CRYSTAX_LOCAL int mount(const char *source, const char *target, const char *fstype, unsigned long flags, const void *data) { DBG("source=%s, target=%s, fstype=%s, flags=%lu, data=%p", source, target, fstype, flags, data); scope_lock_t lock(mount_table_mutex); if (mount_table_pos >= MOUNT_TABLE_SIZE) { ERR("too much mount calls performed (max %d)", (int)MOUNT_TABLE_SIZE); errno = ENFILE; return -1; } abspath_t abspath(target); // Found underlying driver driver_t *underlying = system::driver_t::instance(); for (size_t i = mount_table_pos; i > 0; --i) { driver_t *prev = mount_table[i - 1]; if (abspath.subpath(prev->root())) { underlying = prev; break; } } driver_t *driver = load_driver(source, abspath.c_str(), fstype, flags, data, underlying); if (!driver) return system_mount(source, target, fstype, flags, data); DBG("load driver: %s (%s), underlying: %s (%s)", driver->name(), driver->info(), underlying->name(), underlying->info()); mount_table[mount_table_pos] = driver; ++mount_table_pos; return 0; }
u_int32_t uf_http_upload(struct sub_env_t *sub_env, WS_ENV *ws_env, WS_REQ_RES* ws_req_res) { WS_PARA *para; u_int32_t sys_error_code = 0; char* http_filename; char cmd[300]; char tmp_cmd[300], err_string[128]; u_int32_t fileseize; const char* client_name; char* base_name; struct sys_partition_info part_info; unsigned int spare; char file_name[300]; char dev_name[32]; int is_dpx = 0; s32 dev_type; (void) sub_env; (void)ws_env; (void) ws_req_res; http_filename = "soft_file_download"; if (HTTP_PARA_FOUND != http_get_upload_file_info(http_filename, &client_name, &fileseize)) { return ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, "File not exist!"); } base_name = get_basename(client_name); (void)http_move_upload_file(http_filename, TEMP_IMAGE); sys_error_code = (u_int32_t)is_bootimage(TEMP_IMAGE); if(DRV_DEV_SUCCESS != sys_error_code) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/rm %s ", TEMP_IMAGE); system(cmd); return ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, "The software version does not exist or is invalid!"); } /*获取板子类型参数, 对于非dpx的设备,保持不变*/ sys_error_code = ws_get_req_by_name(ws_env, ws_req_res, "type", ¶); if (HTTP_PARA_FOUND != sys_error_code) { dev_type = g_dev_type; } else { dev_type = para->int_data; } if(0 == dev_type) //下载版本时,防止下载到备主控上 { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (dev_type == DPX_BOARD_MAIN || dev_type == DPX_BOARD_SPARE) { /*judging whether the /boot has the same file as the upload file base_name :\DPtech-UAG3000MA-C11-B11007.bin*/ system_mount(); snprintf(file_name,sizeof(file_name),"%s%s",IMAGE_PATH,base_name); sys_error_code = (u_int32_t)is_bootimage(file_name); if(DRV_DEV_SUCCESS != sys_error_code)// not exist the same name { memset(&part_info, 0, sizeof(struct sys_partition_info)); sys_error_code = (u_int32_t)sys_read_part_info(PARTITION_BOOT, &part_info); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != sys_error_code) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/rm -rf %s", TEMP_IMAGE); system(cmd); return (u32)ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, "Failed to get disk information!"); } spare = ( - part_info.used)*1024; if (spare <fileseize) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/rm -rf %s", TEMP_IMAGE); system(cmd); return (u32)ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, "No enough space!"); } } //dpx备板升级软件版本,设备类型判断 memset(dev_name, '\0', sizeof(dev_name)); wrap_drv_get_device_type((s8 *)dev_name, sizeof(dev_name)); if(0 == strncmp("DPX", dev_name, 3))//dpx存在备板 { s32 is_exist; sys_error_code = cfg_get_remote_board_is_exist(&is_exist); if(0 != sys_error_code) { return (u32)ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, "Get board info fail!"); } if(SPARE_IS_EXIST == is_exist) { is_dpx = 1; } } if(1 == is_dpx)//dpx备板升级软件版本 { snprintf(tmp_cmd, sizeof(tmp_cmd), "/bin/mv %s /tmp/%s", TEMP_IMAGE, base_name); system(tmp_cmd); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/cp /tmp/%s %s%s", base_name, IMAGE_PATH, base_name); system(cmd); } else { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "/bin/mv %s %s%s", TEMP_IMAGE, IMAGE_PATH, base_name); system(cmd); } WEB_SEND_EX_OPERLOG_QUICK(0, " Updated [%s] to [%s] software image.", client_name, "main"); if(1 == is_dpx)//dpx备板升级软件版本 { sprintf(cmd, "/usr/bin/cfg update_version %s", base_name); system(cmd); snprintf(tmp_cmd, sizeof(tmp_cmd), "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/%s", base_name); system(tmp_cmd); } } else { snprintf(tmp_cmd, sizeof(tmp_cmd), "/bin/mv %s /tmp/%s", TEMP_IMAGE, base_name); system(tmp_cmd); snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/tmp/%s", base_name); sys_error_code = dpx_download_file(file_name, dev_type, err_string); snprintf(tmp_cmd, sizeof(tmp_cmd), "/bin/rm -rf %s", file_name); system(tmp_cmd); if (sys_error_code) return (u32)ws_send_soap_error(ws_env, err_string); } return WS_OK; }