static void ReloadLoginIDBans() { // init variables char szDataPath[MAX_PATH]; GetUserDataPath(szDataPath); string scAcctPath = string(szDataPath) + "\\Accts\\MultiPlayer\\loginidbans.ini"; if (set_iPluginDebug) ConPrint(L"NOTICE: Loading Login ID bans from %s\n",stows(scAcctPath).c_str()); INI_Reader ini; set_lstLoginIDBans.clear(); if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { while (ini.read_value()) { set_lstLoginIDBans.push_back(Trim(ini.get_name_ptr())); if (set_iPluginDebug) ConPrint(L"NOTICE: Adding Login ID ban %s\n", stows(ini.get_name_ptr()).c_str()); } } ini.close(); } ConPrint(L"ID Bans [%u]\n",set_lstLoginIDBans.size()); }
wstring CSocket::GetAdminName() { wstring wscReturn = L"Socket connection ("; wscReturn += stows(this->sIP); wscReturn += L":"; wscReturn += stows(itos(this->iPort)); wscReturn += L")"; return wscReturn; }
void __stdcall Update()//called on each tick (?) only cleans if specified interval has passed { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; if (((uint)time(0) - iLastUpCall) >= iCleanInterval) { conDebug(L"time math: " + stows(itos((uint)time(0))) + L" - " + stows(itos(iLastUpCall)) + L" > " + stows(itos(iCleanInterval))); CleanUpBounties(); iLastUpCall = (uint)time(0); } }
wstring FactoryModule::GetInfo(bool xml) { wstring info; if (xml) { info += FACTORY_NAMES[type]; info += L"</TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> Pending " + stows(itos(build_queue.size())) + L" items</TEXT>"; if (active_recipe.nickname) { info += L"<PARA/><TEXT> Building " + active_recipe.infotext + L". Waiting for:</TEXT>"; for (map<uint,uint>::iterator i = active_recipe.consumed_items.begin(); i != active_recipe.consumed_items.end(); ++i) { uint good = i->first; uint quantity = i->second; const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(good); if (gi) { info += L"<PARA/><TEXT> - " + stows(itos(quantity)) + L"x " + HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName); if (quantity > 0 && base->HasMarketItem(good) < active_recipe.cooking_rate) info += L" [Out of stock]"; info += L"</TEXT>"; } } } info += L"<TEXT>"; } else { info += FACTORY_NAMES[type]; info += L" - Pending " + stows(itos(build_queue.size())) + L" items "; if (active_recipe.nickname) { info = L" - Building " + active_recipe.infotext + L". Waiting for:"; for (map<uint,uint>::iterator i = active_recipe.consumed_items.begin(); i != active_recipe.consumed_items.end(); ++i) { uint good = i->first; uint quantity = i->second; const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(good); if (gi) { info += L" " + stows(itos(quantity)) + L"x " + HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName); } } } } return info; }
/** Clean up old bounties **/ void CleanUpBounties() { conDebug(L"attempting to clean up bounties"); string File_FLHook_bounties = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg"; INI_Reader ini; if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("bounty")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("hit")) { wstring wscTargetName = stows(ini.get_value_string(0)); //if bounty has expired if ((uint)time(0) - stoi(mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName].issueTime) > iBountyAge) { conDebug(L"removing " + wscTargetName); //find bounty BountyTargetInfo BTIc = mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName]; //refund remaining credits to issuer HkAddCash(stows(BTIc.issuer), (stoi(BTIc.Cash) * stoi(BTIc.xTimes)));//issuer needs to be online(?) //notify issuer their bounty has been refunded //delete bounty deleteBountyCfg(BTIc); } //if target has changed name CAccount *caTargetAcc = HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetName); int iTargetAcc = stoi(HkGetAccountID(caTargetAcc)); if (iTargetAcc == -1) { //find bounty BountyTargetInfo BTIc = mapBountyTargets[wscTargetName]; //refund remaining credits to issuer HkAddCash(stows(BTIc.issuer), (stoi(BTIc.Cash) * stoi(BTIc.xTimes)));//issuer needs to be online(?) //notify issuer their bounty has been refunded //delete bounty deleteBountyCfg(BTIc); } } } } } ini.close(); } }
void PrintZones() { zone_map_t set_mmapZones; ReadUniverse(set_mmapZones); ConPrint(L"Zone, Commodity, MinLoot, MaxLoot, Difficultly, PosX, PosY, PosZ, SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ, IdsName, IdsInfo, Bonus\n"); for (zone_map_iter_t i=set_mmapZones.begin(); i!=set_mmapZones.end(); i++) { ConPrint(L"%s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %0.0f, %0.0f, %0.0f, %0.0f, %0.0f, %0.0f, %d, %d, %2.2f\n", stows(i->second.zoneNick).c_str(), stows(i->second.lootNick).c_str(), i->second.iMinLoot, i->second.iMaxLoot, i->second.iLootDifficulty, i->second.pos.x,i->second.pos.y,i->second.pos.z, i->second.size.x,i->second.size.y,i->second.size.z); } ConPrint(L"Zones=%d\n",set_mmapZones.size()); }
void REP::LoadSettings() { // The path to the configuration file. char szCurDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCurDir), szCurDir); string scPluginCfgFile = string(szCurDir) + "\\flhook_plugins\\alley_rep.cfg"; INI_Reader ini; if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("reputations")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("rep")) { uint solarnick = CreateID(ini.get_value_string(0)); const char* newrep = ini.get_value_string(1); ConPrint(L"DEBUG: Rep of %s is %s \n", stows(ini.get_value_string(0)).c_str(), stows(ini.get_value_string(1)).c_str()); uint obj_rep_group; pub::Reputation::GetReputationGroup(obj_rep_group, newrep); pub::Reputation::SetAffiliation(solarnick, obj_rep_group); } } } } ini.close(); } }
void BuildModule::LoadState(INI_Reader &ini) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("build_type")) { build_type = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("produced_item")) { active_recipe.produced_item = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("cooking_rate")) { active_recipe.cooking_rate = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("infotext")) { active_recipe.infotext = stows(ini.get_value_string()); } else if (ini.is_value("consumed")) { active_recipe.consumed_items[ini.get_value_int(0)] = ini.get_value_int(1); } } }
void FactoryModule::LoadState(INI_Reader &ini) { active_recipe.nickname = 0; while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("type")) { type = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("nickname")) { active_recipe.nickname = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("produced_item")) { active_recipe.produced_item = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("cooking_rate")) { active_recipe.cooking_rate = ini.get_value_int(0); } else if (ini.is_value("infotext")) { active_recipe.infotext = stows(ini.get_value_string()); } else if (ini.is_value("consumed")) { active_recipe.consumed_items[ini.get_value_int(0)] = ini.get_value_int(1); } else if (ini.is_value("build_queue")) { build_queue.push_back(ini.get_value_int(0)); } } }
HK_ERROR HkGetAdmin(const wstring &wscCharname, wstring &wscRights) { wscRights = L""; HK_GET_CLIENTID(iClientID, wscCharname); CAccount *acc; if(iClientID == -1) { flstr *str = CreateWString(wscCharname.c_str()); acc = Players.FindAccountFromCharacterName(*str); FreeWString(str); if(!acc) return HKE_CHAR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;; } else { acc = Players.FindAccountFromClientID(iClientID); } wstring wscDir; HkGetAccountDirName(acc, wscDir); string scAdminFile = scAcctPath + wstos(wscDir) + "\\flhookadmin.ini"; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(scAdminFile.c_str(), &fd); if(hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return HKE_PLAYER_NO_ADMIN;; FindClose(hFind); wscRights = stows(IniGetS(scAdminFile, "admin", "rights", "")); return HKE_OK; }
void AP::LoadSettings() { // The path to the configuration file. char szCurDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCurDir), szCurDir); string scPluginCfgFile = string(szCurDir) + "\\flhook_plugins\\alley_permissions.cfg"; INI_Reader ini; if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("angels")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("permission")) { angels.push_back(stows(ini.get_value_string())); } } } else if (ini.is_header("event")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("permission")) { events.push_back(stows(ini.get_value_string())); } } } else if (ini.is_header("bastillebase")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("base")) { uint base = CreateID(ini.get_value_string()); bastillebase[base] = base; } } } } ini.close(); } }
wstring HkGetPlayerSystem(uint iClientID) { uint iSystemID; pub::Player::GetSystem(iClientID, iSystemID); char szSystemname[1024] = ""; pub::GetSystemNickname(szSystemname, sizeof(szSystemname), iSystemID); return stows(szSystemname); }
HK_ERROR HkGetAccountDirName(CAccount *acc, wstring &wscDir) { _GetFLName GetFLName = (_GetFLName)((char*)hModServer + 0x66370); char szDir[1024] = ""; GetFLName(szDir, acc->wszAccID); wscDir = stows(szDir); return HKE_OK; }
wstring BuildModule::GetInfo(bool xml) { wstring info; if (xml) { info = L"<TEXT>Constructing " + active_recipe.infotext + L". Waiting for:</TEXT>"; for (map<uint,uint>::iterator i = active_recipe.consumed_items.begin(); i != active_recipe.consumed_items.end(); ++i) { uint good = i->first; uint quantity = i->second; const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(good); if (gi) { info += L"<PARA/><TEXT> - " + stows(itos(quantity)) + L"x " + HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName); if (base->HasMarketItem(good) < quantity) info += L" [Out of stock]"; info += L"</TEXT>"; } } } else { info = L"Constructing " + active_recipe.infotext + L". Waiting for: "; for (map<uint,uint>::iterator i = active_recipe.consumed_items.begin(); i != active_recipe.consumed_items.end(); ++i) { uint good = i->first; uint quantity = i->second; const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(good); if (gi) { info += stows(itos(quantity)) + L"x" + HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName) + L" "; } } } return info; }
bool UserCmd_BountyView(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) { if (!bPluginEnabled) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled."); return true; } // Get the parameters from the user command. wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0); wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1); wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2); if (wscName == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid Parameters\n"); return false; } if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist"); return true; } BountyTargetInfo BTIv = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)]; wstring PFwsTargetInfo; PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: "; PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscName); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.Cash); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.xTimes); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.issuer); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.issueTime); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, PFwsTargetInfo); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK"); return true; }
bool deleteBountyCfg(BountyTargetInfo BTI) { string sActive; //load file loadfile("..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg"); //remove strings if ( { sActive = "true"; } if (! { sActive = "false"; } string item = "hit = " + BTI.Char + "," + BTI.Cash + "," + BTI.xTimes + "," + BTI.issuer + "," + sActive + "," + BTI.lastIssuer + "," + BTI.lastTime + "," + BTI.issueTime + "\n";//find this RemoveLinevsFile(item, Currentvsfile); //repalce file conDebug(L"replacing line " + stows(BTI.Char)); ReplaceFileContents("..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg", Currentvsfile); return true; }
HK_ERROR HkGetCharFileName(const wstring &wscCharname, wstring &wscFilename) { static _GetFLName GetFLName = 0; if (!GetFLName) GetFLName = (_GetFLName)((char*)hModServer + 0x66370); char szBuf[1024] = ""; HK_GET_CLIENTID(iClientID, wscCharname); if(iClientID != -1) { GetFLName(szBuf, Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID)); } else { GetFLName(szBuf, wscCharname.c_str()); } wscFilename = stows(szBuf); return HKE_OK; }
void __stdcall GFGoodSell(struct SGFGoodSellInfo const &gsi, unsigned int iClientID) { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; const GoodInfo *packageInfo = GoodList::find_by_id(gsi.iArchID); // check for equipments only if (packageInfo->iType == 1) { uint iBase; pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBase); //in this case, it's more efficent to check if it's an item under watch first. for (map<uint, string>::iterator iter = mapACItems.begin(); iter!=mapACItems.end(); iter++) { if (iter->first == gsi.iArchID) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"I have found commodity %s.", stows(iter->second).c_str()); //We iterate through the base names to see if it's a non-POB base list<uint>::iterator i = mapACBases.begin(); while (i != mapACBases.end()) { if (*i == iBase) { wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID); wstring wscBaseName = HkGetBaseNickByID(iBase); //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"I have found this base, logging the purchase."); // check if this item is already under watch, if so increase amount by 1 if (mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gsi.iArchID) != mapACSales[iClientID].items.end()) { ++mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gsi.iArchID)->second; //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"DEBUG: I have logged %i sales.", mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gsi.iArchID)->second); wstring wscMsgLog = L"<%sender> has sold <%item> to base <%basename> (Already recorded %isale sales of this item)"; wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%sender", wscCharname.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%basename", wscBaseName.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%item", stows(iter->second).c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%isale", stows(itos(mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gsi.iArchID)->second))).c_str(); string scText = wstos(wscMsgLog); Logging("%s", scText.c_str()); } else { mapACSales[iClientID].items[gsi.iArchID] = 1; wstring wscMsgLog = L"<%sender> has sold <%item> to base <%basename> (First sale)"; wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%sender", wscCharname.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%basename", wscBaseName.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%item", stows(iter->second).c_str()); string scText = wstos(wscMsgLog); Logging("%s", scText.c_str()); } break; } i++; } break; } } } }
void __stdcall GFGoodBuy(struct SGFGoodBuyInfo const &gbi, unsigned int iClientID) { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; const GoodInfo *packageInfo = GoodList::find_by_id(gbi.iGoodID); /* if (packageInfo->iType == 0) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"This should be a commodity (equipment?) purchase"); } */ if (packageInfo->iType == 1) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"This should be an equipment (maybe?) purchase"); uint iBase; pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBase); bool aminiceitem = true; string itemname; int wearecool = 0; //in this case, it's more efficent to check if it's an item under watch first. for (map<uint, string>::iterator iter = mapACItems.begin(); iter!=mapACItems.end(); iter++) { if (iter->first == gbi.iGoodID) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"I have found this commodity"); //We iterate through the base names to see if it's a non-POB base list<uint>::iterator i = mapACBases.begin(); while (i != mapACBases.end()) { if (*i == iBase) { if (mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gbi.iGoodID) != mapACSales[iClientID].items.end()) { --mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gbi.iGoodID)->second; //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"DEBUG: I have found this sale, letting the purchase go through."); aminiceitem = true; wearecool = 1; wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID); wstring wscBaseName = HkGetBaseNickByID(iBase); //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"DEBUG: %i purchases left.", mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gbi.iGoodID)->second); wstring wscMsgLog = L"<%sender> has bought back <%item> from base <%basename> (%isale purchases left)"; wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%sender", wscCharname.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%basename", wscBaseName.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%item", stows(iter->second).c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%isale", stows(itos(mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gbi.iGoodID)->second))).c_str(); string scText = wstos(wscMsgLog); Logging("%s", scText.c_str()); if (mapACSales[iClientID].items.find(gbi.iGoodID)->second == 0) { mapACSales[iClientID].items.erase(gbi.iGoodID); //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"DEBUG: no purchases left"); } break; } if (wearecool == 0) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"DEBUG: I have found this base, not good"); aminiceitem = false; itemname = iter->second; } } i++; } } if (aminiceitem == false) { returncode = SKIPPLUGINS_NOFUNCTIONCALL; wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID); wstring wscBaseName = HkGetBaseNickByID(iBase); pub::Player::SendNNMessage(iClientID, pub::GetNicknameId("nnv_anomaly_detected")); wstring wscMsgU = L"MF: %name has been permabanned. (Type 2)"; wscMsgU = ReplaceStr(wscMsgU, L"%name", wscCharname.c_str()); HkMsgU(wscMsgU); wstring wscMsgLog = L"<%sender> was permabanned for attempting to buy an illegal item <%item> from base <%basename> (see DSAM)"; wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%sender", wscCharname.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%basename", wscBaseName.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%item", stows(itemname).c_str()); LogCheater(iClientID, wscMsgLog); } } } else if (packageInfo->iType == 3) { uint iBase; pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBase); //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"This should be a ship purchase"); bool aminiceship = false; for (map<uint, list<uint>>::iterator iter = mapACShips.begin(); iter!=mapACShips.end(); iter++) { if (iter->first == iBase) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"This should be a base"); // we check if one of the three packages sold here is the correct one list<uint>::iterator i = iter->second.begin(); while (i != iter->second.end()) { if (*i == gbi.iGoodID) { //PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"I have found this ship"); aminiceship = true; break; } i++; } } } if (aminiceship == false) { wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID); wstring wscBaseName = HkGetBaseNickByID(iBase); pub::Player::SendNNMessage(iClientID, pub::GetNicknameId("nnv_anomaly_detected")); wstring wscMsgU = L"MF: %name has been permabanned. (Type 1)"; wscMsgU = ReplaceStr(wscMsgU, L"%name", wscCharname.c_str()); HkMsgU(wscMsgU); wstring wscMsgLog = L"<%sender> was permabanned for attempting to buy an illegal ship from base <%basename> (see DSAM)"; wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%sender", wscCharname.c_str()); wscMsgLog = ReplaceStr(wscMsgLog, L"%basename", wscBaseName.c_str()); LogCheater(iClientID, wscMsgLog); } } }
foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, it4) { set_btJRestrict->Add(new DOCK_RESTRICTION(CreateID(it4->scKey.c_str()), CreateID((Trim(GetParam(it4->scValue, ',', 0))).c_str()), ToInt(Trim(GetParam(it4->scValue, ',', 1))), stows(Trim(GetParamToEnd(it4->scValue, ',', 2))))); }
/// Set the move char code for all characters in the account void Rename::AdminCmd_SetAccMoveCode(CCmds* cmds, const wstring &wscCharname, const wstring &wscCode) { // Don't indicate an error if moving is disabled. if (!set_bEnableMoveChar) return; if (!(cmds->rights & RIGHT_SUPERADMIN)) { cmds->Print(L"ERR No permission\n"); return; } wstring wscDir; if (HkGetAccountDirName(wscCharname, wscDir)!=HKE_OK) { cmds->Print(L"ERR Charname not found\n"); return; } if (wscCode.length()==0) { cmds->Print(L"ERR Code too small, set to none to clear.\n"); return; } // Get the account path. char szDataPath[MAX_PATH]; GetUserDataPath(szDataPath); string scPath = string(szDataPath) + "\\Accts\\MultiPlayer\\" + wstos(wscDir) + "\\*.fl"; // Open the directory iterator. WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFileFind = FindFirstFile(scPath.c_str(), &FindFileData); if (hFileFind==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { cmds->Print(L"ERR Account directory not found\n"); return; } // Iterate it do { string scCharfile = FindFileData.cFileName; string scMoveCodeFile = string(szDataPath) + "\\Accts\\MultiPlayer\\" + wstos(wscDir) + "\\" + scCharfile.substr(0,scCharfile.size()-3) + "-movechar.ini"; if (wscCode==L"none") { IniWriteW(scMoveCodeFile, "Settings", "Code", L""); cmds->Print(L"OK Movechar code cleared on "+stows(scCharfile)+L"\n"); } else { IniWriteW(scMoveCodeFile, "Settings", "Code", wscCode); cmds->Print(L"OK Movechar code set to "+wscCode +L" on "+stows(scCharfile)+L"\n"); } } while (FindNextFile(hFileFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFileFind); cmds->Print(L"OK\n"); }
void LoadSettings() { // init cfg filename char szCurDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCurDir), szCurDir); set_scCfgFile = szCurDir; // Use flhook.cfg if it is available. It is used in some installations (okay just cannon's) // to avoid FLErrorChecker whining retardly about ini entries it does not understand. if (_access(string(set_scCfgFile + "\\FLHook.cfg").c_str(), 0) != -1) set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.cfg"; else set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.ini"; // General set_iAntiDockKill = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiDockKill", 0); set_bDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "EnableDieMsg", false); set_bDisableCharfileEncryption = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableCharfileEncryption", false); set_bChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour", false); set_iDisableNPCSpawns = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableNPCSpawns", 0); set_iAntiF1 = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiF1", 0); set_iDisconnectDelay = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisconnectDelay", 0); set_iReservedSlots = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ReservedSlots", 0); set_fTorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier = IniGetF(set_scCfgFile, "General", "TorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier", 1.0f); set_iMaxGroupSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "MaxGroupSize", 8); // Log set_bDebug = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "Debug", false); set_iDebugMaxSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "DebugMaxSize", 100); set_iDebugMaxSize *= 1000; set_bLogConnects = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogConnects", false); set_bLogAdminCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogAdminCommands", false); set_bLogSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogSocketCommands", false); set_bLogLocalSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogLocalSocketCommands", false); set_bLogUserCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogUserCommands", false); set_bPerfTimer = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogPerformanceTimers", false); set_iTimerThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerThreshold", 100); set_iTimerDebugThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerDebugThreshold", 0); // Kick set_iAntiBaseIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiBaseIdle", 0); set_iAntiCharMenuIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiCharMenuIdle", 0); // Style set_wscDeathMsgStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyle", "0x19198C01")); set_wscDeathMsgStyleSys = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyleSys", "0x1919BD01")); set_wscDeathMsgTextPlayerKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextPlayerKill", "Death: %victim was killed by %killer (%type)")); set_wscDeathMsgTextSelfKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSelfKill", "Death: %victim killed himself (%type)")); set_wscDeathMsgTextNPC = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextNPC", "Death: %victim was killed by an NPC")); set_wscDeathMsgTextSuicide = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSuicide", "Death: %victim committed suicide")); set_wscDeathMsgTextAdminKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextAdminKill", "Death: %victim was killed by an admin")); set_wscKickMsg = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsg", "<TRA data=\"0x0000FF10\" mask=\"-1\"/><TEXT>You will be kicked. Reason: %s</TEXT>")); set_iKickMsgPeriod = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsgPeriod", 5000); set_wscUserCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "UserCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090")); set_wscAdminCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "AdminCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090")); // Socket set_bSocketActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Activated", false); set_iPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Port", 0); set_iWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "WPort", 0); set_iEPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EPort", 0); set_iEWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EWPort", 0); string scEncryptKey = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Key", ""); if(scEncryptKey.length()) { if(!set_BF_CTX) set_BF_CTX = (BLOWFISH_CTX*)malloc(sizeof(BLOWFISH_CTX)); Blowfish_Init(set_BF_CTX, (unsigned char *), (int)scEncryptKey.length()); } // UserCommands set_bUserCmdSetDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsg", false); set_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsgSize", false); set_bUserCmdSetChatFont = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetChatFont", false); set_bUserCmdIgnore = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Ignore", false); set_iUserCmdMaxIgnoreList = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "MaxIgnoreListEntries", 30); set_bAutoBuy = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "AutoBuy", false); set_bUserCmdHelp = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Help", false); set_bDefaultLocalChat = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "DefaultLocalChat", false); // NoPVP set_lstNoPVPSystems.clear(); for(uint i = 0;; i++) { char szBuf[64]; sprintf(szBuf, "System%u", i); string scSystem = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "NoPVP", szBuf, ""); if(!scSystem.length()) break; uint iSystemID; pub::GetSystemID(iSystemID, scSystem.c_str()); set_lstNoPVPSystems.push_back(iSystemID); } // read chat suppress set_lstChatSuppress.clear(); for(uint i = 0;; i++) { char szBuf[64]; sprintf(szBuf, "Suppress%u", i); string scSuppress = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Chat", szBuf, ""); if(!scSuppress.length()) break; set_lstChatSuppress.push_back(stows(scSuppress)); } // MultiKillMessages set_MKM_bActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Activated", false); set_MKM_wscStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Style", "0x1919BD01")); set_MKM_lstMessages.clear(); list<INISECTIONVALUE> lstValues; IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", lstValues); foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, it) { if(!atoi(it->scKey.c_str())) continue; MULTIKILLMESSAGE mkm; mkm.iKillsInARow = atoi(it->scKey.c_str()); mkm.wscMessage = stows(it->scValue); set_MKM_lstMessages.push_back(mkm); } // bans set_bBanAccountOnMatch = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", "BanAccountOnMatch", false); set_lstBans.clear(); IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", lstValues); if(!lstValues.empty()) { lstValues.pop_front(); foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, itisv) set_lstBans.push_back(stows(itisv->scKey)); } // help HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsg", L"<visibility>", L"Sets your death message's visibility. Options: all, system, self, none.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsg ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsgsize", L"<size>", L"Sets your death message's text size. Options: small, default.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set chatfont", L"<size> <style>", L"Sets your chat messages' font. Options are small, default or big for <size> and default, bold, italic or underline for <style>.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetChatFont ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignore", L"<charname> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the given character.", L"The possible flags are:\n p - only affect private chat\n i - <charname> may match partially\nExamples:\n\"/ignore SomeDude\" ignores all chatmessages from SomeDude\n\"/ignore PlayerX p\" ignores all private-chatmessages from PlayerX\n\"/ignore idiot i\" ignores all chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"idiot\" (e.g. \"[XYZ]IDIOT\", \"MrIdiot\", etc)\n\"/ignore Fool pi\" ignores all private-chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"fool\"", get_bUserCmdIgnore ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignoreid", L"<client-id> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the character with the associated client ID (see /id). Use the p flag to only affect private chat.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignorelist", L"", L"Displays all currently ignored characters.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/delignore", L"<id> [<id2> <id3> ...]", L"Removes the characters with the associated ignore ID (see /ignorelist) from the ignore list. * deletes all.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/autobuy", L"<param> [<on/off>]", L"Auomatically buys the given elements upon docking. See detailed help for more information.", L"<param> can take one of the following values:\tinfo - display current autobuy-settings\n\tmissiles - enable/disable autobuy for missiles\n\ttorps - enable/disable autobuy for torpedos\n\tmines - enable/disable autobuy for mines\n\tcd - enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors\n\tcm - enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures\n\treload - enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/shield batteries\n\tall - enable/disable autobuy for all of the above\nExamples:\n\"/autobuy missiles on\" enable autobuy for missiles\n\"/autobuy all off\" completely disable autobuy\n\"/autobuy info\" show autobuy info", get_bAutoBuy ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ids", L"", L"Lists all characters with their respective client IDs.", L"", get_bTrue ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/id", L"", L"Gives your own client ID.", L"", get_bTrue ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/i$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/invite$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/credits", L"", L"Displays FLHook's credits.", L"", get_bTrue ); HkAddHelpEntry( L"/help", L"[<command>]", L"Displays the help screen. Giving a <command> gives detailed info for that command.", L"", get_bTrue ); set_bLoadedSettings = true; }
void HkGetPlayerIP(uint iClientID, wstring &wscIP) { wscIP = L""; CDPClientProxy *cdpClient = g_cClientProxyArray[iClientID - 1]; if(!cdpClient) return; // get ip char *szP1; char *szIDirectPlay8Address; wchar_t wszHostname[] = L"hostname"; memcpy(&szP1, (char*)cdpSrv + 4, 4); wchar_t wszIP[1024] = L""; long lSize = sizeof(wszIP); long lDataType = 1; __asm { push 0 ; dwFlags lea edx, szIDirectPlay8Address push edx ; pAddress mov edx, [cdpClient] mov edx, [edx+8] push edx ; dpnid mov eax, [szP1] push eax mov ecx, [eax] call dword ptr[ecx + 0x28] ; GetClientAddress cmp eax, 0 jnz some_error lea eax, lDataType push eax lea eax, lSize push eax lea eax, wszIP push eax lea eax, wszHostname push eax mov ecx, [szIDirectPlay8Address] push ecx mov ecx, [ecx] call dword ptr[ecx+0x40] ; GetComponentByName mov ecx, [szIDirectPlay8Address] push ecx mov ecx, [ecx] call dword ptr[ecx+0x08] ; Release some_error: } wscIP = wszIP; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HK_ERROR HkGetPlayerInfo(const wstring &wscCharname, HKPLAYERINFO &pi, bool bAlsoCharmenu) { HK_GET_CLIENTID(iClientID, wscCharname); if(iClientID == -1 || (HkIsInCharSelectMenu(iClientID) && !bAlsoCharmenu)) return HKE_PLAYER_NOT_LOGGED_IN; // not on server const wchar_t *wszActiveCharname = (wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID); pi.iClientID = iClientID; pi.wscCharname = wszActiveCharname ? wszActiveCharname : L""; pi.wscBase = pi.wscSystem = L""; uint iBase = 0; uint iSystem = 0; pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBase); pub::Player::GetSystem(iClientID, iSystem); pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, pi.iShip); if(iBase) { char szBasename[1024] = ""; pub::GetBaseNickname(szBasename, sizeof(szBasename), iBase); pi.wscBase = stows(szBasename); } if(iSystem) { char szSystemname[1024] = ""; pub::GetSystemNickname(szSystemname, sizeof(szSystemname), iSystem); pi.wscSystem = stows(szSystemname); pi.iSystem = iSystem; } // get ping DPN_CONNECTION_INFO ci; HkGetConnectionStats(iClientID,ci); = ci; // get ip HkGetPlayerIP(iClientID, pi.wscIP); pi.wscHostname = ClientInfo[iClientID].wscHostname; return HKE_OK; }
bool UserCmd_BountyAddTo(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) { if (!bPluginEnabled) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled."); return true; } // Get the parameters from the user command. wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0); wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1); wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"e6", L"000000"); if (wscName == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid name\n"); return false; } if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist"); return true; } if (wscCash == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid cash amount\n"); return false; } if (stoi(wscCash) < 1000000) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty cannot be less than 1,000,000 s.c"); return true; } //get bounty BountyTargetInfo BTIat = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)]; //check if it is active if (! { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty not currently active"); return true; } //check user has enough money for the bounty int iCash; HkGetCash(stows(ToLower(wstos((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID)))), iCash); if (iCash < (stoi(wscCash) * stoi(BTIat.xTimes))) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not enough cash for bounty."); return true; } HkAddCash((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), 0 - (stoi(wscCash) * stoi(BTIat.xTimes))); if (deleteBountyCfg(BTIat)) { //ConPrint(L"bounty removed from cfg\n"); } else { ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err removing from cfg. is server admin?\n"); } BTIat.Cash = itos(stoi(BTIat.Cash) + stoi(wscCash));//update cash bounty PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Uploading to Neural Net..."); mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)] = BTIat; if (appendBountyCfg(BTIat)) { //ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n"); } else { ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err saving to cfg. is serevr admin?\n"); } PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK"); return true; }
bool UserCmd_BountyAdd(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) { if (!bPluginEnabled) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled."); return true; } // Get the parameters from the user command. wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0); wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1); wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L""); wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"e6", L"000000");//because scientific notation is cool int iOnlineSecs; HkGetOnLineTime((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), iOnlineSecs); if (iOnlineSecs < 7200)// 7200 = 2hrs { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Char is too new"); return true; } //you are not allowed to create a bounty. ERR rank too low (note, find out what a good rank should be to have access to this. no fresh chars can //create bounties. this way we can protect against creating random fresh accs, tranferring cash, and setting copious amounts of bounties. if (wscName == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid name\n"); return false; } if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist"); return true; } if (mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].active) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player already has an active bounty\n"); return true; } if (mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime != "") { if ((stoi(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime) + 3600) > (int)time(0)) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player is protected\n"); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(itos((stoi(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime) + 3600) - (int)time(0))) + L"'s remaining"); return true; } } if (iClientID == HkGetClientIdFromCharname(stows(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastIssuer)))//not too sure about this { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR You cannot double a bounty on this player\n"); return true; } if (wscCash == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid cash amount\n"); return false; } if (wscxTimes == L"") { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid contract limit\n"); return false; } if (stoi(wscCash) < 1000000) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty cannot be less than 1,000,000 s.c"); return true; } if (stoi(wscxTimes) < 0 || stoi(wscxTimes) > 5) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty contract limit cannot be less than 0 or more than 5"); return true; } BountyTargetInfo BTIa = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)]; //generate new bounty map values BTIa.Char = ToLower(wstos(wscName)); BTIa.Cash = wstos(wscCash); BTIa.xTimes = wstos(wscxTimes); BTIa.issuer = ToLower(wstos((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID))); BTIa.lastIssuer = BTIa.issuer; = true; BTIa.lastTime = ""; BTIa.issueTime = itos((int)time(0)); //check user has enough money for the bounty int iCash; HkGetCash(stows(BTIa.issuer), iCash); if (iCash < (stoi(BTIa.Cash) * stoi(BTIa.xTimes))) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not enough cash for bounty."); return true; } HkAddCash((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), 0 - (stoi(BTIa.Cash) * stoi(BTIa.xTimes))); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Uploading to Neural Net..."); mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)] = BTIa; wstring PFwsTargetInfo; PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: "; PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscName); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.Cash); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.xTimes); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.issuer); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.issueTime); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, PFwsTargetInfo); if (appendBountyCfg(BTIa)) { ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n"); } else { ConPrint(L"Err saving to cfg\n"); } PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK"); return true; }
void LoadSettings() { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; string File_FLHook = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytracker.cfg"; string File_FLHook_bounties = "..\\exe\\flhook_plugins\\bountytrackerbounties.cfg"; int iLoaded = 0; INI_Reader ini; if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("config")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("enabled")) { bPluginEnabled = ini.get_value_bool(0); } if (ini.is_value("CleanInterval")) { iCleanInterval = ini.get_value_int(0); conDebug(L"cleaning interval set to " + stows(itos(iCleanInterval))); } if (ini.is_value("BountyAge")) { iBountyAge = ini.get_value_int(0); conDebug(L"bounty age set to " + stows(itos(iBountyAge))); } } } }ini.close(); } if (, false)) { while (ini.read_header()) { if (ini.is_header("bounty")) { while (ini.read_value()) { if (ini.is_value("hit")) { string setTargetName = ini.get_value_string(0); wstring theTargetName = ToLower(stows(setTargetName)); BTI.Char = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(0)); BTI.Cash = ini.get_value_string(1); BTI.xTimes = ini.get_value_string(2); BTI.issuer = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(3)); = ini.get_value_bool(4); BTI.lastIssuer = ToLower(ini.get_value_string(5)); BTI.lastTime = ini.get_value_string(6); BTI.issueTime = ini.get_value_string(7); mapBountyTargets[theTargetName] = BTI; ++iLoaded; } } } } ini.close(); } ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Loaded %u Bounties\n", iLoaded); }
wstring HkGetSystemNickByID(uint iSystemID) { char szSystemname[1024] = ""; pub::GetSystemNickname(szSystemname, sizeof(szSystemname), iSystemID); return stows(szSystemname); }
void __stdcall ShipDestroyed(DamageList *_dmg, DWORD *ecx, uint iKill) { returncode = DEFAULT_RETURNCODE; if (iKill) { CShip *cship = (CShip*)ecx[4]; //check the death was a player if (cship->is_player()) { uint iDestroyedID = cship->GetOwnerPlayer(); wstring wscDestroyedName = ToLower((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iDestroyedID)); //check if they have a bounty BountyTargetInfo BTId = mapBountyTargets[wscDestroyedName]; if (BTId.Char == wstos(wscDestroyedName) && stoi(BTId.xTimes) > 0 && { if (deleteBountyCfg(BTId)) { ///ConPrint(L"bounty removed from cfg\n"); } else { ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err removing from cfg. is server admin?\n"); } // calls the killer the last one to damage the victim DamageList dmg; try { dmg = *_dmg; } catch (...) { return; } dmg = ClientInfo[iDestroyedID].dmgLast; //The killer's id uint iKillerID = HkGetClientIDByShip(dmg.get_inflictor_id()); //The killer's name wstring wscKillerName = (wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iKillerID); //check if player killed by ai if (stoi(wstos(HkGetAccountIDByClientID(iKillerID))) == -1) { ///ConPrint(L"nevermind, ai got him"); return; } if (iKillerID == iDestroyedID) { ///ConPrint(L"killer and victim are the same"); return; } if (ToLower(wscKillerName) == stows(BTId.issuer)) { ///ConPrint(L"killer was the issuer of the bounty"); return; } // -1 to contracts left BTId.xTimes = itos(stoi(BTId.xTimes) - 1); if (stoi(BTId.xTimes) == 0) { //bounty has been fullfilled, clear all dataa = false; BTId.Cash = "0"; BTId.xTimes = "0"; BTId.issuer = "n/a"; BTId.lastTime = itos((int)time(0)); BTId.issueTime = "0"; } //upload into neural net mapBountyTargets[wscDestroyedName] = BTId; if (appendBountyCfg(BTId)) { ///ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n"); } else { ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err saving to cfg. is serevr admin?\n"); } //Print Friendly Wide String TargetInfo wstring PFwsTargetInfo; PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: "; PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscDestroyedName); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.Cash); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.xTimes); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.issuer); PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued at: "; PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.issueTime); //add bounty cash HkAddCash(wscKillerName, stoi(BTId.Cash)); PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Successfully collected bounty on"); PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, PFwsTargetInfo); PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Alerting bounty issuer..."); wstring IssuerMailMsg = L"Bounty Alert: " + wscKillerName + L" Has collected your bounty on " + wscDestroyedName + L". " + stows(BTId.xTimes) + L" Contracts remaining."; MailSend(stows(BTId.issuer), MSG_LOG, IssuerMailMsg); PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Saving record..."); wstring KillerMailMsg = L"Bounty Alert: " + wscKillerName + L" Has collected a bounty on " + wscDestroyedName + L". " + stows(BTId.xTimes) + L" Contracts remaining."; MailSend(wscKillerName, MSG_LOG, KillerMailMsg); PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"OK"); return; } else { ///ConPrint(L"bounty tracker found no name match, or no more contracts for name\n");//either the name didn't match, or they have exhaused the number of contracts left on them. } } else { ///ConPrint(L"Bounty tracker found dead ai\n");//never mind, it's just an ai death } } return; }
bool AdminCmd_ChangeSystem(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) { wstring wscArg = ToLower(GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0)); //check master switch bruh if (!bPluginEnabled) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ChangeSys is disabled.\n"); return true; } if (wscArg.length()==0) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Incorrect Parameters <sys|list>"); return true; } //check what the parameters are if (wcscmp(wscArg.c_str(), L"list") == 0) { //show list of systems PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"list of systems: "); /*for (vector<string>::iterator it = bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(); it != bPluginAllowedSystems.end(); ++it) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(*it)); }*/ PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(bPluginAllowedSystemsFriendly)); return true; } //assume player is trying to enter a system id uint ship; pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, ship); if (!ship) { PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space\n"); return true; } //check if valid sys id from config vector if(find(bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(), bPluginAllowedSystems.end(), wstos(wscArg)) != bPluginAllowedSystems.end()) { //its a match buddy! //do tha magic //get system id for server uint iTargetSystem = CreateID(wstos(wscArg).c_str()); Vector pos; Matrix ornt; //get the pos and ornt of ship pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(ship, pos, ornt); //move player SwitchSystem(iClientID, iTargetSystem, pos, ornt); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Moving to system: "); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str()); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK\n"); //done magic } else { //well f**k PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid system id: "); PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str()); } return true; }
void Siege::SiegeGunDeploy(uint client, const wstring &args) { // Abort processing if this is not a "heavy lifter" uint shiparch; pub::Player::GetShipID(client, shiparch); if (set_construction_shiparch != 0 && shiparch != set_construction_shiparch) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Need deployment ship"); return; } uint ship; pub::Player::GetShip(client, ship); if (!ship) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Not in space"); return; } // If the ship is moving, abort the processing. Vector dir1; Vector dir2; pub::SpaceObj::GetMotion(ship, dir1, dir2); if (dir1.x>5 || dir1.y>5 || dir1.z>5) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Ship is moving"); return; } int min = 100; int max = 5000; int randomsiegeint = min + (rand() % (int)(max - min + 1)); string randomname = "Siege Cannon AX-" + randomsiegeint; // Check for conflicting base name if (GetPlayerBase(CreateID(PlayerBase::CreateBaseNickname(randomname).c_str()))) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Deployment error, please reiterate."); return; } // Check that the ship has the requires commodities. int hold_size; list<CARGO_INFO> cargo; HkEnumCargo((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client), cargo, hold_size); for (map<uint, uint>::iterator i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i) { bool material_available = false; uint good = i->first; uint quantity = i->second; for (list<CARGO_INFO>::iterator ci = cargo.begin(); ci != cargo.end(); ++ci) { if (ci->iArchID == good && ci->iCount >= (int)quantity) { material_available = true; pub::Player::RemoveCargo(client, ci->iID, quantity); } } if (material_available == false) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Construction failed due to insufficient raw material."); for (i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i) { const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(i->first); if (gi) { PrintUserCmdText(client, L"| %ux %s", i->second, HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName).c_str()); } } return; } } wstring charname = (const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client); AddLog("NOTICE: Base created %s by %s (%s)", randomname.c_str(), wstos(charname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(charname))).c_str()); wstring password = L"hastesucks"; wstring basename = stows(randomname); PlayerBase *newbase = new PlayerBase(client, password, basename); player_bases[newbase->base] = newbase; newbase->basetype = "siegegun"; newbase->basesolar = "depot"; newbase->baseloadout = "depot"; newbase->defense_mode = 1; for (map<string, ARCHTYPE_STRUCT>::iterator iter = mapArchs.begin(); iter!=mapArchs.end(); iter++) { ARCHTYPE_STRUCT &thearch = iter->second; if (iter->first == newbase->basetype) { newbase->invulnerable = thearch.invulnerable; newbase->logic = thearch.logic; } } newbase->Spawn(); newbase->Save(); PrintUserCmdText(client, L"OK: Siege Cannon deployed"); PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Default administration password is %s", password.c_str()); }