Chord::Chord(const Event& e) : m_isUserChord(false) { std::string f; bool ok; ok = e.get<String>(RootPropertyName, f); if (ok) m_root = strtoqstr(f); ok = e.get<String>(ExtPropertyName, f); if (ok) { if (f.length() == 0) m_ext = QString::null; else m_ext = strtoqstr(f); } ok = e.get<String>(FingeringPropertyName, f); if (ok) { QString qf(strtoqstr(f)); QString errString; Fingering fingering = Fingering::parseFingering(qf, errString); setFingering(fingering); } }
void ControlParameterEditDialog::populate() { m_nameEdit->setText(strtoqstr(m_control->getName())); m_description->setText(strtoqstr(m_control->getDescription())); m_controllerBox->setValue(int(m_control->getControllerValue())); QString hexValue; hexValue.sprintf("(0x%x)", m_control->getControllerValue()); m_hexValue->setText(hexValue); m_minBox->setValue(m_control->getMin()); m_maxBox->setValue(m_control->getMax()); m_defaultBox->setValue(m_control->getDefault()); int pos = 0, setItem = 0; ColourMap &colourMap = m_doc->getComposition().getGeneralColourMap(); RCMap::const_iterator it; // I can't believe we never fixed this in all these years. The way this was // structured, it was impossible for setItem to increment in order to arrive // at any useful value, so the color always came out "Default" 100% of the // time. for (it = colourMap.begin(); it != colourMap.end(); ++it) { pos++; if (m_control->getColourIndex() == it->first) setItem = (pos - 1); } m_colourCombo->setCurrentIndex(setItem); // set combo position m_ipbPosition->setCurrentIndex(m_control->getIPBPosition() + 1); // If the type has changed and there are no defaults then we have to // supply some. // if (qstrtostr(m_typeCombo->currentText()) == PitchBend::EventType || qstrtostr(m_typeCombo->currentText()) == KeyPressure::EventType || qstrtostr(m_typeCombo->currentText()) == ChannelPressure::EventType) { m_controllerBox->setEnabled(false); m_ipbPosition->setEnabled(false); m_colourCombo->setEnabled(false); m_hexValue->setEnabled(false); m_minBox->setEnabled(false); m_maxBox->setEnabled(false); m_defaultBox->setEnabled(false); } else if (qstrtostr(m_typeCombo->currentText()) == Controller::EventType) { m_controllerBox->setEnabled(true); m_ipbPosition->setEnabled(true); m_colourCombo->setEnabled(true); m_hexValue->setEnabled(true); m_minBox->setEnabled(true); m_maxBox->setEnabled(true); m_defaultBox->setEnabled(true); } }
void MarkerRuler::slotDeleteMarker() { RG_DEBUG << "MarkerRuler::slotDeleteMarker()\n"; Rosegarden::Marker* marker = getMarkerAtClickPosition(); if (marker) emit deleteMarker(marker->getID(), marker->getTime(), strtoqstr(marker->getName()), strtoqstr(marker->getDescription())); }
void UseOrnamentDialog::accept() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( NotationViewConfigGroup ); settings.setValue("useornamentmark", strtoqstr(getMark())); settings.setValue("useornamenttiming", strtoqstr(getTimeAdjust())); settings.setValue("useornamentretune", m_retune->isChecked()); settings.setValue("useornamentlastornament", m_ornament->currentIndex()); settings.endGroup(); QDialog::accept(); }
void GuitarChordSelectorDialog::populateFingerings(const Guitar::ChordMap::chordarray& chords, const Guitar::Fingering& refFingering) { m_fingeringsList->clear(); for(Guitar::ChordMap::chordarray::const_iterator i = chords.begin(); i != chords.end(); ++i) { const Guitar::Chord& chord = *i; QString fingeringString = strtoqstr(chord.getFingering().toString() ); // RG_DEBUG << "GuitarChordSelectorDialog::populateFingerings " << chord; QIcon fingeringPixmap = getFingeringPixmap(chord.getFingering()); FingeringListBoxItem *item = new FingeringListBoxItem(chord, m_fingeringsList, fingeringPixmap, fingeringString); // RG_DEBUG << "GuitarChordSelectorDialog::populateFingerings(): " << // fingeringString; if (refFingering == chord.getFingering()) { // RG_DEBUG << "GuitarChordSelectorDialog::populateFingerings - " // "fingering found " << fingeringString; //m_fingeringsList->setSelected(item, true); m_fingeringsList->setCurrentItem(item); } } }
void AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updateProgram(InstrumentId instrument, int position) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updateProgram(" << instrument << "," << position << ")" << endl; if (m_guis.find(instrument) == m_guis.end() || m_guis[instrument].find(position) == m_guis[instrument].end()) return ; PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) return; AudioPluginInstance *pluginInstance = container->getPlugin(position); if (!pluginInstance) return; unsigned long rv = StudioControl::getPluginProgram (pluginInstance->getMappedId(), strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getProgram())); int bank = rv >> 16; int program = rv - (bank << 16); RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updateProgram(" << instrument << "," << position << "): rv " << rv << ", bank " << bank << ", program " << program << endl; m_guis[instrument][position]->sendProgram(bank, program); }
QString AddIndicationCommand::getGlobalName(std::string indicationType) { if (indicationType == Indication::Slur) { return tr("Add S&lur"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::PhrasingSlur) { return tr("Add &Phrasing Slur"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::QuindicesimaUp) { return tr("Add Double-Octave Up"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::OttavaUp) { return tr("Add Octave &Up"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::OttavaDown) { return tr("Add Octave &Down"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::QuindicesimaDown) { return tr("Add Double Octave Down"); // We used to generate these ones from the internal names plus // caps, but that makes them untranslateable: } else if (indicationType == Indication::Crescendo) { return tr("Add &Crescendo"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::Decrescendo) { return tr("Add &Decrescendo"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::Glissando) { return tr("Add &Glissando"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::TrillLine) { return tr("Add Tri&ll With Line"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::FigParameterChord) { return tr("Add Parameter Chord"); } else if (indicationType == Indication::Figuration) { return tr("Add Figuration"); } QString n = tr("Add &%1%2").arg((char)toupper(indicationType[0])).arg(strtoqstr(indicationType.substr(1))); return n; }
void KeySignatureDialog::slotKeyNameChanged(int index) { if (m_ignoreComboChanges) return ; if (m_explanatoryLabel) m_explanatoryLabel->hide(); const QString s = m_keyCombo->itemData(index).toString(); std::string name(getKeyName(s, m_key.isMinor())); try { m_key = Rosegarden::Key(name); setValid(true); int space = name.find(' '); if (space > 0) name = name.substr(0, space); m_keyCombo->setEditText(strtoqstr(name)); } catch (Rosegarden::Key::BadKeyName s) { RG_WARNING << s.getMessage(); setValid(false); } redrawKeyPixmap(); }
QString AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::getFriendlyName(InstrumentId instrument, int position, QString) { PluginContainer *container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) return tr("Rosegarden Plugin"); else { if (position == int(Instrument::SYNTH_PLUGIN_POSITION)) { return tr("Rosegarden: %1").arg(strtoqstr(container->getAlias())); } else { return tr("Rosegarden: %1: %2").arg(strtoqstr(container->getAlias())) .arg(tr("Plugin slot %1").arg(position + 1)); } } }
void AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI(InstrumentId instrument, int position) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: " << instrument << "," << position << endl; checkOSCThread(); if (m_guis.find(instrument) != m_guis.end() && m_guis[instrument].find(position) != m_guis[instrument].end()) { RG_DEBUG << "stopping GUI first"; stopGUI(instrument, position); } // check the label PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: no such instrument or buss as " << instrument << endl; return; } AudioPluginInstance *pluginInstance = container->getPlugin(position); if (!pluginInstance) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: no plugin at position " << position << " for instrument " << instrument << endl; return ; } try { AudioPluginOSCGUI *gui = new AudioPluginOSCGUI(pluginInstance, getOSCUrl(instrument, position, strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getIdentifier())), getFriendlyName(instrument, position, strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getIdentifier()))); m_guis[instrument][position] = gui; } catch (Exception e) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: failed to start GUI: " << e.getMessage() << endl; } }
void MidiKeyMappingEditor::reset() { if (!m_device) return ; setTitle(strtoqstr(m_mappingName)); const MidiKeyMapping *m = m_device->getKeyMappingByName(m_mappingName); if (!m) { RG_DEBUG << "WARNING: MidiKeyMappingEditor::reset: No such mapping as " << m_mappingName; return; } m_mapping = *m; blockAllSignals(true); // Librarian details // m_librarian->setText(strtoqstr(m_device->getLibrarianName())); m_librarianEmail->setText(strtoqstr(m_device->getLibrarianEmail())); // Clear each LineEdit and perform a more secure scan of mappings. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_names.size(); i++) { m_names[i]->clear(); for (MidiKeyMapping::KeyNameMap::const_iterator it = m_mapping.getMap().begin(); it != m_mapping.getMap().end(); ++it) { int index = it->first; if ( (int)i == index) { QString name = strtoqstr(it->second); m_completions << name; m_names[i]->setText(name); m_names[i]->setCursorPosition(0); } } } blockAllSignals(false); }
void UseOrnamentDialog::setupFromConfig() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( NotationViewConfigGroup ); Mark mark = qstrtostr(settings.value("useornamentmark", "trill").toString()); int seg = settings.value("useornamentlastornament", 0).toInt() ; std::string timing = qstrtostr(settings.value("useornamenttiming", strtoqstr(BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ADJUST_SQUISH)).toString()); bool retune = qStrToBool( settings.value("useornamentretune", "true" ) ) ; size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_marks.size(); ++i) { if (mark == m_marks[i]) { m_mark->setCurrentIndex(i); m_text->setEnabled(false); break; } } if (i >= m_marks.size()) { m_mark->setCurrentIndex(m_marks.size()); m_text->setEnabled(true); m_text->setText(strtoqstr(Marks::getTextFromMark(mark))); } if (seg >= 0 && seg < m_ornament->count()) m_ornament->setCurrentIndex(seg); if (timing == BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ADJUST_NONE) { m_adjustTime->setCurrentIndex(0); } else if (timing == BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ADJUST_SQUISH) { m_adjustTime->setCurrentIndex(3); } else if (timing == BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ADJUST_SYNC_START) { m_adjustTime->setCurrentIndex(1); } else if (timing == BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ADJUST_SYNC_END) { m_adjustTime->setCurrentIndex(2); } m_retune->setChecked(retune); settings.endGroup(); }
void MidiProgramsEditor::slotKeyMapButtonPressed() { QToolButton* button = dynamic_cast<QToolButton*>(const_cast<QObject *>(sender())); if (!button) { RG_DEBUG << "MidiProgramsEditor::slotKeyMapButtonPressed() : %%% ERROR - signal sender is not a QPushButton\n"; return ; } // std::cout << "editor button name" << button->objectName().toStdString() << std::endl; QString senderName = button->objectName(); if (!m_device) return ; const KeyMappingList &kml = m_device->getKeyMappings(); if (kml.empty()) return ; // Adjust value back to zero rated // unsigned int id = senderName.toUInt() - 1; MidiProgram *program = getProgram(*getCurrentBank(), id); if (!program) return ; m_currentMenuProgram = id; RosegardenPopupMenu *menu = new RosegardenPopupMenu(button); const MidiKeyMapping *currentMapping = m_device->getKeyMappingForProgram(*program); int currentKeyMap = 0; QAction *a = menu->addAction(tr("<no key mapping>")); a->setObjectName("0"); for (size_t i = 0; i < kml.size(); ++i) { a = menu->addAction(strtoqstr(kml[i].getName())); a->setObjectName(QString("%1").arg(i+1)); if (currentMapping && (kml[i] == *currentMapping)) currentKeyMap = int(i + 1); } connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(slotKeyMapMenuItemSelected(QAction *))); int itemHeight = menu->actionGeometry(actions().value(0)).height() + 2; QPoint pos = QCursor::pos(); pos.rx() -= 10; pos.ry() -= (itemHeight / 2 + currentKeyMap * itemHeight); menu->popup(pos); }
void TextRuler::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e) { QPainter paint(this); paint.setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::TextRulerForeground)); paint.setClipRegion(e->region()); paint.setClipRect(e->rect().normalized()); QRect clipRect = paint.clipRegion().boundingRect(); timeT from = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX (clipRect.x() - m_currentXOffset - 100); timeT to = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX (clipRect.x() + clipRect.width() - m_currentXOffset + 100); for (Segment::iterator i = m_segment->findTime(from); i != m_segment->findTime(to) && i != m_segment->end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->isa(Text::EventType)) continue; std::string text; if (!(*i)->get <String>(Text::TextPropertyName, text)) { RG_DEBUG << "Warning: TextRuler::paintEvent: No text in text event" << endl; continue; } QRect bounds = m_fontMetrics.boundingRect(strtoqstr(text)); double x = m_rulerScale->getXForTime((*i)->getAbsoluteTime()) + m_currentXOffset - bounds.width() / 2; int y = height() / 2 + bounds.height() / 2; paint.drawText(static_cast<int>(x), y, strtoqstr(text)); } }
void SegmentLabelCommand::execute() { bool addLabels = false; if (m_labels.empty()) addLabels = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_segments.size(); ++i) { if (addLabels) m_labels.push_back(strtoqstr(m_segments[i]->getLabel())); m_segments[i]->setLabel(qstrtostr(m_newLabel)); } }
void MidiProgramsEditor::slotKeyMapMenuItemSelected(int i) { if (!m_device) return ; const KeyMappingList &kml = m_device->getKeyMappings(); if (kml.empty()) return ; MidiProgram *program = getProgram(*getCurrentBank(), m_currentMenuProgram); if (!program) return ; std::string newMapping; if (i == 0) { // no key mapping newMapping = ""; } else { --i; if (i < (int)kml.size()) { newMapping = kml[i].getName(); } } m_device->setKeyMappingForProgram(*program, newMapping); // QString pixmapDir = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", "pixmaps/"); IconLoader il; QIcon icon; bool haveKeyMappings = (m_device->getKeyMappings().size() > 0); //@@@ JAS restored from before port/ QToolButton *btn = getKeyMapButton(m_currentMenuProgram); if (newMapping.empty()) { icon = il.load( "key-white" ); if( ! icon.isNull() ) { btn->setIcon( icon ); } // QToolTip::remove(btn); btn->setToolTip(QString("")); //@@@ Usefull ? } else { icon = il.load( "key-green" ); if( ! icon.isNull() ){ btn->setIcon( icon ); } btn->setToolTip(tr("Key Mapping: %1").arg(strtoqstr(newMapping))); } btn->setEnabled(haveKeyMappings); }
void KeySignatureDialog::regenerateKeyCombo() { if (m_explanatoryLabel) m_explanatoryLabel->hide(); m_ignoreComboChanges = true; QString currentText = m_keyCombo->currentText(); Rosegarden::Key::KeyList keys(Rosegarden::Key::getKeys(m_key.isMinor())); m_keyCombo->clear(); std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), KeyNameComparator()); bool textSet = false; for (Rosegarden::Key::KeyList::iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) { QString name(strtoqstr(i->getName())); int space = name.indexOf(' '); if (space > 0) name = name.left(space); // translation required; translation from QObject::tr to pull // translations from (generated) InstrumentStrings.cpp, must have "note // name" to distinguish from keyboard shortcut, even though this is a // key name // But m_key object needed to display the key pixmap can't be easily // obtained from a translated key name. That's why the untranslated key // name is now stored in the user data associated to each QComboBox // item. QVariant untranslatedName(name); m_keyCombo->addItem(QObject::tr(name.toStdString().c_str(), "note name"), untranslatedName); if (m_valid && (*i == m_key)) { m_keyCombo->setCurrentIndex(m_keyCombo->count() - 1); textSet = true; } } if (!textSet) { m_keyCombo->setEditText(currentText); } m_ignoreComboChanges = false; }
bool AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::hasGUI(InstrumentId instrument, int position) { PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) return false; AudioPluginInstance *pluginInstance = container->getPlugin(position); if (!pluginInstance) return false; try { QString filePath = AudioPluginOSCGUI::getGUIFilePath (strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getIdentifier())); return ( !filePath.isEmpty() ); } catch (Exception e) { // that's OK return false; } }
void InstrumentAliasButton::slotPressed() { if (!m_instrument) return; bool ok = false; QString newAlias = InputDialog::getText(this, tr("Rosegarden"), tr("Enter instrument alias:"), LineEdit::Normal, strtoqstr(m_instrument->getAlias()), &ok); if (ok) { m_instrument->setAlias(newAlias.toStdString()); emit changed(); } }
QString ControllerEventsRuler::getName() { if (m_controller) { QString name = tr("Unsupported Event Type"); if (m_controller->getType() == Controller::EventType) { QString hexValue; hexValue.sprintf("0x%x", m_controller->getControllerValue()); name = QString("%1 (%2 / %3)").arg(strtoqstr(m_controller->getName())) .arg(int(m_controller->getControllerValue())) .arg(hexValue); } else if (m_controller->getType() == PitchBend::EventType) { name = tr("Pitch Bend"); } return name; } else return tr("Controller Events"); }
void ReconnectDeviceCommand::unexecute() { Device *device = m_studio->getDevice(m_deviceId); if (device) { RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->setConnection (m_deviceId, strtoqstr(m_oldConnection)); device->setConnection(m_oldConnection); std::cerr << "ReconnectDeviceCommand::unexecute - " << " reconnected device " << m_deviceId << " to " << m_oldConnection << std::endl; } // ??? Instead of this kludge, we should be calling a Studio::hasChanged() // which would then notify all observers (e.g. MIPP) who, in turn, // would update themselves. RosegardenMainWindow::self()->uiUpdateKludge(); }
AudioPluginOSCGUI::AudioPluginOSCGUI(AudioPluginInstance *instance, QString serverURL, QString friendlyName) : m_gui(0), m_address(0), m_basePath(""), m_serverUrl(serverURL) { QString identifier = strtoqstr(instance->getIdentifier()); QString filePath = getGUIFilePath(identifier); if ( filePath.isEmpty() ) { throw Exception("No GUI found"); } QString type, soName, label; PluginIdentifier::parseIdentifier(identifier, type, soName, label); QFileInfo soInfo(soName); //setup osc process // arguments: osc url, dll name, label, instance tag m_gui = new QProcess(); QStringList guiArgs; guiArgs << m_serverUrl << soInfo.fileName() << label << friendlyName; RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUI::AudioPluginOSCGUI: Starting process " << filePath << " " << m_serverUrl << " " << soInfo.fileName() << " " << label << " " << friendlyName << endl; m_gui->start(filePath, guiArgs); if (!m_gui->waitForStarted()) { //@@@ JAS Check here first for errors RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUI::AudioPluginOSCGUI: Couldn't start process " << filePath; delete m_gui; m_gui = 0; throw Exception("Failed to start GUI"); } }
void ColourTable::populate_table(ColourMap &input, ColourList &list) { m_colours.reserve(input.size()); setRowCount(input.size()); QString name; unsigned int i = 0; QStringList vHeaderLabels; for (RCMap::const_iterator it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.second == std::string("")) name = tr("Default Color"); else name = strtoqstr(it->second.second); // QTableWidgetItem *text = new QTableWidgetItem( // dynamic_cast<QTableWidget *>(this), // QTableWidgetItem::Never, name); QTableWidgetItem *text = new QTableWidgetItem( ); setItem(i, 0, text); list[i] = it->first; m_colours[i] = GUIPalette::convertColour(it->second.first); ColourTableItem *temp = new ColourTableItem(this, m_colours[i]); setItem(i, 1, temp); // verticalHeader()->setLabel(i, QString::number(it->first)); vHeaderLabels << QString::number(it->first); ++i; } setVerticalHeaderLabels( vHeaderLabels ); }
void AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updateConfiguration(InstrumentId instrument, int position, QString key) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updateConfiguration(" << instrument << "," << position << "," << key << ")" << endl; if (m_guis.find(instrument) == m_guis.end() || m_guis[instrument].find(position) == m_guis[instrument].end()) return ; PluginContainer *container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) return; AudioPluginInstance *pluginInstance = container->getPlugin(position); if (!pluginInstance) return; QString value = strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getConfigurationValue(qstrtostr(key))); RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::updatePort(" << instrument << "," << position << "," << key << "): value " << value << endl; m_guis[instrument][position]->sendConfiguration(key, value); }
void CreateOrDeleteDeviceCommand::execute() { if (!m_deviceCreated) { //!DEVPUSH: Not ideal; we probably just want to add it to the studio (and then trigger a re-push) rather than add it twice to studio and sequencer // Create // don't want to do this again on undo even if it fails -- only on redo m_deviceCreated = true; m_deviceId = m_studio->getSpareDeviceId(m_baseInstrumentId); bool success = RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()-> addDevice(m_type, m_deviceId, m_baseInstrumentId, m_direction); if (!success) { SEQMAN_DEBUG << "CreateDeviceCommand::execute - " << "sequencer addDevice failed" << endl; return ; } SEQMAN_DEBUG << "CreateDeviceCommand::execute - " << " added device " << m_deviceId << " with base instrument id " << m_baseInstrumentId << endl; RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->setConnection (m_deviceId, strtoqstr(m_connection)); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "CreateDeviceCommand::execute - " << " reconnected device " << m_deviceId << " to " << m_connection << endl; m_studio->addDevice(m_name, m_deviceId, m_baseInstrumentId, m_type); Device *device = m_studio->getDevice(m_deviceId); if (device) { device->setConnection(m_connection); MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(device); if (md) md->setDirection(m_direction); } /* update view automatically (without pressing refresh button) */ DeviceManagerDialog *dmd=RosegardenMainWindow::self()->getDeviceManager(); if (dmd!=NULL) { dmd->slotResyncDevicesReceived(); } } else { // Delete RosegardenSequencer::getInstance()->removeDevice(m_deviceId); SEQMAN_DEBUG << "CreateDeviceCommand::unexecute - " << " removed device " << m_deviceId << endl; m_studio->removeDevice(m_deviceId); m_deviceId = Device::NO_DEVICE; m_deviceCreated = false; } }
bool ImportDeviceDialog::doImport() { setModal(true); setWindowTitle(tr("Import from Device...")); QGridLayout *metagrid = new QGridLayout; setLayout(metagrid); QWidget *mainFrame = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *mainFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout; metagrid->addWidget(mainFrame, 0, 0); if (m_url.isEmpty()) { reject(); return false; } QString target; FileSource source(m_url); if (!source.isAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical( dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), "", /* no title */ tr("Cannot download file %1").arg(m_url.toString()), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return false; } source.waitForData(); target = source.getLocalFilename(); std::string filename = qStrToStrLocal8(target); bool fileRead = false; if (SF2PatchExtractor::isSF2File(filename)) { fileRead = importFromSF2(target); } else if (LSCPPatchExtractor::isLSCPFile(target)) { fileRead = importFromLSCP(target); } else { fileRead = importFromRG(target); } if (!fileRead) { QMessageBox::critical( dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), "", /* no title */ tr("Cannot open file %1").arg(m_url.toString()), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); reject(); close(); return false; } if (m_devices.size() == 0) { QMessageBox::warning( dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(this), "", /* no title */ tr("No devices found in file %1").arg(m_url.toString()), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); reject(); close(); return false; } QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Source device")); QHBoxLayout *groupBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; mainFrameLayout->addWidget(groupBox); QWidget *deviceBox = new QWidget(groupBox); QHBoxLayout *deviceBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout( deviceBox ); groupBoxLayout->addWidget(deviceBox); deviceBoxLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Import from: "), deviceBox)); bool showRenameOption = false; if (m_devices.size() > 1) { m_deviceLabel = 0; m_deviceCombo = new QComboBox( deviceBox ); deviceBoxLayout->addWidget(m_deviceCombo); } else { m_deviceCombo = 0; m_deviceLabel = new QLabel( deviceBox ); deviceBoxLayout->addWidget(m_deviceLabel); } deviceBoxLayout->addStretch(10); int count = 1; for (std::vector<MidiDevice *>::iterator i = m_devices.begin(); i != m_devices.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->getName() != "") { showRenameOption = true; } else { (*i)->setName(qstrtostr(tr("Device %1").arg(count))); } if (m_devices.size() > 1) { m_deviceCombo->addItem(strtoqstr((*i)->getName())); } else { m_deviceLabel->setText(strtoqstr((*i)->getName())); } ++count; } QWidget *optionsBox = new QWidget(mainFrame); QHBoxLayout *optionsBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; mainFrameLayout->addWidget(optionsBox); QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox(tr("Options")); QVBoxLayout *gbLayout = new QVBoxLayout; optionsBoxLayout->addWidget(gb); m_importBanks = new QCheckBox(tr("Import banks"), gb); gbLayout->addWidget(m_importBanks); m_importKeyMappings = new QCheckBox(tr("Import key mappings"), gb); gbLayout->addWidget(m_importKeyMappings); m_importControllers = new QCheckBox(tr("Import controllers"), gb); gbLayout->addWidget(m_importControllers); if (showRenameOption) { m_rename = new QCheckBox(tr("Import device name"), gb); gbLayout->addWidget(m_rename); } else { m_rename = 0; } QGroupBox *buttonGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Bank import behavior")); QVBoxLayout *buttonGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; optionsBoxLayout->addWidget(buttonGroupBox); m_buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup(buttonGroupBox); m_mergeBanks = new QRadioButton(tr("Merge banks")); buttonGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(m_mergeBanks); m_buttonGroup->addButton(m_mergeBanks, 0); m_overwriteBanks = new QRadioButton(tr("Overwrite banks")); buttonGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(m_overwriteBanks); m_buttonGroup->addButton(m_overwriteBanks, 1); gb->setLayout(gbLayout); buttonGroupBox->setLayout(buttonGroupBoxLayout); optionsBox->setLayout(optionsBoxLayout); deviceBox->setLayout(deviceBoxLayout); groupBox->setLayout(groupBoxLayout); mainFrame->setLayout(mainFrameLayout); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup( GeneralOptionsConfigGroup ); m_importBanks->setChecked( qStrToBool( settings.value("importbanks", "true" ) ) ); m_importKeyMappings->setChecked( qStrToBool( settings.value("importkeymappings", "true" ) ) ); m_importControllers->setChecked( qStrToBool( settings.value("importcontrollers", "true" ) ) ); bool rename = qStrToBool( settings.value("importbanksrename", "true" ) ) ; if (m_rename) m_rename->setChecked(rename); bool overwrite = qStrToBool( settings.value("importbanksoverwrite", "true" ) ) ; if (overwrite) m_buttonGroup->button(1)->setChecked(true); else m_buttonGroup->button(0)->setChecked(true); settings.endGroup(); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); metagrid->addWidget(buttonBox, 1, 0); metagrid->setRowStretch(0, 10); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(slotCancel())); return true; }
void LyricEditDialog::unparse() { // This and SetLyricsCommand::execute() are opposites that will // need to be kept in sync with any changes in one another. (They // should really both be in a common lyric management class.) countVerses(); Composition *comp = m_segment->getComposition(); bool firstNote = true; timeT lastTime = m_segment->getStartTime(); int lastBarNo = comp->getBarNumber(lastTime); std::map<int, bool> haveLyric; QString fragment = QString("[%1] ").arg(lastBarNo + 1); m_skeleton = fragment; m_texts.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) { m_texts.push_back(fragment); haveLyric[v] = false; } for (Segment::iterator i = m_segment->begin(); m_segment->isBeforeEndMarker(i); ++i) { bool isNote = (*i)->isa(Note::EventType); bool isLyric = false; if (!isNote) { if ((*i)->isa(Text::EventType)) { std::string textType; if ((*i)->get<String>(Text::TextTypePropertyName, textType) && textType == Text::Lyric) { isLyric = true; } } } else { if ((*i)->has(BaseProperties::TIED_BACKWARD) && (*i)->get<Bool>(BaseProperties::TIED_BACKWARD)) { continue; } } if (!isNote && !isLyric) continue; timeT myTime = (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); int myBarNo = comp->getBarNumber(myTime); if (myBarNo > lastBarNo) { fragment = ""; while (myBarNo > lastBarNo) { fragment += " /"; ++lastBarNo; } fragment += QString("\n[%1] ").arg(myBarNo + 1); m_skeleton += fragment; for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) m_texts[v] += fragment; } if (isNote) { if ((myTime > lastTime) || firstNote) { m_skeleton += " ."; for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) { if (!haveLyric[v]) m_texts[v] += " ."; haveLyric[v] = false; } lastTime = myTime; firstNote = false; } } if (isLyric) { std::string ssyllable; (*i)->get<String>(Text::TextPropertyName, ssyllable); long verse = 0; (*i)->get<Int>(Text::LyricVersePropertyName, verse); QString syllable(strtoqstr(ssyllable)); syllable.replace(QRegExp("\\s+"), "~"); m_texts[verse] += " " + syllable; haveLyric[verse] = true; } } if (!m_texts.empty()) { m_textEdit->setPlainText(m_texts[0]); } else { m_texts.push_back(m_skeleton); } }
void MidiProgramsEditor::populate(QTreeWidgetItem* item) { RG_DEBUG << "MidiProgramsEditor::populate\n"; MidiBankTreeWidgetItem* bankItem = dynamic_cast<MidiBankTreeWidgetItem*>(item); if (!bankItem) { RG_DEBUG << "MidiProgramsEditor::populate : not a bank item - returning\n"; return ; } DeviceId deviceId = bankItem->getDeviceId(); m_device = m_bankEditor->getMidiDevice(deviceId); if (!m_device) return ; setEnabled(true); setBankName(item->text(0)); RG_DEBUG << "MidiProgramsEditor::populate : bankItem->getBank = " << bankItem->getBank() << endl; m_currentBank = &(m_bankList[bankItem->getBank()]); // m_device->getBankByIndex(bankItem->getBank()); blockAllSignals(true); // set the bank values m_percussion->setChecked(m_currentBank->isPercussion()); m_msb->setValue(m_currentBank->getMSB()); m_lsb->setValue(m_currentBank->getLSB()); m_oldBank = *m_currentBank; // Librarian details // m_librarian->setText(strtoqstr(m_device->getLibrarianName())); m_librarianEmail->setText(strtoqstr(m_device->getLibrarianEmail())); ProgramList programSubset = getBankSubset(*m_currentBank); ProgramList::iterator it; QPixmap noKeyPixmap, keyPixmap; IconLoader il; noKeyPixmap = il.loadPixmap("key-white"); keyPixmap = il.loadPixmap("key-green"); bool haveKeyMappings = m_device->getKeyMappings().size() > 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_names.size(); i++) { m_names[i]->clear(); getKeyMapButton(i)->setEnabled(haveKeyMappings); getKeyMapButton(i)->setIcon(QIcon(noKeyPixmap)); // QToolTip::remove // ( getKeyMapButton(i) ); getKeyMapButton(i)->setToolTip(QString("")); //@@@ Usefull ? getKeyMapButton(i)->setMaximumHeight( 12 ); for (it = programSubset.begin(); it != programSubset.end(); ++it) { if (it->getProgram() == i) { // zero in on "Harpsichord" vs. "Coupled Harpsichord to cut down // on noise (0-based) // if (i == 6) std::cout << "it->getName(): " << it->getName() << std::endl; QString programName = strtoqstr(it->getName()); m_completions << programName; m_names[i]->setText(programName); if (m_device->getKeyMappingForProgram(*it)) { getKeyMapButton(i)->setIcon(QIcon(keyPixmap)); getKeyMapButton(i)->setToolTip (tr("Key Mapping: %1") .arg(strtoqstr(m_device->getKeyMappingForProgram(*it)->getName()))); } break; } } // show start of label m_names[i]->setCursorPosition(0); } blockAllSignals(false); }
void PercussionPitchRuler::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter paint(this); paint.setFont(*m_font); int minPitch = m_mapping->getPitchForOffset(0); int extent = m_mapping->getPitchExtent(); // Draw the ruler for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i) { paint.drawLine(0, i * (m_lineSpacing + 1), m_width, i * (m_lineSpacing + 1)); } //: Note to the translators: Don't translate literally. //: This string is never displayed but defines the largest width of the //: pitch name in the percussion ruler text. int lw = m_fontMetrics->width(tr("A#2")); int offset = m_fontMetrics->ascent() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < extent; ++i) { MidiPitchLabel label(minPitch + i); std::string key = m_mapping->getMapForKeyName(minPitch + i); //RG_DEBUG << "PercussionPitchRuler::paintEvent()" << i << ": " << label.getQString() << ": " << key; int yi = (extent - i - 1) * (m_lineSpacing + 1) + offset; paint.drawText(2, yi, label.getQString()); if (i != m_hoverNotePitch) { // Draw an unhighlighted note paint.drawText(9 + lw, yi, strtoqstr(key)); } else { // Highlight the hover note int iHover = m_hoverNotePitch - minPitch; int y = (extent - iHover - 1) * (m_lineSpacing + 1);; paint.setBrush(paint.pen().color()); paint.drawRect(lw + 7, y, m_width - lw, m_lineSpacing + 1); paint.setPen(QColor(Qt::black)); std::string key = m_mapping->getMapForKeyName(m_hoverNotePitch); paint.drawText(9 + lw, y + offset, strtoqstr(key)); paint.restore(); } } if (m_lastHoverHighlight != m_hoverNotePitch) { m_lastHoverHighlight = m_hoverNotePitch; // Unhilight the last hover note if (m_lastHoverHighlight >= 0) { int iLastHover = m_lastHoverHighlight - minPitch; int y = (extent - iLastHover - 1) * (m_lineSpacing + 1); paint.drawRect(lw + 7, y + 1, m_width - lw, m_lineSpacing); std::string key = m_mapping->getMapForKeyName(m_lastHoverHighlight); paint.setPen(QColor(Qt::black)); paint.drawText(9 + lw, y + offset, strtoqstr(key)); } } }
ROSEGARDENPRIVATE_EXPORT QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &dbg, const std::string &s) { dbg << strtoqstr(s); return dbg; }