namespace t_translation {

     * Return the maximum allowed map size (in either dimension),
     * the maximum map area is, therefore, this value squared.
    size_t max_map_size();

	typedef Uint32 t_layer;
	const t_layer WILDCARD = 0x2A000000;
	const t_layer NO_LAYER = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	// The definitions for a terrain
	 * A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers
	 * the layers are separated by a caret and each group consists of 2 to 4 characters
	 * if no second layer is defined it is stored as 0xFFFFFFFF, if the second layer
	 * is empty (needed for matching) the layer has the value 0.
	struct t_terrain {
		t_terrain(const std::string& b, const std::string& o);
		t_terrain(const std::string& b, t_layer o = NO_LAYER);
		t_terrain(t_layer b, t_layer o) : base(b), overlay(o) {};
		t_terrain() : base(0), overlay(NO_LAYER) {}

		t_layer base;
		t_layer overlay;
	const t_terrain NONE_TERRAIN = t_terrain();

	inline bool operator<(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return a.base < b.base ||  (a.base == b.base && a.overlay < b.overlay); }

	inline bool operator==(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return a.base == b.base && a.overlay == b.overlay; }

	inline bool operator!=(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return a.base != b.base || a.overlay != b.overlay; }

	inline t_terrain operator&(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return t_terrain(a.base & b.base, a.overlay & b.overlay); }

	inline t_terrain operator|(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return t_terrain(a.base | b.base, a.overlay | b.overlay); }

	// operator<< is defined later

	typedef std::vector<t_terrain> t_list;
	typedef std::vector<std::vector<t_terrain> > t_map;

	 * This structure can be used for matching terrain strings.
	 * It optimized for strings that need to be matched often,
	 * and caches the wildcard info required for matching.
	struct t_match{
		t_match(const std::string& str, const t_layer filler = NO_LAYER);
		t_match(const t_terrain& tcode);

		t_list terrain;
		t_list mask;
		t_list masked_terrain;
		bool has_wildcard;
		bool is_empty;

	/**  Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps. */
	struct coordinate {
		size_t x;
		size_t y;

    // Exception thrown if there's an error with the terrain.
	// Note: atm most thrown result in a crash, but I like
	// an uncatched exception better than an assert.
	struct error {
		error(const char* msg) : message(msg) {}
		const char* const message;

	// Some types of terrain which must be known, and can't just
	// be loaded in dynamically because they're special.
	// It's asserted that there will be corresponding entries for
	// these types of terrain in the terrain configuration file.
	extern const t_terrain VOID_TERRAIN;
	extern const t_terrain FOGGED;

	// On the map the user can use this type to make odd shaped maps look good.
	extern const t_terrain OFF_MAP_USER;

	extern const t_terrain HUMAN_CASTLE;
	extern const t_terrain HUMAN_KEEP;
	extern const t_terrain SHALLOW_WATER;
	extern const t_terrain DEEP_WATER;
	extern const t_terrain GRASS_LAND;
	extern const t_terrain FOREST;
	extern const t_terrain MOUNTAIN;
	extern const t_terrain HILL;

	extern const t_terrain CAVE_WALL;
	extern const t_terrain CAVE;
	extern const t_terrain UNDERGROUND_VILLAGE;
	extern const t_terrain DWARVEN_CASTLE;
	extern const t_terrain DWARVEN_KEEP;

	extern const t_terrain PLUS;	// +
	extern const t_terrain MINUS;	// -
	extern const t_terrain NOT;		// !
	extern const t_terrain STAR;	// *
	extern const t_terrain BASE;	// references the base terrain in movement/defense aliases

	extern const t_match ALL_FORESTS;
	extern const t_match ALL_HILLS;
	extern const t_match ALL_MOUNTAINS; //excluding impassable mountains
	extern const t_match ALL_SWAMPS;

	 * Reads a single terrain from a string.
	 * @param str		The string which should contain 1 terrain code;
                                        the new format of a terrain code
	 *				is 2 to 4 characters in the set
	 *				[a-Z][A-Z]/|\_
	 *				The underscore is intended for internal use.
	 *				Other letters and characters are not validated but
	 *				users of these letters can get nasty surprices.
	 *				The * is used as wildcard in some cases.
	 *				The terrain code can be two groups separated by a caret,
	 *				the first group is the base terrain,
	 *				the second the overlay terrain.
	 * @param filler	if there's no layer this value will be used as the second layer
	 * @return			A single terrain code
	t_terrain read_terrain_code(const std::string& str, const t_layer filler = NO_LAYER);

	 * Writes a single terrain code to a string.
	 * The writers only support the new format.
	 * @param tcode	The terrain code to convert to a string
	 * @return		A string containing the terrain code
	std::string write_terrain_code(const t_terrain& tcode);
	inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const t_terrain &a)
		{ s << write_terrain_code(a); return s; }

	 * Reads a list of terrains from a string, when reading the
	 * @param str		A string with one or more terrain codes (see read_terrain_code)
	 * @param filler	If there's no layer, this value will be used as the second layer
	 * @returns		A vector which contains the terrain codes found in the string
	 t_list read_list(const std::string& str, const t_layer filler = NO_LAYER);

	 * Writes a list of terrains to a string, only writes the new format.
	 * @param list		A vector with one or more terrain codes
	 * @returns		A string with the terrain codes, comma separated
	 *			and a space behind the commas. Not padded.
	std::string write_list(const t_list& list);

	 * Reads a gamemap string into a 2D vector
	 * @param str		A string containing the gamemap, the following rules
	 *					are stated for a gamemap:
	 *					* The map is square
	 *					* The map can be prefixed with one or more empty lines,
	 *					  these lines are ignored
	 *					* The map can be postfixed with one or more empty lines,
	 *					  these lines are ignored
	 *					* Every end of line can be followed by one or more empty
	 *					  lines, these lines are ignored.
	 *        @deprecated NOTE it's deprecated to use this feature.
	 *					* Terrain strings are separated by comma's or an end of line
	 *					  symbol, for the last terrain string in the row. For
	 *					  readability it's allowed to pad strings with either spaces
	 *					  or tab, however the tab is deprecated.
	 *					* A terrain string contains either a terrain or a terrain and
	 *					  starting loction. The following format is used
	 *					  [S ]T
	 *					  S = starting location a positive non-zero number
	 *					  T = terrain code (see read_terrain_code)
	 * @param starting_positions This parameter will be filled with the starting
	 *					locations found. Starting locations can only occur once
	 *					if multiple definitions occur of the same position only
	 *					the last is stored. The returned value is a map:
	 *					* first		the starting locations
	 *					* second	a coordinate structure where the location was found
	 * @returns			A 2D vector with the terrains found the vector data is stored
	 *					like result[x][y] where x the column number is and y the row number.
	t_map read_game_map(const std::string& str, std::map<int, coordinate>& starting_positions);

	 * Write a gamemap in to a vector string.
	 * @param map				 A terrain vector, as returned from read_game_map
	 * @param starting_positions A starting positions map, as returned from read_game_map
	 * @returns			A terrain string which can be read with read_game_map.
	 *					For readability the map is padded to groups of 12 chars,
	 *					followed by a comma and space.
	std::string write_game_map(const t_map& map, std::map<int, coordinate> starting_positions = std::map<int, coordinate>());

	 * Tests whether a specific terrain matches a list of expressions.
	 * The list can use wildcard matching with *.
	 * It also has an inversion function.
	 * When a ! is found the result of the match is inverted.
	 * The matching stops at the first match (regardless of the ! found)
	 * the data is match from start to end.
	 * Example:
	 * Ww, W*		does match and returns true
	 * Ww, {!, W*}	does match and returns false (due to the !)
	 * WW, Ww		doesn't match and return false
	 * Multilayer rules:
	 * If a terrain has multiple layers, each layer will be matched seperately,
	 * returning true only if both layers match.
	 * Example:
	 * A*^*     matches Abcd but also Abcd^Abcd
	 * A*^      matches Abcd but *not* Abcd^Abcd
	 * A*^Abcd  does not match Abcd but matches Abcd^Abcd
	 * Note: If an expression doesn't specify a second layer (i.e. it contains
	 * no caret) the second layer will be filled in with a default value
	 * (See read_terrain_code and read_list).
	 * In the terrain building code, the second layer will default to the wildcard,
	 * so both A* and A*^* will match Abcd^Abcd
	 * @param src	the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
	 * @param dest	the list of expressions to match against
	 * @returns		the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
	bool terrain_matches(const t_terrain& src, const t_list& dest);

	 * Tests whether a specific terrain matches an expression,
	 * for matching rules see above.
	 * @param src	the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
	 * @param dest	the expression to match against
	 * @returns		the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
	bool terrain_matches(const t_terrain& src, const t_terrain& dest);

	 * Tests whether a certain terrain matches a list of expressions, for matching
	 * rules see above. The matching requires some bit mask which impose a
	 * certain overhead. This version uses a cache to cache the masks so if
	 * a list needs to be matched often this version is preferred.
	 * @param src	the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
	 * @param dest	the cached list of expressions to match against
	 * @returns		the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
	bool terrain_matches(const t_terrain& src, const t_match& dest);

	 * Tests whether a terrain code contains a wildcard
	 *  @param tcode	the terrain code to test for a wildcard
	 *  @returns		true if wildcard found,	else false
	bool has_wildcard(const t_terrain& tcode);

	 * Tests whether a terrain-code list contains at least
	 * one item with a wildcard
	 *  @param list		the list to test for a wildcard
	 *  @returns		true if a wildcard found, else false
	bool has_wildcard(const t_list& list);

	// These terrain letters are in the builder format,
	// and not usable in other parts of the engine
	const t_layer TB_STAR = '*' << 24;	// It can be assumed this is the equivalent of STAR
	const t_layer TB_DOT  = '.' << 24;

	 * Reads a builder map.
	 * A builder map differs a great deal from a normal map,
	 * hence the different functions.
	 * @param str		The map data, a terrain letter is either a * or a . or a number as
	 *					anchor. The star or dot are stored in the base part of the terrain
	 *					and the anchor in the overlay part. If more letters are allowed as
	 *					special case they will be stored in the base part.
	 *					Anchor 0 is no anchor.
	 * @returns			A 2D vector with the data found the vector data is stored
	 *					like result[y][x] where x the column number is and y the row number.
	t_map read_builder_map(const std::string& str);

} // end namespace t_translation
	inline t_terrain operator|(const t_terrain& a, const t_terrain& b)
		{ return t_terrain(a.base | b.base, a.overlay | b.overlay); }
예제 #3
		t_map(int w, int h, t_terrain fill = t_terrain()) : data(w * h, fill), w(w), h(h) {}