IoObject *IoTokyoCabinetPrefixCursor_remove(IoObject *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m) { /*doc TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor remove Removes the current cursor postion. Returns self. */ IOASSERT(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self), "invalid TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor"); IOASSERT(tcbdbcurout(TokyoCabinetPrefixCursor(self)), tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(TokyoCabinet(self)))); return self; }
unsigned long long get_offset(unsigned long long size) { unsigned long long mbytes; unsigned long long offset; BDBCUR *cur; unsigned long long *dbkey; unsigned long long *dboffset; int dbsize; bool found = 0; FUNC; mbytes = round_512(size); mbytes = mbytes / 512; offset = nextoffset; LDEBUG("get_offset : search for %llu blocks on the freelist", mbytes); cur = tcbdbcurnew(freelist); if (tcbdbcurjump(cur, (void *) &mbytes, sizeof(unsigned long long))) { if ((dbkey = tcbdbcurkey(cur, &dbsize)) != NULL) { if (0 == memcmp(dbkey, &mbytes, sizeof(unsigned long long))) { if ((dboffset = tcbdbcurval(cur, &dbsize)) == NULL) die_dataerr("No value for key"); memcpy(&offset, dboffset, sizeof(unsigned long long)); found = 1; LDEBUG ("get_offset : reclaim %llu blocks on the freelist at offset %llu", mbytes, offset); if (!tcbdbcurout(cur)) { die_dataerr ("Failed to delete key, this should never happen!"); } free(dboffset); } free(dbkey); } } if (!found) set_new_offset(size); tcbdbcurdel(cur); LDEBUG("get_offset returns = %llu", offset); EFUNC; return (offset); }
static int control(ErlDrvData handle, unsigned int command, char* buf, int count, char** res, int res_size) { tcbdb_drv_t *driver = (tcbdb_drv_t*)handle; TCBDB *bdb = driver->bdb; int index = 1, tp, sz, version; char key[MAX_KEY_SIZE], value[MAX_VALUE_SIZE]; long key_size, value_size; long long long_tmp; bool rs; const char *value_tmp = NULL; ei_x_buff x; ei_x_new_with_version(&x); if (bdb == NULL && command != OPEN) return ei_error(&x, "database_not_opened", res, res_size); ei_decode_version(buf, &index, &version); switch (command) { case OPEN: // open(Filepath::string()) if (bdb == NULL) { ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_STRING_EXT) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); TCBDB *bdb = tcbdbnew(); tcbdbsetmutex(bdb); tcbdbsetcache(bdb, 104800, 51200); tcbdbsetxmsiz(bdb, 1048576); tcbdbtune(bdb, 0, 0, 0, 7, -1, BDBTLARGE); char *file = driver_alloc(sz + 1); ei_decode_string(buf, &index, file); rs = tcbdbopen(bdb, file, BDBOWRITER | BDBOCREAT); driver_free(file); if (!rs) return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); driver->bdb = bdb; ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); } else return ei_error(&x, "database already opened", res, res_size); break; case CLOSE: tcbdbclose(bdb); tcbdbdel(bdb); driver->bdb = NULL; ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); break; case PUT: case PUTDUP: case PUTCAT: case PUTKEEP: // put({Key::binary(), Value::binary()}) ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_SMALL_TUPLE_EXT || sz != 2) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_tuple_header(buf, &index, &sz); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); if (sz <= MAX_VALUE_SIZE) { ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &value[0], &value_size); switch (command) { case PUT: rs = tcbdbput(bdb, &key[0], key_size, &value[0], value_size); break; case PUTDUP: rs = tcbdbputdup(bdb, &key[0], key_size, &value[0], value_size); break; case PUTCAT: rs = tcbdbputcat(bdb, &key[0], key_size, &value[0], value_size); break; default: rs = tcbdbputkeep(bdb, &key[0], key_size, &value[0], value_size); } } else { void *p = driver_alloc(sz); if (p) { ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, p, &value_size); switch (command) { case PUT: rs = tcbdbput(bdb, &key[0], key_size, p, value_size); break; case PUTDUP: rs = tcbdbputdup(bdb, &key[0], key_size, p, value_size); break; case PUTCAT: rs = tcbdbputcat(bdb, &key[0], key_size, p, value_size); break; default: rs = tcbdbputkeep(bdb, &key[0], key_size, p, value_size); } driver_free(p); } else return ei_error(&x, "too long value", res, res_size); }; if (!rs) return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); break; case GET: // get(Key::binary()) -> {ok, Value} | {error, not_found} ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); value_tmp = tcbdbget3(bdb, &key[0], key_size, &sz); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); if (value_tmp != NULL) { ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); ei_x_encode_binary(&x, value_tmp, sz); } else { ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "error"); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "not_found"); } break; case GETDUP: // get(Key::binary()) -> {ok, Values} ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); TCLIST *vals = tcbdbget4(bdb, key, key_size); if (vals) { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); int j; for (j=0; j<tclistnum(vals); j++) { value_tmp = tclistval(vals, j, &sz); ei_x_encode_list_header(&x, 1); ei_x_encode_binary(&x, value_tmp, sz); } tclistdel(vals); ei_x_encode_empty_list(&x); } else { ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); ei_x_encode_empty_list(&x); } break; case REMOVE: // remove(Keys::list()) // remove(Key::binary()) // remove({Key::binary(), Value::binary()}) ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp == ERL_LIST_EXT) { int count, j; ei_decode_list_header(buf, &index, &count); for (j=0; j<count; j++) { ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); if (!tcbdbout3(bdb, &key[0], key_size)) return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); } ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); } else if (tp == ERL_BINARY_EXT && sz <= MAX_KEY_SIZE) { ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); tcbdbout3(bdb, &key[0], key_size); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); } else if (tp == ERL_SMALL_TUPLE_EXT && sz == 2) { ei_decode_tuple_header(buf, &index, &sz); // get key ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); // get value ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_VALUE_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &value[0], &value_size); // remove by key&value BDBCUR *cur = tcbdbcurnew(bdb); if (!tcbdbcurjump(cur, &key[0], key_size)) return ei_error(&x, "record_not_found", res, res_size); bool removed = false, not_found = false; while (!removed && !not_found) { int cur_key_size, cur_val_size; const void *curkey = tcbdbcurkey3(cur, &cur_key_size); if (cur_key_size == key_size && memcmp(curkey, key, key_size) == 0) { const void *curval = tcbdbcurval3(cur, &cur_val_size); if (cur_val_size == value_size && memcmp(curval, value, value_size) == 0) { tcbdbcurout(cur); removed = true; } else if (!tcbdbcurnext(cur)) not_found = true; } else not_found = true; } if (not_found) ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "not_found"); else ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); } else return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); break; case RANGE: /* * range({Prefix::binary(), limit:integer()}) * range({StartKey::binary(), BeginInclusion::boolean(), EndKey::binary(), EndInclusion::binary(), limit:integer()}) */ ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_SMALL_TUPLE_EXT || sz < 2) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_tuple_header(buf, &index, &sz); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp == ERL_BINARY_EXT && sz <= MAX_KEY_SIZE) { char keys[MAX_KEY_SIZE], keyf[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; long keys_size, keyf_size; int keys_inc, keyf_inc; long max = -1; TCLIST *range; ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &keys[0], &keys_size); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp == ERL_ATOM_EXT) { // range ei_decode_boolean(buf, &index, &keys_inc); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_BINARY_EXT || sz > MAX_KEY_SIZE) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &keyf[0], &keyf_size); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_ATOM_EXT) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_boolean(buf, &index, &keyf_inc); ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_INTEGER_EXT) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_long(buf, &index, &max); range = tcbdbrange(bdb, &keys[0], keys_size, keys_inc == 1, &keyf[0], keyf_size, keyf_inc == 1, max); } else if (tp == ERL_INTEGER_EXT) { // prefix ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp != ERL_INTEGER_EXT) return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); ei_decode_long(buf, &index, &max); range = tcbdbfwmkeys(bdb, &keys[0], keys_size, max); } else return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); const char *key; int key_size, value_size; int idx, cnt = 0, rcount = tclistnum(range); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); BDBCUR *cur = tcbdbcurnew(bdb); for (idx=0; idx<rcount; idx++) { key = tclistval(range, idx, &key_size); TCLIST *vals = tcbdbget4(bdb, key, key_size); if (vals) { int j; for (j=0; j<tclistnum(vals); j++) { ei_x_encode_list_header(&x, 1); value_tmp = tclistval(vals, j, &value_size); ei_x_encode_binary(&x, value_tmp, value_size); if (max >= 0 && ++cnt >= max) break; } tclistdel(vals); } idx++; } tcbdbcurdel(cur); tclistdel(range); ei_x_encode_empty_list(&x); } else return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); break; case SYNC: // sync() if (!tcbdbsync(bdb)) return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); break; case INFO: // info() ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 3); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); long_tmp = tcbdbrnum(bdb); ei_x_encode_longlong(&x, long_tmp); long_tmp = tcbdbfsiz(bdb); ei_x_encode_longlong(&x, long_tmp); break; case ITERATE: // Read(none) -> {ok, Key} | {error, not_found} // Read(Key::binary()) -> {ok, Key} | {error, not_found} ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); BDBCUR *cur = tcbdbcurnew(bdb); if (tp == ERL_BINARY_EXT && sz <= MAX_KEY_SIZE) { ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, &key[0], &key_size); rs = tcbdbcurjump(cur, &key[0], key_size) && tcbdbcurnext(cur); } else rs = tcbdbcurfirst(cur); if (rs) { int key_size; const char *key = tcbdbcurkey3(cur, &key_size); ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&x, 2); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); ei_x_encode_binary(&x, key, key_size); tcbdbcurdel(cur); } else { tcbdbcurdel(cur); return ei_error(&x, "not_found", res, res_size); } break; case VANISH: // vanish() -> ok if (!tcbdbvanish(bdb)) return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); break; case BACKUP: // backup(path::string()) -> ok | {error, Reason} ei_get_type(buf, &index, &tp, &sz); if (tp == ERL_STRING_EXT) { char *file = driver_alloc(sz + 1); ei_decode_string(buf, &index, file); if (tcbdbcopy(driver->bdb, file)) ei_x_encode_atom(&x, "ok"); else return ei_error(&x, tcbdberrmsg(tcbdbecode(bdb)), res, res_size); } else return ei_error(&x, "invalid_argument", res, res_size); break; default: return ei_error(&x, "invalid_command", res, res_size); } if (res_size < x.index) (*res) = (char *)driver_alloc(x.index); int n = x.index; memcpy(*res, x.buff, x.index); ei_x_free(&x); return n; };
/* out */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_tokyocabinet_BDBCUR_out (JNIEnv *env, jobject self){ BDBCUR *cur = (BDBCUR *)(intptr_t)(*env)->GetLongField(env, self, bdbcur_fid_ptr); return tcbdbcurout(cur); }