예제 #1
파일: dir.c 프로젝트: GunioRobot/quickdev16
/* ****************************************************************************
 * euint32 dir_findFileinBuf(euint8 *buf, eint8 *fatname, FileLocation *loc)
 * This function searches for a given fatfilename in the buffer provided.
 * It will iterate through the 16 direntry's in the buffer and searches
 * for the fatfilename. If found, it will store the offset and attribute
 * entry of the directoryrecord in the loc structure.
 * If loc is 0, then it's members are not touched.
 * Return value: This function returns 0 when it cannot find the file,
 * if it can find the file it will return the first cluster number.
euint32 dir_findFileinBuf(euint8 *buf, eint8 *fatname, FileLocation *loc)
    FileRecord fileEntry;
    euint8 c;

    for(c=0; c<16; c++)
        fileEntry = *(((FileRecord*)buf) + c);
        /* Check if the entry is for short filenames */
        if( !( (fileEntry.Attribute & 0x0F) == 0x0F ) )
            if( strMatch((eint8*)fileEntry.FileName,fatname,11) == 0 )
                /* The entry has been found, return the location in the dir */
                if(loc)loc->Offset = c;
                if(loc)loc->attrib = fileEntry.Attribute;
                if((((euint32 )fileEntry.FirstClusterHigh)<<16)+ fileEntry.FirstClusterLow==0) {
                    return(1); /* Lie about cluster, 0 means not found! */
                } else {
                            (((euint32 )fileEntry.FirstClusterHigh)<<16)
                            + fileEntry.FirstClusterLow
예제 #2
vm_handler VmpHandler::MatchHandler(Inst_UD_Chain* chain)
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(_vmhc) / sizeof(vm_handler_chara); i++)
		ulong cindex = 0;
		chara_unit pch = _vmhc[i].chara[cindex];
		Inst_UD_Node* tmp = chain->GetHeader();
		while (pch.ch[0] && tmp)
				ulong ccindex = 0;
				while (ccindex<3 && pch.ch[ccindex])
					if (strMatch(pch.ch[ccindex],tmp->cmdInfo.cmd))
						pch = _vmhc[i].chara[cindex];
			tmp = tmp->nextNode;
		if (!pch.ch[0])
			return _vmhc[i].handler;
	return VM_Unknown;
예제 #3
void ComponentInterface::ThrowException(int nExceptionFlags ,const char *pzExceptionMatch, const char *pzData, const char *pzExecSignature )
	if (!nExceptionFlags)

	// set defaults
	int bThrowOnNullOrEmpty = 0;
	int nComparisonType = 0;	//0=NoCompare
	int bLookForXMLException = 0;

	// extract bit flag settings
	if ( ( nExceptionFlags & EX_EMPTYORNULL ) != 0)
		bThrowOnNullOrEmpty = 1;
	if ( ( nExceptionFlags & EX_RETURN_EQUAL ) != 0)
		nComparisonType = EX_RETURN_EQUAL;
	if ( ( nExceptionFlags & EX_RETURN_CONTAINS ) != 0)
		nComparisonType = EX_RETURN_CONTAINS;
	if ( ( nExceptionFlags & EX_RETURN_STARTSWITH ) != 0)
		nComparisonType = EX_RETURN_STARTSWITH;
	if ( ( nExceptionFlags & EX_XMLEXCEPTION ) != 0)
		bLookForXMLException = 1;
	if (bThrowOnNullOrEmpty)
		if (!pzExceptionMatch || !pzExceptionMatch[0])
			throw GException("CustomException", 1, pzExecSignature);
	if (nComparisonType == EX_RETURN_EQUAL)
		GString strEXMatch(pzExceptionMatch);
		if ( strEXMatch.CompareNoCase(pzData) == 0 )
			throw GException("CustomException", 3, pzExecSignature, pzData);
	if (nComparisonType == EX_RETURN_STARTSWITH)
		GString strEXMatch( pzExceptionMatch );
		if ( (int)strlen(pzData) >= strEXMatch.Length() )
			GString strMatch(pzData,strEXMatch.Length());
			if ( strEXMatch.CompareNoCase((const char *)strMatch) == 0 )
				throw GException("CustomException", 4, pzExecSignature, (const char *)strMatch);
	if (nComparisonType == EX_RETURN_CONTAINS)
		if ( strstr(pzData,pzExceptionMatch) )
			throw GException("CustomException", 5, pzExecSignature, pzExceptionMatch);
	if ( bLookForXMLException )
		int bIsXMLException = 0;
			CXMLTree xmlGraftTree;
			xmlGraftTree.parseXML( (char *)pzData );
			CXMLElementx *pRoot = xmlGraftTree.getRoot();
			GString strRootTag(pRoot->getTag(), pRoot->getTagLen());
			if (strRootTag.CompareNoCase("Exception") == 0)
				int nError = 0;
				CXMLElementx *pE = pRoot->findChild("ErrorNumber");
				if (pE)
					GString strE(pE->getTag(), pE->getTagLen());
					nError = atoi((const char *)strE);

				int nSubSys = 0;
				CXMLElementx *pS = pRoot->findChild("SubSystem");
				if (pS)
					GString strS(pS->getTag(), pS->getTagLen());
					nSubSys = atoi((const char *)strS);

				GString strDescription("User Defined Exception with no Description");
				CXMLElementx *pD = pRoot->findChild("Description");
				if (pD)
					GString strD(pD->getTag(), pD->getTagLen());
					strDescription = (const char *)strD;

				GStringList Stack;
				CXMLElementx *pC = pRoot->findChild("CallStack");
				if (pC)
					int i = 0;
					while (1)
						CXMLElementx *pF = pC->findChild("Frame",++i);
						if (!pF)
						GString strF(pF->getTag(), pF->getTagLen());

				bIsXMLException = 1;
				throw GException(nError, nSubSys, (const char *)strDescription, &Stack);
		catch( GException &)
			if (bIsXMLException)
				// propigate the user exception 
			// ignore this exception.  
			// If we can't parse the pzData then we know this is not an XMLException.  
예제 #4
int main (void)
char *args[MAXLINE/2 + 1]; /* command line with max 40 arguments */
int should_run = 1; /* flag to determine when to exit program */
//char exitStr[] = "exit";
printf("CS149 Shell from Sajay Shah\n"); /* replace w/ name */
while (should_run) {
  printf("Sajay-591>"); /* prompt- replace FirstName and L3SID */
  /* After reading user input, the steps are:
  * (1) fork a child process using fork()
  * (2) the child process will invoke execvp()
  * (3) if command included &, parent will NOT invoke wait() */
  char str[MAXLINE];
  // read user input
  fgets(str, MAXLINE, stdin);

  // ampersand detection
  const char *invalid_characters = "&";
  int ampersandFlag = 0;
  char *c = str;
  while (*c)
    if (strchr(invalid_characters, *c))
      ampersandFlag = 1;

  // the following removes the trailing newline char from fgets
  str[strcspn(str, "\n")] = 0;

  // begin tokenizing input, fill args array
  char *token;

  /* get the first token */
  token = strtok(str, " ");
  args[0] = token;
  int i = 1;
    //printf("%s\n", token );
    token = strtok(NULL, " ");
    args[i] = token;


  // check if user enterted "exit"
    if (strMatch(args[0], "exit")) {
      should_run = 0;

    // remove the ampersand from args array
      args[i-2] = NULL;

      int pid, status;

      if((pid = fork()) < 0 )
        printf("Fork error\n");
      if(pid == 0)
        execvp(args[0], args);
        printf("Not a valid command \n");
      // if there's no '&' then we wait. If there is '&' then we don't wait
      if (!ampersandFlag)


return 0;
예제 #5
Game::status TicTacToe::gameStatus(GameStatePtr state)
	string s = state->toString();
	//string sX= replaceAll(state->toString(),"O",".");
// 	string sX= replaceAll(s,"O",".");
// 	sX=replaceAll(sX,"_",".");
// 	string sO= replaceAll(s,"X",".");
// 	sO=replaceAll(sO,"_",".");

	/*if (sX=="XXX......."
		|| sX=="...XXX...."         
		|| sX=="......XXX."
		|| sX=="X..X..X..."
		|| sX==".X..X..X.."
		|| sX=="..X..X..X."
		|| sX=="X...X...X."
		|| sX=="..X.X.X...") 
	if (strMatch(s.c_str(), "XXX???????")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "???XXX????")        
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??????XXX?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "X??X??X???")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "?X??X??X??")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??X??X??X?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "X???X???X?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??X?X?X???"))
		return Game::status::PLAYER1WIN;
	/*else if (s=="OOO......."
		|| s=="...OOO...."
		|| s=="......OOO."
		|| s=="O..O..O..."
		|| s==".O..O..O.."
		|| s=="..O..O..O."
		|| s=="O...O...O."
		|| s=="..O.O.O...")*/
	else if (strMatch(s.c_str(), "OOO???????")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "???OOO????")        
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??????OOO?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "O??O??O???")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "?O??O??O??")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??O??O??O?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "O???O???O?")
		|| strMatch(s.c_str(), "??O?O?O???"))
		return Game::status::PLAYER2WIN;
	else if (s.find("_") == string::npos) 
		return Game::status::DRAW;
		return Game::status::ONGOING;
예제 #6
파일: token.c 프로젝트: dokterp/aldor
keyLongest(String str)
	Bool	okay, matched;
	String	tokstr;
	int	i, ch, maxlen, matchlen, matchno;

	 * If we have something, do any tokens start with the
	 * same character?
	if (!str || (ch = str[0]) == 0 || keyIx[ch] == KeyNope)
		return TK_LIMIT;

	/* Initially there are no matching tokens */
	maxlen	= 0;
	matchno = TK_LIMIT;

	 * Search the token table starting with the first token that
	 * shares the same first character as the target.
	for (i = keyIx[ch]; ; i++) {
		/* Get the name and state of the i'th token */
		tokstr = tokInfo(i).str;
		okay = !(tokInfo(i).isDisabled);

		/* Have we run out of tokens with the same start? */
		if (tokstr[0] != ch)
			break; /* Yes */

		/* Compute the length of the match */
		matchlen = strMatch(tokInfo(i).str, str);

		 * Perfect match? Note that if we stored the
		 * length of every token in a table then we
		 * could avoid calls to strlen. Mind you, the
		 * scanner is blindly fast already so we might
		 * not notice any speed difference.
		matched = (matchlen == strlen(tokInfo(i).str));

		 * If the word matches the name of the token and it
		 * hasn't been disabled then remember the token if
		 * it is the longest that we've found so far.
		if (okay && matched && (matchlen > maxlen)) {
			maxlen = matchlen;
			matchno= i;

	/* Return the longest token found */
	return matchno;
예제 #7
static bool parseError(const TLang *lng, const wchar_t *compiler, const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *fn,
	const wchar_t *line, uintptr_t ci, intptr_t &aj)
	intptr_t	lineBounds[2], colBounds[2], fileBounds[2];
	const TCompiler *e = nullptr;
	bool			found = false, res = false;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < lng->compilerColl.getCount (); i++)
		e = lng->compilerColl[i];
		if (e && !e->err.empty() && !_wcsicmp (compiler, e->title))
			intptr_t	bounds[3][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
			intptr_t	pos[3] = { e->line, e->col, e->fileMatch };
			if (strMatch (line, e->err, L"/", L".*/i", 3, bounds, pos))
				for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
					lineBounds[j] = bounds[0][j];
					colBounds[j] = bounds[1][j];
					fileBounds[j] = bounds[2][j];

				found = true;

	if (found && e && !e->err.empty())
    	intptr_t len, lineNo = -1, colNo = -1;
		compilerOut[ci].Flags = 0;

		wchar_t	fileName[NM];
		String colSearch;
		if (e->line >= 0)
			len = lineBounds[1] - lineBounds[0];
			wcsncpy (fileName, line + lineBounds[0], len + 1);
			fileName[len] = 0;
			if (len) lineNo = FSF.atoi (fileName);

		if (e->col >= 0)
			len = colBounds[1] - colBounds[0];
			wcsncpy (fileName, line + colBounds[0], len + 1);
			fileName[len] = 0;
			if (len)
				if (e->searchCol)
					colNo = -2;
					colSearch = fileName;
					colNo = FSF.atoi (fileName);

		if (e->fileMatch >= 0)
			len = fileBounds[1] - fileBounds[0];
			wcsncpy (fileName, line + fileBounds[0], len + 1);
			fileName[len] = 0;
			if (!len) wcscpy (fileName, fn);
			wcscpy (fileName, fn);

		TErrData	*errData = new TErrData;
		fExpand (wcscpy (errData->fn, fileName), path);

		const wchar_t	*p = line;
		errData->msgCount = 0;
		for (;;)
			wchar_t	brk[260];
			//Info.AdvControl (&MainGuid, ACTL_GETSYSWORDDIV, brk);
			brk[0] = L' ';
			brk[1] = L'\t';
			brk[2] = 0;

			wchar_t	*pb = errData->message[errData->msgCount];
			wcsncpy (pb, p, 64);
			pb[63] = 0;
			if (wcspbrk (pb, brk))
				wchar_t	*pp = wcschr (pb, 0);
				if (pp > pb)
					while (!wcschr (brk, *(--pp)))
						if (pp <= pb) break;
					pp[1] = 0;

			p += wcslen (pb);
			FSF.Trim (pb);
			if (!*pb)
				wcscpy (pb, L"\x01");


		errData->line = lineNo;
		errData->col = colNo;
		errData->colSearch = colSearch;
		errColl->insert (errData);
		compilerOut[ci].UserData = errColl->getCount ();
		if (aj < 0)
			compilerOut[ci].Flags = MIF_SELECTED;
			aj = (intptr_t)ci;

		res = true;

	return (res);
예제 #8
int main(){
    int pos=strMatch("abbcabcabbbc","abc");