예제 #1
Test for the existence of a stop file

        // Check the current stanza (if any)
        if (cfgOptionTest(cfgOptStanza))
            if (storageExistsNP(storageLocal(), lockStopFileName(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza))))
                THROW_FMT(StopError, "stop file exists for stanza %s", strPtr(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza)));

        // Check all stanzas
        if (storageExistsNP(storageLocal(), lockStopFileName(NULL)))
            THROW(StopError, "stop file exists for all stanzas");

예제 #2
파일: get.c 프로젝트: cmwshang/pgbackrest
Get an archive file from the repository (WAL segment, history file, etc.)

    // Set the result assuming the archive file will not be found
    int result = 1;

        // Check the parameters
        const StringList *commandParam = cfgCommandParam();

        if (strLstSize(commandParam) != 2)
            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 0)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "WAL segment to get required");

            if (strLstSize(commandParam) == 1)
                THROW(ParamRequiredError, "path to copy WAL segment required");

            THROW(ParamInvalidError, "extra parameters found");

        // Get the segment name
        String *walSegment = strBase(strLstGet(commandParam, 0));

        // Destination is wherever we were told to move the WAL segment
        const String *walDestination =
            walPath(strLstGet(commandParam, 1), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath), STR(cfgCommandName(cfgCommand())));

        // Async get can only be performed on WAL segments, history or other files must use synchronous mode
        if (cfgOptionBool(cfgOptArchiveAsync) && walIsSegment(walSegment))
            bool found = false;                                         // Has the WAL segment been found yet?
            bool queueFull = false;                                     // Is the queue half or more full?
            bool forked = false;                                        // Has the async process been forked yet?
            bool confessOnError = false;                                // Should we confess errors?

            // Loop and wait for the WAL segment to be pushed
            Wait *wait = waitNew((TimeMSec)(cfgOptionDbl(cfgOptArchiveTimeout) * MSEC_PER_SEC));

                // Check for errors or missing files.  For archive-get ok indicates that the process succeeded but there is no WAL
                // file to download.
                if (archiveAsyncStatus(archiveModeGet, walSegment, confessOnError))
                        strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s" STATUS_EXT_OK, strPtr(walSegment)), .errorOnMissing = true);

                // Check if the WAL segment is already in the queue
                found = storageExistsNP(storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                // If found then move the WAL segment to the destination directory
                if (found)
                    // Source is the WAL segment in the spool queue
                    StorageFileRead *source = storageNewReadNP(
                        storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s", strPtr(walSegment)));

                    // A move will be attempted but if the spool queue and the WAL path are on different file systems then a copy
                    // will be performed instead.
                    // It looks scary that we are disabling syncs and atomicity (in case we need to copy intead of move) but this
                    // is safe because if the system crashes Postgres will not try to reuse a restored WAL segment but will instead
                    // request it again using the restore_command. In the case of a move this hardly matters since path syncs are
                    // cheap but if a copy is required we could save a lot of writes.
                    StorageFileWrite *destination = storageNewWriteP(
                        storageLocalWrite(), walDestination, .noCreatePath = true, .noSyncFile = true, .noSyncPath = true,
                        .noAtomic = true);

                    // Move (or copy if required) the file
                    storageMoveNP(storageSpoolWrite(), source, destination);

                    // Return success
                    result = 0;

                    // Get a list of WAL segments left in the queue
                    StringList *queue = storageListP(
                        storageSpool(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR, .expression = WAL_SEGMENT_REGEXP_STR);

                    if (strLstSize(queue) > 0)
                        // Get size of the WAL segment
                        uint64_t walSegmentSize = storageInfoNP(storageLocal(), walDestination).size;

                        // Use WAL segment size to estimate queue size and determine if the async process should be launched
                        queueFull = strLstSize(queue) * walSegmentSize > cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax) / 2;

                // If the WAL segment has not already been found then start the async process to get it.  There's no point in
                // forking the async process off more than once so track that as well.  Use an archive lock to prevent forking if
                // the async process was launched by another process.
                if (!forked && (!found || !queueFull)  &&
                    lockAcquire(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptLockPath), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza), cfgLockType(), 0, false))
                    // Get control info
                    PgControl pgControl = pgControlFromFile(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath));

                    // Create the queue
                    storagePathCreateNP(storageSpoolWrite(), STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN_STR);

                    // The async process should not output on the console at all
                    KeyValue *optionReplace = kvNew();

                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));
                    kvPut(optionReplace, VARSTR(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_STDERR_STR), VARSTRDEF("off"));

                    // Generate command options
                    StringList *commandExec = cfgExecParam(cfgCmdArchiveGetAsync, optionReplace);
                    strLstInsert(commandExec, 0, cfgExe());

                    // Clean the current queue using the list of WAL that we ideally want in the queue.  queueNeed()
                    // will return the list of WAL needed to fill the queue and this will be passed to the async process.
                    const StringList *queue = queueNeed(
                        walSegment, found, cfgOptionUInt64(cfgOptArchiveGetQueueMax), pgControl.walSegmentSize,

                    for (unsigned int queueIdx = 0; queueIdx < strLstSize(queue); queueIdx++)
                        strLstAdd(commandExec, strLstGet(queue, queueIdx));

                    // Release the lock so the child process can acquire it

                    // Fork off the async process
                    if (forkSafe() == 0)
                        // Disable logging and close log file

                        // Detach from parent process

                        // Execute the binary.  This statement will not return if it is successful.
                            execvp(strPtr(cfgExe()), (char ** const)strLstPtr(commandExec)) == -1,
                            ExecuteError, "unable to execute '" CFGCMD_ARCHIVE_GET_ASYNC "'");

                    // Mark the async process as forked so it doesn't get forked again.  A single run of the async process should be
                    // enough to do the job, running it again won't help anything.
                    forked = true;

                // Exit loop if WAL was found
                if (found)

                // Now that the async process has been launched, confess any errors that are found
                confessOnError = true;
            while (waitMore(wait));
        // Else perform synchronous get
예제 #3
Test Run
    // Create default storage object for testing
    Storage *storageTest = storagePosixNew(

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("infoNewLoad(), infoFileName(), infoIni()"))
        // Initialize test variables
        String *content = NULL;
        String *fileName = strNewFmt("%s/test.ini", testPath());
        String *fileNameCopy = strNewFmt("%s/test.ini.copy", testPath());
        Info *info = NULL;

        content = strNew

        // Info files missing and at least one is required
            infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, NULL), FileMissingError,
            "unable to load info file '%s/test.ini' or '%s/test.ini.copy':\n"
            "FileMissingError: " STORAGE_ERROR_READ_MISSING "\n"
            "FileMissingError: " STORAGE_ERROR_READ_MISSING,
            testPath(), testPath(), strPtr(strNewFmt("%s/test.ini", testPath())),
            strPtr(strNewFmt("%s/test.ini.copy", testPath())));

        // Only copy exists and one is required
            storagePutNP(storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy), BUFSTR(content)), "put info.copy to file");

        TEST_ASSIGN(info, infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, NULL), "load copy file");

        TEST_RESULT_PTR(infoCipherPass(info), NULL, "    cipherPass is not set");

        // Remove the copy and store only the main info file and encrypt it. One is required.
        StorageWrite *infoWrite = storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName);

                ioFilterGroupNew(), cipherBlockNew(cipherModeEncrypt, cipherTypeAes256Cbc, BUFSTRDEF("12345678"), NULL)));

        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy);

        // Only main info exists and is required
        Ini *ini = NULL;
        TEST_ASSIGN(info, infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeAes256Cbc, strNew("12345678"), &ini), "load file");

        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(iniGet(ini, strNew("cipher"), strNew("cipher-pass"))), "\"ABCDEFGH\"", "    check ini");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(infoCipherPass(info)), "ABCDEFGH", "    cipherPass is set");

        // Invalid format
        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName);

        content = strNew

        // Only main file exists but the backrest-format is invalid
            storagePutNP(storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName), BUFSTR(content)), "put invalid br format to file");

            infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, NULL), FormatError,
            "unable to load info file '%s/test.ini' or '%s/test.ini.copy':\n"
            "FormatError: invalid format in '%s/test.ini', expected 5 but found 4\n"
            "FileMissingError: " STORAGE_ERROR_READ_MISSING,
            testPath(), testPath(), testPath(), strPtr(strNewFmt("%s/test.ini.copy", testPath())));

        content = strNew

                storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy), BUFSTR(content)), "put invalid info to copy file");

            infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, NULL), FileOpenError,
                    "unable to load info file '%s/test.ini' or '%s/test.ini.copy':\n"
                    "FormatError: invalid format in '%s/test.ini', expected 5 but found 4\n"
                    "ChecksumError: invalid checksum in '%s/test.ini.copy', expected 'af92308095d6141bcda6b2df6d574f98d1115163'"
                        " but found '14617b089cb5c9b3224e739bb794e865b9bcdf4b'",
                testPath(), testPath(), testPath(), testPath())));

        // Invalid checksum
        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName);
        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy);

        // change the checksum
        content = strNew

            storagePutNP(storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy), BUFSTR(content)), "put invalid checksum to copy");

        // Empty checksum for main file
        content = strNew

            storagePutNP(storageNewWriteNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName), BUFSTR(content)), "put empty checksum to file");

        // Copy file error
            infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, NULL), ChecksumError,
                    "unable to load info file '%s/test.ini' or '%s/test.ini.copy':\n"
                    "ChecksumError: invalid checksum in '%s/test.ini', expected '4306ec205f71417c301e403c4714090e61c8a736' but"
                        " no checksum found\n"
                    "ChecksumError: invalid checksum in '%s/test.ini.copy', expected '4306ec205f71417c301e403c4714090e61c8a736'"
                        " but found '4306ec205f71417c301e403c4714090e61c8a999'",
                testPath(), testPath(), testPath(), testPath())));

        // Encryption error
        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileName);
            infoNewLoad(storageLocal(), fileName, cipherTypeAes256Cbc, strNew("12345678"), NULL), CryptoError,
            "unable to load info file '%s/test.ini' or '%s/test.ini.copy':\n"
                "FileMissingError: " STORAGE_ERROR_READ_MISSING "\n"
                "CryptoError: '%s/test.ini.copy' cipher header invalid\n"
                "HINT: Is or was the repo encrypted?",
            testPath(), testPath(), strPtr(strNewFmt("%s/test.ini", testPath())), testPath());

        storageRemoveNP(storageLocalWrite(), fileNameCopy);

        // infoFree()
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(infoFree(info), "infoFree() - free info memory context");

    // *****************************************************************************************************************************
    if (testBegin("infoSave()"))
        const String *fileName = strNew("test.info");
        const String *cipherPass = strNew("12345");

        Ini *ini = iniNew();
        iniSet(ini, strNew("section1"), strNew("key1"), strNew("value1"));
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(infoSave(infoNew(), ini, storageTest, fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL), "save info");

        ini = NULL;
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(infoNewLoad(storageTest, fileName, cipherTypeNone, NULL, &ini), "    reload info");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(iniGet(ini, strNew("section1"), strNew("key1"))), "value1", "    check ini");

        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(storageExistsNP(storageTest, fileName), true, "check main exists");
        TEST_RESULT_BOOL(storageExistsNP(storageTest, strNewFmt("%s" INFO_COPY_EXT, strPtr(fileName))), true, "check main exists");

        // Add encryption
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ini = iniNew();
        iniSet(ini, strNew("section1"), strNew("key1"), strNew("value4"));
        Info *info = infoNew();
        info->cipherPass = strNew("/badpass");
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(infoSave(info, ini, storageTest, fileName, cipherTypeAes256Cbc, cipherPass), "save encrypted info");

        ini = NULL;
        TEST_RESULT_VOID(infoNewLoad(storageTest, fileName, cipherTypeAes256Cbc, cipherPass, &ini), "    reload info");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(iniGet(ini, strNew("section1"), strNew("key1"))), "value4", "    check ini");
        TEST_RESULT_STR(strPtr(iniGet(ini, strNew("cipher"), strNew("cipher-pass"))), "\"/badpass\"", "    check cipher-pass");