예제 #1
static rc_t SaveToFile( struct KFile * f, const VNamelist * nl, const char * delim )
    uint32_t count;
    rc_t rc = VNameListCount ( nl, &count );
    if ( rc == 0 && count > 0 )
        uint32_t idx;
        uint64_t pos = 0;
        for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
            const char * s;
            rc = VNameListGet ( nl, idx, &s );
            if ( rc == 0 && s != NULL )
                size_t num_writ;
                rc = KFileWriteAll ( f, pos, s, string_size ( s ), &num_writ );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    pos += num_writ;
                    rc = KFileWriteAll ( f, pos, delim, string_size ( delim ), &num_writ );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        pos += num_writ;
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = KFileSetSize ( f, pos );
    return rc;
예제 #2
static bool pacbio_is_schema_dflt( const char * schema )
    size_t asize = string_size ( schema );
    size_t bsize = string_size ( DFLT_SCHEMA );
    uint32_t max_chars = ( asize > bsize ) ? asize : bsize;
    return ( string_cmp ( schema, asize, DFLT_SCHEMA, bsize, max_chars ) == 0 );
예제 #3
파일: vdb_info.c 프로젝트: ncbi/sra-tools
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static bool has_col( const VTable * tab, const char * colname )
    bool res = false;
    struct KNamelist * columns;
    rc_t rc = VTableListReadableColumns( tab, &columns );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint32_t count;
        rc = KNamelistCount( columns, &count );
        if ( rc == 0 && count > 0 )
            uint32_t idx;
            size_t colname_size = string_size( colname );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0 && !res; ++idx )
                const char * a_name;
                rc = KNamelistGet ( columns, idx, &a_name );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    int cmp;
                    size_t a_name_size = string_size( a_name );
                    uint32_t max_chars = ( uint32_t )colname_size;
                    if ( a_name_size > max_chars ) max_chars = ( uint32_t )a_name_size;
                    cmp = strcase_cmp ( colname, colname_size,
                                        a_name, a_name_size,
                                        max_chars );
                    res = ( cmp == 0 );
        KNamelistRelease( columns );
    return res;
예제 #4
int64_t CC sort_cmp (const void ** l, const void ** r, void * data)
/*  KDirectory * d; */
    uint64_t lz, rz;
    rc_t rc;

/*    d = data; */
/*     lz = l; */
/*     rz = r; */

    rc = KDirectoryFileSize (data, &lz, *l);
    if (rc == 0)
        rc = KDirectoryFileSize (data, &rz, *r);
        if (rc == 0)
            int64_t zdiff;

            zdiff = lz - rz;
            if (zdiff != 0)
                return (zdiff < 0) ? -1 : 1;
                size_t lsz = string_size (*l);
                size_t rsz = string_size (*r);

                return string_cmp (*l, lsz, *r, rsz, lsz+1);
    return 0; /* dunno just leave it... */
예제 #5
rc_t vds_append_str( p_dump_str s, const char *s1 )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    if ( ( s == NULL )||( s1 == NULL ) )
        rc = RC( rcVDB, rcNoTarg, rcInserting, rcParam, rcNull );
        size_t append_len = string_size( s1 );
        if ( append_len > 0 )
            if ( ( s->str_limit > 0 )&&( s->str_len >= s->str_limit ) )
                s->truncated = true;
                rc = vds_inc_buffer( s, append_len );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    size_t l = string_size( s->buf );
                    string_copy( s->buf + l, s->buf_size - l, s1, append_len );
                    rc = vds_truncate( s ); /* adjusts str_len */
    return rc;
예제 #6
bool namelist_contains( const KNamelist *names, const char * a_name )
    bool res = false;
    uint32_t count;
    rc_t rc = KNamelistCount( names, &count );
    if ( rc == 0 && count > 0 )
        uint32_t idx;
        size_t a_name_len = string_size( a_name );
        for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0 && !res; ++idx )
            const char * s;
            rc = KNamelistGet( names, idx, &s );
            if ( rc == 0 && s != NULL )
                size_t s_len = string_size( s );
                size_t max_len = a_name_len > s_len ? a_name_len : s_len;
                int cmp = string_cmp( a_name, a_name_len, s, s_len, max_len );
                if ( cmp == 0 )
                    res = true;
    return res;
예제 #7
 * Processes the command-line options, filling in the members of the Options
 * structure corresponding to the switches
int options_parse(Options *self, int argc, char *argv[])
  int arg = 1;

  while (arg < argc) {
    String s = string_from_c(argv[arg]);

    /* Debug: */
    if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[arg], "--debug")) {
      self->debug = 1;

    /* Output filename: */
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-o")) {
      if (argc <= arg) return 0;
      self->name_out = string_from_c(argv[arg]);

    /* Output filename, smushed: */
    } else if (2 == string_match(s, string_from_k("-o"))) {
      self->name_out = string(s.p + 2, s.end);

    /* Input filename: */
    } else {
      if (string_size(self->name_in)) return 0;
      self->name_in = s;

  if (!string_size(self->name_in))
    return 0;

  return 1;
예제 #8
    splits an argument

    example: "/path/file=grp1" into path = "/path/file" and attribute = "grp1"
    example: "/path/file" into path = "/path/file" and attribute = NULL

static rc_t split_argument( const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute, char delim )
    if ( argument == NULL || path == NULL || attribute == NULL )
        return RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull );
        char * delim_ptr = string_chr ( argument, string_size ( argument ), delim );
        if ( delim_ptr == NULL )
            *path = string_dup_measure( argument, NULL );
            *attribute = NULL;
            size_t len = string_size( argument );
            size_t len1 = ( delim_ptr - argument );
            *path = string_dup ( argument, len1 );
            if ( delim_ptr < argument + len - 1 )
                *attribute = string_dup ( delim_ptr + 1, len - ( len1 + 1 ) );
                *attribute = NULL;
    return 0;
예제 #9
rc_t CC
XFS_StrEndsWith ( const char * Str, const char * End )
    uint32_t StrLen, EndLen;

    if ( Str == NULL || End == NULL ) {
        return false;

    StrLen = string_len ( Str, string_size ( Str ) );
    EndLen = string_len ( End, string_size ( End ) );

    if ( StrLen >= EndLen && EndLen > 0 ) {
        return string_cmp (
                        Str + ( StrLen - EndLen ),
                        ) == 0;

    return false;
}   /* XFS_StrEndsWith () */
예제 #10
static int64_t DictionaryEntryFind ( const void *p_a, const BSTNode *p_b )
    const char * a = ( const char * ) p_a;
    DictionaryEntry* b = ( DictionaryEntry * ) p_b;
    size_t a_path_size = string_size ( a );
    return string_cmp ( a, a_path_size, b -> path, string_size ( b -> path ), ( uint32_t ) a_path_size );
예제 #11
static int64_t DictionaryEntryCompare ( const BSTNode *p_a, const BSTNode *p_b )
    DictionaryEntry* a = ( DictionaryEntry * ) p_a;
    DictionaryEntry* b = ( DictionaryEntry * ) p_b;
    size_t a_path_size = string_size ( a -> path );
    return string_cmp ( a -> path, a_path_size, b -> path, string_size ( b -> path ), ( uint32_t ) a_path_size );
예제 #12
app_action_t application_function_flash_receive(string_t *src, string_t *dst)
	unsigned int chunk_offset, chunk_length;

	if(string_size(&flash_sector_buffer) < SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)
		string_format(dst, "ERROR flash-receive: flash sector buffer too small: %d\n", string_size(&flash_sector_buffer));

	if(parse_uint(1, src, &chunk_offset, 0, ' ') != parse_ok)
		string_append(dst, "ERROR flash-receive: chunk offset required\n");

	if(parse_uint(2, src, &chunk_length, 0, ' ') != parse_ok)
		string_append(dst, "ERROR flash-receive: chunk chunk_length required\n");

	if((chunk_length == 0) || ((chunk_offset % chunk_length) != 0))
		string_append(dst, "ERROR: flash-receive: chunk offset should be divisible by chunk size");

	if((chunk_length == 0) || ((SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE % chunk_length) != 0))
		string_append(dst, "ERROR: flash-receive: chunk length should be divisible by flash sector size");

	if((chunk_offset + chunk_length) > SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)
		string_format(dst, "ERROR flash-receive: chunk_length(%u) + chunk_offset(%u) > sector size(%d)\n", chunk_length, chunk_offset, SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);

	if((flash_sector_buffer_use != fsb_free) && (flash_sector_buffer_use != fsb_config_cache) && (flash_sector_buffer_use != fsb_ota))
		string_format(dst, "ERROR: flash_send: sector buffer in use: %u\n", flash_sector_buffer_use);

	flash_sector_buffer_use = fsb_ota;

	string_format(dst, "OK flash-receive: sending bytes: %u, from offset: %u, data: @", chunk_length, chunk_offset);
	string_splice(dst, -1, &flash_sector_buffer, chunk_offset, chunk_length);
	string_append(dst, "\n");

	if((chunk_offset + chunk_length) >= SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)
		flash_sector_buffer_use = fsb_free;

예제 #13
rc_t ConfigRepoSet(DLList* repos, KConfig * kfg, const char* kfgPath, const char *dflt, uint8_t type)
    const KConfigNode *node;

    rc_t rc = KConfigOpenNodeRead ( kfg, & node, kfgPath );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        KNamelist* children;
        rc = KConfigNodeListChild ( node, &children );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            uint32_t count;
            rc = KNamelistCount ( children, &count );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                uint32_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    const char* name;
                    rc = KNamelistGet ( children, i, &name );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        #define BufSize 4096
                        char buf[ BufSize ];
                        size_t bSize = string_size(kfgPath);
                        string_copy(buf, BufSize, kfgPath, bSize);
                        if (bSize + string_size(name) < sizeof(buf))
                            NCBIRepository* repo;
                            string_copy(buf + bSize, sizeof(buf) - bSize, name, string_size(name) + 1);
                            rc = ConfigRepo( kfg, dflt, buf, buf, type, &repo );
                            DLListPushTail( repos, (DLNode*) repo );
                        #undef BufSize
                        rc = RC ( rcSRA, rcMgr, rcConstructing, rcString, rcExcessive );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
            KNamelistRelease ( children );

        KConfigNodeRelease ( node );
    if (GetRCState(rc) == rcNotFound)
        return 0;
    return rc;
예제 #14
 * Concatenates one string onto another. The new string is silently null-
 * terminated, and can be passed to C functions.
String string_cat(Pool *pool, String s1, String s2)
  size_t size = string_size(s1) + string_size(s2);
  char *out = (char*)pool_alloc(pool, size + 1, 1);
  memcpy(out, s1.p, string_size(s1));
  memcpy(out + string_size(s1), s2.p, string_size(s2));
  out[size] = 0;
  return string(out, out + size);
예제 #15
파일: coldefs.c 프로젝트: Bhumi28/sra-tools
 * walks through the column-definitions and if a column
 * has the to_copy-flag set, and it's name is in the
 * given list of column-names the to copy-flag is cleared
 * does not require an open cursor.
rc_t col_defs_exclude_these_columns( col_defs* defs, const char * prefix, const char * column_names )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const KNamelist *names;

    if ( defs == NULL )
        return RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcResolving, rcSelf, rcNull );
    /* it is OK if we have not column-names to exclude */
    if ( column_names == NULL )
        return 0;
    if ( column_names[0] == 0 )
        return 0;

    rc = nlt_make_namelist_from_string( &names, column_names );
    DISP_RC( rc, "col_defs_parse_string:nlt_make_namelist_from_string() failed" );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint32_t idx, len = VectorLength( &(defs->cols) );
        size_t prefix_len = 0;
        if ( prefix != 0 )
            prefix_len = string_size( prefix ) + 2;
        for ( idx = 0;  idx < len; ++idx )
            p_col_def col = (p_col_def) VectorGet ( &(defs->cols), idx );
            if ( col != NULL )
                if ( col->requested )
                    if ( nlt_is_name_in_namelist( names, col->name ) )
                        col->requested = false;
                        if ( prefix != NULL )
                            size_t len1 = string_size ( col->name ) + prefix_len;
                            char * s = malloc( len1 );
                            if ( s != NULL )
                                size_t num_writ;
                                rc_t rc1 = string_printf ( s, len1, &num_writ, "%s:%s", prefix, col->name );
                                if ( rc1 == 0 )
                                    if ( nlt_is_name_in_namelist( names, s ) )
                                        col->requested = false;
                                free( s );
        KNamelistRelease( names );
    return rc;
예제 #16
static int cmp_pchar( const char * a, const char * b )
    int res = 0;
    if ( ( a != NULL )&&( b != NULL ) )
        size_t len_a = string_size( a );
        size_t len_b = string_size( b );
        res = string_cmp ( a, len_a, b, len_b, ( len_a < len_b ) ? len_b : len_a );
    return res;
예제 #17
static seq_id_node * make_seq_id_node( const char * seq_id, const char * name, INSDC_coord_len seq_len )
    seq_id_node *res = calloc( sizeof *res, 1 );
    if ( res != NULL )
        res->name = string_dup( name, string_size( name ) );
        res->seq_id = string_dup( seq_id, string_size( seq_id ) );
        res->seq_len = seq_len;
    return res;
예제 #18
 * Initialize string container with an exist sub string container.
void string_init_copy_substring(string_t* pstr_dest, const string_t* cpstr_src, size_t t_pos, size_t t_len)
    assert(pstr_dest != NULL);
    assert(cpstr_src != NULL);
    assert(t_pos < string_size(cpstr_src));

    basic_string_init_copy_substring(pstr_dest, cpstr_src, t_pos, t_len);
    if(t_len != NPOS && t_pos + t_len <= string_size(cpstr_src))
        basic_string_push_back(pstr_dest, '\0');
예제 #19
static bool string_ends_in( const char * str, const char * end )
    bool res = false;
    if ( str != NULL && end != NULL )
        uint32_t l_str = string_len( str, string_size( str ) );
        uint32_t l_end = string_len( end, string_size( end ) );
        if ( l_str >= l_end && l_end > 0 )
            const char * p = str + ( l_str - l_end );
            res = ( string_cmp ( p, l_end, end, l_end, l_end ) == 0 );
    return res;
예제 #20
app_action_t application_function_flash_read(string_t *src, string_t *dst)
	unsigned int address, sector;
	SHA_CTX sha_context;
	unsigned char sha_result[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	string_new(, sha_string, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 2);

	if(string_size(&flash_sector_buffer) < SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)
		string_format(dst, "ERROR flash-read: flash sector buffer too small: %d\n", string_size(&flash_sector_buffer));

	if(parse_uint(1, src, &address, 0, ' ') != parse_ok)
		string_append(dst, "ERROR flash-read: address required\n");

	if((address % SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) != 0)
		string_append(dst, "ERROR flash-read: address should be divisible by flash sector size");

	if((flash_sector_buffer_use != fsb_free) && (flash_sector_buffer_use != fsb_config_cache))
		string_format(dst, "ERROR: flash-read: sector buffer in use: %u\n", flash_sector_buffer_use);

	flash_sector_buffer_use = fsb_ota;

	sector = address / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
	spi_flash_read(sector * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, string_buffer_nonconst(&flash_sector_buffer), SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);
	string_setlength(&flash_sector_buffer, SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);

	SHA1Update(&sha_context, string_buffer(&flash_sector_buffer), SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);
	SHA1Final(sha_result, &sha_context);
	string_bin_to_hex(&sha_string, sha_result, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);

	string_format(dst, "OK flash-read: read bytes: %d, from address: %u (%u), checksum: ", SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, address, sector);
	string_append_string(dst, &sha_string);
	string_append(dst, "\n");

예제 #21
/* returns a NUL-terminated password fitting in the buffer */
ReadPassword(const struct KFile* pwd_in, size_t* last_pos, char* buf, size_t buf_size)
string_copy(buf, buf_size, "screwuahole", string_size("screwuahole")); return 0;

    rc_t rc = 0;
    size_t i =0;
        size_t num_read;
        if (i == buf_size)
            return RC(rcApp, rcEncryptionKey, rcReading, rcParam, rcTooLong);
        rc = KFileRead( pwd_in, *last_pos, & buf[i], 1, &num_read );
        if (rc == 0)
            if (num_read != 1)
                return RC(rcApp, rcEncryptionKey, rcReading, rcSize, rcInvalid);

            if (buf[i] == '\n')
                buf[i] = 0;
                ++ *last_pos;
        ++ *last_pos;
        ++ i;
    while(rc == 0);
    return rc;
예제 #22
rc_t KeyRingInit ( KKeyRing* self, const char* path )
    rc_t rc;
    memset ( self, 0, sizeof * self );
    KRefcountInit ( & self -> refcount, 0, "KKeyRing", "init", "" );
    rc = KDirectoryNativeDir(&self->wd);
    if (rc == 0)
        self->path = string_dup(path, string_size(path));
        if (self->path)
            self->data = (KeyRingData*) malloc(sizeof(*self->data));
            if (self->data)
                rc = KeyRingDataInit ( self->data );
                if (rc != 0)
                rc = RC ( rcApp, rcDatabase, rcOpening, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            if (rc != 0)
            rc = RC ( rcApp, rcDatabase, rcOpening, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        if (rc != 0)
    return rc;
예제 #23
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC AlignAccessAlignmentEnumeratorGetShortSeqID(
                                                 const AlignAccessAlignmentEnumerator *self,
                                                 char *id_buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *id_size
) {
    rc_t rc;
    size_t id_act_size;
    const char *readName;
    if (self == NULL)
        return 0;
    if (id_buffer == NULL && id_size == NULL)
        return RC(rcAlign, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcParam, rcNull);
    rc = BAMAlignmentGetReadName(self->innerSelf, &readName);
    if (rc)
        return rc;

    id_act_size = string_size( readName ) + 1;
    if (id_size != NULL)
        *id_size = id_act_size;
    if (id_buffer != NULL) {
        if (buffer_size >= id_act_size)
            memcpy(id_buffer, readName, id_act_size);
            rc = RC(rcAlign, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient);
    return rc;    
예제 #24
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC AlignAccessAlignmentEnumeratorGetRefSeqID(
                                               const AlignAccessAlignmentEnumerator *self,
                                               char *id_buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *id_size
) {
    rc_t rc = 0;
    int32_t id;
    const BAMRefSeq *cur;
    size_t id_act_size;
    if (self == NULL)
        return 0;
    if (id_buffer == NULL && id_size == NULL)
        return RC(rcAlign, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcParam, rcNull);
    rc = BAMAlignmentGetRefSeqId(self->innerSelf, &id);
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    if (id < 0)
        return RC(rcAlign, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcData, rcNotFound);
    rc = BAMFileGetRefSeq(self->parent->innerSelf, id, &cur);
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    id_act_size = string_size( cur->name ) + 1;
    if (id_size != NULL)
        *id_size = id_act_size;
    if (id_buffer != NULL) {
        if (buffer_size >= id_act_size)
            memcpy(id_buffer, cur->name, id_act_size);
            rc = RC(rcAlign, rcTable, rcAccessing, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient);
    return rc;
예제 #25
rc_t ref_walker_set_spot_group( struct ref_walker * self, const char * spot_group )
    if ( self == NULL )
        return RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull );
    self->spot_group = string_dup ( spot_group, string_size( spot_group ) );
    return 0;
예제 #26
파일: client.c 프로젝트: EQ4/musicd
bool client_has_data(client_t *client)
  if (string_size(client->outbuf) > 0 || client->state == CLIENT_STATE_FEED) {
    return true;
  return false;
예제 #27
파일: ascp.c 프로젝트: binlu1981/ncbi-vdb
bool _StringHas(const String *self, const char *buf, String *res)
    String dummy;
    size_t len = 0;
    assert(self && buf);
    if (res == NULL) {
        res = &dummy;
    len = string_size(buf);
    StringInit(res, self->addr, self->size, self->len);
    while (true) {
        if (res->len < len) {
            StringInit(res, NULL, 0, 0);
            return false;
        if (_StringStartsWith(res, buf)) {
            res->len = (uint32_t)len;
            res->size = len;
            return true;
        res->size = res->len - 1;
        res->len = res->len - 1;
예제 #28
 * Get one line from specific stream with delimiter.
bool_t string_getline_delimiter(string_t* pstr_string, FILE* fp_stream, char c_delimiter)
    int n_char = EOF;

    assert(pstr_string != NULL);
    assert(fp_stream != NULL);

    if(c_delimiter == '\n')
        return string_getline(pstr_string, fp_stream);
        while(!feof(fp_stream) && !ferror(fp_stream) && (char)n_char != c_delimiter &&
              string_size(pstr_string) < string_max_size(pstr_string))
            n_char = fgetc(fp_stream);
            if((char)n_char != c_delimiter && n_char != EOF)
                string_push_back(pstr_string, (char)n_char);

        if((char)n_char == c_delimiter)
            return true;
            return false;
예제 #29
파일: string.c 프로젝트: TyRoXx/webserver
static void test_empty_string(string_t *str)
	TEST_EXPECT(string_size(str) == 0);
	TEST_EXPECT(string_data(str) != 0);
	TEST_EXPECT(string_c_str(str) != 0);
	TEST_EXPECT(*string_c_str(str) == '\0');
예제 #30
파일: evp.c 프로젝트: brianthegit/cr
int evp_sign_internal(EVP_PKEY* evp, EVP_MD_CTX* ctx, enum EVP_DIGEST_TYPE type, const unsigned char* digest, unsigned int digest_length, string* s)
  const EVP_MD* md = NULL;

  md = get_EVP_MD(type);

  if (md == NULL) {
    return 0;


  if (!EVP_SignInit(ctx, md)) {
    return 0;

  if (!EVP_SignUpdate(ctx, digest, digest_length)) {
    return 0;

  if (!EVP_SignFinal(ctx, string_base(s), &string_size(s), evp)) {
    return 0;

  return 1;