static int host_command_get_version(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { struct ec_response_get_version *r = args->response; strzcpy(r->version_string_ro, system_get_version(SYSTEM_IMAGE_RO), sizeof(r->version_string_ro)); strzcpy(r->version_string_rw, system_get_version(SYSTEM_IMAGE_RW), sizeof(r->version_string_rw)); switch (system_get_image_copy()) { case SYSTEM_IMAGE_RO: r->current_image = EC_IMAGE_RO; break; case SYSTEM_IMAGE_RW: r->current_image = EC_IMAGE_RW; break; default: r->current_image = EC_IMAGE_UNKNOWN; break; } args->response_size = sizeof(*r); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; }
static piXping * piFindXping ( PEER peer, const char * nick1, const char * nick2 ) { piXping xpingMatch; PEER_CONNECTION; assert(nick1); assert(nick1[0]); assert(piGetPlayer(peer, nick1)); assert(nick2); assert(nick2[0]); assert(piGetPlayer(peer, nick2)); // Setup the xping match. ///////////////////////// strzcpy(xpingMatch.nicks[0], nick1, PI_NICK_MAX_LEN); _strlwr(xpingMatch.nicks[0]); strzcpy(xpingMatch.nicks[1], nick2, PI_NICK_MAX_LEN); _strlwr(xpingMatch.nicks[0]); // Find the xping. ////////////////// return (piXping *)TableLookup(connection->xpings, &xpingMatch); }
static int host_command_get_chip_info(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { struct ec_response_get_chip_info *r = args->response; strzcpy(r->vendor, system_get_chip_vendor(), sizeof(r->vendor)); strzcpy(r->name, system_get_chip_name(), sizeof(r->name)); strzcpy(r->revision, system_get_chip_revision(), sizeof(r->revision)); args->response_size = sizeof(*r); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; }
static int host_command_build_info(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { strzcpy(args->response, system_get_build_info(), args->response_max); args->response_size = strlen(args->response) + 1; return EC_RES_SUCCESS; }
GPResult gpiSendServerBuddyMessage( GPConnection * connection, int profileid, int type, const char * message ) { char buffer[3501]; GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection; // Copy the message into an internal buffer. //////////////////////////////////////////// strzcpy(buffer, message, sizeof(buffer)); // Setup the message. ///////////////////// gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\bm\\"); gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, type); gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\sesskey\\"); gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->sessKey); gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\t\\"); gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, profileid); gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\msg\\"); gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, buffer); gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\final\\"); return GP_NO_ERROR; }
ret_t threading_setup(uint32_t init_thread_stack_base_address, uint32_t init_thread_stack_size) { struct thread *myself; TAILQ_INIT(&kernel_threads); /* Allocate a new thread structure for the current running thread */ myself = (struct thread *)malloc(sizeof(struct thread)); if (!myself) return -KERNEL_NO_MEMORY; /* Initialize the thread attributes */ strzcpy(myself->name, "[kinit]", THREAD_MAX_NAMELEN); myself->state = THREAD_CREATED; myself->kernel_stack_base_address = init_thread_stack_base_address; myself->kernel_stack_size = init_thread_stack_size; /* Add the thread in the global list */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kernel_threads, myself, next); /* Ok, now pretend that the running thread is ourselves */ myself->state = THREAD_READY; thread_set_current(myself); return KERNEL_OK; }
void handle_allnames( Client *client, PKTBI_98_IN *msg ) { u32 serial = cfBEu32( msg->serial ); Character *the_mob = find_character( serial ); if (the_mob != NULL) { if (!client->chr->is_visible_to_me(the_mob)) { return; } if (pol_distance(client->chr->x, client->chr->y, the_mob->x, the_mob->y) > 20) { return; } PKTBI_98_OUT allnames; allnames.msgtype = PKTBI_98_OUT_ID; allnames.msglen = ctBEu16(0x25); // 0x25 = 37. Static Length. allnames.serial = the_mob->serial_ext; strzcpy(, the_mob->name().c_str(), sizeof ); transmit( client, &allnames, sizeof allnames ); } else { return; } }
struct thread *thread_create(const char *name, kernel_thread_start_routine_t start_func, void *start_arg) { __label__ undo_creation; uint32_t flags; struct thread *new_thread; if (!start_func) return NULL; /* Allocate a new thread structure for the current running thread */ new_thread = malloc(sizeof(struct thread)); if (!new_thread) return NULL; /* Initialize the thread attributes */ strzcpy(new_thread->name, ((name)?name:"[NONAME]"), THREAD_MAX_NAMELEN); new_thread->state = THREAD_CREATED; /* Allocate the stack for the new thread */ new_thread->kernel_stack_base_address = (uint32_t)malloc(THREAD_KERNEL_STACK_SIZE); new_thread->kernel_stack_size = THREAD_KERNEL_STACK_SIZE; if (!new_thread->kernel_stack_base_address) goto undo_creation; /* Initialize the CPU context of the new thread */ cpu_kstate_init(&new_thread->cpu_state, (cpu_kstate_function_arg1_t *)start_func, (uint32_t)start_arg, new_thread->kernel_stack_base_address, new_thread->kernel_stack_size); /* Add the thread in the global list */ X86_IRQs_DISABLE(flags); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kernel_threads, new_thread, next); X86_IRQs_ENABLE(flags); /* Mark the thread as ready */ if (scheduler_set_ready(new_thread) != KERNEL_OK) goto undo_creation; return new_thread; undo_creation: if (new_thread->kernel_stack_base_address) free((uint32_t *)new_thread->kernel_stack_base_address); free(new_thread); return NULL; }
static piXping * piAddXping ( PEER peer, const char * nick1, const char * nick2 ) { piXping xpingMatch; piXping * xping; PEER_CONNECTION; assert(nick1); assert(nick1[0]); assert(piGetPlayer(peer, nick1)); assert(nick2); assert(nick2[0]); assert(piGetPlayer(peer, nick2)); // Setup the one to add. //////////////////////// xping = &xpingMatch; strzcpy(xping->nicks[0], nick1, PI_NICK_MAX_LEN); _strlwr(xping->nicks[0]); strzcpy(xping->nicks[1], nick2, PI_NICK_MAX_LEN); _strlwr(xping->nicks[1]); // Add it. ////////// TableEnter(connection->xpings, xping); // Get it. ////////// xping = (piXping *)TableLookup(connection->xpings, &xpingMatch); // Return it. ///////////// return xping; }
int kwaitq_init(struct kwaitq *kwq, const char *name) { memset(kwq, 0x0, sizeof(struct kwaitq)); if (! name) name = "<unknown>"; strzcpy(kwq->name, name, KWQ_DEBUG_MAX_NAMELEN); list_init_named(kwq->waiting_list, prev_entry_in_kwaitq, next_entry_in_kwaitq); return OK; }
int firstcall(char *uname, char *str) { char *tp; char buf[32]; memset(buf,0x00,32); tp=strstr(uname,"\t"); strncpy(buf,uname,tp-uname); uname=buf; memset(str, 0x00, MAXBUF+1); int count=0; int n=-1; free(servquery(aserv, NUSER, uname, 1, &count)); if (count==1) { str=strzcpy(str, "1", -1); } else { str=strzcpy(str, "0", -1); } free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "weblogic813", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "weblogic920", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "websphere51", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "websphere61", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "tomcat5", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "tomcat6", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); free(servquery(aserv, NMIDWARE, "weblogic816", n, &count)); str=strzcpy(str, itoas(count, "00"), -1); str[strlen(str)]='\0'; return 1; }
void send_short_statmsg( Client *client, Character *chr ) { unsigned short msglen = offsetof( PKTOUT_11_V1, gender ); PKTOUT_11_V1 msg; msg.msgtype = PKTOUT_11_V1_ID; msg.msglen = ctBEu16(msglen); msg.serial = chr->serial_ext; strzcpy(, chr->name().c_str(), sizeof ); if (uoclient_general.hits.any) { long h, mh; h = chr->vital(; if (h > 0xFFFF) h = 0xFFFF; //msg.hits = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(h) ); mh = chr->vital(; if (mh > 0xFFFF) mh = 0xFFFF; //msg.max_hits = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(mh) ); msg.hits = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(h * 1000 / mh) ); msg.max_hits = ctBEu16( 1000 ); } else { msg.hits = 0; msg.max_hits = 0; } msg.renameable = (client->chr->can_rename( chr ) ? 0xFF : 0); msg.moreinfo = 0; transmit(client, &msg, msglen ); }
int EScriptProgram::write( const char *fname ) { EScriptProgram& program = *this; FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!fp) return -1; BSCRIPT_FILE_HDR hdr; hdr.magic2[0] = BSCRIPT_FILE_MAGIC0; hdr.magic2[1] = BSCRIPT_FILE_MAGIC1; hdr.version = ESCRIPT_FILE_VER_CURRENT; // auto-set to latest version (see filefmt.h) hdr.globals = static_cast<unsigned short>(globalvarnames.size()); fwrite( &hdr, sizeof hdr, 1, fp ); BSCRIPT_SECTION_HDR sechdr; if (haveProgram) { BSCRIPT_PROGDEF_HDR progdef_hdr; memset( &progdef_hdr, 0, sizeof progdef_hdr ); sechdr.type = BSCRIPT_SECTION_PROGDEF; sechdr.length = sizeof progdef_hdr; fwrite( &sechdr, sizeof sechdr, 1, fp ); progdef_hdr.expectedArgs = expectedArgs; fwrite( &progdef_hdr, sizeof progdef_hdr, 1, fp ); } for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < program.modules.size(); idx++ ) { FunctionalityModule* module = program.modules[ idx ]; sechdr.type = BSCRIPT_SECTION_MODULE; sechdr.length = 0; fwrite( &sechdr, sizeof sechdr, 1, fp ); BSCRIPT_MODULE_HDR modhdr; memset( &modhdr, 0, sizeof modhdr ); strzcpy( modhdr.modulename, module->modulename.c_str(), sizeof modhdr.modulename ); modhdr.nfuncs = module->used_functions.size(); fwrite( &modhdr, sizeof modhdr, 1, fp ); for( unsigned funcnum = 0; funcnum < module->used_functions.size(); funcnum++ ) { BSCRIPT_MODULE_FUNCTION func; memset( &func, 0, sizeof func ); passert( module->used_functions[funcnum]->used ); strzcpy( func.funcname, module->used_functions[funcnum]->name.c_str(), sizeof func.funcname ); func.nargs = static_cast<unsigned char>(module->used_functions[funcnum]->nargs); fwrite( &func, sizeof func, 1, fp ); } } sechdr.type = BSCRIPT_SECTION_CODE; sechdr.length = program.tokens.get_write_length(); fwrite( &sechdr, sizeof sechdr, 1, fp ); program.tokens.write(fp); sechdr.type = BSCRIPT_SECTION_SYMBOLS; sechdr.length = program.symbols.get_write_length(); fwrite( &sechdr, sizeof sechdr, 1, fp ); program.symbols.write(fp); if (exported_functions.size()) { BSCRIPT_EXPORTED_FUNCTION bef; sechdr.type = BSCRIPT_SECTION_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS; sechdr.length = exported_functions.size() * sizeof bef; fwrite( &sechdr, sizeof sechdr, 1, fp ); for( unsigned i = 0; i < exported_functions.size(); ++i ) { strzcpy( bef.funcname, exported_functions[i].name.c_str(), sizeof bef.funcname ); bef.nargs = exported_functions[i].nargs; bef.PC = exported_functions[i].PC; fwrite( &bef, sizeof bef, 1, fp ); } } fclose(fp); return 0; }
GPResult gpiProcessRecvBuddyMessage( GPConnection * connection, const char * input ) { char buffer[4096]; int type; int profileid; time_t date; GPICallback callback; GPIProfile * profile; GPIBuddyStatus * buddyStatus; char intValue[16]; char * str; unsigned short port; int productID; GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection; char strTemp[max(GP_STATUS_STRING_LEN, GP_LOCATION_STRING_LEN)]; // Check the type of bm. //////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\bm\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); type = atoi(buffer); // Get the profile this is from. //////////////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\f\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); profileid = atoi(buffer); // Get the time. //////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\date\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) date = time(NULL); else date = atoi(buffer); // What type of message is this? //////////////////////////////// switch(type) { case GPI_BM_MESSAGE: // Call the callback. ///////////////////// callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_MESSAGE]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyMessageArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyMessageArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyMessageArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); #ifndef GSI_UNICODE arg->message = (char *)gsimalloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); if(arg->message == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); strcpy(arg->message, buffer); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; #else arg->message = (unsigned short*)gsimalloc(strlen(buffer)*2+2); if(arg->message == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); UTF8ToUCS2String(buffer, arg->message); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; #endif CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_MESSAGE)); } break; case GPI_BM_UTM: // Call the callback. ///////////////////// callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_UTM]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyUTMArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyUTMArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyUTMArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); #ifndef GSI_UNICODE arg->message = (char *)gsimalloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); if(arg->message == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); strcpy(arg->message, buffer); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; #else arg->message = (unsigned short*)gsimalloc(strlen(buffer)*2+2); if(arg->message == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); UTF8ToUCS2String(buffer, arg->message); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; #endif CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_BUDDYUTM)); } break; case GPI_BM_REQUEST: // Get the profile, adding if needed. ///////////////////////////////////// profile = gpiProfileListAdd(connection, profileid); if(!profile) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); // Get the reason. ////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Find where the sig starts. ///////////////////////////// str = strstr(buffer, "|signed|"); if(str == NULL) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the sig out of the message. ////////////////////////////////// *str = '\0'; str += 8; if(strlen(str) != 32) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); freeclear(profile->authSig); profile->authSig = goastrdup(str); profile->requestCount++; // Call the callback. ///////////////////// callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_REQUEST]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyRequestArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyRequestArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyRequestArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); #ifndef GSI_UNICODE strzcpy(arg->reason, buffer, GP_REASON_LEN); #else UTF8ToUCS2String(buffer, arg->reason); #endif arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_BUDDDYREQUEST)); } break; case GPI_BM_AUTH: // call the callback callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_AUTH]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyAuthArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyAuthArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyAuthArg)); if (arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_BUDDYAUTH)); } break; case GPI_BM_REVOKE: // call the callback callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_REVOKE]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyRevokeArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyRevokeArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyRevokeArg)); if (arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_BUDDYREVOKE)); } break; case GPI_BM_STATUS: // Get the profile, adding if needed. ///////////////////////////////////// profile = gpiProfileListAdd(connection, profileid); if(!profile) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); // Make sure profile wasn't blocked prior to getting the status update ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!profile->blocked) { // This is a buddy. /////////////////// if(!profile->buddyStatus) { profile->buddyStatus = (GPIBuddyStatus *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPIBuddyStatus)); if(!profile->buddyStatus) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); memset(profile->buddyStatus, 0, sizeof(GPIBuddyStatus)); if (profile->buddyStatusInfo) { profile->buddyStatus->buddyIndex = profile->buddyStatusInfo->buddyIndex; gpiRemoveBuddyStatusInfo(profile->buddyStatusInfo); profile->buddyStatusInfo = NULL; } else profile->buddyStatus->buddyIndex = iconnection->profileList.numBuddies++; } // Get the buddy status. //////////////////////// buddyStatus = profile->buddyStatus; // Get the msg. /////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the status. ////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|s|", intValue, sizeof(intValue))) { CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); } else { buddyStatus->status = (GPEnum)atoi(intValue); } // Get the status string. ///////////////////////// freeclear(buddyStatus->statusString); if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|ss|", strTemp, GP_STATUS_STRING_LEN)) strTemp[0] = '\0'; buddyStatus->statusString = goastrdup(strTemp); if(!buddyStatus->statusString) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); // Get the location string. /////////////////////////// freeclear(buddyStatus->locationString); if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|ls|", strTemp, GP_LOCATION_STRING_LEN)) strTemp[0] = '\0'; buddyStatus->locationString = goastrdup(strTemp); if(!buddyStatus->locationString) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); // Get the ip. ////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|ip|", intValue, sizeof(intValue))) buddyStatus->ip = 0; else buddyStatus->ip = htonl((unsigned int)atoi(intValue)); // Get the port. //////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|p|", intValue, sizeof(intValue))) buddyStatus->port = 0; else { port = (unsigned short)atoi(intValue); buddyStatus->port = htons(port); } // Get the quiet mode flags. //////////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(buffer, "|qm|", intValue, sizeof(intValue))) buddyStatus->quietModeFlags = GP_SILENCE_NONE; else buddyStatus->quietModeFlags = (GPEnum)atoi(intValue); // Call the callback. ///////////////////// callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_BUDDY_STATUS]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvBuddyStatusArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvBuddyStatusArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvBuddyStatusArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->index = buddyStatus->buddyIndex; arg->date = (unsigned int)date; CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, GPI_ADD_STATUS)); } } break; case GPI_BM_INVITE: // Get the msg. /////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Find the productid. ////////////////////// str = strstr(buffer, "|p|"); if(str == NULL) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Skip the |p|. //////////////// str += 3; if(str[0] == '\0') CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the productid. ///////////////////// productID = atoi(str); // Find the location string (optional - older versions won't have) str = strstr(buffer, "|l|"); if(str != NULL) strzcpy(strTemp, (str+3), sizeof(strTemp)); else strTemp[0] = '\0'; // no location, set to empty string // Call the callback. ///////////////////// callback = iconnection->callbacks[GPI_RECV_GAME_INVITE]; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPRecvGameInviteArg * arg; arg = (GPRecvGameInviteArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPRecvGameInviteArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); arg->profile = (GPProfile)profileid; arg->productID = productID; #ifdef GSI_UNICODE AsciiToUCS2String(strTemp, arg->location); #else strcpy(arg->location, strTemp); #endif CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, NULL, 0)); } break; case GPI_BM_PING: // Get the msg. /////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\msg\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Send back a pong. //////////////////// gpiSendBuddyMessage(connection, profileid, GPI_BM_PONG, "1", 0, NULL); break; #ifndef NOFILE case GPI_BM_PONG: // Lets the transfers handle this. ////////////////////////////////// gpiTransfersHandlePong(connection, profileid, NULL); break; #endif } return GP_NO_ERROR; }
HWND WINAPI CreateWindowEx(DWORD dwExStyle, LPCSTR lpClassName, LPCSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hwndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam) { HWND pwp; /* parent window */ HWND wp; /* new window */ HWND hwndOwner; PWNDCLASS pClass; CREATESTRUCT cs; static int nextx = 20; static int nexty = 20; pClass = MwFindClassByName(lpClassName); if(!pClass) return NULL; if(x == CW_USEDEFAULT || y == CW_USEDEFAULT) { x = nextx; nextx += 10; y = nexty; nexty += 10; if(nextx > 200) nextx = nexty = 20; } if(nWidth == CW_USEDEFAULT || nHeight == CW_USEDEFAULT) { nWidth = 250; nHeight = 250; } if(hwndParent == NULL) { if(dwStyle & WS_CHILD) return NULL; pwp = rootwp; } else pwp = hwndParent; /* WS_POPUP z-order parent is the root window (passed parent is owner)*/ if(dwStyle & WS_POPUP) pwp = rootwp; /* force clip to root, not z-parent*/ /* window owner is NULL for child windows, else it's the passed parent*/ if(dwStyle & WS_CHILD) hwndOwner = NULL; else hwndOwner = hwndParent; wp = (HWND)GdItemAlloc(sizeof(struct hwnd) - 1 + pClass->cbWndExtra); if(!wp) return NULL; /* force all clipping on by default*/ dwStyle |= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; wp->pClass = pClass; wp->style = dwStyle; wp->exstyle = dwExStyle; wp->parent = pwp; wp->owner = hwndOwner; wp->children = NULL; wp->siblings = pwp->children; pwp->children = wp; wp->next = listwp; listwp = wp; wp->winrect.left = pwp->clirect.left + x; wp-> = pwp-> + y; wp->winrect.right = wp->winrect.left + nWidth; wp->winrect.bottom = wp-> + nHeight; wp->cursor = pwp->cursor; wp->cursor->usecount++; wp->unmapcount = pwp->unmapcount + 1; wp->id = (int)hMenu; wp->gotPaintMsg = PAINT_PAINTED; strzcpy(wp->szTitle, lpWindowName, sizeof(wp->szTitle)); #if UPDATEREGIONS wp->update = GdAllocRegion(); #endif wp->nextrabytes = pClass->cbWndExtra; /* calculate client area*/ MwCalcClientRect(wp); cs.lpCreateParams = lpParam; cs.hInstance = hInstance; cs.hMenu = hMenu; cs.hwndParent = hwndParent; = nHeight; = nWidth; cs.y = y; cs.x = x; = dwStyle; cs.lpszName = lpWindowName; cs.lpszClass = lpClassName; cs.dwExStyle = dwExStyle; if(SendMessage(wp, WM_CREATE, 0, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)&cs) == -1) { MwDestroyWindow(wp, FALSE); return NULL; } /* send SIZE and MOVE msgs*/ MwSendSizeMove(wp, TRUE, TRUE); if(wp->style & WS_VISIBLE) { MwShowWindow(wp, TRUE); SetFocus(wp); } return wp; }
void set_ip_address( const char* ip ) { strzcpy( ipaddr_str, ip, sizeof ipaddr_str ); cout << "Internet IP address is " << ipaddr_str << endl; }
void set_lan_address( const char* ip ) { strzcpy( lanaddr_str, ip, sizeof lanaddr_str ); cout << "LAN IP address is " << lanaddr_str << endl; }
char *mergeFnExt( char *fname ) { strzcpy( fname, temp_fname, MAXFILE ); strncat( fname, temp_ext, MAXEXT - 1 ); return fname; }
/* XXX fixme: this function uses obsolete argument parsing interface */ int acpi_table_add(const char *t) { char buf[1024], *p, *f; unsigned long val; size_t len, start, allen; bool has_header; int changed; int r; struct acpi_table_header hdr; r = 0; r |= get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "data", t) ? 1 : 0; r |= get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "file", t) ? 2 : 0; switch (r) { case 0: buf[0] = '\0'; /* fallthrough for default behavior */ case 1: has_header = false; break; case 2: has_header = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "acpitable: both data and file are specified\n"); return -1; } if (!acpi_tables) { allen = sizeof(uint16_t); acpi_tables = g_malloc0(allen); } else { allen = acpi_tables_len; } start = allen; acpi_tables = g_realloc(acpi_tables, start + ACPI_TABLE_HDR_SIZE); allen += has_header ? ACPI_TABLE_PFX_SIZE : ACPI_TABLE_HDR_SIZE; /* now read in the data files, reallocating buffer as needed */ for (f = strtok(buf, ":"); f; f = strtok(NULL, ":")) { int fd = open(f, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open file %s: %s\n", f, strerror(errno)); return -1; } for (;;) { char data[8192]; r = read(fd, data, sizeof(data)); if (r == 0) { break; } else if (r > 0) { acpi_tables = g_realloc(acpi_tables, allen + r); memcpy(acpi_tables + allen, data, r); allen += r; } else if (errno != EINTR) { fprintf(stderr, "can't read file %s: %s\n", f, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } } close(fd); } /* now fill in the header fields */ f = acpi_tables + start; /* start of the table */ changed = 0; /* copy the header to temp place to align the fields */ memcpy(&hdr, has_header ? f : dfl_hdr, ACPI_TABLE_HDR_SIZE); /* length of the table minus our prefix */ len = allen - start - ACPI_TABLE_PFX_SIZE; hdr._length = cpu_to_le16(len); if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "sig", t)) { strzcpy(hdr.sig, buf, sizeof(hdr.sig)); ++changed; } /* length of the table including header, in bytes */ if (has_header) { /* check if actual length is correct */ val = le32_to_cpu(hdr.length); if (val != len) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: acpitable has wrong length," " header says %lu, actual size %zu bytes\n", val, len); ++changed; } } /* we may avoid putting length here if has_header is true */ hdr.length = cpu_to_le32(len); if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "rev", t)) { val = strtoul(buf, &p, 0); if (val > 255 || *p) { fprintf(stderr, "acpitable: \"rev=%s\" is invalid\n", buf); return -1; } hdr.revision = (uint8_t)val; ++changed; } if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "oem_id", t)) { strzcpy(hdr.oem_id, buf, sizeof(hdr.oem_id)); ++changed; } if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "oem_table_id", t)) { strzcpy(hdr.oem_table_id, buf, sizeof(hdr.oem_table_id)); ++changed; } if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "oem_rev", t)) { val = strtol(buf, &p, 0); if (*p) { fprintf(stderr, "acpitable: \"oem_rev=%s\" is invalid\n", buf); return -1; } hdr.oem_revision = cpu_to_le32(val); ++changed; } if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "asl_compiler_id", t)) { strzcpy(hdr.asl_compiler_id, buf, sizeof(hdr.asl_compiler_id)); ++changed; } if (get_param_value(buf, sizeof(buf), "asl_compiler_rev", t)) { val = strtol(buf, &p, 0); if (*p) { fprintf(stderr, "acpitable: \"%s=%s\" is invalid\n", "asl_compiler_rev", buf); return -1; } hdr.asl_compiler_revision = cpu_to_le32(val); ++changed; } if (!has_header && !changed) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: acpitable: no table headers are specified\n"); } /* now calculate checksum of the table, complete with the header */ /* we may as well leave checksum intact if has_header is true */ /* alternatively there may be a way to set cksum to a given value */ hdr.checksum = 0; /* for checksum calculation */ /* put header back */ memcpy(f, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); if (changed || !has_header || 1) { ((struct acpi_table_header *)f)->checksum = acpi_checksum((uint8_t *)f + ACPI_TABLE_PFX_SIZE, len); } /* increase number of tables */ (*(uint16_t *)acpi_tables) = cpu_to_le32(le32_to_cpu(*(uint16_t *)acpi_tables) + 1); acpi_tables_len = allen; return 0; }
GPResult gpiProcessConnect( GPConnection * connection, GPIOperation * operation, const char * input ) { char buffer[512]; char check[33]; char uniquenick[GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN]; GPIConnectData * data; GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection; GPICallback callback; GPIProfile * profile; char userBuffer[GP_NICK_LEN + GP_EMAIL_LEN]; char partnerBuffer[11]; char * user; // Check for an error. ////////////////////// if(gpiCheckForError(connection, input, GPIFalse)) { // Is this a deleted profile? ///////////////////////////// if((iconnection->errorCode == GP_LOGIN_PROFILE_DELETED) && iconnection->profileid) { // Remove this profile object. ////////////////////////////// gpiRemoveProfileByID(connection, iconnection->profileid); // If we have the profileid/userid cached, lose them. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// iconnection->userid = 0; iconnection->profileid = 0; } // Check for creating an existing profile. ////////////////////////////////////////// else if(iconnection->errorCode == GP_NEWUSER_BAD_NICK) { // Store the pid. ///////////////// if(gpiValueForKey(input, "\\pid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer); } // Call the callbacks. ////////////////////// CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_SERVER_ERROR, iconnection->errorCode, iconnection->errorString); } // Get a pointer to the data. ///////////////////////////// data = (GPIConnectData*)operation->data; switch(operation->state) { case GPI_CONNECTING: // This should be \lc\1. //////////////////////// if(strncmp(input, "\\lc\\1", 5) != 0) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the server challenge. //////////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\challenge\\", data->serverChallenge, sizeof(data->serverChallenge))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Check if this is a new user. /////////////////////////////// if(data->newuser) { // Send a new user message. /////////////////////////// CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendNewuser(connection, data)); // Update the operation's state. //////////////////////////////// operation->state = GPI_REQUESTING; } else { // Send a login message. //////////////////////// CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendLogin(connection, data)); // Update the operation's state. //////////////////////////////// operation->state = GPI_LOGIN; } break; case GPI_REQUESTING: // This should be \nur\. //////////////////////// if(strncmp(input, "\\nur\\", 5) != 0) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the userid. ////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\userid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); iconnection->userid = atoi(buffer); // Get the profileid. ///////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\profileid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer); // Send a login request. //////////////////////// CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendLogin(connection, data)); // Update the operation's state. //////////////////////////////// operation->state = GPI_LOGIN; break; case GPI_LOGIN: // This should be \lc\2. //////////////////////// if(strncmp(input, "\\lc\\2", 5) != 0) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server."); // Get the sesskey. /////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\sesskey\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); iconnection->sessKey = atoi(buffer); // Get the userid. ////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\userid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); iconnection->userid = atoi(buffer); // Get the profileid. ///////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\profileid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer); // Get the uniquenick. ////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\uniquenick\\", uniquenick, sizeof(uniquenick))) uniquenick[0] = '\0'; // Get the loginticket. ////////////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\lt\\", iconnection->loginTicket, sizeof(iconnection->loginTicket))) iconnection->loginTicket[0] = '\0'; // Construct the user. ////////////////////// if(iconnection->partnerID != GP_PARTNERID_GAMESPY) { sprintf(partnerBuffer, "%d@", iconnection->partnerID); } else { // GS ID's do not stash the partner ID in the auth challenge to support legacy clients. strcpy(partnerBuffer, ""); } if(data->authtoken[0]) user = data->authtoken; else if(iconnection->uniquenick[0]) { sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->uniquenick); user = userBuffer; } else { sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s@%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->nick, iconnection->email); user = userBuffer; } // Construct the check. /////////////////////// sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", data->passwordHash, " ", user, data->serverChallenge, data->userChallenge, data->passwordHash); MD5Digest((unsigned char *)buffer, strlen(buffer), check); // Get the proof. ///////////////// if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\proof\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server."); // Check the server authentication. /////////////////////////////////// if(memcmp(check, buffer, 32) != 0) CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_LOGIN_SERVER_AUTH_FAILED, "Could not authenticate server."); // Add the local profile to the list. ///////////////////////////////////// if(iconnection->infoCaching) { profile = gpiProfileListAdd(connection, iconnection->profileid); profile->profileId = iconnection->profileid; profile->userId = iconnection->userid; } // Set the connect state. ///////////////////////// iconnection->connectState = GPI_CONNECTED; // Call the connect-response callback. ////////////////////////////////////// callback = operation->callback; if(callback.callback != NULL) { GPConnectResponseArg * arg; arg = (GPConnectResponseArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPConnectResponseArg)); if(arg == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); memset(arg, 0, sizeof(GPConnectResponseArg)); arg->profile = (GPProfile)iconnection->profileid; arg->result = GP_NO_ERROR; #ifndef GSI_UNICODE strzcpy(arg->uniquenick, uniquenick, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN); #else UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(uniquenick, arg->uniquenick, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN); #endif CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, operation, 0)); } // This operation is complete. ////////////////////////////// gpiRemoveOperation(connection, operation); // Get the local profile's info. //////////////////////////////// #if 0 gpiAddOperation(connection, GPI_GET_INFO, NULL, &operation, GP_NON_BLOCKING, NULL, NULL); gpiSendGetInfo(connection, iconnection->profileid, operation->id); #endif #ifdef _PS3 // We just connected, so setup buddy sync && start NP init // For future, we can limit syncs by setting flags to turn on/off here ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// iconnection->npPerformBuddySync = gsi_true; iconnection->npPerformBlockSync = gsi_true; iconnection->loginTime = current_time(); if (!iconnection->npInitialized) gpiInitializeNpBasic(connection); #endif break; default: break; } return GP_NO_ERROR; }
GPResult gpiConnect( GPConnection * connection, const char nick[GP_NICK_LEN], const char uniquenick[GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN], const char email[GP_EMAIL_LEN], const char password[GP_PASSWORD_LEN], const char authtoken[GP_AUTHTOKEN_LEN], const char partnerchallenge[GP_PARTNERCHALLENGE_LEN], const char cdkey[GP_CDKEY_LEN], GPEnum firewall, GPIBool newuser, GPEnum blocking, GPCallback callback, void * param ) { GPIConnectData * data; GPIOperation * operation; GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection; GPResult result; // Reset if this connection was already used. ///////////////////////////////////////////// if(iconnection->connectState == GPI_DISCONNECTED) CHECK_RESULT(gpiReset(connection)); // Error check. /////////////// if(iconnection->connectState != GPI_NOT_CONNECTED) Error(connection, GP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "Invalid connection."); // Get the firewall setting. //////////////////////////// #if defined(GS_WIRELESS_DEVICE) GSI_UNUSED(firewall); iconnection->firewall = GPITrue; #else switch(firewall) { case GP_FIREWALL: iconnection->firewall = GPITrue; break; case GP_NO_FIREWALL: iconnection->firewall = GPIFalse; break; default: Error(connection, GP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "Invalid firewall."); } #endif // Get the nick, uniquenick, email, and password. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// strzcpy(iconnection->nick, nick, GP_NICK_LEN); strzcpy(iconnection->uniquenick, uniquenick, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN); strzcpy(iconnection->email, email, GP_EMAIL_LEN); strzcpy(iconnection->password, password, GP_PASSWORD_LEN); #ifdef GSI_UNICODE // Create the _W version in addition UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(iconnection->nick, iconnection->nick_W, GP_NICK_LEN); UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(iconnection->uniquenick, iconnection->uniquenick_W, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN); UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(iconnection->email, iconnection->email_W, GP_EMAIL_LEN); UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(iconnection->password, iconnection->password_W, GP_PASSWORD_LEN); #endif // Lowercase the email. /////////////////////// _strlwr(iconnection->email); #ifdef GSI_UNICODE // Update the UCS2 version (emails are ASCII anyhow so lowercasing didn't data) AsciiToUCS2String(iconnection->email, iconnection->email_W); #endif // Create a connect operation data struct. ////////////////////////////////////////// data = (GPIConnectData *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPIConnectData)); if(data == NULL) Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory."); memset(data, 0, sizeof(GPIConnectData)); // Check for new user. ////////////////////// data->newuser = newuser; // Store pre-auth data. /////////////////////// if(authtoken[0] && partnerchallenge[0]) { strzcpy(data->authtoken, authtoken, GP_AUTHTOKEN_LEN); strzcpy(data->partnerchallenge, partnerchallenge, GP_PARTNERCHALLENGE_LEN); } // Store cdkey if we have one. ////////////////////////////// if(cdkey) strzcpy(data->cdkey, cdkey, GP_CDKEY_LEN); // Add the operation to the list. ///////////////////////////////// CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddOperation(connection, GPI_CONNECT, data, &operation, blocking, callback, param)); // Start it. //////////// result = gpiStartConnect(connection, operation); if(result != GP_NO_ERROR) { operation->result = result; gpiFailedOpCallback(connection, operation); gpiDisconnect(connection, GPIFalse); return result; } // Process it if blocking. ////////////////////////// if(operation->blocking) CHECK_RESULT(gpiProcess(connection, operation->id)); return GP_NO_ERROR; }
/* * This procedure implements the messages passed by the window * manager for default processing on behalf of the window. */ LRESULT WINAPI DefWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hdc; RECT rc; DWORD dwStyle; HBRUSH hbr; HPEN hpen, holdpen; PAINTSTRUCT ps; POINT curpt; int x, y; HWND wp; HWND oldActive; COLORREF crCaption; LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpnc; CHAR szTitle[64]; static POINT startpt; switch(msg) { case WM_NCCALCSIZE: /* calculate client rect from passed window rect in rgrc[0]*/ lpnc = (LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)lParam; dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if(dwStyle & WS_BORDER) { if((dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION) { InflateRect(&lpnc->rgrc[0], -mwSYSMETRICS_CXFRAME, -mwSYSMETRICS_CYFRAME); lpnc->rgrc[0].top += mwSYSMETRICS_CYCAPTION + 1; } else InflateRect(&lpnc->rgrc[0], -1, -1); } break; case WM_NCPAINT: /* repaint all non-client area*/ dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if(dwStyle & WS_BORDER) { hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); if((dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION) { /* draw 2-line 3d border around window*/ Draw3dOutset(hdc, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left,; InflateRect(&rc, -2, -2); /* draw 1-line inset inside border*/ hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); holdpen = SelectObject(hdc, hpen); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); Rectangle(hdc, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom); InflateRect(&rc, -1, -1); /* fill caption*/ rc.bottom = + mwSYSMETRICS_CYCAPTION; crCaption = GetActiveWindow()==hwnd? GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION): GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION); hbr = CreateSolidBrush(crCaption); FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); /* draw 1 line under caption*/ MoveToEx(hdc, rc.left, rc.bottom, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rc.right, rc.bottom); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, holdpen)); /* draw caption text*/ if(GetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle))) { SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); /* set background color even though * transparent in case GdArea is used * to draw text which compares * gr_foreground != gr_background * when transparent... */ SetBkColor(hdc, crCaption); SetTextColor(hdc, GetActiveWindow()==hwnd? GetSysColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT): GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT)); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); TextOut(hdc, rc.left+4,, szTitle, strlen(szTitle)); } /* draw close box*/ GetCloseBoxRect(hwnd, &rc); /*DrawDIB(hdc, rc.right-XSIZE_CLOSEBOX-3,, &image_close4);*/ Draw3dBox(hdc, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left,, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT), GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)); InflateRect(&rc, -1, -1); hbr = CreateSolidBrush( GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); InflateRect(&rc, -1, -1); MoveToEx(hdc, rc.left,, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rc.right-1, rc.bottom-1); MoveToEx(hdc, rc.left, rc.bottom-1, NULL); LineTo(hdc, rc.right-1,; } else { SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); Rectangle(hdc, rc.left,, rc.right, rc.bottom); } ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } break; case WM_NCHITTEST: /* if system is dragging a window, always return caption*/ if(dragwp) return HTCAPTION; /* Determine what part of the window the mouse is over*/ POINTSTOPOINT(curpt, lParam); if(PtInRect(&hwnd->clirect, curpt)) return HTCLIENT; if(PtInRect(&hwnd->vscroll.rc, curpt)) return HTVSCROLL; if(PtInRect(&hwnd->hscroll.rc, curpt)) return HTHSCROLL; dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if((dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION) { GetCloseBoxRect(hwnd, &rc); if(PtInRect(&rc, curpt)) return HTCLOSE; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); InflateRect(&rc, -2, -2); rc.bottom = + mwSYSMETRICS_CYCAPTION; if(PtInRect(&rc, curpt)) return HTCAPTION; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); InflateRect(&rc, -2, -2); += mwSYSMETRICS_CYCAPTION; if(PtInRect(&rc, curpt)) return HTCLIENT; return HTBORDER; } return HTNOWHERE; case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: /* Handle default actions for mouse down on window*/ if(wParam == HTCLOSE) { SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L); break; } /* set focus on mouse down, repaint if necessary*/ oldActive = GetActiveWindow(); if(wParam == HTCLIENT || wParam == HTVSCROLL || wParam == HTHSCROLL) /* activate and raise window if in client area*/ /* kaffe port requires this commented out*/ SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); else { /* otherwise just change focus window, same z order*/ /* this will activate it's top level parent*/ SetFocus(hwnd); } /* repaint captions now because of activation change*/ UpdateWindow(oldActive); UpdateWindow(hwnd); if(wParam == HTVSCROLL || wParam == HTHSCROLL) { MwHandleNCMessageScrollbar(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } /* start window drag if in caption area*/ if(wParam == HTCAPTION && hwnd != rootwp) { POINTSTOPOINT(startpt, lParam); if(!(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_MAXIMIZE)) dragwp = hwnd; SetRectEmpty(&lastrc); /* XORMOVE only*/ } break; case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: if(wParam == HTVSCROLL || wParam == HTHSCROLL) { MwHandleNCMessageScrollbar(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } /* drag window with mousemove after mousedown*/ if(dragwp == hwnd) { POINTSTOPOINT(curpt, lParam); x = curpt.x - startpt.x; y = curpt.y - startpt.y; if(mwERASEMOVE) { GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); MoveWindow(hwnd, rc.left+x,, rc.right-rc.left,, TRUE); startpt = curpt; } else DrawXORFrame(hwnd, x, y, TRUE); } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONUP: /* stop window drag*/ if(dragwp == hwnd) { dragwp = NULL; if(mwERASEMOVE) { /* * User stopped moving window, repaint * windows previously queued for painting. */ for(wp=listwp; wp; wp=wp->next) if(wp->gotPaintMsg == PAINT_DELAYPAINT) wp->gotPaintMsg = PAINT_NEEDSPAINT; } else { POINTSTOPOINT(curpt, lParam); x = curpt.x - startpt.x; y = curpt.y - startpt.y; DrawXORFrame(hwnd, x, y, FALSE); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); MoveWindow(hwnd, rc.left+x,, rc.right-rc.left,, TRUE); } } if(wParam == HTVSCROLL || wParam == HTHSCROLL) { MwHandleNCMessageScrollbar(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK: if(wParam == HTVSCROLL || wParam == HTHSCROLL) { MwHandleNCMessageScrollbar(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } /* maximize/restore processing*/ if(wParam != HTCAPTION) break; if((hwnd->style & WS_CAPTION) == WS_CAPTION) { if(hwnd->style & WS_MAXIMIZE) { rc = hwnd->restorerc; MoveWindow(hwnd, rc.left,, rc.right-rc.left,, TRUE); hwnd->style &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE; } else { hwnd->restorerc = hwnd->winrect; GetWindowRect(rootwp, &rc); MoveWindow(hwnd, -mwSYSMETRICS_CXFRAME, -mwSYSMETRICS_CYFRAME, rc.right+2*mwSYSMETRICS_CXFRAME, rc.bottom+2*mwSYSMETRICS_CYFRAME, TRUE); hwnd->style |= WS_MAXIMIZE; } } break; case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: /* Get window text length. This routine requires * knowledge of the internal window structure */ return strlen(hwnd->szTitle); case WM_GETTEXT: /* Get window text. This routine requires * knowledge of the internal window structure */ return strzcpy((LPSTR)lParam, hwnd->szTitle, wParam); case WM_SETTEXT: /* Set window text. This routine requires * knowledge of the internal window structure. * Note that setting text doesn't invalidate the window. */ strzcpy(hwnd->szTitle, (LPSTR)lParam, sizeof(hwnd->szTitle)); return TRUE; case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwnd); if(hwnd == rootwp) PostQuitMessage(0); break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: /* erase background with class background brush*/ hbr = (HBRUSH)GetClassLong(hwnd, GCL_HBRBACKGROUND); if(!hbr) return 0; /* don't exclude update region*/ hdc = GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, DCX_DEFAULTCLIP); FillRect(hdc, NULL, hbr); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return 1; case WM_PAINT: /* required to send erasebkgnd for desktop window*/ hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); /* draw desktop wallpaper*/ if(hwnd == rootwp && pImageWallpaper) { GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); DrawDIB(hdc, (rc.right-rc.left-pImageWallpaper->width)/2, (>height)/2, pImageWallpaper); } EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } return 0; }
// This is for legacy up to 5.0(?). Cuz ML added new bytes in the middle of the packet. void send_full_statmsg_std( Client *client, Character *chr ) { PKTOUT_11_V1 msg; msg.msgtype = PKTOUT_11_V1_ID; if( (client->UOExpansionFlag & AOS) ) { msg.msglen = ctBEu16(sizeof msg); msg.moreinfo = 04; // Set to AOS level statbar for full info } else { unsigned short msglen = offsetof( PKTOUT_11_V1, statcap ); msg.msglen = ctBEu16(msglen); msg.moreinfo = 01; // Set to oldschool statbar info. } msg.serial = chr->serial_ext; strzcpy(, chr->name().c_str(), sizeof ); if (uoclient_general.hits.any) { long v = chr->vital(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.hits = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); v = chr->vital(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.max_hits = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { msg.hits = 0; msg.max_hits = 0; } msg.renameable = 0; // (client->chr->can_rename( chr ) ? 0xFF : 0); //if (chr->race == RACE_ELF) // msg.gender = static_cast<u8>(chr->gender | FLAG_RACE); //else msg.gender = static_cast<u8>(chr->gender); if (uoclient_general.strength.any) { long v = chr->attribute(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.str = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { msg.str = 0; } if (uoclient_general.dexterity.any) { long v = chr->attribute(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.dex = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { msg.dex = 0; } if (uoclient_general.intelligence.any) { long v = chr->attribute(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { = 0; } if (uoclient_general.stamina.any) { long v = chr->vital(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.stamina = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); v = chr->vital( ).maximum_ones(); if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.max_stamina = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { msg.stamina = 0; msg.max_stamina = 0; } if (uoclient_general.mana.any) { long v = chr->vital(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.mana = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); v = chr->vital(; if (v > 0xFFFF) v = 0xFFFF; msg.max_mana = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(v) ); } else { msg.mana = 0; msg.max_mana = 0; } = ctBEu32( chr->gold_carried() ); // Adjusted to work with Physical Resist if AOS client, and AOS Resistances enabled. if( (client->UOExpansionFlag & AOS) && client->aosresist ) msg.AR = (chr->element_resist.physical < 0)?ctBEu16(0x10000+chr->element_resist.physical):ctBEu16(chr->element_resist.physical); else msg.AR = ctBEu16( chr->ar() ); msg.weight = ctBEu16( static_cast<u16>(chr->weight()) ); if ( msg.moreinfo >= 4 ) { msg.statcap = ctBEu16( chr->expanded_statbar.statcap ); msg.followers = chr->expanded_statbar.followers; msg.followers_max = chr->expanded_statbar.followers_max; msg.fireresist = (chr-> < 0)?ctBEu16(0x10000+chr->>; msg.coldresist = (chr->element_resist.cold < 0)?ctBEu16(0x10000+chr->element_resist.cold):ctBEu16(chr->element_resist.cold); msg.poisonresist = (chr->element_resist.poison < 0)?ctBEu16(0x10000+chr->element_resist.poison):ctBEu16(chr->element_resist.poison); msg.energyresist = (chr-> < 0)?ctBEu16(0x10000+chr->>; msg.luck = ctBEu16( chr->expanded_statbar.luck ); msg.damage_min = ctBEu16( chr->min_weapon_damage() ); msg.damage_max = ctBEu16( chr->max_weapon_damage() ); msg.titching = ctBEu32( chr->expanded_statbar.tithing ); } transmit(client, &msg, cfBEu16(msg.msglen) ); }
CHATBool ciSocketConnect(ciSocket * sock, const char * serverAddress, int port) { unsigned int ip; HOSTENT * host; SOCKADDR_IN address; int rcode; #if !defined(INSOCK) && !defined(_NITRO) && !defined(_REVOLUTION) int keepalive; #endif ASSERT_SOCK(sock); assert(serverAddress != NULL); assert(port >= 0); assert(port <= USHRT_MAX); assert(sock->connectState == ciNotConnected); // Copy off the address. //////////////////////// strzcpy(sock->serverAddress, serverAddress, 255); // Try resolving the string as an IP a.b.c.d number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ip = inet_addr(serverAddress); if(ip == INADDR_NONE) { // Try resolving with DNS. ////////////////////////// host = gethostbyname((char *)serverAddress); if(host == NULL) return CHATFalse; // Get the ip. ////////////// ip = *(unsigned int *)host->h_addr_list[0]; } // Setup the address. ///////////////////// memset(&address, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = ip; address.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)port); // Create the socket. ///////////////////// sock->sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sock->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) return CHATFalse; // Enable keep-alive. ///////////////////// #if !defined(INSOCK) && !defined(_NITRO) && !defined(_REVOLUTION) keepalive = 1; rcode = setsockopt(sock->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&keepalive, sizeof(int)); //assert(gsiSocketIsNotError(rcode)); #endif // Try and connect. /////////////////// rcode = connect(sock->sock, (SOCKADDR *)&address, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); if(gsiSocketIsError(rcode)) { closesocket(sock->sock); return CHATFalse; } // We're connected. /////////////////// sock->connectState = ciConnected; return CHATTrue; }