예제 #1
static void checkPx4RebootCommand(uint8_t b)
  if (intermcu.stable_px4_baud == CHANGING_BAUD && sys_time_check_and_ack_timer(px4bl_tid)) {
    //to prevent a short intermcu comm loss, give some time to changing the baud
    intermcu.stable_px4_baud = PPRZ_BAUD;
  } else if (intermcu.stable_px4_baud == PX4_BAUD) {

    if (sys_time_check_and_ack_timer(px4bl_tid)) {
      //time out the possibility to reboot to the px4 bootloader, to prevent unwanted restarts during flight
      //for unknown reasons, 1500000 baud does not work reliably after prolonged times.
      //I suspect a temperature related issue, combined with the fbw f1 crystal which is out of specs
      //After a initial period on 1500000, revert to 230400
      //We still start at 1500000 to remain compatible with original PX4 firmware. (which always runs at 1500000)
      uart_periph_set_baudrate(intermcu.device->periph, B230400);
      intermcu.stable_px4_baud = CHANGING_BAUD;
      px4bl_tid = sys_time_register_timer(1.0, NULL);


    if (b == px4RebootSequence[px4RebootSequenceCount]) {
    } else {
      px4RebootSequenceCount = 0;

    if (px4RebootSequenceCount >= 6) { // 6 = length of rebootSequence + 1
      px4RebootSequenceCount = 0; // should not be necessary...

      //send some magic back
      //this is the same as the Pixhawk IO code would send
      intermcu.device->put_byte(intermcu.device->periph, 0, 0x00);
      intermcu.device->put_byte(intermcu.device->periph, 0, 0xe5);
      intermcu.device->put_byte(intermcu.device->periph, 0, 0x32);
      intermcu.device->put_byte(intermcu.device->periph, 0, 0x0a);
      intermcu.device->put_byte(intermcu.device->periph, 0,
                                0x66); // dummy byte, seems to be necessary otherwise one byte is missing at the fmu side...

      while (((struct uart_periph *)(intermcu.device->periph))->tx_running) {
        // tx_running is volatile now, so LED_TOGGLE not necessary anymore

예제 #2
static void checkPx4RebootCommand(unsigned char b)
    if (!px4RebootTimeout) {

        if (sys_time_check_and_ack_timer(px4bl_tid)) {
            //time out the possibility to reboot to the px4 bootloader, to prevent unwanted restarts during flight
            px4RebootTimeout = true;


        if (b == px4RebootSequence[px4RebootSequenceCount]) {
        } else {
            px4RebootSequenceCount = 0;

        if (px4RebootSequenceCount >= 6) { // 6 = length of rebootSequence + 1
            px4RebootSequenceCount = 0; // should not be necessary...

            //send some magic back
            //this is the same as the Pixhawk IO code would send
            intermcu_device->put_byte(intermcu_device->periph, 0x00);
            intermcu_device->put_byte(intermcu_device->periph, 0xe5);
            intermcu_device->put_byte(intermcu_device->periph, 0x32);
            intermcu_device->put_byte(intermcu_device->periph, 0x0a);
                                      0x66); // dummy byte, seems to be necessary otherwise one byte is missing at the fmu side...

            while (((struct uart_periph *)(intermcu_device->periph))->tx_running) {
                // tx_running is volatile now, so LED_TOGGLE not necessary anymore

예제 #3
void px4flash_event(void)
  if (PX4IO_PORT->char_available(PX4IO_PORT->periph)) {
    if (!setToBootloaderMode) {
      //ignore anything coming from IO if not in bootloader mode (which should be nothing)
    } else {
      //relay everything from IO to the laptop
      while (PX4IO_PORT->char_available(PX4IO_PORT->periph)) {
        unsigned char b = PX4IO_PORT->get_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph);
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, b);

  //TODO: check if bootloader timeout was surpassed
  if (FLASH_PORT->char_available(FLASH_PORT->periph) && !setToBootloaderMode) {
    // TMP TEST
    //    while (FLASH_PORT->char_available(FLASH_PORT->periph)) {
    //      unsigned char bla = FLASH_PORT->get_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph);
    //      FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph,bla);
    //    }
    //    return;

    //check whether this is flash related communication, and for who (ap/fbw)
    int state = 0;
    while (state < 4 && FLASH_PORT->char_available(FLASH_PORT->periph)) {
      unsigned char b = FLASH_PORT->get_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph);
      switch (state) {
        case (0) :
          if (b == 'p') { state++; } else { return; }
        case (1) :
          if (b == 'p') { state++; } else { return; }
        case (2) :
          if (b == 'r') { state++; } else { return; }
        case (3) :
          if (b == 'z') { state++; } else { return; }
        default :

    if (state != 4) {return;}
    //TODO: check if/how this interferes with flashing original PX4 firmware
    unsigned char target = FLASH_PORT->get_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph);
    if (target == '1') { //target ap
      //the target is the ap, so reboot to PX4 bootloader

    } else { // target fbw
      //the target is the fbw, so reboot the fbw and switch to relay mode

      //first check if the bootloader has not timeout:
      if (sys_time_check_and_ack_timer(px4iobl_tid) || px4ioRebootTimeout) {
        px4ioRebootTimeout = TRUE;
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'T');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'I');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'M');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'E');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'O');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'U');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'T'); // use 7 chars as answer
      }  { // FBW OK OK hollay hollay :)
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'F');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'B');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'W');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'O');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'K');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'O');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'K'); // use 7 chars as answer

      //stop all intermcu communication:

      * The progdieshit define is very usefull, if for whatever reason the (normal, not bootloader) firmware on the IO chip became disfunct.
      * In that case:
      * 1. enable this define
      * 2. build and upload  the fmu f4 chip (ap target in pprz center)
      * 3. build the io code, and convert the firmware using the following command:
      *       /home/houjebek/paparazzi/sw/tools/px4/px_mkfw.py --prototype "/home/houjebek/px4/Firmware/Images/px4io-v2.prototype" --image /home/houjebek/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/Iris/fbw/fbw.bin > /home/houjebek/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/Iris/fbw/fbw.px4
      * 4. Start the following command:
      *    /home/houjebek/paparazzi/sw/tools/px4/px_uploader.py --port "/dev/ttyACM0" /home/houjebek/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/Iris/fbw/fbw.px4
      * 5a. Either, boot the Pixhawk (reconnect usb) holding the IO reset button until the FMU led stops blinking fast (i.e. exits its own bootloader)
      * 5b  Or, press the IO reset button on the pixhawk
      * 6. Watch the output of the command of step 4, it should recognize the IO bootloader and start flashing. If not try repeating step 5a.
      * 7. Don forget to disable the define and upload the ap again :)
      //    #define progdieshit

#ifndef progdieshit
      //send the reboot to bootloader command:
      static struct IOPacket  dma_packet;
      dma_packet.count_code = 0x40 + 0x01;
      dma_packet.crc = 0;
      dma_packet.page = PX4IO_PAGE_SETUP;
      dma_packet.offset = PX4IO_P_SETUP_REBOOT_BL;
      dma_packet.regs[0] = PX4IO_REBOOT_BL_MAGIC;
      dma_packet.crc = crc_packet(&dma_packet);
      struct IOPacket *pkt = &dma_packet;
      uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)pkt;
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[0]);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[1]);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[2]);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[3]);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[4]);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, p[5]);

      sys_time_usleep(5000); // this seems to be close to the minimum delay necessary to process this packet at the IO side
      //the pixhawk IO chip should respond with:
      // 0x00 ( PKT_CODE_SUCCESS )
      // 0xe5
      // 0x32
      // 0x0a
      //After that, the IO chips reboots into bootloader mode, in which it will stay for a short period
      //The baudrate in bootloader mode ic changed to 115200 (normal operating baud is 1500000, at least for original pixhawk fmu firmware)

      //state machine
      state = 0;
      while (state < 4 && PX4IO_PORT->char_available(PX4IO_PORT->periph)) {

        unsigned char b = PX4IO_PORT->get_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph);
        switch (state) {
          case (0) :
            if (b == PKT_CODE_SUCCESS) { state++; } else { state = 0; }
          case (1) :
            if (b == 0xe5) { state++; } else { state = 0; }
          case (2) :
            if (b == 0x32) { state++; } else { state = 0; }
          case (3) :
            if (b == 0x0a) { state++; } else { state = 0; }
          default :
      int state = 4;
      if (state == 4) {
        uart_periph_set_baudrate(PX4IO_PORT->periph, B115200);
        /* look for the bootloader for 150 ms */
        int ret = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 15 && !ret ; i++) {

          //send a get_sync command in order to keep the io in bootloader mode
          PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, PROTO_GET_SYNC);
          PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, PROTO_EOC);

          //get_sync should be replied with, so check if that happens and
          //all other bytes are discarded, hopefully those were not important
          //(they may be caused by sending multiple syncs)
          while (PX4IO_PORT->char_available(PX4IO_PORT->periph)) {
            unsigned char b = PX4IO_PORT->get_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph);

            if (b == PROTO_INSYNC) {
              setToBootloaderMode = true;
              ret = 1;
        if (setToBootloaderMode) {
          //if successfully entered bootloader mode, clear any remaining bytes (which may have a function, but I did not check)
          while (PX4IO_PORT->char_available(PX4IO_PORT->periph)) {PX4IO_PORT->get_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph);}
      } else {
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'E'); //TODO: find out what the PX4 protocol for error feedback is...
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'R');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'R');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'O');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, 'R');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, '!');
        FLASH_PORT->put_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph, ' '); // use 7 chars as answer

  } else if (FLASH_PORT->char_available(FLASH_PORT->periph)) {
    //already in bootloader mode, just directly relay data
    while (FLASH_PORT->char_available(FLASH_PORT->periph)) {
      unsigned char b = FLASH_PORT->get_byte(FLASH_PORT->periph);
      PX4IO_PORT->put_byte(PX4IO_PORT->periph, b);