예제 #1
void read_ancestrymap (char* input_file, int N, int M, int* data)
	FILE *File = NULL;
	int i, j, allele;
	char tmp[512] = "";
	char ref[512] = "";
	int max_char_per_line = 1000;
	char szbuff[max_char_per_line];
	int warning = 0;

	// open input file
	File = fopen_read(input_file);

	j = 0;
	i = 0;
	// while not the end of the file
	//	or not too many SNPs (j < M-1)
	//	or last SNP but not too many ind (j == (M-1) && i< N))
	while (fgets(szbuff,max_char_per_line, File) && (j < M-1 || (j == (M-1) && i< N))) {

		// read line
		read_line_ancestrymap(szbuff, &allele, tmp, i+1, j+1, input_file, &warning);

		// first SNP, save SNP name
		if (j == 0 && i == 0)
			strcpy(ref, tmp);

		// new SNP
		if (strcmp(ref, tmp) != 0) {
			// test if the number indiviual for the line is ok
			test_column (input_file, File, i, j+1, N, NULL);
			// new line
			i = 0;
			// save new SNP name
			strcpy(ref, tmp);

		// write genotype
		data[i * M + j] = allele;

	test_column (input_file, File, i, j+1, N, NULL);

	// test the number of lines
	test_line(input_file, File, j+1, M);

예제 #2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	// parameters
	int i1, i2, N;
	char *token = NULL;
	FILE *m_File;

	// command line args configuration
	i1 = (int) atoi(argv[1]);
	i2 = (int) atoi(argv[2]);
	N = (int) atoi(argv[3]);
	if (argc > 4) {
		token = (char *) calloc(4, sizeof(char));
		token = "tmp";

	// test test_column
	m_File = fopen("files/test.txt","r");
	test_column("files/test.txt",m_File, i1, 10, N, token); 

	// test test_line
	test_line("files/test.txt", m_File, i2, N);

	return 0;
void read_data_int(char *file_data, int N, int M, int *dat)
        FILE *m_File = NULL;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        int max_char_per_line =  MAX_LENGTH_NB_INT * M + 20;
        char *szbuff;
        char *token;

	// allocate memory
	szbuff = (char *) malloc(max_char_per_line * sizeof(char));

	// open file
        m_File = fopen_read(file_data);

        i = 0;
        while (fgets(szbuff, max_char_per_line, m_File) && (i < N)) {
                j = 0;
                // cut line with split character SEP (" ")
                token = strtok(szbuff, SEP);
                // read elements and register them in dat
                while (token && j < M) {
                        dat[i * M + j] = (int)atof(token);
			// next elements
                        token = strtok(NULL, SEP);

		// check the number of columns
		test_column(file_data, m_File, j, i, M, token);
	// check the number of lines
	test_line(file_data, m_File, i, N);

	// close file

	// free memory