int QgsSVGDiagramFactoryWidget::addDirectoryToPreview( const QString& path )
  //go through all files of a directory
  QDir directory( path );
  if ( !directory.exists() || !directory.isReadable() )
    return 1; //error

  QFileInfoList fileList = directory.entryInfoList( QDir::Files );
  QFileInfoList::const_iterator fileIt = fileList.constBegin();

  QProgressDialog progress( "Adding Icons...", "Abort", 0, fileList.size() - 1, this );
  //cancel button does not seem to work properly with modal dialog

  int counter = 0;
  for ( ; fileIt != fileList.constEnd(); ++fileIt )

    progress.setLabelText( tr( "Creating icon for file %1" ).arg( fileIt->fileName() ) );
    progress.setValue( counter );
    if ( progress.wasCanceled() )
    QString filePath = fileIt->absoluteFilePath();

    //test if file is svg or pixel format
    bool fileIsSvg = testSvgFile( filePath );

    //exclude files that are not svg or image
    if ( !fileIsSvg )
      ++counter; continue;

    QListWidgetItem * listItem = new QListWidgetItem( mPreviewListWidget );

    if ( fileIsSvg )
      QIcon icon( filePath );
      listItem->setIcon( icon );

    listItem->setText( "" );
    //store the absolute icon file path as user data
    listItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, fileIt->absoluteFilePath() );

  return 0;
void QgsSVGDiagramFactoryWidget::on_mPictureBrowseButton_clicked()
  QString openDir;
  QString lineEditText = mPictureLineEdit->text();
  if ( !lineEditText.isEmpty() )
    QFileInfo openDirFileInfo( lineEditText );
    openDir = openDirFileInfo.path();

  //show file dialog
  QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0, tr( "Select svg file" ), openDir );
  if ( filePath.isEmpty() )

  //check if file exists
  QFileInfo fileInfo( filePath );
  if ( !fileInfo.exists() || !fileInfo.isReadable() )
    QMessageBox::critical( 0, "Invalid file", "Error, file does not exist or is not readable" );

  //check if it is a valid svg file
  if ( !testSvgFile( filePath ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( 0, "Invalid file", "Error, the selected file is not a valid svg file" );

  mPictureLineEdit->blockSignals( true );
  mPictureLineEdit->setText( filePath );
  mPictureLineEdit->blockSignals( false );
예제 #3
int QgsComposerPictureWidget::addDirectoryToPreview( const QString& path )
  //go through all files of a directory
  QDir directory( path );
  if ( !directory.exists() || !directory.isReadable() )
    return 1; //error

  QFileInfoList fileList = directory.entryInfoList( QDir::Files );
  QFileInfoList::const_iterator fileIt = fileList.constBegin();

  QProgressDialog progress( "Adding Icons...", "Abort", 0, fileList.size() - 1, this );
  //cancel button does not seem to work properly with modal dialog

  int counter = 0;
  for ( ; fileIt != fileList.constEnd(); ++fileIt )

    progress.setLabelText( tr( "Creating icon for file %1" ).arg( fileIt->fileName() ) );
    progress.setValue( counter );
    if ( progress.wasCanceled() )
    QString filePath = fileIt->absoluteFilePath();

    //test if file is svg or pixel format
    bool fileIsPixel = false;
    bool fileIsSvg = testSvgFile( filePath );
    if ( !fileIsSvg )
      fileIsPixel = testImageFile( filePath );

    //exclude files that are not svg or image
    if ( !fileIsSvg && !fileIsPixel )
      ++counter; continue;

    QListWidgetItem * listItem = new QListWidgetItem( mPreviewListWidget );
    listItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );

    if ( fileIsSvg )
      QIcon icon( filePath );
      listItem->setIcon( icon );
    else //for pixel formats: create icon from scaled pixmap
      QPixmap iconPixmap( filePath );
      if ( iconPixmap.isNull() )
        ++counter; continue; //unknown file format or other problem
      //set pixmap hardcoded to 30/30, same as icon size for mPreviewListWidget
      QPixmap scaledPixmap( iconPixmap.scaled( QSize( 30, 30 ), Qt::KeepAspectRatio ) );
      QIcon icon( scaledPixmap );
      listItem->setIcon( icon );

    listItem->setText( "" );
    //store the absolute icon file path as user data
    listItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, fileIt->absoluteFilePath() );

  return 0;