예제 #1

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT and
   other commands from STDIO, pass them to the XBee module via the
   SXA library, and print the results.
int main( void)
   char cmdstr[80];
   int status;

   // Required local device initialization
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");

   // Initialize the Simple XBee API layer.  SXA handles a lot of the
   // book-keeping for multiple remote nodes and XBee on-module I/Os.
   // It also helps to hide the difference between local and remote nodes.
   sxa = sxa_init_or_exit(&my_xbee, endpoints_table, 1);

   if (!sxa)
   	printf("Failed to initialize Simple XBee API!\n");


   while (1)
   	// Accumulate a command string, and call the tick function while waiting.
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)

      // Have a command, process it.
		if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if ( sxa_select_command( cmdstr))
      	// empty, command done
      else if ( cmdstr[0] == '$')
      	issue_commands( sxa);
			process_command_remote( sxa_xbee( sxa), cmdstr,
         	have_target ? &target_ieee : NULL);
예제 #2

	Initiate communication with the XBee module, then accept AT and
   other commands from STDIO, pass them to the XBee module via the
   SXA library, and print the results.
int main( void)
   char cmdstr[80];
   char * slash;
   int ionum;
   int msglen;
   int msgsent;
   int status;
   int chunksize;

   // Required local device initialization
	if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, xbee_awake_pin, xbee_reset_pin))
		printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");

   // Initialize the Simple XBee API layer.  SXA handles a lot of the
   // book-keeping for multiple remote nodes and XBee on-module I/Os.
   // It also helps to hide the difference between local and remote nodes.
   sxa = sxa_init_or_exit(&my_xbee, endpoints_table, 1);

   if (!sxa)
   	printf("Failed to initialize Simple XBee API!\n");


   while (1)
   	// Accumulate a command string, and call the tick function while waiting.
      while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)

      // Have a command, process it.
		if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "menu", 4))
      else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
			return 0;
      else if ( sxa_select_command( cmdstr))
      	// empty, command done
      else if ( cmdstr[0] == '$')
      	if (!have_target)
      		printf("Need a remote target to send data\n");
	         msglen = atoi(cmdstr+1);
            slash = strchr(cmdstr, '/');
            if (slash)
            	chunksize = atoi(slash + 1);
               if (chunksize > sizeof(qbf) || chunksize < 1) chunksize = sizeof(qbf);
            	chunksize = 64;
            msgsent = 0;
	         while (msglen >= chunksize)
					status = send_data( sxa, qbf, chunksize);
               if (status)
               	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", chunksize, status);
               	msgsent += chunksize;
               msglen -= chunksize;
            if (msglen)
					status = send_data( sxa, qbf, msglen);
               if (status)
               	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", msglen, status);
               	msgsent += msglen;
            printf("Total %d sent\n", msgsent);
      else if (!strncasecmp(cmdstr, "at", 2))
			process_command_remote( sxa_xbee( sxa), cmdstr,
         	have_target ? &target_ieee : NULL);
      else if (have_target)
      	msglen = strlen(cmdstr);
	   	printf( "sending %u bytes to '%ls'\n", msglen, sxa->id.node_info);
	   	status = send_data( sxa, cmdstr, msglen);
         if (status)
         	printf("Error sending %d bytes: status=%d\n", msglen, status);
      	printf("Need a remote target to send data\n");