double KoUnitDoubleSpinBox::valueFromText( const QString& str ) const { QString str2( str ); /* KLocale::readNumber wants the thousand separator exactly at 1000. But when editing, it might be anywhere. So we need to remove it. */ const QString sep( KGlobal::locale()->thousandsSeparator() ); if ( !sep.isEmpty() ) str2.remove( sep ); str2.remove( KoUnit::unitName( d->unit ) ); bool ok; const double dbl = KGlobal::locale()->readNumber( str2, &ok ); if ( ok ) kDebug(30004) <<"valueFromText:" << str <<": => :" << str2 <<": =>" << QString::number( dbl, 'f', 12 ); else kWarning(30004) << "valueFromText error:" << str << ": => :" << str2 << ":"; return dbl; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 4) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <databasefilename> <queryfilename> <tree-type>" << std::endl; return 0; } std::string db_filename(argv[1]); std::string str1(argv[2]); std::string str2(argv[3]); std::cout << "Input file is " << db_filename << " "; std::cout << "String 1 is " << str1 << " and string 2 is " << str2 << std::endl; CheckFile(db_filename); AvlTree<SequenceMap> a_tree; FillTree(db_filename, a_tree); a_tree.print_Between(str1, str2); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::ifstream f("tests/data/default-style.iss"); TestParser parser(f); try { parser.parse(); } catch (IgStyleParser::StyleParserError &e) { std::cerr << e.explain() << std::endl; exit(1); assert(false); } std::stringstream str("* {color: rgb(.7,.7,.7) ;} Background {diffuse-color: rgb(1., 0, 0);}"); std::cerr << str.str() << std::endl; TestParser styleParser(str); try { styleParser.parse(); } catch (IgStyleParser::StyleParserError &e) { std::cerr << e.explain() << std::endl; exit(1); assert(false); } bool hasThrown = false; try { throw IgStyleParser::StyleParserError("Dummy", "Error"); } catch(IgStyleParser::StyleParserError &e) { hasThrown = true; } assert(hasThrown); std::stringstream str2("// A comment\n* {name: \"pippo\" ; version: 'pluto'}"); TestParser styleParser2(str); }
void testCountASCIIChars() { vmime::string str1("foo"); VASSERT_EQ("1", static_cast <vmime::string::size_type>(3), stringUtils::countASCIIchars(str1.begin(), str1.end())); vmime::string str2("f=?oo"); VASSERT_EQ("2", static_cast <vmime::string::size_type>(3 + 1), stringUtils::countASCIIchars(str2.begin(), str2.end())); vmime::string str3("foo\x7f"); VASSERT_EQ("3", static_cast <vmime::string::size_type>(4), stringUtils::countASCIIchars(str3.begin(), str3.end())); vmime::string str4("foo\x80"); VASSERT_EQ("4", static_cast <vmime::string::size_type>(3), stringUtils::countASCIIchars(str4.begin(), str4.end())); }
// CDialogNew 消息处理程序 void CDialogNew::OnBnClickedOk() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 m_EditText.GetWindowTextW(m_Text); if(m_Text == "0" || m_Text == ""|| m_Text.SpanIncluding( _T(".0123456789"))!= m_Text) { CString str1("输入格式不正确,请重新输入!"); CString str2("提示"); MessageBox(str1,str2); m_Text = ""; } else { int nIndex = m_Combobox.GetCurSel(); m_Combobox.GetLBText(nIndex,m_Unit); CDialogEx::OnOK(); } }
void CDialogNew::OnBnClickedOk() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 m_EditRow.GetWindowTextW(m_Row); m_EditCol.GetWindowTextW(m_Col); if(m_Row == "" || m_Col == "" || m_Row.SpanIncluding( _T("0123456789"))!= m_Row || m_Col.SpanIncluding( _T("0123456789"))!= m_Col) { CString str1("输入格式不正确,请重新输入!"); CString str2("提示"); MessageBox(str1,str2); m_Row = ""; m_Col = ""; } else { CDialogEx::OnOK(); } }
void YZParserConfigWidget::execute() { this->clear(); QScriptValue result = m_engine.evaluate(configUi.plainTextEdit->toPlainText()); m_functionValue = m_engine.globalObject().property("parseArticle"); QScriptValueList args; QString str(targetUi.plainTextEdit->toPlainText()); QString str2(targetUi.lineEdit->text()); args << QScriptValue(str)<<QScriptValue(str2); QScriptValue article =,args); QVariant articleItem = article.toVariant(); resultUi.plainTextEdit->appendPlainText(QString("version:") + QString::fromUtf8(articleItem.toMap()["version"].toByteArray().data())+"\n"); resultUi.plainTextEdit->appendPlainText(QString("lastModified:") + QString::fromUtf8(articleItem.toMap()["lastModified"].toByteArray().data())+"\n"); resultUi.plainTextEdit->appendPlainText(QString("refreshTag:") + QString::fromUtf8(articleItem.toMap()["refreshTag"].toByteArray().data())+"\n"); resultUi.plainTextEdit->appendPlainText(QString("author:") + QString::fromUtf8(articleItem.toMap()["author"].toByteArray().data())+"\n"); resultUi.plainTextEdit->appendPlainText(QString("body:") + QString::fromUtf8(articleItem.toMap()["body"].toByteArray().data())+"\n"); }
TEST(SecureAllocator, SecureString) { SecureAllocatorDefaultDomain::SecureString str; str->resize(2000, 'x'); ASSERT_EQUALS(0, str->compare(*SecureAllocatorDefaultDomain::SecureString(2000, 'x'))); SecureAllocatorDefaultDomain::SecureString str2(str); ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(&*str, &*str2); str2 = str; ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(&*str, &*str2); auto strPtr = &*str; auto str2Ptr = &*str2; SecureAllocatorDefaultDomain::SecureString str3(std::move(str)); ASSERT_EQUALS(strPtr, &*str3); str3 = std::move(str2); ASSERT_EQUALS(str2Ptr, &*str3); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ProgressBar::DrawProgress() { sprite->Clear(Color::GRAY); sprite->FillRectangle(0, 0, (int)(width * progress), (int)height, Color::BLUE); char buffer[100]; sprintf_s(buffer, 99, "%5.1f%%", progress * 100.0f); textPercents->SetText(String(buffer)); sprintf_s(buffer, 99, "Size: all %5.1fMB, recieved %5.1fMB\n", bytesAll / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, bytesRecieved / 1024.0f / 1024.0f); String str1(buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, 99, "Speed %5.1fkB/s, time: passed %5.1fs, elapsed %5.1fs", speed / 1024.0f, timePassed, timeElapsed); String str2(buffer); text->SetText(currentFile + String("\n") + str1 + str2); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { { std::string str("abc 123 abc 123"); boost::replace_all(str, "123", "abc"); assert(str=="abc abc abc abc"); } { std::string str1, str2; std::vector<std::string> token; str1="one.two"; boost::split(token, str1, boost::is_any_of(".")); str2=boost::algorithm::join(token, "_"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(str2, "_", "."); assert(str1==str2); token.erase(token.begin()); assert(boost::algorithm::join(token, ".")=="two"); } //trim { std::string str1(" 1x x x x1 "); std::string str2("<>trim<>"); std::string str3("123abs343"); assert(boost::trim_left_copy(str1)=="1x x x x1 "); boost::trim_right(str1); assert(boost::trim_left_copy(str1)=="1x x x x1"); assert(boost::trim_copy_if(str2, boost::is_any_of("<>"))=="trim"); assert(boost::trim_copy_if(str3, boost::is_digit())=="abs"); boost::trim_if(str2, boost::is_any_of("<>")); assert(str2=="trim"); } { std::string str("aBc"); boost::to_upper(str); assert(str=="ABC"); boost::to_lower(str); assert(str=="abc"); } return 0; }
static void test_static_string_equal() { my_static_string_t str0("hello"); my_static_string_t str0b("hello"); my_static_string_t str1("hello!"); my_static_string_t str2("hell"); my_static_string_t a("a"); my_static_string_t b("b"); UF_TEST(str0 == str0b); UF_TEST(!(str0 == str1)); UF_TEST(str0 != str1); UF_TEST(str0 != str2); UF_TEST( a < b); UF_TEST(!(a < a)); UF_TEST(!(b < a)); }
// some sort of error in the music data... // static void Music_Parse_Error(LPCSTR psError) { string str(S_COLOR_RED); // that way I don't have to use either nested va (since quake only has 2), or know what that colour macro actually does string str2(psError); // ... so I can re-use va(), which is only 2-deep in Q3 str += va("Error parsing music data ( in \"%s\" ):\n%s\n",sFILENAME_DMS,str2.c_str()); #ifdef FINAL_BUILD extern cvar_t *s_debugdynamic; if (s_debugdynamic && s_debugdynamic->integer) { #endif Com_Printf(str.c_str()); #ifdef FINAL_BUILD } #endif MusicData.clear(); }
// similar to matlab's fileparts // if in=parent/child/file.txt // then path=parent/child // name=file, ext=txt inline void fileparts(const std::string& str, std::string* pPath=0, std::string* pName=0, std::string* pExt=0) { std::string str2(str); std::replace(str2.begin(), str2.end(), another_filesep, filesep); //make sure no mixed filesep std::string::size_type last_sep = str2.find_last_of(filesep); std::string::size_type last_dot = str2.find_last_of('.'); if (last_sep != std::string::npos && last_dot<last_sep) // "D:\parent\child.folderA\file", "D:\parent\child.folderA\" last_dot = std::string::npos; std::string path, name, ext; if (last_sep == std::string::npos) { path = ""; if (last_dot == std::string::npos) { // "test" name = str2; ext = ""; } else { // "test.txt" name = str2.substr(0, last_dot); ext = str2.substr(last_dot + 1); } } else { path = str2.substr(0, last_sep); if (last_dot == std::string::npos) { // "d:/parent/test", "d:/parent/child/" name = str2.substr(last_sep + 1); ext = ""; } else { // "d:/parent/test.txt" name = str2.substr(last_sep + 1, last_dot - last_sep - 1); ext = str2.substr(last_dot + 1); } } if (pPath != 0) { *pPath = path; } if (pName != 0) { *pName = name; } if (pExt != 0) { *pExt = ext; } }
void OilWellSensor::setupSensor(char *id, char *type, char *className, char *displayName, double min, bool minUdf, double max, bool maxUdf, double step, char *units, char *unitAbbrev, char *dataGenAlg, char **linkSenType) { wellID = (string)id; string str(type); int lengthTest = str.length(); sensorType = new char[lengthTest]; strcpy(sensorType, type); sensorClassName = (string)className; sensorDisplayName = new char[100]; strcpy(sensorDisplayName, displayName); m_dMinValue = min; minCounter = (int)m_dMinValue; this->minUdf = minUdf; m_dMaxValue = max; maxCounter = (int)m_dMaxValue; this->maxUdf = maxUdf; this->step = step; sensorUnits = new char[100]; strcpy(sensorUnits, units); sensorUnitAbbreviation = new char[100]; strcpy(sensorUnitAbbreviation, unitAbbrev); string str2(dataGenAlg); int lengthTest2 = str2.length(); this->dataGenAlg = new char[lengthTest2]; strcpy(this->dataGenAlg, dataGenAlg); if (linkSenType != NULL) { linkedSensor = new char[100]; strcpy(linkedSensor, *linkSenType); } }
TEST(String, Compare) { EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare("abc") == 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare("bbc") < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("bbc").compare("abc") > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare(String("abc")) == 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare(String("bbc")) < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("bbc").compare(String("abc")) > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare("abcd") < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abcd").compare("abc") > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abc").compare(String("abcd")) < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String("abcd").compare(String("abc")) > 0); // check Strings with embedded nulls std::string str1("a\0bc", 4); std::string str2("a\0bb", 4); EXPECT_TRUE(String(str1).compare(String(str1)) == 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String(str1).compare(String(str2)) > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(String(str2).compare(String(str1)) < 0); }
static string_t replace_all(string_t const& str, PAN_CHAR_T const* srch, PAN_CHAR_T const* repl) { string_t str2(str); size_t srchLen = stlsoft::c_str_len(srch); for(;;) { size_t lpos = str2.find(srch); size_t rpos = lpos + srchLen; if(string_t::npos == lpos) { break; } str2 = stlsoft::left(str2, lpos) + repl + stlsoft::right(str2, str2.length() - rpos); } return str2; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // BinaryCode *bc = new BinaryCode(); auto_ptr<BinaryCode> bc (new BinaryCode()); string str1 ("123210122"); vector<string> str1Response = bc->decode(str1); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str1 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str1Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str1Response[1] << endl << endl; string str2 ("11"); vector<string> str2Response = bc->decode(str2); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str2 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str2Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str2Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str3 ("22111"); vector<string> str3Response = bc->decode(str3); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str3 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str3Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str3Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str4 ("123210120"); vector<string> str4Response = bc->decode(str4); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str4 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str4Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str4Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str5 ("3"); vector<string> str5Response = bc->decode(str5); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str5 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str5Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str5Response[1] << endl << endl;; string str6 ("12221112222221112221111111112221111"); vector<string> str6Response = bc->decode(str6); cout << "Dla stringa: " << str6 << endl; cout << "Pierwsza wartość: " << str6Response[0] << endl; cout << "Druga wartość: " << str6Response[1] << endl << endl;; return 0; }
void HttpResponse::GetResponse(char* pszResponse, vector<byte> *pvb, DWORD dwSize) { DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); ZeroMemory(pszResponse, dwSize); sprintf_s(pszResponse, dwSize, "%s%s", resp_ok, "\n"); sprintf_s(pszResponse, dwSize, "%s%s%s%s", pszResponse, "Date: " , "HTTP/1.x 200 OK" , "\n"); std::string ctstr; ctstr.assign(contenType.begin(), contenType.end()); sprintf_s(pszResponse, dwSize, "%s%s%s%s", pszResponse, "Content-Type: ", ctstr.c_str(), "\n"); size_t siz = m_sbResponsePackage.size(); sprintf_s(pszResponse, dwSize, "%s%s%d%s", pszResponse, "Content-Length: ", siz, "\n\n"); std::string str; str.assign(pszResponse); std::string str2(m_sbResponsePackage.begin(), m_sbResponsePackage.end()); str.insert(str.end(), str2.begin(), str2.end()); sprintf_s(pszResponse, dwSize, "%s", str.c_str()); m_sbResponsePackage.assign(str.begin(), str.end()); pvb->assign(m_sbResponsePackage.begin(), m_sbResponsePackage.end()); }
int main () { std::string str1 ("/usr/bin/man"); std::string str2 ("c:\\windows\\winhelp.exe"); std::string str3 ("woman"); std::string str4 ("/hello"); SplitFilename (str1); std::cout << " newfile " << str1 << '\n'; SplitFilename (str2); std::cout << " newfile " << str2 << '\n'; SplitFilename (str3); std::cout << " newfile " << str3 << '\n'; SplitFilename (str4); std::cout << " newfile " << str4 << '\n'; return 0; }
//Test indole with 4000 molecules and a primary index of 1 on GPU TEST (Indole4000Test, OnePrimaryIndex_GPU) { string directory = get_current_dir_name(); std::string mc ("MCGPU"); std::size_t found = directory.find(mc); if(found != std::string::npos) { directory = directory.substr(0,found+6); } std::string MCGPU = directory; std::stringstream ss; ss << MCGPU << "/bin/metrosim " << " " << MCGPU << "/test/unittests/MultipleSolvents/indole4000Tests/indole4000-1MPI.config -p --threads 12 --name indole4000-1MPI-GPU -i 10000"; //launch MCGPU in parallel system(ss.str().c_str()); double expected = 588107; double energyResult = -1; std::ifstream infile(std::string(MCGPU + "bin/indole4000-1MPI-GPU.results").c_str()); for(std::string line; getline(infile, line);) { std::string str2 ("Final-Energy"); std::string result; found = line.find(str2); if (found != std::string::npos) { result = line.substr(15); energyResult = strtod(result.c_str(), NULL); break; } } EXPECT_NEAR(expected, energyResult, 100); }
void str(int lvl, int &x, int &y, int a, int b, int l, int n, int k, int& superbase) { int canv=30*5; int pos=0; x=10+100*(lvl-1); y = y - canv; pos=5*((lvl-1)*ty+(y-110+canv)/canv); out(pos+0,x,y,"equ",a,b+l,l); out(pos+1,x,y,"sub",a,b,l); out(pos+2,x,y,"equ",a+l,b+l+l,l); out(pos+3,x,y,"sub",a+l,b+3*l,l); out(pos+4,x,y,"xchg",b+l,b+l+l,l); if(l!=1)//lvl==k-1//p3=3^k-1 { int yy=y; str(lvl+1,x,y,a-n/2,b,l/2,n,k,superbase); y = y + 30*5; str(lvl+1,x,y,a-n/2+l,b+l+l,l/2,n,k,superbase); y = y + 30*5; str2(lvl+1,x,y,a+n/2,a,l/2,n,k,superbase); //superbase+=l; //y=yy; } else { x=10+100*k; int yy=y-canv; pos=(5*(k-1)*ty+3*(y-110)/canv); out(pos+0,x,yy,"mul",b,b+1,1); out(pos+1,x,yy,"mul",b+2,b+3,1); out(pos+2,x,yy,"mul",a,a+1,1); } y = y - canv; x=10+100*(k+k-lvl+1); pos=(5*(k-1)*ty+3*ty*(1+k-lvl)+3*(y-110)/canv); out(pos+0,x,y,"add",a,b,2*l); out(pos+1,x,y,"add",a,b+l+l,2*l); out(pos+2,x,y,"add",b+l,a,2*l); y = y + 30*2; }
//Test indole with 4000 molecules and multiple solvent primary indexes of [1,2],1 on GPU TEST (Indole4000Test, SingleMultipleIndexes2_GPU) { string directory = get_current_dir_name(); std::string mc ("MCGPU"); std::size_t found = directory.find(mc); if(found != std::string::npos) { directory = directory.substr(0,found+6); } std::string MCGPU = directory; //Since this case results in an error it does not print to a '.results' file. //So the commandline error output is pipelined to a text file //The textfile is used to compare the expected and actual output std::stringstream ss; ss << MCGPU << "/bin/metrosim " << " " << MCGPU << "/test/unittests/MultipleSolvents/indole4000Tests/indole4000SingleMultipleIndexes2.config -p -i 10000 >" << " " << MCGPU << "/bin/indole4000SingleMultipleIndexes2-GPU.txt 2>&1"; //launch MCGPU in parallel system(ss.str().c_str()); std::string errorResult; std::ifstream infile(std::string(MCGPU + "bin/indole4000SingleMultipleIndexes2-GPU.txt").c_str()); for(std::string line; getline(infile, line);) { std::string str2 ("Error"); found = line.find(str2); if (found != std::string::npos) { errorResult = line.substr(7,13); break; } } EXPECT_STREQ("loadBoxData()", errorResult.c_str()); }
// Unlike other contracts, which calculate their ID from a hash of the file itself, a mint has // the same ID as its Asset Contract. When we open the Mint file, we read the Asset Type ID // from it and then verify that it matches what we were expecting from the asset type. bool OTMint::VerifyContractID() { // I use the == operator here because there is no != operator at this time. // That's why you see the ! outside the parenthesis. if (!(m_ID == m_AssetID)) { OTString str1(m_ID), str2(m_AssetID); OTLog::vError("\nMint ID does NOT match Asset Type ID in OTMint::VerifyContractID.\n%s\n%s\n" // "\nRAW FILE:\n--->%s<---" "\n", str1.Get(), str2.Get() // m_strRawFile.Get() ); return false; } else { OTString str1(m_ID); OTLog::vOutput(2, "\nMint ID *SUCCESSFUL* match to Asset Contract ID:\n%s\n\n", str1.Get()); return true; } }
// write string to output: inline static void OutputString(wxOutputStream& stream, const wxString& str, #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxMBConv * WXUNUSED(convMem), #else wxMBConv *convMem, #endif wxMBConv *convFile) { if (str.empty()) return; #if wxUSE_UNICODE const wxWX2MBbuf buf(str.mb_str(*(convFile ? convFile : &wxConvUTF8))); stream.Write((const char*)buf, strlen((const char*)buf)); #else if ( convFile == NULL ) stream.Write(str.mb_str(), str.Len()); else { wxString str2(str.wc_str(*convMem), *convFile); stream.Write(str2.mb_str(), str2.Len()); } #endif }
double getEnergyResult(std::string MCGPU, std::string resultsFile) { std::string dir; if(inDebugMode()) dir = "bin/debug/"; else dir = "bin/"; std::ifstream infile(std::string(MCGPU + dir + resultsFile).c_str()); std::size_t found; for(std::string line; getline(infile, line);) { std::string str2 ("Final-Energy"); std::string result; found = line.find(str2); if(found != std::string::npos) { result = line.substr(15); return strtod(result.c_str(), NULL); } } return -1; }
void TEST_MostCommon() { std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> hash_map; std::string common; std::stringstream str1(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out); hash_map.clear(); common = find_most_common_element(str1, &hash_map); ASSERT_EQ(common, ""); std::stringstream str2(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out); str2 << "hi" << std::endl << "bye" << std::endl << "hi" << std::endl; hash_map.clear(); common = find_most_common_element(str2, &hash_map); ASSERT_EQ(common, "hi"); std::stringstream str3(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out); str3 << "hi" << std::endl << "bye" << std::endl << "bye" << std::endl << "bye" << std::endl; hash_map.clear(); common = find_most_common_element(str3, &hash_map); ASSERT_EQ(common, "bye"); }
int init() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str1 = "The night train"; out << str1 << endl; QString str2("A yellow rose"); out << str2 << endl; std::string s1 = "A blue sky"; QString str3 = s1.c_str(); out << str3 << endl; std::string s2 = "A think fog"; QString str4 = QString::fromAscii(, s2.size()); out << str4 << endl; char s3[] = "A deep forest"; QString str5(s3); out << str5 << endl; return 0; }
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> getKeywords(std::string filePath) { //The vector to return std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> toRet; //The two strings to make a pair with std::string str1(""), str2(""); //Opens the file std::ifstream in(filePath); if(!in.is_open()) throw 0; //Continues to add pairs while the file is still open while(!in.eof()) { in >> str1 >> str2; toRet.push_back(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(str1, str2)); } in.close(); return toRet; }
bool OTTransactionType::VerifyContractID() const { // m_AcctID contains the number we read from the xml file // we can compare it to the existing and actual identifier. // m_AcctID contains the "IDENTIFIER" of the object, according to the xml // file. // // Meanwhile m_ID contains the same identifier, except it was generated. // // Now let's compare the two and make sure they match... // Also, for this class, we compare NotaryID as well. They go hand in hand. if ((m_ID != m_AcctID) || (m_NotaryID != m_AcctNotaryID)) { String str1(m_ID), str2(m_AcctID), str3(m_NotaryID), str4(m_AcctNotaryID); otErr << "Identifiers do NOT match in " "OTTransactionType::VerifyContractID.\n" "m_ID: " << str1 << "\n m_AcctID: " << str2 << "\n m_NotaryID: " << str3 << "\n m_AcctNotaryID: " << str4 << "\n"; // OT_FAIL; // I was debugging. return false; } else { // OTString str1(m_AcctID), str2(m_AcctNotaryID); // otErr << "Expected Account ID and Notary ID both *SUCCESSFUL* // match to " // "IDs in the xml:\n Account ID:\n%s\n NotaryID:\n%s\n" // "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", // str1.Get(), str2.Get()); return true; } }
// The copy constructor used to be broken for headers with multiple values. // int CTest::test_copyConstructor(int argc, char* argv[]) { AutoPtr<IRawHeaders> h1; CRawHeaders::New((IRawHeaders**)&h1); String str0("key"); String str1("value1"); String str2("value2"); h1->Add(str0, str1); h1->Add(str0, str2); AutoPtr<IMap> objMap; h1->ToMultimap((IMap**)&objMap); AutoPtr<IRawHeaders> h2; AutoPtr<IRawHeadersHelper> rawHeadersHelper; CRawHeadersHelper::AcquireSingleton((IRawHeadersHelper**)&rawHeadersHelper); rawHeadersHelper->FromMultimap(objMap, (IRawHeaders**)&h2); Int32 length; h2->Length(&length); assert(2 == length); String strOut; h2->GetFieldName(0, &strOut); Boolean flag = strOut.Equals(str0); assert(flag == TRUE); h2->GetValue(0, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str1); assert(flag == TRUE); h2->GetFieldName(1, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str0); assert(flag == TRUE); h2->GetValue(1, &strOut); flag = strOut.Equals(str2); assert(flag == TRUE); }