int printtype(stralloc *out, const char type[2]) { uint16 u16; if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_A)) return stralloc_cats(out,"A"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_NS)) return stralloc_cats(out,"NS"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_CNAME)) return stralloc_cats(out,"CNAME"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_SOA)) return stralloc_cats(out,"SOA"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_PTR)) return stralloc_cats(out,"PTR"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_HINFO)) return stralloc_cats(out,"HINFO"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_MX)) return stralloc_cats(out,"MX"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_TXT)) return stralloc_cats(out,"TXT"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_RP)) return stralloc_cats(out,"RP"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_SIG)) return stralloc_cats(out,"SIG"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_KEY)) return stralloc_cats(out,"KEY"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_AAAA)) return stralloc_cats(out,"AAAA"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_OPT)) return stralloc_cats(out,"OPT"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_DS)) return stralloc_cats(out,"DS"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_RRSIG)) return stralloc_cats(out,"RRSIG"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_DNSKEY)) return stralloc_cats(out,"DNSKEY"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_NSEC3)) return stralloc_cats(out,"NSEC3"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_NSEC3PARAM)) return stralloc_cats(out,"NSEC3PARAM"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_AXFR)) return stralloc_cats(out,"AXFR"); if (byte_equal(type,2,DNS_T_ANY)) return stralloc_cats(out,"*"); uint16_unpack_big(type,&u16); return stralloc_catulong0(out,u16,0); }
void stralloc_catlong0(stralloc *sa,long l,unsigned int n) { if (l < 0) { stralloc_append(sa,'-'); l = -l; } stralloc_catulong0(sa,l,n); }
int stralloc_catlong0(stralloc *sa,long l,unsigned int n) { if (l < 0) { if (!stralloc_append(sa,'-')) return 0; l = -l; } return stralloc_catulong0(sa,l,n); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { uint16 u16; dns_random_init(seed); if (!*argv) usage(); if (!*++argv) usage(); if (!parsetype(*argv,type)) usage(); if (!*++argv) usage(); if (!dns_domain_fromdot(&q,*argv,str_len(*argv))) oops(); if (!*++argv) usage(); if (!stralloc_copys(&out,*argv)) oops(); if (dns_ip6_qualify(&ip,&fqdn,&out) == -1) oops(); if (ip.len >= 256) ip.len = 256; byte_zero(servers,256); byte_copy(servers,ip.len,ip.s); if (!stralloc_copys(&out,"")) oops(); uint16_unpack_big(type,&u16); if (!stralloc_catulong0(&out,u16,0)) oops(); if (!stralloc_cats(&out," ")) oops(); if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(&out,q)) oops(); if (!stralloc_cats(&out,":\n")) oops(); if (resolve(q,type,servers) == -1) { if (!stralloc_cats(&out,error_str(errno))) oops(); if (!stralloc_cats(&out,"\n")) oops(); } else { if (!printpacket_cat(&out,tx.packet,tx.packetlen)) oops(); } buffer_putflush(buffer_1,out.s,out.len); _exit(0); }
union node* expand_param(struct nargparam* param, union node** nptr, struct vartab* varstack, char* argv[], int exitcode, int flags) { union node* n = *nptr; stralloc value; char* str = NULL; const char *v = NULL; unsigned long argc, vlen = 0; for(argc = 0; argv[argc]; ++argc) ; stralloc_init(&value); /* treat special arguments */ if(param->flag & S_SPECIAL) { switch(param->flag & S_SPECIAL) { /* $# substitution */ case S_ARGC: { stralloc_catulong0(&value, argc, 0); break; } /* $* substitution */ case S_ARGV: { char** s; for(s = argv; *s;) { stralloc_cats(&n->narg.stra, *s); if(*++s) stralloc_catc(&n->narg.stra, ' '); } break; } /* $@ substitution */ case S_ARGVS: { unsigned int i = 0; while(i < argc) { param->flag &= ~S_SPECIAL; param->flag |= S_ARG; param->numb = 1 + i; n = expand_param(param, nptr, varstack, argv, exitcode,flags); if(++i < argc) nptr = &n->; } return n; } /* $? substitution */ case S_EXITCODE: { stralloc_catulong0(&value, exitcode, 0); break; } /* $- substitution */ case S_FLAGS: break; /* $! substitution */ case S_BGEXCODE: break; /* $[0-9] arg subst */ case S_ARG: { if(param->numb == 0) { /* stralloc_cats(&value, sh_argv0); */ } else if(param->numb - 1 < argc) { stralloc_cats(&value, argv[param->numb - 1]); } break; } /* $$ arg subst */ case S_PID: { stralloc_catulong0(&value, getpid(), 0); break; } } /* special parameters are always set */ if(value.len) { stralloc_nul(&value); v = value.s; } vlen = value.len; } /* ..and variable substitutions */ else { size_t offset; /* look for the variable. if the S_NULL flag is set and we have a var which is null set v to NULL */ if((v = var_get(varstack, param->name, &offset))) { if(v[offset] == '\0' && (param->flag & S_NULL)) { v = NULL; vlen = 0; } else { v = &v[offset]; vlen = str_len(v); } } } /* check for S_STRLEN substitution */ if(param->flag & S_STRLEN) { char lstr[FMT_ULONG]; n = expand_cat(lstr, fmt_ulong(lstr, vlen), nptr, varstack, flags); stralloc_free(&value); return n; } str = str_ndup(v, vlen); /* otherwise expand the apropriate variable/word subst */ switch(param->flag & S_VAR) { /* return word if parameter unset (or null) */ case S_DEFAULT: { if(v) n = expand_cat(v, vlen, nptr, varstack, flags); /* unset, substitute */ else n = expand_arg(¶m->word->narg, nptr, varstack, argv, exitcode, flags); break; } /* if parameter unset (or null) then expand word to it and substitute paramter */ case S_ASGNDEF: { if(v) n = expand_cat(v, vlen, nptr, varstack, flags); else { n = expand_arg(¶m->word->narg, nptr, varstack, argv, exitcode, flags | X_NOSPLIT); var_setvsa(param->name, /* BUG */ &n->narg.stra, V_DEFAULT); } break; } /* indicate error if null or unset */ case S_ERRNULL: { if(v) n = expand_cat(v, vlen, nptr, varstack, flags); else { union node* tmpnode = NULL; n = expand_arg(¶m->word->narg, &tmpnode, varstack, argv, exitcode, flags); errmsg_warn((n && n->narg.stra.s) ? n->narg.stra.s : "parameter null or not set", 0); if(tmpnode) tree_free(tmpnode); } break; } /* if parameter unset (or null) then substitute null, otherwise substitute word */ case S_ALTERNAT: { if(v) n = expand_arg(¶m->word->narg, nptr, varstack, argv, exitcode, flags); break; /* remove smallest matching suffix */ case S_RSSFX: { int i; stralloc sa; if(v && vlen) { expand_copysa(param->word, &sa, varstack, argv, exitcode, 0); stralloc_nul(&sa); for(i = vlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) if(fnmatch(sa.s, str + i, FNM_PERIOD) == 0) break; n = expand_cat(v, (i < 0 ? vlen : i), nptr, varstack, flags); } break; } } /* remove largest matching suffix */ case S_RLSFX: { unsigned int i; stralloc sa; if(v && vlen) { expand_copysa(param->word, &sa, varstack, argv, exitcode, 0); stralloc_nul(&sa); for(i = 0; i <= vlen; i++) if(fnmatch(sa.s, str + i, FNM_PERIOD) == 0) break; n = expand_cat(v, (i > vlen ? vlen : i), nptr, varstack, flags); } break; } /* remove smallest matching prefix */ case S_RSPFX: { unsigned int i; stralloc sa; if(v && vlen) { expand_copysa(param->word, &sa, varstack, argv, exitcode, 0); stralloc_nul(&sa); for(i = 1; i <= vlen; i++) { str_copyn(str, v, i); if(fnmatch(sa.s, (char*)v, FNM_PERIOD) == 0) break; } if(i > vlen) i = 0; n = expand_cat(v + i, vlen - i, nptr, varstack, flags); str_copy(str, v); } break; } /* remove largest matching prefix */ case S_RLPFX: { unsigned int i; stralloc sa; if(v && vlen) { expand_copysa(param->word, &sa, varstack, argv, exitcode, 0); stralloc_nul(&sa); for(i = vlen; i > 0; i--) { str_copyn(str, v, i); if(fnmatch(sa.s, (char*)v, FNM_PERIOD) == 0) break; } if(i == 0) i = vlen; n = expand_cat(v + i, vlen - i, nptr, varstack, flags); str_copy(str, v); } break; } } free(str); stralloc_free(&value); return n; }
unsigned int printrecord_cat(stralloc *out,char *buf,unsigned int len,unsigned int pos,char *q,char qtype[2]) { char *x; char misc[20]; uint16 datalen; uint16 u16; uint32 u32; unsigned int newpos; int i; unsigned char ch; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&d); if (!pos) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,10); if (!pos) return 0; uint16_unpack_big(misc + 8,&datalen); newpos = pos + datalen; if (q) { if (!dns_domain_equal(d,q)) return newpos; if (byte_diff(qtype,2,misc) && byte_diff(qtype,2,DNS_T_ANY)) return newpos; } if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(out,d)) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; uint32_unpack_big(misc + 4,&u32); if (!stralloc_catulong0(out,u32,0)) return 0; if (byte_diff(misc + 2,2,DNS_C_IN)) { if (!stralloc_cats(out," weird class\n")) return 0; return newpos; } x = 0; if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_NS)) x = " NS "; if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_PTR)) x = " PTR "; if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_CNAME)) x = " CNAME "; if (x) { pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&d); if (!pos) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(out,x)) return 0; if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(out,d)) return 0; } else if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_MX)) { if (!stralloc_cats(out," MX ")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,2); if (!pos) return 0; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&d); if (!pos) return 0; uint16_unpack_big(misc,&u16); if (!stralloc_catulong0(out,u16,0)) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(out,d)) return 0; } else if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_SOA)) { if (!stralloc_cats(out," SOA ")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&d); if (!pos) return 0; if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(out,d)) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_getname(buf,len,pos,&d); if (!pos) return 0; if (!dns_domain_todot_cat(out,d)) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,20); if (!pos) return 0; for (i = 0;i < 5;++i) { if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; uint32_unpack_big(misc + 4 * i,&u32); if (!stralloc_catulong0(out,u32,0)) return 0; } } else if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_A)) { if (datalen != 4) { errno = error_proto; return 0; } if (!stralloc_cats(out," A ")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,4); if (!pos) return 0; for (i = 0;i < 4;++i) { ch = misc[i]; if (i) if (!stralloc_cats(out,".")) return 0; if (!stralloc_catulong0(out,ch,0)) return 0; } } else if (byte_equal(misc,2,DNS_T_AAAA)) { char ip6str[IP6_FMT]; int stringlen; if (datalen != 16) { errno = error_proto; return 0; } if (!stralloc_cats(out," AAAA ")) return 0; pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,16); if (!pos) return 0; stringlen=ip6_fmt(ip6str,misc); if (!stralloc_cats(out,ip6str)) return 0; } else { if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; uint16_unpack_big(misc,&u16); if (!stralloc_catulong0(out,u16,0)) return 0; if (!stralloc_cats(out," ")) return 0; while (datalen--) { pos = dns_packet_copy(buf,len,pos,misc,1); if (!pos) return 0; if ((misc[0] >= 33) && (misc[0] <= 126) && (misc[0] != '\\')) { if (!stralloc_catb(out,misc,1)) return 0; } else { ch = misc[0]; misc[3] = '0' + (7 & ch); ch >>= 3; misc[2] = '0' + (7 & ch); ch >>= 3; misc[1] = '0' + (7 & ch); misc[0] = '\\'; if (!stralloc_catb(out,misc,4)) return 0; } } } if (!stralloc_cats(out,"\n")) return 0; if (pos != newpos) { errno = error_proto; return 0; } return newpos; }