void testStrlibModule(void) { testConcat(); testIthChar(); testSubString(); testCharToString(); testStringLength(); testCopyString(); testStringEqual(); testStringEqualIgnoreCase(); testStringCompare(); testStartsWith(); testEndsWith(); testFindChar(); testFindString(); testFindLastChar(); testFindLastString(); testConvertToLowerCase(); testConvertToUpperCase(); testIntegerToString(); testStringToInteger(); testRealToString(); testStringToReal(); testTrim(); testQuoteString(); testQuoteHTML(); testStringArrayLength(); testSearchStringArray(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { int count = 0; short port = 0; int opt; while ( (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "+p:+c:" )) != -1 ) { switch( opt ) { case 'p': port = (short)atol( optarg ); break; case 'c': count = atol( optarg ); break; default: std::cout << "usage: " << argv[ 0 ] << " -p port -c count" << std::endl; return 1; } } std::cout << "Converting integers to strings: "; report( testIntegerToString( count ), count ); std::cout << "Converting strings to integers: "; report( testStringToInteger( count ), count ); std::cout << "Converting doubles to strings: "; report( testDoubleToString( count ), count ); std::cout << "Converting strings to doubles: "; report( testStringToDouble( count ), count ); std::cout << "Creating Heartbeat messages: "; report( testCreateHeartbeat( count ), count ); std::cout << "Identifying message types: "; report( testIdentifyType( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing Heartbeat messages to strings: "; report( testSerializeToStringHeartbeat( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing Heartbeat messages from strings: "; report( testSerializeFromStringHeartbeat( count ), count ); std::cout << "Creating NewOrderSingle messages: "; report( testCreateNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing NewOrderSingle messages to strings: "; report( testSerializeToStringNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing NewOrderSingle messages from strings: "; report( testSerializeFromStringNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Creating QuoteRequest messages: "; report( testCreateQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing QuoteRequest messages to strings: "; report( testSerializeToStringQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Serializing QuoteRequest messages from strings: "; report( testSerializeFromStringQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Reading fields from QuoteRequest message: "; report( testReadFromQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Storing NewOrderSingle messages: "; report( testFileStoreNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Validating NewOrderSingle messages with no data dictionary: "; report( testValidateNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Validating NewOrderSingle messages with data dictionary: "; report( testValidateDictNewOrderSingle( count ), count ); std::cout << "Validating QuoteRequest messages with no data dictionary: "; report( testValidateQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Validating QuoteRequest messages with data dictionary: "; report( testValidateDictQuoteRequest( count ), count ); std::cout << "Sending/Receiving NewOrderSingle/ExecutionReports on Socket"; report( testSendOnSocket( count, port ), count ); std::cout << "Sending/Receiving NewOrderSingle/ExecutionReports on ThreadedSocket"; report( testSendOnThreadedSocket( count, port ), count ); return 0; }