/* parse arguments of map command */ static int runmap(int argc, char **argv){ char *name = NULL; char *dest = NULL; char *fmstr = NULL; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!name && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-fm")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); fmstr = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } else if(!name){ name = argv[i]; } else if(!dest){ dest = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } if(!name || !dest) usage(); name = tcsprintf("%s#mode=r", name); int rv = procmap(name, dest, fmstr); tcfree(name); return rv; }
/* parse arguments of get command */ static int runget(int argc, char **argv){ char *name = NULL; char *key = NULL; bool sx = false; int sep = -1; bool px = false; bool pz = false; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!name && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sx")){ sx = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sep")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); sep = sepstrtochr(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-px")){ px = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-pz")){ pz = true; } else { usage(); } } else if(!name){ name = argv[i]; } else if(!key){ key = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } if(!name || !key) usage(); int ksiz; char *kbuf; if(sx){ kbuf = tchexdecode(key, &ksiz); } else if(sep > 0){ kbuf = strtozsv(key, sep, &ksiz); } else { ksiz = strlen(key); kbuf = tcmemdup(key, ksiz); } name = tcsprintf("%s#mode=r", name); int rv = procget(name, kbuf, ksiz, sep, px, pz); tcfree(name); tcfree(kbuf); return rv; }
/* parse arguments of inform command */ static int runinform(int argc, char **argv){ char *name = NULL; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!name && argv[i][0] == '-'){ usage(); } else if(!name){ name = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } if(!name) usage(); name = tcsprintf("%s#mode=r", name); int rv = procinform(name); tcfree(name); return rv; }
/* parse arguments of list command */ static int runlist(int argc, char **argv){ char *name = NULL; int sep = -1; int max = -1; bool pv = false; bool px = false; char *fmstr = NULL; for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if(!name && argv[i][0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sep")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); sep = sepstrtochr(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); max = tcatoix(argv[i]); } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-pv")){ pv = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-px")){ px = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-fm")){ if(++i >= argc) usage(); fmstr = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } else if(!name){ name = argv[i]; } else { usage(); } } if(!name) usage(); name = tcsprintf("%s#mode=r", name); int rv = proclist(name, sep, max, pv, px, fmstr); tcfree(name); return rv; }
/* thread the wicked function */ static void *threadwicked(void *targ){ TCFDB *fdb = ((TARGWICKED *)targ)->fdb; int rnum = ((TARGWICKED *)targ)->rnum; bool nc = ((TARGWICKED *)targ)->nc; int id = ((TARGWICKED *)targ)->id; TCMAP *map = ((TARGWICKED *)targ)->map; bool err = false; for(int i = 1; i <= rnum && !err; i++){ uint64_t kid = myrand(rnum * (id + 1)) + 1; char kbuf[RECBUFSIZ]; int ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%llu", (unsigned long long)kid); char vbuf[RECBUFSIZ]; int vsiz = myrand(RECBUFSIZ); memset(vbuf, '*', vsiz); vbuf[vsiz] = '\0'; char *rbuf; if(!nc) tcglobalmutexlock(); switch(myrand(16)){ case 0: if(id == 0) iputchar('0'); if(!tcfdbput2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput2"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 1: if(id == 0) iputchar('1'); if(!tcfdbput3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput3"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapput2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 2: if(id == 0) iputchar('2'); if(!tcfdbputkeep2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCEKEEP){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputkeep2"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapputkeep(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 3: if(id == 0) iputchar('3'); if(!tcfdbputkeep3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCEKEEP){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputkeep3"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapputkeep2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 4: if(id == 0) iputchar('4'); if(!tcfdbputcat2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputcat2"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapputcat(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 5: if(id == 0) iputchar('5'); if(!tcfdbputcat3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputcat3"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapputcat2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 6: if(id == 0) iputchar('6'); if(myrand(2) == 0){ if(!tcfdbout2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout2"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapout(map, kbuf, ksiz); } break; case 7: if(id == 0) iputchar('7'); if(myrand(2) == 0){ if(!tcfdbout3(fdb, kbuf) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout3"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapout2(map, kbuf); } break; case 8: if(id == 0) iputchar('8'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz))){ if(tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } rbuf = tcsprintf("[%d]", myrand(i + 1)); vsiz = strlen(rbuf); } vsiz += myrand(vsiz); if(myrand(3) == 0) vsiz += PATH_MAX; rbuf = tcrealloc(rbuf, vsiz + 1); for(int j = 0; j < vsiz; j++){ rbuf[j] = myrand(0x100); } if(!tcfdbput2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, rbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput2"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, rbuf, vsiz); tcfree(rbuf); break; case 9: if(id == 0) iputchar('9'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz)) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } tcfree(rbuf); break; case 10: if(id == 0) iputchar('A'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget3(fdb, kbuf)) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbge3"); err = true; } tcfree(rbuf); break; case 11: if(id == 0) iputchar('B'); if(myrand(1) == 0) vsiz = 1; if((vsiz = tcfdbget4(fdb, kid, vbuf, vsiz)) < 0 && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget4"); err = true; } break; case 14: if(id == 0) iputchar('E'); if(myrand(rnum / 50) == 0){ if(!tcfdbiterinit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit"); err = true; } } for(int j = myrand(rnum) / 1000 + 1; j >= 0; j--){ if(tcfdbiternext(fdb) < 1){ int ecode = tcfdbecode(fdb); if(ecode != TCEINVALID && ecode != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiternext"); err = true; } } } break; default: if(id == 0) iputchar('@'); if(tcfdbtranbegin(fdb)){ if(myrand(2) == 0){ if(!tcfdbput2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); } else { if(!tcfdbout2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout"); err = true; } if(!nc) tcmapout(map, kbuf, ksiz); } if(nc && myrand(2) == 0){ if(!tcfdbtranabort(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtranabort"); err = true; } } else { if(!tcfdbtrancommit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtrancommit"); err = true; } } } else { eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtranbegin"); err = true; } if(myrand(1000) == 0){ if(!tcfdbforeach(fdb, iterfunc, NULL)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbforeach"); err = true; } } if(myrand(10000) == 0) srand((unsigned int)(tctime() * 1000) % UINT_MAX); break; } if(!nc) tcglobalmutexunlock(); if(id == 0){ if(i % 50 == 0) iprintf(" (%08d)\n", i); if(id == 0 && i == rnum / 4){ if(!tcfdboptimize(fdb, RECBUFSIZ, -1) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCEINVALID){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdboptimize"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbiterinit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit"); err = true; } } } } return err ? "error" : NULL; }
static char *makepath(TCDDB *ddb, const void *kbuf, int ksiz){ char *uenc = tcurlencode(kbuf, ksiz); char *path = tcsprintf("%s/%s", ddb->name, uenc); tcfree(uenc); return path; }
/* perform export command */ static int procexport(const char *dbpath, int64_t id, const char *dirpath){ TCTDB *tdb = tctdbnew(); if(!tctdbopen(tdb, dbpath, TDBOREADER)){ printdberr(tdb); tctdbdel(tdb); return 1; } bool err = false; if(id > 0){ char pkbuf[NUMBUFSIZ]; int pksiz = sprintf(pkbuf, "%lld", (long long)id); TCMAP *cols = tctdbget(tdb, pkbuf, pksiz); if(cols){ TCXSTR *rbuf = tcxstrnew3(IOBUFSIZ); wikidump(rbuf, cols); fwrite(tcxstrptr(rbuf), 1, tcxstrsize(rbuf), stdout); tcxstrdel(rbuf); tcmapdel(cols); } else { printdberr(tdb); err = true; } } else { if(!dirpath) dirpath = "."; if(!tctdbiterinit(tdb)){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } char *pkbuf; int pksiz; while((pkbuf = tctdbiternext(tdb, &pksiz)) != NULL){ TCMAP *cols = tctdbget(tdb, pkbuf, pksiz); if(cols){ char *name = tcstrdup(tcmapget4(cols, "name", "")); tcstrcututf(name, 32); char *enc = pathencode(name); char *path = tcsprintf("%s/%s-%s.tpw", dirpath, pkbuf, enc); TCXSTR *rbuf = tcxstrnew3(IOBUFSIZ); wikidump(rbuf, cols); if(tcwritefile(path, tcxstrptr(rbuf), tcxstrsize(rbuf))){ printf("%s: exported: id=%s name=%s\n", path, pkbuf, name); } else { printf("%s: writing failed\n", path); err = true; } tcxstrdel(rbuf); tcfree(path); tcfree(enc); tcfree(name); tcmapdel(cols); } else { printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tcfree(pkbuf); } } if(!tctdbclose(tdb)){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tctdbdel(tdb); return err ? 1 : 0; }
/* perform import command */ static int procimport(const char *dbpath, TCLIST *files, TCLIST *sufs){ TCTDB *tdb = tctdbnew(); if(!tctdbtune(tdb, TUNEBNUM, TUNEAPOW, TUNEFPOW, 0)){ printdberr(tdb); tctdbdel(tdb); return 1; } if(!tctdbopen(tdb, dbpath, TDBOWRITER | TDBOCREAT)){ printdberr(tdb); tctdbdel(tdb); return 1; } bool err = false; if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "name", TDBITLEXICAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "cdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "mdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } if(!tctdbsetindex(tdb, "xdate", TDBITDECIMAL | TDBITKEEP) && tctdbecode(tdb) != TCEKEEP){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tclistinvert(files); char *fpath; while((fpath = tclistpop2(files)) != NULL){ TCLIST *cfiles = tcreaddir(fpath); if(cfiles){ tclistsort(cfiles); for(int i = tclistnum(cfiles) - 1; i >= 0; i--){ const char *cfile = tclistval2(cfiles, i); bool hit = false; for(int j = 0; j < tclistnum(sufs); j++){ if(tcstribwm(cfile, tclistval2(sufs, j))){ hit = true; break; } } if(!hit) continue; char *lpath = tcsprintf("%s/%s", fpath, cfile); tclistpush2(files, lpath); tcfree(lpath); } tclistdel(cfiles); } else { int isiz; char *ibuf = tcreadfile(fpath, IOMAXSIZ, &isiz); if(ibuf){ TCMAP *cols = tcmapnew2(TINYBNUM); wikiload(cols, ibuf); const char *name = tcmapget2(cols, "name"); if(name && *name != '\0'){ int64_t id = tcatoi(tcmapget4(cols, "id", "")); if(dbputart(tdb, id, cols)){ id = tcatoi(tcmapget4(cols, "id", "")); printf("%s: imported: id=%lld name=%s\n", fpath, (long long)id, name); } else { printdberr(tdb); err = true; } } else { printf("%s: ignored because there is no name\n", fpath); } tcmapdel(cols); tcfree(ibuf); } } tcfree(fpath); } if(!tctdbclose(tdb)){ printdberr(tdb); err = true; } tctdbdel(tdb); return err ? 1 : 0; }
/* perform wicked command */ static int procwicked(const char *path, int rnum, bool mt, int omode){ my_my_my_iprintf("<Wicked Writing Test>\n seed=%u path=%s rnum=%d mt=%d omode=%d\n\n", g_randseed, path, rnum, mt, omode); bool err = false; double stime = tctime(); TCFDB *fdb = tcfdbnew(); if(g_dbgfd >= 0) tcfdbsetdbgfd(fdb, g_dbgfd); if(mt && !tcfdbsetmutex(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbsetmutex"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbtune(fdb, RECBUFSIZ * 2, EXHEADSIZ + (RECBUFSIZ * 2 + sizeof(int)) * rnum)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtune"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbopen(fdb, path, FDBOWRITER | FDBOCREAT | FDBOTRUNC | omode)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbopen"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbiterinit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit"); err = true; } TCMAP *map = tcmapnew2(rnum / 5); for(int i = 1; i <= rnum && !err; i++){ uint64_t id = myrand(rnum) + 1; char kbuf[RECBUFSIZ]; int ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%llu", (unsigned long long)id); char vbuf[RECBUFSIZ]; int vsiz = myrand(RECBUFSIZ); memset(vbuf, '*', vsiz); vbuf[vsiz] = '\0'; char *rbuf; switch(myrand(16)){ case 0: iputchar('0'); if(!tcfdbput2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput2"); err = true; } tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 1: iputchar('1'); if(!tcfdbput3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput3"); err = true; } tcmapput2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 2: iputchar('2'); if(!tcfdbputkeep2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCEKEEP){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputkeep2"); err = true; } tcmapputkeep(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 3: iputchar('3'); if(!tcfdbputkeep3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCEKEEP){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputkeep3"); err = true; } tcmapputkeep2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 4: iputchar('4'); if(!tcfdbputcat2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputcat2"); err = true; } tcmapputcat(map, kbuf, ksiz, vbuf, vsiz); break; case 5: iputchar('5'); if(!tcfdbputcat3(fdb, kbuf, vbuf)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbputcat3"); err = true; } tcmapputcat2(map, kbuf, vbuf); break; case 6: iputchar('6'); if(myrand(10) == 0){ if(!tcfdbout2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout2"); err = true; } tcmapout(map, kbuf, ksiz); } break; case 7: iputchar('7'); if(myrand(10) == 0){ if(!tcfdbout3(fdb, kbuf) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout3"); err = true; } tcmapout2(map, kbuf); } break; case 8: iputchar('8'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz))){ if(tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } rbuf = tcsprintf("[%d]", myrand(i + 1)); vsiz = strlen(rbuf); } vsiz += myrand(vsiz); rbuf = tcrealloc(rbuf, vsiz + 1); for(int j = 0; j < vsiz; j++){ rbuf[j] = myrand(0x100); } if(!tcfdbput2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, rbuf, vsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbput2"); err = true; } tcmapput(map, kbuf, ksiz, rbuf, vsiz); tcfree(rbuf); break; case 9: iputchar('9'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz)) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } tcfree(rbuf); break; case 10: iputchar('A'); if(!(rbuf = tcfdbget3(fdb, kbuf)) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget3"); err = true; } tcfree(rbuf); break; case 11: iputchar('B'); if(myrand(1) == 0) vsiz = 1; if((vsiz = tcfdbget4(fdb, id, vbuf, vsiz)) < 0 && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget4"); err = true; } break; case 12: iputchar('C'); if(myrand(rnum / 128) == 0){ if(myrand(2) == 0){ if(!tcfdbiterinit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit"); err = true; } } else { if(!tcfdbiterinit2(fdb, myrand(rnum) + 1) && tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit2"); err = true; } } } for(int j = myrand(rnum) / 1000 + 1; j >= 0; j--){ if(tcfdbiternext(fdb) < 0){ int ecode = tcfdbecode(fdb); if(ecode != TCEINVALID && ecode != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiternext"); err = true; } } } break; default: iputchar('@'); if(myrand(10000) == 0) srand((unsigned int)(tctime() * 1000) % UINT_MAX); if(myrand(rnum / 16 + 1) == 0){ int cnt = myrand(30); for(int j = 0; j < rnum && !err; j++){ ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%d", i + j); if(tcfdbout2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz)){ cnt--; } else if(tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout2"); err = true; } tcmapout(map, kbuf, ksiz); if(cnt < 0) break; } } break; } if(i % 50 == 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", i); if(i == rnum / 2){ if(!tcfdbclose(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbclose"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbopen(fdb, path, FDBOWRITER | omode)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbopen"); err = true; } } else if(i == rnum / 4){ char *npath = tcsprintf("%s-tmp", path); if(!tcfdbcopy(fdb, npath)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbcopy"); err = true; } TCFDB *nfdb = tcfdbnew(); if(!tcfdbopen(nfdb, npath, FDBOREADER | omode)){ eprint(nfdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbopen"); err = true; } tcfdbdel(nfdb); unlink(npath); tcfree(npath); if(!tcfdboptimize(fdb, RECBUFSIZ, -1)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdboptimize"); err = true; } if(!tcfdbiterinit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbiterinit"); err = true; } } else if(i == rnum / 8){ if(!tcfdbtranbegin(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtranbegin"); err = true; } } else if(i == rnum / 8 + rnum / 16){ if(!tcfdbtrancommit(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbtrancommit"); err = true; } } } if(rnum % 50 > 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", rnum); if(!tcfdbsync(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbsync"); err = true; } if(tcfdbrnum(fdb) != tcmaprnum(map)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "(validation)"); err = true; } for(int i = 1; i <= rnum && !err; i++){ char kbuf[RECBUFSIZ]; int ksiz = sprintf(kbuf, "%d", i); int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapget(map, kbuf, ksiz, &vsiz); int rsiz; char *rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &rsiz); if(vbuf){ iputchar('.'); if(vsiz > RECBUFSIZ) vsiz = RECBUFSIZ; if(!rbuf){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } else if(rsiz != vsiz || memcmp(rbuf, vbuf, rsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "(validation)"); err = true; } } else { iputchar('*'); if(rbuf || tcfdbecode(fdb) != TCENOREC){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "(validation)"); err = true; } } tcfree(rbuf); if(i % 50 == 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", i); } if(rnum % 50 > 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", rnum); tcmapiterinit(map); int ksiz; const char *kbuf; for(int i = 1; (kbuf = tcmapiternext(map, &ksiz)) != NULL; i++){ iputchar('+'); int vsiz; const char *vbuf = tcmapiterval(kbuf, &vsiz); if(vsiz > tcfdbwidth(fdb)) vsiz = tcfdbwidth(fdb); int rsiz; char *rbuf = tcfdbget2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz, &rsiz); if(!rbuf){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbget2"); err = true; } else if(rsiz != vsiz || memcmp(rbuf, vbuf, rsiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "(validation)"); err = true; } tcfree(rbuf); if(!tcfdbout2(fdb, kbuf, ksiz)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbout2"); err = true; } if(i % 50 == 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", i); } int mrnum = tcmaprnum(map); if(mrnum % 50 > 0) my_my_my_iprintf(" (%08d)\n", mrnum); if(tcfdbrnum(fdb) != 0){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "(validation)"); err = true; } my_my_my_iprintf("record number: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)tcfdbrnum(fdb)); my_my_my_iprintf("size: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)tcfdbfsiz(fdb)); mprint(fdb); sysprint(); tcmapdel(map); if(!tcfdbclose(fdb)){ eprint(fdb, __LINE__, "tcfdbclose"); err = true; } tcfdbdel(fdb); my_my_my_iprintf("time: %.3f\n", tctime() - stime); my_my_my_iprintf("%s\n\n", err ? "error" : "ok"); return err ? 1 : 0; }