CvStrongRng::CvStrongRng(CSRNG_TYPE type)
   const int size = ( AES_SECURITY/sizeof(mr_small) );
   String random;
   char seed[size];

#ifdef WIN32

	if ( m_bEnableEntropy )
        CvEntropyServer( m_aEntropyServerUrl ).Generate(	CvEntropyServer::StringToAlgorithm( m_aEntropyAlgorithm ),
											size, random );
		memcpy((void*)seed, (void*), size);

#elif defined __linux__

    FILE* fdRandom;
    if ( m_bEnableEntropy )
        CvEntropyServer( m_aEntropyServerUrl ).Generate(	CvEntropyServer::StringToAlgorithm( m_aEntropyAlgorithm ),
											size, random );

		fdRandom = fmemopen( (void*), size, "r" );

        fdRandom = fopen( "/dev/urandom", "r" );

	if ( fdRandom == NULL )
		mr_berror( _MIPP_ MR_ERR_DEV_RANDOM );
	for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
		int c = fgetc( fdRandom );
		seed[i] = c;
		if ( c == -1 )
			mr_berror( _MIPP_ MR_ERR_DEV_RANDOM );

	if ( fdRandom != NULL )
		fclose( fdRandom );

	time_t tod;	
	time( &tod );
	strong_init( &m_csprng, size, seed, tod ); 
//new interface
CvStrongRng::CvStrongRng(CSRNG_MODE mode) : ISystemSource(new SystemCSPRNG()), IDongleSource(new CDongleSource())
   const int size = ( AES_SECURITY/sizeof(mr_small) );
   char seed[size];

   time_t tod;	
   time( &tod );
   strong_init( &m_csprng, size, seed, tod ); 
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    *   Get the public parameters from the PKGs      *
    // Initialise a strong random number generator

    char raw[256];
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
    fread(&raw, 1, 256, fp);
    time_t seed;
    csprng rng;
    // Make sure all random PFC elements rely on strong random number generator
    PFC pfc(AES_SECURITY, &rng);
    miracl *mip = get_mip();
    int bytes_per_big=(MIRACL/8)*(get_mip()->nib-1);


    ThreadParams *myParams = new ThreadParams;

    G2 P;
    G2 Ppub;
    G1 Qpriv, Qid;
    G1 D;

    *   Initialise client side socket for Scramble   *
    cout << "Socket is ready for Firefox requests. Listening:" << endl;
	int sockfd, newsockfd;
    socklen_t clilen;

    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;

    // Initialise the socket descriptor.
    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sockfd < 0)
        error("ERROR opening socket");

    // Bind socket to port
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT_NB);
    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
        error("ERROR on binding");

     // Listen to socket and accept incoming connections
    clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);

    *closeSocket = false;
    //TODO: make encryption multithreaded
    paramsInitialised = false;
    while(!(*closeSocket) ){
    	newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);
        if (newsockfd < 0)
            error("ERROR on accept");

        if(paramsInitialised == false) {
            myParams->pfc = &pfc;
            bool extractionSucceeded = extractPrivateKey(myParams);
            if(extractionSucceeded == false) {
                cout << "Some DKGs were dishonest. Please select other DKGs." << endl;
                return 0;
            P = myParams->P;
            D = myParams->D;
            Ppub = myParams->Ppub;
            paramsInitialised = true;
        // Initialise new thread
        //pthread_t sniffer_thread;
        //pthread_attr_t attributes;
        ThreadParams *params = new ThreadParams; // params is a pointer to a threadParams struct
		//params = myParams;
        params->sockfd = newsockfd;
		params->pfc = &pfc;
		params->P = myParams->P;
		params->Ppub = myParams->Ppub;
		params->D = myParams->D;

	return 0;
예제 #4
파일: DH1080.c 프로젝트: J0s3f/FiSH-irssi
// Input:  priv_key = buffer of 200 bytes
//         pub_key  = buffer of 200 bytes
// Output: priv_key = Your private key
//         pub_key  = Your public key
int DH1080_gen(char *priv_key, char *pub_key)
	unsigned char raw_buf[160], iniHash[33];
	unsigned long seed;
	int len, iRet;

	big b_privkey, b_pubkey;
	csprng myRNG;

	FILE *hRnd;

	hRnd = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");	// don't use /dev/random, it's a blocking device
	if(!hRnd) return 0;


	// #*#*#*#*#* RNG START #*#*#*#*#*
	time((time_t *)&seed);

	seed ^= (long)hRnd << 16;
	if(fread(raw_buf, 1, sizeof(raw_buf), hRnd) < 32)
		ZeroMemory(raw_buf, sizeof(raw_buf));

		return 0;

	sha_file(iniPath, iniHash);
	memXOR(raw_buf+128, iniHash, 32);
	sha_file((unsigned char *)get_irssi_config(), iniHash);
	memXOR(raw_buf+128, iniHash, 32);
	ZeroMemory(iniHash, sizeof(iniHash));
	// first 128 byte in raw_buf: output from /dev/urandom
	// last 32 byte in raw_buf: SHA-256 digest from blow.ini and irssi.conf

	seed *= (unsigned long)mip;
	strong_init(&myRNG, sizeof(raw_buf), raw_buf, (unsigned int)seed);
	strong_bigdig(&myRNG, 1080, 2, b_privkey);
	// #*#*#*#*#* RNG END #*#*#*#*#*

	powltr(2, b_privkey, b_prime1080, b_pubkey);

		len=big_to_bytes(sizeof(raw_buf), b_privkey, raw_buf, FALSE);
		htob64(raw_buf, priv_key, len);

		len=big_to_bytes(sizeof(raw_buf), b_pubkey, raw_buf, FALSE);
		htob64(raw_buf, pub_key, len);

	else iRet=0;

	ZeroMemory(raw_buf, sizeof(raw_buf));


	return iRet;
예제 #5
파일: Dlog.c 프로젝트: AvishayYanay/scapi
 * function encodeByteArrayToPoint		: Encodes the given byte array into a point. 
 *										  If the given byte array can not be encoded to a point, returns 0.
 * param dlog							: Pointer to the native Dlog object.
 * param binaryString					: The byte array to encode.
 * param k								: k is the maximum length of a string to be converted to a Group Element of this group. 
 *										  If a string exceeds the k length it cannot be converted.
 * return								: The created point or 0 if the point cannot be created.
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_edu_biu_scapi_primitives_dlog_miracl_MiraclDlogECFp_encodeByteArrayToPoint
  (JNIEnv * env, jobject, jlong m, jbyteArray binaryString, jint k){
		/*If the length of binaryString exceeds k then throw IndexOutOfBoundsException.

          Let L be the length in bytes of p

          Choose a random byte array r of length L – k – 2 bytes 

          Prepare a string newString of the following form: r || binaryString || binaryString.length (where || denotes concatenation) (i.e., the least significant byte of newString is the length of binaryString in bytes)

          Convert the result to a BigInteger (bIString)

          Compute the elliptic curve equation for this x and see if there exists a y such that (x,y) satisfies the equation.

          If yes, return (x,y)

          Else, go back to step 3 (choose a random r etc.) up to 80 times (This is an arbitrary hard-coded number).

          If did not find y such that (x,y) satisfies the equation after 80 trials then return null.

	   /* convert the accepted parameters to MIRACL parameters*/
	   miracl* mip = (miracl*)m;
	  jbyte* string  = (jbyte*) env->GetByteArrayElements(binaryString, 0);
	  int len = env->GetArrayLength(binaryString);
	  if (len > k){
		  env ->ReleaseByteArrayElements(binaryString, string, 0);
		  return 0;
	  big x, p;
	  x = mirvar(mip, 0);
	  p = mip->modulus;
	  int l = logb2(mip, p)/8;
	  char* randomArray = new char[l-k-2];
	  char* newString = new char[l - k - 1 + len];
	  memcpy(newString+l-k-2, string, len);

	  newString[l - k - 2 + len] = (char) len;

	  int counter = 0;
	  bool success = 0;

	  csprng rng;  
	  long seed;  
	  char raw = rand();
			for (int i=0; i<l-k-2; i++){
				  randomArray[i] = strong_rng(&rng);
			memcpy(newString, randomArray, l-k-2);
			bytes_to_big(mip, l - k - 1 + len, newString, x);
			//If the number is negative, make it positive.
			if(exsign(x)== -1){
				absol(x, x);
			//epoint_x returns true if the given x value leads to a valid point on the curve.
			//if failed, go back to choose a random r etc.
			success = epoint_x(mip, x);
	  } while((!success) && (counter <= 80)); //we limit the amount of times we try to 80 which is an arbitrary number.
	  epoint* point = 0;
	  if (success){
		point = epoint_init(mip);
		epoint_set(mip, x, x, 0, point);

	  char* temp = new char[l - k - 1 + len];
	  big_to_bytes(mip,l - k - 1 + len , x, temp, 1);
	  //Delete the allocated memory.
	  env ->ReleaseByteArrayElements(binaryString, string, 0);
	  //Return the created point.
	  return (long) point;