void main(){ int X = 0; create_connect(); set_create_distance(0); set_create_total_angle(0); enable_servos(); armPosBlockStack1(); clawStack1(); /* create_drive(-500,-380); sleep(2.3); create_stop(); } */ // writeToFile(); printf("%f",seconds()); while(1) //black_button { if (a_button()){ testDrive(); } if (b_button()){ testDetectPVC(); } if (up_button()){ } if (down_button()){ testTurnAdjust(); } if (left_button()){ testTurnCCW(); } if (right_button()){ testTurnCW(); } } }
/** @SYMTestCaseID PDS-SQL-UT-4224 @SYMTestCaseDesc CSqlServer::GetBackUpListL() functional test @SYMTestPriority High @SYMTestActions Calls CSqlServer::GetBackUpListL() and tests the output, when the drive is read-only, when there is a sub-directory which name is matching the search pattern. @SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail */ void GetBackupListFunctionalTest() { CSqlServer* server = NULL; TRAPD(err, server = CreateSqlServerL()); TEST2(err, KErrNone); //Case 1: database with specified uid bellow do exist (on drive C). There will be one subdirectory matching the search pattern. const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum1 = EDriveC; const TUid KDbUid = {0x98765432}; TDriveUnit testDrive(KTestDrvNum1); TDriveName testDriveName = testDrive.Name(); testDriveName.LowerCase(); //One test directory will be created, which name will be matching the search pattern. //The directory name should not be included in the list with the file names. TFileName testFileName; err = server->Fs().PrivatePath(testFileName); TEST2(err, KErrNone); testFileName.Append(KDbUid.Name()); _LIT(KTestPath, "t_startup\\"); testFileName.Append(KTestPath); testFileName.Append(_L("t_startup.db")); TParse parse; err = parse.Set(testFileName, &testDriveName, 0); TEST2(err, KErrNone); err = server->Fs().MkDirAll(parse.FullName()); TEST(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists); // RArray<HBufC*> files; TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum1, files)); TEST2(err, KErrNone); TInt fileCnt = files.Count(); for(TInt i=0;i<fileCnt;++i) { TPtrC fname = files[i]->Des(); TheTest.Printf(_L("Db: %S\r\n"), &fname); TEST(fname.FindF(KTestPath) < 0); //The name should include the full path + the drive err = parse.Set(fname, 0, 0); TEST2(err, KErrNone); TEST(parse.DrivePresent()); TEST(parse.PathPresent()); TDriveName driveName(parse.Drive()); driveName.LowerCase(); delete files[i]; TEST(driveName == testDriveName); } files.Close(); //Case 2: drive Z:. No files should be returned. const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum2 = EDriveZ; TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum2, files)); TEST2(err, KErrNone); fileCnt = files.Count(); TEST2(fileCnt, 0); //Case 3: drive A:. The drive does not exist. No files should be returned. const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum3 = EDriveA; TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum3, files)); TheTest.Printf(_L("Drive %d, err=%d\r\n"), KTestDrvNum3, err); fileCnt = files.Count(); TEST2(fileCnt, 0); // delete server; }