예제 #1
 * This function tries to find a feed link for a given HTTP URI. It
 * tries to download it. If it finds a valid feed source it parses
 * this source instead into the given feed parsing context. It also
 * replaces the HTTP URI with the found feed source.
static void
feed_parser_auto_discover (feedParserCtxtPtr ctxt)
	gchar	*source;
	if (ctxt->feed->parseErrors)
		g_string_truncate (ctxt->feed->parseErrors, 0);
		ctxt->feed->parseErrors = g_string_new(NULL);
	debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "Starting feed auto discovery (%s)", subscription_get_source (ctxt->subscription));
	source = html_auto_discover_feed (ctxt->data, subscription_get_source (ctxt->subscription));

	/* FIXME: we only need the !g_str_equal as a workaround after a 404 */
	if (source && !g_str_equal (source, subscription_get_source (ctxt->subscription))) {
		debug1 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "Discovered link: %s", source);
		ctxt->failed = FALSE;
		subscription_set_source (ctxt->subscription, source);

		/* The feed that was processed wasn't the correct one, we need to redownload it.
		 * Cancel the update in case there's one in progress */
		subscription_cancel_update (ctxt->subscription);
		subscription_update (ctxt->subscription, FEED_REQ_RESET_TITLE);
		g_free (source);
	} else {
		debug0 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "No feed link found!");
		g_string_append (ctxt->feed->parseErrors, _("The URL you want Liferea to subscribe to points to a webpage and the auto discovery found no feeds on this page. Maybe this webpage just does not support feed auto discovery."));
예제 #2
subscription_import (xmlNodePtr xml, gboolean trusted)
	subscriptionPtr	subscription;
	xmlChar		*source, *homepage, *filter, *intervalStr, *tmp;

	subscription = subscription_new (NULL, NULL, NULL);
	source = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "xmlUrl");
	if (!source)
		source = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "xmlurl");	/* e.g. for AmphetaDesk */
	if (source) {
		if (!trusted && source[0] == '|') {
			/* FIXME: Display warning dialog asking if the command
			   is safe? */
			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("unsafe command: %s", source);
			xmlFree (source);
			source = tmp;
		subscription_set_source (subscription, source);
		xmlFree (source);

		homepage = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "htmlUrl");
		if (homepage && xmlStrcmp (homepage, ""))
			subscription_set_homepage (subscription, homepage);
		xmlFree (homepage);

		if ((filter = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "filtercmd"))) {
			if (!trusted) {
				/* FIXME: Display warning dialog asking if the command
				   is safe? */
				tmp = g_strdup_printf ("unsafe command: %s", filter);
				xmlFree (filter);
				filter = tmp;

			subscription_set_filter (subscription, filter);
			xmlFree (filter);
		intervalStr = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "updateInterval");
		subscription_set_update_interval (subscription, common_parse_long (intervalStr, -1));
		xmlFree (intervalStr);
		/* no proxy flag */
		tmp = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "dontUseProxy");
		if (tmp && !xmlStrcmp (tmp, BAD_CAST "true"))
			subscription->updateOptions->dontUseProxy = TRUE;
		xmlFree (tmp);
		/* authentication options */
		subscription->updateOptions->username = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "username");
		subscription->updateOptions->password = xmlGetProp (xml, BAD_CAST "password");
	return subscription;
예제 #3
subscription_new (const gchar *source,
                  const gchar *filter,
                  updateOptionsPtr options)
	subscriptionPtr	subscription;
	subscription = g_new0 (struct subscription, 1);
	subscription->type = feed_get_subscription_type ();
	subscription->updateOptions = options;
	if (!subscription->updateOptions)
		subscription->updateOptions = g_new0 (struct updateOptions, 1);
	subscription->updateState = g_new0 (struct updateState, 1);	
	subscription->updateInterval = -1;
	subscription->defaultInterval = -1;
	if (source) {
		gboolean feedPrefix = FALSE;
		gchar *uri = g_strdup (source);
		g_strstrip (uri);	/* strip confusing whitespaces */
		/* strip feed protocol prefix variant 1 */
		if (uri == strstr (uri, FEED_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)) {
			gchar *tmp = uri;
			uri = g_strdup (uri + strlen (FEED_PROTOCOL_PREFIX));
			g_free (tmp);
			feedPrefix = TRUE;

		/* strip feed protocol prefix variant 2 */
		if (uri == strstr (uri, FEED_PROTOCOL_PREFIX2)) {
			gchar *tmp = uri;
			uri = g_strdup (uri + strlen (FEED_PROTOCOL_PREFIX2));
			g_free (tmp);
			feedPrefix = TRUE;
		/* ensure protocol prefix (but only for feed:[//] URIs to avoid 
		   breaking local file and command line subscriptions) */
		if (feedPrefix && !strstr (uri, "://")) {
			gchar *tmp = uri;
			uri = g_strdup_printf ("http://%s", uri);
			g_free (tmp);
		subscription_set_source (subscription, uri);
		g_free (uri);
	if (filter)
		subscription_set_filter (subscription, filter);
	return subscription;
예제 #4
static void 
on_propdialog_response (GtkDialog *dialog,
                        gint response_id,
			gpointer user_data) 
	SubscriptionPropDialog *spd = (SubscriptionPropDialog *)user_data;
	if(response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
		gchar		*newSource;
		const gchar	*newFilter;
		gboolean	needsUpdate = FALSE;
		subscriptionPtr	subscription = spd->priv->subscription;
		nodePtr		node = spd->priv->subscription->node;
		feedPtr		feed = (feedPtr)node->data;
		if (SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE(subscription) == feed_get_subscription_type ()) {
			/* "General" */
			node_set_title(node, gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(spd->priv->feedNameEntry)));
			/* Source */
			newSource = ui_subscription_dialog_decode_source(spd->priv);

			/* Filter handling */
			newFilter = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(liferea_dialog_lookup(spd->priv->dialog, "filterEntry")));
			if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(spd->priv->dialog, "filterCheckbox"))) &&
			   strcmp(newFilter,"")) { /* Maybe this should be a test to see if the file exists? */
				if(subscription_get_filter(subscription) == NULL ||
				   strcmp(newFilter, subscription_get_filter(subscription))) {
					subscription_set_filter(subscription, newFilter);
					needsUpdate = TRUE;
			} else {
				if(subscription_get_filter(subscription)) {
					subscription_set_filter(subscription, NULL);
					needsUpdate = TRUE;
			/* if URL has changed... */
			if(strcmp(newSource, subscription_get_source(subscription))) {
				subscription_set_source(subscription, newSource);
				needsUpdate = TRUE;

			/* Update interval handling */
			if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "updateIntervalNever"))))
				subscription_set_update_interval (subscription, -2);
			else if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "updateIntervalDefault"))))
				subscription_set_update_interval (subscription, -1);
			else if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "updateIntervalSpecific")))) {
				gint intervalUnit = gtk_combo_box_get_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (spd->priv->refreshIntervalUnit));
				gint updateInterval = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spd->priv->refreshInterval));
				if (intervalUnit == 1)
					updateInterval *= 60;	/* hours */
				if (intervalUnit == 2)
					updateInterval *= 1440;	/* days */
				subscription_set_update_interval (subscription, updateInterval);
				db_subscription_update (subscription);
		/* "Archive" handling */
		if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "feedCacheDefault"))))
			feed->cacheLimit = CACHE_DEFAULT;
		else if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "feedCacheDisable"))))
			feed->cacheLimit = CACHE_DISABLE;
		else if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "feedCacheUnlimited"))))
			feed->cacheLimit = CACHE_UNLIMITED;
		else if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "feedCacheLimited"))))
			feed->cacheLimit = gtk_spin_button_get_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "cacheItemLimit")));

		if (SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE(subscription) == feed_get_subscription_type ()) {
			/* "Download" Options */
			subscription->updateOptions->dontUseProxy = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(liferea_dialog_lookup(GTK_WIDGET(dialog), "dontUseProxyCheck")));

		/* "Advanced" options */
		feed->encAutoDownload = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "enclosureDownloadCheck")));
		node->loadItemLink = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "loadItemLinkCheck")));
		feed->ignoreComments = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "ignoreCommentFeeds")));
		feed->enforcePopup = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "enforcePopupCheck")));
		feed->preventPopup = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "preventPopupCheck")));
		feed->markAsRead = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (liferea_dialog_lookup (GTK_WIDGET (dialog), "markAsReadCheck")));
		if (feed->enforcePopup && feed->preventPopup)
			feed->enforcePopup = FALSE;

		ui_node_update (node->id);
		feedlist_schedule_save ();
		db_subscription_update (subscription);
		if (needsUpdate)
			subscription_update (subscription, FEED_REQ_PRIORITY_HIGH);

예제 #5
static void
subscription_process_update_result (const struct updateResult * const result, gpointer user_data, guint32 flags)
	subscriptionPtr subscription = (subscriptionPtr)user_data;
	nodePtr		node = subscription->node;
	gboolean	processing = FALSE;
	GTimeVal	now;

	/* 1. preprocessing */

	g_assert (subscription->updateJob);
	/* update the subscription URL on permanent redirects */
	if ((301 == result->httpstatus) && result->source && !g_str_equal (result->source, subscription->updateJob->request->source)) {
		debug2 (DEBUG_UPDATE, "The URL of \"%s\" has changed permanently and was updated with \"%s\"", node_get_title(node), result->source);
		subscription_set_source (subscription, result->source);
		liferea_shell_set_status_bar (_("The URL of \"%s\" has changed permanently and was updated"), node_get_title(node));

	if (401 == result->httpstatus) { /* unauthorized */
		auth_dialog_new (subscription, flags);
	} else if (410 == result->httpstatus) { /* gone */
		subscription->discontinued = TRUE;
		node->available = TRUE;
		liferea_shell_set_status_bar (_("\"%s\" is discontinued. Liferea won't updated it anymore!"), node_get_title (node));
	} else if (304 == result->httpstatus) {
		node->available = TRUE;
		liferea_shell_set_status_bar (_("\"%s\" has not changed since last update"), node_get_title(node));
	} else {
		processing = TRUE;

	subscription_update_error_status (subscription, result->httpstatus, result->returncode, result->filterErrors);

	subscription->updateJob = NULL;

	/* 2. call subscription type specific processing */
	if (processing)
		SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE (subscription)->process_update_result (subscription, result, flags);

	/* 3. call favicon updating after subscription processing
	      to ensure we have valid baseUrl for feed nodes... */
	g_get_current_time (&now);
	if (favicon_update_needed (subscription->node->id, subscription->updateState, &now))
		subscription_update_favicon (subscription);
	/* 4. generic postprocessing */
	update_state_set_lastmodified (subscription->updateState, update_state_get_lastmodified (result->updateState));
	update_state_set_cookies (subscription->updateState, update_state_get_cookies (result->updateState));
	update_state_set_etag (subscription->updateState, update_state_get_etag (result->updateState));
	g_get_current_time (&subscription->updateState->lastPoll);

	// FIXME: use new-items signal in itemview class	
	itemview_update_node_info (subscription->node);
	itemview_update ();

	db_subscription_update (subscription);
	db_node_update (subscription->node);

	if (subscription->node->newCount > 0)
		feedlist_new_items (subscription->node);