void testInfo() {
    // Help.
    // =====
        StartsWith output("Show description ");
        testCommand("info -h", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("info -help", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Error messages.
    // ===============
    testCommand("info x", EXIT_FAILURE,
            "No registered class with name 'x'. "
            "Did you intend to load a plugin?\n");
    testCommand("info x y", EXIT_FAILURE,
            "No registered class with name 'x'. "
            "Did you intend to load a plugin?\n");
    testCommand("info Body y", EXIT_FAILURE,
            "No property with name 'y' found in class 'Body'.\n");

    // Successful input.
    // =================
    testCommand("info", EXIT_SUCCESS, StartsWith("REGISTERED CLASSES "));
    testCommand("info PathSpring", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            StartsWith("\nPROPERTIES FOR PathSpring"));
    testCommand("info Body mass", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "\nBody.mass\nThe mass of the body (kg)\n");

    // Library option.
    // ===============
예제 #2
int main (void)
	// print infos
	printf("Raspberry Pi I2C Arduino Sample\n");

	// initialize buffer
	buffer[0] = 0x00;
	// address of i2c Arduino device
	int deviceI2CAddress = 0x2A;  // (0x2A = 42)

	// open device on /dev/i2c-0
	if ((deviceHandle = open("/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR)) < 0) {
		printf("Error: Couldn't open device! %d\n", deviceHandle);
		return 1;

	// connect to arduino as i2c slave
	if (ioctl(deviceHandle, I2C_SLAVE, deviceI2CAddress) < 0) {
		printf("Error: Couldn't find arduino on address!\n");
		return 1;

	// begin transmission and request acknowledgement
	readBytes = write(deviceHandle, buffer, 1);
	if (readBytes != 1)
		printf("Error: Received no ACK-Bit, couldn't established connection!");
		// drive some tests
		testCommand("L11", "LED1 on");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("L10", "LED1 off");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("L21", "LED2 on");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("L20", "LED2 off");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("L31", "LED3 on");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("L30", "LED3 off");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("R11", "Relay on");
		usleep(2000000); // 2s
		testCommand("R10", "Relay off");

	// close connection and return
	return 0;
void testRunTool() {
    // Help.
    // =====
        StartsWith output("Run a tool ");
        testCommand("run-tool -h", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("run-tool -help", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Error messages.
    // ===============
    testCommand("run-tool", EXIT_FAILURE,
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("run-tool putes.xml", EXIT_FAILURE,
            StartsWith("SimTK Exception thrown at"));
    // We use print-xml to create a setup file that we can try to run.
    // (We are not really trying to test print-xml right now.)
    testCommand("print-xml cmc testruntool_cmc_setup.xml", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'testruntool_cmc_setup.xml'.\n");
    // This fails because this setup file doesn't have much in it.
    testCommand("run-tool testruntool_cmc_setup.xml", EXIT_FAILURE,
            std::regex(RE_ANY + "(No model file was specified)" + RE_ANY));
    // Similar to the previous two commands, except for scaling
    // (since ScaleTool goes through a different branch of the code).
    testCommand("print-xml scale testruntool_scale_setup.xml", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'testruntool_scale_setup.xml'.\n");
    // This fails because this setup file doesn't have much in it.
    testCommand("run-tool testruntool_scale_setup.xml", EXIT_FAILURE,
            std::regex("(Preparing to run ScaleTool.)" + RE_ANY +
                       "(Processing subject default)" + RE_ANY));
    // Now we'll try loading a valid OpenSim XML file that is *not* a Tool
    // setup file, and we get a helpful error.
    // (We are not really trying to test print-xml right now.)
    testCommand("print-xml Model testruntool_Model.xml", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'testruntool_Model.xml'.\n");
    testCommand("run-tool testruntool_Model.xml", EXIT_FAILURE,
            "The provided file 'testruntool_Model.xml' does not define "
            "an OpenSim Tool. Did you intend to load a plugin?\n");

    // Library option.
    // ===============
void Application::initQML()
    /** A QML-Cpp kommunikációhoz használt QMLData obejktumokat létre kell
     *  hozni a QML felület számára.*/
    QMap<QString,QMLData>::iterator iter;
    for(iter = qmlDataMap.begin(); iter != qmlDataMap.end(); ++iter)
        engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty(iter.key(), &iter.value());


    auto rootObjects = engine.rootObjects();

    if (rootObjects.size() == 0)
        qWarning() << "HIBA: Nem sikerült létrehozni a QML környezetet.";

    rootObject = rootObjects.first();
    customPlotPtr = (QCustomPlot*)rootObject->findChild<QObject*>("customPlot");

    auto mainWindowPtr = rootObject->findChild<QObject*>("MainWindow");

    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(connectCommandCpp()),
                     &eventhandler, SLOT(connectCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(connectCommandCpp()),
                     this, SLOT(connectToServer()));

    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(hvEnableCommandCpp()),
                     &eventhandler, SLOT(hvEnableCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(hvEnableCommandCpp()),
                     this, SLOT(hvenCommand()));

    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(driveEnableCommandCpp()),
                     &eventhandler, SLOT(driveEnableCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(driveEnableCommandCpp()),
                     this, SLOT(drenCommand()));

    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(stopCommandCpp()),
                     &eventhandler, SLOT(stopCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(stopCommandCpp()),
                     this, SLOT(stopCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(testCommandCpp()),
                     this, SLOT(testCommand()));

    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(vdemandSliderChanged(QVariant )),
                     this, SLOT(vdemandChanged(QVariant )));
예제 #5
MainApplication::MainApplication(int argc, char *argv[])
    : QApplication(argc, argv), simulator(12345), engine(), history(), communication(),
      robot(history, communication), handler(robot, *engine.rootContext(), history)
    // Szimulátor indítása

    // Csatlakozás a szimulátorhoz.

    // Szimulálunk egy history változást, mert attól kezdve léteznek a QML oldalon
    //  a C++ oldalról származó változók. (Különben referencia hibákat kapnánk a QML oldalon
    //  egészen addig, amíg az első üzenet meg nem jönne a szimulátortól.


    // A QML gyökérelemre szükségünk van ahhoz, hogy tudjunk hivatkozni a QML-es elemekre.
    auto rootObjects = engine.rootObjects();
    if (rootObjects.size() == 0)
        qDebug() << "HIBA: Nem sikerült létrehozni a QML környezetet.";
    // A QML környezet is felállt, bekötjük a signalokat a QML és C++ oldal között.
    QObject *rootObject = rootObjects[0];
    // A handler beköti a saját signaljait.

    // Bekötjük a nyomógombok signaljait.
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(resetCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(resetCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(accelerateXCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(accelerateXCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(accelerateYCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(accelerateYCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(slowDownXCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(slowDownXCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(slowDownYCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(slowDownYCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(stopCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(stopCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(testCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(testCommand()));
    QObject::connect(rootObject, SIGNAL(defaultCommandCpp()),
                     &handler, SLOT(defaultCommand()));
예제 #6
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
    printf("Running all tests...\n\n");

    //**** core tests


//    testThreads();

    //**** builtins tests
    //    testStream();
    //    testReceptor();

    //**** examples test
    //    testLine();

    return 0;
void testUpdateFile() {
    // Help.
    // =====
        StartsWith output("Update an .osim, .xml ");
        testCommand("update-file -h", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("update-file -help", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Error messages.
    // ===============

    // Syntax errors.
    testCommand("update-file", EXIT_FAILURE,
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("update-file x", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("update-file x.doc", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("update-file x.xml", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("update-file x y", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            "Input file 'x' does not have an extension.\n");
    testCommand("update-file x.doc y", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            "Input file 'x.doc' has an unrecognized extension.\n");

    // File does not exist.
    testCommand("update-file x.xml y", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            std::regex("(?:Loading input file 'x.xml')" + RE_ANY +
                       "(?:Could not make object from file 'x.xml'.\n" + 
                       "Did you intend to load a plugin (with --library)?)" +
    testCommand("update-file x.osim y", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            std::regex("(?:Loading input file 'x.osim')" + RE_ANY +
                       "(?:Could not make object from file 'x.osim'.\n" +
                       "Did you intend to load a plugin (with --library)?)" +
    testCommand("update-file x.sto y", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            std::regex("(Loading input file 'x.sto')" + RE_ANY +
                       "(Storage: Failed to open file 'x.sto')" + RE_ANY));

    // Successful input.
    // =================
    // We use print-xml to create a file that we can try to update.
    // (We are not really trying to test print-xml right now.)
    testCommand("print-xml Model testupdatefile_Model.osim", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'testupdatefile_Model.osim'.\n");
    testCommand("update-file testupdatefile_Model.osim "
                "testupdatefile_Model_updated.osim", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Loading input file 'testupdatefile_Model.osim'.\n"
            "Printing updated file to 'testupdatefile_Model_updated.osim'.\n");

    // Library option.
    // ===============
void testPrintXML() {
    // Help.
    // =====
        StartsWith output("Print a template XML file ");
        testCommand("print-xml -h", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("print-xml -help", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Error messages.
    // ===============
    testCommand("print-xml", EXIT_FAILURE,
            StartsWith("Arguments did not match expected patterns"));
    testCommand("print-xml x y z", EXIT_FAILURE,
            StartsWith("Unexpected argument: print-xml, x, y, z"));
    testCommand("print-xml bleepbloop", EXIT_FAILURE,
        "There is no tool or registered concrete class named 'bleepbloop'.\n"
        "Did you intend to load a plugin (with --library)?\n");
    testCommand("print-xml bleepbloop y", EXIT_FAILURE,
        "There is no tool or registered concrete class named 'bleepbloop'.\n"
        "Did you intend to load a plugin (with --library)?\n");

    // Successful input.
    // =================
    testCommand("print-xml cmc", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_Setup_CMCTool.xml'.\n");
    testCommand("print-xml Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle.xml'.\n");
    testCommand("print-xml cmc default_cmc_setup.xml", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_cmc_setup.xml'.\n");

    // Tool names are case-insensitive.
    // ================================
    testCommand("print-xml CmC", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_Setup_CMCTool.xml'.\n");
    testCommand("print-xml FORwarD", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_Setup_ForwardTool.xml'.\n");
    testCommand("print-xml Analyze default_analyze_setup.xml", EXIT_SUCCESS,
            "Printing 'default_analyze_setup.xml'.\n");

    // Library option.
    // ===============
void testLoadPluginLibraries(const std::string& subcommand) {

    const auto cmd = subcommand + " -h";

    // Nonexistent file.
    // =================
        std::regex output(RE_ANY + "(Failed to load library x)\n");
        // These are all valid ways of specifying libraries.
        testCommand("-L x " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-Lx " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("--library x " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("--library=x " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-L x --library y " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-Lx --library=y -L z " + cmd, EXIT_FAILURE, output);

    // Load an actual library, including the file extension.
    // =====================================================
    // OSIM_ACTUATORS_LIB_PATH is a preprocessor definition that is defined
    // when compiling this executable.

    // Get rid of the quotes surrounding `lib`.
    std::string expectLib = lib.substr(1, lib.size() - 2);
    #ifdef _WIN32
        // When the library name gets printed back to us, the 
        // forward slashes are converted to backslashes. We have to
        // escape backslash for the C++ parser, so '\\' is actually '\'.
        expectLib = replaceString(expectLib, "/", "\\");
        StartsWith output("Loaded library " + expectLib);
        testCommand("-L " + lib + " " + cmd, EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("-L" + lib + " " + cmd, EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("--library " + lib + " " + cmd, EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("--library=" + lib + " " + cmd, EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Load multiple libraries.
    // ========================
        // Well, in this case, we just load the same library multiple times.
        testCommand("-L " + lib + " --library " + lib + " " + cmd,
                StartsWith("Loaded library " + expectLib + "\n"
                           "Loaded library " + expectLib + "\n"));
        testCommand("-L" + lib +
                    " --library=" + lib +
                    " -L " + lib + " " + cmd, EXIT_SUCCESS,
                StartsWith("Loaded library " + expectLib + "\n"
                           "Loaded library " + expectLib + "\n"
                           "Loaded library " + expectLib + "\n"));
void testNoCommand() {
    // Help.
    // =====
        std::regex output("OpenSim: musculoskeletal" + RE_ANY +
                          "Pass -h or --help" + RE_ANY);
        testCommand("", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("-h", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("-help", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Version.
    // ========
        std::regex output("OpenSim version (?:.*), build date (?:.*)\n");
        testCommand("-V", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);
        testCommand("--version", EXIT_SUCCESS, output);

    // Library option.
    // ===============
    // Syntax errors.
    testCommand("-L", EXIT_FAILURE, StartsWith("-L requires an argument"));
    testCommand("--library", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            StartsWith("--library requires an argument"));
    // Must specify a command; can't only list a library to load.
        StartsWith output("Arguments did not match expected patterns");
        // All of these are otherwise valid options for specify libraries to
        // load.
        testCommand("-L x", EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("--library x", EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-L=x", EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("--library=y", EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-L x --library y -L z", EXIT_FAILURE, output);
        testCommand("-L=x --library=y -L=z", EXIT_FAILURE, output);

    // Unrecognized command.
    // =====================
    testCommand("bleepbloop", EXIT_FAILURE, 
            "'bleepbloop' is not an opensim-cmd command. "
            "See 'opensim-cmd --help'.\n");