예제 #1
파일: pbook.cpp 프로젝트: ageneau/scid
// PBook::Insert(): Insert a position. Returns OK if a new position
//      was inserted, or updates the comment and returns ERROR_Exists if
//      the position was already in the PBook.
PBook::Insert (Position * pos, const char * comment)
    ASSERT (pos && comment);
    bookNodeT * node;
    errorT err;
    uint material = pos->GetCount(WHITE) + pos->GetCount(BLACK);
    compactBoardStr cboard;
    pos->PrintCompactStr (cboard);
    err = Tree[material]->Insert (cboard, &node);
    if (err != OK) {  // Already exists; we overwrite the old data.
        delete[] node->data.comment;
    } else {
        SetHashFlag (pos);
        AddNodeToList (node);
    node->data.comment = strDuplicate (comment);
    node->data.enpassant = pos->GetEPTarget();
    Altered = true;

    if (material < LeastMaterial) {
        LeastMaterial = material;
    return err;
예제 #2
파일: pbook.cpp 프로젝트: ageneau/scid
PBook::SetFileName (const char * fname)
    if (FileName) { delete[] FileName; }
    if (!fname) { FileName = NULL; return; }

    // Allocate space for the filename string:
    FileName = strDuplicate(fname);
예제 #3
파일: crosstab.cpp 프로젝트: Raimondi/scid
// Crosstable::AddPlayer()
//      Adds a player to the crosstable, if that player is not
//      already listed.
Crosstable::AddPlayer (idNumberT id, const char * name, eloT elo)
    for (uint i = 0; i < PlayerCount; i++) {
        if (PlayerData[i]->id == id) {
            // The player already exists in the crosstable, but
            // check the elo rating and keep the largest value:
            if (elo > PlayerData[i]->elo) { PlayerData[i]->elo = elo; }
            return OK;
    if (PlayerCount == CROSSTABLE_MaxPlayers) { return ERROR_Full; }
#ifdef WINCE
    playerDataT * pdata = (playerDataT *) my_Tcl_Alloc(sizeof( playerDataT));
    playerDataT * pdata = new playerDataT;

    PlayerData[PlayerCount] = pdata;
    pdata->id = id;
    pdata->name = strDuplicate (name);
    pdata->elo = elo;
    pdata->score = 0;
    pdata->gameCount = 0;
    pdata->tiebreak = 0;
    pdata->oppEloCount = 0;
    pdata->oppEloTotal = 0;
    pdata->oppEloScore = 0;
    pdata->title[0] = 0;
    pdata->country[0] = 0;
    pdata->birthdate = ZERO_DATE;
    pdata->ageInYears = 0;
    for (uint opp = 0; opp < CROSSTABLE_MaxPlayers; opp++) {
        pdata->firstClash[opp] = pdata->lastClash[opp] = NULL;
        pdata->clashCount[opp] = 0;
    for (uint round = 1; round < CROSSTABLE_MaxRounds; round++) {
        pdata->roundClash[round] = NULL;

    // Find this players title and country if the SpellChecker is defined:
    // if (SpellCheck != NULL  &&  !strIsSurnameOnly (name)) // makes it need an initial

    if (SpellCheck != NULL ) {
        const char * comment = SpellCheck->GetComment (name);
        // SpellCheck->GetCommentExact // makes it need a full christian name
        if (comment != NULL) {
            strCopy (pdata->title, SpellChecker::GetTitle (comment));
            strCopy (pdata->country, SpellChecker::GetLastCountry (comment));
            pdata->birthdate = SpellChecker::GetBirthdate (comment);
            if (strEqual (pdata->title, "w")) { strCopy (pdata->title, "w  "); }
    return OK;
	void GLAssimpMeshBinding::loadMaterials(aiMaterial *material) {
		aiColor4D aiCol;
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(material, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, (aiColor4D*)&aiCol)) {
			matDiffuse.x = aiCol.r;
			matDiffuse.y = aiCol.g;
			matDiffuse.z = aiCol.b;
			matDiffuse.w = aiCol.a;
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(material, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, (aiColor4D*)&aiCol)) {
			matSpecular.x = aiCol.r;
			matSpecular.y = aiCol.g;
			matSpecular.z = aiCol.b;
			matSpecular.w = aiCol.a;
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(material, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT, (aiColor4D*)&aiCol)) {
			matAmbient.x = aiCol.r;
			matAmbient.y = aiCol.g;
			matAmbient.z = aiCol.b;
			matAmbient.w = aiCol.a;
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialColor(material, AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE, (aiColor4D*)&aiCol)) {
			matEmissive.x = aiCol.r;
			matEmissive.y = aiCol.g;
			matEmissive.z = aiCol.b;
			matEmissive.w = aiCol.a;
		if (AI_SUCCESS != aiGetMaterialFloat(material, AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, &matOpacity)) {
			matOpacity = 1.0f;
		if (AI_SUCCESS != aiGetMaterialFloat(material, AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, &matShininess)) {
			matShininess = 1.0f;
		aiString path;
		F32 blend;
		aiGetMaterialTexture(material, aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path, NULL, NULL, &blend, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		matDiffuseTexture = strDuplicate(path.data);
		if (debugAssimp) {
			char buf[1024];
			sprintf(buf, "Diffuse: %f %f %f %f", matDiffuse.x, matDiffuse.y, matDiffuse.z, matDiffuse.w);
			sprintf(buf, "Specular: %f %f %f %f", matSpecular.x, matSpecular.y, matSpecular.z, matSpecular.w);
			sprintf(buf, "Ambient: %f %f %f %f", matAmbient.x, matAmbient.y, matAmbient.z, matAmbient.w);
			sprintf(buf, "Emissive: %f %f %f %f", matEmissive.x, matEmissive.y, matEmissive.z, matEmissive.w);
			sprintf(buf, "Opacity: %f Shininess: %f", matOpacity, matShininess);
예제 #5
파일: pbook.cpp 프로젝트: ageneau/scid
// PBook::StripOpcode:
//    Strips the specified opcode from every position in the book.
//    Only the first occurrence of an opcode is removed for any position,
//    but opcodes are not supposed to occur more than once anyway.
//    Returns the number of positions where an opcode was removed.
PBook::StripOpcode (const char * opcode)
    char * searchCode = new char [strLength(opcode) + 2];
    strCopy (searchCode, opcode);
    strAppend (searchCode, " ");
    DString dstr;
    uint countFound = 0;

    for (uint i=0; i < NodeListCount; i++) {
        bookNodeT * node = NodeList[i];
        if (node == NULL) { continue; }
        const char * s = node->data.comment;
        int startIndex = -1;
        int index = 0;
        // Look for a line with a matching opcode:
        while (*s != 0) {
            while (*s == '\n'  ||  *s == ' ') { s++; index++; }
            if (strIsPrefix (searchCode, s)) {
                startIndex = index;
            while (*s != 0  &&  *s != '\n') { s++; index++; }
        if (startIndex > -1) {
            s = node->data.comment;
            index = 0;
            // Add all characters before the line to be stripped:
            while (index < startIndex) {
                dstr.AddChar (s[index]);
            // Now find the end of this line:
            s = &(s[startIndex + 1]);
            while (*s != 0  &&  *s != '\n') { s++; }
            if (*s == '\n') { s++; }
            while (*s != 0) { dstr.AddChar (*s);  s++; }

            delete[] node->data.comment;
            node->data.comment = strDuplicate (dstr.Data());
    delete[] searchCode;
    return countFound;
예제 #6
파일: main.c 프로젝트: woo2/gatekeeper-v2
error_t httpServerUriNotFoundCallback(HttpConnection *connection,
   const char_t *uri)
   error_t error;
   size_t n;
   char_t *buffer;

   //Process data.xml file?
   if(!strcasecmp(uri, "/data.xml"))
      //Point to the scratch buffer
      buffer = connection->buffer + 384;

      //Format XML data
      n = sprintf(buffer, "<data>\r\n");
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <ax>%d</ax>\r\n", ax);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <ay>%d</ay>\r\n", ay);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <az>%d</az>\r\n", az);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <adc>%u</adc>\r\n", adcValue);
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "  <joystick>%u</joystick>\r\n", joystickState);

      //End of XML data
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "</data>\r\n");

      //Format HTTP response header
      connection->response.version = connection->request.version;
      connection->response.statusCode = 200;
      connection->response.keepAlive = connection->request.keepAlive;
      connection->response.noCache = TRUE;
      connection->response.contentType = mimeGetType(".xml");
      connection->response.chunkedEncoding = FALSE;
      connection->response.contentLength = n;

      //Send the header to the client
      error = httpWriteHeader(connection);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) return error;

      //Send response body
      error = httpWriteStream(connection, buffer, n);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) return error;

      //Properly close output stream
      error = httpCloseStream(connection);
      //Return status code
      return error;
   //Process send_mail.xml file?
   else if(!strcasecmp(uri, "/send_mail.xml"))
      char_t *separator;
      char_t *property;
      char_t *value;
      char_t *p;
      SmtpAuthInfo authInfo;
      SmtpMail mail;
      SmtpMailAddr recipients[4];

      //Initialize structures to zero
      memset(&authInfo, 0, sizeof(authInfo));
      memset(&mail, 0, sizeof(mail));
      memset(recipients, 0, sizeof(recipients));

      //Set the relevant PRNG algorithm to be used
      authInfo.prngAlgo = YARROW_PRNG_ALGO;
      authInfo.prngContext = &yarrowContext;

      //Set email recipients
      mail.recipients = recipients;
      //Point to the scratch buffer
      buffer = connection->buffer;

      //Start of exception handling block
         //Process HTTP request body
            //Read the HTTP request body until an ampersand is encountered
            error = httpReadStream(connection, buffer,
               HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, &n, HTTP_FLAG_BREAK('&'));
            //End of stream detected?
            if(error) break;

            //Properly terminate the string with a NULL character
            buffer[n] = '\0';

            //Remove the trailing ampersand
            if(n > 0 && buffer[n - 1] == '&')
               buffer[--n] = '\0';

            //Decode the percent-encoded string
            httpDecodePercentEncodedString(buffer, buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);
            //Check whether a separator is present
            separator = strchr(buffer, '=');

            //Separator found?
               //Split the line
               *separator = '\0';
               //Get property name and value
               property = strTrimWhitespace(buffer);
               value = strTrimWhitespace(separator + 1);

               //Check property name
               if(!strcasecmp(property, "server"))
                  //Save server name
                  authInfo.serverName = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "port"))
                  //Save the server port to be used
                  authInfo.serverPort = atoi(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "userName"))
                  //Save user name
                  authInfo.userName = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "password"))
                  //Save password
                  authInfo.password = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "useTls"))
                  //Open a secure SSL/TLS session?
                  authInfo.useTls = TRUE;
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "recipient"))
                  //Split the recipient address list
                  value = strtok_r(value, ", ", &p);

                  //Loop through the list
                  while(value != NULL)
                     //Save recipient address
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].name = NULL;
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].addr = strDuplicate(value);
                     recipients[mail.recipientCount].type = SMTP_RCPT_TYPE_TO;
                     //Get the next item in the list
                     value = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &p);

                     //Increment the number of recipients
                     if(++mail.recipientCount >= arraysize(recipients))
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "from"))
                  //Save sender address
                  mail.from.name = NULL;
                  mail.from.addr = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "date"))
                  //Save current time
                  mail.dateTime = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "subject"))
                  //Save mail subject
                  mail.subject = strDuplicate(value);
               else if(!strcasecmp(property, "body"))
                  //Save mail body
                  mail.body = strDuplicate(value);

         //Propagate exception if necessary
         if(error != ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)

         //Send mail
         error = smtpSendMail(&authInfo, &mail);

         //Point to the scratch buffer
         buffer = connection->buffer + 384;
         //Format XML data
         n = sprintf(buffer, "<data>\r\n  <status>");

         if(error == NO_ERROR)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Mail successfully sent!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Cannot resolve SMTP server name!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Authentication failed!\r\n");
         else if(error == ERROR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE)
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Unexpected response from SMTP server!\r\n");
            n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Failed to send mail (error %d)!\r\n", error);

         n += sprintf(buffer + n, "</status>\r\n</data>\r\n");

         //Format HTTP response header
         connection->response.version = connection->request.version;
         connection->response.statusCode = 200;
         connection->response.keepAlive = connection->request.keepAlive;
         connection->response.noCache = TRUE;
         connection->response.contentType = mimeGetType(".xml");
         connection->response.chunkedEncoding = FALSE;
         connection->response.contentLength = n;

         //Send the header to the client
         error = httpWriteHeader(connection);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //Send response body
         error = httpWriteStream(connection, buffer, n);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //Properly close output stream
         error = httpCloseStream(connection);
         //Any error to report?
         if(error) break;

         //End of exception handling block
      } while(0);

      //Free previously allocated memory
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.serverName);
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.userName);
      osFreeMem((void *) authInfo.password);
      osFreeMem((void *) recipients[0].addr);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.from.addr);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.dateTime);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.subject);
      osFreeMem((void *) mail.body);

      //Return status code
      return error;
      return ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
예제 #7
	void Property::setValue(const char* value) {
		if (this->value) {
			delete [] this->value;
		this->value = strDuplicate(value);
예제 #8
	void Property::setName(const char* name) {
		if (this->name) {
			delete [] this->name;
		this->name = strDuplicate(name);
예제 #9
	Property::Property(const char* name, const char* value) {
		this->name = strDuplicate(name);
		this->value = strDuplicate(value);
예제 #10
	S32 PCMAudioManager::playStreamingSound(const char *assetName, S16 loops, F32 leftVol, F32 rightVol, F32 rate) {
		if (leftVol < 0) {
			leftVol = 0;
		} else if (leftVol > 1) {
			leftVol = 1;
		if (rightVol < 0) {
			rightVol = 0;
		} else if (rightVol > 1) {
			rightVol = 1;
		S32 streamId = -1;
		//char buf[50];
		//sprintf(buf, "Playing sound %i", soundId);
		// create a stream
		BOOL32 success = FALSE;
		for (S32 i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) {
			PCMStream *stream = &pcmStreams[i];
			if (!stream->isPlaying && !stream->audioHandle) {
				//sprintf(buf, "Using Stream %i", i);
				// use this stream;
				stream->isStreaming = TRUE;
				stream->pcmSound = NULL;
				stream->loopsRemaining = loops;
				stream->bufferPosition = 0;
				stream->overallPosition = 0;
				streamId = ++lastStreamId;
				stream->streamId = streamId;
				stream->volumeLeft = leftVol;
				stream->volumeRight = rightVol;
				stream->assetName = strDuplicate(assetName);
				stream->channels = 0;
				stream->playbackRate = rate;
				stream->filePosition = 0;
				stream->assetLength = _platform_get_asset_length(assetName);
				if (stream->assetLength > 0) {
					// get vorbis handle and read info
					// fill both audio buffers
					if (!stream->audioBuf) {
						stream->audioBuf = new S16*[PCM_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFERS];
						for (S32 j = 0; j < PCM_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFERS; j++) {
							stream->audioBuf[j] = new S16[PCM_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
					unsigned char buf[CHUNKED_READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
					BOOL32 eof = FALSE;
					S32 bytesRead = _platform_read_asset_chunk(assetName, 0, buf, CHUNKED_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &eof);
					S32 bytesConsumed;
					S32 error;
					// start vorbis pushdata
					stb_vorbis *vorb = stb_vorbis_open_pushdata(buf, bytesRead, &bytesConsumed, &error, NULL);
					stb_vorbis_info info = stb_vorbis_get_info(vorb);
					stream->channels = info.channels;
					stream->sampleRate = info.sample_rate;
					stream->maxFrameSize = info.max_frame_size;
					stream->length = 0; // unknown until we hit eof
					stream->tempLength = 0;
					stream->filePosition = bytesConsumed;
					stream->audioHandle = vorb;
					stream->resampleActiveRate = stream->sampleRate * stream->playbackRate;
					stream->resampleInt = stream->resampleActiveRate / PCM_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_RATE;
					stream->resampleFrac = stream->resampleActiveRate % PCM_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_RATE;
					stream->resampleFracAccumulated = 0;
					for (S32 j = 0; j < PCM_AUDIO_STREAM_BUFFERS; j++) {
						fillStreamingBuffer(stream, j);
					stream->activeAudioBuf = 0;
					// set isPlaying to true last
					stream->isPlaying = TRUE;
				success = TRUE;
		if (!success) {
			logmsg("No streams left to play on");
		return streamId;
예제 #11
BTIOSystem::BTIOSystem(const char *basePath) {
	this->basePath = strDuplicate(basePath);
예제 #12

    UINT uiCode = lpNMHdr->code;
    switch (uiCode)
    case PSN_APPLY:
            DEBUGMESSAGE(("OnNotify - PSN_APPLY"));

            DocumentPropDialogData *data = 
                (DocumentPropDialogData *) GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWL_USER);
            if (data == NULL) {
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - invalid internal data pointer"));
                return FALSE;

            // which format combo should we use?
            LPTSTR format = NULL;
            if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_VECTOR_FORMAT_RADIOBOX) == BST_CHECKED)
                INT sel = GetComboCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO_VECTOR_FORMAT));
                format = strDuplicate(g_vectorFormats[sel].strName);
            else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RASTER_FORMAT_RADIOBOX) == BST_CHECKED)
                INT sel = GetComboCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO_RASTER_FORMAT));
                format = strDuplicate(g_rasterFormats[sel].strName);
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - unexpected condition"));
                return FALSE;

            // get the output folder & validate it
            LPTSTR folder = NULL;
            if (!GetEditControlText(&folder, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OUTPUT_FOLDER))) {
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - could not get output folder text"));
                return FALSE;
            if (!FolderExists(folder)) {
                ErrorMessage(hDlg, TEXT("Warning"),
                       TEXT("The given output directory does not exist!"));
                return FALSE;

            // get the output filename & validate it
            LPTSTR filename = NULL;
            if (!GetEditControlText(&filename, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OUTPUT_FILENAME))) {
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - could not get output filename text"));
                return FALSE;
            if (!IsValidFilename(filename)) {
                LPTSTR temp = strCat(TEXT("The given output filename is not valid!\n"),
                                     TEXT("It should not contain any of the '"),
                                     TEXT("' characters."),
                ErrorMessage(hDlg, TEXT("Warning"), temp);
                return FALSE;

            // get the raster conv options
            LPTSTR rasteropt = NULL;
            if (!GetEditControlText(&rasteropt, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_IMAGEMAGICK_OPTIONS))) {
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - could not get raster conv opt text"));
                return FALSE;

            // get the postgen cmd
            LPTSTR postgen = NULL;
            if (!GetEditControlText(&postgen, GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_POSTGEN_CMD))) {
                DEBUGMESSAGE(("DocPropDlgProc - could not get postgen cmd text"));
                return FALSE;

            // get override checkbox status
            BOOL override = 
                IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_OVERRIDE_CHECKBOX) == BST_CHECKED;

            // get crop checkbox
            BOOL crop = 
                IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CROP_CHECKBOX) == BST_CHECKED;

            // get open-output checkbox
            BOOL openout = 
                IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_OPEN_VIEWER_CHECKBOX) == BST_CHECKED;

            // save all data in the EXTDEVMODE
                                format, filename, folder, rasteropt, postgen, 
                                override, openout, crop);

            // cleanup

            // call the _SET_RESULT callback
            PFNCOMPROPSHEET pfnComPropSheet = data->m_pfnComPropSheet;
            LONG lTemp = pfnComPropSheet(
                                        (LPARAM) data->m_hPropSheetAdded,

            return TRUE;

    case PSN_RESET:



    return FALSE;
예제 #13
ScreenControlRenderer::ScreenControlRenderer(GameContext *context, const char *fontTag) {
	this->context = context;
	this->fontTag = strDuplicate(fontTag);
예제 #14
error_t ssiProcessIncludeCommand(HttpConnection *connection,
   const char_t *tag, size_t length, const char_t *uri, uint_t level)
   error_t error;
   char_t *separator;
   char_t *attribute;
   char_t *value;
   char_t *path;
   char_t *p;

   //Discard invalid SSI directives
   if(length < 7 || length >= HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE)
      return ERROR_INVALID_TAG;

   //Skip the SSI include command (7 bytes)
   memcpy(connection->buffer, tag + 7, length - 7);
   //Ensure the resulting string is NULL-terminated
   connection->buffer[length - 7] = '\0';

   //Check whether a separator is present
   separator = strchr(connection->buffer, '=');
   //Separator not found?
      return ERROR_INVALID_TAG;

   //Split the tag
   *separator = '\0';

   //Get attribute name and value
   attribute = strTrimWhitespace(connection->buffer);
   value = strTrimWhitespace(separator + 1);

   //Remove leading simple or double quote
   if(value[0] == '\'' || value[0] == '\"')

   //Get the length of the attribute value
   length = strlen(value);

   //Remove trailing simple or double quote
   if(length > 0)
      if(value[length - 1] == '\'' || value[length - 1] == '\"')
         value[length - 1] = '\0';

   //Check the length of the filename
   if(strlen(value) > HTTP_SERVER_URI_MAX_LEN)
      return ERROR_INVALID_TAG;

   //The file parameter defines the included file as relative to the document path
   if(!strcasecmp(attribute, "file"))
      //Allocate a buffer to hold the path to the file to be included
      path = osAllocMem(strlen(uri) + strlen(value) + 1);
      //Failed to allocate memory?
      if(!path) return ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

      //Copy the path identifying the script file being processed
      strcpy(path, uri);
      //Search for the last slash character
      p = strrchr(path, '/');

      //Remove the filename from the path if applicable
         strcpy(p + 1, value);
         strcpy(path, value);
   //The virtual parameter defines the included file as relative to the document root
   else if(!strcasecmp(attribute, "virtual"))
      //Copy the absolute path
      path = strDuplicate(value);
      //Failed to duplicate the string?
      if(!path) return ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
   //Unknown parameter...
      //Report an error
      return ERROR_INVALID_TAG;

   //Use server-side scripting to dynamically generate HTML code?
   if(httpCompExtension(value, ".stm") ||
      httpCompExtension(value, ".shtm") ||
      httpCompExtension(value, ".shtml"))
      //SSI processing (Server Side Includes)
      error = ssiExecuteScript(connection, path, level + 1);
      FsFile *file;

      //Retrieve the full pathname
      httpGetAbsolutePath(connection, path,
         connection->buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);

      //Open the file for reading
      file = fsOpenFile(connection->buffer, FS_FILE_MODE_READ);

      //Successful operation?
         //Send the contents of the requested file
            //Read data from the specified file
            error = fsReadFile(file, connection->buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE, &length);
            //End of input stream?
            if(error) break;

            //Send data to the client
            error = httpWriteStream(connection, connection->buffer, length);
            //Any error to report?
            if(error) break;

         //Close the file

         //Successful file transfer?
         if(error == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)
            error = NO_ERROR;
         //The specified URI cannot be found
         error = ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
      uint8_t *data;

      //Retrieve the full pathname
      httpGetAbsolutePath(connection, path,
         connection->buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);

      //Get the resource data associated with the file
      error = resGetData(connection->buffer, &data, &length);

      //Send the contents of the requested file
         error = httpWriteStream(connection, data, length);

   //Cannot found the specified resource?
   if(error == ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
      error = ERROR_INVALID_TAG;

   //Release previously allocated memory
   //return status code
   return error;
예제 #15
파일: unicl.c 프로젝트: dokterp/aldor
/**/ /* Old unicl's configuation function. */
/**/local void
/**/  switch (defaultComp) {
/**/  case UNI_COMP_gnu:
/**/    switch (defaultOS) {
/**/    case UNI_OS_AIXRS:
/**/      LINK = "gcc";
/**/      CC = "gcc -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-parentheses";
/**/      break;
/**/    case UNI_OS_LINUX: /* May want to specialise for a.out */
/**/      LINK = "gcc";
/**/      CC = "gcc";
/**/      break;
/**/    default:
/**/      LINK = "gcc";
/**/      CC = "gcc";
/**/      break;
/**/    }
/**/    conf_optimize = "-O3";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_suncc:
/**/    CC = "cc -fsingle";
/**/    LINK = "cc";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_decosf:
/**/    CC = "cc -ieee_with_inexact -float -Olimit 1000";
/**/    LINK = "cc";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_mips:
/**/#if HW_MIPS == 1  
/**/    CC = "cc -mips1 ";
/**/    LINK = "cc -mips1";
/**/#elif HW_MIPS == 2
/**/    CC = "cc -mips2 ";
/**/    LINK = "cc -mips2";
/**/#elif HW_MIPS == 3
/**/    CC = "cc -mips3 -n32 -OPT:Olimit=0  -OPT:fold_arith_limit=8000 -woff 1177";
/**/    LINK = "cc -mips3 -n32 \"-Wl,-woff 84\"";
/**/#elif HW_MIPS == 4
/**/    CC = "cc -mips4 -n32 -OPT:Olimit=0 -OPT:fold_arith_limit=8000";
/**/    LINK = "cc -mips4 -n32 -woff 84";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_borland:
/**/    CC = "bcc";
/**/    LINK = "bcc";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_microsoft:
/**/    CC = "cl /nologo";
/**/    LINK = "cl /nologo";
/**/    osLibExt = "lib";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_c370:
/**/    CC = "EXEC CC";
/**/    LINK = "EXEC CMOD";
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_COMP_ibm:
/**/    switch (defaultOS) {
/**/    case UNI_OS_AIXRS:
/**/#ifdef OS_AIX41_RS
/**/      CC = "cc";
/**/      LINK = "cc";
/**/      CC = "xlc";
/**/      LINK = "xlc";
/**/      break;
/**/    case UNI_OS_AIXRT:
/**/      CC = "cc -a -Nn5000 -Nd5000 -Np6000 -Nt5000 -lm";
/**/      LINK = "cc";
/**/      break;
/**/    case UNI_OS_OS2:
/**/      CC = "icc";
/**/      LINK = "icc";
/**/      break;
/**/    default:
/**/      CC = "cc";
/**/      LINK = "cc";
/**/    };
/**/    break;
/**/  default:
/**/    CC = "cc";
/**/    LINK = "cc";
/**/  };
/**/  switch (defaultOS) {
/**/  case UNI_OS_DOS:
/**/    osDirSep	   = '\\';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = '/';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ';';
/**/    osOptSep	   = "";
/**/    if (defaultComp == UNI_COMP_gnu) {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "C:\\DJGPP\\LIB";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "C:\\DJGPP\\INCLUDE";
/**/    }
/**/    else {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "";
/**/    }
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_OS_WIN32:
/**/    osDirSep	   = '\\';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = '/';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ';';
/**/    osOptSep	   = "";
/**/    if (defaultComp == UNI_COMP_microsoft) {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "C:\\MSDEV\\LIB";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "C:\\MSDEV\\INCLUDE";
/**/    }
/**/    else {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "";
/**/    }
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_OS_OS2:
/**/    osDirSep	   = '\\';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = '/';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ';';
/**/    osOptSep	   = "";
/**/    if (defaultComp == UNI_COMP_ibm) {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "C:\\AXIOMXL\\BASE\\OS2_ICC\\LIB";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "C:\\AXIOMXL\\BASE\\OS2_ICC\\INCLUDE";
/**/    }
/**/    else if (defaultComp == UNI_COMP_borland) {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "C:\\AXIOMXL\\BASE\\OS2_BCC\\LIB;C:\\BCOS2\\LIB";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "C:\\AXIOMXL\\BASE\\OS2_BCC\\INCLUDE;C:\\BCOS2\\INCLUDE";
/**/    }
/**/    else {
/**/      osDefaultLibraryPath = "";
/**/      osDefaultIncludePath = "";
/**/    }
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_OS_CMS:
/**/    osDirSep	   = ' ';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = ' ';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ' ';
/**/    osOptSep	   = " ";
/**/    osDefaultLibraryPath = ALL_DISK_LETTERS;
/**/    osDefaultIncludePath = ALL_DISK_LETTERS;
/**/    break;
/**/  case UNI_OS_IRIX:
/**/    /* because on IRIX libraries are in /usr/lib /usr/lib32 /usr/lib64 */
/**/    osDirSep	   = '/';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = '-';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ':';
/**/    osOptSep	   = "";
/**/    osDefaultLibraryPath = "";
/**/    osDefaultIncludePath = "";
/**/    break;
/**/  default:
/**/    /* default is to treat like Unix* */
/**/    osDirSep	   = '/';
/**/    osSwitchChar   = '-';
/**/    osPathSep	   = ':';
/**/    osOptSep	   = "";
/**/    osDefaultLibraryPath = "/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib";
/**/    osDefaultIncludePath = "";
/**/  };
/**/  /* make sure following are not in read-only storage */
/**/  osOptSep = strDuplicate(osOptSep);
/**/  osLibExt = strDuplicate(osLibExt);
/**/  osDefaultLibraryPath = strDuplicate(osDefaultLibraryPath);
/**/  osDefaultIncludePath = strDuplicate(osDefaultIncludePath);