예제 #1
static int ks_assign_hydrogens(const float* xyz, const int* nco_indices, const int n_residues, float *hcoords, int* skip)
/* Assign hydrogen atom coordinates
  int ri, pc_index, po_index;
  __m128 pc, po, r_co, r_h, r_n, norm_r_co;
  __m128 tenth = _mm_set1_ps(0.1f);

  r_n = load_float3(xyz + 3*nco_indices[0]);
  store_float3(hcoords, r_n);
  hcoords += 3;

  for (ri = 1; ri < n_residues; ri++) {
      if (!skip[ri]) {
          pc_index = nco_indices[3*(ri-1) + 1];
          po_index = nco_indices[3*(ri-1) + 2];

          pc = load_float3(xyz + 3*pc_index);
          po = load_float3(xyz + 3*po_index);
          r_co = _mm_sub_ps(pc, po);
          r_n = load_float3(xyz + 3*nco_indices[3*ri + 0]);
          norm_r_co = _mm_mul_ps(r_co, _mm_rsqrt_ps(_mm_dp_ps2(r_co, r_co, 0xFF)));
          r_h = _mm_add_ps(r_n, _mm_mul_ps(tenth, norm_r_co));
          store_float3(hcoords, r_h);
      hcoords += 3;
  return 1;
예제 #2
파일: sasa.c 프로젝트: rokroskar/mdtraj
static void asa_frame(const float* frame, const int n_atoms, const float* atom_radii,
		      const float* sphere_points, const int n_sphere_points,
		      int* neighbor_indices, float* centered_sphere_points, float* areas)
  /*// Calculate the accessible surface area of each atom in a single snapshot
  // Parameters
  // ----------
  // frame : 2d array, shape=[n_atoms, 3]
  //     The coordinates of the nuclei
  // n_atoms : int
  //     the major axis length of frame
  // atom_radii : 1d array, shape=[n_atoms]
  //     the van der waals radii of the atoms PLUS the probe radius
  // sphere_points : 2d array, shape=[n_sphere_points, 3]
  //     a bunch of uniformly distributed points on a sphere
  // n_sphere_points : int
  //    the number of sphere points

  // centered_sphere_points : WORK BUFFER 2d array, shape=[n_sphere_points, 3]
  //    empty memory that intermediate calculations can be stored in
  // neighbor_indices : WORK BUFFER 2d array, shape=[n_atoms]
  //    empty memory that intermediate calculations can be stored in
  // NOTE: the point of these work buffers is that if we want to call
  //    this function repreatedly, its more efficient not to keep re-mallocing
  //    these work buffers, but instead just reuse them.

  // areas : 1d array, shape=[n_atoms]
  //     the output buffer to place the results in -- the surface area of each
  //     atom

  int i, j, k, k_prime;
  __m128 r, r_i, r_j, r_ij, atom_radius_i, atom_radius_j, radius_cutoff;
  __m128 radius_cutoff2, sp, r_jk, r2;
  int n_neighbor_indices, is_accessible, k_closest_neighbor;
  float constant = 4.0 * M_PI / n_sphere_points;

  for (i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) {
    atom_radius_i = _mm_set1_ps(atom_radii[i]);
    r_i = load_float3(frame+i*3);

    /* Get all the atoms close to atom `i` */
    n_neighbor_indices = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < n_atoms; j++) {
      if (i == j) {

      r_j = load_float3(frame+j*3);
      r_ij = _mm_sub_ps(r_i, r_j);
      atom_radius_j = _mm_set1_ps(atom_radii[j]);

      /* Look for atoms `j` that are nearby atom `i` */
      radius_cutoff =  _mm_add_ps(atom_radius_i, atom_radius_j);
      radius_cutoff2 = _mm_mul_ps(radius_cutoff, radius_cutoff);
      r2 = _mm_dp_ps(r_ij, r_ij, 0x7F);
      if (_mm_extract_epi16(CAST__M128I(_mm_cmplt_ps(r2, radius_cutoff2)), 0)) {
	    neighbor_indices[n_neighbor_indices]  = j;
    if (_mm_extract_epi16(CAST__M128I(_mm_cmplt_ps(r2, _mm_set1_ps(1e-10))), 0)) {
	  printf("ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER. YOU SUPPLIED TWO ATOMS %f", _mm_cvtss_f32(r));
	  printf("APART. QUITTING NOW");

    /* Center the sphere points on atom i */
    for (j = 0; j < n_sphere_points; j++) {
      sp = _mm_add_ps(r_i, _mm_mul_ps(atom_radius_i, load_float3(sphere_points + 3*j)));
      store_float3(centered_sphere_points + 3*j, sp);

    /* Check if each of these points is accessible */
    k_closest_neighbor = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < n_sphere_points; j++) {
      is_accessible = 1;
      r_j = load_float3(centered_sphere_points + 3*j);

      /* iterate through the sphere points by cycling through them */
      /* in a circle, starting with k_closest_neighbor and then wrapping */
      /* around */
      for (k = k_closest_neighbor; k < n_neighbor_indices + k_closest_neighbor; k++) {
	k_prime = k % n_neighbor_indices;
	r = _mm_set1_ps(atom_radii[neighbor_indices[k_prime]]);
	r_jk = _mm_sub_ps(r_j, load_float3(frame+3*neighbor_indices[k_prime]));
	if (_mm_extract_epi16(CAST__M128I(_mm_cmplt_ps(_mm_dp_ps(r_jk, r_jk, 0xFF), _mm_mul_ps(r, r))), 0)) {
	  k_closest_neighbor = k;
	  is_accessible = 0;

      if (is_accessible) {

    areas[i] *= constant * (atom_radii[i])*(atom_radii[i]);