static switch_status_t my_on_reporting(switch_core_session_t *session) { switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; const char *template_str = NULL; char *expanded_vars = NULL, *sql = NULL; if (globals.shutdown) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A) && (globals.legs & CDR_LEG_B))) { if ((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A)) { if (switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { if (switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (globals.debug) { switch_event_t *event; if (switch_event_create_plain(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char *buf; switch_channel_event_set_data(channel, event); switch_event_serialize(event, &buf, SWITCH_FALSE); switch_assert(buf); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "CHANNEL_DATA:\n%s\n", buf); switch_event_destroy(&event); switch_safe_free(buf); } } template_str = (const char *) switch_core_hash_find(globals.template_hash, globals.default_template); if (!template_str) { template_str = default_template; } expanded_vars = switch_channel_expand_variables(channel, template_str); if (!expanded_vars) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error expanding CDR variables.\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } sql = switch_mprintf("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)", globals.db_table, expanded_vars); assert(sql); write_cdr(sql); switch_safe_free(sql); if (expanded_vars != template_str) { switch_safe_free(expanded_vars); } return status; }
static void event_handler(switch_event_t *event) { char *buf; switch_xml_t xml; char *xmlstr = "N/A"; uint8_t dofree = 0; switch (event->event_id) { case SWITCH_EVENT_LOG: return; default: switch_event_serialize(event, &buf, SWITCH_TRUE); if ((xml = switch_event_xmlize(event, SWITCH_VA_NONE))) { xmlstr = switch_xml_toxml(xml, SWITCH_FALSE); dofree++; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "\nEVENT (text version)\n--------------------------------\n%s", buf); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "\nEVENT (xml version)\n--------------------------------\n%s\n", xmlstr); break; } switch_safe_free(buf); if (dofree) { if (xml) { switch_xml_free(xml); } if (xmlstr) { free(xmlstr); } } }
SWITCH_DECLARE(const char *)Event::serialize(const char *format) { this_check(""); switch_safe_free(serialized_string); if (!event) { return ""; } if (format && !strcasecmp(format, "xml")) { switch_xml_t xml; if ((xml = switch_event_xmlize(event, SWITCH_VA_NONE))) { serialized_string = switch_xml_toxml(xml, SWITCH_FALSE); switch_xml_free(xml); return serialized_string; } else { return ""; } } else if (format && !strcasecmp(format, "json")) { switch_event_serialize_json(event, &serialized_string); return serialized_string; } else { if (switch_event_serialize(event, &serialized_string, SWITCH_TRUE) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char *new_serialized_string = switch_mprintf("'%s'", serialized_string); free(serialized_string); serialized_string = new_serialized_string; return serialized_string; } } return ""; }
static switch_xml_t mod_xml_radius_directory_search(const char *section, const char *tag_name, const char *key_name, const char *key_value, switch_event_t *params, void *user_data) { char *event_buf = NULL; switch_xml_t xml = NULL; char *auth_method = switch_event_get_header(params,"sip_auth_method"); if ( GLOBAL_DEBUG ) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "mod_xml_radius: starting authentication\n"); switch_event_serialize(params, &event_buf, SWITCH_TRUE); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Event: %s \n", event_buf); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Section: %s \nTag: %s\nKey_name: %s\nKey_value: %s\n", section, tag_name, key_name, key_value); } if ( auth_method == NULL) { return NULL; } if ( strncmp( "INVITE", auth_method, 6) == 0) { xml = mod_xml_radius_auth_invite(params); } else if ( strncmp( "REGISTER", auth_method, 8) == 0) { xml = mod_xml_radius_auth_reg(params); } else { xml = NULL; } return xml; }
static void event_handler(switch_event_t *event) { char *buf; if (switch_event_serialize(event, &buf, SWITCH_TRUE) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { random_add_entropy(rfd, buf, strlen(buf)); free(buf); } }
static switch_status_t my_on_reporting(switch_core_session_t *session) { switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; const char *log_dir = NULL, *accountcode = NULL, *a_template_str = NULL, *g_template_str = NULL; char *log_line, *path = NULL; if (globals.shutdown) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A) && (globals.legs & CDR_LEG_B))) { if ((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A)) { if (switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { if (switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (!(log_dir = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "cdr_csv_base"))) { log_dir = globals.log_dir; } if (switch_dir_make_recursive(log_dir, SWITCH_DEFAULT_DIR_PERMS, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error creating %s\n", log_dir); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (globals.debug) { switch_event_t *event; if (switch_event_create_plain(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DATA) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char *buf; switch_channel_event_set_data(channel, event); switch_event_serialize(event, &buf, SWITCH_FALSE); switch_assert(buf); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "CHANNEL_DATA:\n%s\n", buf); switch_event_destroy(&event); free(buf); } } g_template_str = (const char *) switch_core_hash_find(globals.template_hash, globals.default_template); if ((accountcode = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "ACCOUNTCODE"))) { a_template_str = (const char *) switch_core_hash_find(globals.template_hash, accountcode); } if (!g_template_str) { g_template_str = "\"${accountcode}\",\"${caller_id_number}\",\"${destination_number}\",\"${context}\",\"${caller_id}\",\"${channel_name}\",\"${bridge_channel}\",\"${last_app}\",\"${last_arg}\",\"${start_stamp}\",\"${answer_stamp}\",\"${end_stamp}\",\"${duration}\",\"${billsec}\",\"${hangup_cause}\",\"${amaflags}\",\"${uuid}\",\"${userfield}\";"; } if (!a_template_str) { a_template_str = g_template_str; } log_line = switch_channel_expand_variables(channel, a_template_str); if ((accountcode) && (!globals.masterfileonly)) { path = switch_mprintf("%s%s%s.csv", log_dir, SWITCH_PATH_SEPARATOR, accountcode); assert(path); write_cdr(path, log_line); free(path); } if (g_template_str != a_template_str) { if (log_line != a_template_str) { switch_safe_free(log_line); } log_line = switch_channel_expand_variables(channel, g_template_str); } if (!log_line) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error creating cdr\n"); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } path = switch_mprintf("%s%sMaster.csv", log_dir, SWITCH_PATH_SEPARATOR); assert(path); write_cdr(path, log_line); free(path); if (log_line != g_template_str) { free(log_line); } return status; }
static switch_status_t my_on_reporting(switch_core_session_t *session) { switch_channel_t *channel = switch_core_session_get_channel(session); switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; char *values = NULL, *tmp = NULL, *pq_var = NULL; const char *var = NULL; cdr_field_t *cdr_field = NULL; switch_size_t len, offset; if (globals.shutdown) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (!((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A) && (globals.legs & CDR_LEG_B))) { if ((globals.legs & CDR_LEG_A)) { if (switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { if (switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(channel)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if (switch_dir_make_recursive(globals.spool_dir, SWITCH_DEFAULT_DIR_PERMS, switch_core_session_get_pool(session)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error creating %s\n", globals.spool_dir); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } if (globals.debug) { switch_event_t *event; if (switch_event_create(&event, SWITCH_EVENT_COMMAND) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char *buf; switch_channel_event_set_data(channel, event); switch_event_serialize(event, &buf, SWITCH_FALSE); switch_assert(buf); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "CHANNEL_DATA:\n%s\n", buf); switch_event_destroy(&event); switch_safe_free(buf); } } switch_zmalloc(values, 1); offset = 0; for (cdr_field = globals.db_schema->fields; cdr_field->var_name; cdr_field++) { if ((var = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, cdr_field->var_name))) { /* Allocate sufficient buffer for PQescapeString */ len = strlen(var); tmp = switch_core_session_alloc(session, len * 2 + 1); PQescapeString(tmp, var, len); var = tmp; } if (cdr_field->quote) { if ((cdr_field->not_null == SWITCH_FALSE) && zstr(var)) { pq_var = switch_mprintf("null,", var); } else { pq_var = switch_mprintf("'%s',", var); } } else { pq_var = switch_mprintf("%s,", var); } /* Resize values buffer to accomodate next var */ len = strlen(pq_var); tmp = realloc(values, offset + len); values = tmp; memcpy(values + offset, pq_var, len); switch_safe_free(pq_var); offset += len; } *(values + --offset) = '\0'; insert_cdr(values); switch_safe_free(values); return status; }
static void event_handler(switch_event_t *event) { uint8_t send = 0; if (globals.running != 1) { return; } if (event->subclass_name && (!strcmp(event->subclass_name, MULTICAST_EVENT) || !strcmp(event->subclass_name, MULTICAST_PEERUP) || !strcmp(event->subclass_name, MULTICAST_PEERDOWN))) { char *event_name, *sender; if ((event_name = switch_event_get_header(event, "orig-event-name")) && !strcasecmp(event_name, "HEARTBEAT") && (sender = switch_event_get_header(event, "orig-multicast-sender"))) { struct peer_status *p; time_t now = switch_epoch_time_now(NULL); if (!(p = switch_core_hash_find(globals.peer_hash, sender))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Host %s not already in hash\n", sender); p = switch_core_alloc(module_pool, sizeof(struct peer_status)); p->active = SWITCH_FALSE; p->lastseen = 0; /*} else { */ /*switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Host %s last seen %d seconds ago\n", sender, now - p->lastseen); */ } if (!p->active) { switch_event_t *local_event; if (switch_event_create_subclass(&local_event, SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM, MULTICAST_PEERUP) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char lastseen[21]; switch_event_add_header_string(local_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Peer", sender); if (p->lastseen) { switch_snprintf(lastseen, sizeof(lastseen), "%d", (int) p->lastseen); } else { switch_snprintf(lastseen, sizeof(lastseen), "%s", "Never"); } switch_event_add_header_string(local_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Lastseen", lastseen); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Peer %s has come up; last seen: %s\n", sender, lastseen); switch_event_fire(&local_event); } } p->active = SWITCH_TRUE; p->lastseen = now; switch_core_hash_insert(globals.peer_hash, sender, p); } /* ignore our own events to avoid ping pong */ return; } if (event->event_id == SWITCH_EVENT_RELOADXML) { switch_mutex_lock(globals.mutex); switch_core_hash_destroy(&globals.event_hash); globals.event_hash = NULL; if (globals.psk) { switch_safe_free(globals.psk); globals.psk = NULL; } switch_core_hash_init(&globals.event_hash, module_pool); memset(globals.event_list, 0, SWITCH_EVENT_ALL + 1); if (load_config() != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to reload config file\n"); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Event Multicast Reloaded\n"); } switch_mutex_unlock(globals.mutex); } if (event->event_id == SWITCH_EVENT_HEARTBEAT) { switch_hash_index_t *cur; switch_ssize_t keylen; const void *key; void *value; time_t now = switch_epoch_time_now(NULL); struct peer_status *last; char *host; for (cur = switch_hash_first(NULL, globals.peer_hash); cur; cur = switch_hash_next(cur)) { switch_hash_this(cur, &key, &keylen, &value); host = (char *) key; last = (struct peer_status *) value; if (last->active && (now - (last->lastseen)) > 60) { switch_event_t *local_event; last->active = SWITCH_FALSE; if (switch_event_create_subclass(&local_event, SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM, MULTICAST_PEERDOWN) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { char lastseen[21]; switch_event_add_header_string(local_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Peer", host); switch_snprintf(lastseen, sizeof(lastseen), "%d", (int) last->lastseen); switch_event_add_header_string(local_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Lastseen", lastseen); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Peer %s has gone down; last seen: %s\n", host, lastseen); switch_event_fire(&local_event); } } } } switch_mutex_lock(globals.mutex); if (globals.event_list[(uint8_t) SWITCH_EVENT_ALL]) { send = 1; } else if ((globals.event_list[(uint8_t) event->event_id])) { if (event->event_id != SWITCH_EVENT_CUSTOM || (event->subclass_name && switch_core_hash_find(globals.event_hash, event->subclass_name))) { send = 1; } } switch_mutex_unlock(globals.mutex); if (send) { char *packet; switch (event->event_id) { case SWITCH_EVENT_LOG: return; default: switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Multicast-Sender", switch_core_get_switchname()); if (switch_event_serialize(event, &packet, SWITCH_TRUE) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { size_t len; char *buf; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL int outlen, tmplen; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; char uuid_str[SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + 1]; switch_uuid_t uuid; switch_uuid_get(&uuid); switch_uuid_format(uuid_str, &uuid); len = strlen(packet) + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH + strlen((char *) MAGIC); #else len = strlen(packet) + strlen((char *) MAGIC); #endif buf = malloc(len + 1); memset(buf, 0, len + 1); switch_assert(buf); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (globals.psk) { switch_copy_string(buf, uuid_str, SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); EVP_EncryptInit(&ctx, EVP_bf_cbc(), NULL, NULL); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(&ctx, strlen(globals.psk)); EVP_EncryptInit(&ctx, NULL, (unsigned char *) globals.psk, (unsigned char *) uuid_str); EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char *) buf + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH, &outlen, (unsigned char *) packet, (int) strlen(packet)); EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char *) buf + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + outlen, &tmplen, (unsigned char *) MAGIC, (int) strlen((char *) MAGIC)); outlen += tmplen; EVP_EncryptFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char *) buf + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + outlen, &tmplen); outlen += tmplen; len = (size_t) outlen + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH; *(buf + SWITCH_UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH + outlen) = '\0'; } else { #endif switch_copy_string(buf, packet, len); switch_copy_string(buf + strlen(packet), (char *) MAGIC, strlen((char *) MAGIC) + 1); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL } #endif switch_socket_sendto(globals.udp_socket, globals.addr, 0, buf, &len); switch_safe_free(packet); switch_safe_free(buf); } break; } } return; }