void NewX509::on_certList_currentIndexChanged(int) { a1time snb, sna; pki_x509 *cert = getSelectedSigner(); switchHashAlgo(); if (!cert) return; QString templ = cert->getTemplate(); snb = cert->getNotBefore(); sna = cert->getNotAfter(); if (snb > notBefore->getDate()) notBefore->setDate(snb); if (sna < notAfter->getDate()) notAfter->setDate(sna); if (templ.isEmpty()) return; templateChanged(templ); }
void NewX509::templateChanged(pki_temp *templ) { QString tempname = templ->getIntName(); templateChanged(tempname); }
void NewX509::defineTemplate(pki_temp *temp) { fromTemplate(temp); templateChanged(temp); }
void QUmlTemplateSignatureObject::setTemplate(QObject *template_) { qmodelingelementproperty_cast<QUmlTemplateSignature *>(this)->setTemplate(qmodelingelementproperty_cast<QUmlTemplateableElement *>(template_)); emit templateChanged(this->template_()); }
void CasparDevice::sendNotification() { switch (AmcpDevice::command) { case AmcpDevice::CLS: { emit responseChanged(AmcpDevice::response.at(0), *this); AmcpDevice::response.removeFirst(); // First post is the header, 200 CLS OK. QList<CasparMedia> items; foreach (QString response, AmcpDevice::response) { QString name = response.split("\" ").at(0); name.replace("\\", "/"); if (name.startsWith("\"")) name.remove(0, 1); if (name.endsWith("\"")) name.remove(name.length() - 1, 1); QString type = response.split("\" ").at(1).trimmed().split(" ").at(0); QString timecode; if (response.split("\" ").at(1).trimmed().split(" ").count() > 5) { // Format: // "AMB" MOVIE 6445960 20121101160514 643 1/60 // "CG1080I50" MOVIE 6159792 20121101150514 264 1/25 // "GO1080P25" MOVIE 16694084 20121101150514 445 1/25 // "WIPE" MOVIE 1268784 20121101150514 31 1/25 QString totalFrames = response.split("\" ").at(1).trimmed().split(" ").at(4); QString timebase = response.split("\" ").at(1).trimmed().split(" ").at(5); int frames = totalFrames.toInt(); int fps = timebase.split("/").at(1).toInt(); double time = frames * (1.0 / fps); timecode = convertToTimecode(time, fps); } items.push_back(CasparMedia(name, type, timecode)); } emit mediaChanged(items, *this); break; } case AmcpDevice::TLS: { emit responseChanged(AmcpDevice::response.at(0), *this); AmcpDevice::response.removeFirst(); // First post is the header, 200 TLS OK. QList<CasparTemplate> items; foreach (QString response, AmcpDevice::response) { QString name = response.split("\" ").at(0); name.replace("\\", "/"); if (name.startsWith("\"")) name.remove(0, 1); if (name.endsWith("\"")) name.remove(name.length() - 1, 1); items.push_back(CasparTemplate(name)); } emit templateChanged(items, *this); break; }
void EventManager::fireTemplateChangedEvent(const TemplateChangedEvent& event) { emit templateChanged(event); }