bool StMessageBox::QuestionConsole(const StString& theMessage) { st::cout << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); st::cout << stostream_text("Enter 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no)... "); st::cout << stostream_text('\n'); int aKey = st::getch(); return aKey == 'y'; }
void StTestEmbed::nativeLoop() { #if defined(_WIN32) MSG aMsg; while(GetMessage(&aMsg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&aMsg); DispatchMessage(&aMsg); } DestroyWindow(myParent); #elif defined(__linux__) XEvent anEvent; for(;;) { XNextEvent((Display* )myDisplay, &anEvent); } XUnmapWindow ((Display* )myDisplay, (Window )myParent); XDestroyWindow((Display* )myDisplay, (Window )myParent); #else st::cout << stostream_text("StTestEmbed::nativeLoop() not implemented on this platform!\n"); #endif }
bool StTestImageLib::testLoadSpeed(StImageFile& theLoader) { myTimer.restart(); if(!theLoader.load(myFilePath, myImgType, myDataPtr, myDataSize)) { st::cout << stostream_text(" Error! ") << theLoader.getState() << stostream_text("\n"); return false; } st::cout << stostream_text(" loaded in:\t") << myTimer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() << stostream_text(" msec\n"); st::cout << stostream_text(" dimensions:\t") << theLoader.getSizeX() << stostream_text("x") << theLoader.getSizeY() << stostream_text("\n"); st::cout << stostream_text(" color model:\t") << theLoader.formatImgColorModel() << stostream_text("\n"); theLoader.close(); return true; }
void StLogger::write(const StString& theMessage, const StLogger::Level theLevel, const StLogContext* ) { if(theLevel > myFilter || theMessage.isEmpty()) { // just ignore return; } // lock for safety if(!myMutex.isNull()) { myMutex->lock(); } // log to the file if(!myFilePath.isEmpty()) { #ifdef _WIN32 myFileHandle = _wfopen(myFilePath.toCString(), L"ab"); #elif defined(__linux__) myFileHandle = fopen(myFilePath.toCString(), "ab"); #endif if(myFileHandle != NULL) { switch(theLevel) { case ST_PANIC: fwrite("PANIC !! ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; case ST_FATAL: fwrite("FATAL !! ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; case ST_ERROR: fwrite("ERROR !! ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; case ST_WARNING: fwrite("WARN -- ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; case ST_INFO: case ST_VERBOSE: fwrite("INFO -- ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; case ST_DEBUG: fwrite("DEBUG -- ", 1, 9, myFileHandle); fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; default: fwrite(theMessage.toCString(), 1, theMessage.getSize(), myFileHandle); break; } fwrite("\n", 1, 1, myFileHandle); fclose(myFileHandle); myFileHandle = NULL; } } // log to standard output (with colored prefix) if(myToLogCout) { switch(theLevel) { case ST_PANIC: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_RED << stostream_text("PANIC !! ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; case ST_FATAL: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_RED << stostream_text("FATAL !! ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; case ST_ERROR: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_RED << stostream_text("ERROR !! ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; case ST_WARNING: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_YELLOW_L << stostream_text("WARN -- ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; case ST_INFO: case ST_VERBOSE: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_YELLOW_L << stostream_text("INFO -- ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; case ST_DEBUG: ST_LOG_CERR << st::COLOR_FOR_YELLOW_L << stostream_text("DEBUG -- ") << st::COLOR_FOR_WHITE << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; default: ST_LOG_CERR << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); break; } } // log to the system journal(s) /*#ifdef _WIN32 // get a handle to the event log HANDLE anEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, // local computer L"sView"); // event source name if(anEventLog != NULL) { WORD aLogType = 0; switch(theLevel) { case ST_PANIC: case ST_FATAL: case ST_ERROR: aLogType = EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; break; case ST_WARNING: aLogType = EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; break; case ST_INFO: case ST_VERBOSE: case ST_DEBUG: default: aLogType = EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; break; } ReportEvent(anEventLog, aLogType, 0, // event category 0, // event identifier NULL, // no user security identifier 1, // number of substitution strings 0, // no data (LPCWSTR* )&theMessage.utfText(), // pointer to strings NULL)) // no binary data DeregisterEventSource(anEventLog); } #endif*/ // unlock mutex if(!myMutex.isNull()) { myMutex->unlock(); } }
void StMessageBox::ErrorConsole(const StString& theMessage) { StLogger::GetDefault().write(theMessage, StLogger::ST_ERROR); st::cout << stostream_text("(Error) ") << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); }
void StMessageBox::WarnConsole(const StString& theMessage) { StLogger::GetDefault().write(theMessage, StLogger::ST_WARNING); st::cout << stostream_text("(Warning) ") << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); }
void StMessageBox::InfoConsole(const StString& theMessage) { StLogger::GetDefault().write(theMessage, StLogger::ST_INFO); st::cout << stostream_text("(Info) ") << theMessage << stostream_text('\n'); }
void StTestImageLib::perform() { st::cout << stostream_text("Image library speed tests\n"); st::cout << stostream_text(" file: \t'") << myFilePath << stostream_text("'\n"); if(myImgType == StImageFile::ST_TYPE_NONE) { st::cout << stostream_text(" image has unsupported format.\n"); return; } myTimer.restart(); StRawFile aRawFile(myFilePath); if(!aRawFile.readFile()) { st::cout << stostream_text(" file can not be read.\n"); return; } st::cout << stostream_text(" read in:\t") << myTimer.getElapsedTimeInMilliSec() << stostream_text(" msec\n"); myDataPtr = (uint8_t* )aRawFile.getBuffer(); myDataSize = (int )aRawFile.getSize(); StHandle<StImageFile> aLoader; st::cout << stostream_text("FFmpeg:\n"); if(StAVImage::init()) { aLoader = new StAVImage(); testLoadSpeed(*aLoader); } else { st::cout << stostream_text(" library is unavailable! Skipped.\n"); } st::cout << stostream_text("FreeImage:\n"); if(StFreeImage::init()) { aLoader = new StFreeImage(); testLoadSpeed(*aLoader); } else { st::cout << stostream_text(" library is unavailable! Skipped.\n"); } st::cout << stostream_text("DevIL:\n"); if(StDevILImage::init()) { aLoader = new StDevILImage(); testLoadSpeed(*aLoader); } else { st::cout << stostream_text(" library is unavailable! Skipped.\n"); } st::cout << stostream_text("WebP:\n"); if(StWebPImage::init()) { aLoader = new StWebPImage(); testLoadSpeed(*aLoader); } else { st::cout << stostream_text(" library is unavailable! Skipped.\n"); } }
int main(int , char** ) { // force console output #if defined(_WIN32) setlocale(LC_ALL, ".OCP"); // we set default locale for console output #endif #ifdef __ST_DEBUG__ // Setup debug environment #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_LP64) || defined(__LP64__) const StString ST_ENV_NAME_STCORE_PATH = "StCore64"; #else const StString ST_ENV_NAME_STCORE_PATH = "StCore32"; #endif StProcess::setEnv(ST_ENV_NAME_STCORE_PATH, StProcess::getProcessFolder()); #endif st::cout << stostream_text("This application performs some synthetic tests\n"); StArrayList<StString> anArgs = StProcess::getArguments(); const StString ST_TEST_MUTICES = "mutex"; const StString ST_TEST_GLBAND = "glband"; const StString ST_TEST_GLHANG = "glhang"; const StString ST_TEST_EMBED = "embed"; const StString ST_TEST_IMAGE = "image"; const StString ST_TEST_ALL = "all"; size_t aFound = 0; for(size_t anArgId = 0; anArgId < anArgs.size(); ++anArgId) { const StString& aParam = anArgs[anArgId]; if(aParam == ST_TEST_MUTICES) { // mutex speed test StTestMutex aMutices; aMutices.perform(); ++aFound; } else if(aParam == ST_TEST_GLBAND) { // gl <-> cpu trasfer speed test StTestGlBand aGlBand; aGlBand.perform(); ++aFound; } else if(aParam == ST_TEST_GLHANG) { // gl stress test StTestGlStress aGlHang; aGlHang.perform(); ++aFound; } else if(aParam == ST_TEST_EMBED) { // StWindow embed to native window StTestEmbed anEmbed; anEmbed.perform(); ++aFound; } else if(aParam == ST_TEST_IMAGE) { // image libraries performance tests if(++anArgId >= anArgs.size()) { st::cout << stostream_text("Broken syntax - image file awaited!\n"); break; } StTestImageLib anImage(anArgs[anArgId]); anImage.perform(); ++aFound; } else if(aParam == ST_TEST_ALL) { // mutex speed test StTestMutex aMutices; aMutices.perform(); // gl <-> cpu trasfer speed test StTestGlBand aGlBand; aGlBand.perform(); // StWindow embed to native window StTestEmbed anEmbed; anEmbed.perform(); ++aFound; break; } } // show help if(aFound == 0) { st::cout << stostream_text("No test selected. Options:\n") << stostream_text(" all - execute all available tests\n") << stostream_text(" mutex - mutex speed test\n") << stostream_text(" glband - gl <-> cpu trasfer speed test\n") << stostream_text(" glhang - gl stress test\n") << stostream_text(" embed - test window embedding\n") << stostream_text(" image fileName - test image libraries\n"); } st::cout << stostream_text("Press any key to exit...") << st::SYS_PAUSE_EMPTY; return 0; }
bool StTestEmbed::createNative() { myParent = (StNativeWin_t )NULL; StRectI_t aRect; = 128; aRect.bottom() = 128 + 400; aRect.left() = 128; aRect.right() = 128 + 400; #if defined(_WIN32) WNDCLASSW aWinClass; stMemSet(&aWinClass, 0, sizeof(aWinClass)); HINSTANCE anAppInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); aWinClass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC )embedWindowProc; aWinClass.hInstance = anAppInst; aWinClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); aWinClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); aWinClass.lpszClassName = L"DummyClass"; if(!RegisterClassW(&aWinClass)) { st::cout << stostream_text("RegisterClass() failed:\nCannot register window class 'DummyClass'.\n"); return false; } HWND aWin = CreateWindowW(L"DummyClass", L"DummyWindow", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, aRect.left(),, aRect.width(), aRect.height(), NULL, NULL, anAppInst, NULL); ShowWindow(aWin, TRUE); myParent = aWin; return true; #elif defined(__linux__) // open a connection to the X server Display* aDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(aDisplay == NULL) { st::cout << stostream_text("XOpenDisplay() failed!\n"); return false; } Window aWin = XCreateSimpleWindow(aDisplay, RootWindow(aDisplay, DefaultScreen(aDisplay)), aRect.left(),, aRect.width(), aRect.height(), 0, 0, BlackPixel(aDisplay, DefaultScreen(aDisplay))); if(aWin == 0) { st::cout << stostream_text("XCreateSimpleWindow() failed!\n"); XCloseDisplay(aDisplay); return false; } XSetStandardProperties(aDisplay, aWin, "DummyWindow", "DummyWindow", None, NULL, 0, NULL); XSelectInput(aDisplay, aWin, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask); // handle close window event //XSetWMProtocols(aDisplay, aWin, &(stXDisplay->wndDestroyAtom), 1); // request the X window to be displayed on the screen XMapWindow(aDisplay, aWin); // flushes the output buffer XFlush(aDisplay); myParent = (void* )aWin; myDisplay = aDisplay; return true; #else st::cout << stostream_text("StTestEmbed::createNative() not implemented on this platform!\n"); return false; #endif }