int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { t30_state_t *t30; logging_state_t *logging; const char *input_file_name; int t38_version; int caller; int use_ecm; int use_tep; int options; int supported_modems; int fill_removal; int opt; int t38_terminal_operation; uint32_t src_addr; uint16_t src_port; uint32_t dest_addr; uint16_t dest_port; caller = false; use_ecm = false; t38_version = 0; options = 0; input_file_name = INPUT_FILE_NAME; fill_removal = false; use_tep = false; use_transmit_on_idle = true; supported_modems = T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17; t38_terminal_operation = true; log_audio = false; src_addr = 0; src_port = 0; dest_addr = 0; dest_port = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "cD:d:eFGi:lm:oS:s:tv:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'c': caller = true; break; case 'D': dest_addr = parse_inet_addr(optarg); break; case 'd': dest_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': use_ecm = true; break; case 'F': fill_removal = true; break; case 'G': t38_terminal_operation = false; break; case 'i': input_file_name = optarg; break; case 'l': log_audio = true; break; case 'm': supported_modems = atoi(optarg); break; case 'o': options = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': src_addr = parse_inet_addr(optarg); break; case 's': src_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': use_tep = true; break; case 'v': t38_version = atoi(optarg); break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } printf("Using T.38 version %d\n", t38_version); if (t38_terminal_operation) { if ((t38_terminal_state = t38_terminal_init(NULL, caller, tx_packet_handler, NULL)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_terminal_state); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_terminal_state); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_terminal_set_config(t38_terminal_state, options); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_terminal_state, use_tep); t38_terminal_set_fill_bit_removal(t38_terminal_state, fill_removal); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_terminal_state); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "11111111"); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); if (caller) t30_set_tx_file(t30, INPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME, -1, -1); else t30_set_rx_file(t30, OUTPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T4_COMPRESSION_T4_1D | T4_COMPRESSION_T4_2D | T4_COMPRESSION_T6 | T4_COMPRESSION_T85); if (pcap_scan_pkts(input_file_name, src_addr, src_port, dest_addr, dest_port, t38_terminal_timing_update, process_packet, NULL)) exit(2); /* Push the time along, to flush out any remaining activity from the application. */ now.tv_sec += 60; t38_terminal_timing_update(NULL, &now); } else { wave_handle = NULL; if (log_audio) { if ((wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_write(OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME, 2)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME); exit(2); } } if ((t38_gateway_state = t38_gateway_init(NULL, tx_packet_handler, NULL)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t38_core = t38_gateway_get_t38_core_state(t38_gateway_state); t38_gateway_set_transmit_on_idle(t38_gateway_state, use_transmit_on_idle); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_gateway_set_ecm_capability(t38_gateway_state, use_ecm); logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_gateway_state); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); if ((fax_state = fax_init(NULL, caller)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start FAX\n"); exit(2); } t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state); fax_set_transmit_on_idle(fax_state, use_transmit_on_idle); fax_set_tep_mode(fax_state, use_tep); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "22222222"); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); if (caller) t30_set_tx_file(t30, INPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME, -1, -1); else t30_set_rx_file(t30, OUTPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T4_COMPRESSION_T4_1D | T4_COMPRESSION_T4_2D | T4_COMPRESSION_T6); logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "FAX "); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "FAX "); if (pcap_scan_pkts(input_file_name, src_addr, src_port, dest_addr, dest_port, t38_gateway_timing_update, process_packet, NULL)) exit(2); /* Push the time along, to flush out any remaining activity from the application. */ now.tv_sec += 60; t38_gateway_timing_update(NULL, &now); fax_release(fax_state); t38_gateway_release(t38_gateway_state); if (log_audio) { if (sf_close_telephony(wave_handle)) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME); exit(2); } } } }
/* * Init appropriate spandsp objects to receive fax */ static int spanfax_init(fax_session_t *f_session, fax_transport_mod_e trans_mode) { t38_terminal_state_t *t38; t38_core_state_t *t38_core; t30_state_t *t30; logging_state_t *logging; int log_level; int fec_entries = DEFAULT_FEC_ENTRIES; int fec_span = DEFAULT_FEC_SPAN; printf("fax: %s: start!\n", __func__); switch(trans_mode) { case FAX_TRANSPORT_T38_MOD: memset(f_session->pvt.t38_state, 0, sizeof(t38_terminal_state_t)); if (t38_terminal_init(f_session->pvt.t38_state, f_session->pvt.caller, t38_tx_packet_handler, f_session) == NULL) { printf("fax: Cannot initialize T.38 structs\n"); return 0; } t38 = f_session->pvt.t38_state; t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38); t38_core = f_session->pvt.t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38); t38_terminal_set_config(t38, 0); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38, 0); if (udptl_init(f_session->pvt.udptl_state, UDPTL_ERROR_CORRECTION_REDUNDANCY, fec_span, fec_entries, (udptl_rx_packet_handler_t *) t38_core_rx_ifp_packet, (void *) f_session->pvt.t38_core) == NULL) { printf("fax: Cannot initialize UDPTL structs\n"); return 0; } if (f_session->pvt.verbose) { log_level = SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_FLOW; logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38); span_log_set_message_handler(logging, spanfax_log_message); span_log_set_level(logging, log_level); span_log_set_tag(logging, f_session->log_tag); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_message_handler(logging, spanfax_log_message); span_log_set_level(logging, log_level); span_log_set_tag(logging, f_session->log_tag); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_message_handler(logging, spanfax_log_message); span_log_set_level(logging, log_level); span_log_set_tag(logging, f_session->log_tag); } break; case FAX_TRANSPORT_AUDIO_MOD: default: return 0; break; } /* All the things which are common to audio and T.38 FAX setup */ t30_set_tx_ident(t30, f_session->pvt.ident); t30_set_tx_page_header_info(t30, f_session->pvt.header); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, f_session); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, f_session); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, f_session); t30_set_supported_image_sizes(t30, T30_SUPPORT_US_LETTER_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_US_LEGAL_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_UNLIMITED_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_215MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_255MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_303MM_WIDTH ); t30_set_supported_resolutions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_STANDARD_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_FINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_SUPERFINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R16_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R8_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_300_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_400_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_1200_1200_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_800_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_1200_RESOLUTION ); #if 0 t30_set_supported_colour_resolutions(t30, 0); #endif if (f_session->pvt.disable_v17) { t30_set_supported_modems(t30, T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V27TER); } else { t30_set_supported_modems(t30, T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V17); } if (f_session->pvt.use_ecm) { t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, TRUE); t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T85_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T85_L0_COMPRESSION); } else { t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION); } if (f_session->pvt.caller) { t30_set_tx_file(t30, f_session->pvt.filename, -1, -1); } else { t30_set_rx_file(t30, f_session->pvt.filename, -1); } return 0; }
static int t38_gateway_timing_update(void *user_data, struct timeval *ts) { t30_state_t *t30; logging_state_t *logging; int samples; int partial; int64_t when; int64_t diff; int16_t t38_amp[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t30_amp[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t out_amp[2*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int t38_len; int t30_len; int outframes; int i; memcpy(&now, ts, sizeof(now)); when = ts->tv_sec*1000000LL + ts->tv_usec; if (current == 0) { if (started) current = when; return 0; } diff = when - current; samples = diff/125LL; while (samples > 0) { partial = (samples > SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) ? SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK : samples; //fprintf(stderr, "Update time by %d samples\n", partial); logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_gateway_state); span_log_bump_samples(logging, partial); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_bump_samples(logging, partial); logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state); span_log_bump_samples(logging, partial); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, partial); memset(out_amp, 0, sizeof(out_amp)); t30_len = fax_tx(fax_state, t30_amp, partial); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { /* The receive side always expects a full block of samples, but the transmit side may not be sending any when it doesn't need to. We may need to pad with some silence. */ if (t30_len < partial) { memset(t30_amp + t30_len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(partial - t30_len)); t30_len = partial; } } if (log_audio) { for (i = 0; i < t30_len; i++) out_amp[2*i + 1] = t30_amp[i]; } if (t38_gateway_rx(t38_gateway_state, t30_amp, t30_len)) break; t38_len = t38_gateway_tx(t38_gateway_state, t38_amp, partial); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { if (t38_len < partial) { memset(t38_amp + t38_len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(partial - t38_len)); t38_len = partial; } } if (log_audio) { for (i = 0; i < t38_len; i++) out_amp[2*i] = t38_amp[i]; } if (fax_rx(fax_state, t38_amp, partial)) break; if (log_audio) { outframes = sf_writef_short(wave_handle, out_amp, partial); if (outframes != partial) break; } if (done) break; current = when; samples -= partial; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int16_t t38_amp_b[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t30_amp_b[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t out_amp[2*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int t38_len_b; int t30_len_b; int msg_len; uint8_t msg[1024]; int log_audio; int outframes; SNDFILE *wave_handle; int t38_version; int use_ecm; int use_tep; int feedback_audio; int use_transmit_on_idle; const char *input_file_name; int i; int seq_no; int g1050_model_no; int g1050_speed_pattern_no; double tx_when; double rx_when; int use_gui; int supported_modems; int opt; t30_state_t *t30; t38_core_state_t *t38_core; logging_state_t *logging; log_audio = FALSE; t38_version = 1; use_ecm = FALSE; input_file_name = INPUT_FILE_NAME; simulate_incrementing_repeats = FALSE; g1050_model_no = 0; g1050_speed_pattern_no = 1; use_gui = FALSE; use_tep = FALSE; feedback_audio = FALSE; use_transmit_on_idle = TRUE; supported_modems = T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "efgi:Ilm:M:s:tv:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'e': use_ecm = TRUE; break; case 'f': feedback_audio = TRUE; break; case 'g': #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) use_gui = TRUE; #else fprintf(stderr, "Graphical monitoring not available\n"); exit(2); #endif break; case 'i': input_file_name = optarg; break; case 'I': simulate_incrementing_repeats = TRUE; break; case 'l': log_audio = TRUE; break; case 'm': supported_modems = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': g1050_model_no = optarg[0] - 'A' + 1; break; case 's': g1050_speed_pattern_no = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': use_tep = TRUE; break; case 'v': t38_version = atoi(optarg); break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } printf("Using T.38 version %d\n", t38_version); if (use_ecm) printf("Using ECM\n"); wave_handle = NULL; if (log_audio) { if ((wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_write(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE, 2)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE); exit(2); } } srand48(0x1234567); if ((path_a_to_b = g1050_init(g1050_model_no, g1050_speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } if ((path_b_to_a = g1050_init(g1050_model_no, g1050_speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } if ((t38_state_a = t38_terminal_init(NULL, TRUE, tx_packet_handler_a, &t38_state_b)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_a); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_a); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "11111111"); t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_file_name, -1, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); if (use_ecm) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); if ((t38_state_b = t38_gateway_init(NULL, tx_packet_handler_b, &t38_state_a)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t38_core = t38_gateway_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); t38_gateway_set_transmit_on_idle(t38_state_b, use_transmit_on_idle); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_gateway_set_ecm_capability(t38_state_b, use_ecm); logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_state_b); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-B"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-B"); memset(t38_amp_b, 0, sizeof(t38_amp_b)); if ((fax_state_b = fax_init(NULL, FALSE)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start FAX\n"); exit(2); } t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state_b); fax_set_transmit_on_idle(fax_state_b, use_transmit_on_idle); fax_set_tep_mode(fax_state_b, use_tep); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "22222222"); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); t30_set_rx_file(t30, OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); if (use_ecm) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state_b); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "FAX-B "); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "FAX-B "); memset(t30_amp_b, 0, sizeof(t30_amp_b)); #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) start_media_monitor(); #endif for (;;) { logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_a); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_a); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_state_b); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_core = t38_gateway_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state_b); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state_b); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); memset(out_amp, 0, sizeof(out_amp)); t38_terminal_send_timeout(t38_state_a, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t30_len_b = fax_tx(fax_state_b, t30_amp_b, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { /* The receive side always expects a full block of samples, but the transmit side may not be sending any when it doesn't need to. We may need to pad with some silence. */ if (t30_len_b < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t30_amp_b + t30_len_b, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t30_len_b)); t30_len_b = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } } if (feedback_audio) { for (i = 0; i < t30_len_b; i++) t30_amp_b[i] += t38_amp_b[i] >> 1; } if (log_audio) { for (i = 0; i < t30_len_b; i++) out_amp[2*i + 1] = t30_amp_b[i]; } if (t38_gateway_rx(t38_state_b, t30_amp_b, t30_len_b)) break; t38_len_b = t38_gateway_tx(t38_state_b, t38_amp_b, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { if (t38_len_b < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t38_amp_b + t38_len_b, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t38_len_b)); t38_len_b = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } } if (log_audio) { for (i = 0; i < t38_len_b; i++) out_amp[2*i] = t38_amp_b[i]; } if (fax_rx(fax_state_b, t38_amp_b, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK)) break; when += (float) SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK/(float) SAMPLE_RATE; while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_a_to_b, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t38_gateway_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_b_to_a, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } if (log_audio) { outframes = sf_writef_short(wave_handle, out_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (outframes != SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) break; } if (done[0] && done[1]) break; #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_update_display(); #endif } t38_terminal_release(t38_state_a); fax_release(fax_state_b); if (log_audio) { if (sf_close(wave_handle) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE); exit(2); } } if (!succeeded[0] || !succeeded[1]) { printf("Tests failed\n"); exit(2); } printf("Tests passed\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SNDFILE *wave_handle; SNDFILE *input_wave_handle; int i; int j; int k; struct machine_s *mc; int outframes; char buf[128 + 1]; int16_t silence[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t out_amp[2*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int alldone; const char *input_tiff_file_name; const char *input_audio_file_name; int log_audio; int use_ecm; int use_tep; int use_transmit_on_idle; #if defined(WITH_SPANDSP_INTERNALS) int use_line_hits; #endif int polled_mode; int reverse_flow; int use_page_limits; int supported_modems; int signal_level; int noise_level; float signal_scaling; time_t start_time; time_t end_time; int scan_line_time; char *page_header_info; int opt; t30_state_t *t30; logging_state_t *logging; log_audio = false; input_tiff_file_name = INPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME; input_audio_file_name = NULL; use_ecm = false; #if defined(WITH_SPANDSP_INTERNALS) use_line_hits = false; #endif use_tep = false; polled_mode = false; page_header_info = NULL; reverse_flow = false; use_transmit_on_idle = true; use_receiver_not_ready = false; use_page_limits = false; signal_level = 0; noise_level = -99; scan_line_time = 0; supported_modems = T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "ehH:i:I:lm:n:prRs:S:tTw:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'e': use_ecm = true; break; #if defined(WITH_SPANDSP_INTERNALS) case 'h': use_line_hits = true; break; #endif case 'H': page_header_info = optarg; break; case 'i': input_tiff_file_name = optarg; break; case 'I': input_audio_file_name = optarg; break; case 'l': log_audio = true; break; case 'm': supported_modems = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': noise_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': polled_mode = true; break; case 'r': reverse_flow = true; break; case 'R': use_receiver_not_ready = true; break; case 's': signal_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': scan_line_time = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': use_tep = true; break; case 'T': use_page_limits = true; break; case 'w': t30_state_to_wreck = atoi(optarg); break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } input_wave_handle = NULL; if (input_audio_file_name) { if ((input_wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_read(input_audio_file_name, 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot open audio file '%s'\n", input_audio_file_name); exit(2); } } wave_handle = NULL; if (log_audio) { if ((wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_write(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE, 2)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE); exit(2); } } memset(silence, 0, sizeof(silence)); for (j = 0; j < FAX_MACHINES; j++) { machines[j].chan = j; mc = &machines[j]; i = mc->chan + 1; sprintf(buf, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i); if (reverse_flow) mc->fax = fax_init(NULL, (mc->chan & 1) ? true : false); else mc->fax = fax_init(NULL, (mc->chan & 1) ? false : true); mc->awgn = NULL; signal_scaling = 1.0f; if (noise_level > -99) { mc->awgn = awgn_init_dbm0(NULL, 1234567, noise_level); signal_scaling = powf(10.0f, signal_level/20.0f); printf("Signal scaling %f\n", signal_scaling); } fax_set_transmit_on_idle(mc->fax, use_transmit_on_idle); fax_set_tep_mode(mc->fax, use_tep); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(mc->fax); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, buf); t30_set_tx_sub_address(t30, "Sub-address"); t30_set_tx_sender_ident(t30, "Sender ID"); t30_set_tx_password(t30, "Password"); t30_set_tx_polled_sub_address(t30, "Polled sub-address"); t30_set_tx_selective_polling_address(t30, "Selective polling address"); t30_set_tx_page_header_info(t30, page_header_info); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); t30_set_supported_t30_features(t30, T30_SUPPORT_IDENTIFICATION | T30_SUPPORT_SELECTIVE_POLLING | T30_SUPPORT_SUB_ADDRESSING); if ((mc->chan & 1)) t30_set_minimum_scan_line_time(t30, scan_line_time); t30_set_supported_image_sizes(t30, T30_SUPPORT_US_LETTER_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_US_LEGAL_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_UNLIMITED_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_215MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_255MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_303MM_WIDTH); t30_set_supported_resolutions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_STANDARD_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_FINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_SUPERFINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R8_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R16_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_300_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_400_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_1200_1200_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_800_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_1200_RESOLUTION); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); if (use_ecm) #if defined(SPANDSP_SUPPORT_T85) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T85_COMPRESSION); #else t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); #endif if ((mc->chan & 1)) { if (polled_mode) { if (use_page_limits) t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_tiff_file_name, 3, 6); else t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_tiff_file_name, -1, -1); } else { sprintf(buf, "fax_tests_%d.tif", (mc->chan + 1)/2); t30_set_rx_file(t30, buf, -1); t30_set_rx_encoding(t30, T4_COMPRESSION_ITU_T6); } } else { if (polled_mode) { sprintf(buf, "fax_tests_%d.tif", (mc->chan + 1)/2); t30_set_rx_file(t30, buf, -1); t30_set_rx_encoding(t30, T4_COMPRESSION_ITU_T6); } else { if (use_page_limits) t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_tiff_file_name, 3, 6); else t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_tiff_file_name, -1, -1); } } t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) mc->chan + 'A'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) mc->chan + 'A'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) mc->chan + 'A'); t30_set_real_time_frame_handler(t30, real_time_frame_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) mc->chan + 'A'); t30_set_document_handler(t30, document_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) mc->chan + 'A'); sprintf(mc->tag, "FAX-%d", j + 1); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); span_log_set_tag(logging, mc->tag); if ((j & 1)) { span_log_set_level(&t30->t4.rx.logging, SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); span_log_set_tag(&t30->t4.rx.logging, mc->tag); } else { span_log_set_level(&t30->t4.tx.logging, SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); span_log_set_tag(&t30->t4.tx.logging, mc->tag); } logging = fax_get_logging_state(mc->fax); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SEVERITY | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME | SPAN_LOG_FLOW); span_log_set_tag(logging, mc->tag); memset(mc->amp, 0, sizeof(mc->amp)); mc->total_audio_time = 0; mc->done = false; } time(&start_time); for (;;) { alldone = true; for (j = 0; j < FAX_MACHINES; j++) { mc = &machines[j]; if ((j & 1) == 0 && input_audio_file_name) { mc->len = sf_readf_short(input_wave_handle, mc->amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (mc->len == 0) break; } else { mc->len = fax_tx(mc->fax, mc->amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (mc->awgn) { for (k = 0; k < mc->len; k++) mc->amp[k] = ((int16_t) (mc->amp[k]*signal_scaling)) + awgn(mc->awgn); } } mc->total_audio_time += SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { /* The receive side always expects a full block of samples, but the transmit side may not be sending any when it doesn't need to. We may need to pad with some silence. */ if (mc->len < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(mc->amp + mc->len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - mc->len)); mc->len = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } } t30 = fax_get_t30_state(mc->fax); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, mc->len); logging = fax_get_logging_state(mc->fax); span_log_bump_samples(logging, mc->len); if (log_audio) { for (k = 0; k < mc->len; k++) out_amp[2*k + j] = mc->amp[k]; } if (machines[j ^ 1].len < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) memset(machines[j ^ 1].amp + machines[j ^ 1].len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - machines[j ^ 1].len)); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(mc->fax); #if defined(WITH_SPANDSP_INTERNALS) if (use_line_hits) { /* TODO: This applies very crude line hits. improve it */ if (t30->state == 22) { if (++mc->error_delay == 100) { fprintf(stderr, "HIT %d!\n", j); mc->error_delay = 0; for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) mc->amp[k] = 0; } } } if (t30->state == t30_state_to_wreck) memset(machines[j ^ 1].amp, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); #endif if (fax_rx(mc->fax, machines[j ^ 1].amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK)) break; if (!mc->done) alldone = false; } if (log_audio) { outframes = sf_writef_short(wave_handle, out_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (outframes != SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) break; } if (alldone || j < FAX_MACHINES) break; } time(&end_time); for (j = 0; j < FAX_MACHINES; j++) { mc = &machines[j]; fax_release(mc->fax); } if (log_audio) { if (sf_close(wave_handle)) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_FILE_NAME_WAVE); exit(2); } } if (input_audio_file_name) { if (sf_close(input_wave_handle)) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", input_audio_file_name); exit(2); } } printf("Total audio time = %ds (wall time %ds)\n", machines[0].total_audio_time/8000, (int) (end_time - start_time)); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int16_t silence[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t30_amp[2][SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t38_amp[2][SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t38_amp_hist_a[8][SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t38_amp_hist_b[8][SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t out_amp[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK*4]; int16_t *fax_rx_buf[2]; int16_t *fax_tx_buf[2]; int16_t *t38_gateway_rx_buf[2]; int16_t *t38_gateway_tx_buf[2]; int t30_len[2]; int t38_len[2]; int hist_ptr; int log_audio; int msg_len; uint8_t msg[1024]; int outframes; SNDFILE *wave_handle; SNDFILE *input_wave_handle; int use_ecm; int use_tep; int feedback_audio; int use_transmit_on_idle; int t38_version; const char *input_tiff_file_name; const char *decode_file_name; int i; int j; int seq_no; int g1050_model_no; int g1050_speed_pattern_no; int t38_transport; double tx_when; double rx_when; int supported_modems; int remove_fill_bits; int opt; int start_page; int end_page; int drop_frame; int drop_frame_rate; float signal_scaling; int signal_level; int noise_level; int code_to_look_up; int scan_line_time; t38_stats_t t38_stats; t30_stats_t t30_stats; logging_state_t *logging; int expected_pages; char *page_header_info; char *page_header_tz; const char *tag; char buf[132 + 1]; #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) int use_gui; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) use_gui = FALSE; #endif log_audio = FALSE; use_ecm = FALSE; t38_version = 1; input_tiff_file_name = INPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME; t38_simulate_incrementing_repeats = FALSE; g1050_model_no = 0; g1050_speed_pattern_no = 1; remove_fill_bits = FALSE; use_tep = FALSE; feedback_audio = FALSE; use_transmit_on_idle = TRUE; supported_modems = T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17; page_header_info = NULL; page_header_tz = NULL; drop_frame = 0; drop_frame_rate = 0; start_page = -1; end_page = -1; signal_level = 0; noise_level = -99; scan_line_time = 0; decode_file_name = NULL; code_to_look_up = -1; t38_transport = T38_TRANSPORT_UDPTL; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:D:efFgH:i:Ilm:M:n:p:s:tT:u:v:z:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'c': code_to_look_up = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': decode_file_name = optarg; break; case 'D': drop_frame_rate = drop_frame = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': use_ecm = TRUE; break; case 'f': feedback_audio = TRUE; break; case 'F': remove_fill_bits = TRUE; break; case 'g': #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) use_gui = TRUE; #else fprintf(stderr, "Graphical monitoring not available\n"); exit(2); #endif break; case 'H': page_header_info = optarg; break; case 'i': input_tiff_file_name = optarg; break; case 'I': t38_simulate_incrementing_repeats = TRUE; break; case 'l': log_audio = TRUE; break; case 'm': supported_modems = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': g1050_model_no = optarg[0] - 'A' + 1; break; case 'n': noise_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (optarg[i]) { case 'A': mode[i] = AUDIO_FAX; break; case 'G': mode[i] = T38_GATEWAY_FAX; break; case 'T': mode[i] = T38_TERMINAL_FAX; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown FAX path element %c\n", optarg[i]); exit(2); } } if ((mode[0] == AUDIO_FAX && mode[1] != AUDIO_FAX) || (mode[0] != AUDIO_FAX && mode[1] == AUDIO_FAX)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid FAX path %s\n", optarg); exit(2); } break; case 's': g1050_speed_pattern_no = atoi(optarg); break; #if 0 case 's': signal_level = atoi(optarg); break; #endif case 'S': scan_line_time = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': use_tep = TRUE; break; case 'T': start_page = 0; end_page = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': if (strcasecmp(optarg, "udptl") == 0) t38_transport = T38_TRANSPORT_UDPTL; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "rtp") == 0) t38_transport = T38_TRANSPORT_RTP; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "tcp") == 0) t38_transport = T38_TRANSPORT_TCP; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "tcp-tpkt") == 0) t38_transport = T38_TRANSPORT_TCP_TPKT; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown T.38 transport mode\n"); exit(2); } break; case 'v': t38_version = atoi(optarg); break; case 'z': page_header_tz = optarg; break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } if (code_to_look_up >= 0) { printf("Result code %d is %s\n", code_to_look_up, t30_completion_code_to_str(code_to_look_up)); exit(0); } printf("Using T.38 version %d\n", t38_version); if (use_ecm) printf("Using ECM\n"); wave_handle = NULL; if (log_audio) { if ((wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_write(OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME, 4)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME); exit(2); } } memset(silence, 0, sizeof(silence)); srand48(0x1234567); /* Set up the nodes */ input_wave_handle = NULL; if (mode[0] == T38_TERMINAL_FAX) { } else { if (decode_file_name) { if ((input_wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_read(decode_file_name, 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot open audio file '%s'\n", decode_file_name); exit(2); } } } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { tag = (i == 0) ? "A" : "B"; memset(&expected_rx_info[i], 0, sizeof(expected_rx_info[i])); if (mode[i] == T38_TERMINAL_FAX) { if ((t38_state[i] = t38_terminal_init(NULL, (i == 0), tx_packet_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) i)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 terminal instance\n"); exit(2); } t30_state[i] = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state[i]); t38_core_state[i] = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state[i]); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); } else { if ((fax_state[i] = fax_init(NULL, (i == 0))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start FAX instance\n"); exit(2); } t30_state[i] = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state[i]); logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = fax_modems_get_logging_state(&fax_state[i]->modems); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); if (mode[i] == T38_GATEWAY_FAX) { if ((t38_gateway_state[i] = t38_gateway_init(NULL, tx_packet_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) i)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 gateway instancel\n"); exit(2); } t38_core_state[i] = t38_gateway_get_t38_core_state(t38_gateway_state[i]); logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_gateway_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = fax_modems_get_logging_state(&t38_gateway_state[i]->audio.modems); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core_state[i]); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_PROTOCOL | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, tag); fax_rx_buf[i] = t38_amp[i]; fax_tx_buf[i] = t30_amp[i]; t38_gateway_rx_buf[i] = t30_amp[i]; t38_gateway_tx_buf[i] = t38_amp[i]; } else { fax_rx_buf[i] = t30_amp[i]; fax_tx_buf[i] = t30_amp[i ^ 1]; t38_gateway_rx_buf[i] = NULL; t38_gateway_tx_buf[i] = NULL; } awgn_state[i] = NULL; signal_scaling = 1.0f; if (noise_level > -99) { awgn_state[i] = awgn_init_dbm0(NULL, 1234567, noise_level); signal_scaling = powf(10.0f, signal_level/20.0f); printf("Signal scaling %f\n", signal_scaling); } } set_t30_callbacks(t30_state[i], i); } /* Set up the channels */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if ((g1050_path[i] = g1050_init(g1050_model_no, g1050_speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } memset(audio_buffer[2*i], 0, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK*sizeof(int16_t)); memset(audio_buffer[2*i + 1], 0, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK*sizeof(int16_t)); memset(t30_amp[i], 0, sizeof(t30_amp[i])); memset(t38_amp[i], 0, sizeof(t38_amp[i])); } memset(t38_amp_hist_a, 0, sizeof(t38_amp_hist_a)); memset(t38_amp_hist_b, 0, sizeof(t38_amp_hist_b)); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { j = i + 1; sprintf(buf, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", j, j, j, j, j, j, j, j); t30_set_tx_ident(t30_state[i], buf); strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].ident, buf); sprintf(buf, "Sub-address %d", j); t30_set_tx_sub_address(t30_state[i], buf); //strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].sub_address, buf); sprintf(buf, "Sender ID %d", j); t30_set_tx_sender_ident(t30_state[i], buf); //strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].sender_ident, buf); sprintf(buf, "Password %d", j); t30_set_tx_password(t30_state[i], buf); //strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].password, buf); sprintf(buf, "Polled sub-add %d", j); t30_set_tx_polled_sub_address(t30_state[i], buf); //strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].polled_sub_address, buf); sprintf(buf, "Select poll add %d", j); t30_set_tx_selective_polling_address(t30_state[i], buf); //strcpy(expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].selective_polling_address, buf); t30_set_tx_page_header_info(t30_state[i], page_header_info); if (page_header_tz) t30_set_tx_page_header_tz(t30_state[i], page_header_tz); if ((i & 1) == 1) { t30_set_tx_nsf(t30_state[i], (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].nsf = (uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00"; expected_rx_info[i ^ 1].nsf_len = 12; } t30_set_supported_modems(t30_state[i], supported_modems); t30_set_supported_t30_features(t30_state[i], T30_SUPPORT_IDENTIFICATION | T30_SUPPORT_SELECTIVE_POLLING | T30_SUPPORT_SUB_ADDRESSING); t30_set_supported_image_sizes(t30_state[i], T30_SUPPORT_US_LETTER_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_US_LEGAL_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_UNLIMITED_LENGTH | T30_SUPPORT_215MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_255MM_WIDTH | T30_SUPPORT_303MM_WIDTH); t30_set_supported_resolutions(t30_state[i], T30_SUPPORT_STANDARD_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_FINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_SUPERFINE_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R8_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_R16_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_300_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_400_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_1200_1200_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_300_600_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_400_800_RESOLUTION | T30_SUPPORT_600_1200_RESOLUTION); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30_state[i], use_ecm); if (use_ecm) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30_state[i], T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); t30_set_minimum_scan_line_time(t30_state[i], scan_line_time); if (mode[i] == T38_GATEWAY_FAX) { t38_gateway_set_transmit_on_idle(t38_gateway_state[i], use_transmit_on_idle); t38_gateway_set_supported_modems(t38_gateway_state[i], supported_modems); //t38_gateway_set_nsx_suppression(t38_state[i], NULL, 0, NULL, 0); t38_gateway_set_fill_bit_removal(t38_gateway_state[i], remove_fill_bits); t38_gateway_set_real_time_frame_handler(t38_gateway_state[i], real_time_gateway_frame_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) i); t38_gateway_set_ecm_capability(t38_gateway_state[i], use_ecm); } if (mode[i] != AUDIO_FAX) { t38_set_t38_version(t38_core_state[i], t38_version); } if (mode[i] == T38_TERMINAL_FAX) { //t30_set_iaf_mode(t30_state[i], T30_IAF_MODE_NO_FILL_BITS); switch (t38_transport) { case T38_TRANSPORT_UDPTL: case T38_TRANSPORT_RTP: t38_terminal_set_fill_bit_removal(t38_state[i], remove_fill_bits); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_state[i], use_tep); break; case T38_TRANSPORT_TCP: case T38_TRANSPORT_TCP_TPKT: t38_terminal_set_fill_bit_removal(t38_state[i], TRUE); t38_terminal_set_config(t38_state[i], T38_TERMINAL_OPTION_NO_PACING | T38_TERMINAL_OPTION_NO_INDICATORS); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_state[i], FALSE); break; } } else { fax_set_transmit_on_idle(fax_state[i], use_transmit_on_idle); fax_set_tep_mode(fax_state[i], use_tep); } } t30_set_tx_file(t30_state[0], input_tiff_file_name, start_page, end_page); t30_set_rx_file(t30_state[1], OUTPUT_TIFF_FILE_NAME, -1); #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) start_media_monitor(); #endif hist_ptr = 0; for (;;) { memset(out_amp, 0, sizeof(out_amp)); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Update T.30 timing */ logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (mode[i] == T38_TERMINAL_FAX) { /* Update T.38 termination timing */ logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); completed[i] = t38_terminal_send_timeout(t38_state[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } else { /* Update audio FAX timing */ logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); fax_rx(fax_state[i], fax_rx_buf[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (!t30_call_active(t30_state[i])) { completed[i] = TRUE; continue; } if (i == 0 && input_wave_handle) { t30_len[i] = sf_readf_short(input_wave_handle, fax_tx_buf[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (t30_len[i] == 0) break; } else { t30_len[i] = fax_tx(fax_state[i], fax_tx_buf[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { /* The receive side always expects a full block of samples, but the transmit side may not be sending any when it doesn't need to. We may need to pad with some silence. */ if (t30_len[i] < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t30_amp[i] + t30_len[i], 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t30_len[i])); t30_len[i] = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } } if (awgn_state[i]) { for (j = 0; j < t30_len[i]; j++) fax_tx_buf[i][j] = ((int16_t) (fax_tx_buf[i][j]*signal_scaling)) + awgn(awgn_state[i]); } } if (log_audio) { for (j = 0; j < t30_len[i]; j++) out_amp[4*j + 2*i] = t30_amp[i][j]; } if (feedback_audio) { for (j = 0; j < t30_len[i]; j++) t30_amp[i][j] += t38_amp_hist_a[hist_ptr][j] >> 1; memcpy(t38_amp_hist_a[hist_ptr], t38_amp[i], sizeof(int16_t)*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } if (mode[i] == T38_GATEWAY_FAX) { /* Update T.38 gateway timing */ logging = t38_gateway_get_logging_state(t38_gateway_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core_state[i]); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (drop_frame_rate && --drop_frame == 0) { drop_frame = drop_frame_rate; if (t38_gateway_rx_fillin(t38_gateway_state[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK)) break; } else { if (t38_gateway_rx(t38_gateway_state[i], t38_gateway_rx_buf[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK)) break; } t38_len[i] = t38_gateway_tx(t38_gateway_state[i], t38_gateway_tx_buf[i], SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (!use_transmit_on_idle) { if (t38_len[i] < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t38_amp[i] + t38_len[i], 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t38_len[i])); t38_len[i] = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } } if (feedback_audio) { for (j = 0; j < t30_len[i]; j++) t30_amp[i][j] += t38_amp_hist_a[hist_ptr][j] >> 1; memcpy(t38_amp_hist_a[hist_ptr], t38_amp[i], sizeof(int16_t)*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } if (log_audio) { for (j = 0; j < t38_len[i]; j++) out_amp[4*j + 2*i + 1] = t38_amp[i][j]; } } } if (mode[i] != AUDIO_FAX) { while ((msg_len = g1050_get(g1050_path[i], msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core_state[i ^ 1], msg, msg_len, seq_no); } } } if (log_audio) { outframes = sf_writef_short(wave_handle, out_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (outframes != SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) break; } when += (float) SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK/(float) SAMPLE_RATE; if (completed[0] && completed[1]) break; #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_update_display(); #endif if (++hist_ptr > 3) hist_ptr = 0; }
static int t30_tests(int t38_mode, int use_gui, int log_audio, int test_sending, int g1050_model_no, int g1050_speed_pattern_no) { t38_terminal_state_t *t38_state; fax_state_t *fax_state; int fast_send; int fast_send_tcf; int fast_blocks; int msg_len; int t30_len; int t31_len; int t38_version; int without_pacing; int use_tep; int seq_no; int i; int k; int outframes; uint8_t fast_buf[1000]; uint8_t msg[1024]; double tx_when; double rx_when; t30_state_t *t30; t38_core_state_t *t38_core; logging_state_t *logging; int16_t t30_amp[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t t31_amp[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t silence[SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; int16_t out_amp[2*SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK]; SNDFILE *wave_handle; SNDFILE *in_handle; /* Test the T.31 modem against the full FAX machine in spandsp */ /* Set up the test environment */ t38_version = 1; without_pacing = false; use_tep = false; wave_handle = NULL; if (log_audio) { if ((wave_handle = sf_open_telephony_write(OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME, 2)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME); exit(2); } } in_handle = NULL; if (decode_test_file) { if ((in_handle = sf_open_telephony_read(decode_test_file, 1)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot create audio file '%s'\n", decode_test_file); exit(2); } } srand48(0x1234567); if ((path_a_to_b = g1050_init(g1050_model_no, g1050_speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } if ((path_b_to_a = g1050_init(g1050_model_no, g1050_speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } t38_state = NULL; fax_state = NULL; if (test_sending) { if (t38_mode) { if ((t38_state = t38_terminal_init(NULL, false, t38_tx_packet_handler, t31_state)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state); } else { fax_state = fax_init(NULL, false); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state); } t30_set_rx_file(t30, OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, -1); fax_test_seq = fax_send_test_seq; countdown = 0; } else { if (t38_mode) { if ((t38_state = t38_terminal_init(NULL, true, t38_tx_packet_handler, t31_state)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state); } else { fax_state = fax_init(NULL, true); t30 = fax_get_t30_state(fax_state); } t30_set_tx_file(t30, INPUT_FILE_NAME, -1, -1); fax_test_seq = fax_receive_test_seq; countdown = 250; } if (t38_mode) { t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_terminal_set_config(t38_state, without_pacing); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_state, use_tep); } t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "11111111"); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17); //t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) t30); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) t30); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) t30); if (t38_mode) logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state); else logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, (t38_mode) ? "T.38" : "FAX"); if (t38_mode) { t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state); span_log_set_level(&t38_core->logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(&t38_core->logging, "T.38"); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38"); } else { logging = fax_get_logging_state(fax_state); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "FAX"); } memset(silence, 0, sizeof(silence)); memset(t30_amp, 0, sizeof(t30_amp)); /* Now set up and run the T.31 modem */ if ((t31_state = t31_init(NULL, at_tx_handler, NULL, modem_call_control, NULL, t31_tx_packet_handler, NULL)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot start the T.31 modem\n"); exit(2); } logging = t31_get_logging_state(t31_state); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.31"); logging = at_get_logging_state(t31_get_at_state(t31_state)); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.31"); if (t38_mode) { t38_core = t31_get_t38_core_state(t31_state); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.31"); t31_set_mode(t31_state, true); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); } fast_send = false; fast_send_tcf = true; fast_blocks = 0; kick = true; #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) start_media_monitor(); #endif while (!done) { if (countdown) { /* Deal with call setup, through the AT interface. */ if (answered) { countdown = 0; t31_call_event(t31_state, AT_CALL_EVENT_ANSWERED); } else if (--countdown == 0) { t31_call_event(t31_state, AT_CALL_EVENT_ALERTING); countdown = 250; } } if (kick) { /* Work through the script */ kick = false; if (fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].command > (const char *) 2) { if (fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].command[0]) { printf("%s\n", fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].command); t31_at_rx(t31_state, fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].command, fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].len_command); } } else { if (fax_test_seq[test_seq_ptr].command == (const char *) 2) { printf("Fast send TCF\n"); fast_send = true; fast_send_tcf = true; fast_blocks = 100; } else { printf("Fast send image\n"); fast_send = true; fast_send_tcf = false; fast_blocks = 100; } } } if (fast_send) { /* Send fast modem data */ if (fast_send_tcf) { /* If we are sending TCF, its simply zeros */ memset(fast_buf, 0, 36); if (fast_blocks == 1) { /* Tell the modem this is the end of the TCF data */ fast_buf[34] = DLE; fast_buf[35] = ETX; } } else { /* If we are sending image data, we need to make it look like genuine image data, with proper EOL and RTC markers. */ if (fast_blocks > 1) { /* Create a chunk of white page, 1728 pixels wide. */ for (i = 0; i < 36; i += 4) { fast_buf[i] = 0x00; fast_buf[i + 1] = 0x80; fast_buf[i + 2] = 0xB2; fast_buf[i + 3] = 0x01; } } else { /* Create the end of page condition. */ for (i = 0; i < 36; i += 3) { fast_buf[i] = 0x00; fast_buf[i + 1] = 0x08; fast_buf[i + 2] = 0x80; } /* Tell the modem this is the end of the image data. */ fast_buf[34] = DLE; fast_buf[35] = ETX; } } t31_at_rx(t31_state, (char *) fast_buf, 36); if (--fast_blocks == 0) fast_send = false; } if (t38_mode) { while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_a_to_b, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t31_get_t38_core_state(t31_state); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_b_to_a, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_update_display(); #endif /* Bump the G.1050 models along */ when += (float) SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK/(float) SAMPLE_RATE; /* Bump things along on the t38_terminal side */ span_log_bump_samples(t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state); span_log_bump_samples(t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_terminal_send_timeout(t38_state, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t31_t38_send_timeout(t31_state, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } else { t30_len = fax_tx(fax_state, t30_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); /* The receive side always expects a full block of samples, but the transmit side may not be sending any when it doesn't need to. We may need to pad with some silence. */ if (t30_len < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t30_amp + t30_len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t30_len)); t30_len = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } if (log_audio) { for (k = 0; k < t30_len; k++) out_amp[2*k] = t30_amp[k]; } if (t31_rx(t31_state, t30_amp, t30_len)) break; t31_len = t31_tx(t31_state, t31_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (t31_len < SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) { memset(t31_amp + t31_len, 0, sizeof(int16_t)*(SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK - t31_len)); t31_len = SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK; } if (log_audio) { for (k = 0; k < t31_len; k++) out_amp[2*k + 1] = t31_amp[k]; } if (fax_rx(fax_state, t31_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK)) break; if (log_audio) { outframes = sf_writef_short(wave_handle, out_amp, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); if (outframes != SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK) break; } /* Bump things along on the FAX machine side */ span_log_bump_samples(fax_get_logging_state(fax_state), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } /* Bump things along on the FAX machine side */ span_log_bump_samples(t30_get_logging_state(t30), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); /* Bump things along on the T.31 modem side */ t38_core = t31_get_t38_core_state(t31_state); span_log_bump_samples(t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); span_log_bump_samples(t31_get_logging_state(t31_state), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); span_log_bump_samples(at_get_logging_state(t31_get_at_state(t31_state)), SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); } g1050_free(path_a_to_b); g1050_free(path_b_to_a); if (t38_mode) t38_terminal_free(t38_state); else fax_free(fax_state); t31_free(t31_state); if (decode_test_file) { if (sf_close_telephony(in_handle)) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", decode_test_file); exit(2); } } if (log_audio) { if (sf_close_telephony(wave_handle)) { fprintf(stderr, " Cannot close audio file '%s'\n", OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME); exit(2); } } if (!done || !sequence_terminated) { printf("Tests failed\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int msg_len; uint8_t msg[1024]; int t38_version; int seq_no; int use_ecm; int without_pacing; int use_tep; int model_no; int speed_pattern_no; const char *input_file_name; double tx_when; double rx_when; int use_gui; int supported_modems; int opt; t30_state_t *t30; t38_core_state_t *t38_core; logging_state_t *logging; t38_version = 1; without_pacing = FALSE; use_tep = FALSE; input_file_name = INPUT_FILE_NAME; use_ecm = FALSE; simulate_incrementing_repeats = FALSE; model_no = 0; speed_pattern_no = 1; use_gui = FALSE; supported_modems = T30_SUPPORT_V27TER | T30_SUPPORT_V29 | T30_SUPPORT_V17; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "efgi:Im:M:ps:tv:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'e': use_ecm = TRUE; break; case 'g': #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) use_gui = TRUE; #else fprintf(stderr, "Graphical monitoring not available\n"); exit(2); #endif break; case 'i': input_file_name = optarg; break; case 'I': simulate_incrementing_repeats = TRUE; break; case 'm': supported_modems = atoi(optarg); break; case 'M': model_no = optarg[0] - 'A' + 1; break; case 'p': without_pacing = TRUE; break; case 's': speed_pattern_no = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': use_tep = TRUE; break; case 'v': t38_version = atoi(optarg); break; default: //usage(); exit(2); break; } } printf("Using T.38 version %d\n", t38_version); if (use_ecm) printf("Using ECM\n"); srand48(0x1234567); if ((path_a_to_b = g1050_init(model_no, speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } if ((path_b_to_a = g1050_init(model_no, speed_pattern_no, 100, 33)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start IP network path model\n"); exit(2); } if ((t38_state_a = t38_terminal_init(NULL, TRUE, tx_packet_handler_a, t38_state_b)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_a); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_terminal_set_config(t38_state_a, without_pacing); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_state_a, use_tep); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_a); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-A"); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "11111111"); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); t30_set_tx_file(t30, input_file_name, -1, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'A'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); if (use_ecm) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); if ((t38_state_b = t38_terminal_init(NULL, FALSE, tx_packet_handler_b, t38_state_a)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start the T.38 channel\n"); exit(2); } t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_b); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); t38_set_t38_version(t38_core, t38_version); t38_terminal_set_config(t38_state_b, without_pacing); t38_terminal_set_tep_mode(t38_state_b, use_tep); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_b); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-B"); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-B"); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_set_level(logging, SPAN_LOG_DEBUG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_TAG | SPAN_LOG_SHOW_SAMPLE_TIME); span_log_set_tag(logging, "T.38-B"); t30_set_supported_modems(t30, supported_modems); t30_set_tx_ident(t30, "22222222"); t30_set_tx_nsf(t30, (const uint8_t *) "\x50\x00\x00\x00Spandsp\x00", 12); t30_set_rx_file(t30, OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, -1); t30_set_phase_b_handler(t30, phase_b_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_d_handler(t30, phase_d_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_phase_e_handler(t30, phase_e_handler, (void *) (intptr_t) 'B'); t30_set_ecm_capability(t30, use_ecm); if (use_ecm) t30_set_supported_compressions(t30, T30_SUPPORT_T4_1D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T4_2D_COMPRESSION | T30_SUPPORT_T6_COMPRESSION); #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) start_media_monitor(); #endif for (;;) { logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_a); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_a); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); logging = t38_terminal_get_logging_state(t38_state_b); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); logging = t38_core_get_logging_state(t38_core); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); t30 = t38_terminal_get_t30_state(t38_state_b); logging = t30_get_logging_state(t30); span_log_bump_samples(logging, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); done[0] = t38_terminal_send_timeout(t38_state_a, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); done[1] = t38_terminal_send_timeout(t38_state_b, SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK); when += (float) SAMPLES_PER_CHUNK/(float) SAMPLE_RATE; while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_a_to_b, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_b); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } while ((msg_len = g1050_get(path_b_to_a, msg, 1024, when, &seq_no, &tx_when, &rx_when)) >= 0) { #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_rx(seq_no, tx_when, rx_when); #endif t38_core = t38_terminal_get_t38_core_state(t38_state_a); t38_core_rx_ifp_packet(t38_core, msg, msg_len, seq_no); } if (done[0] && done[1]) break; #if defined(ENABLE_GUI) if (use_gui) media_monitor_update_display(); #endif } t38_terminal_release(t38_state_a); t38_terminal_release(t38_state_b); if (!succeeded[0] || !succeeded[1]) { printf("Tests failed\n"); exit(2); } printf("Tests passed\n"); return 0; }