예제 #1
// FUNCTION: receiveInput
// Recieves input as a string and returns it as a double (if valid)
double Converter::receiveInput() {
    std::string inputString;
    std::cout << "\nINPUT:\n";
    std::getline(std::cin, inputString);

    bool invalidInput = true;
    double inputValue;

    if (stringIsNumber(inputString)) {
        inputValue = std::stod(inputString);
        if (inputValue >= -pow(10, 13) && inputValue <= pow(10, 13))
            invalidInput = false;

    while (invalidInput) {
        std::cout << "Invalid input. Please try again: ";
        std::getline(std::cin, inputString);

        if (stringIsNumber(inputString)) {
            inputValue = std::stod(inputString);
            if (inputValue >= -pow(10, 13) && inputValue <= pow(10, 13))
                invalidInput = false;

    return inputValue;
예제 #2
 *   "int isValidVariable(char *str)"
 *   check if string of valid length, does not start with number or symbol
 *   does not contain symbols in the middle, special symbols have been check by now
int isValidVariableAndNotReserved(char *str){
    // base case check for null or is a reserved word or is numerical
    if (str == NULL || isReserverdWord(str) || stringIsNumber(str)) {
        return 0;
    // get the string length
    int len = strlen(str);
    // is token a punctuation or symbol
    if (len == 1) {
        if (charType(str[0]) == 3){
            return 0;
    // does variable start with a letter, or is of legal size
    if ((charType(str[0]) != 2) || len > MAX_VAR_LEN ) {
        printError(err31, str);
        //printf("Error, variable %s is invalid\n", str);
    // at this point, isnumber, is symbol, is reserved word, is special char have all been checked
    return 1;
예제 #3
 *  IdentifyInputToken(char *caCleanInputTokens[])
 *  take each token and check if its a reserved word, numerical or symbol pail, or variable
 *  if token is an illegal lexeme, print out error and exit program
void IdentifyInputToken(char *caCleanInputTokens[], namerecord_t *record_table){
    int ssNext = 0;
    int ss = 0;
    int rw = 0;
    int tknlen = 0;
    int tknLenNext = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int vs = 0;
    int LexRecordIndex = 0; // keep track of the lexeme table records
    for (i = 0; i < m_nCleanInputTokens ; i++) {
        char *str = caCleanInputTokens[i];
        tknlen = strlen(str);
        // typedef enum {lexConstant = 1, lexVar, lexProc} eLexemeKind;
        // [integer = constant = 1], [variable = var = 2], [reserved word = proc = 3]
        // check if it is a reserved word
        if ( ( rw = isReserverdWord(str) ) && tknlen > 1 ){
            // insert token record in record_table
            insertNamerecord_table(LexRecordIndex++, record_table, lexProc, 0, ' ', ' ', str, m_naWsym[(rw - 1)] );

        // check if token is number
        if  (stringIsNumber(str)){
            // if is invalid length or illegal number, it will fail at check
            // insert token record in record_table
            insertNamerecord_table(LexRecordIndex++, record_table, lexConstant, 0, ' ', ' ', str, 3 );

        // check if token is variable
        if  (isValidVariableAndNotReserved(str)){
            // if is invalid length or illegal variable, it will fail at check

            // insert token record in record_table
            insertNamerecord_table(LexRecordIndex++, record_table, lexVar, 0, ' ', ' ', str, 2 );
        // check if token special symbol
        if  ( ( ss = isSpecialChar(str[0]) ) && tknlen == 1 ){
            // current token is a symbol, check if next token is symbol
            // do not increase index counter, just look ahead
            if (i < m_nCleanInputTokens -1){
                char *strNext = caCleanInputTokens[i + 1];
                tknLenNext = strlen(str);
                // isSpecialChar(strNext[0]) == 7
                if ( strlen(strNext) == 1 && (isSpecialChar(strNext[0]) == 12 || isSpecialChar(strNext[0]) == 13  ) ) {
                    // next token is of length 1, is a symbol
                    // check if they are a legal symbol pair : >=, <=, < >, :=
                    if ((vs = validSymbolPair(str[0], strNext[0])) ) {
                        // insert token record in record_table
                        insertNamerecord_table(LexRecordIndex++, record_table, lexProc, 1, str[0], strNext[0], " ", vs );
            // insert token record in record_table
            insertNamerecord_table(LexRecordIndex++, record_table, lexProc, 0, ' ', ' ', str, m_naSpecialSymbols[(ss - 1)]  );