int getSensorValues()
	int iSensors = 0;
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x00); /* Disable outputs */
	iSensors = (sysInByte(0x182) << 8) | (sysInByte(0x180));
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Re enable outputs */
	return iSensors;
/*Get the current sensor values by receiving the value from a port*/
int getSensorValues()
	int iSensors = 0;
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x00); /* Disable outputs */
	iSensors = (sysInByte(0x180)); /*Receive value from 0x180 as we only need 2 bytes*/
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Re enable outputs */
	return iSensors;
void initiateProcess()
	sysOutByte(0x180,0x00); /* Zero out the four channels */
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Enable Output */
	iActuators = 0;
void main (void)
	unsigned char tempOut;
	/* Connect interrupt service routine to vector and all stuff */
	intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC(aioIntNum), my_ISR, aioIntNum);
	sysIntEnablePIC (aioIRQNum);
	/* Enable interrupts on the aio:
	* All interrupts and interrupt from counter 1 too */
	tempOut = 0x24;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + intEnAddress, tempOut);
	/* Start counter 1 as timer with 50 ms period 
	* It has a clock input of 1 MHz = 1 µs 
	* Therefore the load value is 0xC350 = 50000 */
	tempOut = 0x74;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cntCntrlReg, tempOut);
	tempOut = 0x50;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cnt1Address, tempOut);
	tempOut = 0xC3;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cnt1Address, tempOut);

	/* Add your code here: create tasks, semaphores, ... */
	//printf("Hello World!");
	/*The second task shall do the following:
	 *	- It starts counter a as an auto-reload timer with a period of 50 ms.
	 *	- The interrupt generated by this counter activates the task.
	 *		This shall be done with a semaphore.
	 *	- The task reads the analog inputs of both the potentiometer and the temperature.
	 *	- If the values have changed compared to the previous ones, these shall be written into global
	 *		variables (AIn).
	 *	- A hysteresis of e.g. 10 – 20 bit is necessary due to the noise of the analog inputs.
	 * */
	int readTask;
	readTask = taskSpawn("tRead", 101, 0, 0x1000, (FUNCPTR) tRead,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
	timIntSem = semBCreate(SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY);
	/* The third task shall do the following:
	 *	- It writes the values of the global variables (AIn) onto the display.
	 *	- This shall happen approx. each 100 ms
	int writeTask;
	writeTask = taskSpawn("tWrite",102,0,0x1000, (FUNCPTR) tWrite,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
	/* Suspend own task */
	taskSuspend (0);	//suspended sich selber
} /* main */
/*Set all ports to 0 and set actuators to both lights red*/
void initiateProcess()
	sysOutByte(0x180,0x00); /* Zero out the four channels */
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Enable Output */

	/*set actuators to both lights red*/
	iActuators = (IN_RED | OUT_RED);

	/*the first sensor values, considered old, are obtained*/
	oldSensors = getSensorValues();
예제 #6
파일: i8042KbdMse.c 프로젝트: phoboz/vmx
LOCAL STATUS i8042Write(
    u_int32_t statReg,
    u_int32_t dataReg,
    u_int8_t  data
    STATUS status = ERROR;

    /* Start watchdog */
    i8042Timeout = FALSE;
            sysClockRateGet() * I8042_WAIT_SEC,
            (FUNCPTR) i8042Wd,

    /* Wait for output buffer to be ready */
    while ((sysInByte(statReg) & I8042_KBD_IBFULL) && (i8042Timeout == FALSE));

    /* Write data */
    sysOutByte(dataReg, data);

    if (i8042Timeout == FALSE)
        status = OK;

    return status;
예제 #7
파일: i8042KbdMse.c 프로젝트: phoboz/vmx
LOCAL STATUS i8042Command(
    u_int32_t cmdReg,
    u_int8_t  cmd
    STATUS status = ERROR;

    /* Start watchdog */
    i8042Timeout = FALSE;
            sysClockRateGet() * I8042_WAIT_SEC,
            (FUNCPTR) i8042Wd,

    /* Wait for input buffer */
    while ((sysInByte(cmdReg) & I8042_KBD_IBFULL) && (i8042Timeout == FALSE));

    /* Send command */
    sysOutByte(cmdReg, cmd);

    /* Wait for command completion */
    while ((sysInByte(cmdReg) & I8042_KBD_IBFULL) && (i8042Timeout == FALSE));

    if (i8042Timeout == FALSE)
        status = OK;

    return status;
예제 #8
void my_ISR (void)
	/* Add your code here! */

	semGive (analogInputs);
	/* Clear AIO interrupts by writing anything to a specified address */
	sysOutByte (aioBase + intClearAddress, 0);
void my_ISR (void)
	/* Add your code here! */
	/* ISR soll Semaphore geben */
	semGive (timIntSem);

	/* Clear AIO interrupts by writing anything to a specified address */
	sysOutByte (aioBase + intClearAddress, 0);
예제 #10
int readInputs (void)
	unsigned char tempOut;
	/* Connect interrupt service routine to vector and all stuff */
	intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC(aioIntNum), my_ISR, aioIntNum);
	sysIntEnablePIC (aioIRQNum);
	/* Enable interrupts on the aio:
	* All interrupts and interrupt from counter 1 too */
	tempOut = 0x24;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + intEnAddress, tempOut);
	/* Start counter 1 as timer with 50 ms period 
	* It has a clock input of 1 MHz = 1 µs 
	* Therefore the load value is 0xC350 = 50000 */
	tempOut = 0x74;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cntCntrlReg, tempOut);
	tempOut = 0x50;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cnt1Address, tempOut);
	tempOut = 0xC3;
	sysOutByte (aioBase + cnt1Address, tempOut);
	int poti;
	int temp;
	int hyst = 15;
		semTake (analogInputs, WAIT_FOREVER);
		poti =  readAnalog (2, 0);
		temp =  readAnalog (5, 2);
		//printf ("Werte %d %d \n", poti, temp);
		if  ((poti > globalPoti+hyst) | (poti < globalPoti-hyst))
			globalPoti = poti;
		if  ((temp > globalTemp+hyst) | (temp < globalTemp-hyst))
			globalTemp = temp;
/*Set the actuator values by sending the current actuator values to a port*/
void setActuatorValues(int iActuators)
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Re enable outputs */
	sysOutByte(0x181,(iActuators & 0x003F)); /*send the lowest 6 bits of iActuators to memory location 0x181*/
void setActuatorValues(int iActuators)
	sysOutByte(0x184,0x01); /* Re enable outputs */
	sysOutByte(0x181,(iActuators & 0x007F)); /*We only have 6 actuators*/