예제 #1
static int mapCentralDirectory0(int fd, const char* debugFileName,
        ZipArchive* pArchive, off_t fileLength, size_t readAmount, u1* scanBuf)
    off_t searchStart = fileLength - readAmount;

    if (lseek(fd, searchStart, SEEK_SET) != searchStart) {
        LOGW("Zip: seek %ld failed: %s", (long) searchStart, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, scanBuf, readAmount));
    if (actual != (ssize_t) readAmount) {
        LOGW("Zip: read %zd failed: %s", readAmount, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

     * Scan backward for the EOCD magic.  In an archive without a trailing
     * comment, we'll find it on the first try.  (We may want to consider
     * doing an initial minimal read; if we don't find it, retry with a
     * second read as above.)
    int i;
    for (i = readAmount - kEOCDLen; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (scanBuf[i] == 0x50 && get4LE(&scanBuf[i]) == kEOCDSignature) {
            LOGV("+++ Found EOCD at buf+%d", i);
    if (i < 0) {
        LOGD("Zip: EOCD not found, %s is not zip", debugFileName);
        return -1;

    off_t eocdOffset = searchStart + i;
    const u1* eocdPtr = scanBuf + i;

    assert(eocdOffset < fileLength);

     * Grab the CD offset and size, and the number of entries in the
     * archive.  Verify that they look reasonable.
    u4 numEntries = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDNumEntries);
    u4 dirSize = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDSize);
    u4 dirOffset = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDFileOffset);

    if ((long long) dirOffset + (long long) dirSize > (long long) eocdOffset) {
        LOGW("Zip: bad offsets (dir %ld, size %u, eocd %ld)",
            (long) dirOffset, dirSize, (long) eocdOffset);
        return -1;
    if (numEntries == 0) {
        LOGW("Zip: empty archive?");
        return -1;

    LOGV("+++ numEntries=%d dirSize=%d dirOffset=%d",
        numEntries, dirSize, dirOffset);

     * It all looks good.  Create a mapping for the CD, and set the fields
     * in pArchive.
    if (sysMapFileSegmentInShmem(fd, dirOffset, dirSize,
            &pArchive->mDirectoryMap) != 0)
        LOGW("Zip: cd map failed");
        return -1;

    pArchive->mNumEntries = numEntries;
    pArchive->mDirectoryOffset = dirOffset;

    return 0;
예제 #2
 * Find the zip Central Directory and memory-map it.
 * On success, returns 0 after populating fields from the EOCD area:
 *   mDirectoryOffset
 *   mDirectoryMap
 *   mNumEntries
static int mapCentralDirectory(int fd, const char* debugFileName,
    ZipArchive* pArchive)
    u1* scanBuf = NULL;
    int result = -1;

     * Get and test file length.
    off_t fileLength = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    if (fileLength < kEOCDLen) {
        LOGV("Zip: length %ld is too small to be zip\n", (long) fileLength);
        goto bail;

     * Perform the traditional EOCD snipe hunt.
     * We're searching for the End of Central Directory magic number,
     * which appears at the start of the EOCD block.  It's followed by
     * 18 bytes of EOCD stuff and up to 64KB of archive comment.  We
     * need to read the last part of the file into a buffer, dig through
     * it to find the magic number, parse some values out, and use those
     * to determine the extent of the CD.
     * We start by pulling in the last part of the file.
    size_t readAmount = kMaxEOCDSearch;
    if (readAmount > (size_t) fileLength)
        readAmount = fileLength;
    off_t searchStart = fileLength - readAmount;

    scanBuf = (u1*) malloc(readAmount);
    if (lseek(fd, searchStart, SEEK_SET) != searchStart) {
        LOGW("Zip: seek %ld failed: %s\n", (long) searchStart, strerror(errno));
        goto bail;
    ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, scanBuf, readAmount));
    if (actual != (ssize_t) readAmount) {
        LOGW("Zip: read %zd failed: %s\n", readAmount, strerror(errno));
        goto bail;

     * Scan backward for the EOCD magic.  In an archive without a trailing
     * comment, we'll find it on the first try.  (We may want to consider
     * doing an initial minimal read; if we don't find it, retry with a
     * second read as above.)
    int i;
    for (i = readAmount - kEOCDLen; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (scanBuf[i] == 0x50 && get4LE(&scanBuf[i]) == kEOCDSignature) {
            LOGV("+++ Found EOCD at buf+%d\n", i);
    if (i < 0) {
        LOGD("Zip: EOCD not found, %s is not zip\n", debugFileName);
        goto bail;

    off_t eocdOffset = searchStart + i;
    const u1* eocdPtr = scanBuf + i;

    assert(eocdOffset < fileLength);

     * Grab the CD offset and size, and the number of entries in the
     * archive.  Verify that they look reasonable.
    u4 numEntries = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDNumEntries);
    u4 dirSize = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDSize);
    u4 dirOffset = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDFileOffset);

    if ((long long) dirOffset + (long long) dirSize > (long long) eocdOffset) {
        LOGW("Zip: bad offsets (dir %ld, size %u, eocd %ld)\n",
            (long) dirOffset, dirSize, (long) eocdOffset);
        goto bail;
    if (numEntries == 0) {
        LOGW("Zip: empty archive?\n");
        goto bail;

    LOGV("+++ numEntries=%d dirSize=%d dirOffset=%d\n",
        numEntries, dirSize, dirOffset);

     * It all looks good.  Create a mapping for the CD, and set the fields
     * in pArchive.
    if (sysMapFileSegmentInShmem(fd, dirOffset, dirSize,
            &pArchive->mDirectoryMap) != 0)
        LOGW("Zip: cd map failed\n");
        goto bail;

    pArchive->mNumEntries = numEntries;
    pArchive->mDirectoryOffset = dirOffset;

    result = 0;

    return result;
예제 #3
static int mapCentralDirectory0(int fd, const char* debugFileName,
        ZipArchive* pArchive, off64_t fileLength, size_t readAmount, u1* scanBuf)
     * Make sure this is a Zip archive.
    if (lseek64(pArchive->mFd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        ALOGW("seek to start failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    ssize_t actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(pArchive->mFd, scanBuf, sizeof(int32_t)));
    if (actual != (ssize_t) sizeof(int32_t)) {
        ALOGI("couldn't read first signature from zip archive: %s", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    unsigned int header = get4LE(scanBuf);
    if (header != kLFHSignature) {
        ALOGV("Not a Zip archive (found 0x%08x)\n", header);
        return false;

     * Perform the traditional EOCD snipe hunt.
     * We're searching for the End of Central Directory magic number,
     * which appears at the start of the EOCD block.  It's followed by
     * 18 bytes of EOCD stuff and up to 64KB of archive comment.  We
     * need to read the last part of the file into a buffer, dig through
     * it to find the magic number, parse some values out, and use those
     * to determine the extent of the CD.
     * We start by pulling in the last part of the file.
    off64_t searchStart = fileLength - readAmount;

    if (lseek64(pArchive->mFd, searchStart, SEEK_SET) != searchStart) {
        ALOGW("seek %ld failed: %s\n",  (long) searchStart, strerror(errno));
        return false;
    actual = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(pArchive->mFd, scanBuf, readAmount));
    if (actual != (ssize_t) readAmount) {
        ALOGW("Zip: read %zd, expected %zd. Failed: %s\n",
            actual, readAmount, strerror(errno));
        return false;

     * Scan backward for the EOCD magic.  In an archive without a trailing
     * comment, we'll find it on the first try.  (We may want to consider
     * doing an initial minimal read; if we don't find it, retry with a
     * second read as above.)
    int i;
    for (i = readAmount - kEOCDLen; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (scanBuf[i] == 0x50 && get4LE(&scanBuf[i]) == kEOCDSignature) {
            ALOGV("+++ Found EOCD at buf+%d", i);
    if (i < 0) {
        ALOGD("Zip: EOCD not found, %s is not zip", debugFileName);
        return -1;

    off64_t eocdOffset = searchStart + i;
    const u1* eocdPtr = scanBuf + i;

    assert(eocdOffset < fileLength);

     * Grab the CD offset and size, and the number of entries in the
     * archive.  Verify that they look reasonable.
    u4 diskNumber = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDDiskNumber);
    u4 diskWithCentralDir = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDDiskNumberForCD);
    u4 numEntries = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDNumEntries);
    u4 totalNumEntries = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDTotalNumEntries);
    u4 centralDirSize = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDSize);
    u4 centralDirOffset = get4LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDFileOffset);
    u4 commentSize = get2LE(eocdPtr + kEOCDCommentSize);

    // Verify that they look reasonable.
    if ((long long) centralDirOffset + (long long) centralDirSize > (long long) eocdOffset) {
        ALOGW("bad offsets (dir %ld, size %u, eocd %ld)\n",
            (long) centralDirOffset, centralDirSize, (long) eocdOffset);
        return false;
    if (numEntries == 0) {
        ALOGW("empty archive?\n");
        return false;
    } else if (numEntries != totalNumEntries || diskNumber != 0 || diskWithCentralDir != 0) {
        ALOGW("spanned archives not supported");
        return false;

    // Check to see if comment is a sane size
    if (((size_t) commentSize > (fileLength - kEOCDLen))
            || (eocdOffset > (fileLength - kEOCDLen) - commentSize)) {
        ALOGW("comment size runs off end of file");
        return false;

    ALOGV("+++ numEntries=%d dirSize=%d dirOffset=%d\n",
        numEntries, centralDirSize, centralDirOffset);

     * It all looks good.  Create a mapping for the CD, and set the fields
     * in pArchive.
    if (sysMapFileSegmentInShmem(fd, centralDirOffset, centralDirSize,
            &pArchive->mDirectoryMap) != 0)
        ALOGW("Zip: cd map failed");
        return -1;

    pArchive->mNumEntries = numEntries;
    pArchive->mDirectoryOffset = centralDirOffset;

    return 0;