int main() { igraph_t g; igraph_vector_ptr_t result; igraph_es_t es; igraph_integer_t omega; long int i, j, n; const int params[] = {4, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0, -1, -1}; igraph_set_warning_handler(warning_handler_ignore); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&result, 0); igraph_full(&g, 6, 0, 0); igraph_es_pairs_small(&es, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 5, -1); igraph_delete_edges(&g, es); igraph_es_destroy(&es); for (j=0; j<sizeof(params)/(2*sizeof(params[0])); j++) { if (params[2*j+1] != 0) { igraph_cliques(&g, &result, params[2*j], params[2*j+1]); } else { igraph_largest_cliques(&g, &result); } n = igraph_vector_ptr_size(&result); printf("%ld cliques found\n", (long)n); canonicalize_list(&result); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { igraph_vector_t* v = (igraph_vector_t*) igraph_vector_ptr_e(&result,i); print_vector(v); igraph_vector_destroy(v); free(v); } } igraph_clique_number(&g, &omega); printf("omega=%ld\n", (long)omega); test_callback(&g); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_tree(&g, 5, 2, IGRAPH_TREE_OUT); igraph_cliques(&g, &result, 5, 5); if (igraph_vector_ptr_size(&result) != 0) return 1; igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_vector_ptr_destroy(&result); return 0; }
static LRESULT CALLBACK window_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); int ret; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: setup_pixel_format(hdc); ret = test_callback(hdc); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); exit(ret); return 0; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); } }
int main() { srand(time(0)); debug(4, "Test case scenario: write random parts of memory, then read it"); debug(4, "Initializing library"); ASSERT_SYSCALL(page_sim_init(PAGE_SIZE, MEM_SIZE, ADDRESS_SPACE_SIZE, MAX_CONCURRENT_OPERATIONS, callback)); local_version = malloc(TOTAL_MEMORY_LENGTH); debug(4, "Filling memory with zeros"); int i; for(i=0; i<TOTAL_MEMORY_LENGTH; ++i){ ASSERT_SYSCALL(page_sim_set(i, 0)); local_version[i] = 0; } debug(4, "Spawning %d threads", THREADS_COUNT); pthread_t threads[THREADS_COUNT]; for(i=0; i<THREADS_COUNT; ++i){ ASSERT_PTHREAD(pthread_create(threads+i, 0, thread_procedure, 0)); } debug(4, "Threads spawned, now joining with them"); for(i=0; i<THREADS_COUNT; ++i){ ASSERT_PTHREAD(pthread_join(threads[i], 0)); } debug(4, "Joined all threads"); debug(4, "Testing content of whole available memory"); for(i=0; i<TOTAL_MEMORY_LENGTH; ++i){ debug(4, "Reading byte from address %u:", i); uint8_t v; ASSERT_SYSCALL(page_sim_get(i, &v)); debug(4, "Read byte: %d from address %u", v, i); assert(local_version[i] == v); debug(4, "Byte correct"); } debug(4, "All memory was OK"); debug(4, "Releasing library"); ASSERT_SYSCALL(page_sim_end()); test_callback(); return 0; }