/*! \brief Sets default style that is used to fill cells. Function clearScreen() should be called for effect to apply. \param fg - foreground style. \param bg - background style. */ void setClearAttributes(QTermboxStyle fg, QTermboxStyle bg){ Q_ASSERT_X(QTermboxCorePrivate::wasInitialized(), "setClearAttributes", "Termbox was not initialized."); clearFg = fg; clearBg = bg; tb_set_clear_attributes(fg.style(), bg.style()); }
void tbstub_set_clear_attributes(value caml_fg, value caml_bg) { CAMLparam2(caml_fg, caml_bg); tb_set_clear_attributes(Int_val(caml_fg), Int_val(caml_bg)); CAMLreturn0; }
static int lua_tb_clear( lua_State *L ) { if ( lua_gettop( L ) >= 2) { uint16_t fg = luaL_checkint( L, 1 ); uint16_t bg = luaL_checkint( L, 2 ); tb_set_clear_attributes( fg, bg ); } tb_clear(); return 0; }