                           alert("No Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) detected", NULL, NULL, "OK", NULL, 0, 0);
                     else if(response_type != HEX_DATA) // if we got an error,
                        handle_errors(response_type, READ_PENDING);
                     else  // if there were *no* errors,
                        pending_codes_cnt = handle_read_codes(vehicle_response, TRUE);

                     // if number of DTCs reported by 0101 request does not equal either number or total DTCs or just stored DTCs
                     if ((get_number_of_codes() != num_of_codes_reported) && (get_number_of_codes() - pending_codes_cnt != num_of_codes_reported))
                        sprintf(buf1, "Vehicle reported %i Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).", num_of_codes_reported);
                        sprintf(buf2, "However, %i non-pending DTC(s) have been successfully read.", get_number_of_codes() - pending_codes_cnt);
                        alert(buf1, buf2, "Try reading codes again.", "OK", NULL, 0, 0);

                     broadcast_dialog_message(MSG_READY, 0); // tell everyone we're done
                  else if(current_request == CLEAR_CODES)
                     response_type = process_response("04", vehicle_response);

                     if (response_type == ERR_NO_DATA)// vehicle didn't respond, check connection
                        verifying_connection = TRUE;
                     else if(response_type != HEX_DATA) // if we got an error,
                        handle_errors(response_type, CLEAR_CODES);
                     else // if everything's fine (received confirmation)
                        num_of_codes_reported = 0;
                        mil_is_on = FALSE;
                        broadcast_dialog_message(MSG_READY, 0);
               else if (serial_time_out)     // if request timed out,
                  receiving_response = FALSE;
                  num_of_codes_reported = 0;
                  mil_is_on = FALSE;
                  broadcast_dialog_message(MSG_READY, 0);

                  if(alert("Device is not responding.", "Please check that it is connected", "and the port settings are correct", "OK",  "&Configure Port", 27, 'c') == 2)
                     display_options();   // let the user choose correct settings

                  while (comport.status == NOT_OPEN)
                     if (alert("Port is not ready.", "Please check that you specified the correct port", "and that no other application is using it", "&Configure Port", "&Ignore", 'c', 'i') == 1)
                        display_options(); // let the user choose correct settings
                        comport.status = USER_IGNORED;
         break;  // end case MSG_IDLE

      case MSG_START:
         first_read_occured = FALSE;
         num_of_codes_reported = 0;
         mil_is_on = FALSE;
         // fall through
      case MSG_READY:
         receiving_response = FALSE;
         verifying_connection = FALSE;
         current_request = CRQ_NONE;

      case MSG_READ_CODES:
         if (comport.status == READY)
            send_command("0101"); // request number of trouble codes
            start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); // start the timer
            current_request = NUM_OF_CODES;
            receiving_response = TRUE; // now we're waiting for response
            vehicle_response[0] = 0;
            num_of_codes_reported = 0;
            mil_is_on = FALSE;
            serial_time_out = TRUE;

      case MSG_CLEAR_CODES:
         if (comport.status == READY)
            send_command("04"); // "clear codes" request
            current_request = CLEAR_CODES;
            receiving_response = TRUE; // now we're waiting for response
            vehicle_response[0] = 0;
            start_serial_timer(OBD_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); // start the timer
            serial_time_out = TRUE;

      case MSG_END:

   return D_O_K;
}  // end of tr_codes_proc()