예제 #1
파일: my_solver.c 프로젝트: damody/dm-hw
DllExport int NumericFactor( struct SymbolicSolver_tag *sp, int n, int nnz, int *rowIndex, int *colIndex, double *value )
	int ret = -1;
	struct SymbolicSolver_tag * s = (struct SymbolicSolver_tag *) sp;
	taucs_ccs_matrix * m = taucs_ccs_create(n, n, nnz, TAUCS_DOUBLE|TAUCS_LOWER|TAUCS_SYMMETRIC);
	if (m == NULL) return -1;

	// copy elements to matrix
	memcpy(m->rowind, rowIndex, sizeof(int) * nnz);
	memcpy(m->values.d, value, sizeof(double) * nnz);
	memcpy(m->colptr, colIndex, sizeof(int) * (n+1));
	m = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(m, s->perm, s->invperm);

	ret = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_numeric(m, s->factorization);

	return ret;
// Will create *symbolic* factorization of ATA and store it aside
// returns the id of the factor stored, to be used later to factor
// other matrices with the same zero structure
int SymbolicFactorATA(const int matrixId) {
	if (matrixId >= (int)matrixArray.size() || matrixId < 0)
		return -1;

	// find a place for the new factor entry in the array
	int fId;
	for (fId = 0; fId < (int)factorArray.size(); fId++) {
		if (factorArray[fId].SL == NULL) {
	if (fId == (int)factorArray.size()) {

	FactorEntry & newFactor = factorArray[fId];

	// get the ATA matrix
	taucs_ccs_matrix * ATA = matrixArray[matrixId]->GetATA_Copy();
	if (ATA == NULL)
		return -1;

	// make all non-zero entries 1
	for (int col = 0; col < ATA->n; ++col) {
		for (int p = ATA->colptr[col]; p < ATA->colptr[col+1]; ++p) {
			ATA->taucs_values[p] = 1;
	// create symbolic factor and permutations:
	// compute re-ordering
	taucs_ccs_order(ATA, &newFactor.perm, &newFactor.invperm, "metis");
	newFactor.PAP = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(ATA, newFactor.perm, newFactor.invperm);
	if (!newFactor.PAP) { 
		return -1;
	// symbolic Cholesky factorization only
	newFactor.SL = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_symbolic(newFactor.PAP);

	return fId;
예제 #3
파일: my_solver.c 프로젝트: damody/dm-hw
// functions for symbolic solver
DllExport struct SymbolicSolver_tag * CreaterSymbolicSolver(int n, int nnz, int *rowIndex, int *colIndex, double *value)
	struct SymbolicSolver_tag * s = (struct SymbolicSolver_tag*) malloc(sizeof(struct SymbolicSolver_tag));
	s->n = n;
	s->matrix = taucs_ccs_create(n, n, nnz, TAUCS_DOUBLE|TAUCS_LOWER|TAUCS_SYMMETRIC);
	s->factorization = NULL;
	s->perm    = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
	s->invperm = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
	s->tmp_b = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
	s->tmp_x = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * n);

	if (s->matrix == NULL) return NULL;
	if (s->perm == NULL) return NULL;

	memcpy(s->matrix->colptr, colIndex, sizeof(int)*(n+1));
	memcpy(s->matrix->rowind, rowIndex, sizeof(int)*nnz);
	memcpy(s->matrix->values.d, value, sizeof(double)*nnz);

	taucs_ccs_order(s->matrix, &s->perm, &s->invperm, "metis");
	s->matrix = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(s->matrix, s->perm, s->invperm);
	s->factorization = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_symbolic(s->matrix);

	return s;
예제 #4
/* Factorize - filling in rowsDropped and returning number dropped */
ClpCholeskyTaucs::factorize(const double * diagonal, int * rowsDropped)
     const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = model_->clpMatrix()->getVectorStarts();
     const int * columnLength = model_->clpMatrix()->getVectorLengths();
     const int * row = model_->clpMatrix()->getIndices();
     const double * element = model_->clpMatrix()->getElements();
     const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = rowCopyT_->getVectorStarts();
     const int * rowLength = rowCopyT_->getVectorLengths();
     const int * column = rowCopyT_->getIndices();
     const double * elementByRow = rowCopyT_->getElements();
     int numberColumns = model_->clpMatrix()->getNumCols();
     int iRow;
     double * work = new double[numberRows_];
     CoinZeroN(work, numberRows_);
     const double * diagonalSlack = diagonal + numberColumns;
     int newDropped = 0;
     double largest;
     double perturbation = model_->diagonalPerturbation() * model_->diagonalNorm();
     perturbation = perturbation * perturbation;
     if (perturbation > 1.0) {
          //if (model_->model()->logLevel()&4)
          std::cout << "large perturbation " << perturbation << std::endl;
          perturbation = sqrt(perturbation);
          perturbation = 1.0;
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) {
          double * put = sparseFactorT_ + choleskyStartT_[iRow];
          int * which = choleskyRowT_ + choleskyStartT_[iRow];
          int number = choleskyStartT_[iRow+1] - choleskyStartT_[iRow];
          if (!rowLength[iRow])
               rowsDropped_[iRow] = 1;
          if (!rowsDropped_[iRow]) {
               CoinBigIndex startRow = rowStart[iRow];
               CoinBigIndex endRow = rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow];
               work[iRow] = diagonalSlack[iRow];
               for (CoinBigIndex k = startRow; k < endRow; k++) {
                    int iColumn = column[k];
                    CoinBigIndex start = columnStart[iColumn];
                    CoinBigIndex end = columnStart[iColumn] + columnLength[iColumn];
                    double multiplier = diagonal[iColumn] * elementByRow[k];
                    for (CoinBigIndex j = start; j < end; j++) {
                         int jRow = row[j];
                         if (jRow >= iRow && !rowsDropped_[jRow]) {
                              double value = element[j] * multiplier;
                              work[jRow] += value;
               int j;
               for (j = 0; j < number; j++) {
                    int jRow = which[j];
                    put[j] = work[jRow];
                    work[jRow] = 0.0;
          } else {
               // dropped
               int j;
               for (j = 1; j < number; j++) {
                    put[j] = 0.0;
               put[0] = 1.0;
     //check sizes
     double largest2 = maximumAbsElement(sparseFactorT_, sizeFactorT_);
     largest2 *= 1.0e-19;
     largest = CoinMin(largest2, 1.0e-11);
     int numberDroppedBefore = 0;
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) {
          int dropped = rowsDropped_[iRow];
          // Move to int array
          rowsDropped[iRow] = dropped;
          if (!dropped) {
               CoinBigIndex start = choleskyStartT_[iRow];
               double diagonal = sparseFactorT_[start];
               if (diagonal > largest2) {
                    sparseFactorT_[start] = diagonal + perturbation;
               } else {
                    sparseFactorT_[start] = diagonal + perturbation;
                    rowsDropped[iRow] = 2;
     // need to permute
     taucs_ccs_matrix * permuted = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(matrix_, permuteInverse_, permute_);
     int rCode = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_numeric(permuted, factorization_);
     if (rCode)
          printf("return code of %d from factor\n", rCode);
     delete [] work;
     choleskyCondition_ = 1.0;
     bool cleanCholesky;
     if (model_->numberIterations() < 200)
          cleanCholesky = true;
          cleanCholesky = false;
       How do I find out where 1.0e100's are in cholesky?
     if (cleanCholesky) {
          //drop fresh makes some formADAT easier
          int oldDropped = numberRowsDropped_;
          if (newDropped || numberRowsDropped_) {
               std::cout << "Rank " << numberRows_ - newDropped << " ( " <<
                         newDropped << " dropped)";
               if (newDropped > oldDropped)
                    std::cout << " ( " << newDropped - oldDropped << " dropped this time)";
               std::cout << std::endl;
               newDropped = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) {
                    char dropped = rowsDropped[i];
                    rowsDropped_[i] = dropped;
                    if (dropped == 2) {
                         //dropped this time
                         rowsDropped[newDropped++] = i;
                         rowsDropped_[i] = 0;
               numberRowsDropped_ = newDropped;
               newDropped = -(1 + newDropped);
     } else {
          if (newDropped) {
               newDropped = 0;
               for (int i = 0; i < numberRows_; i++) {
                    char dropped = rowsDropped[i];
                    int oldDropped = rowsDropped_[i];
                    rowsDropped_[i] = dropped;
                    if (dropped == 2) {
                         assert (!oldDropped);
                         //dropped this time
                         rowsDropped[newDropped++] = i;
                         rowsDropped_[i] = 1;
          numberRowsDropped_ += newDropped;
          if (numberRowsDropped_) {
               std::cout << "Rank " << numberRows_ - numberRowsDropped_ << " ( " <<
                         numberRowsDropped_ << " dropped)";
               if (newDropped) {
                    std::cout << " ( " << newDropped << " dropped this time)";
               std::cout << std::endl;
     status_ = 0;
     return newDropped;
예제 #5
/* Orders rows and saves pointer to matrix.and model */
ClpCholeskyTaucs::order(ClpInterior * model)
     numberRows_ = model->numberRows();
     rowsDropped_ = new char [numberRows_];
     memset(rowsDropped_, 0, numberRows_);
     numberRowsDropped_ = 0;
     model_ = model;
     rowCopyT_ = model->clpMatrix()->reverseOrderedCopy();
     const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = model_->clpMatrix()->getVectorStarts();
     const int * columnLength = model_->clpMatrix()->getVectorLengths();
     const int * row = model_->clpMatrix()->getIndices();
     const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = rowCopyT_->getVectorStarts();
     const int * rowLength = rowCopyT_->getVectorLengths();
     const int * column = rowCopyT_->getIndices();
     // We need two arrays for counts
     int * which = new int [numberRows_];
     int * used = new int[numberRows_];
     CoinZeroN(used, numberRows_);
     int iRow;
     sizeFactorT_ = 0;
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) {
          int number = 1;
          // make sure diagonal exists
          which[0] = iRow;
          used[iRow] = 1;
          if (!rowsDropped_[iRow]) {
               CoinBigIndex startRow = rowStart[iRow];
               CoinBigIndex endRow = rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow];
               for (CoinBigIndex k = startRow; k < endRow; k++) {
                    int iColumn = column[k];
                    CoinBigIndex start = columnStart[iColumn];
                    CoinBigIndex end = columnStart[iColumn] + columnLength[iColumn];
                    for (CoinBigIndex j = start; j < end; j++) {
                         int jRow = row[j];
                         if (jRow >= iRow && !rowsDropped_[jRow]) {
                              if (!used[jRow]) {
                                   used[jRow] = 1;
                                   which[number++] = jRow;
               sizeFactorT_ += number;
               int j;
               for (j = 0; j < number; j++)
                    used[which[j]] = 0;
     delete [] which;
     // Now we have size - create arrays and fill in
     matrix_ = taucs_ccs_create(numberRows_, numberRows_, sizeFactorT_,
                                TAUCS_DOUBLE | TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_LOWER);
     if (!matrix_)
          return 1;
     // Space for starts
     choleskyStartT_ = matrix_->colptr;
     choleskyRowT_ = matrix_->rowind;
     sparseFactorT_ = matrix_->values.d;
     sizeFactorT_ = 0;
     which = choleskyRowT_;
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows_; iRow++) {
          int number = 1;
          // make sure diagonal exists
          which[0] = iRow;
          used[iRow] = 1;
          choleskyStartT_[iRow] = sizeFactorT_;
          if (!rowsDropped_[iRow]) {
               CoinBigIndex startRow = rowStart[iRow];
               CoinBigIndex endRow = rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow];
               for (CoinBigIndex k = startRow; k < endRow; k++) {
                    int iColumn = column[k];
                    CoinBigIndex start = columnStart[iColumn];
                    CoinBigIndex end = columnStart[iColumn] + columnLength[iColumn];
                    for (CoinBigIndex j = start; j < end; j++) {
                         int jRow = row[j];
                         if (jRow >= iRow && !rowsDropped_[jRow]) {
                              if (!used[jRow]) {
                                   used[jRow] = 1;
                                   which[number++] = jRow;
               sizeFactorT_ += number;
               int j;
               for (j = 0; j < number; j++)
                    used[which[j]] = 0;
               // Sort
               std::sort(which, which + number);
               // move which on
               which += number;
     choleskyStartT_[numberRows_] = sizeFactorT_;
     delete [] used;
     permuteInverse_ = new int [numberRows_];
     permute_ = new int[numberRows_];
     int * perm, *invp;
     // There seem to be bugs in ordering if model too small
     if (numberRows_ > 10)
          taucs_ccs_order(matrix_, &perm, &invp, (const char *) "genmmd");
          taucs_ccs_order(matrix_, &perm, &invp, (const char *) "identity");
     CoinMemcpyN(perm, numberRows_, permuteInverse_);
     CoinMemcpyN(invp, numberRows_, permute_);
     // need to permute
     taucs_ccs_matrix * permuted = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(matrix_, permuteInverse_, permute_);
     // symbolic
     factorization_ = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_symbolic(permuted);
     return factorization_ ? 0 : 1;
예제 #6
int sci_taucs_chfact(char* fname, void* pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int stat = 0;
    int* perm = NULL;
    int* invperm = NULL;
    taucs_ccs_matrix *PAPT;
    taucs_ccs_matrix B;
    void *C = NULL;
    taucs_handle_factors *pC;

    SciSparse A;
    int mA              = 0; // rows
    int nA              = 0; // cols
    int iNbItem         = 0;
    int* piNbItemRow    = NULL;
    int* piColPos       = NULL;
    double* pdblSpReal  = NULL;
    double* pdblSpImg   = NULL;
    int iComplex        = 0;
    int* piAddr1        = NULL;

    /* Check numbers of input/output arguments */
    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1);
    CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 1, 1);

    /* get A the sparse matrix to factorize */
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (isVarComplex(pvApiCtx, piAddr1))
        iComplex = 1;
        sciErr = getComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal, &pdblSpImg);
        sciErr = getSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &mA, &nA, &iNbItem, &piNbItemRow, &piColPos, &pdblSpReal);

    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // fill struct sparse
    A.m     = mA;
    A.n     = nA;
    A.it    = iComplex;
    A.nel   = iNbItem;
    A.mnel  = piNbItemRow;
    A.icol  = piColPos;
    A.R     = pdblSpReal;
    A.I     = pdblSpImg;

    stat = spd_sci_sparse_to_taucs_sparse(&A, &B);
    if ( stat != A_PRIORI_OK )
        if ( stat == MAT_IS_NOT_SPD )
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input argument #%d: Must be symmetric positive definite matrix."), fname, 1);
        /* the message for the other problem (not enough memory in stk) is treated automaticaly */
        return 1;

    /* find the permutation */
    taucs_ccs_genmmd(&B, &perm, &invperm);
    if ( !perm )
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n") , fname);
        return 1;

    /* apply permutation */
    PAPT = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(&B, perm, invperm);

    /* factor */
    C = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_mf(PAPT);

    if (C == NULL)
        /*   Note : an error indicator is given in the main scilab window
         *          (out of memory, no positive definite matrix , etc ...)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: An error occurred: %s\n"), fname, _("factorization"));
        return 1;

    /* put in an handle (Chol fact + perm + size) */
    pC = (taucs_handle_factors*)MALLOC( sizeof(taucs_handle_factors) );
    pC->p = perm;
    pC->C = C;
    pC->n = A.n;

    /* add in the list of Chol Factors  */
    AddAdrToList((Adr) pC, 0, &ListCholFactors);  /* FIXME add a test here .. */

    /* create the scilab object to store the pointer onto the Chol handle */
    sciErr = createPointer(pvApiCtx, 2, (void *)pC);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    /* return the pointer */
    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 2;
    return 0;
예제 #7
파일: direct.c 프로젝트: Wackye/taucs
int actual_main(int argc, char* argv[])
  double wtime_order;
  double wtime_permute;
  double wtime_factor;
  double wtime_solve;
  /*double wtime_precond_create; omer*/
  double ctime_factor;

  int i;/*,j omer*/
  double NormErr;
  taucs_ccs_matrix*  A    = NULL;
  taucs_ccs_matrix*  PAPT = NULL;
  taucs_ccs_matrix*  L    = NULL;

  double*      Xd = NULL;
  double*      Bd = NULL;
  double*      PXd = NULL;
  double*      PBd = NULL;
  double*      NXd = NULL;

  float*      Xs = NULL;
  float*      Bs = NULL;
  float*      PXs = NULL;
  float*      PBs = NULL;
  float*      NXs = NULL;

  taucs_dcomplex*      Xz = NULL;
  taucs_dcomplex*      Bz = NULL;
  taucs_dcomplex*      PXz = NULL;
  taucs_dcomplex*      PBz = NULL;
  taucs_dcomplex*      NXz = NULL;

  char*        ordering = "metis";
  char*        mat_type = "neumann";
  int*         perm;
  int*         invperm;
  int          precision = TAUCS_DOUBLE;
  int          ldlt_flag = 0;
  int          snmf_flag = 0;
  int          snll_flag = 0;
  int          symb_flag = 0;
  int          mesh2d_flag = 0,mesh2d_size = 0;

  int          ooc_flag = 0;
  int         panelize = 0;
  double       memory_mb = -1.0;
  char*        matrixfile = "/tmp/taucs.L";
  taucs_io_handle* oocL = NULL;

  int             (*precond_fn)(void*,void* x,void* b);
  void*           precond_args;

  /* Read arguments: log file, matrix, memory size, ooc name */

  if ((argc == 1) ||((argc == 2) && !strncmp(argv[1],"-h",2)))

  A = NULL;
  for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-single"))   precision = TAUCS_SINGLE;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dcomplex")) precision = TAUCS_DCOMPLEX;

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ldlt")) ldlt_flag = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-snmf")) snmf_flag = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-snll")) snll_flag = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-symb")) symb_flag = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ooc"))  ooc_flag = 1;
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-log") && i <= argc-1 ) {

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-panelize") && i <= argc-1) {
      if (sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&panelize) != 1) {
	taucs_printf("0 (smart), 1 (in-core), or 2 (single supernode) follow -panelize argument\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-memory") && i <= argc-1) {
      if (sscanf(argv[i],"%lf",&memory_mb) != 1) {
	taucs_printf("memory size in MB must follow -memory argument\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-matrixfile") && i <= argc-1 ) {
      matrixfile = argv[i];
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ordering") && i <= argc-1 ) {
      ordering = argv[i];
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-mat_type") && i <= argc-1 ) {
      mat_type = argv[i];

#if 0
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-hb") && i <= argc-1 ) {
      int  nrows,ncols,nnz,j;
      char fname[256];
      char type[3];

      for (j=0; j<256; j++) fname[j] = ' ';
      taucs_printf("main: reading HB matrix %s\n",argv[i]);
      A = taucs_dccs_creagte(nrows,ncols,nnz);
      if (type[1] == 's' || type[1] == 'S')
      /* make indices 0-based */
      for (j=0; j<=ncols; j++) ((A->colptr)[j])--;
      for (j=0; j<nnz;    j++) ((A->rowind)[j])--;
      taucs_printf("main: done reading\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-hb") && i <= argc-1) {
      taucs_printf("main: reading hb matrix %s\n",argv[i]);
      switch (precision) {
      case TAUCS_SINGLE:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_hb (argv[i], TAUCS_SINGLE); break;
      case TAUCS_DOUBLE:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_hb (argv[i], TAUCS_DOUBLE); break;
      case TAUCS_DCOMPLEX:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_hb (argv[i], TAUCS_DCOMPLEX); break;
	taucs_printf("main: unknown precision\n");
      taucs_printf("main: done reading\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-mtx") && i <= argc-1) {
      taucs_printf("main: reading mtx matrix %s\n",argv[i]);
      A = taucs_ccs_read_mtx (argv[i],TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_PATTERN);
      taucs_printf("main: done reading\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ijv") && i <= argc-1) {
      printf(">>> ijv\n");
      taucs_printf("main: reading ijv matrix %s\n",argv[i]);
      switch (precision) {
      case TAUCS_SINGLE:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_ijv (argv[i],TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_SINGLE); break;
      case TAUCS_DOUBLE:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_ijv (argv[i],TAUCS_SYMMETRIC | TAUCS_DOUBLE); break;
      case TAUCS_DCOMPLEX:
	A = taucs_ccs_read_ijv (argv[i],TAUCS_HERMITIAN | TAUCS_DCOMPLEX); break;
	taucs_printf("main: unknown precision\n");
      taucs_printf("main: done reading\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ccs") && i <= argc-1) {
      taucs_printf("main: reading ccs matrix %s\n",argv[i]);
      A = taucs_ccs_read_ccs (argv[i],TAUCS_SYMMETRIC);
      taucs_printf("main: done reading\n");

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-mesh2d") && i <= argc-1) {
      mesh2d_flag = 1;
      taucs_printf("A is a mesh2d\n");
      if (sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&mesh2d_size) != 1) {
	taucs_printf("mesh size (n, where the mesh is n-by-n) must follow -mesh2d argument\n");
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-mesh3d") && i <= argc-3) {
      int X,Y,Z;
      taucs_printf("A is a mesh3d\n");
      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&X) != 1 
	  || sscanf(argv[i+2],"%d",&Y) != 1 
	  || sscanf(argv[i+3],"%d",&Z) != 1) {
	taucs_printf("mesh size (X Y Z must follow -mesh3d argument\n");
      i += 3;
      taucs_printf("main: creating mesh\n");
      A = taucs_ccs_generate_mesh3d(X,Y,Z);

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n+rhs") && i <= argc-1) {
      FILE* f;
      int n,j,nnz;


      taucs_printf("main: reading right-hand side %s\n",argv[i]);
      Bd=(double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
      nnz = 0;
      for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
	if (Bd[j]) nnz++;
      taucs_printf("main: done reading rhs, %d nonzeros\n",nnz);


  taucs_printf("Chosen Ordering: %s\n",ordering);

  if (mesh2d_flag)
      taucs_printf("Matrix type is %s\n",mat_type);
      taucs_printf("Grid Size is %d\n",mesh2d_size);
      A = taucs_ccs_generate_mesh2d(mesh2d_size,mat_type);

  if (!A) {
    taucs_printf("matrix argument not given or matrix file not found\n");
  N = M = A->n;

  /* Create exact solution, compute right-hand-side          */

  if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) {
    if (! (Xs)) {
      Xs = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
      /*for(i=0; i<N; i++) (Xs)[i]=(double)random()/RAND_MAX; omer*/
      for(i=0; i<N; i++) (Xs)[i]=(float)((double)rand()/RAND_MAX);
    } else 
      taucs_printf("iter: not using a random X, already allocated\n");

    if (!(Bs)) {
      Bs = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
    } else {
      /*double zero1 = 0.0;
      double nan   = zero1 / zero1; omer*/
			double nan	= taucs_get_nan();
      for(i=0; i<N; i++) Xs[i]= (float)nan;


  if (A->flags & TAUCS_DOUBLE) {
    if (! (Xd)) {
      Xd =(double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
      /*for(i=0; i<N; i++) (Xd)[i]=(double)rand()/RAND_MAX; omer*/
			for(i=0; i<N; i++) (Xd)[i]=(float)((double)rand()/RAND_MAX);
    } else
      taucs_printf("iter: not using a random X, already allocated\n");

    if (!(Bd)) {
      Bd =(double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
    } else {
      /*double zero1 = 0.0;
      double nan   = zero1 / zero1; omer*/
			double nan = taucs_get_nan();
      for(i=0; i<N; i++) Xd[i]= (float)nan;


  if (A->flags & TAUCS_DCOMPLEX) {
    if (!(Xz)) {
      double* p;

      taucs_printf("direct: creating a random dcomplex X\n");

      Xz =(taucs_dcomplex*)malloc(N*sizeof(taucs_dcomplex));
      p = (double*) Xz;

      for(i=0; i<2*N; i++) p[i] = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
    } else
      taucs_printf("iter: not using a random X, already allocated\n");

    if (!(Bz)) {
      Bz =(taucs_dcomplex*)malloc(N*sizeof(taucs_dcomplex));
    } else {
      double* p;
      /*double zero1 = 0.0;
      double nan   = zero1 / zero1; omer*/
			double nan = taucs_get_nan();
      p = (double*) Xz;
      for(i=0; i<2*N; i++) p[i] = nan;


  /* Compute column ordering                                 */

  /* factor                                                  */

    int n;
    double unit;

    n = A->n;
    unit = (n-1.)+n;

    wtime_order = taucs_wtime();
    wtime_order = taucs_wtime() - wtime_order;
    taucs_printf("\tOrdering time = % 10.3f seconds\n",wtime_order);

    if (!perm) {
      taucs_printf("\tOrdering Failed\n");

    if (0) {
      int i;
      FILE* f;
      for (i=0; i<n; i++) fprintf(f,"%d\n",perm[i]+1);

    if (A->flags & TAUCS_SYMMETRIC || A->flags & TAUCS_HERMITIAN) {
      wtime_permute = taucs_wtime();
      PAPT = taucs_ccs_permute_symmetrically(A,perm,invperm);
      wtime_permute = taucs_wtime() - wtime_permute;
      taucs_printf("\tPermute time  = % 10.3f seconds\n",wtime_permute);

    wtime_factor = taucs_wtime();
    ctime_factor = taucs_ctime();

    if (ldlt_flag) {
      L = taucs_ccs_factor_ldlt(PAPT);
      precond_args = L;
      precond_fn   = taucs_ccs_solve_ldlt;
    } else if (snmf_flag) {
      /*taucs_ccs_matrix* C;*/
      L = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_mf(PAPT);
      precond_args = L;
      precond_fn   = taucs_supernodal_solve_llt;

	taucs_ccs_matrix* C;
	C = taucs_supernodal_factor_to_ccs(L);
	precond_args = C;
	precond_fn   = taucs_ccs_solve_llt;

	  int i; 
	  double* diag = taucs_supernodal_factor_get_diag(L);
	  for (i=0; i<C->n; i++) {

    } else if (ooc_flag) {
      if (A->flags & TAUCS_SYMMETRIC || A->flags & TAUCS_HERMITIAN) {
#define TESTING
#ifdef TESTING
	int taucs_ooc_factor_llt_panelchoice(taucs_ccs_matrix* A, 
					     taucs_io_handle* handle,
					     double memory,
					     int panelization_method);
	/*int c; omer*/
	oocL = taucs_io_create_multifile(matrixfile);
	if (memory_mb == -1.0) memory_mb = taucs_available_memory_size()/1048576.0;
	taucs_ooc_factor_llt_panelchoice(PAPT, oocL, memory_mb*1048576.0,panelize);
	precond_args = oocL;
	precond_fn   = taucs_ooc_solve_llt;
	/*int c;*/
	oocL = taucs_io_create_multifile(matrixfile);
	if (memory_mb == -1.0) memory_mb = taucs_available_memory_size()/1048576.0;
	taucs_ooc_factor_llt(PAPT, oocL, memory_mb*1048576.0);
	precond_args = oocL;
	precond_fn   = taucs_ooc_solve_llt;
      } else {
	if (memory_mb == -1.0) memory_mb = taucs_available_memory_size()/1048576.0;
	oocL = taucs_io_create_multifile(matrixfile);
	taucs_ooc_factor_lu(A, perm, oocL, memory_mb*1048576.0);
	precond_args = matrixfile;
	precond_fn   = NULL;
    } else if (snll_flag) {
      L = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_ll(PAPT);
      precond_args = L;
      precond_fn   = taucs_supernodal_solve_llt;
    } else if (symb_flag) {
      L = taucs_ccs_factor_llt_symbolic(PAPT);
      taucs_ccs_factor_llt_numeric(PAPT,L); /* should check error code */
      precond_args = L;
      precond_fn   = taucs_supernodal_solve_llt;
    } else {
      L = taucs_ccs_factor_llt(PAPT,0.0,0);
      precond_args = L;
      precond_fn   = taucs_ccs_solve_llt;

    wtime_factor = taucs_wtime() - wtime_factor;
    ctime_factor = taucs_ctime() - ctime_factor;
    taucs_printf("\tFactor time   = % 10.3f seconds  ",wtime_factor);
    taucs_printf("(%.3f cpu time)\n",ctime_factor);

  if (!L && !ooc_flag /* no L in ooc */) {
    taucs_printf("\tFactorization Failed\n");

  /*taucs_ccs_write_ijv(PAPT,"A.ijv",1);*/ /* 1 = complete the upper part */

  /* solve                                                   */

  if (!L) {
    taucs_printf("FACTORIZATION FAILED!\n");

  if (A->flags & TAUCS_SYMMETRIC || A->flags & TAUCS_HERMITIAN) {

    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DOUBLE) 
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) 
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DCOMPLEX) 

    wtime_solve = taucs_wtime();
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DOUBLE) 
      precond_fn(precond_args,PXd,PBd); /* direct solver */
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) 
      precond_fn(precond_args,PXs,PBs); /* direct solver */
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DCOMPLEX) 
      precond_fn(precond_args,PXz,PBz); /* direct solver */
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) {
      for(i=0; i<(A->n); i++) NXs[i] -= PBs[i];
      precond_fn(precond_args,PBs,NXs); /* direct solver */
      for(i=0; i<(A->n); i++) PXs[i] -= PBs[i];
    wtime_solve = taucs_wtime() - wtime_solve;
    taucs_printf("\tSolve time    = % 10.3f seconds\n",wtime_solve);
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DOUBLE) 
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) 
    if (A->flags & TAUCS_DCOMPLEX) 
  } else {
    taucs_ooc_solve_lu(oocL, NXd, Bd);

  /* delete out-of-core matrices                             */

  if (ooc_flag) {

  /* Compute norm of forward error                           */

  if (A->flags & TAUCS_SINGLE) {
    float snrm2_();
    int one = 1;

    NormErr = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<N; i++) NormErr = max(NormErr,fabs((NXs[i]-Xs[i])/Xs[i]));

    for(i=0; i<N; i++) PXs[i] = NXs[i]-Xs[i];
    taucs_printf("main: max relative error = %1.6e, 2-norm relative error %.2e \n",

  if (A->flags & TAUCS_DOUBLE) {
    double dnrm2_();
    int one = 1;

    NormErr = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<N; i++) NormErr = max(NormErr,fabs((NXd[i]-Xd[i])/Xd[i]));

    for(i=0; i<N; i++) PXd[i] = NXd[i]-Xd[i];
    taucs_printf("main: max relative error = %1.6e, 2-norm relative error %.2e \n",

  if (A->flags & TAUCS_DCOMPLEX) {
    double dznrm2_();
    int one = 1;
    double* pX  = (double*) Xz;
    double* pNX = (double*) NXz;
    double* pPX = (double*) PXz;
    taucs_dcomplex zzero = taucs_zzero_const;
    taucs_dcomplex zone  = taucs_zone_const;
    taucs_dcomplex zmone = taucs_zneg(taucs_zone_const);

    NormErr = 0.0;
    for(i=0; i<N; i++) NormErr = max(NormErr,fabs((NXd[i]-Xd[i])/Xd[i]));

    /*for(i=0; i<N; i++) PXd[i] = NXd[i]-Xd[i];*/
    /*for(i=0; i<N; i++) PXz[i] = taucs_add(NXz[i],taucs_neg(Xz[i]));*/

    zaxpy_(&(A->n),&zone ,pNX,&one,pPX,&one);
    zaxpy_(&(A->n),&zmone,pX ,&one,pPX,&one);

    taucs_printf("main: max relative error = %1.6e, 2-norm relative error %.2e \n",

  /* Exit                                                    */

  taucs_printf("main: done\n");

  return 0;